



F .1 3 (4 2 )/V ig ./W C D /2 0 2 1 / _ / / 0 D a ted ^ ; ^ ^

S u b : O b s e rv a n c e o f "V IG IL A N C E A W A R E N E S S W E E K - 2 0 2 1 ' w . e . f . 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 2 1 t o 0 1 .1 1 .2 0 2 1 .

As p e r th e d ire c tio n s o f th e C entra l V ig ilance C om m ission , G ovt, o f Ind ia conveyed by

th e D te . o f V ig ilance , GNCTD v id e th e ir le t te r da ted 20.09 .2021 , "V IG IL A N C E A W A R E N E S S W E E K

- 2 0 2 1 " is to be o bse rve d f ro m 2 6 th O c to b e r , 2 0 2 1 (T u e s d a y ) t o 0 1 st N o v e m b e r , 2 0 2 1

(M o n d a y ) . This y e a r th e th e m e o f o bse rv ing V ig ilance A w areness W eek is " " In d e p e n d e n t In d ia

@ 7 5 : S e lf R e lia n c e w i t h In te g r i ty " . A copy o f th e re fe rence fro m th e DOV. GNCTD c o n ta in in g

d e ta ile d g u id e lin e s is e n c lo s e d . T he obse rvance o f th e w e ek w il l co m m e n ce w ith th e in te g r ity

p ledge on 2 6 .1 0 .2 02 1 a t 11 .0 0 A M , w h ich is to be a d m in is te re d to a ll th e e m p lo ye e s and s ta ff

o f th e D e p a rtm e n t o f W o m e n & Child D e ve lo p m e n t, GNCTD by th e H e ad /S en io r m o s t O ffic e r o f

a ll th e in s titu tio n s /IC D S P ro jec ts . A ll t h e s ta f f w o rk in g in t h e D e p a r tm e n t o f W o m e n & C h ild

D e v e lo p m e n t , G N C T D (H Q .) a t ISBT C o m p le x , K a s h m e re G a te , D e lh i, s h a ll a s s e m b le In t h e

o p e n s p a c e a t t h e e n t r a n c e o f D W C D (H Q .) o n 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 2 1 f o r ta k in g t h e p le d g e a t 1 1 .0 0 A M .

F u rth e r, w ith th e p r io r a pp ro va l o f th e C o m p e te n t A u th o r ity , a ll th e Head o f

In s titu tio n s /IC D S -P ro je c ts o f th e d e p a rtm e n t are h e reb y d ire c te d to ensure th a t

1 ) . A ll th e B ranch In ch a rg e s /O ffice Incharges shall take e -p led g e by v is it in g th e CVC w e b s ite

o n 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 2 1 (w w w .c v c .g o v .in ) and also ensure th a t e -p led g e is ta ke n by all th e

e m p loye e s u n d e r th e ir c o n tro l.

2 ) . T he D e p u ty D ire c to r (CTB)/a ll DDOs/HOOs shall ensure th a t a b a n n e r in consonance

w ith th e s ty le a p p ro ve d by th e C entra l V ig ilance C om m iss ion , is d isp layed a t a ll th e

in s titu tio n s /IC D S P ro jec ts o f th e d e p a rtm e n t th ro u g h o u t th e w eek.

3 ) . T he D e p u ty D ire c to r (CTB)/al! D is tr ic t O ffice rs /a ll Head o f In s titu tio n s /IC D S P ro jec ts o f

th e d e p a r tm e n t, sha ll ensu re th a t th e boards d isp lay ing th e nam e & c o n ta c t nos. o f th e

V ig ila nce O ffic e rs o f th e d e p a rtm e n t be ins ta lled at consp icuous lo ca tio n s , fo r easy

a tte n t io n o f th e g e n e ra l pub lic .

4 ) . A ll th e Head o f In s titu tio n s /IC D S P ro jects o f th e d e p a rtm e n t sha ll u n d e rta k e w o rk s h o p s /

s e n s itiz a tio n p ro g ra m m e s fo r th e em p loyees and o th e r s ta ke h o ld e rs on

p o lic ie s /p ro c e d u re s o f th e DWCD and on p re ve n tive v ig ila nce m easures, v ig ila n ce ru les,

m o ra l va lues, e th ics good governance practices, s im p lif ic a tio n o f p ro ced u res ,

tra n s p e ra n c y & co rd ia l a tt itu d e in p u b lic dealings.

5 ) . F rom 26 O c to b e r, 2021 onw a rd s , fo r a w eek long d rive , a ll th e D is tr ic t O ffice rs m us t

o rgan ize spec ia l g rievance red ressa l/conve rgence cam ps fo r c le a rin g up back log o f

p e n d en c ie s re la te d to th e FAS Schemes.


6). A ll th e o ff ic e rs o f th e DWCD shall c o n s ta n tly check th e o ff ic ia l w e b s ite o f th e

d e p a r tm e n t on d a ily basis fro m n o w on t i l l th e c u lm in a tio n o f th e V ig ilance A w areness

W eek, t o e nsu re th a t d ire c tio n s , i f any, issued fo r co m p lia n ce on th e s u b je c t m a tte r ge t

fo l lo w e d up.

T h e S p e c ia l C a m p a ig n d u r in g th is w e e k s h o u ld a ls o a d d re s s d ire c t io n s is s u e d b y th e

M in is t r y o f H o m e A ffa irs , G o v t , o f In d ia , re g a rd in g c a m p a ig n t o id e n t i f y & s e t t le g r ie v a n c e s o f

p u b lic re p r e s e n ta t iv e s a n d o th e r fu n c tio n a r ie s f o r w h ic h r e le v a n t r e fe r e n c e is a t ta c h e d .

A c o m p lia n c e r e p o r t a lo n g w ith p h o to g ra p h s a n d p ro g re s s o f g r ie v a n c e s

a d d r e s s e d /p e n d e n c ie s c le a r e d , m u s t b e fu rn is h e d t o t h e V ig ila n c e B ra n c h , D W C D

fv ig ila n c e b r a n c h .d w c d @ g m a il .c o m ) b y t h e D is tr ic t O f f ic e r s /B r a n c h In c h a rg e s , la te s t b y 0 8 th

N o v e m b e r , 2 0 2 1 .

E n e l. 1 ) . C o p y o f d ire c t io n s o f D O V /C V C .

2 ) . C o p y o f d ir e c t io n s f r o m G A D , G N C T D . - ------- ^

2. A ll th e D is tr ic t O ffice rs o f DWCD, GNCTD, w ith th e re q ue s t to issue su ita b le d ire c tio n s to all

th e in s titu tio n s /IC D S P ro jec ts u nd e r th e ir c o n tro l and ensure a p p ro p r ia te com p liance .

3. The RGO B ranch to ta k e necessary a c tion fo r m ed ia cam paign on a n t i-c o rru p t io n , in c lu d in g

d e p a rtm e n ta l m e d ia , m e n tio n in g th e address & te le p h o n e nos. a t w h ic h th e p u b lic m ay

p ro v id e in fo rm a t io n / in p u ts reg a rd in g grievances re la te d to schem es o f DWCD,

G N C T D co rrup t p ra c tices in g o v e rn m e n t o ffices o f DWCD, GNCTD. Besides, th e b a n n e r as

a p p ro v e d by th e C en tra l V ig ilance C om m ission m ay be p re p a re d and ensu re th a t i t is

d isp la ye d a t DW CD (HQ .) and o th e r f ie ld o ffice s o f th e d e p a rtm e n t. I f need be su ita b le

in s tru c tio n s in th is regard be issued u n d e r in t im a tio n to th is o ffice .

4. T he A sstt. P ro g ra m m e r, DW CD (HQ.) w ith th e d ire c tio n to u p lo a d th is c irc u la r a t th e o ffic ia l

s ite o f th e d e p a r tm e n t, on u rg e n t basis.

5. PA to S ecre ta ry , DW CD, GNCTD.

6. OSD to D ire c to r, DW CD, GNCTD.

7. PS to th e Jt. D ire c to r (V ig.), DWCD, GNCTD.

8. PS to th e Jt. D ire c to r (P oshan/IC D S /C are tak ing ), DWCD, GNCTD.

9. PS to th e Jt. D ire c to r (P ro h ib itio n /F A S ), DWCD, GNCTD.

10. PS to th e Jt. D ire c to r (CPU), DWCD, GNCTD.

11. A ll th e D e p u ty D ire c to rs o f DWCD (H Q ), GNCTD, w ith th e re q u e s t to issue su ita b le

d ire c tio n s to a ll c o n ce rn e d fo r e ffe c tive im p le m e n ta tio n o f th e V ig ilance A w areness W eek -

A T U L P A N D E Y , D A N IC S

D E P U T Y D IR E C T O R (V IG .)

F .1 3 (4 2 )/V ig ./W C D /2 0 2 1 / — / /

1. A ll th e B ranch Incharges o f DWCD (HQ.).

D a ted : :' ' 2 I o n 2 0 2J

2021 as p e r th e th e m e d e c id e d by th e CVC.

