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Page 1: ing. NEWSLETTER OF THE NORTHWEST CHAPTER - NW NCRS · to bring NCRS into the 21st century as a modern business entity with a higher profile visible to many more Corvette enthusiasts.


NCRS registered marks used in “ The Front Bumper" are NCRS Founders Awards®, NCRS Master Judge Awards®, NCRS Performance Verification Awards®, NCRS Flight Awards® , and NCRS Sportsman Awards® are registered with the United States Department of Com-merce and Trademark Office. The NCRS American Heritage AwardSM Application is pend-ing.

Founded December 12, 1978 Circulation 150


Chairman's MessageChairman's Message by Mike Benner

G reetings All, I would like to take a moment to recap 2008. The value of many of the Corvettes we own has held up nicely

against other measures in our economy; I find it interesting and a good thing. I think we have all been affected one way or another by the economic softening. When filling up my gas hog Silverado I was delighted to pay $1.71 for regular gasoline, there is hope. I believe it will pass and positive times will prevail.

Our chapter membership has grown nicely thanks to the work done by our area coordinators, members and the mini judging schools the chapter held. In September our chapter completed the largest regional we’ve ever hosted. Your governing board is focused on the Corvettes and judging philosophies to insure the membership is having fun and wanting to share their hobby with friends.

A website is paramount to the future success of our chapter. The reason, our group is spread over three states where a website acts as a conduit to communicate with our members. The new website was launched at the holiday party. The new site will allow a member to renew membership, register and pay for activities on-line. Also, members will be able to shop and buy merchandise from the store. It is also a good venue for our sponsors to promote their wares. Thanks to our chapter web master, Eric Falk, for his commitment to implementing and modernizing the new site.

All in all, 2008 was a benchmark year for the NW Chapter. I would like to thank our Board of Directors, Area Coordinators, Tabulators, Judges, Volunteers and our members. There’s more to come in 2009 so have a Happy New Year!

J a n u a r y — F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 9

Puyallup 2009Puyallup 2009Puyallup 2009

The NW Chapter will participate in the Corvette High Performance swap meet February 7 & 8 2009. We will have a membership booth featuring judging manuals for sale and order forms for our chapter jackets and clothing. We will also have membership information for new members. If you would like to volunteer for a shift in the membership booth please call or e-mail Mike Benner (503) 200-0889 or [email protected].

Our chapter dinner and short meeting will be Saturday night at 6 PM in the main pavilion, the cost is $28 per person. The dinner will follow a member or guest contest to tell the most interesting and unusual Corvette related story. The winner, determined by the judging chairman, will receive a gift check for a local restaurant. If you plan to attend, PLEASE RSVP to Mike Benner by January 31, so we can let the caterer know. Please mail dinner checks to Mike at 19048 SW Salmonberry Dr. Sherwood, OR 97140.

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Region VIII Directors MessageRegion VIII Directors Message by Arland Dower

T his is the end of the year, with articles being written and submitted during the holiday season, so it seems appropriate to

look back at 2008 and forward to 2009. Last year produced some visible results of efforts to bring NCRS into the 21st century as a modern business entity with a higher profile visible to many more Corvette enthusiasts. These efforts were made by many of our members over a long period of time and came to fruition during 2008. There were also some not so visible efforts put forth to make changes to the internal workings of NCRS to improve the administrative side of our hobby. There will be more changes in the near future and it is our intent to continue to evolve as a fiscally responsible organization that will continue to thrive during difficult times and, at the same time, offer more services to the membership.

