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The Industrial Revolution

Chapter 19


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Introduction The Industrial

Revolution saw a shift from an economy based on farming and handicrafts to an economy based on manufacturing by machines and industrial factories.

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The Cottage Industry Before

industrialization, much of the work such as spinning and weaving cotton into cloth was done by individuals in their own home.

This is known as the cottage industry.

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Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution first began in Great

Britain in the 1750s. The Industrial Revolution spread to other

parts of the world at different speeds. Belgium, France and Germany were quick to

industrialize. The Industrial Revolution also hit the United

States and greatly effected the growing nation.

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Industrial Revolution Industrialization is the move to machine

production of goods. Britain became the world’s greatest industrial

nation. Improved farming methods increased the food

supply, which drove food prices down and gave families more money for manufactured goods.

The increased food supply also supported a growing population.

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Mechanization During the first half of the 19th century, the

European manufacturing process shifted from small-scale production by hand at home to large-scale production by machine in a factory setting.

Factories — buildings that contain machinery for manufacturing

New inventions made it more efficient to bring workers to the factories.

Use of machines to do work is called mechanization.

The cottage industry was no longer efficient.

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Great Britain in the Industrial Revolution

Britain had abundant natural resources and a supply of markets, in part because of its colonial empire (American Colonies).

Great Britain had surged ahead in the production of cotton goods.

Britain has all needed factors of production —land, labor, capital

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Textile Industry

By 1840 cotton cloth was Britain’s most valuable product.

Its cotton goods were sold all over the world.

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Textile Industry Weavers work faster with

flying shuttles and spinning jennies

Water frame uses water power to drive spinning wheels

Power loom, spinning mule speed up production, improve quality

The cotton gin boosts American cotton production to meet British demand

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Steam PowerNeed for cheap,

convenient power spurs development of steam engine

James Watt improves steam engine

Robert Fulton builds first steamboat, the Clermont, in 1807

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The Railway Age The steam engine drove Great Britain’s Industrial

Revolution. Steam engines were powered by coal. This led to the coal industry expanding. The coal supply

seemed unlimited. Coal also transformed the iron industry. Iron had been made in England since the Middle Ages but

due to new inventions and technology, the iron industry boomed.

In 1740 Britain produced 17,000 tons of iron. By 1852, Britain was producing almost 3 million tons of iron annually.

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The Role of the RailroadsRailroads were an

efficient way to move resources and goods, railroads were crucial to the Industrial Revolution.

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The Role of the Railroads The railroads, built during the 1830s and 1840s:

Building railroads was a new job for farm laborers and peasants.

Enabled people to leave the place of their birth and migrate easily to the cities.

Allowed cheaper and more rapid transport of raw materials and finished products.

Created an increased demand for iron and steel and a skilled labor force.

The less expensive transportation lowered the price of goods and made for larger markets.

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Engineering Empire – The Rocket

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Effects of the Industrial Revolution

Industrialization changes the way people live and work,

introducing a variety of benefits as well as problems.

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Positive Effects of Industrialization

Immediate benefits: Creates jobs, enriches

nation, encourages technological progress

Education expands, clothing cheaper, diet and housing improve

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More Jobs, More Opportunities More jobs created during the Industrial

Revolution meant more people could improve their lives.

The middle class—made up of skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers—did well.

They enjoyed comfortable lives in pleasant homes.

This class began to grow in size, and some people grew wealthier than the nobles who had dominated society for many centuries.

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Population Growth As a result of better

jobs, more food, many countries see a large boom in population

Growing population provides more work force and a larger market for factory goods









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Population Growth The population of the

United States continued to grow as well.

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Conditions in the Countryside During the Industrial Revolution,

many lands were converted from farming to sheep raising, leaving farm workers without jobs

The only successful farmers were those with large landholdings who could afford agricultural innovations.

Most peasants: Didn’t have enough land to support

themselves Were devastated by poor harvests

(e.g., the Irish Potato Famine of 1845-47)

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Urban Growth Those who could no longer make

a living on the land migrated from the countryside to the cities to seek work in the factories.

