Download - INFORMATION/ANNOUNCEMENTS - · month and the year ahead, use the resources made ... NC ... Our thanks go to Rachel


North Carolina Women of the ELCA

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Our theme this year has been -

That theme

brings with it an even more power-

ful meaning as we enter the season

of Thanksgiving. May we be re-

newed, reenergized and recommit-

ted to our mission and ministry.

May we truly understand how

much this generous God has given

us and respond in our abundance.

And, may we rejoice in the Lord

always. Plan a Thankoffering Service, a Thanksgiv-

ing celebration, or a special commemoration of the

25th anniversary year of the Women of the ELCA.

Take the opportunity to celebrate.

As you plan the programs and service projects for the

month and the year ahead, use the resources made

available to you each month in the Bulletin.

Pray with your sisters around the synod each Mon-

day at noon. Just stop for a few minutes to pray for

all of the many projects in which we are all involved

and remember those who might need special prayer

on that particular Monday or throughout that week. If

you wish to receive our list of individuals wanting

prayer, let me know by sending me your email ad-


Grace and peace,

Sharon Johnson NC Women of the ELCA President

BULLETIN, November, 2012

In this issue you will



Mission: Growth

A New Resource is

available A Thoughtful

Prayer Life. Download this

excellent study and other resources from the

Churchwide website

A Prayer for your use

The Women of the ELCA Logo what does

it mean to us and for us?

Mission: Community Parents Arise! - take steps to address the

dangers of exploitation and human trafficking

Leadership imagine the

possibilities that come with good leadership.

PROJECTS Mission: Action

Project ideas

Zoom!!! Help the homeless and hungry in

your area

Be a Knit Wit outreach to hospitals and


Fight World Hunger

Be aware of your Carbon Footprint

Lutheran World Relief Fall Collections Take

your congregations Kits and Quilts to one of the

drop-off sites between November 5 16. Instruc-

tions, locations, and Contribution Record are in

this issue.

Page 2 North Carolina Women of the ELCA

INFORMATION/ANNOUNCEMENTS Nomination Forms and Job Descriptions

At our Gathering in June 2013 we will elect a

synodical Vice President, a Secretary, and

four Board Members. There are so many

bright and committed women throughout our

synod who would do such a good job. In this

Bulletin you will find the forms so you may

nominate those women. You will also find

the job descriptions to help you match the tal-

ented women you know with just the right

Women of the ELCA positions. The deadline

is January 4 and the Nominations Chair is

Cathy Sell.

Triennial Delegates: at the Gathering in June

we will also be voting for seven (7) Triennial

delegates for the 2014 Triennial in Charlotte.

To be eligible you must be nominated by your

congregational expression. Send the completed

form to Cathy Sell, the Nominations Chair, by

January 4.

Triennial Gathering 2014 The Triennial Gathering is coming to North

Carolina in July of 2014. Begin planning now

to attend.

Gathering Planning The Keynote Speaker and Chaplain for the

26th Annual SWO Gathering have been named.

Plan now to attend June 21-23, 2013.

Gathering Planning Committee

Announces Keynote Speaker for June 2013

The Gathering Planning Committee

is pleased to announce that Inez

Torres Davis will be our keynote speaker for the SWO

Gathering June 2013. Inez is the Director of Justice

for the Women of the ELCA and co-Chair of the Jus-

tice for Women Working Group of the National Coun-

cil of Churches of Christ, USA.

In addition to these responsibilities, she also coordi-

nates the Women of the ELCA grants program which

makes annual grants to groups and agencies that pro-

vide support and services to women and children. She

develops programs, events and conversations related

to racism, cross-cultural understanding, commercial

sexual exploitation and the care of creation. As you can

imagine, Inez Torres Davis has much to share with the

NC Women of the ELCA.

Our chaplain for the SWO Gathering will be Pastor

Laura Wind from the Lutheran Church of the Epiphany

in Winston-Salem. Pastor Wind is an associate Pastor

with Epiphany and a campus Pastor at Wake Forest


Remember to talk about the June 2013 Gathering at

your circle meetings and officers meetings. The sooner

you start thinking about sending a delegate, the sooner

you can feel a part of the Gathering.

