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G o v e r n m e n tTraining Institute,Inc., a leadingmilitary and lawe n f o r c e m e n ttraining organi-zation for firstresponders, hasselected SouthCarolina to bethe new home ofits advanced tac-tical operations

training headquarters. The operation will bringapproximately 15 jobs, $2 million in capital invest-ment, and more than 3,000 visitors to the areaannually.

“GTI is a top-notch organization, and we arethrilled that they have chosen our region for theirheadquarters and training facility,” said

SouthernCarolina Alliance President DannyBlack. “With its law enforcement and militarycharacteristic, the GTI project is a great exampleof the diverse types of industry located in ourarea.”

Black added, “SouthernCarolina Alliance isespecially delighted that GTI will bring hundredsof first responders, some of our country’s mostoutstanding citizens, into the region on a regularbasis.”

GTI will locate its headquarters in a 195,000square foot facility, formerly owned by NIBCO, inBamberg County. The company will also locatetraining facilities and operations at a site locatedin the S.C. Advanced Technology Park inBarnwell County.

“We were careful to select a location wherewe could consolidate our training operations,

Government Training Institute (GTI)Relocates Center of Excellence

Horsehead Corporation Announces New Facilityat S.C. Advanced Technology Park

$87 million multi-county project expected to bring up to 65 new jobs to the area


GTI Relocates Center ..............Cover

Horsehead Corporation Announces New Facility..............................Cover

“Certified Business Ready”..............2

Alliance Names Project Manager ....2

Denmark Steel Operation ................3

Climax Global Energy......................3

New Energy Company ....................3

Industries Impact Our Community ..3

SCA Celebrates Accomplishments ..4

Governor Honors Ambassadors ..6-7

Industry Appreciation Week ........8-9

2008 IAW Sponsors ......................10

Sporting Event Winners ................11

Lumber Company Opens ..............13

SCA Hosts Job Fair ......................13

Agribusiness Study........................14 Continued on page 5

Continued on page 12

The South Carolina Department of Commerce,Barnwell County Economic Development Corporation,the SouthernCarolina Regional Development Allianceand the Town of Snelling have announced thatHorsehead Corporation will locate its new facility at theS.C. Advanced Technology Park in Barnwell County.Horsehead Corporation is North America’s largest recy-cler of zinc-bearing materials, including electric arc fur-

nace (EAF) dust generated by steel mills during themelting of recycled steel scrap. The company’s $87 mil-lion investment is expected to generate up to 65 newjobs.

“We are pleased to announce plans for a new facil-ity in Barnwell County. This investment presents a greatopportunity for Horsehead to provide services in a morecost-effective manner to existing customers and to reach

President Chadd Harbaugh addressesthe crowd at GTI’s announcement.

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Southern Carolina Region is “Certified Business Ready”Alliance Implements New Branding for Economic Development

SouthernCarolina Alliance, the region’seconomic development organization,launched a new economic developmentmarketing campaign in 2008 for Allendale,Bamberg, Barnwell and Hampton Counties,based on the region’s “Certified BusinessReady” assets.

According to SCA Chairman Kay Still,“our certified industrial sites, existing infra-structure, and good Southeastern locationwere identified as our foremost marketablestrengths by some of the country’s leadingconsultants in economic development andmarketing, who assessed our counties in aregional study funded by the S.C. PowerTeam last year.”

Based on these assets,SouthernCarolina Alliance launched“Certified Business Ready” as an economicdevelopment brand for the SCA region. Thenew slogan and certification seal are beingused in print advertising, billboards, presen-tations and marketing materials directed atprospects and other decision makers, suchas site consultants who choose the locationfor their industrial facilities.

“The consultants also cited the goodwork ethic of our labor force, our ability tooffer the maximum tax and business incen-tives and our professional staff,” added Still.“All of these factors can reduce costs for theclient, bring speed to the start up process,and reduce risk in economic developmentprojects.”

According to SCA President DannyBlack, “’Certified Business Ready’ has

instant appeal to site consultants andprospects, as the term ‘certified’ is a well rec-ognized buzz word in economic develop cir-cles, immediately giving credibility andassurance to the client.”

“We knew that our 10 state certifiedsites were assets in industrial recruitment,”said Black, “and we have received excellentfeedback on our ability to offer hands-onservice to each project. This branding effortbuilds on these strengths.”

The “Certified Business Ready” brandrefers to the SCA region’s:

• Certified Labor

• Certified Sites

• Certified Approval

• Certified Incentives

• Certified Acceptance

• Certified Assistance

Certified Labor ties into the region’s abilityto deliver a qualified workforce for theprospective client and highlightsSouthernCarolina Alliance’s innovativeregional WorkKeys® certification and testingprogram, which has been underway since2007.

Certified Sites refers to the 10 state certi-fied industrial parks in the area. This com-prehensive process eliminates risk anddelays for the prospect, from zoning to envi-ronmental.

Certified approval advocatesSouthernCarolina Alliance’s ability to map

out the permitting process and provide thestate’s leading experts to handle permittingand environmental questions for the client.

Certified Incentives refers to the region’sability to offer the highest tax incentives.

Certified Acceptance will demonstrate tothe client that the local communities in theSCA region welcome innovative industries,and that the communities have plannedindustrial areas for industries with specificsite requirements, such as buffered locationswith rail access or isolation from heavy resi-dential or retail areas.

Certified Assistance refers to SCA’shands-on approach to walking the clientthrough the project and providing the mostprofessional staff.

“In short, the Certified Business Readyprogram conveys efficiency, low cost, credi-bility and the best possible conditions for theclient in all of the factors identified as impor-tant to prospects,” said Still.

