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Page 1: INDEKSI NA EDINE^NA VREDNOST NA IZVEZENATA I NA … · Pri presmetka na indeksot na cenite se koristi formulata na Fi{er koja pretstavuva kvadraten koren od proizvodot na Lasperoviot



Page 2: INDEKSI NA EDINE^NA VREDNOST NA IZVEZENATA I NA … · Pri presmetka na indeksot na cenite se koristi formulata na Fi{er koja pretstavuva kvadraten koren od proizvodot na Lasperoviot





STATISTI^KI PREGLED: Nadvore{na trgovija


Skopje, 2011 / Skopje, 2011

Page 3: INDEKSI NA EDINE^NA VREDNOST NA IZVEZENATA I NA … · Pri presmetka na indeksot na cenite se koristi formulata na Fi{er koja pretstavuva kvadraten koren od proizvodot na Lasperoviot

Statisti~ki pregled (673)2


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ИНДЕКСИ на единечната вредност на извезената и на увезената стока во Република Македонија во 2008 = Unit value index for the exported and imported goods in the Republic of Macedonia in 2008. - Скопје : Државен завод за статистика на Република Македонија = Skopje : State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, 2011. - 36 стр. : табели ; 29 см. - (Статистички преглед / Државен завод за статистика на Република Македонија. Надворешна трговија = Statistical review / State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, ISSN 0580-454X. Foreign trade, ISSN 1409-8342 ; Текст напоредно на мак. и англ. јазикISBN 978-608-227-015-9 а) Надворешнотрговска размена - Индекси на единечна вредност - Македонија - 2008 - СтатистикаCOBISS.MK-ID 87094026

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3Statistical review (673)


Vo ova izdanie Dr`avniot zavod za statistika gi objavuva podatocite za indeksite na ceni (edinica vrednost) na izvezenata i na uvezenata stoka vo 2008 godina.

Metodologijata za presmetuvawe na indeksite na cenite na izvezenata i na uvezenata stoka se bazira na standardite, definiciite preporakite od OON.

Indeksite se zna~ajni indikatori za sledewe na promenite vo koli~estvata i cenite vo uvozot i vo izvozot, i vo golema merka }e pridonesat za soodvetno naso~uvawe na proizvodstvoto i me|unarodnata trgovija, vo sferata na podgotovkata na makroekonomskite pokazateli, za potrebite na biznismenite i ostanatite korisnici na podatoci.

Skopje, 2011 godina

Pomo{nik rakovoditel na sektor Mirjana Bo{wak


This edition of the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia presents the indices of prices (unit value) of exported and imported goods in 2008.

The methodology for calculating price indices (unit value) of exported and imported goods is based on the standards, definitions and recommendations of the UN.

These indices provide significant indicators for monitoring the changes in the prices and quantities in the import and export, and will significantly contribute for proper guidance of production and international trade, for creating macroeconomic indicators and will satisfy the needs of businessmen and other data users.

Skopje, 2011

Deputy Head of Sector Mirjana Bosnjak

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)4



Preface .........................................................................................................................................................................3

Contents .......................................................................................................................................................................4

Methodological bases ..................................................................................................................................................8


Unit value indices in the external trade, 2008 (2005=100) - Fisher .............................................................................11

Unit value indices in the external trade, 2008 (2005=100) - Laspeyres .....................................................................11

Import unit value index (2005=100) - Laspeyres .........................................................................................................12

Import unit value index (2005=100) - Paasche ..........................................................................................................16

Import unit value index (2005=100) - Fisher ..............................................................................................................20

Export unit value index (2005=100) - Laspeyres ........................................................................................................24

Export unit value index (2005=100) - Paasche ...........................................................................................................28

Export unit value index (2005=100) - Fisher ..............................................................................................................32



Voved .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Sodr`ina ................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Metodolo{ki osnovi ................................................................................................................................................ 5


Indeksi na edinica vrednost vo nadvore{nata trgovija, 2008 godina (2005=100) - Fi{er ......................... 11

Indeksi na edinica vrednost vo nadvore{nata trgovija, 2008 godina (2005=100) - Lasper ....................... 11

Indeks na edinica vrednost za uvoz (2005=100) - Lasper ................................................................................ 12

Indeks na edinica vrednost za uvoz (2005=100) - Pa{e .................................................................................... 16

Indeks na edinica vrednost za uvoz (2005=100) - Fi{er ................................................................................. 20

Indeks na edinica vrednost za izvoz (2005=100) - Lasper ............................................................................... 24

Indeks na edinica vrednost za izvoz (2005=100) - Pa{e .................................................................................. 28

Indeks na edinica vrednost za izvoz (2005=100) - Fi{er ................................................................................ 32

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Statistical review (673) 5

Metodolo{ki osnovi

cel na istra`uvaweto

Mese~noto sledewe na indeksite na cenite na izvozot i na uvozot na stoki ima za cel analiti~ki da se sledi dinamikata na dvi`eweto na cenite, koja naj~esto se koristi vo makroekonomskite istra`uvawa. Izrazot "ceni" e zemen uslovno zatoa {to presmetkata vsu{nost se vr{i vrz osnova na edine~nite vrednosti na izvezenata i na uvezenata stoka.

Nadvore{no-trgovskite indeksi se indikatori za sledewe na promenite vo cenite na izvozot i na uvozot vo odreden vremenski interval.

Indeksite na cenite glavno se koristat za naso~uvawe na proizvodstvoto i me|unarodnata trgovija, za sporeduvawe na nacionalnite i me|unarodnite serii za cenite, za sledewe na promenite kaj glavnite izvezeni i uvezeni proizvodi vo ramkite na nadvore{nata trgovija. Isto taka, se koristat i kako deflatori vo sistemot na nacionalnite smetki.

Uslovi na trguvawe

Zna~ajno merilo za razvojot na ekonomijata na edna zemja se uslovite na trguvawe. Uslovite na trguvawe se definirani kako odnos me|u prose~nite ceni na stokite {to edna zemja gi izvezuva i prose~nite ceni na stokite {to gi uvezuva:

Pexp /Pimp

Pexp = indeks na edine~ni vrednosti - izvoz

Pimp = indeks na edine~ni vrednosti - uvoz

Podobruvaweto na uslovite za trguvawe mo`e da bide izraz na zgolemenata vnatre{na produktivnost, a toa zna~i deka mo`e da se kupat pove}e stranski stoki za istata koli~ina na izvezenite stoki, odnosno se zgolemuva doma{noto bogatstvo.

Indeksite za nadvore{nata trgovija vo ovaa publikacija se bazirani na edine~nata vrednost od carinskite deklaracii i se presmetani za grupa, otsek i sektor od SMTK-rev.4.

Prednosti i nedostatoci na priodot so edine~na vrednost

Prednosti na izborot na priodot so edine~na vrednost vo odnos na anketno istra`uvawe na indeksot na izvozno-uvoznite ceni se:

- zna~itelno poniski tro{oci pri pribiraweto na podatocite bidej}i ne e potrebno dopolnitelno pribirawe na podatoci;

- jasna definicija na edine~nata vrednost kako odnos na vrednosta na soodvetnoto koli~estvo (interpretacijata na "cenite" ponekoga{ e nejasna);

- opfatena e re~isi sekoja trgovska transakcija.

Glavni nedostatoci se:

- za golem del od izvozot ili od uvozot, vo edna statisti~ka stavka, postoi miks od proizvodi so razli~ni kvaliteti;

- koli~estvata ponekoga{ nedostasuvaat ili se premnogu grubo definirani;

- promenite vo kvalitetot ili vo sostavot na proizvodite od statisti~kata stavka se reflektiraat na edine~nata vrednost. So podobruvawe na kvalitetot, indeksot na edine~nata vrednost gi precenuva aktuelnite promeni vo cenite.

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)6

Formuli za presmetuvawe na indeksite

Vrednosta na eden proizvod se dobiva na sledniov na~in:

V = P*Q

Kade {to:

V = vrednost

P = cena

Q = koli~estvo

Slednava formula go dava na~inot na presmetuvawe na edine~nata vrednost:

P = ΣVit/ΣQit = Σ Pit*Qit / Σ Qit

Vit = vrednost na proizvodot, nabquduvana vo vremenski interval t

Pit = cena na proizvodot, nabquduvana vo vremenski interval t

Qit = koli~estvo na proizvodot, nabquduvano vo vremenski interval t

Za sekoj proizvod od carinskite deklaracii, za vremenskiot interval ”t” , se agregiraat site vrednosti od ”m” izvozni, odnosno uvozni transakcii i soodvetnite koli~estva. Potoa se delat vrednostite so koli~estvata i se dobiva p- edine~nata vrednost na soodvetniot proizvod.

Indeksi na ceni (prose~ni vrednosti) na izvezenata i na uvezenata stoka

Za presmetuvawe na indeksite na ceni se koristat formulite na Lasper i Pa{e:

Lasper Ip(l) = Σ p1*q0 / Σ p0*q0

p1 = cena vo tekovniot period

p0 = cena vo bazniot period

q0 = koli~estvo vo bazniot period

Pa{e Ip(p) = Σ p1*q1 / Σ p0*q1

p1 = cena vo tekovniot period

p0 = cena vo bazniot period

q1 = koli~estvo vo tekovniot period

Pri presmetka na indeksot na cenite se koristi formulata na Fi{er koja pretstavuva kvadraten koren od proizvodot na Lasperoviot i Pa{eoviot indeks na edine~na vrednost F=√L*P. Ovoj pristap se primenuva poradi potrebite na SNS (Sistemot na nacionalni smetki), zatoa {to vo nivnite presmetki se koristat fiksnite ceni (od baznata godina) i promenite vo koli~estvata, a toa go ovozmo`uva formulata na Lasper kade {to kako ponderi se koristat vrednostite od baznata godina.

So toa se isklu~uvaat promenite vo cenite, odnosno inflatornite vlijanija. Ova, pak, ja nametnuva potrebata za indeksot na ceni da se koristi indeksot na Pa{e kade {to kako ponderi se koristat vrednostite od tekovnata godina, zatoa {to proizvodot od Pa{eoviot indeks na ceni i Lasperoviot indeks na volumen ja dava relativnata promena vo vrednosta od baznata vo tekovnata godina.

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Statistical review (673) 7

Ova mo`e da se prika`e matemati~ki:

∑q1p0 ∑p1q1 ∑p1q1

QLa01 * P

Pa01 = * = = V01

∑q0p0 ∑p0q1 ∑p0q0

Stokovna lista i korekcija na podatocite

Listata na stoki koi se opfateni so presmetkata na indeksite e utvrdena so nomenklaturata na Harmoniziranata carinska tarifa. Neopfatenite stoki, vsu{nost, se stoki koi vo bazniot ili tekovniot period ne se zastapeni vo stokovniot promet ili, pak, nivnoto koli~estvo vo bazniot i vo tekovniot period e nezna~itelno ili nesporedlivo. Edine~nata cena za takvite proizvodi, obi~no, e zna~itelno nad ili pod prose~nata vrednost i ne e verodostoen pokazatel na realnite dvi`ewa na cenite na stokite vo izvozot i vo uvozot. Proizvodite kaj koi postoi golem varijabilitet vo kvalitetot i na~inot na pla}awe, so {to odnosot me|u koli~estvoto i vrednosta ne ja reprezentiraat prose~nata cena, vo podolg period, isto taka, se eliminiraat od presmetkata na ovie indeksi. So ogled na specifi~nosta i strukturata na izvozot i na uvozot, formirani se dve posebni listi na proizvodi za koi se vr{i presmetka na izvozno-uvoznite indeksi, edna za izvozot i edna za uvozot na stoki.

Vo indeksnite presmetki ne se vklu~eni delovi od ma{ini, uredi i aparati.

Ograni~uvawa kaj indeksite na cenite na izvozot i na uvozot na stoki

Verodostojnosta i realnosta na ovie indeksi se ograni~eni od slednive raboti: heterogenosta na proizvodite koi vleguvaat vo presmetkata; brojot na opfatenite proizvodi; ponderacioniot koncept na baznite koli~estva za oddelni slo`eni proizvodi od visoka prerabotka (investiciona oprema, brodovi, avioni, kako i sredstva za {iroka potro{uva~ka); ne obezbeduva adekvatni agregatni indeksi za site nivoa na kumulacijata.

Proizvodite od edna tarifna stavka na Carinskata tarifa mo`at da bidat od razli~en kvalitet iako se raboti za isto naimenuvawe. Takvi proizvodi se, na primer, ma{inite i soodvetnata oprema, stakloto i keramikata i drugi proizvodi.

Od mesec vo mesec mo`e da se menuva strukturata na proizvodite koi vleguvaat vo eden tarifen stav, a so toa nastanuvaat promeni vo prose~nata vrednost i pokraj toa {to ne nastanale promeni vo cenite na proizvodite.

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)8

Methodological basis

Purpose of the survey

The monthly monitoring of the price indices of the exported and imported goods aims to analyse the dynamic movement of these prices, which is used in other macroeconomic researches in the country. The expression “price” is just an expression, because in fact it is the unit value of the exported and imported goods which is the unit of observation.

The external trade indices are indicators for monitoring the changes in the export and import prices during a given time period.

The external trade price indices are used for directing the national production and the international trade, for comparing the national and international price series, for monitoring the changes in the main exported or imported goods in the framework of the external trade. These indices are also used as deflators for the SNA purposes.

Terms of trade

An important measure of the degree of development of a country's economy is the terms of trade, defined as the ratio between the average prices of the goods exported by a country and the average prices of the imported goods

Pexp /Pimp

Pexp = export index

Pimp = import index

An improvement in the terms of trade may be a result of the increased productivity in the country. That means that the country is in a position to buy more foreign products for the same quantity of the exported goods, which means that the internal wealth is increased.

External trade indices in this publication are based on the unit values from the customs declarations. The indices are calculated for subdivision, division and sector of the SITC - rev 4.

Advantages and disadvantages of the unit value approach

The advantages of the unit value approach are:

- Lower costs for compiling the data, because there is no need for another survey for data compiling;

- A clear definition of the unit value as a ratio between the value and the quantity (the definition of the prices is sometimes not so clear);

- Almost all trade transactions are covered;

- The main disadvantages are:

- For a large part of the exported or imported goods there is only one tariff number which comprises a mix of goods with various qualities;

- Sometimes quantities are not available or are not clearly defined;

- The changes in the quality or in the content of the goods from the tariff number are reflected on the unit value. That means that when the quality is getting better the unit value index will overestimate the actual changes in the prices.

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Statistical review (673) 9

Formulas for index calculations

The value of a product is getting from the formula:

V = P*Q


V = value

P = price

Q = quantity

The next formula provides the unit value:

P = ΣVit/ΣQit = Σ Pit*Qit / Σ Qit

Vit = product value observed in the time interval t

Pit = product price observed in the time interval t

Qit = product quantity observed in the time interval t

For each product from the declaration, for the time interval “t”, all the values and quantities are aggregated form “m” export or import transactions. The total value of the product is then divided with the total quantity, thus obtaining the unit value of the product.

Unit value indices (for exported and imported goods)

For calculating the unit values indices the Laspeyres and Paasche formulas are used:

Lasperes Ip(l) = Σ p1*q0 / Σ p0*q0

p1 = price in the current period

p0 = price in the base period

q0 = quantity in the base period

Pashe Ip(p) = Σ p1*q1 / Σ p0*q1

p1 = price in the current period

p0 = price in the base period

q1 = quantity in the current period

Then, for the final unit value indices the Fisher formula is used F=√L*P. This approach is used for the SNA purposes, because in their calculations the constant prices (from the base year) and the quantity changes are used, and that is provided by the Laspeyres formula where the values from the base year are used as weights, thereby excluding price changes or inflation influences. For the price indices in the SNA calculations the Paasche formula is used, where the values from the current year are used as weights. These two indices, Laspeyres for the quantity and Paasche for prices, give the relative changes in the value from the base to the current year.

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)10

These two indices Lasperes for the quantity and Pashe for prices give the relative changes in the value from the base to the current year:

∑q1p0 ∑p1q1 ∑p1q1

QLa01 * P

Pa01 = * = = V01

∑q0p0 ∑p0q1 ∑p0q0

Commodity list and data correction

The list of commodities that are covered by the index calculation is established by the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System. Commodities not included are in fact the commodities which are not present in the base or the current period, or their participation in the mentioned periods is negligible or incomparable. The unit value of those commodities is usually substantially above or under the average value and it is not a reliable indicator of the real commodity price movements in exports and imports. The products where a significant variance occurs both in quality and the way of payment are eliminated form the calculation of these indices, because the relation between the quantity and the value is not representative of the average price in the long term. Given the specific nature of the structure of the exports and imports, two separate commodity lists are formed, one for calculating export indices and the other for import indices.

Spare parts for machines and apparatuses are not included in the index calculations.

