Download - In today’s world of pollution and chemicals, of packaged ... Vegan Products/Ultimate Vegan Wild Gr… · Wheat grass provides chlorophyll in its most valuable, natural form: fat

Page 1: In today’s world of pollution and chemicals, of packaged ... Vegan Products/Ultimate Vegan Wild Gr… · Wheat grass provides chlorophyll in its most valuable, natural form: fat

The Super Greens: Wheat Grass, Barley Grass and Oat GrassThis nutrient packed salad of whole foods is bursting with the easily digestible nutrients your body needs. Wheat and barley grass are loaded with vitamin A, protein and a whole host of minerals. They also come complete with their own digestive enzymes, helping you to digest them and everything else you eat. Wheat and barley grass are also a source of superoxide dis-mutase (SOD). SOD is one of your body’s own important enzyme antioxidants. It helps stop free radical damage, slows cellular deterioration and mutation, and fights degenerative disease and aging. SOD helps keep you young and healthy. Both of these super green foods are anti-inflammatory and great for cleansing toxins from your body.

Wheat grass is an especially powerful source of antioxidants. It has recently been discov-ered to have even more antioxidant power than spirulina (1). Wheat grass contains vita-mins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. It helps immunity and provides energy. Wheat grass may also help prevent unfriendly bac-teria from growing.

Wheat grass is also a rich source of chloro-phyll. Wheat grass provides chlorophyll in its most valuable, natural form: fat soluble chlorophyll. Fat soluble chlorophyll is great for cleaning and detoxifying your body and for controlling body odour. It is also great for stimulating healing, soothing inflamma-tion and helping ulcers. Chlorophyll’s astrin-gent properties make it great for heavy periods and bleeding gums. Amazingly, the chlorophyll molecule found in plants is remarkably similar to the hemoglobin molecule found in humans. That makes the chlorophyll found in wheat grass very good for stimulating hemoglobin and red cell production and makes it a great food for anemia. Fat soluble chlorophyll is a rich source of betacarotene and of the best form of vitamin K. It has significant antioxidant and anticancer effects.

Like wheat grass, barley grass is loaded in chlorophyll. One of the benefits of taking barley grass is that its many nutrients are especially easily digested. And there are a lot of nutrients in it. Barley grass is loaded in protein, B vitamins, vitamin C and

flavonoids and iron. And, like wheat grass, it is a great natural source of the most valuable form of chlorophyll.

AlfalfaAlfalfa is one of the very richest sources of chlorophyll. It is also a nutrient powerhouse, providing large amounts of vitamins B, C, D, E, K, betacarotene, bioflavonoids and the minerals mag-nesium, calcium, silicon, selenium, iron, zinc, phosphorous and sulfur. It is also a rich source of essential fatty acids and protein.

Alfalfa is a great restorative tonic that detoxifies and alkalizes the body. It is rich in digestive en-

zymes and has traditionally been used to aid digestion and build up strength. Alfalfa may have the added benefit of lowering total and the bad LDL cholesterol.

KaleAnother nutrient powerhouse, kale is an exceptional source of vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin and niacin and the minerals mag-nesium, iron, sulfur, potassium and especial-ly absorbable calcium. Like the super green foods, kale is rich in vitamin K and chloro-phyll. Kale is the richest green in carotenoids and has amongst the highest concentrations of betacarotene. As a member of the crucif-erous family of vegetables, kale is a valuable cancer fighter and a powerful detoxifier. Kale is also good for ulcers.

ParsleyParsley is another good detoxifier: it spe-

cializes in the urinary tract. This effective di-uretic flushes out the urinary tract and prevents

stones. It soothes urinary tract inflammation and in-fection. Parsley freshens breath while it detoxifies. Parsley aids digestion and acts as a carminative. It is also good for rheumatic conditions. Like the other green foods in this formula, parsley is loaded in chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals. It is especially rich in vitamin C, containing way more of that vitamin even than citrus fruits. Parsley is also very high in betacarotene, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Dandelion LeafDandelion leaf is another nutrient rich diuretic. In fact, it is one of the safest and most powerful diuretics. It is at least as power-ful as any pharmaceutical diuretic, but while they can deplete

In today’s world of pollution and chemicals, of packaged and denatured food, it’s crucial that our bodies have a reliable, high quality source of nutrient dense foods that provide the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants we need to fuel our bodies and rev up our immune and detoxification systems. The Ultimate Vegan Wild Greens formula provides the whole green foods and herbs your body needs to function optimally and energetically every day.