“This program gives our rural area anedge in today’s competitive economic devel-opment arena with thousands of economicdevelopment organizations competing forfewer and fewer projects,” said Black, whoadded that the “Certified Business Ready”brand has been unveiled throughout theregion and in international marketing efforts.

For more information, contact KayMaxwell at 803.541.0023 or visit the

SCA website


MANAGERSouthernCarolina Regional

Development Alliance hasannounced that H. Mikell “Kell”Anderson has joined the Allianceteam as Project Manager forBamberg County. The announce-ment was made atSouthernCarolina Alliance’sBoard of Directors meeting on

August 26, whereAnderson was introducedto the SCA Board ofDirectors and Advisors.

As SCA ProjectManager, Anderson willcoordinate economicdevelopment efforts forBamberg County, whichwill entail working withthe county economicdevelopment commission, countycouncil, industry and communityleaders, the S.C. Department of

Commerce and theregional allianceboard.

“Kell will beinvolved in all aspectsof economic develop-ment for the county,including industrialproduct developmentand recruitment,” saidSouthernCaro l ina

Alliance President Danny Black.“Most importantly, he will work

Continued on page 15

Kell Anderson

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Climax Global EnergyReceives Funding fromS.C. Research Authority

Fairfax, SC-based Climax Global Energy, acompany that converts waste plastics, used oilsand forestry-industry by-products into valuablesynthetic crude oil, transportation fuels andindustrial petrochemicals, is the recipient of aninvestment from SCRA affiliate SC Launch. Theaward was commemorated by a check presenta-tion and luncheon at the USC Salkehatchie cam-pus in Allendale in May.

Climax Global Energy offers unique value inseveral ways. For its refinery customers, it offersquality refinery feedstocks at an attractive rate,while at the same time conserving crude oil. Forwaste suppliers like recycling agencies, it pro-vides a new and profitable market for disposingof non-recyclable waste which would otherwiseneed to be landfilled at a cost. For the commu-nity, the company helps solve the waste man-

Steel FabricatingOperation Locates

in DenmarkSouthernCarolina Alliance has announced

that Denmark Steel, a commercial structuralsteel fabrication and detailing company, is nowoperating at the former Holland Atlantic HitchAnnex facility, located on Highway 78 inDenmark, South Carolina.

“We welcome Denmark Steel to theSouthernCarolina Alliance region,” said SCAChairman Danny Black. “Company PresidentSam Quattlebaum and his team will be an assetto the Denmark area.”

According to Black, Denmark Steel has plansto provide 28-35 jobs.

“Our industrial community is pleased to havethis steel fabricating operation opening in theregion. We have a growing cluster of metal fab-rication industries in our area, and there is agrowing demand as well,” he added.


Palmetto Renewable Energy CompletesManufacturing Plant in Allendale CountyEnergy Company to Bring New Jobs to the Allendale Area

The South Carolina Department ofCommerce and SouthernCarolinaAlliance have announced that PalmettoRenewable Energy has completed a bio-mass fuel pellet plant in Allendale, SouthCarolina. The $1.5 million investment isexpected to bring 12 new jobs to the area.

“This new facility will help us meet ourcustomers’ needs and allow us to contin-ually expand our operations,” said MarkVaughn, co-owner of PalmettoRenewable Energy. “We are pleased tohave our plant in Allendale County andappreciate all the support we havereceived and look forward to being a partof the business community in SouthCarolina.”

Palmetto Renewable Energy will manu-facture wood pellets for biomass energyand wood shavings for equine bedding.The company will later add algae produc-tion for cellulosic ethanol, which repre-sents a further source of renewable ener-gy. The slated five million gallon per yearcellulosic ethanol plant will add another$5.5 million investment into the existingsite, adding another 22 jobs for construc-tion and operation.

“Palmetto Renewable Energy seeks to

capitalize on the new energy technologiesand developing sources of renewablefuels. The company’s decision to locateits plant in South Carolina speaks to thestrength of our workforce, the state’s busi-ness-friendly climate and the innovativemanufacturing taking place here. Thanksto the team effort of state and local offi-cials, this investment will positively impactAllendale County,” said Joe Taylor,Secretary of Commerce.

"We welcome Palmetto RenewableEnergy to the SouthernCarolina region'sgrowing cluster of alternative energyindustries,” said Danny Black, president ofthe SouthernCarolina Alliance. “This com-pany is an excellent example of the diver-sification and expansion opportunities forboth existing and new industries in ourarea. We congratulate Brabham Oil andPalmetto Renewable Energy for theirinnovation and entrepreneurship."

Palmetto Renewable Energy Inc. is ajoint venture located in Martin, SouthCarolina and co-owned by Mark Vaughnand Brab McCully. The ethanol manufac-tured will be marketed by Brabham OilCompany located in Bamberg, SouthCarolina.

“Our industrial community does more than provide jobs,”says SouthernCarolina Alliance Chairman Kay Still. “Ourindustries create business opportunities for local retail opera-tions and service providers and they provide the tax revenue forour county government, services, and our schools.”

Still is Chairman of SouthernCarolina Alliance, the non-prof-it economic development organization representing Bamberg,Allendale, Barnwell and Hampton Counties. The Alliance’smission is to improve the quality of life for citizens through jobcreation, which they accomplish through marketing and indus-trial recruitment.

According to Still, the S.C. Department of Commercerecently released some surprising numbers for the SCA area.

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SouthernCarolina Alliance, theregional economic development organiza-tion representing Allendale, Bamberg,Barnwell and Hampton Counties, hostedover 200 community and business leadersduring their Annual Regional Celebrationheld at USC Salkehatchie’s Atrium on May1, 2008.

