Download - India e-Newsletter December 2011

  • ISSUE NO. 1 ; Vol. XXIX Website: December 2011

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas to be Held in Jaipur

    Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago to be Chief Guest The 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) will be held from 7-9 January, 2012 in Jaipur. Addressing a press conference, Shri Vayalar Ravi, the Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs and Civil Aviation announced that the Chief Guest of PBD-2012 will be the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Ms. Kamla Persad Bissessar. The theme of PBD-2012 is Global Indian-Inclusive Growth. He further said that Rajasthan will be the partner State of the 10th PBD, which would provide the Diaspora an opportunity to understand the vibrant culture and potential of State.

    Shri Ravi said that Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh will inaugurate this annual flagship event of the Ministry on January 8, and the President Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil will deliver the valedictory address on January 9 and confer the Pravasi Bhartiya Samman Awards. He also informed that two pre-conference seminars on Solar Energy- Investment and R&D and Social Entrepreneurship-Water will also be organized during the event.

    The Minister said that more than 1500 delegates are expected to participate in PBD-2012 from all over the world. He said that Government is making efforts to make PBD more meaningful and interactive event that would address issues and concerns of the overseas Indian community effectively. He also announced that the event would be webcast online and summary of proceedings put out each day. The interactive website would provide an opportunity for the Diaspora to participate in the conference from any corner of the world. On the occasion, he also launched the PBD website-

    Speaking in the conference, Shri Rajendra Pareek the Minister of Industries, NRIs, and State Enterprises of Rajasthan said that Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is an efforts to bring Indian Diaspora on one forum, which expresses the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. He also extended all kind of support and cooperation from Rajasthan Government to make the 10th PBD successful. For More Details Log on To :

    Prime Minister Inaugurates 15th World Sanskrit Conference

    Sanskrit, which is recognized as one of the oldest living languages of the world, is often misunderstood as only a language of religious hymns and rituals. This was stated by Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister while inaugurating the 15th World Sanskrit Conference, here today. He said, Such an understanding does injustice to the great genius of this language and betrays ignorance of the work of great writers, thinkers, sages and scientists like Kautilya, Charaka, Sushruta, Aryabhata, Varahamihira, Brahmagupta, Bhaskaracharya and many others. Indeed, Sanskrit, is much more than a language. It is a complete knowledge system that embodies the great learning traditions of ancient India. The Prime Minister stated that Sanskrit language has also been the source of values and ideals that have sustained India through the ages. He said, Like the great civilization of India, Sanskrit does not belong to any particular race, sect or religion. It represents a culture that is not narrow and sectarian but open, tolerant and all embracing. The open-minded seers and thinkers who spelt out their vision and philosophy in the sacred Vedas and the Upanishads were able to balance the opposites in their life and in philosophy. It is this spirit of liberalism and tolerance imbedded in Sanskrit that we must inculcate in our present-day life. The message of the ancient sages of India, who gave us the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, the world as one family, continues to be of great significance to the world even today. The Prime Minister said , I am sure that the deliberations of this Conference will not only lead to a better understanding of the various areas of Sanskrit Studies, but will also result in a better appreciation of Indias culture, our values, our ideals and our world-view. He also said that in the course of time, we will further strengthen our efforts for the promotion, development and enrichment of Sanskrit Speaking on the occasion, Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development stated that within India if there is unity amidst diversity, he felt it should be attributable to Sanskrit. As almost all of our modern Indian languages are offshoots of Sanskrit, and owe most of their vocabulary and their forms of expressions to Sanskrit, he added. He said, It is thus well accepted that Sanskrit is an ocean from which we can harvest gems and pearls of knowledge and wisdom by churning it purposefully- akin to the mythological churning of the ocean that yielded the Amritamanthana. Sir, I believe that the allegory of Amritamanthana has become more relevant in todays world from

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    News about India

    Report: India to emerge

    as third largest smart grid


    Economy & Investment

    Doing Business with India Sectoral Profile Gems and Jewellery

    Feature: India as a Growing Vaccine Hub ICC Events

    News in Hindi Trade Enquiries

    Bharat Darshan Events

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    another perspective too. It teaches us how to resolve conflicting interests for a common purpose or a mission and I am confident that this percept is as much valid in the field of politics as it is to the academic and scholastic fields. So let us collectively work together at the Conference and beyond to churn and derive from Sanskrit as much of knowledge and wisdom as we can. The Minister pointed out that not only is India promoting Sanskrit but other countries too are doing so as well. He said, I was thus pleasantly surprised to learn that the Government of Mauritius in June 2011 has passed a bill for Spoken Sanskrit in its national Assembly; making provisions for well-being, development, relationships and common problems of the Sanskrit-speaking peoples of the world. While Sanskrit studies are pursued at collegiate level in many countries of the world, it is quite heartening to note that some of the schools in England and New Zealand have recently made provisions for including Sanskrit in their curriculum at primary and secondary school levels too. I am told that the a Sanskrit rock band Shanti Shanti, in USA, have released their sixth album titled Veda containing shlokas from all the four Vedas. Recently, a renowned pop singer in China too has been singing hymns in Sanskrit. These developments augur well for the rejuvenation of Sanskrit. The International Association of Sanskrit Studies (IASS) at its Conference held in Kyoto agreed that the 15th World Sanskrit Conference be held at Delhi jointly with the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. About two hundred scholars from 32 countries and about a thousand scholars from India are participating in this Conference. The IASS owes its origin to an International Sanskrit Conference that was held in Delhi in 1972 and was sponsored by the Government of India in collaboration with UNESCO. Since its inception, the IASS has been organizing the World Sanskrit Conference every three years, with three previous Conferences having been held in India.

    Prime Minister of Japan Visits India

    The Prime Minister of Japan, H.E. Mr. Yoshihiko Noda, paid a State Visit to India for the Annual Summit of the Prime Ministers on 27-28 December 2011 at the invitation of the Prime Minister of India, H.E. Dr. Manmohan Singh. The two Prime Ministers held extensive talks on bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest on 28 December 2011.

    The meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Japanese premier Yoshihiko Noda, the sixth of the annual India-Japan summits, is a marker of the steady progress. It yielded the first official confirmation since Japan's devastating tsunami-earthquake-Fukushima meltdown that the country has not shut the door on a civilian nuclear deal with India. While Mr. Noda stressed the importance of learning the right lessons from Japan's nuclear accident, it appears that negotiations on a deal to assist India develop peaceful nuclear energy will continue. His pledge of $4.5 billion over the next five years for the development of the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, a commitment of financial assistance for two more infrastructure projects Phase 3 of the Delhi Metro and a biodiversity conservation project in West Bengal and his interest in sharing high-speed railway technology with India are significant. Japan's enhancement of its currency swap arrangement from $3 billion to $15 billion will help India better manage the rupee's slump against the dollar. This should also boost financial cooperation and economic and trade ties, which are currently far below potential. The Indian side wants more Japanese investment. For its part, Japan, which has just lifted a longstanding ban on the export of weapons, will be looking to sell defence hardware to New Delhi.