D E P U T Y D IR E C T O R (V IG .)


10/20/21, 10:42 PMEmail

ayush@nic in>, "dghome" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], "DIG Tihar" <dig-tihar@nic.!n>, "ACS Health" <[email protected]>, "Neha Bansal" <[email protected]>, "A.K. Singh" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], bnc kair <[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "principal pk" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Sanjeev Khirwar" <[email protected]>, "Member Secretary" <[email protected]>, "Daljeet Singh" <[email protected]>, "KK Dahiya" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "pspwd" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Kanwa! Jeet Arora" <[email protected]>, "Dr. Renu Sharma" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "Sandeep Kumar" <[email protected]>, "Devinder Singh" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Mukesh Wadhwa" <[email protected]>, "panchayat delhi" <[email protected]>, "P Krishnamurthy" <[email protected]>, "Juhi Mukherjee" <[email protected]>, "Shashi Kaushal Special Commissioner" <[email protected]>, "Santulan Chaubey" <[email protected]>, "Sumit Kumar" <[email protected]>, "sumit aryan" <[email protected]>, "spi secretaryl" <spl.secretary [email protected]>, [email protected], "NodalOfficer Audit" <[email protected]>, "Ashok Kumar" <[email protected]>, "labcomm delhi" <labcomm.delhi@gmai!.com>, [email protected], "Dr. Monika Rana" <[email protected]>, "Shri Praveen Kumar Gupta" <[email protected]>, "Pr Secretar y Home GNCTD" <[email protected]>, "slaw" <[email protected]>, "SECRETARY POWER” <[email protected]>, ”md office" <[email protected]>, "dvigil" <[email protected]>,[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. "bhudev singh" <[email protected]>, "Commissioner Disab Delhi" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "DTTDC" <[email protected]>, "MDnCEO" <[email protected]>, "tourism gnctd" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "gandhisdm" <[email protected]>, "iSHA KHOSLA" <[email protected]>, "Ankita Chakravarty" <[email protected]>, "Dr.Jeet Ram Bhatt" <[email protected]>, "Chief Executive Officer Delhi Wakf Board" <[email protected]>, "Santosh Kumar Behera" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Director Operations" <[email protected]>, "GurpalSingh SecytoMinister" <[email protected]>, "SIO Delhi" <sio- [email protected]>, "fincomnct" <[email protected]>, "Office of the Commissioner of Industries Govt o f Delhi" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Sandeep" <[email protected]>, "PGMS Delhi" <[email protected]>, "cp dcpcr" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Dr R S Rautela" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "dsddc delhi" <[email protected]>, "Aiok Garg" <[email protected]>, "Joydeep Shome" <[email protected]>, "rajiva srivastava" <[email protected]>, "chairman ebd" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "a vickyl kumar" <[email protected]>, "a Akash Singh" <[email protected]>, "Vivek Gupta" <[email protected]>, "Prashant Kumar Mittal" <[email protected]>, "harishc malhotra" 1foharis1hIc-T alh0tra@cyfuture-C0rn>’ [email protected], [email protected], Sonalika" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Rajiv Chauhan"

<[email protected]>Sent: Monday, October 4, 2021 11:34:16 AM

Subject: Special campaign to dispose of identified pending references, viz. PGs, VIP references, Inter-Ministerial consultations, Parliament assurances, etc-regardina.

Sub. Special campaign to dispose o f identified pending references, viz. PGs V i r references, In ter-M in isterial consultations, Parliament assurances, etc,-regarding.

Respected Sir/Madam,

10/20/21. 10:42 PM Email

Please find attached herewith a letter No. F. No. 15039/138/2021 -U! (Coord.) dated 16.09.2021, thereby enclosing D.O letter no. 1/50/3/2021-Cab dated - 09 Sept. 2021 of Cabinet Secretary, Govt, of India on the subject cited above.

It is requested to take necessary action as per above mentioned D.O letter dated 9 Sept. 2021 Cabinet Secretary Govt, of India.


Administrative Reforms Department, Government of NCT of Delhi,C-Wing, 7th Level, Delhi Secretariat,I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002.Phone No.: 011- 23392620 / 23392483

—■ AR3042 Comp..pdf1 M B

10/20/21, 10:42 PMEmail

EmailDr. Rashmi Singh

Fwd: Special campaign to dispose of identified pending references, viz. PGs, V IP references, In ter-M in isterial consultations, Parliament assurances, etc-regarding.

From : Dr Rashmi Singh <[email protected]> Thu, Oct 21, 2021 11.16 AM

S u b je c t: Fwd: Special campaign to dispose of identified pending # 1 attachmentreferences, viz. PGs, VIP references, Inter-Ministerial consultations, Parliament assurances, etc-regarding.

To : Dr. Rashmi Singh <[email protected]>

From: "Ms Garima Gupta IAS" <[email protected]>To: "Dr Rashmi Singh" <[email protected]>, "Madhup Vyas” <[email protected]>Sent: Monday, October 4, 2021 11:43:55 AMSubject: Fwd: Special campaign to dispose of identified pending references, viz. PGs, VIP references, Inter-Ministerial consultations, Parliament assurances, etc-regarding.

From: "arupdate” <[email protected]>To: "S.S.Yadav S.S.Yadav" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "S. B. Deepak Kumar" <[email protected]>, "Sharma" <[email protected]>, "Sanjeev Ahuja" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Dr. RANBIR SINGH" <[email protected]>, "lokayukta.delhi" <[email protected]>, "Secretary to LG" <[email protected]>, "astolg.delhi" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "deanmamc 2012"<[email protected]>, [email protected], "Directorate General of Health Services" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Ramvir Singh" <[email protected]>, "Director Training UTCS" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Padmini Singla" <[email protected]>, "secyminsw delhi" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], "Dr. Rashmi Singh" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "dge 2011" <[email protected]>, "Ms Garima Gupta IAS" <[email protected]>, "COMMISSIONER (VAT/ST)" <[email protected]>, "Special Secretary Health" <[email protected]>, "R. Alice Vaz" <[email protected]>, "commtpt" <[email protected]>, "Divisional Commissioner" <[email protected]>, "H Rajesh Prasad" <[email protected]>, "Udit Prakash Rai"<[email protected]>, "Arva Gopi Krishna" <[email protected]>, "Spl.Development Commissioner" <[email protected]>, "RCS" <[email protected]>, "Director -Delhi Fire Service" <[email protected]>, "Raj Kumar" <[email protected]>, "dmc net" <[email protected]>, "Secretary, DSSSB" <[email protected]>, "Developm ent Commissioner" <[email protected]>, "L D JOSHI" <[email protected]>, "PUBLIC GRIEVANCES COMMISSION" <[email protected]>, "Drugs Control Department Delhi" <[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], "dtc m cell" <[email protected]>, "Vijay Kumar Bidhuri" <[email protected]>, commissioner- [email protected], "Dr. Brij Mohan Mishra" <[email protected]>, commissioner- [email protected], "VivekSrivastava Nodal Officer" <[email protected]>, "ceodelhi.djb" <[email protected]>, "DA MB" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Director Ayush" <dir-


F .N o .lS 0 3 d /1 3 8 /2 0 2 1 -U T (C o o rd ,)Government of India/Bharat Sarkar

Ministry of Home Affairs/Grih Mantralaya*** ■

North Block, New Delhi, Dated the ^Septem ber, 2021

1. The Chief Secretary, Govt, of NOT of Delhi, Delhi Sachivaiaya, I.P. Estate,New Delhi,

2. The Chief Secretary, Government of Puducherry, Pucucherry3. The Chief Secretary, UT of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Port Blair.& The Advisor to the Administrator, UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman &

Dlu, Secretariat, Mot: Daman, Daman.5. The Adviser to the Administrator, UT of Lakshadweep, Kavaratti.6. The Adviser to the Administrator, UT Chandigarh, Chandigarh.7. The Commissioned of Police, New De hi Police Headquarters, Jai Singh Road,

New Delhi.



Special campaign to dispose of identified pending references, viz. PGs> VIP references, Inter-MInlsterlal consultations, Parliamentary assurances, etc -regarding. ^— -— — _____

l am directed to forward herewith a copy of CIC Division's OM No. 7/3/2021- ■ iT dated 13/09/2021 along with copy of DO No. 1/50/3/2021-Cab dated 09/09/2021 . of Cabinet Secretary, on the subject mentioned above.

r r 1

2 It is requested to,take necessary action as per above mentioned D.O. letter of Cabinet Secretary.


Yours faithfully.

