Download - India Budget 2012 by Delliote

  • 8/2/2019 India Budget 2012 by Delliote


    Getting to the core

    Budget Highlights

    March 2012

  • 8/2/2019 India Budget 2012 by Delliote


    New policy announcements

    Direct Tax Code (DTC) and Goods and Service Tax (GST)

    The Finance Minister reiterated -

    the expeditious enactment o DTC.

    the commitment on the introduction o GST, creating a structure o GST

    network and towards the drating o model legislation or Centre and State GST.

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    Slab Rate Current Proposed Maximum Savings

    Nil `180,000 `200,0002,060

    10% `180,001 to `500,000 `200,001 to `500,000

    20%`500,001 to


    `500,001 to

    `1,000,000 20,600

    30% > `800,000 > `1,000,000

    Education cess o 3% continues.

    No dierentiation or basic exemption limit or women. Accordingly, the

    additional benet to women is lower by `1,000.

    Proposed slab rates in line with DTC Bill, 2010.


    Current ProposedCorporate

    - Domestic 30% 30%

    - Foreign 40% 40%

    MAT 18.5% 18.5%

    DDT 15% 15%

    No change in base corporate tax rate or domestic and oreign companies and


    No change in surcharge and cess.

    Eective tax rates are as below:

    For domestic companies, where income exceeds `1 crore - 32.445%, where

    income is less than `1 crore 30.6%.

    For oreign companies, where income exceeds `1 crore 42.024%, where

    income is less than `1 crore 41.2%.

    Tax rates

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    Direct Taxes

    Tax incentives and relies

    Specifed Companies

    Interest income paid by specied

    companies (inrastructure companies

    like construction o road, toll road or

    bridge, power etc. and companies inthe business o operation o aircrat

    and manuacture or production o

    ertilisers) to a non-resident subject

    to concessional withholding tax rate

    o 5%:

    in respect o monies borrowed

    on or ater the 1 July 2012 but

    beore the 1 July 2015 in oreign

    currency, rom a source outside

    India under a loan agreement

    approved by the Central

    Government; and

    to the extent to which such

    interest does not exceed the

    amount o interest calculated at

    the rate approved by the Central

    Government in this behal, having

    regard to the terms o the loan

    and its repayment.

    Venture Capital Undertakings

    Venture capital benet is

    available to all unds without

    any restrictions. Existing sectoral

    restrictions (sotware, inormation

    technology, production o basicdrugs in the pharmaceutical sector,

    biotechnology, etc.) have been


    Exemption rom withholding tax

    provisions on income paid or credited

    by venture capital unds or venture

    capital companies withdrawn.

    Income o venture capital und and

    companies taxable in the hands oinvestors on accrual basis with no



    Benecial tax rate o 15% on

    dividend income rom oreign

    subsidiaries extended by 1 year.

    Presently, one o the conditions

    or claiming credit or dividend

    distribution tax is that the dividend

    recipient should not be a subsidiary

    o any other company. This condition

    has now been dispensed with.

    Tax Holiday Benefts

    Sunset clause has been extended

    till 31 March 2013 or undertaking

    engaged in generation and / or

    distribution / transmission o power.

    New sectors to be added or the

    purposes o investment linked


    Investment in Plant and Machinery

    Benet o additional depreciation

    in the initial year proposed to beextended to undertakings engaged

    in generation or generation and

    distribution o power.

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    Research and development

    Weighted deduction o 200% or

    in-house research expenditure is

    currently available till 31 March

    2012. This has been extended or a

    urther period o 5 years till31 March 2017.

    Securities Transaction Tax (STT)

    STT on actual delivery or transer

    o shares reduced rom the existing

    0.125% to 0.1%.


    Exemption or income o oreign

    company received in India in Indian

    currency on account o sale o crude

    oil to any person in India subject to

    certain conditions including approval

    rom Central Government and

    oreign company not being engaged

    in any activity, other than receipt o

    such income, in India.

    Weighted deduction o 150% on

    expenses incurred on ollowing

    projects notied by the board

    Skill development projects in

    manuacturing sector

    Agricultural extension projects.