    Prime Minister Noda's visit capped a year of intense bilateral activity. The Foreign Ministers held a strategic dialogue in October, followed by talks between the defence ministers. In February, the two sides signed the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement covering trade in goods as well as services; it came into effect in August. Earlier this month, India, Japan, and the United States held their first trilateral strategic dialogue. It is creditable that despite the political instability in Japan, and the scandal-induced paralysis in India, both countries managed to fit in these high-level exchanges. It is crucial that growing India-Japan ties are viewed independently of each country's relations with China. New Delhi and Beijing are engaged in improving relations at various levels, including trade, eventually aiming to amicably resolve the boundary question. China is Japan's biggest trading partner; the two have a bilateral trade of $340 billion that neither can afford to endanger. The fears expressed in a section of China's news media that Mr. Noda's visit is part of a containment strategy aimed at Beijing are needless. The Chinese government has done well to play them down. Hindu Online

    Text of the Joint Statement is available at: Vision for the Enhancement of India-Japan Strategic and Global

    Partnership upon entering the year of the 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations

    Ratan Tata names


    Cyrus Mistry will be the new Chairman of the $71-billion Tata Group, succeeding incumbent Ratan Tata who retires in December 2012, Tatas announced on November 23. Cyrus is the youngest son of construction tycoon Pallonji Mistry and belongs to a family which is one of the largest shareholders in the Tata Group.

    The 43-year-old Mistry scion was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tata Sons at its meeting on November 23. He will work in this position for a year till Ratan Tata lays down the Chairmans office in December 2012.

    Expressing his gratitude to the selection committee and board of directors, Mistry said: I feel deeply honored by this appointment. I am aware that an enormous responsibility, with a great legacy, has been entrusted on me.

    He said he looked forward to (Ratan) Tatas guidance in the year ahead in meeting the expectations of the Tata Group. I take this responsibility very seriously and in keeping with the values and ethics of the Tata Group, Mistry said.

    The group had set up a selection committee in 2010 to look for a successor to Ratan Tata.

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    India remains world's top recipient of remittances

    Business Standard: Toronto: For the fourth straight year, India has narrowly edged out China to emerge as the worlds top recipient of officially recorded remittances. According to the latest issue of the World Banks Migration and Development Brief released on Wednesday and containing estimates for 2011 remittances, India is expected to receive $58 billion this year, followed by $57 billion flowing to China, and $24 billion to Mexico.

    Worldwide remittances, including those to high-income countries, will reach $406 billion in 2011, of which $351 billion will flow into developing countries. Despite the global economic crisis that has impacted private capital flows, remittance flows to developing countries have remained resilient, posting an estimated growth of eight per cent in 2011, said Hans Timmer, Director of the Banks Development Prospects Group, in a release sent by the World Bank. Remittance flows to all developing regions have grown this year, for the first time since the financial crisis.

    Remittance flows to South Asia grew by a faster-than-expected 10 per cent, while the Middle East and North Africa saw the slowest growth rate among developing regions, of 2.6 per cent, due to unrest related to the Arab Spring. The bank expects continued growth in global remittance flows in the coming years, of 7.3 per cent in 2012, 7.9 per cent in 2013 and 8.4 per cent in 2014.

    According to the brief, high oil prices helped provide a cushion for remittances to South Asia from the Gulf Cooperation Council or GCC countries this year. A depreciation of currencies in large migrant-exporting countries like India, Bangladesh and Mexico also contributed to the rise in remittances.

    However, the report noted that persistent unemployment in Europe and the United States was affecting employment prospects of existing migrants and hardening political attitudes toward new immigration in those regions.

    The bank says remittance flows would benefit if the global community achieves the 5 by 5 objective agreed to by the G8 and G20 nations, of reducing global average remittance costs by 5 percentage points in 5 years. Remittance costs have fallen steadily from 8.8 per cent in 2008 to 7.3 percent in the third quarter of 2011 due to increasing competition in large volume remittance corridors such as UAE-India.

    Indias inward remittances have grown from $13 billion in 2000 to $58 billion this year, while remittances to China have jumped from $5 billion to $57 billion during the same period. The share of remittances in Chinas GDP is just under one per cent, while the inflows made up three per cent of Indias GDP last year.

    Other large recipients of remittances this year include the Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Vietnam and Egypt.

    It's destination India for global luxury brands

    The Times of India: New Delhi: Foreign retail brands are wasting no time to tap into the rapidly growing luxury retail market in India. Barely a week after the government announced the increase in FDI cap in single brand retail to 100% from 51%, an array of retailers have already announced their plans to enter the Indian market.

    Luxury brands like Vertu, Christian Loubotin, Armani Junior and several others will open their exclusive stores at DLF Emporio early next year, while brands like Van Laack and Diesel Black Gold will begin their operations within the next one month itself. "We are excited on the recent move by the government approving 100% FDI in the luxury space. Luxury has always been a sunrise sector with the capacity to grow at the rate of 25-30 % annually and it's clear that people are wanting to experience and taste luxury," said Dinaz Madhukar , V-P , DLF Emporio.

    Foreign brands like Zara, Versace, Tommy Hilfiger and several others are already present in India, albeit through franchisees or joint ventures with 51% holdings or less. Enhancement of the FDI cap has come as a deal sweetener for those brands already present, as also a welcome sign to those that have been eyeing the Indian retail market.

    Industry experts believe that the move will open the floodgates for several international brands, not interested in a partnership model , to enter the Indian market. Especially with the fast growing luxury market in India, there could not have been a more suitable time for the enhancement of FDI cap in single brand, experts reason.

    "With the increase of FDI cap in single brand retail , the options for international brands have increased. Although most brands are already present in the country either by way of joint ventures or franchisees, it opens the options for entry of those who may not have been interested in partnerships. Plus those already present might consider revising their partnerships ," said Saloni Nangia, senior vice president- Retail, Technopak.

    Rising disposable incomes of the Indian middle class is another factor, which is expected to buoy luxury spending. A study conducted by Technopak shows that the Indian luxury market, which is growing at 20%, will be nearly two and a half times its current size over the next five years.

    Page 1 India to emerge as third largest smart grid market

    The Hindu Business Line:

    The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA), the standards development body of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, predicts India would emerge as the world's third largest smart grid market after the United States and China.

    We are collaborating with technical experts in India to ensure that specific and unique inputs necessary for the Indian market are incorporated into smart grid standards. We look forward to collaborating with industry leaders, academia and other standards bodies to create more awareness about smart grid and the role of standards through events and workshops, Ms Jennie Steinhagen, Global Strategy Manager of IEEE-SA, SIG, said.

    The IEEE-SA set up a Standards Interest Group (SIG) recently to increase India's participation in the IEEE standards process in key areas such as smart grid.

    Without proper standards, the realization of smart grid would be difficult. IEEE-SA is investing in creating awareness and bringing multiple stakeholders together to transfer best practices and knowledge from Smart Grid markets and perspectives, Mr Srikanth Chandrasekaran, Chairperson of IEEE-SA India SIG, said.

    IEEE-SA has taken a lead role in the identification and development of standards for the smart grid.

    The organisation had also been holding smart grid workshops. We are also participating in large summits and events to increase awareness among key stakeholders and consumers, Mr Chandrasekaran said.