Have you ever wanted to visit Crossnore School and

have time, or whatever reason? Well, here is your

chance to visit Crossnore and see firsthand the good

work that goes on there. Since the Fall Retreat,

afternoon and travel with us to Crossnore? It is about a

thirty minute drive from Blowing Rock to Crossnore,

and we will have time to tour the facilities there and

make it back to Blowing Rock in time for dinner before

the retreat starts. We will plan to leave the Blowing

Rock Conference Center, the site of the retreat, at 1:00

P.M. and travel to Crossnore for a tour of the school.

If you are interested in this tour, please contact Susan

Harris for more details or to reserve a spot.

[email protected]; 828-428-2046 (H);828-244-9591 ©

Women of the ELCA - Ninth Triennial Gather-

ing - 2014 How very blessed we are. Not

only are we planning a wonderful

Triennial Gathering, but it is go-

ing to be here, in Charlotte, NC!

Travel Expense will be so small

that we can all plan to go.

The dates are July 24-

The Gathering will be held at the Charlotte Convention

Center. There will be enriching workshops, stirring

North Carolina Women of the ELCA

worship, Bible studies; and the chance to meet Lu-

theran women from around the world.

Recently, I spoke with a member of the Women of the

ELCA from another state. She told me that to fund her

trip she started saving her $5 bills a month ago. She

good idea?

You will be receiving updates as I receive them. Start

terrific opportunity.

You may also check for updates at our webpage:


Melanie Denny; 2014 Triennial Gathering Promoter

Oh, the Places We Can Go! (With apologies to Dr. Seuss)

Scouts. Sunday School. Book clubs. Congregations.

Council. Sport teams. Choir. Habitat projects.

Women of the ELCA. Congregational Units. Circles.

All of these have one thing in common: the need for

leadership. King Solomon tells us in Proverbs 1:5 to

group or organization, we owe it to those we lead, and

ourselves, to be open to learning and guidance in our

roles of leadership.

Even the suggestion of change can be cause for anxiety

or frustration. Stepping outside our comfort zones can

be frightening. Asking for assistance can be intimidat-

ing. As leaders, though, we need to be familiar with

the most current and effective practices, procedures,

and processes to better ensure the best outcomes for

those looking to us for direction.

Having the latest information creates the best opportu-

nity to grow a successful, productive unit, in our case,

to move forward strengthens the challenges that are

presented in the congregation, synod, and churchwide.

In the beginning of the twelfth book of Daniel, we are

reminded that strong leaders will help bring others to

shine like the brightness of heaven. Accepting roles of

leadership brings responsibilities, yes; but consider the

opportunities that await you and those you lead!

To paraphrase the title of a popular Dr. Seuss book,

Patti P. Lovell, Leadership Chair

Mission Action ZOOM - The Mission Action Committee has busily

begun to carry out its goals for the coming year. It is

hoped that every conference will get to view the zoom

bags put together by the committee members at Com-

mittee Day I. Carrying a ZOOM (Ziploc Outreach

Opportunity Ministry) Bag allows us to respond to the

needs of hunger and to minister to those in need. We

our Savior. Learn more about this opportunity and

bring it to your church family.

Project ideas - Mission Action also hopes to highlight

and share outreach programs and resources so that we

King of Cary has shared their idea of Knit Wits, Knit-

ting Witnesses, as a group of their women that out-

reach to hospitals, shelters, and Project Linus with a

variety of homemade crafts. Please contact Mission

Action members with your success stories of commu-

nity service beyond the church walls.

LWR Fall Collections - Our thanks go to Rachel

Price who has once again organized our LWR pickups.

As you are collecting materials and putting together

your kits remember that money for shipping is also

needed. One group received assistance with this from

their youth, who held a special fundraiser for shipping

money. This is a great way to work across the church

community in support of LWR.

Carbon Footprint - We are also asking that you be

mindful of your carbon footprint as our world strug-

gles with climate shifts, floods, and droughts. Many

opportunities exist to live more in alignment with the

Page 4 North Carolina Women of the ELCA

ing in our communities and watch for an on-going

awareness session at our Annual Gathering in June

that will bring ideas and opportunities for Earth

friendly Action.