    Judicial precedents reversed by

    retrospective amendments

    Indirect transer o capital assets

    Presently, deemed income includes

    income rom transer o a capital

    asset situated in India. Scope o deemed income expanded

    to include income rom transer

    o share or interest in a Company

    / entity registered / incorporated

    outside India i the share or interest

    derives, directly or indirectly, its value

    substantially rom the assets located

    in India.1

    The term property as used in the

    denition o capital asset to include

    any rights o management or control

    or any other rights whatsoever in

    relation to an Indian Company.

    Enabling provisions also included in

    the denition o the term transer

    includes disposing o or parting

    with an assets or any interest

    therein notwithstanding that the

    same is fowing rom the transer o

    shares o a company registered or

    incorporated outside India.

    In respect o such transactions,

    it is claried that non-residents

    1 Through this, the

    recent Supreme

    Court ruling in the

    case o Vodaone

    has been reversed.

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    are required to withhold taxes at

    source or any payments made

    to any other non-resident i the

    payment represents income o the

    non-resident payee, chargeable to

    tax in India.


    Defnition o royalty amended

    retrospectively rom 01 June 1976 to

    specifcally cover the use or right to use

    computer sotware (including granting

    o a licence). Medium o transer not

    relevant or determining taxability.

    Bandwidth / Satellite transmission

    The term process used in the

    denition o royalty has been

    claried to include transmission by

    satellite, cable, optic bre or by any

    other similar technology, whether or

    not such process is secret. Eective

    retrospectively rom 01 June 1976.

    Condition to avail benefts under

    the tax treaty

    Residency Certicate mandatory or

    claiming benet under the tax treaty.

    General Anti-Avoidance Rule


    GAAR introduced primarily to codiythe doctrine o substance over orm

    and to deal with aggressive tax


    GAAR provisions may override tax

    treaties to prevent treaty abuse

    and bring certain cross border

    transactions under taxation.

    An arrangement entered into by

    an assessee may be declared tobe an impermissible avoidance

    arrangement with attendant tax


    Impermissible avoidance


    An arrangement would be

    declared as an impermissible

    avoidance arrangement i the

    main purpose or one o the

    purposes is to obtain a tax

    benet and satises certain other

    conditions (lacks commercial

    substance, etc.)

    Lacking commercial substance - An

    arrangement will be deemed to lack

    commercial substance i:

    The substance o the

    arrangement is inconsistent with,

    or diers signicantly rom, the

    orm o its individual steps or

    parts; or

    It involves round tripping

    nancing or elements that have

    eect o osetting each other or

    includes an accommodating party

    or a transaction which disguisesthe value, location, source,

    ownership or control o und; or

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    It involves a location o an asset

    / transaction / place o residence

    o any party which has been so

    located only or the purpose o

    obtaining tax benets.

    Consequences o an impermissibleavoidance arrangement

    Once the arrangement is held to

    be an impermissible avoidance

    agreement then the tax

    authorities may:

    disregard or ignore the

    arrangement or part thereo,

    recharacterise any step,

    disregarding any corporate


    denial o benets under tax

    treaty, etc.

    Framing o guidelines

    GAAR provisions to be applied in

    accordance with guidelines to be

    prescribed by Board.


    The onus to prove that the main

    purpose o the arrangement is

    not to obtain the tax benets

    would be on the taxpayer.

    Process The Assessing Ocer would be

    required to make a reerence to

    the Commissioner or invoking

    the anti-avoidance provisions

    who may reer the case to an

    Approving Panel, consisting o 3


    The Approving Panel would be

    required to either declare an

    arrangement to be impermissible

    or otherwise within a period o

    six months.

    Taxpayer to le appeal beore the

    Income Tax Appellate Tribunal.

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    Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT)

    Presently, AMT which is applicable

    to LLP now extended to all

    non-corporates who claim certain

    deductions in computing their total

    income. Threshold limit o `20 lakhs or

    individuals, HUF, AOP, BOI and

    articial juridical persons.

