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INFORMATIVE SPEECHYOGADefinition of YogaThe word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit root "yuj", which means "to yoke" the spirit and physical body together. "union with the divine"Yoga has evolved over thousands of years to embrace a wide range of styles and disciplines. Yoga is a mind and body practice with origins in ancient Indian philosophy.The various styles of yoga typically combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation.Yoga is a popular activity for athletes, children, and seniors. Yoga can be modified to suit all levels of fitness. Yoga has been proven to lower blood pressure and increases strength and flexibility. Yoga energizes our bodies and calms our minds. Hatha yoga, the most commonly practiced in the United States and Europe, emphasizes postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama)..

Cobra Pose Bhujangasana

Benefits: Increases the flexibility of the spine. Can help relieve back pain.Instructions:1. From Knees, Chest, and Chin position, release the tops of the feet to the floor and press them down.2. Slide your chest forward and up keeping your hands exactly where the were.3. Roll your shoulders back and lift the chest higher, while keeping the low ribs on the floor.4. Keep your neck neutral, dont crank it back.Beginners: Strongly engaging the legs and pressing them down will help you bring your chest higher.

Camel Pose Ustrasana

Benefits: Stretches the front of the body including the chest, abdomen, and quadriceps. Improves spinal flexibility.

Instructions: Come up onto your knees. Take padding under your knees if they are sensitive. Draw your hands up the side of your body as you start to open your chest. Reach your hands back one at a time to grasp your heels. Bring your hips forward so that they are over your knees. Let your head come back, opening your throat.Beginners: Curl your toes under and come to the balls of your feet if you cannot reach your heels when the feet are flat, or use blocks on either side of your feet.

Lotus Pose Padmasana

Benefits: Improve the blood circulatory system and helps 2 reduce stress.

Instructions:Sit in the Seated Base Position (Prarambhik Sthiti).Slowly and carefully bend one leg and place the foot on top of the opposite thigh.Have the sole of that foot facing upwards and the heel close to the pubic bone.Once comfortable, bend the other leg and place the foot on top of the opposite thigh.Rest the hands on the knees in chin or jnana mudra.Ensure the head, neck and back are aligned.Close the eyes and relax the whole body.