According to SCA Chairman Kay Still,“last year was one of good capital invest-ment and job creation, but it was also oneof planning and laying the groundwork forour region’s future.”

SCA President Danny Black led thecrowd through a review of the last year,with updates on the GNEP project andpartnership with Energy Solutions. SCA’smulti-county park, the S.C. AdvancedTechnology Park, was selected in 2007 asone of 11 sites being considered for theGNEP project which would create thou-sands of jobs and possibly billions in cap-ital investment. Black also announcedthat Ecogy Biofuels, which producesbiodiesel from soybeans, began produc-tion last year as the only totally integratedbiodiesel facility in the Southeast.

“The alternative energy cluster contin-ues to grow, but 2007 also brought moregrowth in our wood products cluster,” saidBlack.

“The projects we worked on in 2007include those in the wood products, alter-native energy, distribution, metal fabrica-tion, recycling, chemicals, and plasticsindustries,” added Black.

“Last year, we initiated several newpartnerships, while others evolved, toaddress our challenges in community andworkforce development,” said Black.

“Our corporate and community part-ners are stepping up to the plate to pre-pare our workforce and community for theprojects we landed in 2007 and the oneswe are working in 2008 and beyond.”

SCA honored the S.C. Power Teamwith a Regional Ambassadors Award forPlanning and Development for initiatingand funding a regional assessment of thefour counties. SCANA Corporation wasrecognized with a Regional AmbassadorsAward for Marketing and Recruitment fortheir participation in marketing activities.USC-Salkehatchie received the RegionalAmbassadors Award for WorkforceDevelopment for their leadership in theregional workforce development grantprogram, and Clemson University wasrecognized for their work in CommunityDevelopment.

According to Black, the partnersenabled SCA to launch a groundbreakingregional workforce effort utilizing theWorkKeys® certification system; a region-al marketing campaign with SCA’s trade-marked Certified Business Ready® brand;and a community development program toassist the towns of Allendale, Bamberg,Barnwell and Hampton Counties withmaster planning and downtown revitaliza-tion.

According to Chairman Kay Still, “Webelieve these efforts will create an envi-ronment for future success as well.”

Over the last ten years,SouthernCarolina Alliance has beeninvolved in bringing more than 22 projects,$650 million in capital investment and2,300 jobs to the region.

SouthernCarolina Alliance Celebrates 2007 Accomplishments

Annual Event Draws Crowd from Four Counties

David Mottel of SCANA Corporation accepts the SCARegional Ambassador Award for Marketing and Recruitment.

Danny Black presents Dean Ann Carmichael and USCSalkehatchie with the SCA Regional Ambassador Awardfor Workforce Development.

On behalf of Clemson University, Ben Boozer accepts the SCARegional Ambassador Award for Community Development.

Fred Gassaway of the S.C. Power Team accepts theSouthernCarolina Alliance Regional Ambassador Award forPlanning and Development from SCA President DannyBlack at the SCA Regional Celebration at USC-Salkehatchie.

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expand our curriculum and improve our effi-ciencies,” said GTI President ChaddHarbaugh. “The Southern Carolina regionbecame the obvious choice in terms of select-ing a location that is conducive to partner-ships with other organizations in order toassure that our country’s military, law enforce-ment and first responders all well prepared toattack challenges regarding homeland securi-ty with knowledge and confidence.”

The move comes in response to nationaldemand for the delivery of Active Shooter andSWAT courses approved by U.S. Departmentof Homeland Security (DHS), taught exclu-sively by GTI with eligibility for Homeland

Security Grant Program (HSGP) funding.GTI’s announcement was celebrated at

an announcement ceremony and trainingdemonstration on July 31, which featuredReginald I. Lloyd, Director of the S.C. LawEnforcement Division (SLED).

More than 200 industry and communityleaders participated in the day’s events, whichincluded remarks from Brigadier General(Ret.) Jasper Varn, who said, “I can’t think ofa more patriotic economic development proj-ect! We are proud that thousands ofAmerica’s heroes will be trained here inBamberg County. “

David Logsdon, Chief Operating Officer

of the S.C. Department of Commerce, wasalso a featured speaker at the event.Logsdon served in the United States Navy for30 years and commanded an award-winningcarrier based aviation squadron and twoships, including the nuclear powered aircraftcarrier USS Harry S. Truman. He also servedtwice at the Pentagon working on the NavyStaff and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefsof Staff and earned three Legions of Merit, theBronze Star and The Truman FoundationLeadership Award.

“Statewide leaders like David Logsdonand Reggie Lloyd, who have such prestigiousmilitary and law enforcement credentials,understand the significance of landing thistype of project,” said SCA Chairman Kay Still.

According to Bamberg County CouncilChairman Chris Wilson, “This is the type ofproject that will not only create jobs in theregion, but will also help stimulate the localeconomy through the military and lawenforcement individuals visiting our area dur-ing month-long training courses. We wel-come GTI, their staff, and their trainees toBamberg County and stand ready to assistthem any way that we can.”

Lowell Jowers, Chairman of BarnwellCounty Council, added, “GTI will be a wel-come addition to our regional community, andwe look forward to having their training oper-ations conducted at our AdvancedTechnology Park in Barnwell County.”

GTI’s new “Center of Excellence” inDenmark, South Carolina is situated on 44acres. The property includes 22 acres ofwooded ground that is attached to the primarytraining center’s 22 acres. GTI’s 196,000 sq.ft. Denmark complexincludes: 9,000 sq.ft. of administrativeoffices and class-rooms for lectures,seminars and in-class instruction;indoor simulationarea for close quarterbattle (CQB) trainingand high-intensity

conflict combat scenarios; mat room; weightroom; video fire arms simulator; and movableCQB walls for customized training events.