    AMT Credit allowed to be carried

    orward up to 10 years

    Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT)

    Insurance, Electricity Companies

    and Banks incorporated under the

    Companies Act, 1956, have been

    brought under MAT regime.

    Gains on disposal o revalued assets,

    even i not credited to the prot and

    loss account, to be considered or

    MAT purposes.

    Mergers and acquisitions Requirement to issue shares

    dispensed with in case o

    amalgamation o subsidiary

    company into holding company.

    Requirement to issue shares on

    proportionate basis in case o

    demerger is dispensed with where

    the demerged company is subsidiary

    o the resultant company.

    Personal taxation

    Basic exemption limit enhanced to

    `200,000 rom `180,000.

    No dierentiation or basic

    exemption limit or women.

    No change in basic exemption limitsor senior citizens.

    Unexplained amounts/credits in

    the books o accounts are deemed

    to be income o the assessee and

    are chargeable to income tax. Such

    amounts would henceorth be

    subject to tax @ 30% without any

    deductions / exemptions.

    Residents having assets (including

    nancial interest in any entity)

    located outside India are required

    to urnish tax returns mandatorily

    rom nancial year 2011-12

    onwards. This would be irrespective

    o whether they have income

    chargeable to tax in India or


    Senior citizens (individuals aged 60

    years and above), not having income

    rom business or proession are not

    required to pay advance tax.

    Any sum received under a lie

    insurance policy is exempt rom tax,

    provided the premium payable or

    such policy or the year does not

    exceed 10% o the sum assured, asagainst 20% presently.

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    Deduction o `15,000 under

    Section 80D has been broadened toinclude expenditure on preventive

    health check-up. The quantum o

    such benet has been restricted to


    Exemption o `10,000 is available

    or interest earned on deposits in

    savings bank account, co-operative

    banks and post oce.

    Capital Gains

    Exemption available or capital gains

    on sale o residential property (house

    or land) where the net consideration

    is invested in a small and medium

    enterprise (SME) subject to specied


    In cases where consideration or

    transer o capital asset is not

    determinable, air market value

    o the asset to be treated as sale


    Income rom Other Sources

    Consideration or issue o shares,received rom any resident by a

    company in which public is not

    substantially interested, in excess

    o the air market value, shall be

    liable to tax. However, this does not

    apply to consideration received by a

    venture capital undertaking rom a

    Venture Capital Company / und.

    Other amendments

    Time limit or issue o notice or

    reopening assessments is enhanced

    to 16 years where income relating

    to assets situated outside India has

    escaped assessment.

    Withholding tax (TDS)

    TDS on transer or certain immovable

    properties (other than agricultural


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    TDS @ 1% i the consideration

    on transer exceeds

    `50 lakhs in case such property

    situated in specied urban

    agglomeration; or

    `20 lakhs in case such propertyis situated in any other area.

    I consideration is less than value

    adopted or assessed by stamp

    duty authorities, such value be

    deemed as consideration or

    transer o such immovable


    TDS on remuneration (other than

    salary) to a director @ 10%.

    Threshold limit to withhold taxes on

    interest on debentures is increased

    rom `2,500 to 5,000.

    Tax Collection at Source (TCS)

    Seller o bullion or jewellery

    shall collect tax @ 1% o sale

    consideration rom every buyer i

    sale consideration in cash exceeds

    `2 lakhs.

    Seller to collect 1% tax on sale o

    minerals (coal, lignite and iron Ore),

    subject to conditions.

    Other amendments

    Time limit or completion oassessment, re-assessments, revisions

    and appellate proceedings extended.

    Rates o daily tonnage income


    Additional onus on closely held

    companies to explain the nature and

    source o any sums credited except

    in the case o the shareholder being

    a well regulated entity like Venture

    capital unds etc., registered with

    the SEBI.

