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  1. 1. Others do business intelligence, we do Intelligent Business.
  2. 2. Company Profile Our technology What is KURBI? KURBI Development Retail Solution *Agenda
  3. 3. A new Startup company, founded in 2013 in Istanbul-Turkey Our main focus is BIG DATA and Predictive Modeling A member of SAP HANA Startup Focus Program A member of Microsoft Bizpark Program Supported by THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF TURKEY ABOUT US
  4. 4. *ourTechnology Our solution based on iBeacon technology which is a small piece of hardware functioning like an indoor GPS system, exchanging data with apps on a phone to find a users location. Your customer needs to have the app enabled so as to allow your business to use it and trigger various types of campaigns for approaching consumers.
  5. 5. Low Energy High proximity Wide Range Low cost *WhyBeacons? Beacon technology based on Bluetooth 4.0 and available on most new smartphones and have : Battery Duration: 2 Years Radius: 70 m
  6. 6. *Beaconusecases
  7. 7. Track people indoor, and understanding customers behavior which is come up with new sales strategies. Tracking& business intelligence 01
  8. 8. Depending on where the customers are in store, and if they are carrying an enabled device , they will be able to receive messages from the near beacons Mobile ProximityMarketing 01
  9. 9. Knowing a customer's exact location means it is easy to deliver information which is relevant to them at that precise moment and context Micro-locationand user targeting 01
  10. 10. with the micro location targeting, it is easier to offer users valuable information on navigating large areas such as shopping centers , airports or museums Indoor Navigation 01
  11. 11. Particularly interesting for museums and cities a user could be guided through the points of interest as well as providing further information on their visit Mobile tour guides 01
  12. 12. *whatisKURBI KURBI is our mobile platform on which we are developing innovative applications for location based and personalized services
  13. 13. *HowKURBIworks? Shop Owner Creates the Content 01. 03. 04. 02. Content is recorded on Cloud Servers Beacon locates the customer Content retrieved from the Cloud Content displayed on mobile phones and smart panels 05.
  14. 14. KURBIMOBILE SDK Using our KURBI Beacon together with KURBI SDK and location service in order to get micro location information in your mobile application SDK : IOS and Android SDK for your mobile app Location Service : Retrieve micro location information through our web services
  15. 15. *KURBIMobileApps KURBI Event KURBI Museum KURBI Retail
  16. 16. Provides a simple and secure interface to KURBI platform. Through the CMS, licensed users can access the full suite of capabilities, including campaign management, Application management, analytics, live map, beacon management and platform administration. A highly visual and intuitive design makes it easy to get started. KURBICMS (ContentManagementSystem)
  17. 17. *TemplateDesign Design and build beautiful mobile-friendly content that engages consumers. Even marketers with no graphic design experience can quickly create compelling mobile experiences.
  18. 18. *Livemap KURBI provides collecting real time location data from the mobile app and display all of the active users real time on the floor plan
  19. 19. *Analytics KURBI Analytics provides Retailers with different kind of charts (line chart , bubble chart and heat map) to represent store traffic, visit duration and much more like a specified visitor behavior.
  20. 20. *Opportunities ADVERTISEMENT Indoor & Outdoor Personalized Advertisement RESTAURANTS Menu, price lists, special promotions on mobile phone MUSEUMS & ART GALLERIES Location based content at museums and exhibitions CITY GAMES &GUIDES Thousands of people can play real time games like treasure hunt BANKING Mobile wallet RETAIL Loyalty programs to engage customers
  21. 21. *KURBIRetail With more than 90% of retail sales still taking place in physical retail stores and two-thirds of consumers using their mobile device while they shop, retailers and brand advertisers have a huge opportunity to engage and influence shoppers where and when it matters by using our KURBI retail solution.
  22. 22. 1.Real time customer loyalty programs 2.Service and product catalog, wish list and shopping basket 3.Both IOS and Android Operating Systems are supported, 4.Mobile payment 5.Understand the customer behaviors based on several criteria like sex, marital status, education level and age group 6.Indoor navigation to locate the products and services in the wish list 7.Location Based Customer Complaints Management 8.Rule based intelligent campaign management & predictive analytics (road map) 9.Customer Support Call and live map *BUSINESSVALUE
  23. 23. *HowKURBIRetailworks?
  25. 25. Capturing shoppers attention Educating shoppers on the tools available to them to make informed buying decisions It makes mobile messaging in any location or application measurable and accountable instantly Giving the retailer the platform to communicate to consumers instantly and giving the consumers the option to be immediately notified of a good offer in their area *TRACKANDDRIVETRAFFIC 11
  26. 26. Retailers are able to attract consumers, transact with them and measure the effectiveness of their actions efficiently and quickly Recommending social events Turn by turn navigation to any address Requesting the nearest business or service, such as an ATM or restaurant *TRACKANDDRIVETRAFFIC 11
  27. 27. Bonus campaigns based on number of visits to specified location Location-based mobile advertising, Digital coupons and promotions on mobile phones *CUSTOMERENGAGEMENT 11
  28. 28. Personalized ads can be displayed on LCD panels based on the social media profile Custom made messages can be displayed such as for birthdays, valentine's day etc. *DISPLAYPERSONALIZEDMEDIAONLCD PANELS
  29. 29. Games where your location is part of the game play, for example your movements during your day make your avatar move in the game or your position unlocks content. visitors all together can play games like treasure hunt, etc. *CITYGAMES 11
  30. 30. ThankYou