The Barnwell complex was formerly anuclear fuel reprocessing station that GTI hasconverted into a homeland security trainingcenter for advanced law enforcement and mil-itary training scenarios. The Barnwell complexincludes: decommissioned nuclear station;low light training areas for night vision goggles(NVG) and thermal imagers; towers andascending structures for fast roping and rap-pelling at multiple heights and difficulties; livefire range scalable up to 300 yards; defensivedriving track for convoy operations and per-sonal security detail (PSD) training; controlledaccess, private-water training area; impro-vised explosive devices (IED) training range;and short range training ammunition (SRTA)capable CQB training areas throughout com-plex.

“The success of our first responders can-not be left to chance,” said Harbaugh. “GTIwill continue to update and expand uponDHS-approved training opportunities so ourfirst responders can reduce vulnerabilities andsharpen anti-terrorism and counterterrorismcapabilities. These two new training centerson the east coast will help us reach a broaderbase of first responders much more costeffectively.”

For more information, visit their websiteat


SLED Director Reggie Lloyd welcomed GTI to our state.

GTI training demonstration at the S.C. Advanced Technology Park.

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GOVERNOR HONORS S.C. ECONOMIC AMBASSADORSLeaders from Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell and Hampton Counties were among the 49 honored as

S.C. Economic Ambassadors by Governor Sanford at the S.C. Governor’s Mansion on Monday,September 15, during S.C. Industry Appreciation Week. Governor Mark Sanford and officials from theS.C. Department of Commerce honored the S.C. Economic Ambassadors at a luncheon and awards cer-emony to celebrate the accomplishments of those who had played a key role in economic development inSouth Carolina over the last year.

MR. PETER GRANT, JR.S.C. Economic Ambassador, Allendale County

As Chief Executive Officer of Grant Forest Products,Peter Grant, Jr., has demonstrated his commitment tothe people of Allendale County through a capital invest-

ment of more than 300million dollars in Grant’sAllendale facility inFairfax. The project,which brought morethan 120 direct jobs tothe area, was thelargest economic devel-opment announcementin the state in 2005. Inthe last three years, thecompany’s commitmentto the community hasresulted in three timesas many indirect jobs inthe area, as many local

vendors and service suppliers have reported that theeconomic stimulation from Grant Forest Products hasenabled them to create jobs at their own businesses,while other small business owners have reported thatGrant Forest Products made it possible for them toremain profitable in a challenging market. Mr. Granthas also assisted Allendale County and theSouthernCarolina region by working closely with theregional and local economic developers in internationalmarketing efforts, serving as an example of one of themany foreign companies finding success in theSouthernCarolina region. In addition, Grant ForestProducts has served as one of the anchors of the grow-ing wood products cluster in the Southern Carolinaregion, allowing local developers to recruit secondarymanufacturing industries in the wood products clusterand serving as a catalyst for expansion for some of theexisting wood products industries in the region.

MR. JOHNNY WILLIAMSON, IIIS.C. Economic Ambassador, Bamberg County

Johnny Williamson,a lifelong resident ofDenmark, is a success-ful entrepreneur andbusinessman whosededication to improvingthe quality of life forothers in BambergCounty through eco-nomic developmenthas helped to shapethe future of his countyand region. Not only isMr. Williamson thePresident of WilliamsonGinnery in Denmark, he also serves as ManagingPartner of Lynchburg Grain, Managing Partner ofCarolina Soya, Board Member of Ecogy Biofuels, BoardChairman of the Jackson Companies, and President ofCarolina Eastern-Williamson. While his contribution tojob creation through his companies in itself is signifi-cant, Mr. Williamson has also spent the last decade in avoluntary leadership role in economic development andindustrial recruitment for his community. He has beeninstrumental in building SouthernCarolina Alliance, theregional development alliance serving BambergCounty. During that time, he has volunteered his timeto meet with industrial prospects both domestically andabroad in recruitment efforts, and he has played a criti-cal role in creating the historic multi-county revenuesharing agreement among Bamberg, Barnwell,Allendale and Hampton Counties. His efforts were vitalin the recruitment of more than a dozen projects, includ-ing Kronotex and Grant Forest Products.

In addition to his service as a Vice Chairman of theBoard of Directors of SouthernCarolina Alliance, Mr.Williamson is a Past Chairman of the PalmettoAgriBusiness Council, a former member of theExecutive Committee of the S.C. Transportation andPolicy Council, and current member of the Board of

Mr. Jim Lake accepts on Mr. Grant’s behalf.

Mr. Johnny Williamson, III

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Directors of S.C. Bank & Trust, the S.C. LandownersAssociation, the S.C. Sportsman’s Caucus Foundation,and Vice Chairman of the S.C. Bio-mass Council.

Through his work with Carolina Soya and EcogyBiofuels, Johnny Williamson has helped to create a mar-ket for local soybean producers while establishing thefirst operational fully integrated biodiesel facility in theSoutheastern United States. In addition to his involve-ment with Ecogy, Mr. Williamson remains activelyengaged in the exploration of cutting edge technologiesin other agricultural and alternative energy industry fields.A true proponent of capitalism and economic develop-ment, Johnny Williamson is also an avid outdoorsmanwho has pursued wild game around the world. His abili-ty to trap alligators for wildlife management has earnedhim widespread media attention and the nickname,“Alligator Johnny.”

Mr. Williamson and his wife, Kaki, have two childrenand reside on the banks on the Edisto River just outsideof Denmark, SC.