Limitations in the export import indices

The limitations of these indices are: the heterogeneity of the selected commodities; the number of the selected goods; the weighting concept of the complex products such as investment equipment, ships, planes, consumer goods; there are no adequate aggregated indices for all levels of the aggregation.

Commodities from one tariff number of the customs tariff may be with various qualities, such as machinery and its equipment, glass and ceramics and other products.

The structure of the commodities in one tariff number may be changeable from month to month, and that causes changes in the average unit value even though there are no changes in the prices of the commodities.

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Statistical review (673) 11





Uvoz / Import Izvoz / ExportName

2008 I tr./Q

II tr./Q

III tr./Q

IV tr./Q 2008 I





Vkupno 143.8 136.8 151.1 154.7 132.7 146.0 140.2 154.3 155.9 133.4 Total

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 137.6 136.2 141.5 142.5 130.0 132.8 127.5 145.6 135.0 122.8 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 120.9 110.8 130.1 125.5 117.2 121.0 109.1 133.7 124.4 116.9 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 155.6 150.7 158.8 164.1 148.9 134.0 141.5 128.2 133.2 133.2 Crude materials, except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl.

147.0 145.8 154.6 154.5 133.3 153.4 165.9 165.8 163.1 118.9 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla

134.2 143.6 145.7 139.5 108.1 122.0 129.0 137.8 129.9 91.3 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 147.1 151.4 151.9 152.3 132.6 146.2 153.3 149.7 146.0 136.0 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot

152.2 137.3 160.8 171.4 139.4 162.3 146.1 171.5 180.8 150.9 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi

145.7 143.5 157.2 151.9 130.3 144.1 140.4 152.6 150.3 132.9 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 130.3 129.2 135.5 134.8 121.8 131.5 134.0 135.8 136.0 120.0 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

1) Spored metodot na Fi{er

1) According to Fisher method





Uvoz / Import Izvoz / ExportName

2008 I tr./Q

II tr./Q

III tr./Q

IV tr./Q 2008 I





Vkupno 142.2 135.3 150.8 153.5 129.4 141.3 136.4 147.9 149.9 130.8 Total

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 147.6 143.4 153.6 154.9 138.4 127.9 126.5 131.5 131.2 122.5 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 110.7 113.8 114.4 109.6 105.1 120.0 104.5 133.1 126.2 116.2 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 173.8 156.0 188.7 186.1 164.2 128.0 133.7 124.8 129.1 124.5 Crude materials, except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl.

139.6 128.2 151.6 156.1 122.5 155.0 168.7 162.3 157.2 131.5 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla

146.6 149.1 152.5 147.8 137.0 123.4 131.4 138.3 130.3 93.6 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 139.5 137.5 145.2 148.3 127.3 146.5 155.0 150.8 146.9 133.3 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot

145.0 135.1 154.7 159.3 130.8 157.1 140.7 164.7 174.7 148.2 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi

136.9 136.3 142.3 141.5 127.6 144.8 142.1 156.7 151.7 128.7 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 130.1 131.1 134.4 133.7 121.1 129.3 131.0 133.8 134.0 118.4 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

2) Spored metodot na Lasper

2) According to Laspeyres method



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Statisti~ki pregled (673)12




VKUPNO 142.2 131.4 132.6 141.7 145.7 150.7 156.0 159.8 154.0 146.5 136.1 126.5 125.5 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 147.6 137.0 139.9 153.3 153.8 153.6 153.5 160.9 153.2 150.6 144.7 133.7 136.9 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 110.7 116.0 114.8 110.8 113.0 114.9 115.2 111.8 108.6 108.4 103.4 101.5 110.3 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 173.8 154.8 152.4 161.0 182.8 192.0 191.3 197.3 183.6 177.5 161.4 163.7 167.4 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 139.6 121.5 125.7 137.6 139.1 150.5 165.2 168.8 155.3 144.2 137.2 122.5 107.9 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 146.6 141.7 149.9 155.6 149.2 155.7 152.5 156.1 151.3 136.2 130.1 141.8 139.3 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 139.5 133.5 140.1 138.8 137.5 149.9 148.0 149.5 147.7 147.6 127.2 126.2 128.4 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 145.0 134.4 130.8 140.1 148.9 154.0 161.2 164.3 161.7 151.8 139.4 125.6 127.5 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 136.9 132.2 132.9 143.8 144.2 141.0 141.7 146.6 140.9 137.0 128.0 126.3 128.7 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 130.1 124.3 130.7 138.2 139.3 133.1 130.8 134.1 138.7 128.2 122.4 116.0 124.9 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

00 @ivi `ivotni 143.4 141.2 151.6 149.0 142.3 150.9 136.7 151.7 134.1 148.0 143.9 137.9 133.1 Live animals other than animals of division 03

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 144.5 134.3 140.5 144.9 142.4 153.0 146.8 157.4 150.7 146.5 143.1 135.0 138.8 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 147.9 151.8 151.9 161.1 157.3 153.8 154.4 155.8 153.3 141.5 135.5 126.6 131.5 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 155.0 132.9 132.0 158.8 154.0 143.1 154.6 166.7 154.3 166.1 162.6 166.4 168.7 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 151.4 140.6 143.2 151.4 160.5 153.5 157.9 164.4 166.9 148.3 151.2 138.9 140.5 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 146.5 148.4 147.5 171.6 161.5 147.2 148.4 144.3 144.5 146.6 136.4 123.6 137.6 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 146.1 139.3 141.0 148.4 146.4 150.8 153.5 155.7 154.8 150.7 145.7 130.8 135.9 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 142.7 133.5 136.1 147.9 147.1 146.5 143.1 154.8 145.3 143.8 143.1 134.4 137.2 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 175.8 165.8 170.8 188.7 192.9 183.4 197.5 204.5 186.8 173.6 156.3 142.7 146.4 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 144.6 111.4 113.2 144.2 158.6 160.3 162.2 174.0 148.9 165.5 147.9 129.1 120.3 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 125.3 133.2 127.7 120.8 127.9 128.4 127.9 130.0 125.4 119.1 121.7 116.1 125.9 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 96.7 99.5 102.3 101.1 98.8 102.0 103.1 94.3 92.4 98.2 85.8 87.5 95.3 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 85.6 111.9 62.7 79.8 92.0 78.5 71.4 85.6 125.3 99.2 69.1 74.4 77.2 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 165.7 150.9 146.0 162.4 140.2 192.4 169.8 206.7 171.3 185.2 155.7 159.6 148.5 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

23 Surov kau~uk 126.1 126.6 145.9 129.6 168.0 138.3 131.8 134.3 129.2 118.7 124.0 77.2 90.0 Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 141.8 139.9 133.6 148.7 139.3 145.2 149.8 159.3 139.8 145.1 140.3 126.1 134.1 Cork and wood

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 127.8 125.0 115.6 132.3 130.3 129.1 131.5 134.9 136.1 130.2 125.7 122.8 120.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 158.7 141.5 163.2 140.5 148.2 186.6 188.0 179.4 148.0 126.9 127.7 202.1 152.4 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 229.0 185.7 189.9 195.7 259.2 261.7 263.4 265.6 249.6 234.6 212.1 208.1 222.5 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 118.6 129.0 106.4 125.1 122.1 118.2 112.4 107.2 114.1 139.0 100.7 103.5 145.7 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 134.8 117.0 123.3 140.7 140.1 140.1 146.7 141.3 149.0 142.5 133.6 122.3 121.5 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 137.7 118.9 122.4 134.5 136.5 148.5 164.1 168.1 154.6 142.7 136.3 120.9 105.4 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 178.9 173.6 188.4 189.8 184.2 199.5 204.3 211.4 174.4 173.5 157.9 151.4 138.5 Gas, natural and manufactured

41 Mast i maslo od `ivotni 136.3 107.0 112.7 127.2 130.0 132.5 135.5 139.1 141.6 157.3 167.4 142.0 142.9 Animal oils and fats

42 Cvrsti rastit. masla 144.5 143.4 150.0 154.1 146.4 152.6 150.7 154.2 147.6 130.5 124.1 141.1 138.7 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 171.3 139.2 164.1 181.0 183.3 194.5 176.7 180.4 191.0 181.7 172.2 148.2 143.4 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statistical review (673) 13




VKUPNO 142.2 131.4 132.6 141.7 145.7 150.7 156.0 159.8 154.0 146.5 136.1 126.5 125.5 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 147.6 137.0 139.9 153.3 153.8 153.6 153.5 160.9 153.2 150.6 144.7 133.7 136.9 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 110.7 116.0 114.8 110.8 113.0 114.9 115.2 111.8 108.6 108.4 103.4 101.5 110.3 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 173.8 154.8 152.4 161.0 182.8 192.0 191.3 197.3 183.6 177.5 161.4 163.7 167.4 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 139.6 121.5 125.7 137.6 139.1 150.5 165.2 168.8 155.3 144.2 137.2 122.5 107.9 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 146.6 141.7 149.9 155.6 149.2 155.7 152.5 156.1 151.3 136.2 130.1 141.8 139.3 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 139.5 133.5 140.1 138.8 137.5 149.9 148.0 149.5 147.7 147.6 127.2 126.2 128.4 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 145.0 134.4 130.8 140.1 148.9 154.0 161.2 164.3 161.7 151.8 139.4 125.6 127.5 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 136.9 132.2 132.9 143.8 144.2 141.0 141.7 146.6 140.9 137.0 128.0 126.3 128.7 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 130.1 124.3 130.7 138.2 139.3 133.1 130.8 134.1 138.7 128.2 122.4 116.0 124.9 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

00 @ivi `ivotni 143.4 141.2 151.6 149.0 142.3 150.9 136.7 151.7 134.1 148.0 143.9 137.9 133.1 Live animals other than animals of division 03

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 144.5 134.3 140.5 144.9 142.4 153.0 146.8 157.4 150.7 146.5 143.1 135.0 138.8 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 147.9 151.8 151.9 161.1 157.3 153.8 154.4 155.8 153.3 141.5 135.5 126.6 131.5 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 155.0 132.9 132.0 158.8 154.0 143.1 154.6 166.7 154.3 166.1 162.6 166.4 168.7 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 151.4 140.6 143.2 151.4 160.5 153.5 157.9 164.4 166.9 148.3 151.2 138.9 140.5 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 146.5 148.4 147.5 171.6 161.5 147.2 148.4 144.3 144.5 146.6 136.4 123.6 137.6 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 146.1 139.3 141.0 148.4 146.4 150.8 153.5 155.7 154.8 150.7 145.7 130.8 135.9 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 142.7 133.5 136.1 147.9 147.1 146.5 143.1 154.8 145.3 143.8 143.1 134.4 137.2 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 175.8 165.8 170.8 188.7 192.9 183.4 197.5 204.5 186.8 173.6 156.3 142.7 146.4 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 144.6 111.4 113.2 144.2 158.6 160.3 162.2 174.0 148.9 165.5 147.9 129.1 120.3 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 125.3 133.2 127.7 120.8 127.9 128.4 127.9 130.0 125.4 119.1 121.7 116.1 125.9 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 96.7 99.5 102.3 101.1 98.8 102.0 103.1 94.3 92.4 98.2 85.8 87.5 95.3 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 85.6 111.9 62.7 79.8 92.0 78.5 71.4 85.6 125.3 99.2 69.1 74.4 77.2 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 165.7 150.9 146.0 162.4 140.2 192.4 169.8 206.7 171.3 185.2 155.7 159.6 148.5 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

23 Surov kau~uk 126.1 126.6 145.9 129.6 168.0 138.3 131.8 134.3 129.2 118.7 124.0 77.2 90.0 Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 141.8 139.9 133.6 148.7 139.3 145.2 149.8 159.3 139.8 145.1 140.3 126.1 134.1 Cork and wood

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 127.8 125.0 115.6 132.3 130.3 129.1 131.5 134.9 136.1 130.2 125.7 122.8 120.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 158.7 141.5 163.2 140.5 148.2 186.6 188.0 179.4 148.0 126.9 127.7 202.1 152.4 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 229.0 185.7 189.9 195.7 259.2 261.7 263.4 265.6 249.6 234.6 212.1 208.1 222.5 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 118.6 129.0 106.4 125.1 122.1 118.2 112.4 107.2 114.1 139.0 100.7 103.5 145.7 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 134.8 117.0 123.3 140.7 140.1 140.1 146.7 141.3 149.0 142.5 133.6 122.3 121.5 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 137.7 118.9 122.4 134.5 136.5 148.5 164.1 168.1 154.6 142.7 136.3 120.9 105.4 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 178.9 173.6 188.4 189.8 184.2 199.5 204.3 211.4 174.4 173.5 157.9 151.4 138.5 Gas, natural and manufactured

41 Mast i maslo od `ivotni 136.3 107.0 112.7 127.2 130.0 132.5 135.5 139.1 141.6 157.3 167.4 142.0 142.9 Animal oils and fats

42 Cvrsti rastit. masla 144.5 143.4 150.0 154.1 146.4 152.6 150.7 154.2 147.6 130.5 124.1 141.1 138.7 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 171.3 139.2 164.1 181.0 183.3 194.5 176.7 180.4 191.0 181.7 172.2 148.2 143.4 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)14




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 140.5 142.3 137.9 139.1 143.7 138.5 145.9 144.8 154.1 142.0 134.2 132.6 131.0 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 136.3 128.8 130.3 131.7 144.0 144.4 135.7 146.3 138.5 144.0 135.3 125.2 131.6 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 117.3 119.2 126.0 126.8 122.1 120.9 122.2 126.4 116.8 116.5 97.7 100.1 112.9 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 149.6 155.1 169.5 134.8 112.5 186.3 161.7 149.3 162.6 172.5 108.8 138.1 143.5 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 127.8 115.6 125.8 128.1 137.9 132.1 136.2 138.4 129.8 130.4 120.9 115.4 122.5 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

56 Ve{ta~ki |ubriva 211.6 167.3 175.4 195.9 202.0 213.4 237.0 233.2 240.5 226.6 209.9 212.2 225.5 Fertilizers, manufactured (other than those of group 272)

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 133.9 139.8 135.1 142.7 141.1 137.5 138.3 149.1 141.5 139.3 131.5 115.4 95.2 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 116.6 109.2 118.7 118.6 115.1 116.6 125.8 125.9 124.0 115.2 112.2 102.2 115.5 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 159.0 139.8 147.3 162.8 168.6 176.2 162.7 170.2 168.6 173.5 150.4 142.5 145.0 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 6

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 6

61 Ko`a i izrabotki od ko`a 89.3 95.0 76.4 94.8 96.9 96.1 99.5 97.3 91.6 87.0 80.0 77.9 79.5 Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s. and dressed furskins

62 Izrabotki od guma 133.2 129.1 133.9 148.0 143.2 126.7 138.2 135.6 140.3 132.8 125.1 117.4 128.0 Rubber manufactures, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 138.0 136.0 144.6 143.4 138.9 148.8 150.3 154.0 137.9 133.8 130.3 113.9 124.7 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 133.2 131.9 125.7 140.4 144.8 141.9 136.1 141.7 136.1 132.1 129.5 115.0 123.5 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 131.4 137.7 125.3 131.9 139.6 139.2 139.8 137.6 138.4 116.8 123.0 122.8 124.4 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 139.1 130.9 144.0 141.2 146.9 147.7 150.7 154.1 138.2 135.5 128.9 124.0 126.5 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 170.1 135.9 134.4 147.4 163.5 179.5 201.5 212.1 209.8 206.7 169.7 142.4 138.8 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 165.5 165.8 173.7 184.3 188.8 187.9 189.7 183.0 173.8 168.0 147.2 110.4 113.1 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 132.5 114.7 126.7 132.6 136.1 141.3 135.2 133.9 145.3 133.6 133.9 120.5 136.8 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 7

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 7

71 Pogonski ma{ini i uredi 126.0 157.9 68.6 139.2 137.2 144.5 125.7 106.4 116.2 112.0 149.9 146.8 107.5 Power generating machinery and equipment

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 128.1 116.3 126.4 139.3 130.7 135.1 123.4 127.9 142.7 150.5 124.7 119.2 101.7 Machinery specialized for particular industries

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 143.0 145.0 150.9 143.3 134.9 123.4 141.2 132.1 153.8 139.7 136.9 159.3 155.9 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

75 Kancelariski i ma{ini za AOP 139.6 146.1 126.7 143.3 145.0 148.4 142.0 142.3 131.4 145.5 137.1 131.8 135.4 Office machines and automatic data-processing machines

76 Telekomunikaciski aparati 132.8 116.5 123.7 134.8 137.5 144.1 135.4 140.0 128.9 132.3 124.4 141.5 134.8 Telecommunications and sound-recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 142.5 140.8 139.7 152.3 148.3 134.6 142.8 157.1 149.2 143.4 133.3 132.1 135.9 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 135.7 129.3 132.7 142.9 146.1 144.0 144.1 148.8 140.2 133.4 124.4 117.9 124.1 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 143.8 134.8 141.7 157.3 166.4 140.4 145.6 153.3 134.6 139.8 134.5 124.3 153.3 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 136.9 122.8 132.5 142.9 152.6 143.8 127.0 127.4 140.3 148.9 144.3 128.8 131.4 Furniture and parts thereof