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    Foreigners allowed to invest directly in equities

    The Hindu Business Line: New Delhi: The Government has announced a new scheme under which a foreign individual, a foreign pension fund or even a foreign trust will be able to invest directly in the Indian equity market. These investors will be called Qualified Foreign Investors' (QFIs). The new scheme is expected to be operationalised from January 15.

    This has been done in order to widen the class of investors, attract more foreign funds, reduce market volatility and deepen the Indian capital market, a Finance Ministry statement said.

    The investors are already allowed direct access to Indian mutual fund schemes. The latest decision is the next logical step in the direction, the statement added.

    At present, foreign institutional investors (FIIs) or foreigners, through sub-accounts with registered FIIs, can invest in the equity market. Unregistered foreign individuals and institutions invest through participatory notes (PNs). Now, this trend will change.

    The new procedure

    However, investment is restricted to QFIs from countries that are compliant with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations and are signatories to the international body of securities market, IOSCO's, memorandum of understanding.

    This condition will allow investors from over 80 countries to access the Indian equity market, save Pakistan and some other countries.

    The QFIs will have a separate ceiling from FIIs and non-resident Indians (NRIs). A QFI can hold up to 5 per cent of paid-up equity of a company and all QFIs put together cannot hold more than 10 per cent in a company.

    All QFIs will first need to open a demat account with any depository participants (DPs), as sale and purchase of equity will be allowed only through such an account. Also, one QFI will be permitted to open only one account.

    This new category of investors will also have to fulfil the Know Your Customer' (KYC) norms prescribed by the regulators.

    The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) will issue a separate form for Permanent Account Number and KYC, especially for the QFIs. The depository participant can facilitate the QFIs to fulfil all these statutory requirements.

    Tax treatment

    Regarding tax treatment, a Finance Ministry official clarified that a separate notification would be required to be issued by the Income-Tax Department. However, this is likely to be the same as for domestic investors. However, QFIs from a country that has a double taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA) with India may get benefits like any other FII.

    On August 9, 2011, the Government had allowed QFIs to invest directly in domestic mutual fund schemes.

    These investors can now invest up to $10 billion in equity schemes, while for debt mutual fund schemes, there will be an additional limit of $3 billion. There will be no limit for one investor or one scheme.

    Overseas investment by Indian companies rises to $2.74 b in November The Hindu Business Line: December 02, 2011 Mumbai: Indian companies may be making the most of the current cheap valuation of assets overseas.According to the Reserve Bank of India data, overseas direct investment by Indian companies has grown at a steady clip in the financial year so far, with cumulative investments amounting to $23.81 billion.In the month of November, investments by Indian companies in overseas joint ventures (JV)/ wholly-owned subsidiaries (WOS) aggregated $2.74 billion, against $2.06 billion in the preceding month. Among the big overseas investments in the reporting month include $680 million equity investment by Fabindia Overseas Ltd in its UK JV (East Ltd); $556 million guarantee extended by Samvardhana Motherson Polymers Ltd to its WOS in Netherlands (Samvardhana Motherson BV); and $195 million guarantee extended by Cox & King India Ltd to its UK WOS (Prometheon Holding), according to a RBI statement. Cheap valuation of assets abroad coupled with weak sentiment in Western economies is driving Indian companies, especially those having export earnings, to actively seek acquisitions, said Mr Ramesh Krishnan, Head Treasury, Dhanlaxmi Bank.Indian companies are seeking overseas acquisitions to diversify into new markets and get technology know-how. In the April 2010-March 2011 period, Indian companies made investments aggregating $43.92 billion, against $17.98 billion in the corresponding period in the previous year.

    India overtakes Brazil as sixth largest vehicle maker New Delhi: With 7 million units, it is projected to overtake Japan, Germany and Korea by 2017; to beat initial estimate of becoming third-largest market globally by 2020. India has overtaken Brazil as the worlds sixth largest automobile manufacturing country, going by data on the first six months this year, according to the international organisation of motor vehicle manufacturers. The Organisation Internationale des Constructeurs dAutomobiles also reveals that India is steadily inching its way up on the global charts to make its mark as the third largest automobile market over the next five years, even as high interest rates and fuel prices have put a spanner on automobile sales in the domestic market. In 2009, India had raced past Spain in annual automobile production to become the seventh largest vehicle-manufacturing country in the world. India is now projected to overtake Japan, Germany and Korea to sell seven million units by 2017. This is way ahead of the initial estimate of becoming the third largest market globally by 2020. As many as 2.04 million vehicles were produced in India till June this year, 20 per cent higher than the 1.71 million units rolled out in Brazil. PricewaterhouseCoopers says India is likely to produce seven million light vehicles of up to five tonnes by 2017. Though vehicle sales have slowed down this year, the fundamentals remain strong, notes Abdul Majeed, partner and head of automotive practice in the global professional services firm. By 2017, India is likely to emerge as the third-largest market in the world after China and the US.

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo



    Gems and Jewellery is an important emerging sector in the Indian Economy. Ranked among the fastest growing sectors, it is also a leading sector for foreign exchange generation.

    The gems and jewellery industry is very much fascinating being traditionally glamorous and artistically modern. This business employees and engages millions; cover wide activities such as raw material procurement from far flung Africa, Australia, Canada and Russia, and transforming these into products in demand with the skills available in China, India, Italy and Turkey for the sophisticated markets in the USA, Europe, Far East, Middle East and Asia.

    India's Position in Gems and Jewellery Sector

    Gems and Jewellery is one of Indias leading foreign exchange earning sectors.

    It accounted for 16.7 per cent of Indias total Merchandise Exports.

    USAs import of Gem & Jewellery from India increased by 50.5% in 2010 as compared to 2009.

    India Gems & Jewellery exports are expected to grow at a whopping 15 to 20 per cent in FY 2011-2012.

    At present India exports 95% of the worlds diamonds.

    Advantage India

    Gems and Jewellery hub

    Rich tradition / heritage of craftsmanship with high level of skills

    Low production costs

    Effective worldwide distribution network for promotion and marketing.

    Diamond polishing capital of the world.

    Manufacturing excellence

    Key Industry Components


    Diamonds have always enjoyed a special place among precious gemstones. In the past, diamond jewellery was limited to a very small elite segment of the global population. However, over the past 50 years, diamonds have seen increasing democratisation. Diamond jewellery has, therefore, emerged as a segment showing significant growth in some of the emerging markets.


    Gold has always been the jewellers' favourite metal given its intrinsic lustre and ease of fabrication Gold jewellery enjoys the leading position in most markets across the world, and in many ways forms the backbone of the precious jewellery industry. Given the fact that gold is also one of the traded metals, gold jewellery consumption is also impacted by gold price movements.

    Coloured gemstones:

    This segment includes all other forms of jewellery; precious gemstones (emeralds, sapphires, rubies and tanzanite) and semi-precious gemstones; silver, pearls, etc. The industry is highly fragmented making it difficult to track supply, demand and global trade.


    During the Fiscal Year 2010-11, the total exports for gems and jewellery stood at US$ 43139.24 million as compared to US$ 29368.72 million during the fiscal year 2009-10. During the same period, the sector registered a growth of 46.89 per cent over the previous year.