This led to urbanization — city-building and movement of people to cities

The number of cities with more than 100,000 people doubled between 1800 and 1850.




% Population


France &Germany


1850: Population Living in Cities

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The Plight of the Cities The sheer number of human beings put pressure on city

resources: Housing, water, sewers, food supplies, and lighting were

completely inadequate. Rapidly growing cities lack sanitary codes, building codes Slums grew and disease, especially cholera, sweep

through and ravaged the population. The average life span of a person living in a city was 17

years—compared to 38 years in the countryside. Factory pollution fouls air, poisons river Cities also without adequate housing, education, police

protection Crime increased and became a way of life for those who

could make a living in no other way.

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At the Expense of Workers The shift from cottage

industry to factories meant high quality products at competitive prices, but often at the expense of workers. For example: Average working day was 14

hours for 6 days a week, year round

Dirty, poorly lit factories injure or kill the workers

Many coal miners killed by coal dust, mine collapses

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The Condition of Labor All working people, however,

faced possible unemployment, with little or no provision for security.

In addition, they were subject to various kinds of discipline: The closing of factory gates to

late workers Fines for tardiness Dismissal for drunkenness Public censure for poor quality

workmanship Beatings for non-submissiveness

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Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution Children had been an

important part of the family economy in preindustrial times.

They worked in the fields or at home in cottage industries.

In the Industrial Revolution, however, child labor was

exploited. Children as young as 6 work in

factories; many are injured or killed.

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Children and Women in the Workplace

Both women and children enjoyed being employed and paid, some for the first time ever.

However, both children and women were paid a substantially lower income than their adult, male counterparts.

Oftentimes, they performed the same, if not harder/more dangerous jobs.

Women and children were ideal for working the machines in factories. They are smaller and have a delicate touch.

They could easily squeeze around or under machines… sometimes with deadly consequences.

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Why do you think factory owners allowed the exploitation of

children or women?

How do you feel about that?

Is this the same thing still occurring in places like China or

other countries?

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Work or Riot? Many people did not like their

working conditions. Workers tried to organize

secretly, but they lacked a political voice and were powerless to affect change.

Frustration sometimes turned to violence and workers would riot and smash machines or products.

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Labor Unions In time, the workers gained a voice. Labor Unions or organizations of

workers were created to speak out against poor conditions.

Eventually labor laws were created to protect the workers.

Inspections were mandatory at factories. Children were removed from factories

and age limits and hours were established.

This led to better wages and higher standards of living.

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Can you think of modern day labor laws that are in place to

protect workers from exploitation like during the

Industrial Revolution?

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Economic and Political Reform

The Industrial Revolution would also lead to economic, social, and political reforms.

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Laissez-Faire Some economists thought

that the government should leave business owners alone. Their view was called laissez-faire, from a French phrase meaning “let people do as they please.”

Basically, the government stays out of economic affairs.

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Can you explain positive and negative consequences to


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Capitalism American Economist Adam Smith argued that

putting no limits on business or on trade would help a nation’s economy grow the most.

He and other writers supported a system called capitalism.

In a capitalist economy, people invest their money in businesses to make a profit.

Government has limited control in businesses such as setting regulations, preventing monopolies and even bailing out failing companies.

For the most part, the government

stays out of economy.

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The only difference between laissez-fair and capitalism is

government involvement.

Do you think it is necessary to government to be involved in the economy, even if just a

little bit.

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Socialism Some thinkers went further and urged that

businesses should be owned by society as a whole, not by individuals.

In this case, few people could not grow wealthy at the expense of many. Instead, all would enjoy the benefits of increased production.

People felt that all production should be directed for every on now individuals in society.

This view—called socialism—grew out of a belief in progress and a concern for justice and fairness.

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Communism A German thinker named Karl Marx wrote about a

radical form of socialism called Marxism. He said that the rich and poor were bound to

oppose one another in the struggle for power. Over time, he said, the capitalist system would destroy itself.