83 Patni~ki, ra~ni torbi i sl. 114.0 136.0 121.2 133.6 121.2 132.7 87.7 115.8 65.0 82.6 105.2 108.2 158.5 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers

84 Obleka 117.2 114.2 127.5 137.7 127.1 116.6 115.7 117.7 127.8 112.7 103.4 99.7 106.6 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 167.6 163.4 175.6 163.4 148.3 160.5 161.2 185.1 166.1 170.4 177.9 153.5 185.6 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 66.8 75.1 81.9 62.5 63.1 46.3 61.5 62.1 70.2 75.1 77.9 68.3 58.1 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

88 Fotografski aparati; ~asovnici 110.3 94.0 100.9 111.4 110.7 117.0 122.2 121.6 112.7 126.1 100.7 103.4 103.4 Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and optical goods, n.e.s.; watches and clocks

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 137.6 131.0 128.5 137.4 150.1 147.0 145.2 146.2 150.4 132.3 127.2 124.3 132.1 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statistical review (673) 15




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 140.5 142.3 137.9 139.1 143.7 138.5 145.9 144.8 154.1 142.0 134.2 132.6 131.0 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 136.3 128.8 130.3 131.7 144.0 144.4 135.7 146.3 138.5 144.0 135.3 125.2 131.6 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 117.3 119.2 126.0 126.8 122.1 120.9 122.2 126.4 116.8 116.5 97.7 100.1 112.9 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 149.6 155.1 169.5 134.8 112.5 186.3 161.7 149.3 162.6 172.5 108.8 138.1 143.5 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 127.8 115.6 125.8 128.1 137.9 132.1 136.2 138.4 129.8 130.4 120.9 115.4 122.5 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

56 Ve{ta~ki |ubriva 211.6 167.3 175.4 195.9 202.0 213.4 237.0 233.2 240.5 226.6 209.9 212.2 225.5 Fertilizers, manufactured (other than those of group 272)

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 133.9 139.8 135.1 142.7 141.1 137.5 138.3 149.1 141.5 139.3 131.5 115.4 95.2 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 116.6 109.2 118.7 118.6 115.1 116.6 125.8 125.9 124.0 115.2 112.2 102.2 115.5 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 159.0 139.8 147.3 162.8 168.6 176.2 162.7 170.2 168.6 173.5 150.4 142.5 145.0 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 6

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 6

61 Ko`a i izrabotki od ko`a 89.3 95.0 76.4 94.8 96.9 96.1 99.5 97.3 91.6 87.0 80.0 77.9 79.5 Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s. and dressed furskins

62 Izrabotki od guma 133.2 129.1 133.9 148.0 143.2 126.7 138.2 135.6 140.3 132.8 125.1 117.4 128.0 Rubber manufactures, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 138.0 136.0 144.6 143.4 138.9 148.8 150.3 154.0 137.9 133.8 130.3 113.9 124.7 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 133.2 131.9 125.7 140.4 144.8 141.9 136.1 141.7 136.1 132.1 129.5 115.0 123.5 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 131.4 137.7 125.3 131.9 139.6 139.2 139.8 137.6 138.4 116.8 123.0 122.8 124.4 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 139.1 130.9 144.0 141.2 146.9 147.7 150.7 154.1 138.2 135.5 128.9 124.0 126.5 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 170.1 135.9 134.4 147.4 163.5 179.5 201.5 212.1 209.8 206.7 169.7 142.4 138.8 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 165.5 165.8 173.7 184.3 188.8 187.9 189.7 183.0 173.8 168.0 147.2 110.4 113.1 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 132.5 114.7 126.7 132.6 136.1 141.3 135.2 133.9 145.3 133.6 133.9 120.5 136.8 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 7

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 7

71 Pogonski ma{ini i uredi 126.0 157.9 68.6 139.2 137.2 144.5 125.7 106.4 116.2 112.0 149.9 146.8 107.5 Power generating machinery and equipment

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 128.1 116.3 126.4 139.3 130.7 135.1 123.4 127.9 142.7 150.5 124.7 119.2 101.7 Machinery specialized for particular industries

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 143.0 145.0 150.9 143.3 134.9 123.4 141.2 132.1 153.8 139.7 136.9 159.3 155.9 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

75 Kancelariski i ma{ini za AOP 139.6 146.1 126.7 143.3 145.0 148.4 142.0 142.3 131.4 145.5 137.1 131.8 135.4 Office machines and automatic data-processing machines

76 Telekomunikaciski aparati 132.8 116.5 123.7 134.8 137.5 144.1 135.4 140.0 128.9 132.3 124.4 141.5 134.8 Telecommunications and sound-recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 142.5 140.8 139.7 152.3 148.3 134.6 142.8 157.1 149.2 143.4 133.3 132.1 135.9 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 135.7 129.3 132.7 142.9 146.1 144.0 144.1 148.8 140.2 133.4 124.4 117.9 124.1 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 143.8 134.8 141.7 157.3 166.4 140.4 145.6 153.3 134.6 139.8 134.5 124.3 153.3 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 136.9 122.8 132.5 142.9 152.6 143.8 127.0 127.4 140.3 148.9 144.3 128.8 131.4 Furniture and parts thereof

83 Patni~ki, ra~ni torbi i sl. 114.0 136.0 121.2 133.6 121.2 132.7 87.7 115.8 65.0 82.6 105.2 108.2 158.5 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers

84 Obleka 117.2 114.2 127.5 137.7 127.1 116.6 115.7 117.7 127.8 112.7 103.4 99.7 106.6 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 167.6 163.4 175.6 163.4 148.3 160.5 161.2 185.1 166.1 170.4 177.9 153.5 185.6 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 66.8 75.1 81.9 62.5 63.1 46.3 61.5 62.1 70.2 75.1 77.9 68.3 58.1 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

88 Fotografski aparati; ~asovnici 110.3 94.0 100.9 111.4 110.7 117.0 122.2 121.6 112.7 126.1 100.7 103.4 103.4 Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and optical goods, n.e.s.; watches and clocks

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 137.6 131.0 128.5 137.4 150.1 147.0 145.2 146.2 150.4 132.3 127.2 124.3 132.1 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)16




VKUPNO 146.5 133.0 135.1 143.7 148.5 153.9 160.6 166.2 159.5 153.2 138.5 130.8 134.4 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 147.9 138.6 144.2 157.2 152.2 151.5 153.1 164.1 150.7 149.5 143.1 134.3 136.7 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 122.1 118.9 119.3 115.9 124.6 127.3 129.8 135.9 127.6 110.7 119.7 105.8 129.7 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 189.8 162.5 170.3 176.7 222.0 177.6 208.2 214.4 211.3 200.0 180.2 170.7 183.5 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 140.5 119.4 125.1 133.7 134.5 147.6 159.7 164.2 152.8 142.5 137.7 142.4 127.0 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 146.5 167.4 157.5 146.7 136.7 167.2 157.0 167.8 157.4 122.7 111.8 135.1 130.4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 147.8 144.8 150.8 148.3 146.4 158.3 154.9 158.6 161.3 154.4 134.6 131.5 129.7 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 147.6 133.5 130.1 138.4 149.0 156.9 165.0 172.9 169.6 162.2 141.6 123.1 129.0 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 146.7 146.4 138.0 150.5 153.9 159.1 160.0 163.0 147.9 145.8 130.0 126.9 139.1 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 131.5 117.5 127.2 138.1 141.1 134.4 136.2 135.2 141.0 131.2 126.3 120.6 128.9 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

00 @ivi `ivotni 138.8 141.9 133.3 135.7 111.8 155.8 144.4 158.6 137.4 158.6 136.9 123.4 127.6 Live animals other than animals of division 03

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 145.2 138.0 146.4 146.0 142.7 143.5 142.8 160.8 151.6 146.5 147.5 138.1 138.6 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 146.1 150.4 164.6 157.6 158.6 143.8 145.1 151.8 152.1 137.5 134.7 133.7 123.2 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 147.3 121.9 115.2 137.7 160.9 136.7 154.5 146.8 139.4 153.6 165.2 165.4 170.4 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 150.8 143.3 145.9 155.1 163.5 151.8 164.7 167.5 161.6 147.1 141.7 131.8 135.4 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 142.4 139.5 149.2 178.8 143.9 151.0 142.5 133.1 138.6 144.8 125.2 124.8 137.6 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 146.2 137.9 140.5 154.6 151.8 152.9 149.0 154.3 152.7 149.6 144.8 130.9 135.0 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 144.2 135.7 140.5 147.4 144.8 148.5 144.2 164.5 149.8 145.3 144.7 131.7 133.7 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 187.7 175.4 190.0 209.8 200.8 192.4 211.8 236.5 193.3 183.3 160.4 148.0 150.2 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 141.6 112.7 113.6 144.9 150.0 160.8 158.4 178.9 136.5 152.6 140.4 125.9 124.7 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 130.8 127.9 122.0 120.9 132.2 132.0 134.9 146.0 137.6 125.0 131.3 121.4 138.7 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 90.2 98.3 109.3 103.1 98.3 97.2 92.7 86.8 87.6 74.2 76.4 76.7 82.3 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 85.6 111.9 62.7 79.8 92.0 78.5 71.4 85.6 125.3 99.2 69.1 74.4 77.2 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 164.6 146.6 153.5 179.4 156.2 185.9 165.7 194.0 171.8 181.7 147.4 156.7 135.8 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

23 Surov kau~uk 126.1 126.6 145.9 129.6 168.0 138.3 131.8 134.3 129.2 118.7 124.0 77.2 90.0 Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 143.1 148.3 132.8 154.7 138.2 146.7 149.4 159.3 143.2 144.5 139.0 126.1 135.5 Cork and wood

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 127.8 125.9 124.4 130.3 129.0 137.7 131.4 130.9 133.1 127.9 125.9 117.1 120.1 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 121.2 101.6 105.9 108.8 112.9 114.3 142.4 133.7 166.4 121.4 108.5 106.5 132.0 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 229.9 186.3 190.4 196.3 260.2 259.4 264.4 267.1 251.9 235.5 213.2 209.7 224.1 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 116.7 116.0 100.9 123.1 116.7 119.7 108.2 108.6 112.5 138.9 101.4 103.1 151.2 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 114.1 92.8 90.0 106.8 122.5 107.3 125.8 114.0 136.1 138.4 122.7 110.4 102.9 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 136.9 115.7 119.2 128.4 131.1 147.4 159.2 164.6 152.2 139.4 136.9 141.0 108.1 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 183.2 168.3 192.1 192.2 188.5 198.1 202.1 210.6 174.6 174.2 157.4 171.8 169.0 Gas, natural and manufactured

41 Mast i maslo od `ivotni 138.4 112.1 103.8 120.0 114.7 155.3 126.5 155.7 154.3 147.5 171.0 140.1 159.2 Animal oils and fats

42 Cvrsti rastit.masla 145.9 172.8 159.1 145.7 135.2 163.4 156.9 168.4 156.5 119.2 106.8 136.1 130.4 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 156.2 123.3 144.7 170.8 159.8 196.6 166.3 167.4 166.9 166.2 161.0 128.9 122.7 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statistical review (673) 17




VKUPNO 146.5 133.0 135.1 143.7 148.5 153.9 160.6 166.2 159.5 153.2 138.5 130.8 134.4 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 147.9 138.6 144.2 157.2 152.2 151.5 153.1 164.1 150.7 149.5 143.1 134.3 136.7 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 122.1 118.9 119.3 115.9 124.6 127.3 129.8 135.9 127.6 110.7 119.7 105.8 129.7 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 189.8 162.5 170.3 176.7 222.0 177.6 208.2 214.4 211.3 200.0 180.2 170.7 183.5 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 140.5 119.4 125.1 133.7 134.5 147.6 159.7 164.2 152.8 142.5 137.7 142.4 127.0 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 146.5 167.4 157.5 146.7 136.7 167.2 157.0 167.8 157.4 122.7 111.8 135.1 130.4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 147.8 144.8 150.8 148.3 146.4 158.3 154.9 158.6 161.3 154.4 134.6 131.5 129.7 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 147.6 133.5 130.1 138.4 149.0 156.9 165.0 172.9 169.6 162.2 141.6 123.1 129.0 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 146.7 146.4 138.0 150.5 153.9 159.1 160.0 163.0 147.9 145.8 130.0 126.9 139.1 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 131.5 117.5 127.2 138.1 141.1 134.4 136.2 135.2 141.0 131.2 126.3 120.6 128.9 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

00 @ivi `ivotni 138.8 141.9 133.3 135.7 111.8 155.8 144.4 158.6 137.4 158.6 136.9 123.4 127.6 Live animals other than animals of division 03

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 145.2 138.0 146.4 146.0 142.7 143.5 142.8 160.8 151.6 146.5 147.5 138.1 138.6 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 146.1 150.4 164.6 157.6 158.6 143.8 145.1 151.8 152.1 137.5 134.7 133.7 123.2 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 147.3 121.9 115.2 137.7 160.9 136.7 154.5 146.8 139.4 153.6 165.2 165.4 170.4 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 150.8 143.3 145.9 155.1 163.5 151.8 164.7 167.5 161.6 147.1 141.7 131.8 135.4 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 142.4 139.5 149.2 178.8 143.9 151.0 142.5 133.1 138.6 144.8 125.2 124.8 137.6 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 146.2 137.9 140.5 154.6 151.8 152.9 149.0 154.3 152.7 149.6 144.8 130.9 135.0 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 144.2 135.7 140.5 147.4 144.8 148.5 144.2 164.5 149.8 145.3 144.7 131.7 133.7 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 187.7 175.4 190.0 209.8 200.8 192.4 211.8 236.5 193.3 183.3 160.4 148.0 150.2 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 141.6 112.7 113.6 144.9 150.0 160.8 158.4 178.9 136.5 152.6 140.4 125.9 124.7 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 130.8 127.9 122.0 120.9 132.2 132.0 134.9 146.0 137.6 125.0 131.3 121.4 138.7 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 90.2 98.3 109.3 103.1 98.3 97.2 92.7 86.8 87.6 74.2 76.4 76.7 82.3 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 85.6 111.9 62.7 79.8 92.0 78.5 71.4 85.6 125.3 99.2 69.1 74.4 77.2 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 164.6 146.6 153.5 179.4 156.2 185.9 165.7 194.0 171.8 181.7 147.4 156.7 135.8 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

23 Surov kau~uk 126.1 126.6 145.9 129.6 168.0 138.3 131.8 134.3 129.2 118.7 124.0 77.2 90.0 Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 143.1 148.3 132.8 154.7 138.2 146.7 149.4 159.3 143.2 144.5 139.0 126.1 135.5 Cork and wood

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 127.8 125.9 124.4 130.3 129.0 137.7 131.4 130.9 133.1 127.9 125.9 117.1 120.1 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 121.2 101.6 105.9 108.8 112.9 114.3 142.4 133.7 166.4 121.4 108.5 106.5 132.0 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 229.9 186.3 190.4 196.3 260.2 259.4 264.4 267.1 251.9 235.5 213.2 209.7 224.1 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 116.7 116.0 100.9 123.1 116.7 119.7 108.2 108.6 112.5 138.9 101.4 103.1 151.2 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 114.1 92.8 90.0 106.8 122.5 107.3 125.8 114.0 136.1 138.4 122.7 110.4 102.9 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 136.9 115.7 119.2 128.4 131.1 147.4 159.2 164.6 152.2 139.4 136.9 141.0 108.1 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 183.2 168.3 192.1 192.2 188.5 198.1 202.1 210.6 174.6 174.2 157.4 171.8 169.0 Gas, natural and manufactured

41 Mast i maslo od `ivotni 138.4 112.1 103.8 120.0 114.7 155.3 126.5 155.7 154.3 147.5 171.0 140.1 159.2 Animal oils and fats

42 Cvrsti rastit.masla 145.9 172.8 159.1 145.7 135.2 163.4 156.9 168.4 156.5 119.2 106.8 136.1 130.4 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 156.2 123.3 144.7 170.8 159.8 196.6 166.3 167.4 166.9 166.2 161.0 128.9 122.7 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)18




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 142.1 147.3 131.7 145.4 155.0 133.0 146.5 140.2 158.3 150.2 136.3 128.8 132.9 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 160.3 153.4 152.9 160.9 155.1 160.3 155.0 177.7 159.4 161.5 163.3 152.2 171.7 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 118.6 115.7 126.0 130.5 124.7 123.1 127.9 126.5 120.0 117.6 97.3 101.2 113.0 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 157.3 162.7 180.5 141.8 109.0 200.1 169.4 163.1 175.7 181.2 110.5 146.4 147.5 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 159.3 145.3 151.3 152.3 170.9 168.7 171.0 184.5 170.8 162.6 144.3 151.8 138.1 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