Page 2: In today’s world of pollution and chemicals, of packaged ... Vegan Products/Ultimate Vegan Wild Gr… · Wheat grass provides chlorophyll in its most valuable, natural form: fat

your body of potassium, this herb is so rich in that mineral that it replaces whatever is lost. As a safe and powerful diuretic, dande-lion leaf is valuable in cases of high blood pressure, preeclamp-sia and PMS. In addition to being a diuretic, dandelion leaf is also a mild laxative and is great for the digestive system and for stimulating digestion. But dandelion has other values. It is a nu-trient treasure chest. It is very high in vitamins B and C and caro-tenes, has the highest vitamin A concentrations of any green, and is a rare plant source of vitamin D. Dandelion leaf is also loaded in minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, boron, zinc, copper, manganese, phosphorous, potassium and silicon. It is also rich in chlorophyll and choline. Dandelion’s catalogue of vitamins and minerals makes it an ideal recipe for strengthen-ing bones and its rich iron content makes it great for anemia.

CleaversLike parsley and dandelion leaf, the herb cleavers is a very ef-fective diuretic, and is, therefore, a valuable contributor to any cleanse. But cleavers makes more valuable contributions to cleansing the body than just that. It is one of the very best blood purifiers and is, perhaps, the single best tonic for the lymphatic system. These properties also make cleavers valuable for treat-ing any urinary tract inflammation or enlarged lymph glands. It is also good for reproductive organ inflammation and hepatitis. Cleaver’s blood purifying properties make it a valuable herb for skin prob-lems like acne and psoriasis. Tradi-tionally, cleavers has also been used to treat ulcers.

Peppermint LeafPeppermint leaf is rich in antioxidants, fights candida, and is great for fighting gingivitis and tooth decay. But this herb really shines in the di-gestive system. It is an incredible herb for indigestion and the best herb for irritable bowel syndrome. Peppermint powerfully stimulates the production and flow of bile and of other diges-tive juices. It is great for colic, gas, bloating and nausea.

RhubarbRhubarb is another great herb for the digestive system. It aids digestion, tonifies the stomach and small intestine and is great for detoxing and cleansing the gut. Rhubarb is good for indi-gestion and is great for constipation, diarrhea and for helping eliminate worms. Rhubarb is also valuable in the treatment of digestive tract bleeding. It may also help treat cirrhosis in the liver. Rhubarb is also valuable for women because of the help it offers absent and painful periods. Research also suggests that

rhubarb can improve the anxiety and general well being in menopause (2).

Shepherd’s PurseWhereas rhubarb is a great herb for di-gestive tract bleeding, shepherd’s purse is one of the very best herbs for stop-ping all kinds of excess bleeding. This herb is perfect for women who suffer from heavy periods or inappropriate uterine bleeding. It is also good for diar-rhea, varicose veins and endometriosis.

Male FernActs as a strong herbal purifier that support the body’s natural cleansing process; improves liver function, and aids in reducing inflammation.

Sea BuckthornSea buckthorn is especially rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and ca-rotenoids. It is as much as seven times richer in vitamin C than oranges. Sea buckthorn is also a rich source of vitamins A and K, protein, fatty acids and carbohydrates. This herb has anti-oxidant, immunomodulatory and cardioprotective properties. Sea buckthorn has been shown in double-blind studies to im-prove heart function. It has also been shown to reduce C - re-active protein: a risk marker for cardiovascular disease and an inflammatory agent. That means that sea buckthorn is also anti-inflammatory (3). Sea buckthorn may also reduce liver damage (4): a controlled study found that 80% of people with cirrhosis who took sea buckthorn had their liver damage return to nor-mal within six months (5).

SchisandraThis incredible herb is also a great liver protector. Schisandra is

effective against hepatitis that is either vi-rally or chemically induced (6). Amazingly,

schisandra is able to regenerate dam-aged liver tissue: even liver tissue dam-

aged by alcohol or viral induced hep-atitis (7). And because schisandra is able to improve liver function, it in-

creases the filtration of toxins, making it a good herb for detoxifying. Schisandra

is a remarkable tonifying and adaptogenic herb. It increases the body’s resistance to stress while improv-ing concentration and increasing energy and stamina. It also improves recovery time after exercise. Schisandra has antioxi-dant properties, enhances immunity and is anti-inflammatory. Because it increases the production of bile, it is yet another herb in this formula that will improve your digestion.

One of the things that makes this wild greens formula unique is the inclusion of a blend of powerful medicinal mushrooms. These mushrooms are powerful immune boosters and are great for cancer, for your heart and for many other things.

Maitake MushroomMaitake is a powerful immune stimulant and one of the most exciting anticancer agents available. Maitake is so powerful, it can even help cancer when it is already advanced. Research has shown it to help with a variety of cancers, including breast, lung, liver. Maitake may also help with prostate cancer, including the most difficult to treat kind: hormone refractory prostate cancer. When added to chemotherapy, maitake enhances the effect while alleviating many of the side effects. Research at the Na-tional Cancer Institute has also found that maitake has antiviral activity against HIV.