(Continued on page 3)

Editors Rambling’sEditors Rambling’s by Eric Falk

D ecember 12, 2008 was the 30th Anniversary of the NW-NCRS Chapter. Thirty years is a long time for a car club

to exist; especially when the club is regionally based and is centered around one make of car– the Chevrolet Corvette. The fact that the center of the club is Corvette, also commonly referred to as America’s Sports Car, isn’t the reason the Chapter has existed for thirty years. The reason the Chapter achieved its 30th Anniversary is because of the people; those in the forefront of the chapter and those in the background, those in the past and those in the present. I’ve been a member of the chapter for four years. Yes, I’ve met people from all over this country while being a member but the people I have met within this chapter are the reason I remain a member. I remember a time when I was at a mini judging meet and met a fellow by the name of Rick Reid. I didn’t know Rick and hadn’t heard his name before so assumed he was a new member or someone wanting to join our chapter. Wanting to be a good steward I took the time to talk to Rick and gave him a little information about the judging process. Our conversation was brief but I felt good that I shared some knowledge with him. I’m not sure how long it was before I saw Rick again or where it was but I do recall learning Rick Reid was no new comer to the NCRS. I learned Rick had been a chapter member for some time and had held positions at the national level. Rick never told me about his involvement with the NCRS, nope, he is a humble man who allowed me

to share my knowledge with him. I told my story about Rick because I know there are others within the chapter who have done the same as Rick. He’s just one of the numerous people within this chapter that are responsible for 30 years of success. I want to thank each of you who have served this Chapter, allowing the rest of us to be part of the best car club and NCRS Chapter. -Editor

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From The From The Judging ChairmanJudging Chairman by Wayne Loron

Y our Chapter is planning to sponsor four judging events in 2009, two judging meets, and two judging schools. If you

would like to have your Corvette judged at one of these events, please contact me as soon as possible. The first judging meet will be held Saturday, March 28, 2009 in Yakima, WA, at Mike Doty and Tammy Shirley’s home. This meet will

probably be focused on C-2’s. In order to provide quality judging, we need to reserve the right to limit the number of Corvettes judged. Preference will be given to Corvettes that have not been

judged before, and in order of the date the registration was received. Please register early so that we can plan accordingly. Our first, of two judging schools this year, is being planned for the June time-frame in the Olympia area. This will be a “hands-on” training event for newer judges by actually judging a car facilitated by Master Judge instructors. More details will be announced later. If you would like to volunteer your Corvette for this kind of training, and have it officially judged at the same time, please let me know. In August we plan to co-host a Chapter judging event with the British Columbia Chapter at the Enzian Inn in Leavenworth, WA. This will be a two-day event. We are tentatively planning registration and a judging school on Friday, with judging on Saturday. The second judging school will be held in the Portland area on October 3 at Dean Sprecher’s business “Corvette Specialties” in Wilsonville, OR. Again, this will be a “hands-on” training event for newer judges. One or two Corvettes will be judged with the support of Master Judge instructors. Please let me know if you would like to have your Corvette judged in a learning environment. Registration forms for events will be published in The Front Bumper and available on the website for printing and completing on-line.

“Our first, of two judging

schools this year, is being

planned for the June time-

frame in the Olympia area.”

(Continued from page 2)

I would like to thank the members of the Northwest Region for providing the opportunity to represent region VIII on the national board for the past three years. It has gone by very quickly and there still remains much to do. The next three years should be productive for the board and I look forward to being a part of it. If you have any concerns, ideas, or questions, please let me know at [email protected] or (360) 896-5334. Kay and I would like to wish all the Northwest Region members and their families a Happy New Year; and we hope to see you at a future NCRS event. - Arland

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T he new chapter website was officially launched at the Holiday Party. There were about 40 members present for the unveiling of the new website. Unfortunately, they had to view a static presentation because the Rutherglen Mansion was having problems with their wireless internet service.

The site is now open and offers many benefits for the membership. The photo below shows the Welcome (home) page for the site. The tabs list the different pages within the site. All 2008 newsletters are available for reading, as is the first publication from the chapter in February 1979. There is an interactive events calendar which highlights holidays and Chapter and NCRS Events. Click on an event date and you will see details of the event and links to associated content, including registration forms and emails to the event coordinators. The calendar will be updated as new events are scheduled and confirmed. For an example of the calendars capabilities and informative material I urge you to visit the calendar and go to July 12, 2009.