    Composition of Exports

    Cut and polished diamonds: The export of cut and polished diamonds grew manifold in 2010-11 as compared to 2009-10. In 2010-11, the export of cut and polished diamonds was US$ 28251.92 million as compared US$ 18237.56 million, recording a growth of 54.91 per cent.

    Coloured Gemstones: Export of coloured gemstones was registered at US$ 314.54 million in 2010-11 as compared to US$ 286.78 million in 2009-10, showing a growth of 9.68 per cent.

    Gold Jewellery: Export of Gold jewellery also grew in 2010-11, registering US$ 12885.59 million as compared to US$ 9669.10 million in 2009-10. A growth of 33.27 per cent was recorded.

    Net Exports of Gems and Jewellery items during April-October 2011

    The summary of export of gems and jewellery items during April 2010-March 2011 as compared to same period last year

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    Items April-October 2011 April-October 2010

    (Same ports as current year) % Growth/decline over

    previous Year

    US$ in Million US$ in Million US$

    Cut & Polished Diamonds 15195.08 14807.71 2.62

    Gold Jewellery-D.T.A 1357.28 1209.24 12.24

    SEZ/EPZ (included Gold Jewellery & Gold Medallions and coins)

    7968.97 5535.29 43.97

    Total 9326.25 6744.53 38.28

    Coloured Gemstones 187.17 158.45 18.13

    Silver Jewellery 386.92 284.18 36.15

    Others * 17.52 9.08 92.95

    Net Exports 25112.94 22003.95 14.13

    Exports of Rough Diamonds 995.65 580.44 71.53

    Others 51.45 31.96 ---

    Total Exports 26160.04 22616.35 15.67

    Source: The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) (As per RBI average exchange rate)

    *Data of Cut & Pol Diamonds include export of CPD (Bonded W.H) also.

    Figures for April - October '2011 are provisional and subject to revision.

    Data for October 2011 does not include figures from Vizkhapatnam SEZ, Cochin Air Cargo & Mumbai FPO

    Above figures does not include data for Costume/ Fashion Jewellery, and Sales to foreign tourists.

    Foreign Direct Investment Policy

    At present, the Indian government allows 100 per cent foreign direct investment (FDI) in gems and jewellery through the automatic route.

    For exploration and mining of diamonds and precious stones FDI is allowed up to 74 per cent under the automatic route.

    For exploration and mining of gold and silver and minerals other than diamonds and precious stones, metallurgy and processing, FDI is allowed up to 100 per cent under the automatic route.

    Foreign Trade Policy (2009-2014) Initiatives

    Import of gold of 8k and above is allowed under replenishment scheme subject to import being accompanied by an Assay Certificate specifying purity, weight and alloy content.

    Duty Free Import Entitlement [based on Free On Board (FOB) value of exports during previous financial year] of consumables and tools, for:

    Jewellery made out of:

    o Precious metals (other than gold & platinum) - 2 per cent

    o Gold and platinum - 1 per cent

    o Rhodium finished silver - 3 per cent

    Cut and polished diamonds - 1 per cent

    Duty free import entitlement of commercial samples shall be US$ 6187.9.

    Duty free re-import entitlement for rejected jewellery shall be 2 per cent of FOB value of exports.

    Import of diamonds on consignment basis for certification/ grading & re- export by the authorized offices/agencies of Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in India or other approved agencies will be permitted.

    Personal carriage of gems & jewellery products in case of holding/participating in overseas exhibitions increased to US$ 5 million and to US$ 1 million in case of export promotion tours.

    Extension in number of days for re-import of unsold items in case of participation in an exhibition in USA increased to 90 days.

    In an endeavour to make India an international trading hub for diamond, it is planned to establish "Diamond Bourse (s)".

    Investment Opportunities

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    Gemstone Processing (Cutting and Polishing)

    Jewellery Manufacturing and Retailing

    Jewellery Certification

    Branded Jewellery

    Top 10 Buyers of Indian Gems and Jewellery

    United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.)

    Hong Kong

    United States of America





    United Kingdom



    Major Players in Indian Gems and Jewellery

    Gitanjali Group

    Shrenuj & Company

    Suraj Diamonds and Jewellery Limited

    Rajesh Exports

    Asian Star

    Titan Industries (Tanishq into Retail), Bangalore

    Suashish Diamond

    Rosy Blue

    B. Vijaykumar

    Laxmi Diamond

    K Girdharilal

    C. Mehendra Exports

    J.B Brothers

    Tara - Ultimo

    Vaibhav Gems, Jaipur

    Sheetal Manufacturing

    Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)

    The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council is a representative body of trade. The following initiatives have been taken by the council in order to enhance competitiveness such as:

    Preparation of a medium term exports strategy for various sectors including gems and jewellery by the Ministry of Commerce. Exploring the possibility of direct procurement of rough diamonds from mining countries. Promotion of Indian diamonds and jewellery abroad through advertisements, publicity and participation in international fairs,

    buyer-seller meets and direct approach to market retailers. Market study through experts in the field to identify new markets. Promotion of export of 'hallmark' jewellery from India to assure foreign customers of quality and purity of jewellery made in

    India. Useful Weblinks: Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    India as a Growing Vaccine Hub

    Richa Dubey - Freelance journalist

    Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I would extrapolate a bit: it is also possible to do the same thing differently we call this innovation.

    The meaning of innovation differs: to some, it means idea generation; for some others, it is a process by which an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay. In the context of life-sciences, product innovation has great complexity because of the need for regulatory and ethical rigour in developing and testing new drugs, vaccines or devices, and in ensuring that they are affordable and relevant to public health.

    Vaccines are an interesting case study of Indias growing experience and role in affordable product innovation. They are also hugely important to the world because we have the means to carry them to every child: rich or poor, rural or urban. They prevent disease an important consideration because treatment in remote locations is difficult.

    In terms of achievements, the vaccine industry has not lacked for laurels. In fact, right from the basic science required in the initial stage of research up to affordable, bulk manufacture of high-quality products, the Indian vaccine industry has established a firm hold over the entire chain of vaccine development.

    Indian vaccines are known for world-class manufacturing and have been stamped with one of the surest seals of quality in any health product: the WHO pre-qualified tag for production. India has also emerged as a key bulk vaccine manufacturer in recent times and already produces 60 percent of the worlds vaccines. Viewed another way, one in every 3 doses of vaccines used in the world are produced in India. Indian firms are big suppliers to the UN agencies, accounting for between 60% and 80% of the vaccines it buys every year. Besides mass-manufacture of vaccines, we have also been successful in creating or modifying a whole new range of vaccines indigenously.

    Vaccine development is an arduous and lengthy process, however, speedy development has been a hallmark of the new vaccine industry in India, where both: response to a crisis (as in response to Japanese Encephalitis and H1N1 flu with the latter taking just a couple of years to develop) as well as regular development of vaccines have been speeded up to the extent that a matter of a decade or so has been compressed into a few years. The H1N1 flu vaccine in fact, just took a couple of years to develop.