Reishi MushroomIn traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine, reishi was seen as an elixir of life. It was used as a tonic to increase longevity. Reishi is great for the immune system. It has antioxidant, antibacterial,

Page 3: In today’s world of pollution and chemicals, of packaged ... Vegan Products/Ultimate Vegan Wild Gr… · Wheat grass provides chlorophyll in its most valuable, natural form: fat

antiviral and antitumour properties. Reishi is a valuable mush-room for chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome and for AIDS. Reishi also fights cancer in a number of ways.

This mushroom is also great for your heart: it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, prevents clots and improves blood flow. It is good for arrhythmias and has been shown to be helpful for heart attacks and angina. Reishi can significantly lower blood pressure even where ACE inhibitors have failed (8). Reishi is also good for respiratory health, helping with bronchitis, asthma, allergies and sinus problems. This versatile mushroom is also good for ulcers and protects and detoxifies the liver. One huge study found very high cure rates for hepatitis (9).

Reishi is as good for the mind as it is for the body. It has the rare ability to calm and revitalize the nerves at the same time. Reishi is great for calming people who are nervous, anxious or sleep-less.

CordycepsIn traditional Chinese medicine, cordyceps is a blood vitalizer that was believed to have tonic properties. It was used to build stamina and restore vital energy after exhaustion or long term illness. It was also used for impotence and backache. Like mai-take and reishi, cordyceps strengthens immunity and is used for cancer: it has a component that is antitumour and may also pre-

vent tumours from producing the blood vessels they need to feed themselves.

Cordyceps is good for the kidneys and liver. It may help with kidney failure, and it reduces liver damage and improves both liver and immune function in people with hepatitis and cirrho-sis (10). It also contributes to cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol (11) and possibly lowering blood pressure, prevent-ing clotting and helping arrhythmias. Cordyceps has antioxidant properties, is anti-inflammatory and helps regulate insulin.

(Himematsutake) Agaricus BlazieThis medicinal mushroom is immune stimulating and antican-cer. It is very rich in antitumour β-glucans. Agaricus is also an-tiviral. Like reishi and cordyceps, this mushroom is good for the liver, as it may be able to normalize liver function in people with chronic hepatitis B (12). Agaricus is also able to help treat insulin resistance in type II diabetics (13).

Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)According to traditional Chinese medicine, Lion’s mane pro-motes digestion, vigour and strength; inhibits cancer and ben-efits ulcers and gastritis. True to the tradition, this mushroom does have antitumour properties. It is also a source of provita-min D. Lion’s mane also has potential value in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

1. Shyam R, Singh SM, Vats P, et al. Wheat grass supplementation decreases oxidative stress in healthy subjects: a comparative study with spirulina J Altern Complement Med 2007;13(8):789-791.

2. Kaszkin-Bettag M, et al. The special extract ERr 731 of the roots of Rheum rhaponticum decreases anxiety and improves health state and general well-being in perimenopausal women. Menopause2007, 14(2):270-283.

3. Larmo P, Alin J, Salminen E, et al. Effects of sea buckthorn berries on infections and inflammation: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr 2008;62:1123-30.

4. Huang DL, et al. Analysis of 156 cases of chronic hepatitis treated with sea buckthorn. ZhongxiyiJieheZazhi 1991;11:697-6980.

5. Gao ZL, et al. Effects of Sea Buckthorn on Liver Fibrosis: a Clinical Study. World J Gastroenterol 2003;9:1615-1617.

6. Liu GT. Pharmacological actions and clinical use of fructus Schizandrae. Chin Med J (Engl) 1989;102:740-9.

7. Liu KT. Studies on fructus Schisandrae chinensis. Annex 12: Studies on fructus Schisandrae chinensis. Plenary lecture, World Health Organization Seminar on the Use of Medicinal Plants in Health Care, Sept 1977, Tokyo, Japan. In: WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific Final Report, Manila, 1977, 101–12; Chang HM, But P (eds). Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese Materia Medica vol 1. Singapore: World Scientific, 1986.

8. Jin H, et al. Treatment of hypertension by ling zhi combined with hypotensor and its effects on arterial, arteriolar and capillary pressure and microcirculation. Cited in Yarnell E. et al. Clinical Botanical Medicine. Mary Ann Liebert: Larchmont NY, 2002.

9. Lui X. Hepatopathy and uterofunctional bleeding mainly treated with Ganoderma lucidum. From Program and Abstracts of the ’94 International Symposium on Ganoderma Research. Beijing: Beijing Medical University, 1994.