MR. JOHN W. BOYDS.C. Economic Ambassador, Barnwell County

Mr. Boyd has ownedand operated AugustaFiberglass Coatings,Inc. in Barnwell Countyfor over 30 years. Hehas been involved in thelocal community in avariety of positions.Recent events have cre-ated global marketopportunities for hiscompany and he contin-ues to expand thisnational and internation-al company right here inBarnwell County. He has consistently been supportive ofeconomic development efforts to attract other companiesto Barnwell County, offering whatever resources his com-pany has to enhance recruiting efforts.

MS. WENDY WOLVERTONS.C. Economic Ambassador, Hampton County

Ms. Wolverton is the operating manager for thePenny Branch Club, a public golf course and club locat-ed in Furman, South Carolina. The club has earned anexcellent reputation for its course management andmaintenance practices. Its reputation as a beautiful facil-

ity and golf course hasgrown beyond the localgolfing community. ThePenny Branch Club isan attraction for tourists,local golfers and golfersfrom the Savannahmetro area. By provid-ing these experiences,the club makes a signifi-cant contribution to mar-keting Hampton County.Its presence referencesand emphasizesHampton County’s amenities and physical attractiveness.This exposure impacts tourists and local citizens alike.

MR. JAMES HILL, Member of theSouthernCarolina Alliance Board of DirectorsS.C. Economic Ambassador (Dorchester County)

“Jim” Hill, a member of the SouthernCarolina AllianceBoard of Directors, was also honored as a S.C. EconomicAmbassador.

James Hill is vice president of the CommunityDevelopment and Land Management Group ofMeadWestvaco Corporation. He works from the compa-ny’s Summerville officeand has served with thecompany since 1978.Since the merger ofMead and Westvaco,Mr. Hill has overseenthe sale of approximate-ly 2.5 million acres ofland for the company.Mr. Hill is part of a teamplanning for the devel-opment of the EastEdisto area ofDorchester County. Thisproject will lead to theconversion of more than 70,000 acres of land into newtowns, education centers, business centers, rural proper-ties and conservation areas. Mr. Hill was also instrumen-tal in recruiting ArborGen, the world’s largest producer oftree seed and seedlings, to Dorchester County. Mr. Hillreceived his B.S. degree in Forestry with honors fromThe University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee andlater received his Masters in Business Administrationfrom West Virginia University.

Mr. John W. Boyd

Ms. Wendy Wolverton

Mr. James Hill

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Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell and Hampton Counties Celebrate

(L-R) SCA President Danny Black, Frank McCormack ofSouthern Industrial, Will Johnson of Haynesworth Sinkler Boyd

and Donna K. Martin of Shaw Areva

(L-R) Ron Bielewicz of SRNS, Rick McLeod of SRSCRO, VonBolin of The Bolin Group, and Eric Thompson of SRSCRO

(L-R) Todd Maston of Grant Forest Products, John Leonard ofThe Doc Depot, Bill Robinson of SCA, and Guy Dobson of


(L-R) Woody Gooding of Gooding & Gooding, PA, Mike Mathisof Queenwood Products and Bobby Thomas of

SouthernCarolina Alliance

(L-R) Bobby Lawrence of Allendale Hardware, Mark Lott ofAllendale Alive, John Bozzarello of Bechtel, and Robbie Wilson

of Tobul

(L-R) Marty Martin of Barnwell EDC with David Hayden, StanCost and Ricky Boyles of Low Country Healthcare

(L-R) Shaun Kirchin of Binswanger, John Simpson and SteveAnderson of Rental Service Corporation, and Jim Walsh of

Horsehead Corporation

(L-R) Jim Lake of Grant Forest Products, Tim Meessman ofShaw Areva, Senator Brad Hutto and Carl Gooding of

WDOG Radio

(L-R) Chris Wilson of Wilson Law Firm, Bill Wieres of GTI, Jody Ott of Ott Machine and Tool, and Don Bodiford of

Enterprise Bank

(L-R) Ed Burgess of CDS, Frank Macchiaverna of NorfolkSouthern, Jim Baughman of Enterprise Bank and Dennis

Shealy of McCrory Construction

(L-R) Bob Clary and Bruce Ellis of Bamberg Public Works withRonny Maxwell of S.C. Bank & Trust

(L-R) Johnny George of SWCC, Tony Green of Bechtel andRandy Maxwell of Bamberg County Hospital and Nursing Center

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Alliance Hosts Industry Appreciation Week Marketing Events

(L-R) Joe Gray Peeples of Ecogy Biofuels, Dee Norwood ofSWCC, David Mottel of SCANA, and Chris Pritchard of

Query Pritchard Construction Company

(L-R) Greg Brown, Odell Rice, Ed Wilson and Andrew Lovett of Colonial Life

(L-R) Mike Irilli, Don Lockhart, and Bill Hughes of Allied Air (L-R) Dave Hepner of DOE, Ray White of Carlisle Associates,and Bill Hyatt and Steve Brown of Lifetime Doors

(L-R) Mickey Parker of Vista Design Group, Nico Aguilar ofBarnwell County, Roger Riley of Barnwell County Emergency

Management, and Jim Donlinger of Venture Properties

(L-R) Charlie Gallman of Gallman Personnel, John Cadena ofSCANA, Kay Maxwell of SCA, and Edward Lemon, Mayor of


SouthernCarolina Alliance sponsored theS.C. Industry Appreciation Week kick off onThursday, September 11, with a day full ofevents for regional industry leaders inBamberg, Barnwell, Allendale andHampton Counties.

As part of the statewide IndustryAppreciation Week, which was September15-19, SouthernCarolina Alliance spon-sored a sporting clay event at BroxtonBridge Plantation. Industry leaders fromthe four counties participated in a variety ofsporting clay events, with the Shaw Areva

MOX team winning both the individual andteam awards for the day.