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    Advance Pricing Arrangement

    (APA) introduced

    The Finance Bill 2012 proposes to

    introduce the APA which was initially

    included as part o the Direct Tax Code

    The Board is empowered toenter into an APA with any person

    undertaking an international

    transaction seeking to determine the

    Arms Length Price or the manner o

    determination o Arms Length Price

    APA is only applicable or

    international transactions and valid

    or a period o 5 consecutive years or

    years as specied in the agreement

    The Arms Length Price under the

    APA may be determined under any

    method whether prescribed or not.

    APA shall be legally binding on

    the taxpayer and on the income

    tax authorities in respect o the

    international transaction or which

    the APA is entered

    APA shall not be binding i there is

    a change in law having bearing on

    such APA

    The Board shall prescribe the

    scheme speciying the manner, orm,

    procedure and other matters in

    respect o the APA

    The provisions relating to the

    ling o Return/ assessments/re-assessments consequent to the

    conclusion o APA has also been

    modied to the above eect

    Introduction o Transer Pricing

    provisions to Specifed Domestic


    A new Section has been introduced by

    which Specifed Domestic Transactions

    have been brought under the purviewo Transer Pricing regulations

    The computation o value o

    Specied Domestic Transactions will

    be as per Arms Length provisions

    under Transer Pricing regulations

    The provision would be applicable

    i the value o Specied Domestic

    transactions in aggregate exceeds

    `5 Crore.

    The Specic Domestic Transactions

    or the purposes o application o

    Transer Pricng provisions would be

    as ollows:

    Expenses/ payment transactions

    between related persons as

    covered under the provisions o

    Section 40 A (2) (b);

    Transer o goods/ services/

    business rom one unit/

    undertaking o the Assesse to

    another unit/ undertaking o the

    assesse, claiming benet under

    Section 80 IA, under Chapter VI

    A or 10 AA where the provisions

    o 80IA are applicable;

    Transfer Pricing

    2 In line with Supreme

    Court Ruling in

    case o Glaxo

    Smithkline Asia(P)

    Ltd- Special Leave

    to Appeal (Civil)


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    The Assesse would be required to

    maintain/ urnish documentation

    and obtain certication o Specied

    Domestic Transactions

    The other Transer Pricing provisions

    pertaining to internationaltransactions would also be

    applicable or Specied Domestic


    Clarifcation on applicability o

    allowable variation rom Arms

    Length Price

    It is claried that provision relating to

    the allowable variation is applicable

    to all assessment/ reassessment

    proceedings pending beore the

    assessing ocer as on 1st day o

    October 2009

    As a consequent change to the

    above clarication, the assesse

    cannot claim a standard deduction

    o 5% or all the Financial Years

    starting 2001-02, but may claim the

    benet only i the variation between

    Transer Price and Arms Length price

    is within 5% o the Transer Price

    From FY 2012-13, the variation

    percentage would be limited to 3%

    instead o 5%

    International Transaction-

    Defnition clarifed (eective

    FY 2001-02)

    Claried denition o tangible

    property to include building,

    transportation vehicle, machinery,urniture, equipment etc. or

    commodity or any other article,

    product or thing etc.

    Claried denition o intangible

    property to include use o rights

    regarding land rights, customer

    list, ranchise, marketing channel,

    brand etc. or any other business or

    commercial rights o similar nature

    Denition now includes business

    restructuring or re-organization

    irrespective o bearing on prot,

    income, losses current or uture

    Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP)-

    Signifcant Changes

    The order o DRP is now appealable

    by the Assessing Ocer to the ITAT

    with eect rom 1st July 2012

    DRP is empowered to pass directions

    on any matter arising out o the

    assessment proceedings irrespective

    whether such matter was raised

    by the eligible assessee or not.