World Hunger - Please check ideas concerning

world hunger on the Bread for the World link on our

website and remember that Bold Women Respond to

the needs of the world.


What is a thoughtful prayer life? Martin Luther

few things to say about a thoughtful prayer life.

Prayer is a very personal experience, and a heart-

felt discussion can generate new insights or stir

powerful memories for those participating in this

study. After discussing prayer through the lens

ter a peaceful way to digest these readings. There

will be a time for participants to make prayer

beads. Make time and space for what matters.

This is the most recent resource of study that was pro-

duced by the Women of the ELCA. There are many

resources available at their website that can be

downloaded for use by the women in your congrega-

tional unit for individual and group study. Please

make them available to your group. This is another

way that our offerings are being used.

(Prepared by the Mission: Growth Committee mate-

rials are available at

Parents Arise! One of the goals of the Mission:

Community Committee is to,

Day and Parents Arise as vehicles

to address exploitation and human

What is Parents Arise?

This is how Al Erickson, Director of Parents Arise

describes the movement:

Parents Arise is a Christian movement that addresses

the dangers and jeopardy our kids face as they de-

velop into adulthood. It recognizes the concern many

able people will be attacked by clever and treacherous

schemers who care only about making money or hav-

ing power. It values parents, grandparents and men-

tors and the callings they have from God to help se-

cure young people.

Al is an ELCA pastor. He is the former director of

Adults Saving Kids. His own daughter was spiritually

harmed and physically exploited in a very sophisti-

cated scam.

Much more information on Parents Arise, along with

concrete steps to help address the dangers of exploita-

tion and human trafficking will be included in the next

tion will be in future issues.

For further information:

Karen Birkedal, Mission Community Committee, [email protected]


Dear Woman of God, Be still for a while and

praise God for His favor, His grace, and His awe-

someness. God is able to do the impossible and is

always near. He loves us unconditionally. To-

one voice in this next hour. Share this with every

prayer when you receive it.

Dear God, this is my friend whom I love and this

is my prayer for her. Help her live her life to the

fullest. Please promote her and cause her to excel

above her expectations. Help her to shine in the

darkest places where it is impossible to love. Pro-

tect her at all times, lift her up when she needs

You the most, and let her know when she walks

with You, she will always be safe. Amen

Prepared by a member of the Mission: Growth


North Carolina Women of the ELCA Page 5

Update Your Calendars!

Oct 26 Blowing Rock Conference Center REGISTRATION forms are on our website & in the September & October Bulletins

Oct 26 - Side trip on the Way to the Fall Retreat visit Crossnore

Fall Conference Gatherings Oct 13 Blue Ridge First, Albemarle

Catawba Unity, Hickory Oct 20 Mecklenburg/Union Community in Christ, Cornelius

Northern Macedonia, Burlington; Rowan Grace, Salisbury Sandhills Living Word, Laurinburg; Triangle St. Phillip, Raleigh

Oct 27 North Coastal St. Timothy, Havelock Nov 3 Alexander/Iredell St. Marks, Mooresville Nov 10 Smoky Mountain Nativity, Arden Nov 17 South Coastal Kure Memorial, Kure Beach


ing of the logo of the Women of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in

The next time you are asked this ques-

with the cross, water and the white

lily identifies women of the Evan-

gelical Lutheran Church in America

as children of God; baptized, forgiven,

grace and hope in eternal life. It is a

reminder of the growth, beauty, and

vitality that rises out of that life-giving baptismal wa-

ter. It is also a reminder of the mission of the church

tize them in the name of the Father and the Son and


Consider printing a copy for each of the women in

your Congregational Unit.