56 Ve{ta~ki |ubriva 207.6 158.8 175.6 198.3 207.0 215.7 208.2 232.2 282.1 233.9 241.4 191.9 146.3 Fertilizers, manufactured (other than those of group 272)

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 137.7 142.4 137.8 146.1 144.3 143.4 143.3 153.3 147.7 145.6 136.7 113.3 98.4 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 118.8 112.1 123.9 120.7 119.8 118.5 132.9 127.3 121.4 118.7 110.9 102.3 117.3 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 139.2 121.0 127.7 135.9 153.7 147.6 159.0 141.5 160.7 142.6 127.8 124.0 129.3 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 6

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 6

61 Ko`a i izrabotki od ko`a 94.9 102.4 83.1 108.1 100.0 94.2 104.2 95.8 85.2 92.1 93.3 89.6 91.0 Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s. and dressed furskins

62 Izrabotki od guma 131.7 132.7 128.8 138.2 142.6 125.9 142.1 132.8 140.6 128.1 123.2 120.2 125.6 Rubber manufactures, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 133.3 125.4 139.2 146.2 136.4 143.5 149.5 144.3 128.1 127.9 124.2 115.4 119.3 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 131.5 134.6 127.1 138.6 140.4 141.2 134.4 140.3 132.3 130.0 124.0 115.2 120.1 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 128.6 134.6 117.7 133.3 135.2 135.2 136.2 129.2 131.5 120.7 121.5 119.3 128.6 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 137.2 127.5 139.3 138.1 154.1 150.5 139.6 149.5 137.7 136.8 126.3 120.1 126.3 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 165.6 133.9 131.0 137.7 157.9 173.0 192.5 209.7 201.5 202.2 172.5 137.2 138.5 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 166.6 163.9 178.9 185.6 182.6 184.9 187.6 181.1 176.6 164.6 144.8 124.8 124.2 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 138.2 114.5 129.7 133.6 151.8 139.6 143.3 141.5 148.0 140.7 147.1 120.9 147.9 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 7

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 7

71 Pogonski ma{ini i uredi 125.3 156.2 68.5 129.9 137.4 152.7 115.2 106.1 116.1 112.2 152.3 149.3 107.1 Power generating machinery and equipment

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 115.2 102.5 114.0 121.5 118.4 126.5 124.7 120.2 111.8 128.7 111.5 118.0 84.9 Machinery specialized for particular industries

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 150.0 162.0 167.4 143.1 142.1 134.8 148.5 138.4 154.4 148.8 142.8 162.5 154.7 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

75 Kancelariski i ma{ini za AOP 139.5 130.3 126.7 133.1 176.9 177.0 146.4 165.7 140.0 132.0 134.2 97.9 114.2 Office machines and automatic data-processing machines

76 Telekomunikaciski aparati 240.6 278.9 173.2 194.0 274.2 296.9 328.8 319.9 206.6 230.3 150.1 190.9 243.2 Telecommunications and sound-recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 152.7 138.3 158.7 189.8 154.9 170.7 157.0 159.7 157.6 149.1 135.3 137.7 124.0 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 134.7 127.3 132.5 142.3 143.2 140.4 141.4 147.0 139.6 135.3 125.0 117.9 124.1 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 145.8 138.9 144.8 160.3 157.0 150.0 142.7 146.8 136.3 137.3 137.1 137.8 160.5 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 142.0 125.1 138.2 161.7 151.5 144.3 135.1 126.3 143.3 151.7 152.7 132.5 141.9 Furniture and parts thereof

83 Patni~ki, ra~ni torbi i sl. 120.2 144.5 121.3 132.8 119.8 136.9 96.5 127.9 72.9 84.3 112.0 128.1 165.8 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers

84 Obleka 122.6 119.0 131.6 139.4 134.9 113.9 116.9 126.1 143.1 118.5 110.7 106.2 110.5 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 161.4 163.0 155.6 160.4 169.5 168.7 174.6 186.4 148.2 159.5 173.8 139.8 137.7 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 39.8 27.3 32.7 30.5 61.7 41.5 42.7 37.2 59.4 35.8 38.1 32.3 37.7 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

88 Fotografski aparati; ~asovnici 119.7 88.4 99.4 116.6 127.2 130.0 134.0 151.8 124.4 151.0 96.9 111.7 105.0 Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and optical goods, n.e.s.; watches and clocks

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 141.2 133.0 129.9 140.0 150.7 143.4 149.6 146.6 148.3 137.8 134.3 135.6 145.1 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statistical review (673) 19




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 142.1 147.3 131.7 145.4 155.0 133.0 146.5 140.2 158.3 150.2 136.3 128.8 132.9 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 160.3 153.4 152.9 160.9 155.1 160.3 155.0 177.7 159.4 161.5 163.3 152.2 171.7 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 118.6 115.7 126.0 130.5 124.7 123.1 127.9 126.5 120.0 117.6 97.3 101.2 113.0 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 157.3 162.7 180.5 141.8 109.0 200.1 169.4 163.1 175.7 181.2 110.5 146.4 147.5 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 159.3 145.3 151.3 152.3 170.9 168.7 171.0 184.5 170.8 162.6 144.3 151.8 138.1 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

56 Ve{ta~ki |ubriva 207.6 158.8 175.6 198.3 207.0 215.7 208.2 232.2 282.1 233.9 241.4 191.9 146.3 Fertilizers, manufactured (other than those of group 272)

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 137.7 142.4 137.8 146.1 144.3 143.4 143.3 153.3 147.7 145.6 136.7 113.3 98.4 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 118.8 112.1 123.9 120.7 119.8 118.5 132.9 127.3 121.4 118.7 110.9 102.3 117.3 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 139.2 121.0 127.7 135.9 153.7 147.6 159.0 141.5 160.7 142.6 127.8 124.0 129.3 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 6

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 6

61 Ko`a i izrabotki od ko`a 94.9 102.4 83.1 108.1 100.0 94.2 104.2 95.8 85.2 92.1 93.3 89.6 91.0 Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s. and dressed furskins

62 Izrabotki od guma 131.7 132.7 128.8 138.2 142.6 125.9 142.1 132.8 140.6 128.1 123.2 120.2 125.6 Rubber manufactures, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 133.3 125.4 139.2 146.2 136.4 143.5 149.5 144.3 128.1 127.9 124.2 115.4 119.3 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 131.5 134.6 127.1 138.6 140.4 141.2 134.4 140.3 132.3 130.0 124.0 115.2 120.1 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 128.6 134.6 117.7 133.3 135.2 135.2 136.2 129.2 131.5 120.7 121.5 119.3 128.6 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 137.2 127.5 139.3 138.1 154.1 150.5 139.6 149.5 137.7 136.8 126.3 120.1 126.3 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 165.6 133.9 131.0 137.7 157.9 173.0 192.5 209.7 201.5 202.2 172.5 137.2 138.5 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 166.6 163.9 178.9 185.6 182.6 184.9 187.6 181.1 176.6 164.6 144.8 124.8 124.2 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 138.2 114.5 129.7 133.6 151.8 139.6 143.3 141.5 148.0 140.7 147.1 120.9 147.9 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 7

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 7

71 Pogonski ma{ini i uredi 125.3 156.2 68.5 129.9 137.4 152.7 115.2 106.1 116.1 112.2 152.3 149.3 107.1 Power generating machinery and equipment

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 115.2 102.5 114.0 121.5 118.4 126.5 124.7 120.2 111.8 128.7 111.5 118.0 84.9 Machinery specialized for particular industries

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 150.0 162.0 167.4 143.1 142.1 134.8 148.5 138.4 154.4 148.8 142.8 162.5 154.7 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

75 Kancelariski i ma{ini za AOP 139.5 130.3 126.7 133.1 176.9 177.0 146.4 165.7 140.0 132.0 134.2 97.9 114.2 Office machines and automatic data-processing machines

76 Telekomunikaciski aparati 240.6 278.9 173.2 194.0 274.2 296.9 328.8 319.9 206.6 230.3 150.1 190.9 243.2 Telecommunications and sound-recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 152.7 138.3 158.7 189.8 154.9 170.7 157.0 159.7 157.6 149.1 135.3 137.7 124.0 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 134.7 127.3 132.5 142.3 143.2 140.4 141.4 147.0 139.6 135.3 125.0 117.9 124.1 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 145.8 138.9 144.8 160.3 157.0 150.0 142.7 146.8 136.3 137.3 137.1 137.8 160.5 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 142.0 125.1 138.2 161.7 151.5 144.3 135.1 126.3 143.3 151.7 152.7 132.5 141.9 Furniture and parts thereof

83 Patni~ki, ra~ni torbi i sl. 120.2 144.5 121.3 132.8 119.8 136.9 96.5 127.9 72.9 84.3 112.0 128.1 165.8 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers

84 Obleka 122.6 119.0 131.6 139.4 134.9 113.9 116.9 126.1 143.1 118.5 110.7 106.2 110.5 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 161.4 163.0 155.6 160.4 169.5 168.7 174.6 186.4 148.2 159.5 173.8 139.8 137.7 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 39.8 27.3 32.7 30.5 61.7 41.5 42.7 37.2 59.4 35.8 38.1 32.3 37.7 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

88 Fotografski aparati; ~asovnici 119.7 88.4 99.4 116.6 127.2 130.0 134.0 151.8 124.4 151.0 96.9 111.7 105.0 Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and optical goods, n.e.s.; watches and clocks

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 141.2 133.0 129.9 140.0 150.7 143.4 149.6 146.6 148.3 137.8 134.3 135.6 145.1 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)20




VKUPNO 143.8 132.2 134.7 143.6 145.8 150.9 156.5 160.1 154.4 149.5 136.9 127.9 133.3 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 137.6 132.2 133.3 143.0 142.8 140.2 141.4 150.5 140.5 136.5 132.4 126.0 131.7 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 120.9 107.9 104.5 119.9 125.7 133.3 131.3 137.3 127.3 111.8 121.5 109.0 121.1 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 155.6 143.9 149.8 158.4 164.6 150.4 161.3 170.1 166.9 155.4 145.5 147.9 153.2 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 147.0 137.8 146.2 153.5 135.9 159.8 168.0 146.1 157.8 159.5 138.6 127.3 134.0 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 134.2 145.2 145.6 140.0 135.4 152.2 149.3 155.4 147.4 115.6 108.4 111.9 104.2 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 147.1 147.6 149.2 157.3 149.8 151.4 154.6 155.0 152.1 149.9 137.4 128.7 131.8 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 152.2 133.8 134.6 143.5 154.7 159.8 167.9 176.5 171.9 165.9 151.4 130.7 136.3 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 145.7 142.7 139.5 148.3 158.5 155.8 157.2 162.0 146.8 147.0 131.8 124.6 134.5 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 130.3 122.7 129.1 135.9 135.4 133.6 137.3 138.6 136.5 129.3 119.1 119.4 126.8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

00 @ivi `ivotni 140.9 141.5 142.1 142.2 126.1 153.3 140.5 155.1 135.8 153.2 140.4 130.4 130.3 Live animals other than animals of division 03

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 144.8 136.1 143.4 145.5 142.6 148.2 144.8 159.1 151.2 146.5 145.3 136.5 138.7 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 147.0 151.1 158.1 159.4 158.0 148.7 149.7 153.8 152.7 139.5 135.1 130.1 127.3 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 151.0 127.3 123.4 147.9 157.4 139.9 154.5 156.4 146.6 159.8 163.9 165.9 169.6 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 151.1 141.9 144.5 153.2 162.0 152.6 161.3 166.0 164.2 147.7 146.4 135.3 137.9 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 144.4 143.9 148.4 175.2 152.5 149.1 145.4 138.6 141.5 145.7 130.7 124.2 137.6 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 146.1 138.6 140.7 151.5 149.1 151.8 151.2 155.0 153.7 150.2 145.3 130.8 135.4 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 143.5 134.6 138.3 147.7 145.9 147.5 143.6 159.6 147.5 144.5 143.9 133.1 135.4 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 181.6 170.5 180.1 199.0 196.8 187.9 204.5 220.0 190.0 178.4 158.4 145.3 148.3 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 143.1 112.0 113.4 144.5 154.2 160.6 160.3 176.4 142.5 158.9 144.1 127.5 122.5 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 128.0 130.5 124.8 120.8 130.0 130.2 131.3 137.8 131.4 122.0 126.4 118.7 132.1 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 93.3 98.9 105.8 102.1 98.5 99.6 97.7 90.4 90.0 85.3 81.0 81.9 88.6 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 85.6 111.9 62.7 79.8 92.0 78.5 71.4 85.6 125.3 99.2 69.1 74.4 77.2 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 165.1 148.8 149.7 170.7 148.0 189.1 167.8 200.3 171.5 183.5 151.5 158.2 142.0 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

23 Surov kau~uk 126.1 126.6 145.9 129.6 168.0 138.3 131.8 134.3 129.2 118.7 124.0 77.2 90.0 Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 142.4 144.0 133.2 151.7 138.8 145.9 149.6 159.3 141.5 144.8 139.6 126.1 134.8 Cork and wood

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 127.8 125.4 119.9 131.3 129.6 133.3 131.5 132.9 134.6 129.0 125.8 119.9 120.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 138.0 119.9 131.4 123.6 129.4 146.0 163.6 154.9 156.9 124.1 117.7 146.7 141.9 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 229.4 186.0 190.2 196.0 259.7 260.5 263.9 266.3 250.7 235.0 212.7 208.9 223.3 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 117.6 122.4 103.6 124.1 119.4 118.9 110.3 107.9 113.3 138.9 101.1 103.3 148.4 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 124.0 104.2 105.4 122.6 131.0 122.6 135.9 126.9 142.4 140.4 128.0 116.2 111.8 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 137.3 117.3 120.8 131.4 133.8 147.9 161.7 166.4 153.4 141.1 136.6 130.6 106.7 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 181.0 170.9 190.3 191.0 186.3 198.8 203.2 211.0 174.5 173.9 157.6 161.3 153.0 Gas, natural and manufactured

41 Mast i maslo od `ivotni 137.2 109.5 108.2 123.6 122.1 143.5 130.9 147.2 147.8 152.3 169.2 141.0 150.8 Animal oils and fats

42 Cvrsti rastit.masla 145.0 157.4 154.5 149.8 140.7 157.9 153.8 161.1 152.0 124.8 115.1 138.6 134.5 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 163.5 131.0 154.1 175.8 171.1 195.5 171.4 173.7 178.6 173.7 166.5 138.2 132.6 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statistical review (673) 21




VKUPNO 143.8 132.2 134.7 143.6 145.8 150.9 156.5 160.1 154.4 149.5 136.9 127.9 133.3 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 137.6 132.2 133.3 143.0 142.8 140.2 141.4 150.5 140.5 136.5 132.4 126.0 131.7 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 120.9 107.9 104.5 119.9 125.7 133.3 131.3 137.3 127.3 111.8 121.5 109.0 121.1 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 155.6 143.9 149.8 158.4 164.6 150.4 161.3 170.1 166.9 155.4 145.5 147.9 153.2 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 147.0 137.8 146.2 153.5 135.9 159.8 168.0 146.1 157.8 159.5 138.6 127.3 134.0 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 134.2 145.2 145.6 140.0 135.4 152.2 149.3 155.4 147.4 115.6 108.4 111.9 104.2 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 147.1 147.6 149.2 157.3 149.8 151.4 154.6 155.0 152.1 149.9 137.4 128.7 131.8 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 152.2 133.8 134.6 143.5 154.7 159.8 167.9 176.5 171.9 165.9 151.4 130.7 136.3 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 145.7 142.7 139.5 148.3 158.5 155.8 157.2 162.0 146.8 147.0 131.8 124.6 134.5 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 130.3 122.7 129.1 135.9 135.4 133.6 137.3 138.6 136.5 129.3 119.1 119.4 126.8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

00 @ivi `ivotni 140.9 141.5 142.1 142.2 126.1 153.3 140.5 155.1 135.8 153.2 140.4 130.4 130.3 Live animals other than animals of division 03

