Download - INDIANA FIRST RESPONSE MAP APPLICATION FOR FIRST RESPONDERS End-user Customization Presented By: Phil Worrall GIS Director, Pinnacle Mapping Technologies,



End-user CustomizationPresented By: Phil WorrallGIS Director, Pinnacle Mapping Technologies, Inc.



– Application– Data

• Introduction to ArcReader & ArcPublisher• Installing the INFRM Application & Data• Key Features of the INFRM ArcReader Application• INFRM Application Demo (Sullivan Co Prototype)• INFRM Customization

– Themes & Saved Views– Creating your own INFRM .INI file– Publishing your own PMF– Program Source Code Customization

• Another FREE GIS Viewing Application (AccuGlobe)

What is the INFRM Application?

• A tool for Emergency Management and Public Safety Personnel to quickly and easily view, query and search digital maps to support First Response efforts.

• The INFRM Application is a FREEWARE application written in C#.NET for use with ESRI’s ArcReader free GIS viewer technology.

• INFRM data is published using ESRI’s ArcGIS Publisher Extension and consists of the 2005 Indiana Statewide orthophotography overlaid with over 60 selected statewide vector graphics layers.(Appendix B)

• INFRM also supports the search and display of hazardous material information from the 2004 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG2004) chemical database

Introduction to ArcReader & ArcPublisher

• A free, easy-to-use GIS mapping application that allows users to view, explore, and print digital map data

• Allow any user to view maps created with ArcGIS Publisher

• Leverage your investment in GIS data by publishing content to a wide audience

• Provide read-only viewing and query capabilities to your enterprise GIS data

• Allow non-GIS users to work with maps• Create a unified user experience across a

variety of operating systems• Distribute digital maps on CD/DVD-ROM• Create custom application programs built

using the ArcReader SDK

Generic ArcReader

Generic ArcReader

The Indiana First Response Map Application

Introduction to ArcReader & ArcPublisher

• An ESRI Extension to create pmf files in ArcGIS

Demonstrate how easy it is to publish a file for ArcReader

Installing the INFRM Application & Data

• INFRM Custom Installer*– Application– Vector Data– Documentation

• ArcReader 9.1

• 2005 County Imagery Mosaics– Township Mosaics created for each Indiana County– MrSID - MG3 format 50:1cr

*Operating System Requirements: Microsoft Windows 2000 (SP2 or higher), or Windows XP (SP2 or higher). See Appendix A for detailed Installation Instructions

Key Features of the INFRM ArcReader Application

• The custom Graphical User Interface (GUI)

• Custom Pull-down Manu• Custom Tools• Custom Buttons

Magnify WindowTable of Contents (TOC)

Current Tool

Map Viewing Tabs

Custom Buttons Date/Time Display

View Controls

Current View Scale Cursor X,Y Coordinate Display

Identify Attribute Window

Navigation Window

Custom Tools

Pull-Down Menu

Three (3) Map Viewing Tabs

Three (3) Map Viewing Tabs

Three (3) Map Viewing Tabs

Three (3) Map Viewing Tabs

Data & Layout View

Custom Pull-Down Menu

Custom Tools

Custom Tools


Custom Buttons

INFRM Application Demo

• Sullivan Co Prototype

Indiana First Response Map.lnk

INFRM Customization• Customize the application by creating your own

Saved Views, Themes, and Initialization (.ini) files customized for different types of end-users or uses (e.g. police, fire, emergency management, etc…)

• The INFRM application can also open custom .pmf files to access different GIS data. A custom .pmf file can be created using ESRI’s ArcGIS software with the ArcPublisher extension.

• The C#.NET source code for the INFRM application is FREEWARE. A copy of the source code can be obtained from the State of Indiana and further customized to meet specific needs