Download - IN THIS ISSUE - New Mexico Democrats€¦ · wall and Mexico will pay for the wall.? Mexico?s President Enrique Peña Nieto responded to this saying that during the conversation with


The Democratic Party of New Mexico has launched a new program called DPNM On the Road. The program is set up

to assist our county parties and candidates with data training, canvasses, phone banks, and other events to increase our Democrats? chances of winning this November and beyond.

Our staff has already held three DPNM On the Road events! The first was held with the help the Democratic Party of Grant County. We provided two sessions of data training and then canvassed for local candidates in Silver City. The event was a hit!

Our Data Director then travelled to Roswell and Hobbs to train those county parties and candidates on the best ways to build canvasses using the Democratic Party of New Mexico?s extensive voter data base.

After that success, the Chairwoman and the staff hit the road to Gallup to canvass with Marcella King-Ben. We were able to get out for our judicial candidates, Julie Vargas and Michael Vigil and our Secretary of State Candidate Maggie Toulouse Oliver. While in Gallup, Chairwoman Debra Haaland also addressed UNM Gallup students on the importance of voting in this election.

The Democratic Party of New Mexico is committed to ensuring our county parties are equipped to help our candidates win this election. Let?s continue to work together to ensure New Mexico has a bright future by electing Democrats in 2016.

September 26, 2016

- Joe Kabourek introduces "DPNM on the Road," a program designed to assist Democratic candidates prepare for the upcoming election. (Cover )

- Sonia Gonzalez discusses the tr uth behind Trump's immigration plan and how i t can affect New Mexicans. (Pg. 1)

- Addison Flores-Thorpe r ecaps the NBC Commander -in-Chief Forum to discuss Trump's inadequate answers. (Pg. 3)

- DPNM recaps the NM Hispanic Leaders for Hi l lar y Summit. (Pg. 5)

- Sonia Gonzalez si ts dow n w ith DPNM Dem of the Week GloJean Todacheene. (Pg. 6)


Int roducing DPNM on t he RoadJoe Kabourek, DPNM Executive Director, Sept. 26, 2016

Dems are Ready for Success

Donald Trump?s campaign has done nothing but divide the American people, allowing hateful rhetoric and violence to spread. His 10 point failed immigration speech made it very clear that he will not change.

Trump started his speech in Arizona by saying, ?Number one we will build a great wall and Mexico will pay for the wall.? Mexico?s President Enrique Peña Nieto responded to this saying that during the conversation with Donald Trump he made it very clear that the Mexican government will not pay for the wall. Which brings us back to the question: who will build this wall? And how will building this wall solve what he calls our "immigration problem?"

Trump?s plan does not take into consideration the values of the United States, a melting pot for all races, religions, and genders. Trump made his unrealistic and hateful plan even more concerning by refusing to accept any Syrian refugees.

Trump frowned upon sanctuary cities clearly

not understanding their purpose. In the early 1986 New Mexico?s Governor Tony Anaya issued a Sanctuary Declaration with the main intention to support equal and impartial

treatment for refugees seeking shelter and political asylum.

America prides itself as a humanitarian country. Trump?s strategy is to stir fear in our communities. According to a study by Gimme Shelter: The Myth and Reality of American Sanctuary City, there is ?no

statistical discernible difference in violent crime rate, rape, or property crime across the cities.?

Generalizing the immigrant community as rapists, criminals, or uneducated is completely ignorant. President Obama strongly supports our immigrant community, and Hillary Clinton has embraced our country?s diversity throughout her campaign. Hillary Clinton supports President Obama?s

policy to stand by those who have become part of the American fabric, allowing these individuals to step out of the shadows.

The truth about Donald Trump's immigration planSonia Gonzalez, Sept. 26, 2016

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Immigrants already contribute to our country by creating jobs, paying taxes, and developing new technology.

We must fix our broken immigration system, and Hillary Clinton has a plan that will not only help our immigrant communities, but it will keep families together and keep our country safe.