    Development of vaccines is an essential stage of the process but by no means the ultimate one. Vaccine candidates need to be rigorously tested with every possible safeguard in place for clinical trial volunteers. This again, has seen a remarkable improvement. The rotavirus (which combats childhood diarrhoea) Phase III clinical trial supported by the Department of Biotechnology(DBT), Ministry of Science and technology, has been a model of an ethical and patient-friendly trial. Full insurance for the family of trial participants as well as coverage of all hospital treatment costs, if required was provided.

    Similarly, an expensive vaccine has little meaning in the public health sector, particularly in a country like ours where the bulk of our population: millions of people cannot afford expensive health-care. India has proved to be a low-cost product manufacturer and service provider and benefits in many industries. It is far tougher to do so in scientific product development. But we have achieved this by dint of pure innovation.

    Indias growing capacity in this field also augurs well for the fulfilment of the needs of the developing world. This capacity has been acknowledged by UNICEF through the very fact of India being its major supplier of vaccines. We are today preparing to take on the larger mantle of scientific development to fulfil the health needs of the developing world. In accordance with Gandhijis commandment to practice science with humanism, we must now learn to deliver vaccines to the 24 million children born every year in India and to millions born in other developing countries. India already produces 60 percent of the worlds vaccines.

    This is evident from the rapid development and commercialization of several influenza vaccines as a response to influenza pandemic, new combination vaccines and development of low cost Meningococcal B Vaccine for Africa, by our researchers and industry. India is a destination for affordable products for the entire developing world now. The key drivers of the emergence of India as a vaccine hub are a large pool of scientific talent, relatively lower costs in manufacturing, research and development capacity, availability of GMP requirements on par with all international standards, lower costs of clinical trials and a high potential for contract services by vaccine manufacturers.

    The current Indian vaccine market is estimated to be around $ 900 million (in 2011). It is poised to grow at the rate of 23% during 2011-2012 and by 10-13% CAGR over the next five years registering revenues and around $2 billion in 2011-2012, $4.6 billion by 2017. With a number of important vaccines in the pipeline, the market is expected to explode globally in future with vaccines expected to grow faster than any other therapy area at around 13 percent during 2009-12.

    India has been building capacity in the area of human resources by investments in science and education both qualitative and quantitative. The figures speak for themselves. In 1981, more than 95 percent of Thomson Reuters-indexed papers from India named authors exclusively at India-based institutions. By 2007, however, the percentage of such papers had fallen to 80 percent, indicating that the nation is

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    gradually participating more in internationally collaborative research. Further, between 1985 and 2007, publications co-authored by scientists in India have more than doubled in volumeand those papers were in general more heavily cited than in previous years. Not only has the volume of Indias scientific output risen, so has its quality. In fact, a recent media report indicated that placement of Indias top universities on the H-index, which measures citation impact, has gone up significantly in the past two years. Better funding has certainly helped. A recent report indicates that the only significant percentage increase in spending on Science and Engineering Research and development between 1996 and 2007 has come from the Asia Pacific region, led by India, China and other developing countries. The prime driver for this has been increased capacity for research.

    Additionally, there have been a number of scientists who have returned to our shores or are in the process of doing so, thanks in no small part to government efforts like the Ramalingaswami Fellowships announced by the Department of Biotechnology which are 5-year fellowships for re-entries.

    However, while the base may come from the focus on education and retaining our best brains, it is true that vaccinology is a specialised science and without a focus on infectious diseases, it is not possible to build a robust talent pool or infrastructure. Developed countries which have largely eradicated infectious diseases are understandably less interested in focussing on them, and prefer to focus on chronic diseases. India by virtue of its unique position as an emerging economy with the disease burden of a developing country needs to tackle the problem of infectious diseases internally. We have managed to focus on our own solutions to our problems with a high level of success, particularly in terms of developing the scientific community in this regard. It is no exaggeration to say that some of the best brains in the infectious disease space come from India today.

    Brains and talent, crucial as they are, cannot deliver outside of a nurturing and enabling environment. There are several elements this environment, not least of which is funding. Vaccine development is a risky venture, particularly in terms of financing it. We are dealing with the fear of the unknown and the ever-present risk of failure. Few private companies want to take that kind of risk without assured success. This is where the balance between the public and private sector comes into play. The government undertakes the high-risk funding role and guides the private sector, which in turn, builds and utilises capacity for product development. The Indian private companies in the vaccine field have been remarkably open to innovation and it is this combination that has contributed largely to our success in vaccine development.

    Collaboration is another element of this environment. It enables healthy knowledge and experience sharing in a mutually beneficial manner, while building and strengthening linkages across geo-political divides. Both North-South and South-South country-to-country collaborations have had a significant role to play in this success story. Multilateral partners too, have provided significant aid. The systematisation of demand and procurement of vaccines through UNICEF provided a crucial safety net for vaccine development. Similarly the knowledge-sharing achieved through collaborations like Indo-South Africa and organisations like the International AIDS Vaccine initiative is headed towards a promising turning point.

    Moving up the chain, what is done with a vaccine once it is ready? Or, looking at it another way, will this entire process actually take place if there is no demand for it? Vaccine innovation, like everything else in a market economy, requires a spur to kick-start it. That spur is demand and demand generation is the crucial spark. It was the demand put forth by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that resulted in the successful development of an inexpensive Rotavirus vaccine. Similarly the crisis engendered by H1N1 flu and Japanese Encephalitis created a demand pressure to develop these vaccines. However, there is a clear difference between the two. The former was a proactive demand whereas the latter was a reactive one. Obviously, the need is to create demand for sustainable and positive vaccine development for the greater good.

    Therefore it is important to sustain efforts in the field, particularly those directed at difficult-to-make vaccines for major killers like HIV, dengue, malaria etc. The stakes are higher here because it is not possible to predict a definite positive outcome by a definite date due to the nature of the disease we are battling. Therefore it becomes even more important for the government to play an anchoring role here.

    In the case of dengue, Indian players have licensed live dengue virus-based vaccine technologies from different US developers. In accordance with the WHO and Dengue Vaccine Initiative directive, the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB, New Delhi) is currently developing a non-infectious dengue vaccine based on the well-established Hepatitis B vaccine technology. The Hepatitis B vaccine strategy will not only maximize potency, but will also minimize cost.

    The malaria vaccine candidate, after one unsuccessful attempt, is being tested after modifications (a combination of Plasmodium Vivax and Falciparum) in a Phase I trial for safety evaluation in Pune.

    For HIV/AIDS, the DBT has set up a joint laboratory with IAVI: the THSTI (Translational Health Science and Technology Institute) which will both, speed up the process of assaying HIV vaccine candidates, as well as boost the research on antibodies that neutralize the HIV virus.

    There are several lessons to be learnt from the vaccine success story however, I would like to focus on two of them as key innovation enablers. It is crucial to develop the entire value chain. An innovation system means a chain linking all the way from idea to customer service and this means ensuring that the entire system, from the capacity be it human resource, funding or physical infrastructure to the relevant regulatory policies and subsequent distribution is in place. It is only with the balanced development of the entire value chain, right from procurement of samples to robust cold chains that we can achieve success.