The Bulletin comes out for each month except July

and August and is the major method of communicat-

ing with the congregational units or expressions and

participants. Receive it either by e-mail or by regu-

lar mail. You automatically receive the Bulletin if

you are a unit president, a conference leader, a

board member, or serve on a committee. It is up to

you to share the information in the Bulletin with all

of the other participants. Email it, put the informa-

Women of the ELCA Bulletin board, or make copies

get the word out so others know how they can par-

ticipate. Do whatever you must to be sure each

woman gets this information. Anyone not currently

receiving the Bulletin can be added to the emailing

list by contacting Sue Misenheimer, our secretary.

URGENT! NEW & IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE LWR FALL COLLECTION! To: All Lutheran Congregations of NC From: Rachel Price, NC Women of the ELCA Mission: Action Committee and

NC Synod Lutheran World Relief Coordinator Re: Parish Projects/ Drop-off Information Date: September 2, 2012 This is another year of transition for LWR. Please remember that beginning this year, only the NEW kits will be accepted. I hope your congregation is continuing its efforts in these LWR Year Round Projects. In 2011, 1116 cases were collected for LWR. One and one/half trailer loads were delivered to LWR in New Windsor. The weight was approximately 21,752 pounds. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK. For information on the new kits, look at the LWR Quilt & Kit Ministry Guide-2012-2013. PLEASE pay close attention to the info for assembling and packing items (page 1). You can call 1-800-LWR-LWR2 for extra (free) copies of the 2012-13 guide. Please keep these brochures as they probably will be used for several more years. You can also get the same info at the website and click on “Get Involved”. Follow packing directions — Remember that the new kits have new names. The new kit names are “Personal Care Kits”, “Baby Care Kits”, and “Fabric Kits”. The only kit that has the same name is the School Kit. The quilts are now “Mission Quilts”. No more than 40 pounds to a carton Only one kind of item to a carton No plastic or paper bags!

PLEASE REMEMBER TO TAPE CASES AND WEIGH THEM! Label with contents, your church information and address to: LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF, 601 MAIN ST., NEW WINDSOR, MD 21776 Remember: IT IS THE RESPONSBILITY OF THE NC WOMEN OF THE ELCA to pay for these shipments! Last year's cost was almost $3,000.00. The charges vary due to distance, but more importantly, the weight. We invite congregations, groups, and individuals to make monetary contributions to this very worthwhile cause. You can make your check payable to: NC WOMEN of the ELCA. And mark it for LWR pickups. Send your check to the NC Women's treasurer. She is Terri Brown, 1112 Cruse Rd., Salisbury, NC 28146. DO NOT put the check in the cartons or take it to the drop-off sites. Eight congregations across the synod have volunteered to serve as the drop-off sites for our quilts and kits. It would be very difficult to find a drop-off site for every conference and poor stewardship of our money as it would be very expensive. If the drop-off site listed for your conference is not convenient for your church, you may take your items to another drop-off site. It does not matter which drop-off site you use, as all items are consolidated in Hickory and send as one shipment from the NC Synod. The churches at the drop-off sites may contact you if your donations are not packed according to LWR specifications! The dates are (Mon.- Fri.) Nov 5-9, (Mon-Fri.) Nov 12-16. NO DELIVERIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AT ASHEVILLE OR HICKORY SITES ON NOVEMBER 6TH (SEE DETAILS BELOW). These two drop-off sites have elections on Nov 6 We gratefully appreciate these churches agreeing to be drop-off sites for the 2012 LWR Projects.

