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Information Visualization andVisual Data Mining

Daniel A. Keim

Abstract—Never before in history data has been generatedat such high volumes as it is today. Exploring and analyzingthe vast volumes of data becomes increasingly difficult. In-formation visualization and visual data mining can help todeal with the flood of information. The advantage of visualdata exploration is that the user is directly involved in thedata mining process. There is a large number of informationvisualization techniques which have been developed over thelast decade to support the exploration of large data sets. Inthis paper, we propose a classification of information visu-alization and visual data mining techniques which is basedon the data type to be visualized, the visualization technique andthe interaction and distortion technique. We exemplify the clas-sification using a few examples, most of them referring totechniques and systems presented in this special issue.

Keywords— Information Visualization, Visual Data Min-ing, Visual Data Exploration, Classification

I. Introduction

The progress made in hardware technology allows to-day’s computer systems to store very large amounts of data.Researchers from the University of Berkeley estimate thatevery year about 1 Exabyte (= 1 Million Terabyte) of dataare generated, of which a large portion is available in dig-ital form. This means that in the next three years moredata will be generated than in all of human history before.The data is often automatically recorded via sensors andmonitoring systems. Even simple transactions of every daylife, such as paying by credit card or using the telephone,are typically recorded by computers. Usually, many pa-rameters are recorded, resulting in multidimensional datawith a high dimensionality. The data of all mentioned ar-eas is collected because people believe that it is a potentialsource of valuable information, providing a competitive ad-vantage (at some point). Finding the valuable informationhidden in them, however, is a difficult task. With today’sdata management systems, it is only possible to view quitesmall portions of the data. If the data is presented textu-ally, the amount of data which can be displayed is in therange of some one hundred data items, but this is like adrop in the ocean when dealing with data sets containingmillions of data items. Having no possibility to adequatelyexplore the large amounts of data which have been collectedbecause of their potential usefulness, the data becomes use-less and the databases become data ‘dumps’.

Daniel A. Keim is currently with AT&T Shannon Research Labs,Florham Park, NJ, USA and the University of Constance, Germany.E-mail: [email protected].

This is an extended version of [6], portions of which are copyrightedby ACM.

Benefits of Visual Data Exploration

For data mining to be effective, it is important to includethe human in the data exploration process and combine theflexibility, creativity, and general knowledge of the humanwith the enormous storage capacity and the computationalpower of today’s computers. Visual data exploration aimsat integrating the human in the data exploration process,applying its perceptual abilities to the large data sets avail-able in today’s computer systems. The basic idea of visualdata exploration is to present the data in some visual form,allowing the human to get insight into the data, draw con-clusions, and directly interact with the data. Visual datamining techniques have proven to be of high value in ex-ploratory data analysis and they also have a high potentialfor exploring large databases. Visual data exploration isespecially useful when little is known about the data andthe exploration goals are vague. Since the user is directlyinvolved in the exploration process, shifting and adjustingthe exploration goals is automatically done if necessary.

The visual data exploration process can be seen a hy-pothesis generation process: The visualizations of the dataallow the user to gain insight into the data and come upwith new hypotheses. The verification of the hypothesescan also be done via visual data exploration but it may alsobe accomplished by automatic techniques from statistics ormachine learning. In addition to the direct involvement ofthe user, the main advantages of visual data explorationover automatic data mining techniques from statistics ormachine learning are:• visual data exploration can easily deal with highly inho-mogeneous and noisy data• visual data exploration is intuitive and requires no under-standing of complex mathematical or statistical algorithmsor parameters.

As a result, visual data exploration usually allows afaster data exploration and often provides better results,especially in cases where automatic algorithms fail. In ad-dition, visual data exploration techniques provide a muchhigher degree of confidence in the findings of the explo-ration. This fact leads to a high demand for visual ex-ploration techniques and makes them indispensable in con-junction with automatic exploration techniques.