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 144.8 136.1 143.4 145.5 142.6 148.2 144.8 159.1 151.2 146.5 145.3 136.5 138.7 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 147.0 151.1 158.1 159.4 158.0 148.7 149.7 153.8 152.7 139.5 135.1 130.1 127.3 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 151.0 127.3 123.4 147.9 157.4 139.9 154.5 156.4 146.6 159.8 163.9 165.9 169.6 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 151.1 141.9 144.5 153.2 162.0 152.6 161.3 166.0 164.2 147.7 146.4 135.3 137.9 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 144.4 143.9 148.4 175.2 152.5 149.1 145.4 138.6 141.5 145.7 130.7 124.2 137.6 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 146.1 138.6 140.7 151.5 149.1 151.8 151.2 155.0 153.7 150.2 145.3 130.8 135.4 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 143.5 134.6 138.3 147.7 145.9 147.5 143.6 159.6 147.5 144.5 143.9 133.1 135.4 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 181.6 170.5 180.1 199.0 196.8 187.9 204.5 220.0 190.0 178.4 158.4 145.3 148.3 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 143.1 112.0 113.4 144.5 154.2 160.6 160.3 176.4 142.5 158.9 144.1 127.5 122.5 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 128.0 130.5 124.8 120.8 130.0 130.2 131.3 137.8 131.4 122.0 126.4 118.7 132.1 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 93.3 98.9 105.8 102.1 98.5 99.6 97.7 90.4 90.0 85.3 81.0 81.9 88.6 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 85.6 111.9 62.7 79.8 92.0 78.5 71.4 85.6 125.3 99.2 69.1 74.4 77.2 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 165.1 148.8 149.7 170.7 148.0 189.1 167.8 200.3 171.5 183.5 151.5 158.2 142.0 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

23 Surov kau~uk 126.1 126.6 145.9 129.6 168.0 138.3 131.8 134.3 129.2 118.7 124.0 77.2 90.0 Crude rubber (including synthetic and reclaimed)

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 142.4 144.0 133.2 151.7 138.8 145.9 149.6 159.3 141.5 144.8 139.6 126.1 134.8 Cork and wood

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 127.8 125.4 119.9 131.3 129.6 133.3 131.5 132.9 134.6 129.0 125.8 119.9 120.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 138.0 119.9 131.4 123.6 129.4 146.0 163.6 154.9 156.9 124.1 117.7 146.7 141.9 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 229.4 186.0 190.2 196.0 259.7 260.5 263.9 266.3 250.7 235.0 212.7 208.9 223.3 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 117.6 122.4 103.6 124.1 119.4 118.9 110.3 107.9 113.3 138.9 101.1 103.3 148.4 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 124.0 104.2 105.4 122.6 131.0 122.6 135.9 126.9 142.4 140.4 128.0 116.2 111.8 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 137.3 117.3 120.8 131.4 133.8 147.9 161.7 166.4 153.4 141.1 136.6 130.6 106.7 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 181.0 170.9 190.3 191.0 186.3 198.8 203.2 211.0 174.5 173.9 157.6 161.3 153.0 Gas, natural and manufactured

41 Mast i maslo od `ivotni 137.2 109.5 108.2 123.6 122.1 143.5 130.9 147.2 147.8 152.3 169.2 141.0 150.8 Animal oils and fats

42 Cvrsti rastit.masla 145.0 157.4 154.5 149.8 140.7 157.9 153.8 161.1 152.0 124.8 115.1 138.6 134.5 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 163.5 131.0 154.1 175.8 171.1 195.5 171.4 173.7 178.6 173.7 166.5 138.2 132.6 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)22




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 141.3 144.8 134.8 142.2 149.2 135.7 146.2 142.5 156.2 146.0 135.2 130.7 131.9 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 147.8 140.6 141.2 145.6 149.4 152.1 145.0 161.2 148.6 152.5 148.7 138.0 150.3 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 118.0 117.5 126.0 128.6 123.4 121.9 125.1 126.5 118.4 117.1 97.5 100.6 113.0 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 153.4 158.9 174.9 138.2 110.7 193.0 165.5 156.1 169.1 176.8 109.6 142.2 145.5 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 142.6 129.6 138.0 139.7 153.5 149.3 152.6 159.8 148.9 145.6 132.1 132.4 130.1 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

56 Ve{ta~ki |ubriva 209.1 163.0 175.5 197.1 204.5 214.6 222.2 232.7 260.4 230.2 225.1 201.8 181.6 Fertilizers, manufactured (other than those of group 272)

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 135.8 141.1 136.4 144.4 142.7 140.4 140.8 151.2 144.5 142.4 134.1 114.4 96.8 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 117.7 110.7 121.2 119.6 117.4 117.5 129.3 126.6 122.7 116.9 111.5 102.3 116.4 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 148.7 130.1 137.2 148.7 160.9 161.3 160.8 155.2 164.6 157.3 138.7 132.9 137.0 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 6

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 6

61 Ko`a i izrabotki od ko`a 92.0 98.6 79.6 101.2 98.4 95.2 101.8 96.5 88.4 89.5 86.4 83.6 85.1 Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s. and dressed furskins

62 Izrabotki od guma 132.5 130.9 131.4 143.0 142.9 126.3 140.1 134.2 140.5 130.4 124.2 118.8 126.8 Rubber manufactures, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 135.6 130.6 141.8 144.8 137.6 146.2 149.9 149.1 132.9 130.8 127.2 114.6 122.0 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 132.4 133.3 126.4 139.5 142.6 141.5 135.2 141.0 134.2 131.0 126.7 115.1 121.8 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 130.0 136.2 121.4 132.6 137.4 137.2 138.0 133.3 134.9 118.7 122.2 121.1 126.5 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 138.1 129.2 141.6 139.6 150.5 149.1 145.1 151.8 138.0 136.1 127.6 122.1 126.4 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 167.9 134.9 132.7 142.4 160.7 176.2 196.9 210.9 205.6 204.4 171.1 139.8 138.7 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 166.0 164.9 176.3 184.9 185.7 186.4 188.6 182.1 175.2 166.3 146.0 117.4 118.5 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 135.3 114.6 128.2 133.1 143.7 140.5 139.2 137.6 146.6 137.1 140.4 120.7 142.2 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 7

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 7

71 Pogonski ma{ini i uredi 125.6 157.0 68.6 134.5 137.3 148.5 120.4 106.3 116.2 112.1 151.1 148.0 107.3 Power generating machinery and equipment

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 121.5 109.2 120.1 130.1 124.4 130.7 124.1 124.0 126.3 139.2 117.9 118.6 92.9 Machinery specialized for particular industries

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 146.4 153.3 158.9 143.2 138.4 129.0 144.8 135.2 154.1 144.2 139.8 160.9 155.3 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

75 Kancelariski i ma{ini za AOP 139.2 138.0 126.7 138.1 160.1 162.1 144.2 153.6 135.6 138.6 135.6 113.6 124.3 Office machines and automatic data-processing machines

76 Telekomunikaciski aparati 177.6 180.3 146.4 161.7 194.2 206.8 211.0 211.6 163.2 174.5 136.6 164.4 181.1 Telecommunications and sound-recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 147.3 139.5 148.9 170.0 151.6 151.6 149.7 158.4 153.4 146.2 134.3 134.9 129.8 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 135.2 128.3 132.6 142.6 144.6 142.2 142.8 147.9 139.9 134.4 124.7 117.9 124.1 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 144.8 136.8 143.2 158.8 161.6 145.1 144.1 150.0 135.5 138.6 135.8 130.8 156.9 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 139.4 123.9 135.3 152.0 152.0 144.1 131.0 126.8 141.8 150.3 148.4 130.6 136.6 Furniture and parts thereof

83 Patni~ki,ra~ni torbi i sl. 117.0 140.2 121.3 133.2 120.5 134.8 92.0 121.7 68.8 83.5 108.5 117.7 162.1 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers

84 Obleka 119.8 116.5 129.6 138.6 130.9 115.3 116.3 121.8 135.3 115.6 107.0 102.9 108.5 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 164.2 163.2 165.3 161.9 158.5 164.5 167.8 185.8 156.9 164.9 175.9 146.5 159.8 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 50.9 45.3 51.8 43.7 62.4 43.8 51.3 48.1 64.6 51.8 54.5 47.0 46.8 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

88 Fotografski aparati; ~asovnici 114.8 91.1 100.1 114.0 118.7 123.3 128.0 135.9 118.4 138.0 98.8 107.5 104.2 Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and optical goods, n.e.s.; watches and clocks

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 139.4 132.0 129.2 138.7 150.4 145.2 147.4 146.4 149.3 135.0 130.7 129.8 138.4 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statistical review (673) 23




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 141.3 144.8 134.8 142.2 149.2 135.7 146.2 142.5 156.2 146.0 135.2 130.7 131.9 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 147.8 140.6 141.2 145.6 149.4 152.1 145.0 161.2 148.6 152.5 148.7 138.0 150.3 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 118.0 117.5 126.0 128.6 123.4 121.9 125.1 126.5 118.4 117.1 97.5 100.6 113.0 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 153.4 158.9 174.9 138.2 110.7 193.0 165.5 156.1 169.1 176.8 109.6 142.2 145.5 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 142.6 129.6 138.0 139.7 153.5 149.3 152.6 159.8 148.9 145.6 132.1 132.4 130.1 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

56 Ve{ta~ki |ubriva 209.1 163.0 175.5 197.1 204.5 214.6 222.2 232.7 260.4 230.2 225.1 201.8 181.6 Fertilizers, manufactured (other than those of group 272)

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 135.8 141.1 136.4 144.4 142.7 140.4 140.8 151.2 144.5 142.4 134.1 114.4 96.8 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 117.7 110.7 121.2 119.6 117.4 117.5 129.3 126.6 122.7 116.9 111.5 102.3 116.4 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 148.7 130.1 137.2 148.7 160.9 161.3 160.8 155.2 164.6 157.3 138.7 132.9 137.0 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 6

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 6

61 Ko`a i izrabotki od ko`a 92.0 98.6 79.6 101.2 98.4 95.2 101.8 96.5 88.4 89.5 86.4 83.6 85.1 Leather, leather manufactures, n.e.s. and dressed furskins

62 Izrabotki od guma 132.5 130.9 131.4 143.0 142.9 126.3 140.1 134.2 140.5 130.4 124.2 118.8 126.8 Rubber manufactures, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 135.6 130.6 141.8 144.8 137.6 146.2 149.9 149.1 132.9 130.8 127.2 114.6 122.0 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 132.4 133.3 126.4 139.5 142.6 141.5 135.2 141.0 134.2 131.0 126.7 115.1 121.8 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 130.0 136.2 121.4 132.6 137.4 137.2 138.0 133.3 134.9 118.7 122.2 121.1 126.5 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 138.1 129.2 141.6 139.6 150.5 149.1 145.1 151.8 138.0 136.1 127.6 122.1 126.4 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 167.9 134.9 132.7 142.4 160.7 176.2 196.9 210.9 205.6 204.4 171.1 139.8 138.7 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 166.0 164.9 176.3 184.9 185.7 186.4 188.6 182.1 175.2 166.3 146.0 117.4 118.5 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 135.3 114.6 128.2 133.1 143.7 140.5 139.2 137.6 146.6 137.1 140.4 120.7 142.2 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

Kompletni industriski pogoni soodvetni za sektor 7

Complete industrial plants appropriate for section 7

71 Pogonski ma{ini i uredi 125.6 157.0 68.6 134.5 137.3 148.5 120.4 106.3 116.2 112.1 151.1 148.0 107.3 Power generating machinery and equipment

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 121.5 109.2 120.1 130.1 124.4 130.7 124.1 124.0 126.3 139.2 117.9 118.6 92.9 Machinery specialized for particular industries

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 146.4 153.3 158.9 143.2 138.4 129.0 144.8 135.2 154.1 144.2 139.8 160.9 155.3 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

75 Kancelariski i ma{ini za AOP 139.2 138.0 126.7 138.1 160.1 162.1 144.2 153.6 135.6 138.6 135.6 113.6 124.3 Office machines and automatic data-processing machines

76 Telekomunikaciski aparati 177.6 180.3 146.4 161.7 194.2 206.8 211.0 211.6 163.2 174.5 136.6 164.4 181.1 Telecommunications and sound-recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 147.3 139.5 148.9 170.0 151.6 151.6 149.7 158.4 153.4 146.2 134.3 134.9 129.8 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 135.2 128.3 132.6 142.6 144.6 142.2 142.8 147.9 139.9 134.4 124.7 117.9 124.1 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 144.8 136.8 143.2 158.8 161.6 145.1 144.1 150.0 135.5 138.6 135.8 130.8 156.9 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 139.4 123.9 135.3 152.0 152.0 144.1 131.0 126.8 141.8 150.3 148.4 130.6 136.6 Furniture and parts thereof

83 Patni~ki,ra~ni torbi i sl. 117.0 140.2 121.3 133.2 120.5 134.8 92.0 121.7 68.8 83.5 108.5 117.7 162.1 Travel goods, handbags and similar containers

84 Obleka 119.8 116.5 129.6 138.6 130.9 115.3 116.3 121.8 135.3 115.6 107.0 102.9 108.5 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 164.2 163.2 165.3 161.9 158.5 164.5 167.8 185.8 156.9 164.9 175.9 146.5 159.8 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 50.9 45.3 51.8 43.7 62.4 43.8 51.3 48.1 64.6 51.8 54.5 47.0 46.8 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

88 Fotografski aparati; ~asovnici 114.8 91.1 100.1 114.0 118.7 123.3 128.0 135.9 118.4 138.0 98.8 107.5 104.2 Photographic apparatus, equipment and supplies and optical goods, n.e.s.; watches and clocks

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 139.4 132.0 129.2 138.7 150.4 145.2 147.4 146.4 149.3 135.0 130.7 129.8 138.4 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)24




VKUPNO 141.3 131.4 134.3 143.6 143.1 147.9 152.6 154.3 149.5 146.0 135.2 125.0 132.3 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 127.9 126.2 123.3 130.2 134.0 129.7 130.7 138.1 130.9 124.7 122.6 118.1 126.8 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 120.0 97.9 91.5 124.0 126.8 139.7 132.7 138.6 127.0 113.0 123.4 112.3 113.1 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 128.0 127.4 131.8 142.0 122.0 127.4 125.0 134.9 131.9 120.7 117.5 128.1 127.9 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 155.0 159.0 170.9 176.3 137.3 172.9 176.8 130.0 162.9 178.6 139.6 113.7 141.3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 123.4 126.0 134.6 133.6 134.2 138.6 142.0 144.0 138.1 108.9 105.1 92.7 83.2 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 146.5 150.5 147.6 166.9 153.3 144.9 154.2 151.5 143.5 145.6 140.2 125.9 133.9 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 157.1 134.2 139.3 148.7 160.5 162.7 170.9 180.0 174.3 169.6 161.8 138.7 143.9 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 144.8 139.2 140.9 146.2 163.3 152.5 154.3 161.0 145.7 148.3 133.6 122.3 130.1 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 129.3 128.0 131.0 133.8 130.0 132.9 138.5 142.2 132.2 127.5 112.4 118.2 124.7 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 123.0 120.0 115.5 120.1 108.6 105.0 111.0 122.3 135.5 128.1 131.9 122.8 155.4 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 103.3 101.5 102.8 105.3 102.5 102.2 101.2 107.5 102.5 101.2 105.2 103.0 104.6 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 126.9 141.5 114.9 115.3 126.9 146.1 159.4 146.4 109.5 107.6 113.0 112.4 129.2 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 123.0 118.2 125.2 129.9 136.1 134.2 130.4 128.5 120.4 117.5 112.9 108.0 115.4 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 135.6 131.2 126.7 136.8 152.0 141.1 138.5 154.2 137.2 132.1 125.0 124.6 127.5 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 135.2 136.2 133.8 138.4 136.2 134.2 136.5 139.6 144.2 132.8 131.4 128.5 130.5 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 118.4 124.9 123.0 128.1 132.3 117.9 122.4 131.7 122.8 108.5 111.2 96.3 102.3 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 135.7 131.6 131.7 143.8 141.2 142.7 144.2 145.8 141.0 134.0 128.5 123.1 120.5 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 128.5 112.3 113.5 127.7 135.3 140.4 147.3 147.5 132.2 119.1 117.3 128.1 121.4 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerabotki od tutun 114.9 89.3 78.2 121.8 121.7 139.3 123.9 133.3 123.8 109.3 127.1 102.7 108.1 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 100.8 106.5 103.4 117.1 107.6 99.5 102.0 103.3 98.7 106.1 77.2 89.2 98.5 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 125.2 144.3 161.1 130.2 107.4 170.9 118.3 126.9 99.1 113.4 90.5 129.6 110.8 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 112.1 139.7 114.3 118.6 112.9 116.2 108.9 101.9 113.5 123.2 108.6 84.9 102.5 Cork and wood

25 Celuloza i otpad.od hartija 115.4 126.6 134.8 176.2 140.9 136.9 136.0 90.3 110.0 61.5 141.1 71.9 58.4 Pulp and waste paper

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 112.0 112.0 110.6 112.0 127.4 122.2 112.0 112.0 124.1 114.2 91.1 94.0 112.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 119.2 115.1 127.1 145.2 114.9 128.8 120.7 127.7 122.2 107.0 108.6 100.8 111.8 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 142.4 138.6 146.1 150.7 130.0 133.6 133.9 152.6 147.7 133.2 131.2 160.6 150.4 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 117.7 116.0 100.1 115.2 122.1 116.5 124.8 120.2 126.1 117.8 118.8 122.2 112.7 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 155.7 155.0 154.0 158.3 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 154.9 159.3 171.6 177.2 136.8 173.5 177.1 128.3 163.1 179.5 139.4 113.1 139.8 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 157.4 147.1 150.4 144.8 145.9 156.0 183.6 198.0 158.9 154.8 134.4 107.0 208.1 Gas, natural and manufactured