While the sporting clay event was held atBroxton Bridge Plantation near Ehrhardt,the SCA Annual Industry Appreciation GolfTournament was held at SweetwaterCountry Club in Barnwell. The golf tourna-ment included prizes for first, second, andthird place teams, as well as closest to thepin winners on several holes. Several hole-in-one contests and a putting contest wereheld as well.

The sporting events were followed by theAnnual SCA Industry Appreciation Dinnerand Awards Presentation at SweetwaterCountry Club, which was attended by morethan 200 participants.

Kay Still, Chairman of SouthernCarolinaAlliance, opened the dinner with remarksabout the significance of September 11.

“September 11th has forever changedour lives here in America. As we salute ourindustries during industry appreciation

week, let’s also recognize that the samespirit of entrepreneurship which hasenabled our businesses and industries toflourish, the free society which has nurturedthese businesses, and the greatDemocracy which governs our land is thereason that so many in the world envy usas Americans,” said Still.

Mrs. Still called on the dinner attendeesto “join me in a moment of silence toremember those who were lost on 9/11, themany American heroes who responded inthe aftermath of the tragedy, and the thou-sands of American soldiers who continue toprotect our country in the war against ter-rorism.”

Carl Gooding, a member of the SCABoard of Directors and WDOG radio per-sonality, served as the master of cere-monies for the dinner, which concludedwith drawing for door prizes. MarjiThomas, a member of the SCA Board ofDirectors and the Hampton County

(L-R) Lendale Walters, Curt Holbcombe, Jr., Eric Riden and BillOwens of Clariant Corporation

Continued on page 15

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SouthernCarolina Alliance Extends Special Thanks to Our2008 Industry Appreciation Event Sponsors


GOLDSantee Cooper

Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein, LLPLow Country Health Care Systems, Inc.

SILVERAllendale Economic Development CommissionBamberg Economic Development CommissionBarnwell Economic Development CommissionHampton Economic Development Commission

South Carolina Bank & TrustJ. Sam Plexico & Associates, Inc.

South Carolina Power TeamEnterprise Bank

Nucor Building SystemsColonial Life Insurance

Bedingfield & Williams, LLCS&ME

Gooding & Gooding, P.A.

BRONZEFirst Citizens Bank

Carlisle Associates, Inc.Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, PA

Gallman Personnel Services, Inc.Query Pritchard Construction, Inc.

Walter Sanders, AttorneySouthern Industrial

Mike Patel and Days InnHussey, Gay, Bell & DeYoung, Inc.

HOLE SPONSORSBinswanger Realty First Citizens Bank Edisto Electric CooperativeNess & Jett, LLC Moore Law Firm Home Federal Savings and Loan

Pressing Club Cleaners Allendale County Hospital Foster & Company Real EstateAllendale County Alive Southern Industrial Bamberg Family PracticeMcCrory Construction Allendale Hardware The Alright Agency

Norfolk Southern Siemens Vista Design GroupWilson Law Firm Southern Pines Plantations

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Closest to the Pin on #3Shaun Kirchin of

Binswanger Realty

Closest to the Pin on #6Andrew Lovett of

Colonial Life

Closest to the Pin on #10Mickey Parker of Vista

Design Group


Drew Stevens, John Gregory, Dirk Leach and Brad Pembarton





Shaw Areva MOX

FIRST PLACE TEAMThe Colonial Life Team

Andrew Lovett, Ed Wilson, Odell Rice, and Greg Brown

SECOND PLACE TEAMThe Clariant Corporation Team

Eric Riden, Bill Owens, Curt Holcombe, Jr., and LendaleWalters and Closest to the Pin on #14

Bill Owens of Clariant Corporation

THIRD PLACE TEAMSCA Board Member and Event Hostess Marji Thomas

Congratulates Team Captain Marty MartinMarty Martin of Barnwell EDC - Ricky Boyles, David Hayden,

and Stan Cost of Low Country Health Care

SCA IAW Golf Tournament


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out to new customers in the region. Barnwell Countyoffers us a business-friendly environment, strongworkforce and the solid infrastructure support that weneed. We appreciate all the help we’ve received fromstate and local officials to make this announcementpossible,” said Jim Hensler, Horsehead’s President &CEO.

The facility is the first greenfield project forHorsehead Corporation. The company has a long-term contract in place with Nucor Steel to recycle theirEAF dust, a byproduct of steel production, fromNucor’s three facilities in the Carolinas. HorseheadCorporation also serves existing South Carolina cus-tomers, selling zinc oxide to Michelin and Bridgestoneand zinc metal to Trinity Industries.

“We welcome Horsehead Corporation, a leadingmanufacturer in their field and an asset to our indus-trial community. We are excited about the job cre-ation and capital investment they’re making in thisproject, which will benefit the people of our entireregion. We are grateful to those at the state and locallevel who worked hand in hand with us to bring thiscompany to the S.C. Advanced Technology Park,”said Danny Black, president, SouthernCarolinaAlliance

According to Governor Mark Sanford,“Horsehead’s decision to locate and make a signifi-cant investment in Barnwell County is an incrediblecompliment to the area’s workforce.”

“Successful economic development recruitinginvolves the combined efforts of many. Playing impor-tant roles in landing this project were representativesfrom the Town of Snelling, Barnwell County Council,SouthernCarolina Alliance, the Department ofCommerce and the Barnwell County EconomicDevelopment Corporation,” said Pete Grady, chair-man, Barnwell County Economic DevelopmentCorporation.

Horsehead Corporation, a wholly-owned sub-sidiary of Horsehead Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: ZINC),is a leading U.S. producer of specialty zinc and zinc-based products and among the world’s largest recy-clers of zinc-bearing materials. Headquartered inPittsburgh, PA, Horsehead employs over 1,000 peo-ple and operates six facilities throughout the U.S.Visit for more information.