Visual Exploration Paradigm

Visual Data Exploration usually follows a three step pro-cess: Overview first, zoom and filter, and then details-on-demand (which has been called the Information SeekingMantra [1]). First, the user needs to get an overview ofthe data. In the overview, the user identifies interesting

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patterns and focuses on one or more of them. For analyz-ing the patterns, the user needs to drill-down and accessdetails of the data. Visualization technology may be usedfor all three steps of the data exploration process: Visual-ization techniques are useful for showing an overview of thedata, allowing the user to identify interesting subsets. Inthis step, it is important to keep the overview visualizationwhile focusing on the subset using an other visualizationtechnique. An alternative is to distort the overview visu-alization in order to focus on the interesting subsets. Tofurther explore the interesting subsets, the user needs adrill-down capability in order to get the details about thedata. Note that visualization technology does not only pro-vide the base visualization techniques for all three steps butalso bridges the gaps between the steps.

II. Classification of Visual Data MiningTechniques

Information visualization focuses on data sets lacking in-herent 2D or 3D semantics and therefore also lacking astandard mapping of the abstract data onto the physicalscreen space. There are a number of well known tech-niques for visualizing such data sets such as x-y plots,line plots, and histograms. These techniques are usefulfor data exploration but are limited to relatively small andlow-dimensional data sets. In the last decade, a large num-ber of novel information visualization techniques have beendeveloped, allowing visualizations of multidimensional datasets without inherent two- or three-dimensional semantics.Nice overviews of the approaches can be found in a numberof recent books [2] [3] [4] [5]. The techniques can be classi-fied based on three criteria (see figure 1) [6]: The data to bevisualized, the visualization technique, and the interactionand distortion technique used.

The data type to be visualized [1] may be• One-dimensional data, such as temporal data as used inThemeRiver (see figure 2 in [7])• Two-dimensional data, such as geographical maps asused in Polaris (see figure 3(c) in [8]) and MGV (see figure9 in [9])• Multidimensional data, such as relational tables as usedin Polaris (see figure 6 in [8]) and the Scalable Framework(see figure 1 in [10])• Text and hypertext, such as news articles and Web doc-uments as used in ThemeRiver (see figure 2 in [7])• Hierarchies and graphs, such as telephone calls and Webdocuments as used in MGV (see figure 13 in [9]) and theScalable Framework (see figure 7 in [10])• Algorithms and software, such as debugging operationsas used in Polaris (see figure 7 in [8])

The visualization technique used may be classified into• Standard 2D/3D displays, such as bar charts and x-yplots as used in Polaris (see figure 1 in [8])• Geometrically transformed displays, such as landscapesand parallel coordinates as used in Scalable Framework (seefigures 2 and 12 in [10])

Fig. 1. Classification of Information Visualization Techniques

• Icon-based displays, such as needle icons and star iconsas used in MGV (see figures 5 and 6 in [9])• Dense pixel displays, such as the recursive pattern andcircle segments techniques (see figures 3 and 4) [11] and thegraph scetches as used in MGV (see figure 4 in [9])• Stacked displays, such as treemaps [12] [13] or dimen-sional stacking [14]

The third dimension of the classification is the interac-tion and distortion technique used. Interaction anddistortion techniques allow users to directly interact withthe visualizations. They may be classified into• Interactive Projection as used in the GrandTour system[15]• Interactive Filtering as used in Polaris (see figure 6 in[8])• Interactive Zooming as used in MGV and the ScalableFramework (see figure 8 in [10])• Interactive Distortion as used in the Scalable Framework(see figure 7 in [10])• Interactive Linking and Brushing as used in Polaris (seefigure 7 in [8]) and the Scalable Framework (see figures 12and 14 in [10])

Note that the three dimensions of our classification -data type to be visualized, visualization technique, and in-teraction & distortion technique - can be assumed to beorthogonal. Orthogonality means that any of the visual-ization techniques may be used in conjunction with any ofthe interaction techniques as well as any of the distortiontechniques for any data type. Note also that a specific sys-tem may be designed to support different data types andthat it may use a combination of multiple visualization andinteraction techniques.

III. Data Type to be Visualized

In information visualization, the data usually consistsof a large number of records each consisting of a num-ber of variables or dimensions. Each record correspondsto an observation, measurement, transaction, etc. Exam-ples are customer properties, e-commerce transactions, andphysical experiments. The number of attributes can dif-fer from data set to data set: One particular physical ex-periment, for example, can be described by five variables,

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while an other may need hundreds of variables. We callthe number of variables the dimensionality of the data set.Data sets may be one-dimensional, two-dimensional, mul-tidimensional or may have more complex data types suchas text/hypertext or hierarchies/graphs. Sometimes, a dis-tiction is made between dense (or grid) dimensions andthe dimensions which may have arbitrary values. Depend-ing on the number of dimensions with arbitrary values thedata is sometimes also called univariate, bivariate, etc.

One-dimensional data

One-dimensional data usually has one dense dimension.A typical example of one-dimensional data is temporaldata. Note that with each point of time, one or multi-ple data values may be associated. An example are timeseries of stock prices (see figure 3 and figure 4 for an exam-ple) or the time series of news data used in the ThemeRiverexamples (see figures 2-5 in [7]).

Two-dimensional data

Two-dimensional data has two distinct dimensions. Atypical example is geographical data where the two distinctdimensions are longitude and latitude. X-Y-plots are a typ-ical method for showing two-dimensional data and mapsare a special type of x-y-plots for showing two-dimensionalgeographical data. Examples are the geographical mapsused in Polaris (see figure 3(c) in [8]) and in MGV (see fig-ure 9 in [9]). Although it seems easy to deal with temporalor geographic data, caution is advised. If the number ofrecords to be visualized is large, temporal axes and mapsget quickly glutted - and may not help to understand thedata.

Multi-dimensional data

Many data sets consists of more than three attributesand therefore, they do not allow a simple visualization as2-dimensional or 3-dimensional plots. Examples of multidi-mensional (or multivariate) data are tables from relationaldatabases, which often have tens to hundreds of columns(or attributes). Since there is no simple mapping of the at-tributes to the two dimensions of the screen, more sophis-ticated visualization techniques are needed. An example ofa technique which allows the visualization of multidimen-sional data is the Parallel Coordinate Technique [16] (seefigure 2, which is also used in the Scalable Framework (seefigure 12 in [10]). Parallel Coordinates display each multi-dimensional data item as a polygonal line which intersectsthe horizontal dimension axes at the position correspond-ing to the data value for the corresponding dimension.

Text & Hypertext

Not all data types can be described in terms of dimen-sionality. In the age of the world wide web, one importantdata type is text and hypertext as well as multimedia webpage contents. These data types differ in that they can notbe easily described by numbers and therefore, most of thestandard visualization techniques can not be applied. In

Fig. 2. Parallel Coordinate Visualization c©IEEE

most cases, first a transformation of the data into descrip-tion vectors is necessary before visualization techniques canbe used. An example for a simple transformation is wordcounting (see ThemeRiver [7]) which is often combinedwith a principal component analysis or multidimensionalscaling (for example, see [17]).

Hierarchies & Graphs

Data records often have some relationship to other piecesof information. Graphs are widely used to represent suchinterdependencies. A graph consists of set of objects, callednodes, and connections between these objects, called edges.Examples are the e-mail interrelationships among people,their shopping behavior, the file structure of the hard diskor the hyperlinks in the world wide web. There are a num-ber of specific visualization techniques that deal with hier-archical and graphical data. A nice overview of hierachicalinformation visualization techniques can be found in [18],an overview of web visualization techniques at [19] and anoverview book on all aspects related to graph drawing is[20].

Algorithms & Software

Another class of data are algorithms & software. Copingwith large software projects is a challenge. The goal of vi-sualization is to support software development by helpingto understand algorithms, e.g. by showing the flow of in-formation in a program, to enhance the understanding ofwritten code, e.g. by representing the structure of thou-sands of source code lines as graphs, and to support theprogrammer in debugging the code, i.e. by visualizing er-rors. There are a large number of tools and systems whichsupport these tasks. An nice overview can be found at [21].

IV. Visualization Techniques

There is a large number of visualization techniques whichcan be used for visualizing the data. In addition tostandard 2D/3D-techniques such as x-y (x-y-z) plots, barcharts, line graphs, etc., there are a number of more sophis-ticated visualization techniques. The classes correspond tobasic visualization principles which may be combined inorder to implement a specific visualization system.

