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    DECember 28, 2013 vol xlvIiI no 52 EPW Economic & PoliticalWeekly134

    In Struggle, Education of theEducator

    Bernard DMello

    Welcoming C P Bhambris call

    to debate (10 August 2013) the

    propositions in the article The

    Near and the Far: Why Is Indias

    Liberal-Political Democracy

    Rotten? (1 June 2013), the

    author of this article argues

    that expecting a peaceful massmovement aimed at carrying

    out a revolution is only

    daydreaming. A mass movement

    that has revolution as its ultimate

    goal will, almost inevitably,

    necessarily assume a violent form

    in the face of state repression.

    But cruelty and brutality must

    never be a part of the means ofrevolution. We educators need

    to be educated, and our best

    education can take place only in

    struggle, for correct knowledge is

    also a struggle, and can be a deep

    one at that.

    The process of democratisation is

    based upon radical criticism of

    existing society; criticism is its in-

    dispensible element. Its activists should

    therefore never avoid criticism or forbid

    controversies. All shades of opinion within

    this movement towards democracy should

    make themselves fully felt. I therefore

    welcome C P Bhambris (henceforth,

    CPB) call that the debate should contin-

    ue. In response to my essay, The Near

    and the Far: Why Is Indias Liberal-

    Political Democracy Rotten? (1 June

    2013), CPBasserts that the Indian van-

    guard parties, hopelessly divided at

    present, need to form a united front of

    the oppressed (United Front of the

    Oppressed, 10 August 2013, pp 132-33)

    to advance the process of democratisa-

    tion (in his words, revolution).


    He claims that DMello blames (my em-

    phasis) the rulers for following the policy

    of social divide to rule, while the issue

    is that fragmented communists cannot

    organise a revolution of any kind (p 133).

    I would be the last activist to blame

    the ruling classes for this or any other

    policy. For me, it is useless to expect

    the ruling classes to act against their

    own interests. If I or any other Marxist

    were to blamethe ruling classes for the

    divide to rule policy, this would sug-

    gest that we are under the illusion that

    the rulers had an obligationnot to abuse

    their position in dividing to rule over the

    oppressed. It would then seem that I am

    generally against the violation of the

    obligations that the ruling classes have

    presumably undertaken (not to do this or

    that) and not against the social system as

    such. What a misrepresentation of my

    political position! Further, CPBsays thatI have a misplaced characterisation of

    the Indian class-state essentially as

    caste-ridden Brahmanical-Hindu com-

    munal (p 133). I have very clearly stat-

    ed that the Indian state is essentially a

    caste-ridden, brahmanical-Hindu com-

    munal, underdeveloped capitalist one

    (p 44). Underdeveloped capitalistis at thecore of my characterisation of the Indian

    state. But CPB is obsessed with Indian

    social structure, whatever that means,

    for different Indian sociologists seem to

    attach different conceptual meanings to

    social structure, and he then goes on

    to claim that I do not relate this social

    structure with the history of India nor

    do I focus attention on its impact on the

    struggles of the working classes (CPB:

    133). Actually I do not use the ambigu-

    ous term, social structure, but I do, in

    some detail in the one-hour lecture

    whose text is my essay under discussion,

    provide a historical perspective on com-

    munalism and caste, as regards the lat-

    ter, drawing on the work of eminent

    sociologists like Ramkrishna Mukherjee

    and I P Desai.

    Armed Political Struggles

    I, for one, am a perpetual student, ever

    trying to tap the existing pool of knowl-edge, not only in the classroom and the

    library, but also in the field. For instance,

    after many years of study and visits to

    areas where Indias Maoist/Naxalite

    movement is active, my first such visit in

    the mid-1980sto Jehanabad (then a sub-

    division of Gaya) and Gaya in Bihar, I

    have found that Maoism is a carefully

    thought-out system of ideas and practice

    (DMello 2010: 21-54). Indeed, Maoism

    defends the oppressed, and so I do not

    think I can dismiss it so lightly the way

    CPBdoes. I think one must acquaint one-

    self thoroughly with it before one finds

    reasons to dismiss it. Of course, we must

    write without fear, favour, prejudice or

    malice, as some of my best teachers used

    to remind me. But CPBarrogantly declares:

    Armed political struggle in India, whether

    led by the Maoists or by other organisations

    in the border states in the North-East or J&K,

    have not at all(my emphasis) succeeded in

    creating a social awakening (p 132).