The gallery currently displays photographs from the 2006, 2007 and 2008 NW Regional Events. The gallery will be updated as new events are photographed. However, the chapter is willing to post photographs that are related to the Corvette hobby and the goals of the NCRS. If you have a photograph or illustration you would like to see published, please submit a request to [email protected]. We will only post content that is the sole ownership of the provider. There is a Store where you can purchase chapter jackets, accessories and memberships. Place the items into your shopping cart and proceed to checkout where you can use a credit card or your PayPal account to pay for the items. Check out the Blog (short for Web Log) for topics of interest. Here you will be able to enter comments which will be published for everyone on the web to see after it is approved. Approval amounts to the administrator verifying the comment is relevant to the topic and appropriate for posting on our web site. There is also a page titled Something to Do, which has a game to play to pass the time and hone your mind. And of course there is a Contact Us page where the Chapter Officers and Board of Directors names and email addresses are posted. Each member is voluntarily serving the Chapter and they want to hear from you; so please don’t hesitate to contact them.

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1st Superior Paintless Dent Removal



The deadline for submitting a request to host the 2011 Regional is in January; Yakima, WA and Bend, OR are the two areas being considered. Mike Doty has done extensive research to host the regional in Yakima and is nearing completion. Mike Benner will assist Mike Doty and will present the results to the board prior to January. 2009 Activities Schedule: A schedule for the activities in 2009 was presented and most dates were confirmed. The chapter will be hosting at least three judging meets, one will be a Super Meet held in conjunction with the BC chapter. There will be a judging school held sometime in June and Swap Meet. Discussion on having merchandise available for purchase at the booth was agreed upon. The Terminator Party will be held at Rick Reid’s home; date to be announced. The Holiday Party will be held on December 6th, location to be announced. Unfinished Business:

Mike Benner will confirm prices and the schedule for the Super Chapter Meet in Leavenworth, WA. Larry Richter presented the need for a change to the Bi-laws. The change will reflect the split of the Boise area from Eastern Oregon, and the deletion of the Vancouver Canada area and Alaska. There was a motion made to have the Web site coordinator be its own position and was moved from the responsibilities of the Secretary. The two issues will be voted on at the next meeting by the general membership. This meeting was adjourned around 3:30pm. Respectfully, Connie Falk -Secretary

The Essence of CompassionThe Essence of CompassionThe Essence of Compassion Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and wrong…because sometime in your life you will have been all of these. – unknown

Date: December 7, 2008 Location: Holiday Party, Rutherglen Mansion, Longview, WA The meeting was called to order at the Rutherglen Mansion; in attendance were: Mike Benner, Dennis Clark, Larry Richter, Suzanne Benner, Wayne Loron, Eric Falk, Connie Falk, Chuck Dutoit, Mike Doty, Arland Dower and Bernie Schneider. The minutes were motioned for approval by Wayne, second by Dennis and passed. Treasurer Report: Larry Richter re-capped on the income and expenses of the regional. We are in a state of financial stability. Membership: Suzanne Benner reported that we have 149 members. 70 members have currently renewed their membership for 2009 and two members recently joined. New Business: Larry Richter brought up discussion whether or not to charge $20 per year for business cards to be put in The Front Bumper or whether that should be a courtesy to our members with businesses. There was also discussion regarding major sponsors. It was suggested we run a test to determine the necessity of advertising income. Mike Benner is going to run a test for approximately 6 months and report back. Larry Richter proposed that we change the fees for judging at the regional level. The change would reflect an increase from $45 to $70 for Flight judging, P.V., Bowtie sign off and Founders. Larry made the motion, Wayne Loron, second the motion, it was passed. A second motion was made by Larry Richter to have 1st time car owners and first time judging at a chapter meet to be free. The motion was second by Mike Doty motion was passed.

NWNWNW---NCRS NCRS NCRS Board Meeting MinutesBoard Meeting MinutesBoard Meeting Minutes

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2009 Events Schedule2009 Events Schedule2009 Events Schedule

Feb 7-8 Corvette HP Meet Puyallup, WA Mar 28 Chapter Meet Yakima, WA June Judging School Olympia, WA Jul 12-16 National Convention San Jose, CA Aug (TBA) Super Chapter Meet Leavenworth, WA

Membership Chairwoman’s ReportMembership Chairwoman’s Report by Suzanne Benner

At the holiday event we had the opportunity to welcome new members Wes and Joan Ediger from Salem, OR. Those of you who attended the Terminator Party at the Dutoit’s home had the chance to meet Wes and Joan.