< ¥ / -End. As above (R.K, Srivastava)

Assistant Director (UT Coord) PH.: 23093265

% % ! V

F, NO. 7 /3 /2 0 2 1 -rT

G overnm ent o f India

Ministry o f H om e Affairs C IC Division

N o rth Block, N ew Delhi

D ated 13th S ep tem b er 2021

subject: 1. Special campaign to dispose of Identified pending references, viz PGs, VIP references, inter-Ministerial consultations, Parliamentary assurances, etc

b.v-tc-r>7 9 ^

bcCcnp2. Senior Officers Meeting on 14.09.2021 at 11.00 AM

The undersigned is directed to forw ard 'herew ith a copy o f D O N o. 1 /5 0 /3 /2 0 2 1 -

Cab dated 0 9 .0 9 ,2 0 2 1 from Cabinet Secretary regarding launch o f special cam paign to

-dispose of all pending references, from :MPs, .State: G overnm ents, Parliam entary Assurances, Inter-M inisterial references, public grievances, ensuring cleanliness in

------------- .g o v e rn m e n t offices, review o f record retention schedule, weeding o u t o f record, etc.

2. I t is requested th a t im m ediate necessary action m ay please be in itiated in your

Division, as w ell as In the a ttach ed / subordinate offices under th e adm inistrative control J>s C S 2-. o f your Division, to comply w ith the directions o f Cabinet Secretary.

3. A meeting of Senior Officers will also be held on 14.09.2021 at 11.00 AMun d er th e chairm anship o f H om e Secretary in this regard In the C o n fe re n c e R o o m N o . 1 1 9 , N o r th B lo c k , New Delhi. You a re requested to kindly m ake It convenient to attend

tfte m eeting.

Enclosure: As abovelyan i)

U nder S ecretary(C oord -n )

% *

X. All the Add) Secretaries/ Joint Secretaries ^Including RG&CCI) in the Ministry of Home Affairs

2. PSO/PPS to Secy(BM)/ S S (IS )/ DG(Awards)

Copy to:1. PPS to HS2. SO (Protocol), M HA-w ith the request to book Conference Room No. 119

and for necessary logistic arrangem ents.

3. r r Cel! fo r uploading on th e e-office Notice Board.

Rajiv Gaubanraftn1 araft

D .O . N o. 1 /50 /3 /2021* Cab



D ated th e 9 th S e p te m b e r, 2021

S* ' /A s yo u a r e w e l l a w a re - . i im e ty a n d e ffe c t iv e d is p o sa l o f p u b lic g r ie v a n c e s , r e fe r e n c e ^

P a rlia m e n t a n d S ta te G o v e r n m e nts, inTe r-M in is te T la t c o n s u lta t io n s ,

a s -e tc . Is a n im p o rta n t p a rt o f T h e w o rk o f M in is tr ie s / D e p a r tm e n ts .

offrom M embers

F a r i la m e r t _____

H o w e v e r , th e s e is s u e s s o m e tim e s do n o t re c e iv e th e d e s ire d a lte n tio n .

e a c h2 . I a m w rit in g to yo u to c o n v e y --th e d ire c tio n s o f th e P r im e M in is te r m a t

M in is try /P e p a r tm e n t a n d its a tta c h e d / s u b o rd in a te o f f i c e m a y u n d e r ta k e a

f ro m 2 nd O c to b e r to 3 1 ” P e t t i e r , 2 0 2 1 to d is p o s e o f su ch p e n d in g m a tte rs .

3 . In th e fo rtn ig h t p re c e d in g th e la u n c h o f th e s p ec ia l c a m p a ig n , th a t is . d u rin g 1 3 -2 9

S e p te m b e r , 2 0 2 1 , a d riv e m a y b e u n d e rta k e n to iden tify a ll p e n d in g re fe re n c e s fro m M P s ,

P a r t ia m e m a ry A s s u ra n c e s , re fe re n c e s re c e iv e d fro m S ta te 6 o v e rn rn e h ts , a s w e l l a s fo r in te r -

M in is te r ia l c o n s u lta tio n s , pub lic re p re s e n ta tio n s /g r ie v a n c e s e tc .

4 . D u rin g th e s p e c ia l c a m p a ig n p e rio d , a ll o u t e ffo rts m a y b e m a d e to d is p o s e o f th e

id e n tifie d p e n d in g re fe re n c e s , a n d d o s o In a m e a n in g fu l m a n n e r . A ls o , in th e c o u rs e o f s u c h

d is p o s a l, th e e x is tin g p ro c e s s e s m a y b e re v ie w e d w ith a v ie w to re d u c in g c o m p lia n c e b u rd e n

a n d u n n e c e s s a ry p a p e r w o rk d o n e a w a y w ith , w h e re v e r fe a s ib le . In th is re g a rd , it m a y b e

re c a lle d th a t d u rin g h is in d e p e n d e n c e D a y a d d re s s th is y e a r , th e P r im e M in is te r h a s

e m p h a s iz e d th e n e e d to re v ie w ex is tin g ru les a n d p ro c e d u re s on a c o n tin u in g b a s is .

5 In s tru ctio n s h a v e a lso b e e n issu ed fro m tim e to t im e fo r e n s u r in g c le a n lin e s s in>suring <

re c o rd s *G o v e rn m e n t o ffice s a n d to h a v e a g o o d w o rk en v iro n m e n t; to im p ro v e r e c o rd s 'm a n a g e m e n T

re v ie w a n d w e e d in g o u t o f p a p e rs . D uring th is s p e c ia l c a m p a ig n , file s o f te m p o ra ry n a tu re

m a y b e id e n tified a n d w e e d e d o u t a s p e r th e e x ta n t in s tru ctio n s D e p a r tm e n ts m a y a ls o

re v ie w R e c o rd s R e te n tio n S c h e d u le s to e n s u re th a t files a r e n e ith e r p re m a tu re ly d e s tro y e d

n o r k e p t fo F p e r io d s 'lo n g e r th a n n e c e s s a ry . F u rth e r, re d u n d a n t s c rap m a te r ia l a n d o b s o le te

ite m s m a y b e d is c a rd e d durin g th is c a m p a ig n to Im p ro ve .c fe a n tln a s s lt w o rk p la c e s ,

8 O lo A d m in is tra tiv e R e fo rm s A P u b lic G r ie v a n c e s (D A R P G ) win b e th e n o d a l M in is try to

m o n ito r th e Im p le m e n ta tio n o f th is c a m p a ig n . T h e y w ill d e v e lo p a d e d ic a ta d J P a s h b o s rd fo r

th is p u rp o s e , a n d is s u e d e ta ile d g u id e lin e s In th is re g a rd s e p a ra te ly

ft* r« - o -

W M B u m m& ■ . 4


7 . Each M inistry/Departm ent would designate a Nodal O fficer (not befow the r a n k of Joint

Secretary) for the special campaign. The progress should b e monitored b y the S ecretaries /

H O D s on daily basis. A w eekly progress report m ay be sent to D A R P G , w ho in turn will

furnish a consolidated progress report.

8. Needless to say, your personal attention and leadership would be vita! for success of

this cam paign. Appropriate instructions m ay also be Issued to all the A ttached/ Subordinate

offices and Autonom ous organizations under your Ministry/ D epartm ent to Im p le m e n t the

special cam paign in earnest.

{R ajiv G a u b a )


All Secretaries to the Government of India



4 th LEVEL C-WING, DELHI SECRETARIAT, I.P. ESTATE, NEW DELHI-110002 ________ * (Phone Wo.2 3 3 3 2 3 5 7 /2 3 3 9 2 3 0 3 & F ax N b .2 3 3 9 2 3 g 4 /2 3 3 9 2 3 5 3 )

No.F. a t \X9\ M ^ * l o © V f b 6 .3 9 - ^ 7 ” D a ted : J o j 3 }

All th e P r in c ip a l S e c re ta r ie s /S e c re ta x ie s /H e a d o f D e p a r ^ f c , , , , , . , .All th e D e p a r tm e n t o f G N C T D /A utonom ous B odies, Dale-. . . . .G o v e rn m e n t of N.C.T. of D elhi, D e lh i/N ew D elhi. Departments >

Upysd.i'iSub : Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2021. irnte---

J 0 f , ...Z £ M M U .ou;Cn A - - v: 1 D.evc'ioprr n* r«ii of ') #v;,j r ivi

S ir/M a d a m ,

l^ ■

K indly f in d e n c lo se d a copy of C ircu la r N o.1 5 /0 9 /2 1 d a te d 0 1 .0 9 .2 0 2 1 [ a l o n g w i t h e n c l o s u r e ) , received from C en tra l V igilance C o m m iss io n /G O I, o n th e s u b je c t c ited above vide w h ich i t h a s b e e n dec ided t h a t th is y e a r th e V ig ilance A w a re n e ss W eek w ou ld be obse rv ed from 2 6 th O ctob er t o PI** N o v em b er , 2 0 2 1 . T h is y e a r th e th e m e o f o b se rv in g V igilance A w aren ess W eek is. “ I n d e p e n d e n t