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Fig. 3. Dense Pixel Displays: Recursive Pattern Technique c©IEEE

Geometrically-Transformed Displays

Geometrically transformed display techniques aim atfinding “interesting” transformations of multidimensionaldata sets. The class of geometric display techniques in-cludes techniques from exploratory statistics such as scat-terplot matrices [22] [23] and techniques which can be sub-sumed under the term “projection pursuit” [24]. Othergeometric projection techniques include Prosection Views[25] [26], Hyperslice [27], and the well-known Parallel Co-ordinates visualization technique [16]. The parallel coordi-nate technique maps the k-dimensional space onto the twodisplay dimensions by using k equidistant axes which areparallel to one of the display axes. The axes corespond tothe dimensions and are linearly scaled from the minimum tothe maximum value of the corresponding dimension. Eachdata item is presented as a polygonal line, intersecting eachof the axes at that point which corresponds to the value ofthe considered dimensions (see figure 2).

Iconic Displays

Another class of visual data exploration techniques arethe iconic display techniques. The idea is to map the at-tribute values of a multi-dimensional data item to the fea-tures of an icon. Icons can be arbitraily defined: They maybe little faces [28], needle icons as used in MGV (see figure5 in [9]), star icons [14], stick figure icons [29], color icons[30],[31], and TileBars [32]. The visualization is generatedby mapping the attribute values of each data record to thefeatures of the icons. In case of the stick figure technique,for example, two dimensions are mapped to the displaydimensions and the remaining dimensions are mapped tothe angles and/or limb length of the stick figure icon. Ifthe data items are relatively dense with respect to the twodisplay dimensions, the resulting visualization presents tex-ture patterns that vary according to the characteristics ofthe data and are therefore detectable by preattentive per-ception.

Fig. 4. Dense Pixel Displays: Circle Segments Technique c©IEEE

Dense Pixel Displays

The basic idea of dense pixel techniques is to map eachdimension value to a colored pixel and group the pixels be-longing to each dimension into adjacent areas [11]. Sincein general dense pixel displays use one pixel per data value,the techniques allow the visualization of the largest amountof data possible on current displays (up to about 1.000.000data values). If each data value is represented by onepixel, the main question is how to arrange the pixels onthe screen. Dense pixel techniques use different arrang-ments for different purposes. By arranging the pixels in anappropriate way, the resulting visualization provides de-tailed information on local correlations, dependencies, andhot spots.

Well-known examples are the recursive pattern technique[33] und the circle segments technique [34]. The recursivepattern technique is based on a generic recursive back-and-forth arrangement of the pixels and is particular aimed atrepresenting datasets with a natural order according to oneattribute (e.g. time series data). The user may specify pa-rameters for each recursion level, and thereby controls thearrangement of the pixels to form semantically meaningfulsubstructures. The base element on each recursion levelis a pattern of height hi und width wi as specified by theuser. First, the elements correspond to single pixels whichare arranged within a rectangle of height h1 and width w1

from left to right, then below backwards from right to left,then again forward from left to right, and so on. The samebasic arrangement is done on all recursion levels with theonly difference that the basic elements which are arrangedon level i are the pattern resulting from the level (i − 1)arrangements. In figure 3, an example recursive patternvisualization of financial data is shown. The visualizationshows twenty years (January 1974 - April 1995) of dailyprices of the 100 stocks contained in the Frankfurt StockIndex (FAZ). The idea of the circle segments technique [34]is to represent the data in a circle which is divided into seg-ments, one for each attribute. Within the segments eachattribute value is again visualized by a single colored pixel.

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Fig. 5. Dimensional Stacking Visualization of Oil Mining Data(used by permission of M. Ward, Worchester Polytechnic c©IEEE)

The arrangment of the pixels starts at the center of thecircle and continues to the outside by plotting on a lineorthogonal to the segment halving line in a back and forthmanner. The rational of this approach is that close to thecenter all attributes are close to each other enhancing thevisual comparison of their values. Figure 4 shows an exam-ple circle segment visualization of the same data (50 stocks)as shown in figure 3.

