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Information technology and the health sciences

Pr. François MANIEZDirecteur du CRTT (Centre de Recherche en Terminologie et Traduction)Responsable du Master Langues (Mention Langues Étrangères Appliquées)Responsable du Master 2 et du doctorat LTMT (Lexicologie et Terminologie Multilingues, Traductologie)Université Lumière Lyon 2, 86 rue Pasteur  69365 Lyon Cedex 704 78 69 72 13  [email protected]

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The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential

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medulla oblongata

TA alternative for myelencephalon; the truncated cone of nerve tissue continuous above with the pons and below with the spinal cord.

bulbe rachidien n. m. spinal bulb, medulla oblongataGDT : Partie basse du tronc cérébral située entre la moelle cervicale et la protubérance annulaire […].

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A translation tool combining an editorial dictionary and a search engine with which you can search through hundreds of millions of bilingual texts for words and expressions. The Linguee search results are divided into two sections.

On the left hand side you will see results from our reliable editorial dictionary. The results are displayed clearly and offer you a quick overview of the translation options.

On the right hand side, you will find example sentences from other sources to provide you with an impression of how your search expression has been translated in context.

Linguee will show translations for expressions such as "strong evidence", "strong relationship" or "strong opinion", and even for rare expressions or specific technical terms.

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Search for "thoracic wall"  on Linguee

General thoracic surgery is a surgical specialty and is dedicated to diseases and injuries of the thoracic wall and all the organs in the chest with the exception of the heart and aorta.

[...] générale est spécialisée dans les maladies et traumatismes de la paroi thoracique et de tous les organes à l'intérieur de la cage thoracique, à l'exception du cœur et de l'aorte.

Projection of thoracic viscera on the  thoracic wall. Projections des viscères thoraciques sur la paroi du tronc. [...] significantly higher assessment in the vicinity of the thoracic

wall using image processing. Nos évaluations sont nettement meilleures au voisinage de la paroi

thoracique avec le traitement d'image. Pectoral Anatomy: the great pectoral is shaped like a fan and it

occupies most part of the thoracic wall. [...] pectoral a la forme d'un éventail et occupe la plus grande partie

de la paroi thoracique. [...] the body, neither too close to the thoracic wall nor turned out. Coudes: Dans l'axe du corps, pas trop serrés contre la paroi

thoracique ni en dehors .

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Observation #1

The problems of specialized translation are not restricted to the mastery of specialized terminology.

Common words are more likely to be polysemous and are consequently another source of difficulty.

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William J. Gladstone (2002) (1) évolution caractéristique,

aspect, motif, disposition, schéma, pattern, scénario, configuration.

(2) modèle, dessin (3) morphologie d’un tracé, d’un


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American Heritage Dictionary 1.a. A model or an original used as an

archetype. b. A person or thing considered worthy of imitation. […] 5. A consistent, characteristic form, style, or method.

[Middle English patron, from Old French. from Medieval Latin patronus, from Latin, from pater, patr-, father.

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William J. Gladstone (2002) crawl = 0 crawling (adj) : rampant AHD 1. To move slowly on the

hands and knees or by dragging the body along the ground; creep.

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The lessons I learned

Be terminologically prepared! The accuracy of a translation given by a

simultaneous interpreter very often cannot be checked by either party.

It is translators’ moral duty not to abuse the power they are entrusted with

Form is at least as important as content for the recipient of a written translation

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The Master CISS curriculum

Language skills (translation, writing) Knowledge in the medical field Information Technology Master 2 de Communication Internationale en

Sciences de la Santé (Google: m2ciss)

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Core medical subjects

Anatomy Physiology Semiology Immunology Cellular biology Statistics

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The role of information technology

An ally for physicians and medical writers

An ally, but also a potential threat for translators (CAT vs. MT)

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Google Translate

With the increasing availability of nonsurgical therapies for conditions previously treated by surgery (peptic ulcer disease and reflux oesophagitis come to mind), the pool of patients who may benefit from some of the new approaches is shrinking.