    Really? Leave aside the Maoists for a

    moment, pray how then did the Naga

    Bernard DMello([email protected])is amember of the Committee for the Protection of

    Democratic Rights, Mumbai.

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    Economic & PoliticalWeekly EPW DECember 28, 2013 vol xlvIiI no 52 135

    rebels manage to overwhelmingly win

    the 1951 referendum (plebiscite) among

    the Naga tribes for a sovereign Naga-

    land and, later on, maintain a liberated

    zone for years, this in spite of the fact that

    the main component of the Indian states

    strategy was to militarily crush them?

    Need of Real Understanding

    After many years of study and observa-

    tion in the field, I am presently trying to

    understand Maoism in neo-liberal India.

    I believe no investigation, no right to

    speak is, in certain contexts, an appro-

    priate ground rule for democratic func-

    tioning. And, of course, one needs to

    have empathy in order to be objective;

    the supercilious gaze will not lead to any

    real understanding.

    My observations over time seem to

    suggest to me that the strategy and tac-

    tics of the Indian Maoists have been/are

    being continually tested in practice, and

    on this basis, improved upon in the light

    of experience. But CPB seems to have

    concluded that the Indian Maoists are

    tragic failures. I would not even say this

    of the Diggers and Gerard Winstanley,

    although they faltered in their methods

    because of a lack of relevant experience,

    which the Maoists too did when theystarted off.

    I would be dishonest if I were to over-

    look the extremely important contribu-

    tions of Indias Marxist-Leninists (MLs)

    and Maoists. In my essay on Indias rot-

    ten liberal-political democracy, I high-

    light, more generally, the positive social

    outcomes of the violence of the oppres-

    sed (pp 41-42), including the subsequent

    land reforms in the aftermath of the

    Telangana and Tebhaga movements of

    the 1940sthat, CPBclaims, I completely

    ignored. In the course of my studies of

    the contemporary MLand Maoist move-

    ments, I have found that Maoist and ML

    practice has enriched the socialist herit-

    age of the oppressed. The Indian MLs

    and Maoists have spread the ideas and

    practice of Maoism from its birthplace in

    Hunan in 1927 to various places in India.

    I find that the Maoist leaders are prod-

    ucts of the people, and my observations

    and studies seem to suggest to me thatcorrect revolutionary theory will emerge

    in the process and in close connection

    with practical political activity, especial-

    ly when this is of a mass and revolution-

    ary character.

    Outside Acceptable Politics

    The Maoists have been recognising that

    the most difficult problem of a revolu-

    tionary movement is how to reconcilethe needs of the oppressed for immedi-

    ate improvements with the necessity

    of overthrowing the whole system in

    order to do away with the oppression of

    the oppressed. Reconciling reform with

    revolution is not an easy task that we

    can glibly talk about. Here is a whole set

    of aspirations, the revolutionary compo-

    nent, that falls outside the narrow limits

    of what may be called acceptable poli-

    tics. If you are wedded to those aspira-

    tions then you cannot hope to be safe,

    for as Che Guevara said in his farewell

    letter to Fidel Castro, one lives or dies in

    a revolution (if it is a real one). And,

    Che, I think, was certain that the strug-

    gle was worth his life. He, and Azad and

    Kishenji, the more recently martyred

    revolutionaries, engaged in a political

    and ethical project, for which they

    fought and died. If I were to paraphrase

    the 19th century Cuban poet Jose Marti,

    then I would say that they were humanbeings who felt a sting when another

    human being ... [was] slapped in the

    face. The Indian people need dignity

    even more than they need roti.