It is never too late to renew your membership for 2009. Eric has made this very easy for all of us. You don’t need a stamp. Just visit our website and you can now pay your membership dues online. Thank you Eric! Take advantage of the Early Bird Special and save $5.00 by renewing before January 15, 2009!

Save $5.00 by renewing before January 15th!

The above photo was taken on the return trip from the Regional in Bend, OR.; obviously the 75 required the assistance of a tow truck. The important part of the ordeal involved the assistance provided by two chapter members, Ken Mietzner and Bernie Schneider. Again, the people of this chapter are incredible. I will tell the story in the next issue. -Editor

There are better ways to get home from a Regional judging event after earning a Top Flight Award.

Area Coordinator Boundary Change

You may know that Eastern Oregon area includes South Idaho and Boise. The Board of Directors has chosen to separate South Idaho and Boise from the Eastern Oregon area.

The new Area Coordinator will be Stan Clements who resides in Payette, Idaho. Stan has some wonderful ideas regarding sharing information about our hobby with Corvette owners in his area. Many of you might have had the opportunity to meet Stan, Kathy and their son Todd in Bend.

Welcome aboard to Stan and Kathy.

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Northwest Chapter Meet Registration Form Saturday, March 28, 2009

Location: Mike Doty and Tammy Shirley’s place, 5204 Walla Walla, Yakima, WA 98903 8:00 am Registration Opens 9:00 am Judging begins-All judged cars must be in place by 9:00 am NCRS Membership Number: ___________ Name: _____________________________ Spouse/Companion: __________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Guest: _________________________ City: ________________________________________State: _________ ZIP: ________________ Phone: ___________________________ Email: _______________________________________ EVENT REGISTRATION ____ Family Registration (Includes Lunch) $25 ($35 after March 1, 2009) $ _____ ____ Guest Fee (non NCRS member) $12.50 each $ _____


CORVETTE REGISTRATION NOTE: All Judged Corvettes must remain in place until released by Judging Chairman Year ______ CID/HP _________ Coupe ___ Convertible ___ Ext. Color _______________________ Complete VIN _________________________________ (Circle ONE) Driven Trailered Int. Color ________________________ (Circle ONE) Vinyl Leather Insurance Company ______________________________ Policy Number ______________________ Expiration Date ________ ___ Flight Judging Entry $35 $ _____ ___ Sportsman Entry $15 $ _____ ___ Special Display Bowtie-Duntov-McLellan-Crossed Flags-Amer. Heritage (circle one) FREE Fees are not refundable after March 1, 2009

Total Enclosed (Make check payable to: NW/NCRS) $ _____ Send to Wayne Loron, 18006 SE 256th St., Kent, WA 98042 Meet Chairman Mike Benner 503-625-9171 Registration & Judging Wayne Loron 253-638-6763 JUDGING PARTICIPATION Name __________________________________ Name _________________________________ Flight Judge ____ Judging Level __________ Flight Judge _____ Judging Level _____ 1st Choice _________ 2nd Choice _________ 1st Choice ________ 2nd Choice ________ Ops __ Int ___ Ext ___ Mech ____ Chassis ____ Ops ___ Int ___ Ext ___ Mech ___ Chassis ___ Observer Judge _____ Tabulator ______ Observer Judge ______ Tabulator

Anyone attending this event, whether you bring a Corvette or not, must read and sign the following Hold Harmless Agree-ment. Proof of ownership and in-force insurance must be provided at the Meet Registration Desk when you check in, BE-FORE the car can be operations checked and/or placed in it’s final location for judging. HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT I agree to insure my vehicle(s) and property against loss, damage, and liability and to provide proof of such insurance to NCRS at time of registration. I agree to assume the risk of any and all damages or injury and to indemnify and hold harm-less NCRS, its officers, directors, agents, employees, and chapters for any acts or omissions that may result in the theft, dam-age, or destruction of my property or injury to me or to others, occurring during, or as a consequence of, this event.

Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________

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Area Coordinators ReportArea Coordinators ReportArea Coordinators Report

Spokane Area Eastern Washington update:

I ’m leading a road tour from Yakima to the National in San Jose. For those of you wanting to go to Seaside and see Reggie Jackson's collection

and meet up with the rest of the tours, get in touch with me and let’s figure out a road trip. I’ve tentatively scheduled Thursday night at Klamath Falls, OR.; located about 1 1/2 hours east of Ashland, OR. On Friday we’ll stop at Lake Tahoe, CA and Saturday cruise over to Seaside, CA for Last Night Out. Sunday will be a leisurely drive to San Jose. If we come to a consensus that we would rather travel down the coast line, that will work also. If you are wanting to cruise with us let us know soon and we can work out a route that works for everyone. Email me at [email protected] -Mike Doty

his first date but only worse. Once the judging was done Jim has to wait for the final score to learn if the elusive blue ribbon would be his. To make things more stressful Jim has to return home for a family emergency. At the Saturday evening Awards Banquet Jim and his 74 were awarded a Top Flight Award and the coveted blue ribbon. Jim later said it was one of the best days in his life. What makes this story inspirational is that Jim Crook has been confined to a wheel chair for many years. Think about it, to campaign a car and be physically limited. It creates challenges as well as opportunities. My heartfelt respect to Jim for his persistence and to all the members that assisted him in achieving his dream. Our hobby is truly about the people and the spirit of giving. It’s just another example that God blesses those who share and give to others.


Y ou may remember Jim Crook, a member of the NW Chapter. Jim owns a 74 Corvette coupe, which he bought new

from Russ Chevrolet on February 12, 1974 for $6650. The car is his pride and joy. After joining our chapter Jim decided he would have his 74 Flight Judged. The judging process revealed many secrets the aging Corvette was hiding; such as paint, exhaust, operations and more. Jim did not get discouraged after his first attempt on the judging field. He set a personal goal to achieve a Top Flight Award® at a regional meet someday.

Jim made several attempts at the blue ribbon, learning from each experience. The Corvette enjoyed steady improvement. Finally, at the Bend Regional on a warm day in September, the Corvette was Flight Judged again. The judges spent 4 hours on Jim’s Corvette. There was conferring, confirming, talking and looking; the Judging Chairman was even called to the scene. Jim was anxious; he said the experience was like

“Finally, at the Bend Regional on a warm day in September the Corvette was Flight Judged again.”

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The 2008 Holiday Party

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The businesses listed below sponsored the NW-NCRS Regional Meet. Their presence and contributions made the Regional a success. They were there for us during these tough times so show your appreciation and tell your friends and family about them. Better yet, stop by or shop on-line and give them your business!

2009 NW Chapter Family Membership Renewal 2009 NW Chapter Renewal Member Dues: $25.00 __________ 2010 NW Chapter Renewal Member Dues: $25.00 __________


Make checks payable to : NW-NCRS

Please send this form and payment to: Suzanne Benner, 19048 SW Salmonberry Dr., Sherwood, OR 97140 You can also reach me at (503) 625-9171 or [email protected]. Name: _____________________________________ Spouse: _________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________ State: _______________ Zip: ________________ Phone(s): ____________________________________ NCRS member number: _________________ (Include area code) (Found on the Driveline Mailing label, Must be a NCRS Member) Year(s) and Model(s) Corvettes Owned: _________________________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________ Spouse’s E-mail_________________________________________________ (Including email address allows us to keep you informed of upcoming activities for all members of your family) The member by this membership does hereby undertake and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Chapter, its officers, directors, or assigns for any acts or omissions to act which may result in theft or damage during the course of any meet, tour, program or event of any nature whatsoever in connection therewith and wherever located, which the Chapter may sponsor. The member does so voluntarily and the member agrees to assume the risk of any and all damages to his automobile without recourse to the NW/NCRS Chapter. Signature: ____________________________________________________ Note: Membership will be returned if unsigned.


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Advisors to the Board: (non-voting)

Send all The Front Bumper e-mails, articles, etc., to [email protected] and enter “The Front Bumper” as the subject.