The capital investment for the SCA region forthe last five years (2003-2007) was more than$298,580,000 and the job creation was more than1,626 jobs.

The per capita investment and jobs for theregion (total investment and jobs divided by popu-lation average 2003-2007 for the four counties) out-paced the state average:

• Alliance Region Per Capita Investment 2003-2007: $4,227• State Per Capita Investment 2003-2007:$3,185• Alliance Jobs from capital investment per100 Population 2003-2007: 2.3• State Jobs from capital investment per 100Population 2003-2007: 1.5

Source: SC Dept. of Commerce (Projects in which Commerce plays a major role)

Ms. Still added that the S.C. Department ofCommerce also noted that per capita income in theAlliance region has actually increased at a higherrate than the state average:

Per capita income in the Alliance region rose21.5% while the state’s per capita income rose17.4% between 2002 and 2006.

Source: US Bureau of Economic Analysis

“Clearly we’ve made progress in our area in jobcreation and capital investment,” said Still. “And wehave our existing industries to thank for 80% of ourjob creation.”

Despite the accomplishments, Still added,“Even with the job creation and investment we’veenjoyed, we have been dealt some setbacks due tothe economy and the changes in manufacturingworldwide, and we must remain ever vigilant andaggressive in our industrial recruitment, as well asget our workforce trained for new job opportunities.Growing our industrial base is the key to improvingour quality of life in this part of South Carolina.”


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Lumber CompanyOpens and

Creates 13 JobsDenmark Lumber Company Inc. has pur-

chased Coastal Lumber Company’s Denmarkfacility and will create 13 jobs.

The purchase of the assets of CoastalLumber Company’s Denmark facility wasfinalized in September, according to ownerTim Ellis, a veteran of forest products indus-trial operations.

Ellis has announced that Shane Spell willbe general manager of the new operation.

“Every person that initially will go to workwith us either worked at this location or theWalterboro Coastal location,” he said. “Onehundred percent of our work force is experi-enced. We think it’s a good thing to start upwith employees who know their job – bothfrom the standpoint of work safety issues andproductivity. It is a total win for these individu-als, for our business and for the Denmarkcommunity.”

"We welcome Mr. Ellis, Shane, and theDenmark Lumber Company team," said SCAChairman Kay Still. "It's a great facility andwe're delighted to see new jobs createdthere."

According to Ellis, long-term plans for theDenmark facility include adding additionalcapability, which he said would mean invest-ment in capital goods as well as employees.

“We’re starting on a firm foundation herewith this facility and good experienced people.We look forward to building this business,”Ellis said.

“We look forward to working with this com-pany and assisting them in any way that wecan,” said SCA Project Manager KellAnderson. “It’s great to see another industrylocating in Denmark.”


More than 600 students from Allendale, Bamberg,Barnwell and Hampton Counties participated in theSouthernCarolina Regional Job Fair at USCSalkehatchie on Oct.1, where about 20 leading indus-tries in the region set up booths and met with highschool seniors and juniors regarding career opportuni-ties and the skills necessary to succeed in today’s work-force.

According to SouthernCarolina Alliance’s WorkKeys®regional coordinator, Rhonda McElveen, the purpose ofthe regional job fair was to encourage those seekingjobs and considering high education opportunities toconnect with local industries.

“There are jobs available in our communities for thosewho have the skills,” said McElveen. “It’s important forour youth to understand that you can earn a really goodliving with the right training and a good work ethic.That’s why we have urged our high school seniors to gettested in the WorkKeys® program.”

The WorkKeys® program is the National CareerReadiness Certificate program which prepares individu-als for industrial employment through a system thatmeasures a person’s skills and matches him or her to aprofile designed specifically for the employer. The sys-tem is used as a standard by many industries across thecountry. SouthernCarolina Alliance has been leading acollaborative regional effort with several partners to testand certifiy a pool of workers through WorkKeys®. Morethan 2,000 have been tested since the program began in2007.

“Employers recognize a WorkKeys-assessed job can-didate has already demonstrated the ability to perform ata prescribed functional or technical level,” saidMcElveen.

Those eligible for the WorkKeys program include areahigh school seniors, dislocated or incumbent workers,the underemployed and the unemployed.

Local industries participating in the job fair includedSCE&G, Barnwell County Hospital, Allendale CountyHospital, Allied Air Enterprises, Grant Allendale, ShawAreva MOX, Savannah River Site Educational OutreachOpportunities, and USC Salkehatchie, among others.For more information on the program, contact RhondaMcElveen at 803.541.0023.

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New Study Reveals Agribusiness Number One Industry in SC

Farming and Forestry have $33.9 billion in economic impactModern agribusiness has eclipsed manufacturing and tourism

as South Carolina’s leading economic cluster, according to a newstudy released by the South Carolina Agribusiness Council(PABC) and the South Carolina Forestry Commission.Agribusiness includes all aspects of farming and forestry.

The study was conducted over a period of nine (9) months byDr. Harry Miley of Gallo and Associates of Greenville, S.C. Thenew research shows that all commodities and services in modernagribusiness, taken together, have a $33.9 billion impact onSouth Carolina’s economy, larger than any other sector. Also, asemployment in other parts of the economy has declined, agribusi-ness is growing and now provides jobs for nearly 200,000 SouthCarolinians.

“The bottom line is that South Carolina’s oldest industry hasentered the twenty-first century with great promise in the emerg-ing economy,” Miley said. A former chairman of the S.C. Boardof Economic Advisors and chief economist under GovernorCarroll Campbell, Miley said he based his research on impactmodels generated by the IMPLAN system. “The data clearlyshows that Agribusiness is growing and has become the largestsector in our state’s economy,” Miley said. He cited the followingfactors:Agribusiness is making an increasingly large contribution to laborincome, output and jobs; The agribusiness industry generates a

total output of direct and indirect activity of $7.5 billion in annuallabor income; The agribusiness industry is also a major job pro-ducer, with direct and indirect employment of 199,469 of theState’s jobs.