Avec la disponibilité de thérapies non chirurgicales pour augmenter préalablement traitées par des conditions de la chirurgie (ulcère gastroduodénal et de l'oesophagite de reflux de l'esprit), le bassin de patients qui bénéficient de certaines des nouvelles approches peuvent se rétrécit.

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Google : travauxmaniez MANIEZ, François (2008) : « Traduction

automatique et ambiguïté syntaxique : le cas de la coordination dans les groupes nominaux complexes en anglais médical » in HEIDEN, Serge et Bénédicte PINCEMIN (dir.) JADT 2008 : actes des 9es journées internationales d'analyse statistique des données textuelles, Lyon, 12-14 mars 2008, pp. 765-776. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon (

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This technique is very attractive conceptually, although many important questions about the physiologic function and duration of effect of the expressed gene will need to be addressed before its importance in the modification of vascular diseases can be determined.

Cette technique est très attrayante conceptuellement, bien que beaucoup de questions importantes au sujet de la fonction physiologique et de la durée de l'effet du gène exprimé doivent être abordées avant que son importance dans la modification des maladies vasculaires puisse être déterminée.

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GT and syntactic ambiguities

We compared the antiemetic efficacy and safety of ondansetron with that of two other drugs.

Nous avons comparé l'efficacité antiémétique de l'ondansétron et la sécurité avec celle des deux autres médicaments.

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Management algorithms would be more useful than figures showing anecdotal responses to cholesterol-lowering medications or photographs of patients doing push-ups

Algorithmes de gestion serait plus utile que des chiffres montrant des réponses anecdotiques aux hypocholestérolémiants ou des photographies de patients faisant push-ups

Le push-up, mouvement vulgairement connu sous le nom de « pompe », a pour dénomination scientifique le terme «redressement brachial». Le terme est toutefois peu usité.

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In general, the probability of physical dependence increases as the daily dose and duration of treatment increase.

En général, la probabilité de dépendance physique augmente à mesure que la dose journalière et la durée de l'augmentation de traitement.

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The acquisition of information on the overall diagnosis and management of patients with gastrointestinal bleeding has become easier with the availability of this book.

L'acquisition d'information sur le diagnostic et la gestion globale des patients atteints de saignements gastro-intestinaux est devenu plus facile avec la disponibilité de ce livre.

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Repeated endoscopic examinations and analyses of stools did not reveal pathologic findings.

La répétition des examens endoscopiques et des analyses de selles n'ont pas révélé de résultats pathologiques.

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The options for treatment include corticosteroids, cerebrospinal fluid shunting procedures, and surgical removal or decompression of cysts.

Les options de traitement comprennent les corticostéroïdes, les procédures de triage céphalo fluide, et l'ablation chirurgicale de décompression ou de kystes.

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Second, hemochromatosis can be detected before any clinical signs or symptoms of disease develop and even before hepatic iron loading occurs.

Deuxièmement, l'hémochromatose peut être détectée avant que des signes ou symptômes cliniques de la maladie de développer et avant même que la surcharge en fer hépatique survient.

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French for ‘hepatic iron loading’?

GDT : iron loading test = épreuve d'hypersidérémie provoquée

 G : Aucun résultat trouvé pour "hypersidérémie hépatique".

G : "hepatic iron loading" hépatique Il est défini par l'association d'une

surcharge hépatique en fer de type ... Les mécanismes aboutissant à une

surcharge hépatique en fer sont une absorption intestinale ..... Implications for hepatic iron loading in iron overload states. ...

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"surcharge hépatique en fer"  > 3m "surcharge en fer hépatique" >1,5m

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What skills should be mastered?

Word processing Data Base Management programs

(compiling glossaries) Computer Assisted Translation software Corpus linguistics Finding relevant medical and linguistic

information on line Assessing the linguistic validity of Internet


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Corpus building and information retrieval

The duplex scan confirmed severe reflux (grades III and IV) in ...

valves in 4 other limbs. Severe reflux was seen on the descending ...

descending phlebography, more severe reflux was found on duplex scanning. ...

