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Initial Idea 1

People Are Strange by The Doors

Page 2: Initial idea

The song People are Strange by the Doors, reflects upon individuals in society, and presents what society thinks is normal. It is about outcasts to society. "People are strange when you're a stranger." This means you're a stranger to everyone, and because people won't let you in, they seem strange to you. "When you're strange no one remembers your name" means that no one even knows your name because they don't want to give you a change because you're weird or different to everyone else.

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I myself used to have a neighbor who lived opposite to my house, named Bryan. Bryan was an old man, aged between his late 60s, who was an outcast to society. Living on his own, Bryan used to walk up the high street bare foot, had overly grown facial hair, his front and back garden were widely over grown, and he used to sit outside his house on a rocking chair feeding the local stray cat. Bryan was an outcast to society and was a very lonely man. As the song People Are Strange relates to this type of character, the narrative can reflect the song.

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The video will present a character who is different and out casted from society. The character will be presented as a controversial figure who may have problems with drugs/alcohol/ or have some mental disorder which makes them different. Or the protagonist may just be born different to societies norms and values. This video idea could be very polysomic, and hold different reasons to why the protagonist is insane. This is only a rough plan/idea for my video, if i choose to follow on from this idea, further planning will be included.