In d ia @ 75: S e l f R e lia n c e w ith In tegr ity ; F<*hV *TRcT @ 7 5 : ^

In o rd e r to a c co m p lish th e d ire c tio n s c o n ta in e d in th e above re fe rre d c irc u la r , all th e H e a d of D e p a r tm e n ts /A u to n o m o u s B odies o f GNCTD a re r e q u e s te d

o b se rv e th e V igilance A w aren ess W eek-2021 a s p e r in s t r u c t io n s c o n ta in e d in th e e n c lo se d c irc u la r . P ro p o se d p la n /p ro g ra m m e is a lso b e in g a t ta c h e d tc c h a lk o u t

1 th e ac tiv ities to be c a rr ie d o u t by all th e d e p a r tm e n ts d u r in g th e V ig ilance ’A w a re n e ss W eek in a d d itio n a n d co m p lian ce to th e d ire c tio n s c o n ta in e d in above re fe rre d c ircu la r. All th e H e a d o f D e p a r tm e n ts a re re q u ire d to s e n d a re p o r t on

> ^ o b serv an ce o f th e W eek a s p e r th e fo rm a t en c lo sed a t A n n e x u re - 'C ’, ‘F ’ Sc ‘G ’ o f th e C \ f \ a t V c c irc u la r ’ to th is D irec to ra te n o t la te r th a n b y 1 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 2 1 . w h ic h is re q u ire d

^ £ 0 b e s e n t to C V C /G O ! b y 30°* N o v e m b e r, 2 0 2 1 in com plied m a n n e r .

T h is i s s u e s w ith th e app rova l o f C hief S e c re ta ry /C V O , GNCTD.

Enel: As above.

N o.F .01 /23 /Adm n / D O V / 2 0A , / , 0 6 5 ^ Special Secretaxy ( V ^ c e )C opy forw ard ed fo r in fo r m a tio n a n d n e c e ss a r y a c t io n to :- ' ^

1. The Secretary, C entral Vigilance Commission, S atark ta B haw an GPO Comolex Block-A, INA, New Delhi-110023. u r u complex,

2 * DerhL54Cial CP/ ACB' Anti' CorruPtion S tanch , Vikas Bhawan-II, Upper Bela Road,

3. PS/PA to Pr. Secy/Spl Secy/HOO, Dte of Vigilance, GNCTD4. Nodal Officer Website u Pdation/IT, DOV with request to upload it on website5. C are taker/G uard file , Dte of Vigilance, GNCTD.


(H.P.S. Srari Special Secretary (Vigilance


4 th LEVEL, C-WING, DELHI SECRETARIAT, I.P. ESTATE, NEW DELHI-110002(Phone N o .2 3 3 9 2357 /23392303 & F ax N o .2 3 3 9 2 3 5 4 /2 3 3 9 2 3 5 3 )____________________

A c tio n P la n /P r o a ra m m e to b e c a r r ie d o u t d u r in g V ig ila n c e A w a re n e s js . W e e k * 2 0 2 1 w i th e x te n s iv e u s e o f O n lin e m o d e s , s tr ic t ly a d h e r in g t o e x ta n t C o v id -1 9 p r e v e n tio n g u id e lin e s a t a l l lo c a t io n an d e v e n ts i s s u e d from t im e t o _ t im e ., b y t h e C o m p e ten t a u th o r ity a s m e n tio n e d in CVC C ircular d a te d 0 1 ^ 0 9 -2 0 2 1

1. In a m an n e r a s described in the CVC C ircu lar N o .1 5 /0 9 /2 1 d a te d 0 1 /0 9 /2 0 2 1 w ith th e re q u e s t to s tric tly ad h ere to e x ta n t Covid-19 prevention gu idelines. V igilance A w areness W eek i will com m ence by tak ing Integrity Pledge on 26 th October, 2021 a t 1100 h rs by p ub lic se rv a n ts . E m p lo y ees , m a y be e n c o u ra g e d to ta k e e-p ledge b y v is itin g th e CVC w e b s ite

lw w w ) .A c t i o n : H O D s o f a l l t h e D e p a r t m e n t s o f G N C T D /A u t o n o m o u s B o d i e s . ________________________________

2. Activities to be conducted within the organization :(a) C onduc t w o rk sh o p s/sen s itiza tio n program m es foi em ployees a n d o th er s ta k e h o ld e rs on p o lic ies /p ro ced u res of the organization an d on preventive vigilance m ea su res .(b) All o rgan iza tions focus on in te rn a l (Housekeeping) activ ities a s p e r ind icative list of th e activ ities given in an n e x u re C and as well as su b m it response in the sam e form at.(c) C onduct various com petitions su c h as deba tes , quiz etc. for th e em ployees an d th e ir fam ilies on issu e s rela ting to an ti-corrup tion .(d) Use organ izational w ebsite for d issem ination of em p lo y ees/cu s to m er o rien ted in fo rm ation a n d to m ake available av en u es for red ressa l of grievances.O utreach a c t iv it ie s for pub lic / c itizen s:a) All M in is tr ie s /D e p a rtm en ts /O rg a n isa tio n s sh a ll publicize In tegrity Pledge am o n g st a ll 1

em ployees, th e ir fam ilies, v e n d o rs /su p p lie rs /c o n tra c to rs /s ta k e ho lders , s tu d e n ts etc. to e lic it j w ider partic ipa tion .b) W ide pub lic ity m ay be given to “C om plaints u n d e r PIDPI (Public In te re s t D isc losu re a n d ; P ro tection of Inform ers)”. Two poste rs in th is regard have been p rep a red an d m ay be d isp laved a t ail offices of th e o rganization (Annexure-D). A drive m ay be u n d e r ta k e n to sp re a d a w a ren e ss >

1 regard ing the provisions u n d e r the PIPDI reso lu tion as well as all re la ted inform ation . B o th . p o s te rs shou ld be p laced together and shou ld be tra n s la te d to local languages, w herevef i requ ired . 'c) O rgan isa tions m ay u n d e rta k e activ ities su ch as w alka thons, m a ra th o n s , s tre e t p lays e tc . |W hich have visibility a n d m ass appeal across all s tra ta of society. !d) Extensive u s e of social m ed ia platform s, b u lk SMS, E -m ail, W h atsap p , e lectronic and p r in t m ed ia etc. for sp read in g aw areness.e) O rganize grievance red re ssa l cam ps for citizens / cu s to m ers by o rgan iza tions hav ing cu s to m er o rien ted services / activities. Similarly, vendor m eets m ay be organized w herever n ecessa ry , th ro u g h online m ode or otherw ise, w hichever is m ore feasible. 'f) O rgan isa tions m ay c o n d u c t various , ou treach activities for d issem in a tio n of a n tic o rru p tio n m essage and s tre ss in g th e vision of a Vigilant Ind ia who is m oving tow ards self-re liance w ith in tegrity . Online m odes m ay be extensively used, w herever requ ired .

A c t i o n : A l l H O D s a n d S e c r e t a r y / D i r e c t o r ( B d u c a t i o n / H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n / T T E )

3 . To observe m o n th s , S ep tem ber an d October, 2021 as “Special C learance C am paign” to c lear all o u ts ta n d in g F u r th e r Inform ation ca se s (FI), Im plem entation of F irs t'S tage , a n d Second S tage Advices (FSAs a n d SSAs), Investigation and reports (I&Rs), F ac tu a l R eports (FRs), C om plain ts (PIDPI), C om plain ts (Non-PIDPI), P rosecution Sanctions, D ep artm en ta l Inqu iries (DIs) a n d C om m en ts Awaited on CBI reports (CAs), in resp ec t of all o rgan iza tions an d d e p a rtm e n ts an d su b m it a rep o rt a s per fo rm at a t A nnexure F,

^ A c tio n : HODs o f a l l th e D e p a r tm e n ts o f G N CTD /A utonom ous B o d ie s _____________ ^

(H.P/S. Sran) Special Secretary (Vigilance)

TRW vrRcf


VIwcS-'^d fcn vdWfaft. *t'«rci«w,

3TT#.XT?T.TT. ^ fcc?ft-110O23

Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex, Block A, INA, New Delhi-10023

v / No............^ ‘/y f-L /w s.

/ Dalerl.....

Circular No. 15/1)9/21

Sub: Observance of Vigilance Awareness week 2021.

1. l/i a move towards commemorating 75 years of India’s Independence which hill- on August 1 5. 2022. Central Vigilance Commission in carrying out its duty as the apex anti- corruption body in the country, reafilrms its resolve to fight corruption and ensure integrity in public life to usher in a new era of a self-reliant India. In recognition of this momentous stage in India’s journey, the Commission has decided that this year Vigilance Awareness Week would be observed from 26,h October to I"' November. 2021 with the theme “Independent India (it} 75: Seif Reliance with Integrity; 73^5? JTTtT (a) 75: 'HcflPfgl3 '3nmi%,*foTr\

2. Vigilance Awareness Week is observed every year during the week in which the hitthday of Sardar Vallahhbhai Patel (3iM October) fails. Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week is one of the tools used by jhe Commission to bring together at! stakeholders lo collectively participate' in the prevention of, and the light against, corruption and to raise public awareness regarding the existence, causes and gras i tv ofand the threat posed b> corruption. During this week, ail organizations are encouraged to bring together all their employees, create awareness regarding common issues related to vigilance aud create an atmosphere motivated towards weeding out corruption and unethical practices.