Boise Area: Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Bert Lukens [email protected] (541) 330-0277

Eugene Area: Willamette Valley and Southwestern Oregon Chuck Dutoit [email protected] (503) 393-3928 Portland Area: Northwestern Oregon and Southwestern Washington Bernie Schneider [email protected] (360) 673-6353 Seattle Area: Northwestern Washington and Puget Sound Bob Johansen [email protected] (425) 869-9533

Spokane Area: Spokane and Coeur d'Alene Area, Eastern Washington and Northwestern Idaho Mike Doty [email protected] (509) 480-0790

Area Coordinators:

2009 Northwest Chapter NCRS Board Members Chairman Mike Benner [email protected] (503) 625-9171 Vice Chairman Dennis Clark [email protected] (509) 365-2713 Secretary Connie Falk [email protected] (425) 772-7620 Treasurer Larry Richter [email protected] (360) 274-4241 Judging Chairman Wayne Loron [email protected] (253) 638-6763 Membership Chairman Suzanne Benner [email protected] (503) 625-9171 Newsletter Editor Eric Falk [email protected] (206) 940-6330

Past Chairman Wayne Loron [email protected] (253) 638-6763 Website (Administrator) Eric Falk [email protected] (206) 940-6330 Historian Bert Lukens [email protected] (541) 330-0277 Legal Counsel Will Carey [email protected] (541) 386-1934 Region VIII Representative Arland Dower [email protected] (360) 896-5334 for Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Saskatchewan and Washington

National Secretary Cece Nelson [email protected] (206) 567-5433

National Officers:

It was official on December 12, 2008

D ecember 12, 2008 marked the 30th Anniversary of the NW NCRS Chapter. The Chapter is offering commemorative shirts for sale to members. They are black or

white colored men and women’s button down shirts with a special 30th anniversary logo; there is also a Ball Cap available with the logo on the front. A special thanks to Kay Dower for designing the logo.

Bob and Valerie Johansen’s Duntov Award Winning 1954 Corvette Roadster graces the cover this issue. I took the photograph at the Regional in Bend, Oregon this year. The car was on display and looked abso-lutely beautiful. I can only dream about owning a car so beautiful and spectacular. —Editor

On The Cover

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Northwest Chapter of NCRS, Inc. 19048 SW Salmonberry Dr. Sherwood, OR 97140

Address Correction Requested


WANTED WANTED: 69’ Corvette Coupe or Convertible, 427, air, Would prefer flight judged car. Contact Mike Benner at [email protected] or 503-200-0889 (ja-08) PARTS WANTED: 1926873 capacitor and Powerglide dip stick (wire type) for a 1955. Wayne at 253-638-6763 or [email protected]. (jf-09) PARTS WANTED: for a 72 Corvette with a build date April 72 (or no more than 6 months prior) : Rochester Carburetor P/N 7042203. Contact Ken Mietzner 425 210-8175 or [email protected]. (so-08)

FOR SALE PARTS FOR SALE: Blocks: 991, H-2-6; 548, A-31-7; 739, J-2-7; 519, E-20-0, D-21-1; 870, D-2-2. Heads: 306, J-28-5(2), G-31-6, H-3-6; 539, A-28-7, A-30-7, C-4-7; 550, B-24-9(2), C-11-9, C-30-9; 692, F-30-0, G-5-0. 1962-E63 steel valve covers for 327. 1963 bellhousing. Nice 1107649 starter dated 6-F-27 with 1119789 solenoid. Rechromed original 61-62 grill bar with notch. 1107664 starters dated 8-L-6, 0-G-20. Much more! Call Wayne at 253-638-6763 or [email protected] (jf-09) For sale: I have about a dozen Franklin Mint die cast corvette duplicates for $50 each. Most of these are 56-63 models. You can e-mail for an inventory list. - Mike Doty [email protected] (jf-09) For sale- 1961- 4:11 Posi casting #3789812 date L180 gears dated 3-60 $750.00 Jerry 206 242 0337 [email protected] (jf-09) (Email your want ads for future issues of The FRONT BUMPER To: [email protected] Enter “MARKET PLACE” in the subject )