42 Cvrsti rastititelni masla 122.8 121.4 136.2 134.9 135.4 142.6 144.2 146.0 139.3 108.3 100.2 88.1 77.2 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 132.8 197.2 110.0 114.2 115.7 75.3 108.0 112.7 119.2 119.2 181.1 163.4 177.8 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statistical review (673) 25




VKUPNO 141.3 131.4 134.3 143.6 143.1 147.9 152.6 154.3 149.5 146.0 135.2 125.0 132.3 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 127.9 126.2 123.3 130.2 134.0 129.7 130.7 138.1 130.9 124.7 122.6 118.1 126.8 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 120.0 97.9 91.5 124.0 126.8 139.7 132.7 138.6 127.0 113.0 123.4 112.3 113.1 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 128.0 127.4 131.8 142.0 122.0 127.4 125.0 134.9 131.9 120.7 117.5 128.1 127.9 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 155.0 159.0 170.9 176.3 137.3 172.9 176.8 130.0 162.9 178.6 139.6 113.7 141.3 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 123.4 126.0 134.6 133.6 134.2 138.6 142.0 144.0 138.1 108.9 105.1 92.7 83.2 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 146.5 150.5 147.6 166.9 153.3 144.9 154.2 151.5 143.5 145.6 140.2 125.9 133.9 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 157.1 134.2 139.3 148.7 160.5 162.7 170.9 180.0 174.3 169.6 161.8 138.7 143.9 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 144.8 139.2 140.9 146.2 163.3 152.5 154.3 161.0 145.7 148.3 133.6 122.3 130.1 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 129.3 128.0 131.0 133.8 130.0 132.9 138.5 142.2 132.2 127.5 112.4 118.2 124.7 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 123.0 120.0 115.5 120.1 108.6 105.0 111.0 122.3 135.5 128.1 131.9 122.8 155.4 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 103.3 101.5 102.8 105.3 102.5 102.2 101.2 107.5 102.5 101.2 105.2 103.0 104.6 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 126.9 141.5 114.9 115.3 126.9 146.1 159.4 146.4 109.5 107.6 113.0 112.4 129.2 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 123.0 118.2 125.2 129.9 136.1 134.2 130.4 128.5 120.4 117.5 112.9 108.0 115.4 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 135.6 131.2 126.7 136.8 152.0 141.1 138.5 154.2 137.2 132.1 125.0 124.6 127.5 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 135.2 136.2 133.8 138.4 136.2 134.2 136.5 139.6 144.2 132.8 131.4 128.5 130.5 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 118.4 124.9 123.0 128.1 132.3 117.9 122.4 131.7 122.8 108.5 111.2 96.3 102.3 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 135.7 131.6 131.7 143.8 141.2 142.7 144.2 145.8 141.0 134.0 128.5 123.1 120.5 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 128.5 112.3 113.5 127.7 135.3 140.4 147.3 147.5 132.2 119.1 117.3 128.1 121.4 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerabotki od tutun 114.9 89.3 78.2 121.8 121.7 139.3 123.9 133.3 123.8 109.3 127.1 102.7 108.1 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 100.8 106.5 103.4 117.1 107.6 99.5 102.0 103.3 98.7 106.1 77.2 89.2 98.5 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 125.2 144.3 161.1 130.2 107.4 170.9 118.3 126.9 99.1 113.4 90.5 129.6 110.8 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 112.1 139.7 114.3 118.6 112.9 116.2 108.9 101.9 113.5 123.2 108.6 84.9 102.5 Cork and wood

25 Celuloza i otpad.od hartija 115.4 126.6 134.8 176.2 140.9 136.9 136.0 90.3 110.0 61.5 141.1 71.9 58.4 Pulp and waste paper

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 112.0 112.0 110.6 112.0 127.4 122.2 112.0 112.0 124.1 114.2 91.1 94.0 112.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 119.2 115.1 127.1 145.2 114.9 128.8 120.7 127.7 122.2 107.0 108.6 100.8 111.8 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 142.4 138.6 146.1 150.7 130.0 133.6 133.9 152.6 147.7 133.2 131.2 160.6 150.4 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 117.7 116.0 100.1 115.2 122.1 116.5 124.8 120.2 126.1 117.8 118.8 122.2 112.7 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 155.7 155.0 154.0 158.3 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 154.9 159.3 171.6 177.2 136.8 173.5 177.1 128.3 163.1 179.5 139.4 113.1 139.8 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 157.4 147.1 150.4 144.8 145.9 156.0 183.6 198.0 158.9 154.8 134.4 107.0 208.1 Gas, natural and manufactured

42 Cvrsti rastititelni masla 122.8 121.4 136.2 134.9 135.4 142.6 144.2 146.0 139.3 108.3 100.2 88.1 77.2 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 132.8 197.2 110.0 114.2 115.7 75.3 108.0 112.7 119.2 119.2 181.1 163.4 177.8 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)26




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 129.3 129.9 138.0 134.5 145.3 145.6 112.6 132.4 119.4 121.6 124.0 124.2 124.5 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 133.5 123.9 122.7 130.5 136.7 132.5 136.5 140.6 150.5 142.2 132.2 125.0 128.6 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 132.9 134.7 144.5 125.6 135.3 133.4 140.7 130.3 128.5 128.3 127.4 116.4 149.2 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 163.4 173.0 162.1 199.9 171.1 156.3 171.1 169.7 159.2 163.1 156.6 137.1 142.3 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 115.5 107.8 113.8 117.3 118.0 125.1 121.6 123.4 116.5 110.6 111.9 106.7 113.4 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 139.7 142.7 143.7 150.1 166.6 141.7 147.5 145.1 131.6 145.7 131.9 112.9 116.5 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 130.8 131.7 132.2 139.7 138.2 137.7 143.3 135.7 127.2 131.8 122.6 118.8 110.5 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 114.3 103.0 120.2 159.6 113.2 115.2 127.3 127.2 109.6 107.9 107.6 84.1 96.5 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 147.9 135.1 155.1 147.8 165.5 143.4 162.6 159.0 159.4 137.6 130.7 141.7 136.7 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 144.0 143.2 133.9 143.9 150.8 148.0 150.8 150.9 142.3 148.7 133.9 141.0 140.2 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 103.6 98.7 101.6 105.7 105.5 115.7 108.1 109.7 107.7 98.5 97.9 95.5 98.0 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 131.4 121.3 124.6 142.7 140.4 135.6 138.4 137.7 135.3 133.6 121.6 113.4 132.0 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 165.6 138.3 144.1 153.8 167.9 170.2 181.7 193.5 186.6 181.8 173.4 145.5 150.0 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 156.0 162.8 157.9 155.7 166.4 158.5 163.5 150.0 172.0 168.2 152.3 137.6 127.5 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 141.3 136.2 138.0 137.6 155.3 159.7 142.3 139.9 140.4 137.4 141.1 133.3 134.8 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 128.3 120.9 97.3 119.1 119.7 137.9 158.2 108.0 101.5 124.0 159.3 154.9 139.0 Machinery specialized for particular industries

73 Ma{ini za obrabotka na metali 103.4 97.7 84.8 159.1 89.1 115.6 106.1 115.7 112.5 90.9 96.9 87.4 84.5 Metalworking machinery

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 114.1 101.5 99.0 106.5 118.4 114.6 129.4 115.4 106.6 156.8 112.0 107.4 101.1 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 163.6 157.7 159.3 167.9 183.4 174.4 176.9 182.8 167.7 168.6 151.0 132.5 141.2 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 129.0 127.6 128.8 133.3 146.7 132.9 133.5 141.3 123.8 127.9 114.5 110.3 126.9 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

79 Ostanata transportna oprema 98.2 85.7 93.3 79.8 118.5 101.1 98.2 116.1 101.8 98.4 96.1 101.2 88.5 Other transport equipment

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 124.5 121.0 127.7 130.1 129.3 135.9 132.5 132.4 131.8 119.5 115.6 105.8 112.9 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 153.3 160.8 156.7 163.7 166.1 156.4 156.5 169.6 141.7 138.0 146.0 142.0 142.3 Furniture and parts thereof

84 Obleka 131.4 130.1 133.7 136.1 130.6 134.8 142.0 145.6 135.7 129.3 112.3 119.8 126.5 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 108.9 108.3 107.0 109.2 116.0 114.0 108.9 111.8 103.2 111.2 104.9 100.6 111.6 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 116.0 118.3 106.8 121.7 132.1 106.8 106.8 146.8 102.5 122.6 106.8 108.1 112.7 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 130.9 120.2 126.0 143.2 145.8 134.4 133.7 137.7 129.9 133.0 127.8 127.9 111.3 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statistical review (673) 27




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 129.3 129.9 138.0 134.5 145.3 145.6 112.6 132.4 119.4 121.6 124.0 124.2 124.5 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 133.5 123.9 122.7 130.5 136.7 132.5 136.5 140.6 150.5 142.2 132.2 125.0 128.6 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 132.9 134.7 144.5 125.6 135.3 133.4 140.7 130.3 128.5 128.3 127.4 116.4 149.2 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 163.4 173.0 162.1 199.9 171.1 156.3 171.1 169.7 159.2 163.1 156.6 137.1 142.3 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 115.5 107.8 113.8 117.3 118.0 125.1 121.6 123.4 116.5 110.6 111.9 106.7 113.4 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 139.7 142.7 143.7 150.1 166.6 141.7 147.5 145.1 131.6 145.7 131.9 112.9 116.5 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 130.8 131.7 132.2 139.7 138.2 137.7 143.3 135.7 127.2 131.8 122.6 118.8 110.5 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 114.3 103.0 120.2 159.6 113.2 115.2 127.3 127.2 109.6 107.9 107.6 84.1 96.5 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 147.9 135.1 155.1 147.8 165.5 143.4 162.6 159.0 159.4 137.6 130.7 141.7 136.7 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furniture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 144.0 143.2 133.9 143.9 150.8 148.0 150.8 150.9 142.3 148.7 133.9 141.0 140.2 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 103.6 98.7 101.6 105.7 105.5 115.7 108.1 109.7 107.7 98.5 97.9 95.5 98.0 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 131.4 121.3 124.6 142.7 140.4 135.6 138.4 137.7 135.3 133.6 121.6 113.4 132.0 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 165.6 138.3 144.1 153.8 167.9 170.2 181.7 193.5 186.6 181.8 173.4 145.5 150.0 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 156.0 162.8 157.9 155.7 166.4 158.5 163.5 150.0 172.0 168.2 152.3 137.6 127.5 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 141.3 136.2 138.0 137.6 155.3 159.7 142.3 139.9 140.4 137.4 141.1 133.3 134.8 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 128.3 120.9 97.3 119.1 119.7 137.9 158.2 108.0 101.5 124.0 159.3 154.9 139.0 Machinery specialized for particular industries

73 Ma{ini za obrabotka na metali 103.4 97.7 84.8 159.1 89.1 115.6 106.1 115.7 112.5 90.9 96.9 87.4 84.5 Metalworking machinery

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 114.1 101.5 99.0 106.5 118.4 114.6 129.4 115.4 106.6 156.8 112.0 107.4 101.1 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 163.6 157.7 159.3 167.9 183.4 174.4 176.9 182.8 167.7 168.6 151.0 132.5 141.2 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 129.0 127.6 128.8 133.3 146.7 132.9 133.5 141.3 123.8 127.9 114.5 110.3 126.9 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

79 Ostanata transportna oprema 98.2 85.7 93.3 79.8 118.5 101.1 98.2 116.1 101.8 98.4 96.1 101.2 88.5 Other transport equipment

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 124.5 121.0 127.7 130.1 129.3 135.9 132.5 132.4 131.8 119.5 115.6 105.8 112.9 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 153.3 160.8 156.7 163.7 166.1 156.4 156.5 169.6 141.7 138.0 146.0 142.0 142.3 Furniture and parts thereof

84 Obleka 131.4 130.1 133.7 136.1 130.6 134.8 142.0 145.6 135.7 129.3 112.3 119.8 126.5 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 108.9 108.3 107.0 109.2 116.0 114.0 108.9 111.8 103.2 111.2 104.9 100.6 111.6 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 116.0 118.3 106.8 121.7 132.1 106.8 106.8 146.8 102.5 122.6 106.8 108.1 112.7 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 130.9 120.2 126.0 143.2 145.8 134.4 133.7 137.7 129.9 133.0 127.8 127.9 111.3 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)28




VKUPNO 150.8 135.9 149.1 147.4 164.6 157.2 161.5 168.5 163.9 153.9 141.4 130.1 136.7 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 138.1 129.8 125.9 129.8 178.9 164.8 141.2 146.6 138.6 131.5 122.0 119.9 127.6 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 122.2 105.0 110.6 126.3 135.3 136.9 131.1 132.5 121.8 113.5 120.7 112.4 119.8 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 140.4 139.4 148.7 161.1 130.4 130.7 133.7 141.0 139.9 131.6 123.4 159.7 144.7 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 152.9 159.4 160.0 169.8 174.6 168.2 167.6 160.9 160.4 187.5 143.0 96.8 86.4 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 120.6 116.2 128.8 134.9 135.0 137.1 139.8 141.8 137.3 109.5 101.7 86.8 78.4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 146.0 148.1 142.8 163.7 154.9 141.0 150.2 150.8 142.1 142.5 140.1 134.4 141.4 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 167.9 138.8 162.9 153.9 180.8 171.7 183.6 195.6 193.2 173.1 163.9 145.7 151.2 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 143.4 135.4 140.7 139.9 151.6 144.6 149.7 161.0 138.3 147.6 140.0 132.0 139.9 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 133.7 134.0 137.1 140.3 136.0 135.4 142.4 149.1 138.4 126.8 113.3 120.1 131.4 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 124.3 130.4 118.6 122.9 115.3 119.2 116.2 132.2 135.2 120.5 109.8 118.2 152.9 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 133.7 125.1 132.4 140.7 147.5 140.1 143.7 142.2 150.2 133.1 121.0 114.3 114.8 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 126.9 141.5 114.9 115.3 126.9 146.1 159.4 146.4 109.5 107.6 113.0 112.4 129.2 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 131.5 129.5 129.6 140.8 138.3 141.7 141.2 139.0 132.6 129.2 120.3 112.9 122.7 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 153.7 130.5 128.0 131.9 242.3 203.2 159.0 164.3 156.8 143.7 126.5 130.9 127.2 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 137.1 139.6 137.5 141.4 141.2 149.4 142.0 147.6 139.2 130.5 127.8 121.2 127.4 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 118.7 120.4 121.0 130.0 132.5 118.0 122.0 136.9 125.2 111.2 109.6 94.6 102.7 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 129.9 124.3 128.7 140.2 139.9 135.3 140.8 139.3 139.0 124.4 122.3 113.3 111.1 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 128.6 115.0 115.7 128.0 135.0 135.0 145.4 142.1 129.1 121.3 120.3 127.4 129.2 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 116.9 96.1 101.3 123.9 135.7 138.8 123.4 128.6 116.6 100.6 121.2 107.0 110.1 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 103.0 124.4 111.6 117.7 112.4 109.1 101.6 107.9 92.9 108.0 99.4 76.5 74.3 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 125.2 144.3 161.1 130.2 107.4 170.9 118.3 126.9 99.1 113.4 90.5 129.6 110.8 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 112.2 137.4 122.4 118.5 118.8 128.4 105.3 100.1 108.7 121.6 100.3 82.1 102.4 Cork and wood

25 Celuloza i otpadoci od hartija 115.4 126.6 134.8 176.2 140.9 136.9 136.0 90.3 110.0 61.5 141.1 71.9 58.4 Pulp and waste paper

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 112.0 112.0 110.6 112.0 127.4 122.2 112.0 112.0 124.1 114.2 91.1 94.0 112.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 113.3 119.1 123.1 142.6 106.6 126.1 113.2 123.3 106.6 96.4 93.8 97.6 111.7 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 150.7 143.1 157.6 171.2 138.8 133.2 139.7 147.5 147.7 139.2 134.4 194.3 161.2 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 118.6 118.0 104.6 124.1 128.9 125.0 126.5 111.4 119.0 118.0 106.8 124.2 116.4 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 155.7 155.0 154.0 158.3 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 153.2 159.8 161.1 171.4 176.3 168.6 167.4 160.6 160.4 189.6 143.6 96.4 83.0 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 157.4 147.1 150.4 144.8 145.9 156.0 183.6 198.0 158.9 154.8 134.4 107.0 208.1 Gas, natural and manufactured

42 Cvrsti rastit.masla 120.3 115.4 129.6 135.8 135.8 140.0 142.0 142.7 137.7 108.9 97.9 84.1 74.0 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 132.8 197.2 110.0 114.2 115.7 75.3 108.0 112.7 119.2 119.2 181.1 163.4 177.8 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statistical review (673) 29