The great mass of the proletariat (workers) would rebel against the wealthy few.

Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto in

which he described communism, a form of

complete socialism in which all production is owned by the people.

In the early 1900s, these ideas would inspire revolution and a new government/economic style.

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Communism Communism is a social and political structure in which

classes are abolished and all property is commonly controlled (typically by a strong, central government). It advocates and aims to create a common society in which everyone is has equal share. The central government makes ALL major economic decisions. It controls the wealth: land, mines, factories, banks,

transportation. It decides what products, crops are produced; sets prices and

divides shares equally. Many times, this also means that the government controls all

aspects of citizens’ lives.

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Discuss the positive and negative aspects to socialism


Could it truly work?

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The Industrial Revolution changed the world. Not only for the countries in Europe or the U.S., but countries globally would be feeling

the effects from a practice known as imperialism.

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Imperialism Countries that had adopted an industrial economy

enjoyed more wealth and power than those that had not.

The countries of Europe, the U.S. and Japan soon began to take advantage of lands in Africa and Asia.

They used these lands as sources of raw materials needed for their factories. They saw the people only as markets for the goods they made.

They took control of these lands, a practice called imperialism.

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European Power and Influence in China Having long time interest in China,

European powers seek to access profitable Chinese markets.

In the 1800’s, treaties force a weak China to give Europeans privileges - spheres of influence — territory

awarded to European nations & Japan

The Chinese, angered over outside control leads to the 1900 Boxer Rebellion

- Chinese militants kill Europeans, Chinese Christians and take back China

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Imperialism in Asia

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Europeans Exploit Africa European

colonizers also exploited Africa’s resources, people millions sold into

slavery or died from harsh working conditions

Land was mined, drilled; environment was ignored

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Imperialism in Africa

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The United States and Imperialism In the late 19th century, the

United States rapidly expanded it’s territorial possessions.

It started with the Mexican-American War in 1846 where the U.S. annexed Texas (which was claimed by Mexico) and then quickly occupied New Mexico and California.

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The United States and Imperialism The war was brief, yet

bloody and the United States came out victorious.

The result of the United States victory of the Mexican American War was the expansion of the United States to reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

New American territory as a result of the treaty of

Gaudalupe Hidalgo.

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The United States and Imperialism In1898, the U.S. was involved

in another conflict known as the Spanish American War.

The U.S. claimed yet another victory and as a result would claim Spanish territory of Cuba, Puerto Rico and Pacific Spanish colonies such as the Philippines, Guam as well as claiming the islands of Hawaii.

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Effects of Imperialism

Centralized governments with lots of corruption

No regard for tribal or national boundaries

Loss of resourcesCultural & ethnic oppressionLittle or no infrastructureLittle or no education

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The Jungle Book The book and films by

Rudyard Kipling, “The Jungle Book”, takes place in British occupied India in 1895.

The 1994 Disney movie follows Mowgli, a boy raised in the wild, and his struggle to adapt to civilized life under the British rule.

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Ghost and the Darkness Set in Africa at the end of

the 19th century. The film is based on real life accounts of two man-eating lions that attacked and killed hundreds of workers in British occupied Tsavo, Kenya during the building of the African Uganda-Mombasa Railway in 1898.

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Inventions During the I.R. The Steam Engine,

invented by James Watt in 1775

The Cotton Gin, invented by Eli Whitney in 1798

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Inventions During the I.R.

The locomotive, invented by Robert Trevithick in 1804

The Steamboat, invented by Robert Fulton in 1807

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Inventions During the I.R.

The first Photograph, invented by Joseph Niépce in 1826

The Telegraph invented by Samuel Morse in 1836 Also the first time electricity was controlled

and used to power something

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Inventions During the I.R.

The Telephone, invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876

The Light Bulb, invented by Thomas Edison in 1879

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Family guy phone

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Inventions During the I.R.

Gasoline powered automobile, invented by Karl Benz in 1885

The Airplane invented by Orville and Wilbur Wright in 1903