Trump's immigration plan is no plan at all; he is saying what he?s been saying all over again--that he will build a wall and that the Mexican government will pay for it. He continues to use offensive language to describe all immigrants. He spreads fear

throughout all of our communities. He is unfit to create an immigration plan and is creating a hostile environment for all immigrants.

The United States is a beacon of hope to many immigrants and especially to refugees, and we need leaders who will take that responsibility seriously.

This election, voters have to decide what kind of country we want to be. Do we want to be a country that lives in fear and refuses the benefits our immigrant communities have to offer? Or will we be a country that welcomes all people and embraces the differences that make our country great?

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On Sept. 7, NBC journalist Matt Lauer sat down with presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to discuss key issues in the election and to get their opinions on how to solve them. As the candidates answered questions, it was clear who came prepared with direct answers and who simply came to make themselves look good. As usual, Trump avoided most of the questions Lauer threw at him, instead boasting about his own accomplishments and ?secret plans.?

During the interview, Trump took every chance he had to attack President Obama and his administration, blaming them for the problems

America is facing today. In the past, Trump has gone far enough to say that Russian President Vladimir Putin is doing a better job leading his country than President Obama.

?I will tell you, in terms of leadership, [Putin] is getting an A. Our President is not,? said Trump.

Not only has he praised Putin, a former KGB agent, for his "leadership skills," but he has also insulted our own generals in the process. Trump has gone on record suggesting that the "sacrifices" that he has made in his life are equal to the sacrifices of those who serve our country. His lack of knowledge on foreign policy is dangerous. By suggesting that our generals and our leadership are inferior to Russia's is not only insulting, it 's un-American.

Trump continued to avoid questions about his racist and xenophobic comments earlier in the election by boasting about his nomination.

Trump repeatedly praised himself, interrupting Lauer as he tried to ask follow up questions.

When asked about a tweet from 2013 that said ?26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?? Trump stood by his words, saying, ?It is a correct tweet. There are many people that think that?s correct.?

However, Trump missed the point of the question all together, which Lauer refused to press him on: Why do you think that putting men and women together is the cause for sexual assault? Is Trump under the impression that men, or women, can?t control their urges around each other and that rape is a natural thing?

"I will tell you, in terms of leadership, [Putin] is getting an A. Our President is not."


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This argument is invalid and unacceptable because it implies that sexual assault is something that should be expected, feeding into the rape culture that we see today.

Let?s not forget, Trump himself has been accused of sexual assault. His comments about women have proven time and time again that he does not see them as equals to men and he does not respect them.

Meanwhile, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton answered the questions in her interview without excuses and without bragging.

When asked about what qualities she thinks a commander-in-chief should have, she emphasized steadiness and strength, two things that Trump does not possess. She demonstrated her levelheadedness on conflict issues and acknowledged her decision to vote for the Iraq war by saying, ?I view force as a last resort. Not a first choice.?

Clinton addressed the comments about her support for the Iraq war by pointing out Trump?s support saying, ?I have taken responsibility for my decision, [Trump] has not taken responsibility for his support.?

Clinton focused a lot of her interview on her plan to support U.S. veterans. She plans on reforming policies in the VA to help victims of PTSD and help veterans with the other physical and mental care they need when they return home.

?I have put forth a really robust agenda that?s working with a lot of the VSO?s and other groups like TAPS who have been thinking about this and trying to figure out what we?re going to do to help our veterans reenter civilian life and live full productive lives,? said Clinton.

The commander-in-chief forum made it clear who our choice for president should be. Donald Trump does not have the temperament or the skill set that it takes to run the most powerful country in the world. Hillary Clinton has the experience and the knowledge that it takes to become the President of the United States.

Cal endarOct ober 1

Oct ober 1

Oct ober 8

Oct ober 11Cibola County Democrats Meeting(5:30 p.m.)