Asheville--St. Mark's (Blue Ridge Mtn. and Smokey Mtn. Conferences) Dates are Thurs., Nov. 1-Mon. Nov. 12, except Sundays. No deliveries on Election Day—Nov. 6. P O Box 8608 10 N Liberty St. Asheville, NC 28814-8608 Contact Eileen Cram 828-253-0043 Charlotte--St. Luke's (Mecklenburg/Union and Cabarrus Conferences) PO BOX 11063 3200 Park Rd. Charlotte, NC 28220 Contact Sandra Taylor 704-523-7981 Dallas--St. Paul's (Southwestern and Gaston Conferences) 531 Hardin Rd. Dallas, NC 28034 Contact Joe Rhyne and Gail Summey 704-922-4387 Hickory--New Jerusalem (East Catawba and West Catawba Conferences) Dates are Wed., Nov.7-Fri., Nov. 9 and Mon., Nov. 12-Fri. Nov. 16. Also, Mon., Nov. 19. No deliveries on Election Day—Nov.6. 2120 Startown Rd. Hickory, NC 28602 Contact Pastor Randall Cauble 828-324-7272 Jacksonville--Church of our Savior (Northeast and Southeast Conferences) 1115 Lejuene Boulevard Road Jacksonville, NC 28540 Contact Sherry Ercolanese 910-347-2207 Raleigh--Grace (Northeast Piedmont and Sandhills/Piedmont Conferences) 5010 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27609 919-787-1815 Contact Lois Jean Query 919-847-5497 Salisbury Area--Faith (West Central, West Rowan and East Rowan Conferences) Mondays (Nov. 5 & 12) and Wednesdays (Nov. 7 & 14) from 9-11 AM, and Fridays (Nov. 9 & 16) 5-7 PM 205 S. Main St. P. O. Box 669 Faith, NC 28041 Contact Betty Hunt 704-279-4597 Winston-Salem--Augsburg (Northern Piedmont, Triad, and Northwestern Conferences) 845 W. 5th St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Contact Phyllis Still 336-722-8144 These cartons will then be picked up by Estes Express Lines, consolidated in Hickory, and delivered to the LWR warehouse in New Windsor, Md. Many, Many, Many thanks to Estes who has delivered our goods to New Windsor all these years. They have also picked up some of the local shipments FREE OF CHARGE. What a wonderful display of love and friendship! Thank you so much for your efforts, Rachel T. Price, LWR Coordinator 1330 Wessex Lane, Hickory 28602, Home Phone: 828-294-1135, Email: [email protected]

September 2, 2012 To: All Lutheran Congregations of North Carolina From: Rachel T. Price, LWR Synod Coordinator 1330 Wessex Lane, Hickory, NC 28602 Home Phone: 828 294 1135 Email: [email protected] Re: 2012 Information Sheet for LWR Blankets, Quilts, and Parish Projects Please fill in the following information for your 2012 collection of blankets, quilts, and parish projects for your congregation. Make 3 copies. One goes with your collection to your drop off site, send one to me by December 15, 2012 at the above address and keep one for your record. Thanks for your participation in our on-going efforts for Lutheran World Relief. Name of donor church: _____________ Address: _________________ Street City Conference: __________________________________________________________ LWR Contact Person: (Please circle the kind of kits in your cases.) Item # of Items # of Cases Weight (lbs) Blankets & Mission Quilts _ _ _ Personal Care Kits _ _ _ Baby Care Kits _ _ _ Fabric Kits _ _ _ School Kits ________ _________ ____________ Soap (The number of bars of soap is not needed) ____________ TOTALS _________ file:lwr contribution record


Job Title: Vice President, North Carolina Synodical Women’s Organization

Purpose: To act in the absence, disability or resignation of the President


1. Assume the duties of the President when required and serve until the vacancy is filled by the Board of the Synodical Women’s Organization.

2. Chair or co-chair a synodical committee as directed by the President. 3. Perform other duties as the Board may from time to time direct (e.g. submit reports, write

newsletter articles, lead workshops, attend events).

Time required: The Board generally meets six times a year including two meetings held in conjunction with the annual convention/gathering. Preparation time could require 10-15 hours per month.

Term of office: The term of office for this position is two years with eligibility for one re- election.

Qualifications and skills:

1. Be committed to the mission of the Women of the ELCA. 2. Be an active participant of a unit of the Women of the ELCA. 3. Have the ability to organize, motivate and enable.

Job Title: Secretary, North Carolina Synodical Women’s Organization

Purpose: To keep accurate records of this organization and its congregational/ intercongregational units and to keep units informed of pertinent matters.


1. Record and distribute minutes of the synodical convention(s), the Board, and the Administrative Committee.

2. Keep an accurate register of the congregational/intercongregational units and their officers, conferences and their officers, as well as the roll of synodical committee members.

3. Give the units notification of the annual convention as least three months in advance and of a special convention at least one month in advance.