    It is also essential to ensure that demand generation continues apace. No form of innovation can occur without an impetus in the form of demand. Necessity may be the mother of invention, but demand is the mother of innovation. If there is no demand for it, no innovation can happen. Demand generation for the greater public good is something that needs to be undertaken by the government and the private sector alike.

    We do have challenges in the case of the vaccine industry and indeed, every industry that thrives on innovation. The vaccine story in India is hardly a fairy tale. Despite its phenomenal success, the industry faces tremendous challenges not the least of which is the openness of society. It is a truism that there is little resistance to any technological improvement for the benefit of the individual mobile phones are a case in point. However, when it comes to the greater good, where benefits to the more vulnerable sections of society, like children, are seen, there is little eagerness to implement these improvements.

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    Vaccines have seen an improvement in this direction, particularly with the NRHM network of ASHAs, but a lot more needs to be done both in terms of shifting to a positive mindset as well as following up on it by reaching high-quality, low-cost vaccines to everyone who needs them. We must remember that the numerous new health benefits that are available to the economically advantaged classes dont necessarily reach the masses. Public policy needs to even this gap.

    In the case of vaccines, we require political will and public funding; prioritisation of public health; a robust regulatory system; a strong private sector focus on public goods; public-private partnerships and social venture capital; capacity to innovate and deliver at scale; participation of all stakeholders; and the strengthening of systems through product introduction.

    With the government declaring 2010-2020 as the Decade of Innovation and the establishment of the National Innovation Council in 2010, India is certainly receiving a strong top down impetus for innovation. Now we need to see how that can translate into tangible benefits for the countrys public and economic health.

    Table detailing vaccine development currently underway in the country


    ROTAVIRUS VACCINE First rotavirus vaccine 116E developed in India at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi in collaboration with Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA

    Rotavirus vaccine 116E is undergoing phase III clinical trial at three sites: Society for Applied Studies (SAS), Delhi; Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore; KEM Hospital Pune.

    CHOLERA VACCINE Live oral cholera vaccine candidate VA1.4 developed at Institute of Microbial Technology (MTECH), Chandigarh & National Institute of Cholera & Enteric Diseases (NICED), Kolkata

    The candidate vaccine strain VA1.4 will be undergoing Phase II Studies

    MALARIA VACCINE Malaria vaccine candidates JAIVAC-1 for P.falciparum & PvDBPII for P.vivax developed at International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology (ICGEB), N. Delhi

    JAIVAC-1 vaccine for P.falciparum have been developed and transferred to Bharat Biotech India Ltd (BBIL), Hyderabad. Phase I clinical trials completed

    TYPHOID VACCINE A vi-conjugate typhoid vaccine developed at AIIMS , N. Delhi

    Technology has been transferred to USV Ltd. Mumbai

    DENGUE VACCINE Dengue vaccine candidate being developed at ICGEB N. Delhi

    Efforts on the possibility of developing safe, efficacious and inexpensive tetravalent dengue vaccine candidate are underway.

    TUBERCULOSIS VACCINE Collaborative efforts are underway between University of Delhi South Campus (UDSC) & Vaccine and Infectious Disease Research Centre (VIDRC) of Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI): and autonomous institution of DBT, for the development of recombinant BCG.

    Several candidates for tuberculosis have been developed at DUSC with promising results in animal models, (rBCG85c) is being developed as an effective vaccine for tuberculosis.

    INFLUENZ A VACCINE Vaccine development support given to Panacea Biotec Ltd. New Delhi under Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP)

    The Project has been successfully completed by Panacea Biotec Ltd. Leading to the development of Pandyflu TM (H1N1 vaccine)

    PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE Vaccine development support given to Tergene Biotech Pvt Ltd Hyderabad under BIPP

    Efforts for Development of an Affordable, Asia specific 15 valent Pneumococcal polysaccharide-CRM 197 Protein co

    HIV VACCINE Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI): an autonomous institution of DBT and International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) have forged a partnership to develop Next Generation HIV vaccine candidates

    Efforts are underway towards design of candidate vaccines to elicit neutralizing antibodies against HIV.

    CANCER (HPV) VACCINE Development of HPV Vaccine by Serum Institute of India Ltd. Pune; is being supported under BIPP

    Efforts are underway towards design of an affordable vaccine.

    JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS VACCINE Vero cell derived inactivated JEV vaccine developed at National Institute of Immunology (NII), N. Delhi.

    Development of JE Vaccine by Biological E Ltd., Hyderabad

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    Indian Cultural Centre, Paramaribo


    for JANUARY 2012

    WORLD HINDI DAY COMPETITIONS In connection with celebrations marking the Word Hindi Day 2012, Hindi Competitions were conducted at Tulsi Manas Mandir, District Commewijne on 2nd November 2011 and at SSDP, Paramaribo (North) on 28th November 2011. The competitions were in four categories Sulekh (writing competition), Kavita Vachan (poetry recitation), Ramayana/Bhajan recitation and Kahani Kathan (story telling). Mrs. Bhawna Saxena, Attach Hindi & Culture, Indian Embassy, Paramaribo and Dr. S.K. Jha, Hindi teacher of ICC were present on this occasion along with other local Hindi teachers.

    TALK ON AYODHYA KAND RAMAYANA A talk on Ayodhya Kand Ramayana was delivered by Dr. S.K. Jha, Hindi Teacher ICC on Friday 11 November. The programme which included recitation of Hanuman Chalisa, Chaupaiyans, Ram Bhajans and Dohas, short stories on moral values, etc. During the programme the topic of Ram-Bharat Milan at Chitrakoot which is the best example of brotherhood in Indian culture was explained. Poetic pronunciations of Shlokas (mantra) were also taught to the students.

    FOREIGN STUDENTS DAY (Birth Anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad)

    11th November is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. The ICCR

    was founded in 1950 by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. To commemorate the day, a special cultural programme was organized at Indian Cultural Centre, Yoga Hall, Paramaribo. The programme began with the lightning/garlanding at the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad photograph. H.E. Ambassador of India spoke about the life and work of Azad, expressed his views on the importance of celebrating birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. ICC dance & Music students gave wonderful cultural performances on the occasion. There was also a screening of ICCRs Production A Glimpse into the Universe of Culture during the programme. Ms. Roma Khubani, who visited India for her higher studies, shared her experiences during her study in India. H.E. Ambassador of India awarded 12 certificates to the beginners, vocal students, who have passed their beginner exams.

    SPECIAL MEHANDI DEMO FOR LADIES Indian Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Paramaribo organized a special workshop/programme

    demonstration of Mehandi for ladies on third Wednesday of the month, the workshop was conducted by Mrs. Sangita, in which she demonstrated making of designs on the hands of ladies at ICC, Dance Hall. Around 50 Indian ladies few foreigners also attended the programme, which was very much appreciated by the local audience.

    HINDI WORKSHOP/CLASS (Teachers/Students of Praveshika

    & Parichay) Sunday 8th January 2012

    (1800 to 2100 Hrs.) Venue: Tulsi Manas Mandir,


    WORLD HINDI DAY Tuesday 10th January 2012

    (1900 Hrs onward) Venue: Congress Hall, Paramaribo

    INDIAN COOKERY CLASS (South Indian Daal Vada)

    Wednesday 11th January 2012 (1700 to 1830 hrs.)