VKUPNO 150.8 135.9 149.1 147.4 164.6 157.2 161.5 168.5 163.9 153.9 141.4 130.1 136.7 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 138.1 129.8 125.9 129.8 178.9 164.8 141.2 146.6 138.6 131.5 122.0 119.9 127.6 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 122.2 105.0 110.6 126.3 135.3 136.9 131.1 132.5 121.8 113.5 120.7 112.4 119.8 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 140.4 139.4 148.7 161.1 130.4 130.7 133.7 141.0 139.9 131.6 123.4 159.7 144.7 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 152.9 159.4 160.0 169.8 174.6 168.2 167.6 160.9 160.4 187.5 143.0 96.8 86.4 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 120.6 116.2 128.8 134.9 135.0 137.1 139.8 141.8 137.3 109.5 101.7 86.8 78.4 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 146.0 148.1 142.8 163.7 154.9 141.0 150.2 150.8 142.1 142.5 140.1 134.4 141.4 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 167.9 138.8 162.9 153.9 180.8 171.7 183.6 195.6 193.2 173.1 163.9 145.7 151.2 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 143.4 135.4 140.7 139.9 151.6 144.6 149.7 161.0 138.3 147.6 140.0 132.0 139.9 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 133.7 134.0 137.1 140.3 136.0 135.4 142.4 149.1 138.4 126.8 113.3 120.1 131.4 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 124.3 130.4 118.6 122.9 115.3 119.2 116.2 132.2 135.2 120.5 109.8 118.2 152.9 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 133.7 125.1 132.4 140.7 147.5 140.1 143.7 142.2 150.2 133.1 121.0 114.3 114.8 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 126.9 141.5 114.9 115.3 126.9 146.1 159.4 146.4 109.5 107.6 113.0 112.4 129.2 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 131.5 129.5 129.6 140.8 138.3 141.7 141.2 139.0 132.6 129.2 120.3 112.9 122.7 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 153.7 130.5 128.0 131.9 242.3 203.2 159.0 164.3 156.8 143.7 126.5 130.9 127.2 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 137.1 139.6 137.5 141.4 141.2 149.4 142.0 147.6 139.2 130.5 127.8 121.2 127.4 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 118.7 120.4 121.0 130.0 132.5 118.0 122.0 136.9 125.2 111.2 109.6 94.6 102.7 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 129.9 124.3 128.7 140.2 139.9 135.3 140.8 139.3 139.0 124.4 122.3 113.3 111.1 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 128.6 115.0 115.7 128.0 135.0 135.0 145.4 142.1 129.1 121.3 120.3 127.4 129.2 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 116.9 96.1 101.3 123.9 135.7 138.8 123.4 128.6 116.6 100.6 121.2 107.0 110.1 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 103.0 124.4 111.6 117.7 112.4 109.1 101.6 107.9 92.9 108.0 99.4 76.5 74.3 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 125.2 144.3 161.1 130.2 107.4 170.9 118.3 126.9 99.1 113.4 90.5 129.6 110.8 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 112.2 137.4 122.4 118.5 118.8 128.4 105.3 100.1 108.7 121.6 100.3 82.1 102.4 Cork and wood

25 Celuloza i otpadoci od hartija 115.4 126.6 134.8 176.2 140.9 136.9 136.0 90.3 110.0 61.5 141.1 71.9 58.4 Pulp and waste paper

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 112.0 112.0 110.6 112.0 127.4 122.2 112.0 112.0 124.1 114.2 91.1 94.0 112.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 113.3 119.1 123.1 142.6 106.6 126.1 113.2 123.3 106.6 96.4 93.8 97.6 111.7 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 150.7 143.1 157.6 171.2 138.8 133.2 139.7 147.5 147.7 139.2 134.4 194.3 161.2 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 118.6 118.0 104.6 124.1 128.9 125.0 126.5 111.4 119.0 118.0 106.8 124.2 116.4 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 155.7 155.0 154.0 158.3 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 153.2 159.8 161.1 171.4 176.3 168.6 167.4 160.6 160.4 189.6 143.6 96.4 83.0 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 157.4 147.1 150.4 144.8 145.9 156.0 183.6 198.0 158.9 154.8 134.4 107.0 208.1 Gas, natural and manufactured

42 Cvrsti rastit.masla 120.3 115.4 129.6 135.8 135.8 140.0 142.0 142.7 137.7 108.9 97.9 84.1 74.0 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 132.8 197.2 110.0 114.2 115.7 75.3 108.0 112.7 119.2 119.2 181.1 163.4 177.8 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)30




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 136.3 128.2 137.6 135.8 146.1 152.3 112.0 121.4 96.9 140.7 139.9 147.5 177.8 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 136.9 119.2 109.7 127.5 162.6 117.4 134.6 143.0 155.9 144.7 143.8 143.6 141.3 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 118.8 129.5 119.1 118.4 122.7 122.4 125.3 124.0 121.7 115.4 109.4 101.4 115.9 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 170.3 172.7 163.1 203.7 194.4 167.7 176.7 169.6 162.5 168.4 158.0 150.9 155.6 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 111.6 105.1 113.0 122.2 114.6 123.4 118.8 123.0 116.2 98.8 102.4 103.2 98.5 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 148.3 165.3 152.4 158.6 173.3 152.8 163.7 165.5 113.8 159.2 146.6 119.7 108.1 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 126.4 132.0 121.2 124.1 120.4 129.0 132.1 140.1 128.1 129.6 124.6 118.8 117.0 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 115.4 96.6 124.8 166.4 112.8 113.9 130.4 131.5 116.6 101.3 108.5 87.1 95.1 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 161.2 115.1 209.3 199.7 127.1 69.3 175.1 117.3 256.2 115.6 124.4 288.9 135.9 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furni-ture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 144.7 128.8 127.9 144.2 153.1 149.4 148.0 148.5 133.8 151.4 129.1 162.4 160.2 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 125.0 119.4 123.7 140.6 134.8 132.9 127.8 135.1 126.5 116.9 121.1 107.2 113.8 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 144.1 116.2 122.2 148.3 154.0 149.7 156.6 147.2 150.6 148.2 147.3 145.9 142.7 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 173.0 141.2 168.3 156.3 186.3 176.5 190.0 204.4 201.6 178.7 169.8 147.3 154.9 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 150.2 130.2 127.9 145.7 154.9 147.6 149.8 208.8 144.4 133.4 220.2 119.7 119.9 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 142.0 126.8 128.9 131.8 132.1 143.0 149.2 148.5 159.1 153.2 146.1 139.6 145.2 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 127.5 117.4 97.2 114.8 115.6 135.7 157.3 108.6 103.0 120.7 162.9 157.6 138.6 Machinery specialized for particular industries

73 Ma{ini za metali 96.9 20.0 84.8 159.1 89.1 115.6 106.1 115.7 112.5 90.9 96.9 87.4 84.5 Metalworking machinery

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 110.0 98.9 99.8 105.0 119.8 107.5 118.8 98.8 113.9 132.4 114.9 108.5 101.5 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 167.9 159.8 167.5 162.6 180.7 172.1 179.9 188.6 165.9 174.0 163.0 145.4 155.3 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 106.7 102.9 100.7 113.7 127.5 109.8 95.6 110.6 102.4 105.7 100.8 93.5 116.7 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

79 Ostanata transportna oprema 98.2 85.7 93.3 79.8 118.5 101.1 98.2 116.1 101.8 98.4 96.1 101.2 88.5 Other transport equipment

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 125.3 121.4 128.9 130.4 130.8 136.3 132.9 133.4 131.0 120.2 115.6 106.5 116.4 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 145.1 142.2 154.9 164.6 163.4 149.6 161.5 155.8 129.8 134.4 122.0 126.2 136.5 Furniture and parts thereof

84 Obleka 136.2 136.4 139.4 142.0 136.0 138.3 146.6 154.1 144.0 128.4 113.0 122.0 133.6 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (01/01/1988-)

85 Obuvki 112.6 114.2 113.6 117.2 120.4 109.1 109.8 116.8 108.9 112.6 107.6 104.1 117.4 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 116.0 118.3 106.8 121.7 132.1 106.8 106.8 146.8 102.5 122.6 106.8 108.1 112.7 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 131.3 121.1 125.7 144.5 147.0 130.7 133.4 142.6 131.3 132.8 127.0 118.5 121.5 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statistical review (673) 31




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 136.3 128.2 137.6 135.8 146.1 152.3 112.0 121.4 96.9 140.7 139.9 147.5 177.8 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 136.9 119.2 109.7 127.5 162.6 117.4 134.6 143.0 155.9 144.7 143.8 143.6 141.3 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 118.8 129.5 119.1 118.4 122.7 122.4 125.3 124.0 121.7 115.4 109.4 101.4 115.9 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 170.3 172.7 163.1 203.7 194.4 167.7 176.7 169.6 162.5 168.4 158.0 150.9 155.6 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 111.6 105.1 113.0 122.2 114.6 123.4 118.8 123.0 116.2 98.8 102.4 103.2 98.5 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 148.3 165.3 152.4 158.6 173.3 152.8 163.7 165.5 113.8 159.2 146.6 119.7 108.1 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ka smola 126.4 132.0 121.2 124.1 120.4 129.0 132.1 140.1 128.1 129.6 124.6 118.8 117.0 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 115.4 96.6 124.8 166.4 112.8 113.9 130.4 131.5 116.6 101.3 108.5 87.1 95.1 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 161.2 115.1 209.3 199.7 127.1 69.3 175.1 117.3 256.2 115.6 124.4 288.9 135.9 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furni-ture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 144.7 128.8 127.9 144.2 153.1 149.4 148.0 148.5 133.8 151.4 129.1 162.4 160.2 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 125.0 119.4 123.7 140.6 134.8 132.9 127.8 135.1 126.5 116.9 121.1 107.2 113.8 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 144.1 116.2 122.2 148.3 154.0 149.7 156.6 147.2 150.6 148.2 147.3 145.9 142.7 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 173.0 141.2 168.3 156.3 186.3 176.5 190.0 204.4 201.6 178.7 169.8 147.3 154.9 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 150.2 130.2 127.9 145.7 154.9 147.6 149.8 208.8 144.4 133.4 220.2 119.7 119.9 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 142.0 126.8 128.9 131.8 132.1 143.0 149.2 148.5 159.1 153.2 146.1 139.6 145.2 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 127.5 117.4 97.2 114.8 115.6 135.7 157.3 108.6 103.0 120.7 162.9 157.6 138.6 Machinery specialized for particular industries

73 Ma{ini za metali 96.9 20.0 84.8 159.1 89.1 115.6 106.1 115.7 112.5 90.9 96.9 87.4 84.5 Metalworking machinery

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 110.0 98.9 99.8 105.0 119.8 107.5 118.8 98.8 113.9 132.4 114.9 108.5 101.5 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 167.9 159.8 167.5 162.6 180.7 172.1 179.9 188.6 165.9 174.0 163.0 145.4 155.3 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 106.7 102.9 100.7 113.7 127.5 109.8 95.6 110.6 102.4 105.7 100.8 93.5 116.7 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

79 Ostanata transportna oprema 98.2 85.7 93.3 79.8 118.5 101.1 98.2 116.1 101.8 98.4 96.1 101.2 88.5 Other transport equipment

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 125.3 121.4 128.9 130.4 130.8 136.3 132.9 133.4 131.0 120.2 115.6 106.5 116.4 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 145.1 142.2 154.9 164.6 163.4 149.6 161.5 155.8 129.8 134.4 122.0 126.2 136.5 Furniture and parts thereof

84 Obleka 136.2 136.4 139.4 142.0 136.0 138.3 146.6 154.1 144.0 128.4 113.0 122.0 133.6 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (01/01/1988-)

85 Obuvki 112.6 114.2 113.6 117.2 120.4 109.1 109.8 116.8 108.9 112.6 107.6 104.1 117.4 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 116.0 118.3 106.8 121.7 132.1 106.8 106.8 146.8 102.5 122.6 106.8 108.1 112.7 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 131.3 121.1 125.7 144.5 147.0 130.7 133.4 142.6 131.3 132.8 127.0 118.5 121.5 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)32




VKUPNO 146.0 133.6 141.5 145.4 153.5 152.5 157.0 161.3 156.5 149.9 138.3 127.5 134.5 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 132.8 128.0 124.6 130.0 154.8 146.2 135.9 142.3 134.7 128.0 122.3 119.0 127.2 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 121.0 101.4 100.6 125.2 131.0 138.3 131.9 135.6 124.4 113.2 122.0 112.3 116.4 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 134.0 133.3 140.0 151.2 126.2 129.0 129.3 137.9 135.8 126.0 120.4 143.0 136.0 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 153.4 159.2 165.4 173.0 154.8 170.5 172.1 144.6 161.6 183.0 141.3 104.9 110.5 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 122.0 121.0 131.7 134.3 134.6 137.8 140.9 142.9 137.7 109.2 103.4 89.7 80.8 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 146.2 149.3 145.2 165.3 154.1 142.9 152.2 151.1 142.8 144.0 140.2 130.1 137.6 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 162.3 136.4 150.6 151.3 170.3 167.1 177.1 187.6 183.5 171.4 162.9 142.2 147.5 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 144.1 137.3 140.8 143.0 157.4 148.5 152.0 161.0 141.9 147.9 136.7 127.1 134.9 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 131.5 131.0 134.0 137.0 133.0 134.2 140.4 145.6 135.3 127.2 112.8 119.1 128.0 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 124.4 119.3 119.1 117.6 113.8 110.4 121.1 128.6 127.8 118.6 124.9 137.1 154.1 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 117.0 115.9 120.3 124.6 119.8 121.2 120.0 127.1 116.8 110.7 109.6 108.7 109.6 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 126.1 127.5 115.1 120.9 136.1 152.6 152.8 126.7 108.6 110.3 112.7 120.6 129.2 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 126.9 123.8 132.8 134.0 138.9 137.7 134.6 130.5 124.7 118.9 112.9 115.1 119.0 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 143.6 129.6 129.3 182.1 175.7 149.8 150.8 155.5 140.4 129.3 128.0 125.9 127.4 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 135.6 136.8 137.6 139.8 142.6 138.1 141.9 139.4 137.2 130.3 126.2 127.9 129.0 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 117.7 122.9 126.4 130.3 124.9 120.0 129.5 128.4 116.8 109.0 102.6 99.4 102.5 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 132.1 130.1 135.9 141.8 138.2 141.8 141.7 142.4 132.4 128.0 120.7 116.9 115.7 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 129.1 114.0 120.5 131.3 135.2 142.9 144.7 138.0 126.6 119.7 122.2 128.7 125.2 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 116.1 95.1 98.4 128.6 130.0 131.1 126.3 124.7 111.6 115.1 116.6 106.3 109.1 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 99.6 109.0 110.4 114.7 108.3 100.6 104.9 98.0 103.2 102.7 76.9 81.4 85.6 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 122.8 152.5 144.8 118.2 135.5 142.2 122.5 112.1 106.0 101.3 108.3 119.9 110.8 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 110.4 130.8 116.4 118.7 120.4 110.6 104.4 105.2 117.5 111.2 94.4 93.3 102.4 Cork and wood

25 Celuloza i otpadoci od hartija 110.6 130.6 154.1 157.5 138.9 136.5 110.8 99.7 82.3 93.2 100.7 64.8 58.4 Pulp and waste paper

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 111.8 111.3 111.3 119.5 124.8 117.0 112.0 117.9 119.1 102.0 92.5 102.6 112.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 115.6 119.1 134.6 124.4 120.3 120.8 122.0 116.7 108.5 100.2 102.9 106.1 111.8 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 146.9 147.8 158.2 144.6 131.6 136.6 140.5 150.1 143.4 133.8 159.6 160.9 155.7 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 117.9 110.1 111.4 121.9 123.5 121.4 117.9 119.6 122.0 112.2 121.4 119.3 114.6 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 155.8 154.5 156.1 157.0 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 150.0 160.2 171.5 176.7 151.9 170.4 168.6 143.5 175.9 160.6 115.9 96.9 107.7 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 159.0 148.8 147.6 145.4 150.9 169.3 190.7 177.3 156.8 144.2 119.9 149.2 208.1 Gas, natural and manufactured

42 Cvrsti rastit.masla 119.7 125.5 136.0 135.3 137.7 142.3 143.5 141.8 123.2 102.9 91.8 80.8 75.6 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 130.9 147.3 112.1 115.0 93.4 90.2 110.3 115.9 119.2 146.9 172.0 170.5 177.8 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statistical review (673) 33




VKUPNO 146.0 133.6 141.5 145.4 153.5 152.5 157.0 161.3 156.5 149.9 138.3 127.5 134.5 TOTAL

0 Hrana i `ivi `ivotni 132.8 128.0 124.6 130.0 154.8 146.2 135.9 142.3 134.7 128.0 122.3 119.0 127.2 Food and live animals