3. Though punishment and penal actions delivered quickly arc effective deterrents io corruption, the spirit behind the observation of Vigilance Awareness Week is to .sensili/.a the public against the menace of corruption All organizations should strive to drive humc the idea that the light against coiTuphon is a collective tight involving evervone. !t o

therefore imperative that the public must be motivated to light against corruption il India is to succeed in its goal towards achieving self-reliance with integrity.

4. The observance of Vigilance Awareness Week would commence with the takmgol the integrity pledge (copy enclosed at the Annexure Aj by public servants in the Ministries/' Departments/ Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)/ Public Sector flanks (PSBs) and all other organizations on 26,h October, 2021 at 1100 hrs.

5. All organizations are advised to strictly adhere to extant Covid-19 prevention guidelines at all locations and events issued from time to time by the competent authority. In addition, all the organizations should strictly adhere to the economy measures issued by Ministry of Finance vide Department of Expenditure OM no. 7(2)E. Coord/2020 dated 04.09.2020

6. All organizations arc advised to conduct activities relevant to the theme, both within and outside their respective organizations, and to conduct outreach activities for public/'citizens.

7. Activities to be conducted within the organizations may include the following;a. In continuation of activities taken up during Vigilance Awareness Week.

2020, the Commission desires that all organizations focus on internal (housekeeping) activities. The indicative list for these activities as well as the format in which response is to be given is enclosed (Annexure C).

b. Employees may be encouraged to take e-pledge by visiting the website. Online “Integrity Pledge” is available at (JVC's website ( and can be accessed by ail.

^ c. The Commission has desired to spread awareness and campaign about “Complaints under PIDPI (Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers)”. Two posters in this regard have been prepared and may be displayed at all offices of the organization (Annexure D). A drive may be undertaken to spread awareness regarding the provisions under the PiPDI resolution as well as all related information, lioth posters should be placed together and should be translated to local languages, wherever required.

d. Conduct workshops/sensitizalion programs for employees and other Make holders on poiicies/proecdures of (he organization and on Preventive Vigilance measures.

organizational website for dissemination of employees/ customer- oriented information and to make available avenues lor redrcssal of grievances.

f. J'he .systemic improvements and good practices adopted lot uidei dissemination and awareness may be displayed on the website of the concerned organizations.

g. Conduct various competitions such as debates, quiz etc. for the emplovees and their families on issues relating to anti-corruption.

h. Promote the concept of c-Intcgrity Pledge by persons with whom the organization deals with.

8. Outreach activities for pubiic/citizens:

a. All Ministries/Departments/Organizations shall publicize Integrity Pledge amongst all employees, their families, vendors/ suppliers/ contractors/ stake holders, studentsjrtc. to elicit wider participation. Integrity pledge for citizens and organizations enclosed at Annexure A and B.

h. Wide publicity may be given to “Complaints under PIDPl (Public interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers)”. Two posters in this regard have been prepared and may be displayed at all offices of the organization (Annexure D). A drive may be undertaken to spread awareness regarding the provisions under the PIPDI resolution as well as all related information. Both posters should be placed together and should be translated to local languages, wherever required.

e. < trganizations may undertake activities such as walkalhons. marathons, street plays etc. which have visibility and mass appeal across all strata ofsociety.

d. hxtensivc use of social media platforms, bulk SMS/ e-mails. WhatsApp etc. for spreading awareness.

e. Organize grievance redressal camps for citizens/ customers by organizations having customer-oriented activities. Similarly, vendor meets may he organized wherever necessary, through online mode or otherwise, whichever is more feasible.

f Organizations may conduct various outreach activities for dissemination of anti-corruption messages and stressing the vision of a Vigilant India who is moving towards self-reliance with integrity, (.inline modes may he extensively used, wherever required.

g. Organize '‘Awareness Grant Sabhas" for dissemination of awareness in Gram Panchayats to sensitize citizens on the ill eftects of Corruption. As per past practice. Public Sector Banks need to conduct “Awareness Gram Sabhas” at the Branch level in all east two Gram Panchayats. Other organizations may also organize wherever possible. Indicative list ol activities which can be conducted as part of “Awareness Gram Sabhas" is at Annexure E.

r N I

9. The two months, September and October, 2021 may be observed as a “SpecialClearance Campaign” to clear all outstanding Further information cases (FI), Implementation of First Stage and Second Stage Advices (FSAs and SSAs), Investigation and reports (I&Rs), Factual Reports (FRs), Complaints (PiDPI), Complaints (Non-PIDPI), Prosecution Sanctions, Departmental Inquiries (DIs) and Comments Awaited on O il reports (CAs), in respect of all organizations and departments. ^

A report may be submitted as per format at AnnexureF to the Commission.

10. Vigilance study circles may also participate actively in the Vigilance Awareness Week by conducting any or all the outreach activities keeping in view Covid-19 guidelines as well as economy measures mentioned in para 5.

1 t. The Commission expects all organizations to conduct various activities with zeal and enthusiasm to achieve the objective to eliminate corruption in public life. Although all activities need to be conducted during the Vigilance Awareness Week, however, in case of exigencies/holidays etc., the same can also be conducted before or after the Vigilance Awareness Week.

12. Selected Photographs/ Media clips may be sent to the Commission by email ai the address coord 1 Photographs and Media clips may be uploaded on departmental / organizational websites.

13. A report on the observance of the Week may be sent by all Ministries/Departmenls/ Organizations to Central Vigilance Commission as per the formal enclosed at AnncxurcC, F and G by 30,h November, 2021.

14. This notification is also available on the Commission’s website at httpj//'w\y_\y.cvevgo'v. in.

(P. Daniel)

Additional Secretary

End: As stated.


The Cabinet Secretary of India1 he Secretaries of all Ministries/ Departments of Government of India

> 1 \+•

iii) f he Chief Secretaries ofall stales/ Union Territoriesiv) The Comptroller & Auditor General oflndiav) The Chairman, Union Public Service Commissionvi) The Chief Election Commissioner, Election Commission oflndiavii) Chief Executives ofall CPSEs/ Public Sector Banks/ Public Sector

insurance Companies/ Financial Institutions/ Autonomous Organizations/ Societies.

viii) All Chief Vigilance officers in Ministries/ Departments/ CPSHs/ Public Sector Banks/’ Public Sector Insurance Companies/ Financial Institutions/ Autonomous Organizations/ Societies.

Annexure A

Integrity Pledge for Citizens

I believe that corruption has been one of the major obstacles to economic, political and social progress of our country. I believe that all stakeholders such as Government, citizens and private sector need to work together to eradicate corruption.

I realize that every citizen should be vigilant and commit to highest standards of honesty and integrity at all times and support the fight against corruption.

I. therefore, pledge:

• To follow probity and rule of law in all walks of life:• To neither lake nor offer bribe;• To perform all tasks in an honest and transparent manner;• To act in public interest;• lo lead by example exhibiting integrity in personal behavior:• To report any incident of corruption to the appropriate agency.

% ■

!....! e.

Whether annual property returns submitted by i Yes/No all officersWhether organization possesses record retention Yes/No / preservation policy? If so dale of last amendment.Whether records are being weeded out as per the Yes/No extant retention jsolicy of the organization.It the organization digitizing / plans to digitize Yes/No old records


If Yes. Annex detail

6. If the organization runs schools, Hospitals etc. management is adhered to. - Yes/No

7. Gender sensitization issues

I SL. ; Particulars !No. 1

a. : Has the organization constituted prescribed committees for harassment of women at the work place? if yes date of last meeting held.

b. Percentage of representation of women at alllevels in the organization . ____

e. Whether awareness regarding gender issues is__being created in the organization

Whether prescribed policy for

Info Progress in the Remarkspast one year (Anne-

: Detail)Yes/No Date


Yes/No..................... ;

8. Leveraging Technology- IT usage and L-governance

SL. Particulars InfoNo.

a. New initiatives taken in the last one year for using Yes/NoIT as a preventive vigilance tool (each initiatives

. nia.X_h^described in about 50 words).b. Whether information system audit is done

regularly for 11 based applications running in theYes/No

organization. Date of last information system Audit may be given9

Progress in the past one year



Scrutiny of Audit reports: Yes/No (If Yes. give no. of scrutiny)

10. Updation of Rules, Regulations and guidelines


Particulars | Info

1 Whether organization regularly revises its j Yes/No i 1 instructions, rules and regulations. If yes date of 1i last revision of procurement rules, CDA rules, !! Transfer/Posting policy, (IRA Policy.Promotion policy, Fraud Prevention Policy / j

_ fanning of Business Dealing pcdicy etc. _ || Has the organization made rules for retired ; officials? Ifyes Furnish Date