    Venue: ICC, Paramaribo


    FridayS 13th & 27th January 2012 (1700 to 1830 hrs.)

    Venue: Hindi Class, ICC, Paramaribo


    (All are Welcome) Tuesday 17th January 2012

    (1700 to 1830 Hrs.) Venue: Yoga Hall, ICC, Paramaribo

    SAREE DRAPING Wednesday 18th January 2012

    (1700 to 1830 hrs.) Venue: Hindi Room, ICC,



    Thursday 26th January 2012 (0900 to 1000 hrs.)

    Venue: Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    Thursday 26th January 2012 (0830 to 0900 hrs.)

    Venue: Antondragtenweg, Paramaribo

    GANDHI PUNYA TITHI (Martyrs Day)

    Monday 30th January 2012 (11.00 hrs. onwards)

    Venue: Mahatma Gandhi Statue, Heiligebnweg, Paramaribo

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo



    (Modern and Traditional Concepts, for new

    students) ICC Yoga teacher, Ms. Suchint Kaur Sodhi conducted a lecture on Yoga. She taught to third batch regarding Modern concept of Yoga, in which she made them aware about yoga, aim of yoga and how to achieve balanced state of mind. Around 50 students attended the lecture, which was appreciated by all.

    KRIYA YOGA ICC Yoga teacher, Ms. Suchint Kaur Sodhi conducted a Kriya Yoga session on 19th & 20th November, 2011 at Yoga Hall for the senior batch. 85 students participated in both the session and followed this course under some discipline like:- (i) Vegetarian food, no salt, onion and garlic. (ii) Only Satvic food (iii) 100 round Pranayama, 3 Meditation sessions (iv) Mantra Chantings (v) Patanjali Yoga Sutras understanding


    (Hindi Viyakaran Shikshan Ki Samasyaen) A Hindi workshop on the topic Hindi Viyakarn Shikshan ki Samasyaen was conducted by Hindi teacher, ICC, Dr. S.K. Jha, for the local Hindi teachers and students of District Wanica at Sri Hanuman School on Sunday 20th November 2011. In the workshop different topics of Hindi Viyakaran for Prathama, Madhyama & Uttama level were described and discussed and the way of Viyakaran teaching for these primary classes were also discussed. Around 50 local Hindi teachers and students attended the workshop and requested for more workshop for higher levels too.

    AWARD CEREMONY FUNCTION (Celebrating 150th Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore)

    In connection with the celebrations o 1`50th Birth Anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore a Tagore Creative Arts Awards

    Ceremony for School and National Writing / Art Competitions was held on 22nd November at the University Guest House. A committee for the festive commemoration of the 150th year of birth of Rabindranath Tagore that consisted of the Indian Cultural Centre, AlphaMax Academy, ART Vibes, and the 77 Writers Group, announced the names of all the winners in the various categories. Of the 135 participants in the School and National (adult) competitions, the jury chose the following 34 winners. Writing competition for students: Dutch VOS (Advance Education for Seniors) Prose 1st prize: Tagore-ji .. Timeless: Pari Priya Pariksha Akloe (Ewald P. Meyer Lyceum, Paramaribo) Dutch V.O.J. (Advanced Education for Juniors) Prose: 1st prize: Searching for new friends - Alimoestar Simone (Advanced Education for Juniors, La Solitude, Commewijne) 2nd prize: His own mariposa C. Soemopawiro (Advanced Education for Juniors, La Solitude, Commewijne) 3rd prize: No title Eva Beeldsnijder (St. Pascallis School, Paramaribo) Dutch (Advanced Education for Juniors) Poems 1st prize: Gone for good Stevano Dawsa, (Advanced Education for Juniors, La Solitude, Commewijne) 2nd prize: Will there be relief? Tiara Mamadeus (St. Pascallis School, Paramaribo) 3rd prize: Nature Jessica Morgenstond (St. Pascallis School, Paramaribo English - (Advanced Education for Seniors) Proze 1st Prize: My Encounter with Tagore Claire Patadin (AlphaMax Academy, Paramaribo 2nd prize: no title Timothy Naarendorp (AlphaMax Academy, Paramaribo 3rd prize: A Wish that Changes Everything Jonathan Liu (AlphaMax Academy Pamaribo English - (Advanced Education for Juniors) Proze 1st prize: To Us Reann Kersenhout (AlphaMax Academy, Paramaribo 2nd prize: Stop Poisoning Our World Brienne Renfurm, AlphaMax Academy, Paramaribo 3rd prize: My First Experience with Nature: Bosbivak Jason Hoppie (AlphaMax Academy, Paramaribo English - (Advanced Education for Juniors) Poems 1st prize: Reflections Kristina Taylor (AlphaMax Academy, Paramaribo 2nd prize: no title Xiomara Getrouw (AlphaMax Academy Academy, Paramaribo

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    3rd prize: The Biggest Problem in the World Jason Jones (AlphaMax Academy, Paramaribo) Drawing competition for students: 6 8 years old 1st prize: Shaheena Amierali (Youth Academy, Nola Hatterman) 2nd prize: Shelby Helstone (Nola Hatterman Youth Academy) 3rd prize: Sese Apai (Youth Academy, Nola Hatterman) 9 12 years 1st prize: Faye Wirjosentono (Youth Academy, Nola Hatterman) 2nd prize: Sirani Verwey (Youth Academy, Nola Hatterman) 3rd prize: Raishmi Tedjoe (Youth Academy, Nola Hatterman) 13 years and older 1st prize: Shafeek Nazir (AlphaMax Academy, Paramaribo) 2nd prize: Christianto Kasijo (Youth Academy, Nola Hatterman 3rd prize: Meredith Joeroeja (Youth Academy, Nola Hatterman) Writing competition for adults English Prose 1st prize: Jane could dance Mahnaz Kohinoory Poems 1st prize: Msiba, My Love: A Symphonic Poem (in three movements) Ivan A. Khayiat 2nd prize: Prodo bangi Jeffrey Quartier 3rd prize: You (My Love): A Symphonic Poem (in three movements) Jeffrey Quartier Art competition for Adults: Painting art: 1st prize: Youthful naivety Usha Bihariesingh 2nd prize: Kroton Lloyd Hasselbaink 3rd prize: Meeting Albert Roessingh Installations: 1st prize: The Earth George Ramjiawansingh Photography: 1st prize: The past and the present (Sondwa Kenach) Aad Nicholaas The members of the jury for the writing completion for students were (Writers Group 77) Sranan and Netherlands: Ismene Krishnadath Alphons Levens Arlette Codfried English: Arlette Codfried Sylvana Dankerlui The members of the jury for the drawing competition for students were (ArtVibes United) George Ramjiawansingh Usha Bihariesingh Shanti Ramjiawansingh The members of the jury for the national (adult) writing competition were:- Ismene Krishnadath Arlette Codfried Moenisha Hiwat The members of the jury for the national (adult) art competition were:- Jules Brand-Flu Oedik Hari

    The programme begins with the lightning of the lamp. H.E. Ambassador of India spoke about the life and work of Tagore, expressed

    his views on the importance of celebrating the year 150th Birth Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore and congratulated all the winners, and expressed appreciation to the participants. Music Teacher of ICC, Mrs. Madhumita Bose presented a Rabindra Sangeet performance on the

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    occasion. H.E. Ambassador of India, Shri K.J.S. Sodhi , spouse of Suriname Ambassador in France distributed the prizes and certificates to the winners of the Tagore Competition. About 130 important personalities have attended the programme.