Stacked Displays

Stacked display techniques are tailored to present datapartitioned in a hierarchical fashion. In case of multi-dimensional data, the data dimensions to be used for par-titioning the data and building the hierarchy have to beselected appropriately. An example of a stacked displaytechnique is Dimensional Stacking [35]. The basic idea isto embed one coordinate systems inside an other coordi-nate system, i.e. two attributes form the outer coordinatesystem, two other attributes are embedded into the outercoordinate system, and so on. The display is generatedby dividing the outmost level coordinate systems into rect-angular cells and within the cells the next two attributesare used to span the second level coordinate system. Thisprocess may be repeated one more time. The usefulnessof the resulting visualization largely depends on the datadistribution of the outer coordinates and therefore the di-mensions which are used for defining the outer coordinatesystem have to be selected carefully. A rule of thumb is tochoose the most important dimensions first. A dimensionalstacking visualization of oil mining data with longitude andlatitude mapped to the outer x and y axes, as well as oregrade and depth mapped to the inner x and y axes is shownin figure 5. Other examples of stacked display techniquesinclude Worlds-within-Worlds [36], Treemap [12] [13], andCone Trees [37].

V. Interaction and Distortion Techniques

In addition to the visualization technique, for an effec-tive data exploration it is necessary to use some interactionand distortion techniques. Interaction techniques allow thedata analyst to directly interact with the visualizations anddynamically change the visualizations according to the ex-ploration objectives, and they also make it possible to re-

late and combine multiple independent visualizations. Dis-tortion techniques help in the data exploration process byproviding means for focusing on details while preservingan overview of the data. The basic idea of distortion tech-niques is to show portions of the data with a high level ofdetail while others are shown with a lower level of detail.We distinguish between the terms dynamic and interactivedepending on whether the changes to the visualizations aremade automatically or manually (by direct user interac-tion).

Dynamic Projections

The basic idea of dynamic projections is to dynami-cally change the projections in order to explore a multi-dimensional data set. A classic example is the Grand-Tour system [15] which tries to show all interesting two-dimensional projections of a multi-dimensional data set asa series of scatter plots. Note that the number of possibleprojections is exponential in the number of dimensions, is intractable for a large dimensionality. The sequence ofprojections shown can be random, manual, precomputed,or data driven. Systems supporting dynamic projectiontechniques are XGobi [38] [39], XLispStat [40], and Ex-plorN [41].

Interactive Filtering

In exploring large data sets, it is important to interac-tively partition the data set into segements and focus oninteresting subsets. This can be done by a direct selec-tion of the desired subset (browsing) or by a specificationof properties of the desired subset (querying). Browsing isvery difficult for very large data sets and querying oftendoes not produce the desired results. Therefore a numberof interaction techniques have been developed to improveinteractive filtering in data exploration. An example of aninteractive tool which can be used for an interactive filter-ing are Magic Lenses [42] [43]. The basic idea of MagicLenses is to use a tool like a magnifying glasses to supportfiltering the data directly in the visualization. The dataunder the magnifying glass is processed by the filter, andthe result is displayed differently than the remaining dataset. Magic Lenses show a modified view of the selected re-gion, while the rest of the visualization remains unaffected.Note that several lenses with different filters may be used; ifthe filter overlap, all filters are combined. Other examplesof interactive filtering techniques and tools are InfoCrystal[44], Dynamic Queries [45] [46] [47], and Polaris [8] (seefigure 6 in [8] for an example).

Interactive Zooming

Zooming is a well-known technique which is widely usedin a number of applications. In dealing with large amountsof data, it is important to present the data in a highly com-pressed form to provide an overview of the data but at thesame time allow a variable display of the data on differentresolutions. Zooming does not only mean to display thedata objects larger but it also means that the data repre-sentation automatically changes to present more details on

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Fig. 6. Table Lenses(used by permission of R. Rao, Xerox PARCc©ACM)

higher zoom levels. The objects may, for example, be rep-resented as single pixels on a low zoom level, as icons on anintermediate zoom level, and as labeled objects on a highresolution. An interesting example applying the zoomingidea to large tabular data sets is the TableLens approach[48]. Getting an overview of large tabular data sets is dif-ficult if the data is displayed in textual form. The basicidea of TableLens is to represent each numerical value by asmall bar. All bars have a one-pixel height and the lengthsare determined by the attribute values. This means thatthe number of rows on the display can be nearly as high asthe vertical resolution and the number of columns dependson the maximum width of the bars for each attribute. Theinitial view allows the user to detect patterns, correlations,and outliers in the data set. In order to explore a regionof interest the user can zoom in, with the result that theaffected rows (or columns) are displayed in more detail,possibly even in textual form. Figure 6 shows an exam-ple of a baseball database with a few rows being selectedin full detail. Other examples of techniques and systemswhich use interactive zooming include PAD++ [49] [50][51], IVEE/Spotfire [52], and DataSpace [53]. A compari-son of fisheye and zooming techniques can be found in [54].