Meet and Greet for Margar i ta Mercure-Hibbs(2 - 5 p.m.)

Democratic Par ty of Cur r y County Day of Action(10 a.m. - 2 p.m.)

Doña Ana County Coordinated Canvas

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NM Hispanic Leaders for Hil lary Sum m it

On Wednesday, Sept. 21, Hillary for America National Director of Voter Outreach and Mobilization Cristobal Alex hosted a New Mexico Latinos for Hillary phone bank in Albuquerque. Alex discussed how supporters can take action in their communities, with fewer than 50 days until Election Day, to put Hillary Clinton in the White House.

Alex also discussed how Hillary Clinton is the only candidate in this race who supports comprehensive immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented individuals living in this country. Donald Trump began his campaign by calling Mexican immigrants "criminals," "drug dealers," and "rapists." Since then, Trump has made demeaning, degrading, and deporting immigrants the central policy issue of his candidacy. Over the past few weeks his own campaign has continued to reaffirm that his plans remain the same as they always have been: forcibly remove 16 million people from this country.

DPNM, Sept. 26, 2016

Par ticipants l isten to Cr istobal Alex discuss the impor tance of electing Hi l lar y Clinton as president. Cr istobal Alex (left) poses for a

picture w ith Ben Salazar.

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New Mexicans have a great opportunity to elect GloJean Todacheene in New Mexico House District 4. GloJean stands for policies that would help working New Mexicans most by ?raising the minimum wage, affordable housing, jobs, and education."

GloJean is passionate about protecting New Mexican families in times when Republicans are damaging our state.

Take a look at the Q & A and get to know GloJean and her bright plans for New Mexico.

Q: How have your experiences as a San Juan County Commissioner, Navajo Nation Council delegate, and public school teacher prepared you for this role?

A: Thanks to My experiences as an elected official I have an understanding of how to effectively collaborate with others to make decisions. I know the importance of having the facts and to stay current on all the

issues impacting our state and communities because they are constantly changing. With these positions I am prepared to look at both sides, evaluate the pros and cons of a situation, policy, or plan before making a decision.

Q: What are some issues that are important to you?

A: For me, a few of the important issues are increasing the minimum wage, affordable housing, jobs, and education.

We want people to earn enough money to pay for living expenses, comfortably provide for their families, and take care of their children.

Access to quality living conditions is important to me. This would include ensuring tribal infrastructure funds are available for our communities. Let?s not underestimate people who want to be employed and working to provide for their loved ones and pay for educational opportunities. I am invested in supporting training and apprenticeship opportunities.

I am also committed to looking at what we?re doing to prepare kids to graduate from high school and how we can support them to pursue their future plans. I would like to ensure our future generations are supported in becoming self-sufficient.

Q: Why is running for district 4 important to you, as representative what would you like to accomplish?

Dem of the week: GloJean TodacheeneSonia Gonzalez, Sept. 26, 2016

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A: Our ideals as Democrats are focused on the working people, fighting for a living wage, access to affordable health care, and supporting our unions who protect workers to ensure they are safe and well trained. I believe in supporting an education system that works?where teachers can be innovators and are not burdened with mandates.

As a State Representative, I plan to support our communities, families and workers through the government and legislature. I plan to examine how our state funds are used since we can be doing more for our New Mexico families. I would also like the decision-making process in legislature to be more transparent. Tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations need to end and they need to be paying their fair share of taxes.

Q: What is your favorite quality about your home district?

A: District 4 is my home. I know the community, issues and solutions we need to thrive. I know people here and they look to me in regard to improving situations that are impacting people?s daily lives.

Q: Do you prefer Red or Green Chile?

A: As a New Mexican, I like both. They are both tasty and we have a choice.

Im por t ant Dat es t o Rem em ber :- Oct. 11, 2016 - Deadline to register for the General Election,

Absentee & Early Voting begins.- Nov. 8, 2016 - Election Day

Register to vote, check your status, or update your registration online:


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