    CPB, after running down Indias Maoists,

    preaches that revolutions do not succeed

    without mass mobilisation of the con-

    scious underclasses. Did he even bother

    to read Arundhati Roys celebrated essay,

    Walking with the Comrades? Imagine

    trying to pontificate to a Maoist about the

    importance of mass consciousness! Has

    CPBempathised with anything he has read

    from the writings of Mao, the emphasis

    the latter gives to what happens when

    people become conscious of the direc-

    tion of history, the liberation of their

    energies as a result, and the fact that these

    energies can be enormously powerful?

    Indian Vanguard Parties

    CPBexpresses the need for the Indian

    vanguard parties to form a unitedfront of the oppressed. I am sure that all

    those of us who wish for the liberation of

    the oppressed would second that. But,

    when one examines the possibility, his-

    tory does matter. Apart from the institu-

    tion of caste, and of course, the divisive

    cards of religion, ethnicity and nation-

    ality played by the ruling class parties,

    all of which are (have been) antithetical

    to any meaningful unity of the explo-ited and the oppressed, the historical

    trajectory of communist politics must

    be reckoned with too. We do not have

    the space over here to throw light on

    the latter, but the word revolution,

    which CPB uses, and which is used so

    often by parties calling themselves

    communist, has been much, much less

    acted upon.

    In the latter half of the 1940s, in the

    Communist Party of India (CPI), apart

    from the P C Joshi line (which was to

    metamorphose into the Ajoy Ghosh

    line and then into the S A Dange line),

    there was the B T Ranadive line; and,

    importantly, the Andhra Secretariats

    line, advocating the road of Maoist pro-

    tracted peoples war, which was first

    sought to be practised in the then unfold-

    ing Telangana armed struggle. Through

    what internal-democratic process did

    the rightist faction gain the upper

    hand and the CPIspolicy drift towardsparliamentarianism? (Frankly, following

    the 1921 banning of factions within the

    (All-) Russian Communist Party, com-

    munist parties, generally, have, by and

    large, gravely erred in their handling of

    factions.) Again, when the formal party

    split came in 1964, though the goal of

    the Communist Party of India (Marxist)

    CPI(M) was peoples democracy based

    on an alliance of anti-feudal and anti-

    imperialist forces, headed by the party,

    and the CPIwanted to carry out a national

    democratic revolution, the tactical lines

    of the two parties were almost similar.

    In practice, both the parties committed

    themselves to the path of parliamentari-

    anism. So now, if CPBsunited front of

    the oppressed is to come into being, the

    CPIand the CPI(M)will have to shift the

    centre of gravity of their politics away

    from parliamentarianism.

    Regarding the All-India Coordination

    Committee of Communist Revolution-aries (AICCCR) and the original Commu-

    nist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)

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    DECember 28, 2013 vol xlvIiI no 52 EPW Economic & PoliticalWeekly136

    (CPI-ML), I wish Charu Mazumdar (CM)

    and his close comrades, on the one

    side, and their opponents within and

    without theAICCCRand the CPI-ML, on

    the opposite side, had taken Lenins

    1920 pamphlet Leftwing Communism:

    An Infantile Disorder and Maos 1957

    speech On the Correct Handling ofContradictions Among the People to

    heart and mind. How could CMand his

    followers, on the one side, and even

    some of the veterans of the Telangana

    armed struggle, on the opposite side,

    have dealt with each other the way they

    did? But of course, there has been a lot

    of learning-by-doing over the years, es-

    pecially in the CPI-ML (Peoples War),

    which, later on, took the CPI(ML) (Party

    Unity) into its fold, and then merged

    with the Maoist Communist Centre of

    India to form the CPI(Maoist). Never-

    theless, there is an urgent need for the

    CPI(Maoist) to undertake a dispassion-

    ate review of its achievements and fail-

    ures, strengths and limitations, and on

    that basis, adapt and modify its strategy

    and tactics in the light of the vastly

    changed balance of class forces, nation-

    ally and internationally.