Progress in the past one year

11. System improvements undertaken (brief description within 100 words)

SL. I Particulars InfoNo.a. i Description of System Improvement j

1 works/initiatives done may he given in 50 words for i , each work/iniliatives anti not more than 100 works in 1

__ i total for all works _ j

Progress in the past one year

! RemarksL .! Dales

! Date


(Signature of CVO/Authoriscd representative)





i C O N F I D E N T I A L

>1" •>• .Lf "'m

SEND COMPLAINTS IN WRITING TO:The Secretary, Centra! V ig ilance C om m iss ion

S ata rkta Bhavan , B iock-A GPO Com plex , INA New Delhi - 110 023

( m a r k T H E E N V E L O P E A S " P ID P I" . C O M P L A IN T S S H O U L D O N L Y BE

A G A IN S T C E N T R A L G O V E R N M E N T E M P L O Y E E S , IN C L U D IN G P S U s , P S B s

A N D U T s e t c . )

fpvi - f.



aW H E N




Complaints made under PuMk

interest Disclosure and Pron eta s

Informers Resolution ere tcm'K «

PIDPI complaints

If any complaint is made under

PIDPI. the identity of the

complainant ss kept confidential

'The complain! should he

addressed to she S eam ary

Central Vigilance Comission and


( h d e c o m p l a i n t s a g a i n s t ( c m ; a 1

v iovernemcnt o f f ic ia ls i i n c k f m i r '

P S B s , P S U s a n d { ,’ T s ) w s h h - *taken into cognizance

Por mom details \ mi( c .L’


2 0 2 1 IN IT IA T IV E

Annexu re-F.

List of Activities for conducting “Awareness Cram Sabhas” in rural and semi-urban areas

The following is a list of indicative activities for conducting “Awareness (iram Sabhas”. However it is mandatory to organize a meeting as indicated at point 0) below.

(1) Organize meetings in (iram Panchayats inviting all stake holder. Like the Sarpanch members of Gram Panchayat, Seif-Help Groups (SHGs), workers of MGNRiiA, burners, students, and citizens. Head of Cirarn Sabha/Sarpanch or any dignitary could be requested to deliver lecture on awareness against corruption followed by discussion. Anti-Corruption messages in vernacular languages can also be displavcd at the meeting.

(2) Organize competitions like quiz, cartoon, slogans, painting, rangoli. posters and walkathon/ inarathon/ cyclathon etc.

(3) Organize Melas to give wide publicity to the produce/products of the SHGs as motivational tools for integrating them with awareness creation effort.

(4) Organize evening Choupals/meetings in villages/ panchayats during which short plays/ naulankies/ kalajathas/ folk songs/ puppet shows, etc., can be organized focusing on the theme of Anti-Corruption.

Requisite norms and guidelines regarding Covid-19 prevention may be followed, wherever applicable.


Special C learance C am paign

(S ep tem ber-O ctobcr 202!)

Anncxure- F



FSA SSA i& R FRComplaint(FI DPI)

Complaint(Nun P1DP[)ProsecutionSanctionDisciplinaryInquiry_Comments Awaited (on CBi report)

O pening A ccrued Total Disposed [ C losing BaBalance d u rin g d u rin g j 31.10.2021as on Sep tem ber Sep tem ber ;01.09.2021 and and r -------.

-- . - ..............— O ctober ............ , > 3m onths

O ctoberi

-.... -............ '

>6m onths T o ta l ;

G ra n d T o ta l

Activity Report format on Vigilance Awareness W eek-2021


Name of the Organisation:


Table-1: Integrity Pledge

Total no. of employees who have undertaken e-pledge

Total no. of customers who ! Total no. of citizen who hav have undertaken e-pledge > undertaken e-pledge

............ V


Table-2: C onduct of competitions

Name of ' State

City.'Place - Specify program ' Name of(Debate/hlocution/Tanel j first two discussion etc.; i winners

I No. of \ Whether copy; participants J of award

i winning l J activities; _ L attached

Table-3: Other Activities


Distribute Paniphiet.s/Banners Conduct of WorkshopASensitization programmes

j. 3._j Issue of Joumal/Newsietfer: L _[ Any other activities

i 2.



Table-4: Involving students in Schools

Name of Suite

; Name of' . Name of| city/fown/village ; Scfiool

; Details of activities conducted (date of activities may also be

I mentioned

No. ofstudentsinvolved

Whether copy of award winning activities attached

Table-5: Involving students in Colleges.

! Name of ! Slatei

Name of Name ofcity/tovvn/viliagc School

Details of activities conducted (date of activities may also be mentioned)

No. ofstudentsinvolved

Whether copy of award winning activities attached

(Total r • .. i_ .

Table-6: "Awareness Gram Sabhas"

’ Name of 1 State

Name of city/town/villagc

j Name of Gram Pcinchayaf where "Awareness Gram Sabha” is held

i l'otal

Details of activities No. ofconducted (date of public/citr/.cns

! activities may also be ■ participated j mentioned

Table-7: Seminars/Workshops

No. ofpublic/eiti/’ens participated


Table-8: Other activities

j Np j Activities ; 1. _ ; Display of Banners/Posters etc

| Details

Name of State

Name of city/town/village

No. ofseminars/workshopsorganised

Details of activities conducted (date of activities may also be mentioned)

. 2_ i No. oi grie\aiK:c‘redressal camps held■ _ } Use of Social Media


(Photos may kindly be sent alongwith captions and also place & date of event)

Name of the No. of Photosactivities held

Whether photos arc in ! I fin soft copy, number ofCJ sent in soft copy or ! attachedhard copy j


(Brief write up on the activities conducted during Vigilance awareness Week, not more than m about 1000 words may be attached in a separate sheet)

Annexurc- B

integrity Pledge for Organizations

We believe that corruption has been one of the major obstacles to economic, political and social progress of our country. We believe that all stakeholders such as Government, citizens and private sector need to work together to eradicate corruption.

We acknowledge our responsibility to lead by example and the need to put in place safeguards, integrity frameworks and code of ethics to ensure that we are not part of any corrupt practice and we tackle instances of corruption with utmost strictness.

We realize that as an Organization, we need to lead from the front in eradicating corruption and in maintaining highest standards of integrity, transparency and good governance in all aspects of our operations.

We, therefore, pledge that:

• We shall promote ethical business practices and foster a culture of honesty and integrity:

• We shall not offer or accept bribes:• Wc commit to good corporate governance based on transparency, accountability

and fairness;• We shall adhere to relevant laws, rules and compliance mechanisms in the conduct

of business:• We shall adopt a code of ethics for all our employees;• We shall sensitize our employees of laws, regulations, etc. relevant to their work for

honest discharge of their duties;• We shall provide grievance redressal and Whistle Blower mechanism tor reporting

grievances and fraudulent activities;• We shall protect the rights and interests of stakeholders and the society at large.

Annexure- C

(REPORTING FORMAT)Internal (Housekeeping) Activities for Vigilance Awareness Week-2021

[Only statistical /quantified information or Yes/No, etc. to be tilled up under head inliYand detailed statements to he annexed]

Name of Ministry/Departinent/Organization:

1. Land Management

SL. I Particulars ! InfoNo.! _ ................. .... .......... ;

■ 1. Does the organization possess revenue j Ycs/No [ t documents / records for the land(s) under its !

control?How much land is under encroachment and

; at what locations?| ' Steps beingjaken to combat encroachment? ' Yes/No; 4. Any other initiatives?

Progress in the past one year

| Remarks (Annex De(ail) ;

2. Allotment of houses / quarters and related issues

! SL. 1 * 3 4 Particulars I Info i Progress in theNo. past one year

I. Does the organization use IT application i for allotment of houses?


[ 2. : Does the organization possess a house j Yes/Noj allotment policy?

3. , is House allotment being done as per j Yes/No__j_prcscribed policy? !

4. Is there any illegal occupation of houses. Yes/No ; '• any and_ what action has been taken? !

: 5. : Any other issue?

Remarks (Annex Detail)

3. Payments and other benefits to persons working in outsourcing services in the organizations.

SL. | Particulars Info Progress in theNo. i past one year

: 1.

| 2.





; Whether the organization possesses . Yes/No i ; prescribed norms for outsourcing? jIf ves. are these norms adhered to? _ [ Yes/No ;Whether payment of salaries/wages is paid I Yes/No ■ through bank account by the contractor _ I |

! Whether other statutory dues (PF, Medical ! Yes/No ;henelits etc.) are being given on time? _ |Whether due wages are paid to the ; Yes/No ■ outsourced persons as per contract ;

i conditions and any lest check being done by j; lhejrianagem_ent__.......... j j! Whether the vendors are adhering to the Yes/No i norms prescribed by the organization? iAny other special initiative regarding joutsourcing?