Interactive Distortion

Interactive distortion techniques support the data explo-ration process by preserving an overview of the data duringdrill-down operations. The basic idea is to show portions ofthe data with a high level of detail while others are shownwith a lower level of detail. Popular distortion techniquesare hyperbolic and spherical distortions which are oftenused on hierarchies or graphs but may be also applied toany other visualization technique. An example of sphericaldistortions is provided in the Scalable Framework paper(see figure 5 in [10]). An overview of distortion techniquesis provided in [55] and [56]. Examples of distortion tech-niques include Bifocal Displays [57], Perspective Wall [58],Graphical Fisheye Views [59] [60], Hyperbolic Visualization[61] [62], and Hyperbox [63].

Interactive Linking and Brushing

There are many possibilities to visualize multi-dimensional data but all of them have some strength andsome weaknesses. The idea of linking and brushing is tocombine different visualization methods to overcome theshortcomings of single techniques. Scatterplots of differentprojections, for example, may be combined by coloring andlinking subsets of points in all projections. In a similar fash-ion, linking and brushing can be applied to visualizationsgenerated by all visualization techniques described above.As a result, the brushed points are highlighted in all visu-alizations, making it possible to detect dependencies andcorrelations. Interactive changes made in one visualiza-tion are automatically reflected in the other visualizations.Note that connecting multiple visualizations through inter-active linking and brushing provides more information thanconsidering the component visualizations independently.

Typical examples of visualization techniques which arecombined by linking and brushing are multiple scatterplots,bar charts, parallel coordinates, pixel displays, and maps.Most interactive data exploration systems allow some formof linking and brushing. Examples are Polaris (see figure7 in [8]) and the Scalable Framework (see figures 12 and14 in [10]). Other tools and systems include S Plus [64],XGobi [38] [65], Xmdv [14], and DataDesk [66] [67].

VI. Conclusion

The exploration of large data sets is an important but dif-ficult problem. Information visualization techniques mayhelp to solve the problem. Visual data exploration hasa high potential and many applications such as fraud de-tection and data mining will use information visualizationtechnology for an improved data analysis.

Future work will involve the tight integration of visu-alization techniques with traditional techniques from suchdisciplines as statistics, maschine learning, operations re-search, and simulation. Integration of visualization tech-niques and these more established methods would com-bine fast automatic data mining algorithms with the in-tuitive power of the human mind, improving the qualityand speed of the visual data mining process. Viusal datamining techniques also need to be tightly integrated withthe systems used to manage the vast amounts of relationaland semistructured information, including database man-agement and data warehouse systems. The ultimate goalis to bring the power of visualization technology to everydesktop to allow a better, faster and more intuitive explo-ration of very large data resources. This will not only bevaluable in an economic sense but will also stimulate anddelight the user.


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DANIEL A. KEIM is working in the area of informationvisualization and data mining. In the field of informationvisualization, he developed several novel techniques whichuse visualization technology for the purpose of exploringlarge databases. He has published extensively on informa-tion visualization and data mining; he has given tutori-als on related issues at several large conferences includingVisualization, SIGMOD, VLDB, and KDD; he has beenprogram co-chair of the IEEE Information VisualizationSymposia in 1999 and 2000; he is program co-chair of theACM SIGKDD conference in 2002; and he is an editor ofTVCG and the Information Visualization Journal.

Daniel Keim received his diploma (equivalent to an MSdegree) in Computer Science from the University of Dort-mund in 1990 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the

University of Munich in 1994. He has been assistant pro-fessor at the CS department of the University of Munich,associate professor at the CS department of the Martin-Luther-University Halle, and full professor at the CS de-partment of the University of Constance. Currently, heis on leave from the University of Constance, working atAT&T Shannon Research Labs, Florham Park, NJ, USA.