    Ambassador KJS Sodhi is giving speech Mrs. Madhumita Bose presenting Rabindra Sangeet Invitees/Guests

    Prize distribution Winning participants in group


    A cultural evening was organized by Indian Cultural Centre, Paramaribo to commemorate the Qaumi Ekta week (National Integrative week) and 36th Independence Day (25th November) of Republic of Suriname at Yoga Hall, ICC on Wednesday 23rd November 2011. H.E. Ambassador of India, Shri KJS Sodhi congratulated the people of Suriname on this auspicious occasion and appreciated the communal harmony among the various cast, community and races in the country. A local scholar Mr. Narayan Dutt Gangaram Panday gave short speech on this evening. The patriotic and national integration songs were presented by the vocal music students & local artists under the guidance of Mrs. Madhumita Bose the vocal music teacher of ICC. A dance performance was presented by the Kathak dance students of ICC on patriotic songs.

    Ambassador KJS Sodhi Dr. Gangarampanday Audience.

    Dance & Music presentation by ICC students Director, ICC Mr. Sunil Bhalla

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


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  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo



    List of Commercial Inquiries Received from India, in April 2011

    Name of the Company Product


    Harshal Doshi E-mail: [email protected]


    2. Mr. Yash Jain M.B. Exports., 125/129, Bhandari Street, Jamunabai Bldg, Gr. Floor, Mumbai - 400004. Tel: +91-9820774279/9029415634. E-mail: [email protected]

    Imitation Jewellery

    3. Pradeep Kumar Velayudhan General Manager Exports/Imports Tijaria Polypipes Limited, A-130 (E), Road No. 9-D,V.K.I. Area, Jaipur 302013, Rajasthan Tel: +91-141-3218100/ 4010800 (8 Lines)/ 2333722 Ext: 211 Fax: +91-141-4021073/ 2332342 Mob: +91-9314087300 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

    PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Film/Sheets

    4. Harish K. Batra Managing Director International Manpower Resources Pvt. Ltd. 1st & 2nd Fl., A-33 Rajouri Garden New Delhi - 27 Tel: +91-11-41085108 Mob:+91-98106-01188 E-mail: [email protected]

    Indian manpower for Working Overseas

    5. Kamlesh Mehta P. R. International 61/2, Shyamal, 132 Feet Ring Road, Ahmedabad 380 015. Telefax: +91-79-26765987 Mob: +91-9327003206

    E-mail : [email protected]

    Chemicals used as basis raw materials in the manufacture of Paints, Varnishes, Off-Set Inks, Cosmetics, etc. Synthetic Resins used as hardeners in the construction industry like Roads, Bridges, Dams, etc. Decorative Laminated Sheets Textiles & Fabrics Polyester as well as cotton

    6. Anuradha Singhai, Vice-President, Indo-European Chamber of Commerce & Industry, F-101, Raksha Towers, Kolar Road, Chunabhatti, Bhopal (MP)-462016 Telefax: +91-755-4270989 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

    Organic Food (Rice, Mangoes & Cereals)

    7. Sangeeta Mohta The Flavours 438, Rasta Bhatton Ka, Hawa Mahal Road, Jaipur Mob: +91-9829014794 E-mail: [email protected]

    Agro and Herbal & Spices Products

    8. Amaresh Kumar Singh Senior Executive - Exports BACFO Pharmaceuticals Ltd. AKC Group C15, Sector 2, Noida 201301, U.P. Tel: +91-120-2546798 Fax:+91-120-2542109

    Herbal Health & Personal Care Products

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo


    Mob: +91-99997-89421 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Skype: amareshksingh

    9. Mihir Gharat L'amar Natural Products Pvt.Ltd. Mob: +91-89762-59946 E-mail: [email protected]

    Herbal OTC Products - Personal Care, Nutrition, Pain Relief Herbal Vet Products - for Poultry, Increasing Milk Production, Weight Gain in Livestock. Homeomedica Range (Plant Extracts) Skin, Hair Care, Womens Heath, Burns Ointment, Massage Oil for reducing Muscular Pain, Stiffness as well as Rheumatic Pain. Kulr Cosmetics Range Amaaya Spa Range Perfumes Organic Agri Inputs for Increasing Crop Yield, Fungicides Other OTC products like Casanova Condoms, Nausea Banned -wristband for Motion Sickness Bubbles Baby (Baby Care Range) Hair Plus - a unique formulation that addresses 15 out of 21 reasons for Hair Fall with visible results!

    10. Vipul Bhavsar Prachi Exports 25 Gopinath Nagar, Jagatpur Gam Road, Chandlodia, Ahmedabad-382481, Gujarat Tel: +91-79-65100001 Mob: +91-9925004633/ 8866021440/ 9723821440 E-mail: [email protected] Skype: Vipul_bhavsar1202

    Guar Gum and Raw Cotton

    11. Suraj Jaiswal Managing Director India & Asia SGDistilleries Jabalpur Head Office-India Tel: +91-9425155909 E-mail: [email protected]

    Rum, Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Vodka

    12. Rakesh Bhardwaj Manager Int Mkt Industrial Area - C, Jaspal Bangar Road, Ludhiana Tel: +91-161-2511538 Fax: +91-161-2602686 Mob: +91-9041601837 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

    Industrial Hardware Goods/ Sheet Metal Components/ Metal Framing Components/ Vehicles Jacks/ Forging Components/ Casting Components

    13. Jyothi Brightness Agency 12-7-2/6, Near Fashion Street Tailors, Mettuguda, Secunderabad 500 017 Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Tel: +91-8341114691 E-mail: [email protected]

    Industrial Products, Machineries, Electronics & Electrical Goods, Jute and Cotton

    14. Decolight Ceramics Ltd, Pethapara jayanti Director E-mail: [email protected]

    Ceramics, Tiles, Sanitary Ware, Marbles, Granites, Hardware, Cements etc.

    15. Uday Kokate, Umedica Laboratories Limited Mob: +91-9930461654 E-mail: [email protected] Skype udaygk


    Page 18

  • E-Newsletter of the Embassy of India, Paramaribo



    Embassy of India

    Address: Dr. Sophie Redmondstraat No. 221,

    Post Box No.1329, Paramaribo, Suriname

    Tel: (0597) 498344/531448/531449 (General)

    Telefax: (0597) 491106/499382

    Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    Business Hours:

    The Embassy is open from 0800 hours till 1630 hours from Monday to Friday (except on holidays)

    and is closed on Saturday and Sunday. The Consular & Visa Section of the Embassy is open

    from 0900-1200 hours from Monday-Friday and is closed on Saturday and Sunday