    Naivety in the Extreme

    Today, as far as the ML parties go, the

    two that matter the most in India are

    the CPI(ML) (Liberation) and the CPI(ML)

    (New Democracy). But as far as the pros-pects of their coming together, and that

    too, alongside the CPI (Maoist), and

    then, with the CPIand the CPI(M), all of

    them in a united front of the op-

    pressed, the tactical lines of all these

    parties are so far apart that the possibility

    is dim. And, of course, if CPBis expect-

    ing a peaceful mass movement aimed at

    carrying out a revolution, then he

    must surely be daydreaming. A mass

    movement that has revolution as its ulti-

    mate goal will, almost inevitably, neces-

    sarily assume a violent form in the face

    of state repression. Here, CPBseems to

    assume that the ruling classes and their

    political representatives directing the

    repressive apparatus of the state will

    give a revolutionary party the opportu-

    nity to organise! Naivety in the extreme!

    However, cruelty and brutality must

    never be allowed to get to be a part of

    the violence of the oppressed in the

    course of the revolution.

    I am convinced that we educators

    need to be educated, and the best educa-

    tion of the educator can take place only

    in struggle, for correct knowledge is alsoa struggle, and can be a deep one at that.

    And, do not be so sure that the truth

    unites; it divides too. Talking about a

    revolution is one thing. But how do we

    measure up as revolutionary intellectu-

    als, those who contribute in one way or

    another, to the overthrow of capitalist

    society and the state institutions which

    it has brought into being, as Engels put

    it about Marx in his speech at Marxs

    graveside on 17 March 1883? This is what

    struck me on a rainy afternoon in July

    2011 when I visited Marxs grave in the

    Highgate Cemetery in north London

    along with my friend Alpa Shah.


    DMello, Bernard (2010): What Is Maoism? in(ed.), WhatIs Maoism and Other Essays by

    DMello (Kharagpur: Cornerstone Publications).

    Economic Reforms and Growth in IndiaEssays from the Economic and Political WeeklyEdited by PULAPRE BALAKRISHNAN

    This volume investigates the nature of economic growth in India, its pace over time, its relationship to changes in the policy regime andthe role of the external sector, and uses data to evaluate the policies that have implicitly underpinned the changes.

    Presenting a range of approaches, views and conclusions, this collection comprises papers published in the Economic and Political Weeklybetween the late 1990s and 2008 that are marked by an empirical awareness necessary for an understanding of a growth history. Thearticles reflect a certain groundedness in their approach in that they privilege content/context over methodology.

    This volume is an important addition to the literature on post-liberalisation economic growth in India. It will be useful to students andscholars of economics and management.

    Authors include Deepak NayyarRakesh MohanAtul KohliArvind PanagariyaKunal SenNeeraj HatekarJessica Seddon WallackPulapre BalakrishnanRavindra DholakiaRamesh ChandR NagarajMontek AhluwaliaShashank BhideAmit BhaduriPranab Bardhan

    Readings on the Economy, Polity and SocietyThis series is being published as part of a University Grants Commission project to promote teaching and research in the social sciences in India. Theproject (2010-12) is being jointly executed by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, and the Economic and Political Weekly. The series is meant tointroduce university students and research scholars to important research that has been published in EPW in specific areas. The readers draw on the EPWsarchive of published articles.

    Also published: Environment, Technology and Development: Critical and Subversive Essays ed. Rohan DSouzaVillage Society, ed. Surinder S Jodhka, The Adivasi Question, ed. Indra Munshi,Decentralisation and Local Government, ed. T R Raghunandan, Gender and Employment, ed. Padmini SwaminathanHigher Education, ed.Jandhyala B G Tilak,

    Forthcoming titles: Caste and Society,ed.Satish Deshpande

    Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd

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    Pp xiv + 454 Rs 445ISBN 978-81-250-4271-62011