1 Pijalaci i tutun 121.0 101.4 100.6 125.2 131.0 138.3 131.9 135.6 124.4 113.2 122.0 112.3 116.4 Beverages and tobacco

2 Surovini osven gorivo 134.0 133.3 140.0 151.2 126.2 129.0 129.3 137.9 135.8 126.0 120.4 143.0 136.0 Crude materilas except fuels

3 Mineralni goriva, maziva i sl. 153.4 159.2 165.4 173.0 154.8 170.5 172.1 144.6 161.6 183.0 141.3 104.9 110.5 Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

4 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla 122.0 121.0 131.7 134.3 134.6 137.8 140.9 142.9 137.7 109.2 103.4 89.7 80.8 Animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes

5 Hemiski proizvodi 146.2 149.3 145.2 165.3 154.1 142.9 152.2 151.1 142.8 144.0 140.2 130.1 137.6 Chemicals and related products

6 Proizvodi klasirani spored materijalot 162.3 136.4 150.6 151.3 170.3 167.1 177.1 187.6 183.5 171.4 162.9 142.2 147.5 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material

7 Ma{ini i transportni uredi 144.1 137.3 140.8 143.0 157.4 148.5 152.0 161.0 141.9 147.9 136.7 127.1 134.9 Machinery and transport equipment

8 Razni gotovi proizvodi 131.5 131.0 134.0 137.0 133.0 134.2 140.4 145.6 135.3 127.2 112.8 119.1 128.0 Miscellaneous manufactured articles

01 Meso i prerabotki od meso 124.4 119.3 119.1 117.6 113.8 110.4 121.1 128.6 127.8 118.6 124.9 137.1 154.1 Meat and meat preparations

02 Mle~ni proizvodi i jajca 117.0 115.9 120.3 124.6 119.8 121.2 120.0 127.1 116.8 110.7 109.6 108.7 109.6 Dairy products and bird's eggs

03 Ribi i prerabotki od ribi 126.1 127.5 115.1 120.9 136.1 152.6 152.8 126.7 108.6 110.3 112.7 120.6 129.2 Fish, crustaceans and molluscs and preparations thereof

04 @ita i prerabotki od `ita 126.9 123.8 132.8 134.0 138.9 137.7 134.6 130.5 124.7 118.9 112.9 115.1 119.0 Cereals and cereal preparations

05 Ovo{je i zelen~uk 143.6 129.6 129.3 182.1 175.7 149.8 150.8 155.5 140.4 129.3 128.0 125.9 127.4 Vegetables and fruit

06 [e}er,prerab.od {e}er i med 135.6 136.8 137.6 139.8 142.6 138.1 141.9 139.4 137.2 130.3 126.2 127.9 129.0 Sugars, sugar preparations and honey

07 Kafe,~aj,kakao,za~ini 117.7 122.9 126.4 130.3 124.9 120.0 129.5 128.4 116.8 109.0 102.6 99.4 102.5 Coffee, tea, cocoa, spices, and manufactures thereof

08 Dobito~na hrana 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Feeding stuff for animals (not including unmilled cereals)

09 Razni proizvodi za ishrana 132.1 130.1 135.9 141.8 138.2 141.8 141.7 142.4 132.4 128.0 120.7 116.9 115.7 Miscellaneous edible products and preparations

11 Pijalaci 129.1 114.0 120.5 131.3 135.2 142.9 144.7 138.0 126.6 119.7 122.2 128.7 125.2 Beverages

12 Tutun i prerab.od tutun 116.1 95.1 98.4 128.6 130.0 131.1 126.3 124.7 111.6 115.1 116.6 106.3 109.1 Tobacco and tobacco manufactures

21 Surova ko`a i krzno 99.6 109.0 110.4 114.7 108.3 100.6 104.9 98.0 103.2 102.7 76.9 81.4 85.6 Hides, skins and furskins, raw

22 Maslodajno seme i plodovi 122.8 152.5 144.8 118.2 135.5 142.2 122.5 112.1 106.0 101.3 108.3 119.9 110.8 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits

24 Drvo,gra|a i pluta 110.4 130.8 116.4 118.7 120.4 110.6 104.4 105.2 117.5 111.2 94.4 93.3 102.4 Cork and wood

25 Celuloza i otpadoci od hartija 110.6 130.6 154.1 157.5 138.9 136.5 110.8 99.7 82.3 93.2 100.7 64.8 58.4 Pulp and waste paper

26 Tekstilni vlakna i otpadoci 111.8 111.3 111.3 119.5 124.8 117.0 112.0 117.9 119.1 102.0 92.5 102.6 112.0 Textile fibres (other than wool tops), wastes; not manufactured into yarn or fabric

27 Surovo |ubrivo i minerali 115.6 119.1 134.6 124.4 120.3 120.8 122.0 116.7 108.5 100.2 102.9 106.1 111.8 Crude fertilizers and minerals (excl.coal, petrol, precious stones)

28 Metalna ruda i met.otpadoci 146.9 147.8 158.2 144.6 131.6 136.6 140.5 150.1 143.4 133.8 159.6 160.9 155.7 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap

29 @ivotinski i rastitelni surovini 117.9 110.1 111.4 121.9 123.5 121.4 117.9 119.6 122.0 112.2 121.4 119.3 114.6 Crude animal and vegetable materials, n.e.s.

32 Jaglen,koks i briketi 155.8 154.5 156.1 157.0 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 155.7 Coal, coke and briquettes

33 Nafta i proizvodi od nafta 150.0 160.2 171.5 176.7 151.9 170.4 168.6 143.5 175.9 160.6 115.9 96.9 107.7 Petroleum, petroleum products and related materials

34 Gas-priroden ili industriski 159.0 148.8 147.6 145.4 150.9 169.3 190.7 177.3 156.8 144.2 119.9 149.2 208.1 Gas, natural and manufactured

42 Cvrsti rastit.masla 119.7 125.5 136.0 135.3 137.7 142.3 143.5 141.8 123.2 102.9 91.8 80.8 75.6 Fixed vegetable fats and oils, crude, refined or fractionated

43 @ivotinski i rastitelni masla, nespomnati 130.9 147.3 112.1 115.0 93.4 90.2 110.3 115.9 119.2 146.9 172.0 170.5 177.8 Animal or vegetable fats and oils, processed; animal or vegetable waxes

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Statisti~ki pregled (673)34




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 134.2 133.7 136.9 140.2 148.7 127.7 116.9 113.3 129.6 130.4 135.2 148.6 148.8 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 135.9 116.6 125.1 145.6 126.7 133.6 139.7 148.0 147.6 143.0 137.7 132.9 134.8 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 124.9 126.6 130.8 124.1 128.7 129.3 132.1 125.9 121.8 118.5 113.7 116.2 131.5 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 166.0 168.0 181.7 197.1 169.4 166.2 170.3 166.0 163.7 160.6 153.7 146.0 148.8 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 113.2 110.4 117.9 115.9 120.6 121.9 122.3 119.8 107.2 106.4 107.4 102.5 105.7 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 141.3 147.5 151.0 161.3 159.5 152.3 156.3 128.5 144.8 146.2 125.7 110.5 112.2 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ki smola 127.9 126.4 128.1 129.7 133.5 134.9 141.7 131.9 128.4 128.1 120.7 117.9 113.7 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 114.3 113.4 141.4 134.1 113.5 122.5 129.4 121.8 105.4 108.2 96.8 89.5 95.8 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 151.9 168.1 176.0 137.1 107.1 158.5 138.1 201.9 135.8 130.8 194.3 138.8 136.3 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furni-ture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 145.5 135.3 139.0 148.4 150.1 148.0 149.6 142.1 146.8 138.6 147.4 150.3 149.9 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 113.5 110.5 119.5 119.4 118.4 121.6 120.8 117.8 112.2 109.3 102.4 104.3 105.6 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 138.6 121.8 135.9 148.2 144.9 145.7 142.7 144.0 141.6 140.3 133.2 127.2 137.2 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 169.6 152.6 150.1 169.2 172.2 179.8 192.7 197.5 182.6 175.7 159.8 150.1 152.4 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 152.1 144.3 151.7 155.3 156.7 154.1 184.8 147.2 151.5 192.5 135.0 128.4 123.6 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 142.3 132.5 134.8 134.8 149.0 154.4 145.4 149.2 146.7 141.7 140.3 139.1 139.9 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 128.3 108.4 105.7 117.3 127.5 147.3 131.0 105.5 110.7 142.1 158.5 146.5 138.8 Machinery specialized for particular industries

73 Ma{ini za metali 101.7 91.0 116.1 119.1 101.5 110.8 110.8 114.1 101.1 93.8 92.0 85.9 84.5 Metalworking machinery

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 111.8 100.7 102.0 112.9 112.8 116.7 113.1 114.7 118.8 134.2 110.2 104.4 101.3 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 165.5 162.6 160.9 174.2 177.7 177.1 182.7 174.1 170.8 165.8 148.1 143.4 148.1 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 117.7 113.4 121.0 130.4 126.9 112.7 121.5 120.3 114.4 113.5 103.5 113.5 121.7 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

79 Ostanata transportna oprema 98.0 89.4 86.3 97.3 109.5 99.6 106.8 108.7 100.1 97.2 98.6 94.6 88.5 Other transport equipment

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 124.7 124.9 129.1 130.4 132.8 134.4 133.0 131.7 125.9 117.6 111.0 111.0 114.6 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 148.8 157.8 160.6 163.5 157.6 159.0 156.1 148.4 138.0 129.8 135.8 139.2 139.3 Furniture and parts thereof

84 Obleka 133.6 134.7 137.8 136.1 134.4 140.6 147.9 144.8 132.0 120.9 117.0 126.5 130.0 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 110.8 110.9 112.0 114.7 112.5 111.9 112.8 110.4 107.8 109.4 104.5 108.7 114.4 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 115.3 112.4 114.0 126.8 118.8 106.8 125.2 122.6 112.1 114.4 107.5 110.4 112.7 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 131.1 122.9 135.0 145.1 138.1 133.9 138.1 134.5 131.3 130.0 123.1 124.7 116.3 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

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Statistical review (673) 35




51 Hemiski elementi i soedinenija 134.2 133.7 136.9 140.2 148.7 127.7 116.9 113.3 129.6 130.4 135.2 148.6 148.8 Organic chemicals

52 Katran i surovi hemikalii 135.9 116.6 125.1 145.6 126.7 133.6 139.7 148.0 147.6 143.0 137.7 132.9 134.8 Inorganic chemicals

53 Boi i materii za {tavewe 124.9 126.6 130.8 124.1 128.7 129.3 132.1 125.9 121.8 118.5 113.7 116.2 131.5 Dyeing, tanning and colouring materials

54 Medicinski i farmacevtski proizvodi 166.0 168.0 181.7 197.1 169.4 166.2 170.3 166.0 163.7 160.6 153.7 146.0 148.8 Medical and pharmaceutical products

55 Eterski masla i kozmetika 113.2 110.4 117.9 115.9 120.6 121.9 122.3 119.8 107.2 106.4 107.4 102.5 105.7 Essential oils and resinoids and perfume materials; toilet, polishing and cleansing preparations

57 Plasti~ni materii vo primaren oblik 141.3 147.5 151.0 161.3 159.5 152.3 156.3 128.5 144.8 146.2 125.7 110.5 112.2 Plastics in primary forms

58 Plasti~ni materii, ve{ta~ki smola 127.9 126.4 128.1 129.7 133.5 134.9 141.7 131.9 128.4 128.1 120.7 117.9 113.7 Plastics in non-primary forms

59 Hemiski materii i nespomnati proizvodi 114.3 113.4 141.4 134.1 113.5 122.5 129.4 121.8 105.4 108.2 96.8 89.5 95.8 Chemical materials and products, n.e.s.

63 Izrabotki od drvo i pluta 151.9 168.1 176.0 137.1 107.1 158.5 138.1 201.9 135.8 130.8 194.3 138.8 136.3 Cork and wood manufactures (excluding furni-ture)

64 Hartija i izrabotki od hartija 145.5 135.3 139.0 148.4 150.1 148.0 149.6 142.1 146.8 138.6 147.4 150.3 149.9 Paper, paperboard and articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

65 Tekstilni prediva i sl. 113.5 110.5 119.5 119.4 118.4 121.6 120.8 117.8 112.2 109.3 102.4 104.3 105.6 Textile yarn, fabrics, made-up articles, n.e.s., and related products

66 Izrabotki od nemetalni minerali 138.6 121.8 135.9 148.2 144.9 145.7 142.7 144.0 141.6 140.3 133.2 127.2 137.2 Non-metallic mineral manufactures, n.e.s.

67 @elezo i ~elik 169.6 152.6 150.1 169.2 172.2 179.8 192.7 197.5 182.6 175.7 159.8 150.1 152.4 Iron and steel

68 Oboeni metali 152.1 144.3 151.7 155.3 156.7 154.1 184.8 147.2 151.5 192.5 135.0 128.4 123.6 Non-ferrous metals

69 Izrabotki od metal 142.3 132.5 134.8 134.8 149.0 154.4 145.4 149.2 146.7 141.7 140.3 139.1 139.9 Manufactures of metals, n.e.s.

72 Specijalni ma{ini za industrija 128.3 108.4 105.7 117.3 127.5 147.3 131.0 105.5 110.7 142.1 158.5 146.5 138.8 Machinery specialized for particular industries

73 Ma{ini za metali 101.7 91.0 116.1 119.1 101.5 110.8 110.8 114.1 101.1 93.8 92.0 85.9 84.5 Metalworking machinery

74 Industriski ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 111.8 100.7 102.0 112.9 112.8 116.7 113.1 114.7 118.8 134.2 110.2 104.4 101.3 General industrial machinery and equipment, n.e.s., and machine parts, n.e.s.

77 Elektri~ni ma{ini i delovi, nespomnati 165.5 162.6 160.9 174.2 177.7 177.1 182.7 174.1 170.8 165.8 148.1 143.4 148.1 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, n.e.s., and electrical parts thereof

78 Drumski vozila 117.7 113.4 121.0 130.4 126.9 112.7 121.5 120.3 114.4 113.5 103.5 113.5 121.7 Road vehicles (including air-cushion vehicles)

79 Ostanata transportna oprema 98.0 89.4 86.3 97.3 109.5 99.6 106.8 108.7 100.1 97.2 98.6 94.6 88.5 Other transport equipment

81 Sanitarni uredi i monta`ni zgradi 124.7 124.9 129.1 130.4 132.8 134.4 133.0 131.7 125.9 117.6 111.0 111.0 114.6 Prefabricated buildings; sanitary, plumbing, heating and lighting fixtures and fittings, n.e.s.

82 Mebel i delovi 148.8 157.8 160.6 163.5 157.6 159.0 156.1 148.4 138.0 129.8 135.8 139.2 139.3 Furniture and parts thereof

84 Obleka 133.6 134.7 137.8 136.1 134.4 140.6 147.9 144.8 132.0 120.9 117.0 126.5 130.0 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories

85 Obuvki 110.8 110.9 112.0 114.7 112.5 111.9 112.8 110.4 107.8 109.4 104.5 108.7 114.4 Footwear

87 Nau~ni i kontrolni instrumenti, nespomnati 115.3 112.4 114.0 126.8 118.8 106.8 125.2 122.6 112.1 114.4 107.5 110.4 112.7 Professional, scientific and controlling instruments and apparatus, n.e.s.

89 Razni gotovi proizvodi 131.1 122.9 135.0 145.1 138.1 133.9 138.1 134.5 131.3 130.0 123.1 124.7 116.3 Miscellaneous manufactured articles, n.e.s.

Page 37: INDEKSI NA EDINE^NA VREDNOST NA IZVEZENATA I NA … · Pri presmetka na indeksot na cenite se koristi formulata na Fi{er koja pretstavuva kvadraten koren od proizvodot na Lasperoviot

Lektor na makedonski jazik: Jasmina \or|ieva

Macedonian language editor: Jasmina Gjorgieva

Lektor na angliski jazik: Milan Vasilev

English language editor: Milan Vasilev

Statisti~ki pregled: Nadvore{na trgovija - ISSN 1409-8342Indeksi na edine~nata vrednost na izvezenata i na uvezenata stoka vo Republika Makedonija vo 2008 - ISBN 978-608-227-015-9167-11-7Statistical review: Foreign trade - ISSN 1409-8342

Unit value index for the exported and imported goods in the Republic of Macedonia in 2008 - ISBN 978-608-227-015-91

Izleguva edna{ godi{no

Annual review

Tira`/Number of copies printed: 60

Stranici/Pages: 36

Pe~ateno vo Pe~atnicata na Slu`bata za op{ti i zaedni~ki raboti pri Vladata na Republika Makedonija

Printed In Printing House at General Administration Services at the Government of the Republic of Macedonia