4. Management of Assets

; SL No.1.

r 2

| Particulars ■ info j Progress in thej . A past one year! Whether condemnation of assets (Plant and i Yes/No j Machinery, Office Equipment. Vehicles, ;Sundry items etc.) is being done as per ' jextant rules strictly _ t J

I Date of last condemnation of assets (Plant i Date !; and Machinery, Office Equipment. I' Vehicles. Sundry items etc.) may be given j ;

j Remarks (Annex Detai


I SI No.


Preventive Vigilance measures undertaken by the CVOs

Particulars j Info j Progress in thei past one year

No. ol'Jnspections ]No. of Training Programmes / workshops-... I

■. including E-tr_a]ning/ online training j i




_______________________ ISBT B U IL D IN G C O M P LE X : KA SH M ERE GATE : DELHI________________________

F .1 3 (4 2 ) /V ig . /W C D /2 0 2 1 / / D a te d :

Sub: O b s e rv a n c e o f ‘V IG ILA N C E AW A R EN ESS W EEK - 2 0 2 1 ' w .e . f . 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 ^ 1

As p e r th e d ire c t io n s o f th e C e n tra l V ig ila n c e C o m m is s io n , G o v t, o f In d ia c o n v e y e d by

th e D te . o f V ig ila n c e , G N C TD v id e t h e ir le t t e r d a te d 2 0 .0 9 .2 0 2 1 , 'V IG ILA N C E A W A R EN ESS W EEK

- 2 0 2 1 ' is to b e o b s e rv e d f r o m 2 6 th O c to b e r, 2 0 2 1 (T u e s d a y ) to 0 1 st N o v e m b e r , 2 0 2 1

(M o n d a y ) . T h is y e a r th e th e m e o f o b s e rv in g V ig ila n c e A w a re n e s s W e e k is "S a ta rk B h a ra t,

S a m r id d h B h a ra t - V ig ila n c e In d ia , P ro s p e ro u s In d ia " . In th is re g a rd , th e fo l lo w in g p o in ts h a ve

b e e n id e n t i f ie d f o r a c t io n a n d r e p o r t d u r in g th is w e e k

1). Land ManagementNo. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 Does the department possess revenue documents/ records of the Iand(s)/property(s) under its control ?


2 How much land is under encroachment and at what locations ?

3 Steps being taken to combat encroachment ? Yes/No4 Any other initiative ?

[Action - Estate Branch]

2. Allotment of houses/quarters and related issuesNo. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 Does the organization use IT application for allotment of houses ?


2 Does the organization possess a house allotment policy ?


3 Is house allotment being done as per prescribed policy ?


4 Is there any illegal occupation of houses, if any and what action is being taken?


5 Any other issue ?[Action - Estate Branch]


3. Payments and other benefits to persons working in outsourced services in the _____ organization:-____________________________ _______________ ____________No. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 Whether the organization possesses prescribed norms for outsourcing ?


2 If yes, are these norms ahered to ? Yes/No3 Whether payment of salaries/ wages is paid

through bank account by the contractor ?Yes/No

4 Whether other statutory dues (PF, Medical benefits etc] are being given on time ?


5 Whether due wages are paid to the outsourced persons as per contract conditions and any test check being done by the management ?


6 Whether the vendors are adhering to the norms prescribed by the department?


7 Any other special initiative regarding outsourcing ?

[Action - Administration Branch]4. Management of AssetsNo. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 Whether condemnation of Assets is being done as per existing rules strictly ?


2 Date of last condemnation of assets may be given ?


[Action - Care Ta dng Branch]5. Preventive Vigilance Measures undertakenNo. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 No. of inspections undertaken ---2 No. of Training programmes/workshops

including E-training/online training.3 Whether annual Property returns submitted

by all officersYes/No

4 Whether department possesses record retention /preservation policy ? If so the date of last amendment ?

Yes/No Date

5 Whether records are being weeded out as per the extant retention policy of the department


6 If the organization digitizing / plans to digitize old records

Yes/No If Yes. Annex details

[Action - All District Officers/Deputy Directors/Administration Branch]


6. If the organization run schools, hospitals etc.No. Particulars Info Remarks

1 Whether prescribed policy for management is adhered to?


[Action - CPU Branch/All District Officers]

7. Gender Sensitization IssuesNo. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 Has the organization constituted prescribed committees for harassment of women at the workplace ? If yes, date of last meeting held ?

Yes/No Date

2 Percentage of representation of women at all level in organization ?


3 Whether awareness regarding gender issues is being created in the organization ?


[Action - CPU Branch/WEC Branch/Administration Branch]

8. Levaraging Technology - IT Usage and E-governanceNo. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 New initiatives taken in the last one year for using IT as a preventive vigilance tool ?


2 Whether Information System Audit is done regularly for IT based applications running in the department. Date of last information system audit may be given?

Yes/No Date

[Action - FAS Branch/Ladli Branch/IT Cell]

9. Scrutiny of Audit Reports.No. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 Whether the audit reports related to the department were scrutinized and attended as per requirements.

Yes/No If yes. Give no. of

scrutiny[Action - WEC Branch/CPU Branch/All District Officers/All Deputy Directors]


10. Updation of Rules, Regulations and guidelinesNo. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 Whether department regularly reviews its instructions, rules and regulations. If yes, date of last revision of concerned policy/rules/Transfer policy/Procurement Rules/HRA Policy/Promotion Policy/Fraud Prevention Policy/Banning of business dealing policy etc. ?

Yes/No Dates

2 Has the organization made rules for retired officials ? If yes, furnish date ?

Yes/No Date

[Action - A1 Deputy Directors o FDWCD-HQ.]

11. Systems improvements undertakenNo. Particulars Info Progress

in past one year


1 Description of systems improvement works / initiatives done during the last one year.


[Action - All Deputy Directors/All District Officers]

A r e p o r t o n th e a fo re m e n t io n e d p o in ts is s o lic ite d f r o m th e c o n c e rn e d o n /b e fo r e

0 3 .1 1 .2 0 2 1 . S ince , th e in fo r m a t io n s o u g h t re la te s t o th e d ire c t io n s o f th e H o n 'b le CVC a n d

n e e d s t o b e in c o rp o ra te d in th e f in a l r e p o r t re la te d t o th e V ig ila n c e A w a re n e s s W e e k - 2 0 2 1 ,

th e t im e l im i t a s s ig n e d m u s t b e a h e re d to .



2 1 OCT 2021F .1 3 (4 2 ) /V ig . /W C D /2 0 2 1 / / X / / £ " £ 3 * D a te d

1. A ll th e D is tr ic t O f f ic e r s /D e p u ty D ire c to rs o f D W C D , G NCTD.

2. T he A s s tt. P ro g ra m m e r , D W C D (H Q .) w i th th e d ire c t io n t o u p lo a d th is c ir c u la r a t t h e o f f ic ia l

s ite o f th e d e p a r tm e n t , o n u rg e n t basis.

3. PA to S e c re ta ry , D W C D , G N C TD .

4. OSD t o D ire c to r , D W C D , G N C TD .

5. A ll J o in t D ire c to s , D W C D , G N C TD .




F. 13 (42)/V ig./W CD/2021/- Cl°j

Dated :

To, 2 1 0 C 1 2 0 2 1

The Deputy Director (WEC),Department of Women & Child Development, Government of NCT of Delhi.

Sub: Observance of ‘VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK - 2021’ w.e.f. 26.10.2021 to 01.11.2021-reg.

As you may be aware that as per the directions of the Central Vigilance Commission, Govt, of India conveyed by the Dte. of Vigilance, GNCTD ‘VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK - 2021’ is to be observed from 26th October, 2021 (Tuesday) to 01st November, 2021 (Monday). This year the theme of observing Vigilance Awareness Week is “Independent India @ 75 : Self Reliance with Integrity”.

In this regard, it is informed that the Competent Authority has decided that the WEC Branch shall undertake the following activities during the Vigilance Awareness Week - 2021

a). arrange/organize a workshop at the HeadQuarter level, for sensitization of the female employees about the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act,

b). arrange/organize a workshop of all the senior officers i.e. Dy. Directors/District Officers for debate on the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013 and discussion on the procedure to be undertaken while dealing with related complaints, at HeadQuarter level.

You are requested to initiate suitable necessary action at your level, on urgent basis.





Copy for information to1) . OSD to the Secretary, DWCD, GNCTD.2) . PS to the Director, DWCD, GNCTD.3) . PA to the Joint Director (WEC), DWCD, GNCTD.



F. 13(42)/Vig./WCD/2021/ Qjg


Dated :

1 I OCT 202!The Deputy Director (CPU),Department of Women & Child Development, Government of NCT of Delhi.

Sub: Observance of ‘VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK - 2021’ w.e.f. 26.10.2021 to01.11.2021-reg.


As you may be aware that as per the directions of the Central Vigilance Commission, Govt, of India conveyed by the Dte. of Vigilance, GNCTD ‘VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK - 2021’ is to be observed from 26th October, 2021 (Tuesday) to 01st November, 2021 (Monday). This year the theme of observing Vigilance Awareness Week is “Independent India @ 75 : Self Reliance with Integrity”.