0.076). 11 limbs with severe reflux (grades III or IV) detected ...

while only 2 limbs with severe reflux on descending phlebography would have ...

with post-thrombotic changes had severe reflux on duplex scan (chi sup ...

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Automatic detection of syntactically ambiguous structures

The ability of PET to detect cancer is based on the altered substrate requirements of malignant cells, which result from increased nucleic acid and protein synthesis and glycolysis.

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Using search engines to access online multilingual translation corpora

"acharnement thérapeutique" inurl:europarl. over-treatment, aggressive treatment

encarnizamiento terapéutico >32m, accanimento terapeutico 512m, encarniçamento terapêutico >1,5m obstinação terapêutica >9m, verbissenen Einsatzes der Medizin (1)

Linguee :therapeutic intervention, aggressive (medical) treatment, therapeutic obstinacy, artificial prolongation of life, life-prolonging measures, intrusive medical interventions

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Using search engines to check the currency of a given phrase

Search engines can be used to look for translations of multi-word units or collocations

Whole « chunks » can be reproduced by non-native English speakers for writing or translation purposes Do not be afraid to translate into English.

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Assessing the linguistic validity of Internet content

Dispelling a tendency to an overly naive approach

Much of the content is not peer-reviewed

A non-negligible amount of the scientific information that is available online is posted by non-natives

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Detection and search of online glossaries, translators’ mailing

lists and web sites, medical data bases

Glosspost ProZ The Unified Medical Language System

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Sources for translation equivalents

60% : paper dictionary10% : online data base or

dictionary10% : human expert20% : found on the Web

Information technology has become an ally that cannot be ignored by language specialists who work in the medical field.

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Polysemy problems in the definition of a medical term

the pyramidal region between the upper thoracic wall and the upper limb, its base formed by the skin and apex bounded by the approximation of the clavicle, coracoid process, and first rib […]

Google images : coracoid process GT : La région pyramidale entre la paroi supérieure

thoraciques et du membre supérieur, sa base formée par la peau et l'apex délimité par le rapprochement de la clavicule, coracoïde, et la première côte.

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approximate Function:adjective Etymology:Late Latin approximatus, past participle

of approximare to come near, from Latin ad- + proximare to come near

1 : located close together *approximate leaves* 2 : nearly correct or exact *an approximate solution* Function:verb 1 a : to bring near or close b : to bring (cut edges of

tissue) together2 : to come near to or be close to in position, value, or characteristics *a child tries to approximate his parents' speech*

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1 : the act or process of drawing together 2 : the quality or state of being close or

near *an approximation to the truth* *an approximation of justice*

3 : something that is approximate; especially : a mathematical quantity that is close in value to but not the same as a desired quantity

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Function:noun Etymology:Middle English proces, from Middle French, from Latin

processus, from procedere 1 a : PROGRESS, ADVANCE *in the process of time* b : something

going on : PROCEEDING 2 a (1) : a natural phenomenon marked by gradual changes that lead

toward a particular result *the process of growth* (2) : a natural continuing activity or function *such life processes as breathing* b : a series of actions or operations conducing to an end; especially : a continuous operation or treatment especially in manufacture

3 a : the whole course of proceedings in a legal action b : the summons, mandate, or writ used by a court to compel the appearance of the defendant in a legal action or compliance with its orders

4 : a prominent or projecting part of an organism or organic structure *a bone process*

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the pyramidal region between the upper thoracic wall and the upper limb, its base formed by the skin and apex bounded by the approximation of the clavicle, coracoid process, and first rib […]

région de forme pyramidale située entre la partie supérieure de la paroi thoracique et le membre supérieur, et dont la base est constituée par [la peau / l’épiderme] et le sommet délimité par le point de rencontre de la clavicule, de l’apophyse coracoïde et de la première côte.

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Medical terms (coracoid process) can be found in Termium or the GDT

The GDT can be used in several modes (definition) Collocations (thoracic wall) cannot always be

found in those terminological data bases Syntactic ambiguities and polysemy have to be

detected by the user ex: heart sound (microphone / recording) in

Termium and the GDT G : "enregistrement * bruits * coeur"