4. Prepare and mail correspondence to units; gather information as needed from the units. 5. Collect historical records, documents and other materials for the archives. 6. Perform other duties as the Board may from time to time direct (e.g. submit reports, write

newsletter articles, lead workshops, attend events).

Time required: The Board generally meets six times a year including two meetings held in conjunction with the annual convention/gathering. Preparation time could require 15-20 hours per month.

Term of office: The term of office for this position is two years with eligibility for one re- election.

Qualifications and skills:

1. Be committed to the mission of the Women of the ELCA. 2. Be an active participant of a unit of the Women of the ELCA. 3. Be able to use a computer and perform other secretarial duties as demanded

by the position.

Job Title: Board Member, North Carolina Synodical Women’s Organization (SWO)

Purpose: To conduct the business of the SWO between conventions.


1. Chair or co-chair a synodical committee as directed by the President. 2. Perform other duties as the Board may from time to time direct (e.g. submit reports, write

newsletter articles, lead workshops, attend events).

Time required: The Board generally meets six times a year including two meetings held in conjunction with the annual convention/gathering. Preparation time could require 10 hours per month.

Term of office: The term of office for this position is two years with eligibility for one re- election to the same position.

Qualifications and skills:

1. Be committed to the mission of the Women of the ELCA. 2. Be an active participant of a unit of the Women of the ELCA. 3. Have the ability to organize, motivate and enable. 4. Be able to travel for meetings on weekends.


NOMINATION FORM North Carolina Synodical Women’s Organization

Of The Women Of The ELCA



NAME OF CONGREGATION Please check all that apply to your congregational unit: Re-affirmation of Membership on file with the SWO Leadership/Constitution Committee Regularly meet Participate in Women of the ELCA activities beyond our unit Support financially the total program of the Women of the ELCA Have a leader and receive regular mailing from the synodical and churchwide women’s


EXPERIENCE beginning with the most RECENT. List the experience in each area over the LAST 5 YEARS. WOMEN OF THE ELCA: Congregational Conference Synodical Women’s Organization ______ Churchwide Women’s Organization Significant involvement in Women of the ELCA prior to last 5 years __________________

__________________________________________________________________________ OTHER CHURCH EXPERIENCE: Congregational Synodical Church-at-Large Interdenominational MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCE: Occupational Community Participation Other ___________________________________________________________________ REASON FOR ACCEPTING NOMINATION:




NAME: ______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE: _________________ CELL PHONE: _____________ Email_______________ AGE RANGE: ___________ 34 OR UNDER _________ 50-64 ___________ 35-49 _________ 65 OR OVER ETHNIC/RACIAL HERITAGE: _____ AMERICAN INDIAN _____ ASIAN _____ CAUCASIAN _____ AFRICAN AMERICAN _____ HISPANIC _____ OTHER __________________________________ (SPECIFY) PRIMARY LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH ____________________________________ HAVE YOU ATTENDED A TRIENNIAL GATHERING AS A DELEGATE BEFORE?

______ YES _____ NO NAME OF CONGREGATION ____________________________________________________ Triennial Delegate MUST be nominated by their Congregation and only ONE nominee from a congregation.) ADDRESS OF CONGREGATION _________________________________________________ CONFERENCE _______________________________________________________________ DATE NOMINATION MAILED ____________________________________________________ COMPLETE PAGE TWO OF THIS FORM AND RETURN BY JANUARY 4 To: Nominations Chair

Cathy Sell 1210 Derbyshire Rd. Kannapolis, NC 28081 704-938-5029 or 704-582-0176 [email protected]

EXPERIENCE beginning with the most RECENT. List the experience in each area over the LAST FIVE YEARS.

WOMEN OF THE ELCA: Congregational _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Conference __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Synodical Women’s Organization _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Churchwide Women’s Organization _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Significant involvement in Women of the ELCA prior to last 5 years ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

OTHER CHURCH EXPERIENCE: Congregational _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Synodical ____________________________________________________________________ Church-at-Large ______________________________________________________________ Interdenominational ____________________________________________________________ MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCE: Occupational _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Community Participation ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Other _______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