In this regard, it is informed that the Competent Authority has decided that the CPU Branch shall issue specific directions to all the Supdts. of the Institutions of the DWCD, GNCTD, to conduct sensitization programmes at their level of all the concerned employees regarding their roles and responsibilities.

You are requested to initiate suitable necessary action at your level, on urgent basis.

Copy for information to1) . OSD to the Secretary, DWCD, GNCTD.2) . PS to the Director, DWCD, GNCTD.3) . PA to the Joint Director (CPU), DWCD, GNCTD




m s m f v *

F. 13(42)/Vig./WCD/2021 / / r£) , Dated :

To5 1 1 O C T 2021

The Deputy Director (ICDS),Department of Women & Child Development,Government of NCT of Delhi.

Sub: Observance of ‘VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK - 2021’ w.e.f. 26.10.2021 to01.11.2021 -reg.


As you may be aware that as per the directions of the Central Vigilance Commission, Govt, of India conveyed by the Dte. of Vigilance, GNCTD ‘VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK - 2021’ is to be observed from 26th October, 2021 (Tuesday) to 01st November, 2021 (Monday). This year the theme of observing Vigilance Awareness Week is “Independent India @ 75 : Self Reliance with Integrity”.

In this regard, it is informed that the Competent Authority has decided that the ICDS Branch shall issue specific directions to all the CDPOs of the DWCD, GNCTD, to conduct sensitization programmes at their level of all the concerned employees regarding their roles and responsibilities.

You are requested to initiate suitable necessary action at your level, on urgent basis.


Copy for information to1) . OSD to the Secretary, DWCD, GNCTD.2) . PS to the Director, DWCD, GNCTD.3) . PA to the Joint Director (ICDS), DWCD, GNCTD.







Dated :

2 1 OCT 2021The Deputy Director (FAS),Department of Women & Child Development,Government of NCT of Delhi.

Sub: Observance of ‘VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK - 2021’ w.e.f. 26.10.2021 to 01.11.2021 -reg.


As you may be aware that as per the directions of the Central Vigilance Commission, Govt, of India conveyed by the Dte. of Vigilance, GNCTD ‘VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK - 2021’ is to be observed from 26th October, 2021 (Tuesday) to 01st November, 2021 (Monday). This year the theme of observing Vigilance Awareness Week is “Independent India @ 75 : Self Reliance with Integrity”.

In this regard, it is informed that the Competent Authority has decided that the ICDS Branch shall issue specific directions to all the District Officers to ensure that all the grievances related to the financial schemes are identified/addressed/settled, during the Vigilance Awareness Week. Further, arrangements may be made to send bulk messages to the beneficiaries intimating the details of the grievance redressal authorities of the department.

You are requested to initiate suitable necessary action at your level, on urgent basis.



Copy for information to1) . OSD to the Secretary, DWCD, GNCTD.2) . PS to the Director, DWCD, GNCTD.3) . PA to the Joint Director (FAS), DWCD, GNCTD.


F. 13(42)/Vig./WCD/2021 / / — $ 3 Dated:


ORDER - 1 OCT 2021As as per the directions of the Central Vigilance Commission, Govt, of India conveyed

by the Dte. of Vigilance, GNCTD ‘VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK - 2021’ is to be observed from 26th October, 2021 (Tuesday) to 01st November, 2021 (Monday). This year the theme of observing Vigilance Awareness Week is “Independent India @ 75 : Self Reliance with Integrity”.

In this regard, the Competent Authority is pleased to issue following directions for strict compliance in letter & spirit

a) . The month of October and November, 2021 are to be observed as Special ClearanceCampaign, to clear all outstanding pendencies. All the Deputy Directors/ District Officers are directed to ensure that all the pendencies related to grievances / complaints received, are cleared with appropriate disposal, before the culmination of the Vigilance Awareness Week - 2021 i.e. 01.11.2021. A report in this regard be submitted to the Vigilance Branch latest by 03.11.2021 at [email protected]

b) . All the District Officers are directed to organize a Grievance Redressal/ConvergenceCamp at their offices during the Vigilance Awareness Week - 2021.

c) . Photographs and reports with regard to the activities undertaken during the VigilanceAwareness Week - 2021 be submitted at [email protected].



1 ) . A ll t h e D e p u ty D ire c to r s /D is t r ic t O ff ic e rs , D W C D , G NCTD.

2 ) . S h ri A K S o n i, In c h a rg e (N IC C e ll) w i th th e d ire c t io n s t o u p lo a d th is o r d e r o n th e o f f ic ia l

w e b s ite o f th e d e p a r tm e n t .

3 ) . S h ri R a h u l D o o n , W e la re O ff ic e r , Pr. B r. o f D ire c to r (W C D ), t o c o o rd in a te th e m a t te r w ith

th e o f f ic e rs c o n c e rn e d .

C o p y f o r in fo r m a t io n t o

1 ) . OSD t o th e S e c re ta ry , D W C D , G NCTD.

2 ) . PS to th e D ire c to r , D W C D , G NCTD.

3 ) . PA to th e J o in t D ire c to rs , D W C D , G NCTD.



F .1 3 (4 2 ) /V ig . /W C D /2 0 2 1 / / ( f jj j _ D a te d :

l? i ocjSub: O b s e rv a n c e o f 'V IG ILA N C E AW A REN ESS W EEK - 2 0 2 1 ' w .e . f . 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 2 1 t o 0 1 .1 1 . 121.

As p e r th e d ire c t io n s o f th e C e n tra l V ig ila n c e C o m m is s io n , G o v t, o f In d ia c o n v e y e d b y

th e D te . o f V ig ila n c e , G N C TD v id e t h e ir le t t e r d a te d 2 0 .0 9 .2 0 2 1 , 'V IG ILA N C E A W A R EN ESS W EEK

- 2 0 2 1 ' is t o b e o b s e rv e d f r o m 2 6 th O c to b e r, 2 0 2 1 (T u e s d a y ) to 0 1 st N o v e m b e r , 2 0 2 1

(M o n d a y ) . T h is y e a r th e th e m e o f o b s e rv in g V ig ila n c e A w a re n e s s W e e k is " In d e p e n d e n t In d ia

@ 7 5 : S e lf R e lia n c e w ith In te g r ity " . T h e o b s e rv a n c e o f th e w e e k w i l l c o m m e n c e w i th th e

in te g r i ty p le d g e o n 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 2 1 a t 1 1 .0 0 A M , w h ic h is t o be a d m in is te re d t o a ll th e e m p lo y e e s

a n d s ta f f o f th e D e p a r tm e n t o f W o m e n & C h ild D e v e lo p m e n t, G N C TD b y th e H e a d /S e n io r m o s t

O ff ic e r o f a ll th e in s t i tu t io n s / IC D S P ro je c ts .

F u r th e r , a v ir tu a l m e e t in g is c o n v e n e d u n d e r th e c h a irw o m a n s h ip o f Ld. D ire c to r , D W C D

a t 0 1 .0 0 PM o n 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 2 1 , f o r fo rm a l in a u g u ra t io n o f V ig ila n c e A w a re n e s s W e e k - 2 0 2 1 in th e

d e p a r tm e n t a n d t o d iscu ss th e a c t iv it ie s t o be u n d e r ta k e n d u r in g th e w e e k . A ll th e J o in t

D ire c to r s /D e p u ty D ire c to r s /D is t r ic t O ff ic e rs a re re q u e s te d t o a t te n d th e s a id m e e t in g . F u r th e r

d e ta ils w i th re g a rd t o th e v ir tu a l m e e t in g can b e a s c e r ta in e d f r o m S h ri R a h u l D o o n , W e lfa re

O ff ic e r a n d S h ri A K S o n i, In c h a rg e (N IC B ra n c h ).



C o p y to

1 ) . A ll th e J o in t D ire c to rs , D W C D , G NCTD.

2 ) . A ll th e D e p u ty D ire c to r s /D is t r ic t O ff ic e rs , D W C D , G NCTD.

3 ) . S h ri A K S o n i, In c h a rg e (N IC C e ll) w i th th e d ire c t io n s to u p lo a d th is c ir c u la r o n th e o f f ic ia l

w e b s ite o f th e d e p a r tm e n t a n d t o m a k e s u ita b le a r ra n g e m e n ts f o r th e a b o v e m e n t io n e d

v ir tu a l m e e t in g .

4 ) . S h ri R a hu l D o o n , W e la re O ff ic e r , Pr. B r. o f D ire c to r (W C D ), t o c o o rd in a te th e m a t te r w ith

th e N IC C e ll a n d th e o f f ic e rs c o n c e rn e d .

C o p y f o r in fo r m a t io n t o

1 ) . OSD to th e S e c re ta ry , D W C D , G NCTD.

2 ) . PS to th e D ire c to r , D W C D , G NCTD.