10. Gong HY, Wang KQ, Tang SG. Effects of Cordyceps sinensis on T lymphocyte subsets and hepatofibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Hunan Yi Ke Da Xue Bao 2000;25:248–50; Zhou L, et al. Short-term curative effect of cultured Cordycepssinensis (Berk.) Sacc. Mycelia in chronic hepatitis B. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi 1990;15:53–5,65; Zhu JL, Liu C. Modulating effects of extractum semen persicae and cultivated cordyceps hyphae on immuno-dysfunction of inpatients with posthepatic cirrhosis. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 1992;12:207–9,195.

11. Geng S, et al. Treatment of hyperlipidemia with cultivated cordyceps—a double blind, randomized placebo controlled trial. Chin J Integ Med 1985;5:652.

12. Hsu CH, et al. The mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill exract normalizes liver function in patients with chronic hepatitis B. J Altern Comp Med 2008;14:299-301.

13. Hsu CH, et al. The mushroom Agaricus blazei Murill in combination with metformin and gliclazide improves insulin resistance in type II diabetes: a randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Altern Comp Med 2007;13:97-102.

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The Ultimate Vegan line was developed to supply vital - but often missing - nutrition to the bodies and minds of vegans and vegetarians everywhere. Myriad research shows that with-out proper supplementation, vegan diets can often cause multiple nutrient deficiencies - eventually leading to adverse health conditions. Our goal is to take a vegetarian lifestyle to the next level by helping create the Ultimate Healthy Vegan.






What to expect from this product:


100% whole foodsHighly alkaline formulaBlend of 6 medicinal mushroomsBoost energySupport immune healthGently detox

Ultimate Vegan Wild Greens contains a rare mixture of wild-crafted raw greens and in-corporates these highly alkaline foods with a unique mixture of incredible nutrient dense wild weeds and a proprietary blend of organic medicinal mushrooms. This one-of-a-kind formula sets an entirely new standard for innovation, purity and health when it comes to purely green foods. Wild Greens is the go-to green food product for anyone interested in taking their health profile to the next level. There is no other green food formula that comes close to its standard.

Wild Greens incorporates the absolute highest quality ingredients into an easily mixable and highly digestible formula that delivers maximal nutritional value to the body. Each raw-crafted ingredient is processed in the gentlest manner and dried at the lowest temperature employed by the industry. This is why each and every ingredient within the formula is a truly raw food.

Not Your Run-Of-The-Mill Greens FormulaWild Greens is far from yet another typical greens formula. It contains a highly unique combintion of the highest quality wild-crafted green foods and synergizes them with a unique mixture of incredibly nutrient dense wild weeds and a proprietary blend of organic medicinal mushrooms.

A Note about Wild-Crafted Weeds and Medicinal MushroomsMost of the edible weeds that we have grown to despise for messing up our gardens and yards are highly nutritious. They are some of hardiest plants around - which is why they are so hard to get rid of. These weeds are extremely high in often-lacking minerals and are well documented for their superior healing and nutritional content, which is why we have added a wild-crafted blend to Wild Greens.

Whether you are interested in increasing your energy profile or warding off serious diseases, medicinal mushrooms have been shown to be some of nature’s most powerful weapons. Although there are dozens of wild mushrooms that offer incredible health benefits to the body and mind, we have chosen a blend of six of the most powerful ones (Cordyceps, Rei-shi, Nin-chang-chih, Himematsutake, Lion’s mane and Maitake) to incorporate into Wild Greens. All of our mushrooms are 100% organic and are grown on certified organic oats to ensure the highest nutritional value.

Organic Barley Grass Powder ............. 1460 mgOrganic Alfalfa Grass Powder ............. 1460mgOrganic Mushroom Blend [Cordyceps (Cordyceps militaris), Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), Nin-chang-chih (Antrodia camphorate), Himematsutake (Agaricus blazie), Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) and Maitake (Grifola frondosa) mycelial boiass cultivated in certified organic oats] ......... 1000 mgOrganic Wheat Grass Powder ............. 1000 mgOrganic Oat Grass Powder .................. 1000 mgApple Fibre High Pectin Powder ....... 500 mgOrganic Flavours* ................................... 400 mgOrganic Kale Powder ............................. 300 mgPeppermint Leaf Powder ..................... 300 mgOrganic Parsely Powder ....................... 300 mgAscorbic Acid ........................................... 220 mgRhubarb Powder ..................................... 100 mgDandelion Herb Powder ...................... 50 mgCleavers Powder ..................................... 50 mgShepherd’s Purse Powder .................... 50mgMale Fern Root Powder ........................ 50 mgOrganic Sea Buckthorn Juice Powder ............................................ 10 mgOrganic Schisandra Berry Powder Extract ........................................ 10 mg


Suggested Usage:Add 1 full serving (2 scoops - 8.26g) into one cup (240ml) of cold water or juice and blend, or as directed by a health care practitioner

This product does not contain any: dairy, soy, artificial colours, sugars or additives.

* from Organic Elderberry