“This research confirms that South Carolina’s oldest industryis now a critically important part of the knowledge based econo-my,” said Edgar Woods, chairman of the Palmetto AgribusinessCouncil. “Our challenge now is to accelerate the application ofnew technologies and new methods to agribusiness to strength-en South Carolina’s economic future,” he added.

Forestry officials made the case that emerging technologiesfor alternative fuels will help the agribusiness sector grow evenfaster in the years ahead. “This is just the beginning compared towhat we are likely to see in the coming decades,” said Bob Scott,executive director of the S.C. Forestry Association. “Whether it’scarbon credits or biofuels, South Carolina will be on the cuttingedge.”

Hugh Weathers, Secretary of Agriculture, said he hopes thisnew research will open the eyes of the state’s economic policymakers to the “present power and future potential” of agribusi-ness.

“In energy development, conservation and emerging tech-nologies, modern agribusiness can have a positive impact on ourfuture in ways we can’t even imagine today,” Weathers said.

SouthernCarolina Alliancesponsored the ribbon cuttingceremony for the newAllendale County AirportTerminal during a recentAllendale County Chamber ofCommerce Business AfterHours event, which wasattended by business and community leaders fromaround the region.

L-R: Paul Werts, Executive Director of the S.C. Aeronautics Commission; Bill Robinson, Economic Development Director ofSouthernCarolina Alliance; J.W. Wall, Allendale County Council; Roger Pritchard of Query-Pritchard Construction Co.; CatherineTharin, Chairman of the Allendale County Airport Commission; Bobby Thomas, Chairman of the Allendale EconomicDevelopment Commission; Representative Lonnie Hosey, HR District #91; and Rick McLeod, Executive Director of SRS-CRO.

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agement problem by providing a beneficial usefor large quantities of waste, while providingthe general public with a renewable source ofenergy.

“Our technology has undergone extensivelab testing since 1998 and we offer this valuein an energy-efficient, environmentally respon-sible and highly profitable manner,” saidClimax Global Energy COO Thomas Pinto. “Infact, the light gases that are emitted during theproduction process will actually be used topower our production plants.”

The company is developing modularplants so that its technology can be locatednear the waste supply or refinery that wouldpurchase the product.

“We are grateful to SC Launch for theirendorsement of our company. We’re makinggreat strides in developing our technology andwe look forward to commercialization with ourfirst plant in South Carolina,” said Pinto.

“Climax Global Energy demonstrates howSouth Carolina is making headway with impor-tant alternative energy and sustainability initia-tives,” said SCRA CEO Bill Mahoney. “Thetechnology brought to market by ClimaxGlobal with assistance from SCRA’s affiliateSC Launch is another example of collaborationthat advances the Knowledge Economy in thestate,” he said.

About Climax Global EnergyHeadquartered in Allendale, Climax

Global Energy is an early-stage alternativeenergy company with a unique, world-class,patented technology. The company is com-pleting development of a process that willenable it to economically convert waste plas-tics, used oils and forestry-industry by-prod-ucts into valuable synthetic crude oil, trans-portation fuels and industrial petrochemicals.

About SCRA ( is a global leader in applied

research and commercialization services withoffices in Anderson, Charleston and Columbia.SCRA collaborates to advance technology.SCRA provides technology-based solutionswith assured outcomes on behalf of industry,government, and research universities likeClemson University, the University of SouthCarolina and the Medical University of SouthCarolina.

About SC Launch ( Launch, an SCRA affiliate, assists

entrepreneurial start-up companies with up-front counseling, seed-funding, and access toa powerful resource network. The SC Launch!mission is to help generate knowledge econo-my jobs in South Carolina, enhance the state’squality of life and provide opportunity for allSouth Carolinians in the new economy.


Economic DevelopmentCommission, served as a co-host of the event.

After dinner, sporting eventwinners, dignitaries, and com-munity leaders were recog-nized. Senator Brad Huttospoke briefly to the crowdabout the importance ofregionalism and workingtogether to create jobs. Theevening was concluded withthe drawing for door prizes.

In addition to the marketingevents held on September 11,SCA honored local industriesthrough newspaper and radioads, as well as billboard adver-tisements throughout themonth of September.

On September 15, the eco-nomic ambassadors fromAllendale, Bamberg, Barnwelland Hampton Counties werehonored at the Governor’sMansion at the 2008 S.C.Economic AmbassadorsLuncheon. For more informa-tion, visit our website


closely with our existing industries in the area, whichcreate more than eighty percent of new jobs, as theydo in any community.”

A 1993 graduate of Erskine College, Andersonhas diverse experience in local government, man-agement, tax law, infrastructure and real estate, andhas served as Barnwell County Assessor since 1999.He is a S.C. Licensed Real Estate Appraiser,Associate Member of the Appraisal Institute, and a

member of the S.C. Economic DevelopersAssociation.

“I look forward to working with our industry andcommunity leaders in Bamberg County and through-out the SouthernCarolina Alliance region,” saidAnderson. “Working with the Alliance team presentsan opportunity to truly make a difference in the quali-ty of life for our children and grandchildren by provid-ing an industrial tax base on which we can grow ourcommunities. I believe we have some great opportu-nities ahead of us.” Anderson may be reached at(803) 541-0023.


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SouthernCarolina Regional Development Alliance1321 Technology DriveBarnwell, SC 29812