    Amendment eective FY 2008-09

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    Reerence to TPO

    TPO can determine Arms Length Price

    o any international transaction entered

    into by the assesse, not reerred to him

    by the AO, provided that assessee has

    not reported the same under section92E. Amendment retrospectively rom

    1 June 2002

    For cases concluded beore 1 July 2012,

    the Assessing ocer will not have right

    to re-open the case only on account o

    such amendment

    Other procedural

    Due date or ling Form 3CEB or

    non-corporate taxpayers

    Extension o timeline till

    30 November eective or

    FY 2011-12 onwards

    Extended Scope o Penalty

    Penalty provision has been

    amended to included ailure to

    report transactions, maintaining

    or urnishing incorrect


    Penalty is leviable at rate o 2%

    o value o transaction

    These changes will be eective

    rom 1July 2012

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    Peak rate o Customs Duty

    maintained at 10%

    Customs duty exemption on

    specied equipments extended to all

    inrastructure projects Cess on Countervailing Duty

    exempted or on imported goods

    Rate o Basic Customs Duty (BCD)

    on capital goods or setting up

    / expansion o Iron ore plants

    reduced rom 7.5% to 2.5%

    Exemption rom BCD or setting

    up/expansion o ertilizer projects

    extended till 31 March 2015

    Full exemption rom BCD extended

    to equipments or Coal mining


    Full exemption rom BCD on LCD/

    LED TV panels

    BCD ully exempted/ reduced on

    inputs or power generation like

    NG/LNG, steam coal, uranium


    Exemption rom BCD and CVD

    provided in respect o aircrat tyres

    and maintenance spares

    Duty ree limit on articles

    accompanying passengers increased

    rom `25,000/- to `35,000/-

    Reduction in import duty on parts

    o hybrid vehicles, railway saetyequipments, CFL lamps, specied

    liesaving drugs, tubes and pipes or


    Electronic payment o Customs duty

    being contemplated or specied



    Standard rate o Excise duty on non-petroleum goods increased rom 10

    % to 12 %

    Excise duty o 2% or spare parts

    o mobile phones without CENVAT


    Merit rate or non petroleum goods

    increased rom 5% to 6% and rate

    o 1% on certain items imposed in

    the last Budget increased to 2%

    Cement/Cigarettes to be assessed

    on Specic cum- advalorem basis

    (Retail Sale Price (RSP)). Abatement

    on RSP also notied.

    Process o packing / re-packing /

    labelling/ re-labelling or alteration

    o RSP in case o cigarettes shall

    be deemed to be manuacture or

    purpose o levy o excise duty

    Abatement o RSP on readymade

    Garments and made up articles o

    textiles increased rom 55% to 70%

    o RSP

    Duty on Eco-riendly products like

    electric/hybrid vehicles and LED

    lamps reduced to 6%

    New methodology prescribed ordistribution o credit by an input

    service distributor(ISD)

    Facility to transer unutilized Cenvat

    Indirect Tax

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    Credit o Special Additional Duty

    rom one actory to another o the

    same manuacturer

    Interest on credit wrongly taken

    is not payable unless the same is


    Service Tax

    Service tax rate increased rom 10%

    to 12%

    Paradigm shit in the manner o

    taxation o services. As against

    the present system o dening the

    taxable services, it is proposed to

    dene the services that are not

    taxable (Negative list approach


    List o services exempt rom tax have

    been pruned to 10 rom 88

    Exemption to specied inrastructure

    projects have been retained

    Excess service tax paid can be

    adjusted without any monetary limit

    Penalty is waived i Service tax or

    the past period in respect o Renting

    o Immovable Property service is paid

    along with interest within 6 months

    Time limit or issuing show cause

    notice increased rom 12 month to

    18 months

    Provisions relating to Settlement

    Commission extended to Service tax Point o Taxation Rules rationalised

    In order to align with the proposed

    GST, a Drat Place o Provision o

    Services Rules, 2012 has been issued

    Central Sales Tax

    Central Sales Tax rate continues at2% with Form C

    Goods and Service Tax

    GST to be implemented in

    consultation with the States at the


    A model legislation or Centre and

    State GST is under preparation

    GST Network (GSTN) to be set up as

    a National Inormation Utility and

    will become operational by August


    GSTN will implement common

    PAN-based registration, returns ling

    and payments processing or all

    States on a shared platorm

    Source: Finance Bill,

    2012. All amendments

    are eective 01 April

    2012 unless otherwise


  • 8/2/2019 India Budget 2012 by Delliote


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    2012 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Private Limited. Member o Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited