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  • 7/31/2019 In Praise of Women


  • 7/31/2019 In Praise of Women


    An excellent wife, who can find?

    For her worth is far above jewels.11 The heart of her husband trusts in her,

    And he will have no lack of gain.

    12 She does him good and not evil

    All the days of her life.13 She looks for wool and flax

    And works with her hands in delight.

    Proverbs 31:10-1

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  • 7/31/2019 In Praise of Women


    She stretches out her hands to the distaff,

    And her hands grasp the spindle.20 She extends her hand to the poor,

    And she stretches out her hands to theneedy.

    21 She is not afraid of the snow for herhousehold,

    For all her household are clothed with

    scarlet.22 She makes coverings for herself;

    Her clothing is fine linen and purple.

    Proverbs 31:19-22

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    Her husband is known in the gates,

    When he sits among the elders of the land.24 She makes linen garments and sells them,And supplies belts to the tradesmen.25 Strength and dignity are her clothing,

    And she smiles at the future.26 She opens her mouth in wisdom,

    And the teaching of kindness is on hertongue.

    27 She looks well to the ways of herhousehold,

    And does not eat the bread of idleness.

    Proverbs 31:23-27

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    Her children rise up and bless her;

    Her husband also, and he praises her,saying:29 Many daughters have done nobly,

    But you excel them all.30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,

    Buta woman who fears the LORD, sheshall be praised.

    31 Give her the product of her hands,

    And let her works praise her in the gates.

    Proverbs 31:28-31

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    In this passage we are given anexample and a mandate . The author

    of the text praises a godly woman. He

    then tells us the children and thehusband of such a woman should

    praise her. He then tells us as readers

    to praise her.

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    Unfortunately we often accept the liethat somehow praise is not for anyone

    but God. We feel sure that letting

    someone know how far they fall short isa more godly way of approaching

    things. After all praise might engender


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    It has been my observation of myself

    and others that the most prideprovoking experiences are from not

    being praised. They are from being

    criticized. The temptation to react byshowing them is not usually

    engendered by people giving thanks for

    us or commenting favorably about us.

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    Further it is my absolute conviction thatcriticism of others is an identifier of one

    of the deepest strongholds of pride in

    the human heart. To see oneself asabove others.

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    And He also told this parable to some

    people who trusted in themselves that

    they were righteous, and viewed others

    with contempt: 10 Two men went up into

    the temple to pray, one a Pharisee andthe other a tax collector.

    Luke 18:9-10 (NASB)

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    The Pharisee stood and was praying

    this to himself: God, I thank You that I

    am not like other people: swindlers,

    unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax



    I fast twice a week; I paytithes of all that I get.

    Luke 18:11-12 (NASB)

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    I tell you, this man went to his house

    justified rather than the other; for

    everyone who exalts himself will be

    humbled, but he who humbles himself

    will be exalted.

    Luke 18:14 (NASB)

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    The ability to consistently see

    praiseworthy things in others andcommunicate it to them is lifegiving both

    in those who we praise and even more

    importantly in our selves.

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    Let no unwholesome word proceed

    from your mouth, but only such a word

    as is good for edification according to

    the need of the moment, so that it will

    give grace to those who hear.

    Ephesians 4:29 (NASB)

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    This came home in a deep way to me

    when a friend and I were prayingtogether about strengthening our

    marriages. I felt the Lord place a

    challenge on my heart to begin to ceasefrom any critical communication coming

    out of my mouth towards my wife.

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    I told my friend we should make acommitment for thirty days to not say

    one word of criticism to or about our

    spouses. Instead each morning wewould pray and ask what the Lord

    would have us praise our sweethearts


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    After we heard what it was we wouldcall each other and tell each other what

    we were going to tell them. Then later in

    the day we would sit with our wife, holdher hand and tell her what we praised

    her for that day.

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    By the fourth day of our doing this my

    friend and I were both in tears tellingeach other what God had shared with

    us that morning. It brought a sweetness

    into our marriages like nothing had everdone before. For me it became a life

    changer as I began to see the power it

    had not only to help others but to

    change my heart towards others.

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    I began to practice it in all therelationships in my life. To this very day

    I purposefully pray to ask God who He

    would like me to praise and what I amto tell them. I seek to do that for several

    people a day. The results have been

    nothing less than amazing through theyears since I began this practice.

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    It has become one of those life

    changing principles that God has givenme to help me and others actually do

    what God says to do in a very practical

    way. And I have seen that who everdoes it the same wonderful results


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    Today I would like to share what in the

    depth of my heart I believe about Gods

    heart for women. I believe it to be based

    on an accurate reading of scripture.

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    The Bible tells us to praise women for

    what God praises them for.

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    God intentional created the

    first woman in a way to createpraise for her in the heart of

    the first man and for allwomen in the heart of

    humanity since.

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    Genesis 2:18

    Then the LORD Godsaid, "It is not good for

    the man to be alone; Iwill make him a helper

    suitable for him.

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    Genesis 2:19

    Out of the ground the LORD Godformed every beast of the field

    and every bird of the sky, and

    brought them to the man to seewhat he would call them; and

    whatever the man called a living

    creature, that was its name.

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    Genesis 2:20

    The man gave names to allthe cattle, and to the birds

    of the sky, and to everybeast of the field, but for

    Adam there was not found

    a helper suitable for him.

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    Genesis 2:21

    So the LORD God caused adeep sleep to fall upon the

    man, and he slept; then Hetook one of his ribs and

    closed up the flesh at that


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    Genesis 2:22

    The LORD God fashionedinto a woman the rib which

    He had taken from theman, and brought her to

    the man.

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    Genesis 2:23

    The man said, This is now bone of my

    bones, And flesh of my flesh;She shall be called Woman,

    Because she was taken out

    of Man.

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    Genesis 2:24

    For this reason a man shallleave his father and his

    mother, and be joined to his

    wife; and they shall become

    one flesh.

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    Genesis 3:20

    Now the man called hiswife's name Eve,

    because she was themother of all the living.

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    Notice the care God takes to unfold the

    drama of Eves creation. You can feel

    the awakening of a desperate need

    within the man he created as God

    spoke that it was not good for him to be

    alone. It is said of all the things he did

    up to that point, it was good. Now he

    exclaims, It is not good. And herewe begin to see His purpose in letting a

    void be in the mans heart.

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    I believe God created an Eve shaped

    hole in Adam. Before he met her he

    was longing for something but not sure

    what. In Gods typical fashion He let

    Adam see all the animals who shared

    animate life with him. He had them

    name each one he brought to him. But

    as they passed by one by one itbecame more clear with each new

    name given that none met the heart

    need he longed for.

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    I can just imagine Gods delight as he

    saw Adam growing more and more

    concerned. I can almost see him

    laughing to himself and thinking just

    wait to see what I have for you! You

    have no idea how wonderful she will be.

    I want you to appreciate her when she

    shows up. I want you to alwaysremember a universe without her so

    when you have her you will always be

    grateful for her!

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    Finally all the animals had been named.

    All the potential candidates for curing

    the mans aloneness had been

    considered but for Adam none was

    found as a suitable one who was his

    opposite called alongside him to help

    him thats the literal translation of

    who God said Eve was.

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    So that was it. The longing in his heart

    could not be met in anything on the

    planet. One thing we must always

    remember when we sing that we need

    none but Jesus.. on one level that is

    absolutely true but on another we

    desperately need each other as well.

    And this was purposefully designed byGod in us.

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    This need was placed in humanity

    before sin ever entered the world.

    Adams fellowship with God was


    God created Adam with a need that not

    even He would meet. The only thing

    that could meet the need in Adamsheart was the woman that at that

    moment only existed in Gods creative


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    So one of the first things women can be

    praised for is that each of them are

    created to be a woman. Just as God

    created Eve intentionally, specifically, in

    every aspect of her being, physically,

    emotionally, intellectually and spiritually

    to be a woman so He has done with

    every woman since.

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    I have always been sure that the timing

    of Gods creation was intentional. He

    could have created Eve at the same

    time as Adam. As I said before I believe

    the timing was purposeful in Adam to

    bring forth praise from his lips when he

    finally saw her. And he did just that! The

    Hebrew literally says.Here at last bone of my bones

    flesh of my flesh!!!!

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    She is Gods

    greatest work

    of art.

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    But I believe the timing had

    an even greater purpose.

    I believe God saved the bestof his creation for last.

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    Its like watching fireworks in Gibbons

    Park every year. The grand finale is

    awesome. We see some great stuff

    before and we arent sure even if weve

    seen the best yet. But when the end

    really comes we all are amazed.

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    Isnt that the way it is with

    almost everything? Weusually save the very best we

    have to offer in any creativeenterprise until the very last. I

    believe is what God did with


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    Eve was the crowning act of

    Gods creation. She was thefinal glorious display of His

    artistry. Each of Eves

    daughters continue to display

    that glorious creative beauty

    and power to this day and will tothe end of history.

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    She is the prophetic

    display of Gods

    purpose in history.

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    I find an even greater purpose

    in the timing of Eves creationwhich brings praise into my

    heart for all women. I believe

    she and through her every other

    woman, bears in her being a

    prophetic picture a picture ofwhat Gods plan is for all of


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    I believe what God did in the

    seven days of creation mirrorthe story of history. The story

    centers on Eve. I believeevery woman since mirrors

    the same story.

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    I believe the central purpose

    of the creation of the universeand us as male and female is

    that at the end of time God isgoing to take to heaven a

    bride for His Son Jesus.

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    The central drama of history is

    Jesus coming to this brokenplanet to purchase his bride

    with his own life. He, as he

    desires every man to do, fought

    for her, denied himself for her

    and gave his life to gain herheart.

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    Let us rejoice and be glad and give the

    glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb

    has come and His bride has made herselfready. 8 It was given to her to clothe

    herself in fine linen, bright andclean; for

    the fine linen is the righteous acts of thesaints. 9 Then he said to me, Write,

    Blessed are those who are invited to the

    marriage supper of the Lamb. And hesaid to me, These are true words of


    Revelation 19:7-9(NASB)

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    The design expressed in

    the creation of Eve asAdams spouse was


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    Their union was torepresent Jesus

    and His Bride -

    the Church.

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    Ephesians 5:25

    Husbands, love your wives,just as Christ also loved

    the church and gaveHimself up for her,

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    Ephesians 5:26

    so that He might sanctifyher, having cleansed her

    by the washing of waterwith the word,

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    Ephesians 5:27

    that He might present toHimself the church in all her

    glory, having no spot orwrinkle or any such thing;

    but that she would be holy

    and blameless.

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    Ephesians 5:28

    So husbands ought also tolove their own wives as their

    own bodies. He who loveshis own wife loves himself;

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    Ephesians 5:29

    for no one ever hated hisown flesh, but nourishes

    and cherishes it, just asChrist also does the church,

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    Ephesians 5:30

    because we are members of Hisbody. 31 FOR THIS REASON A





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    Ephesians 5:32

    This mystery is great;but I am speaking

    with reference toChrist and the church.

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    The last act ofphysical creation

    was to bring Adam

    his bride Eve.

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    The last act of history

    will be to bring to

    Jesus his bride thechurch.

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    Revelation 21:9b

    Then one of the seven angelswho had the seven bowls full of

    the seven last plagues came

    and spoke with me, saying,"Come here, I will show you the

    bride, the wife of the Lamb.

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    Revelation 21:10

    And he carried me away in theSpirit to a great and high

    mountain, and showed methe holy city, Jerusalem,

    coming down out of heaven

    from God,

  • 7/31/2019 In Praise of Women


    Every woman who has ever lived or will

    ever live bears that prophetic image in

    the core of her being even if she never

    marries. God has chosen women to

    show us the wonderful plan God has for

    the whole of history.

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    In the mystery of Gods

    principle of design God

    choose the woman to

    be the life giver.

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    I once was listening to a

    feminist speaker at UWOand she made thestatement that the onlydifference between awoman and a man was

    the ability to bearchildren.

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    In keeping with the spirit of

    our age she felt this was avery minor point.

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    I immediately thought, That

    difference is so huge that iteffects everything there is

    about our identity.

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    And yet she was very

    wrong in saying that her

    only difference is the

    ability to bear children.

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    It is only in the age of

    disposable relationshipsthat we can fail to see that

    from the dawn of time theunique place God gave

    women in His design.

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    They are LIFE GIVERS, not

    only in the ability to bearchildren but in every aspect

    of their being - spirit, souland body.

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    Eves life giving

    began with her

    relationship with herhusband Adam.

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    Before she was a life

    giver to children she

    was a life giver toAdam.

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    She shared common aspects

    of his creation but thedifferences in her body, soul

    and spirit were centered inher awesome gifting of being

    a life giver.

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    Before she gave life to

    her children she gave

    life to her husband.

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    Genesis 4:1

    Now the man had relationswith his wife Eve, and she

    conceived and gave birth toCain. . . .

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    It has been so ever

    since the first couple

    held each other in thewonder of Eros.

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    And so the mysteryof Gods design is


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    The mystery ofmutual dependence

    and mutual lovebringing forth life.

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    1 Corinthians 11:11

    However, in the Lord, neither iswoman independent of man, nor

    is man independent of woman.12 For as the woman originates

    from the man, so also the man

    {has his birth} through thewoman; and all things originate

    from God.

    A P l St k t i th

  • 7/31/2019 In Praise of Women


    As Paul Stookey wrote in the

    Marriage Song,Woman draws her life from

    man and gives it backagain, and there is love.

    B f h d d t th

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    Before she responded to the

    first helpless cry from theheart of her baby, she

    responded to the cry of herhusbands heart for one to

    share his life with.

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    Malachi 2:14

    . . . she is your companion, the wife of

    your marriage vows. 15 Didn't God

    make you one? Your flesh and spirit

    belong to him. And what does thesame God look for but godly


    (Gods Word Translation)

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    Our mothers womb

    was not the only placeshe was a life giver to


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    Again we see Gods design for

    life giving in a womans body.Her body is the source of life

    giving nourishment in those

    first moments of our lives.

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    One of the great tragedies of

    Hudson Taylors life was the lossnot only of his wife Maria shortly

    after she gave birth, but also of

    his infant son. That son died

    only because he had no mother

    to nurse him.

    Th l th th

  • 7/31/2019 In Praise of Women


    The love, the presence, the

    provision and the protectionan infant has from his nursing

    mother is used as one of themost powerful biblical

    symbols of Gods love for us.

    Isaiah 49:15

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    Isaiah 49:15

    "Can a woman forget her nursing

    child And have no compassion

    on the son of her womb? Even

    these may forget, but I will notforget you.

    F b d th l h i l

  • 7/31/2019 In Praise of Women


    Far beyond the early physical

    dependency we have on our mothers

    her influence will mark our lives

    indelibly. If she fulfills her mandate from

    God we will be given the best beginning

    we could possibly have.

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    The nurture, training and

    protection a good mothergives out of her love for

    us could never bepurchased.....

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    But even if she was not

    the best of moms wecan never repay what

    was given to usthrough her.

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    Because each one

    of our days

    are a gift from

    God through her.

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    By giving us lifeshe gave us a

    chance to know

    and belong toGod.

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    The most important life

    giving role in human

    history was Mary givingbirth to Jesus.

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    Had there been

    no womb toreceive Him....

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    Had there been noone to nurse him....

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    Had there been noone to care for him

    as only his mother


    W ld t b

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    We would not be

    sons and

    daughters of Godtoday.

    G l ti 4 4

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    Galatians 4:4

    But when the fullness of the timecame, God sent forth His Son,

    born of a woman, born under the

    Law, 5 so that He might redeemthose who were under the Law,

    that we might receive the adoptionas sons.

    I th if

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    In the same way if our

    mothers had not chosento have us we would

    have never known thejoy of our relationship we

    have with God today.

    She gave us the greatest

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    She gave us the greatest

    gift given beside whatJesus himself gave. She

    gave us the chance tolive and in doing so the

    chance to find a lifegivingrelationship with God.

    Now some Perhaps

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    Now some. Perhaps

    many of you listeningtoday have been feeling

    uncomfortable with thethings I have been


    Some of you may feel that

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    Some of you may feel that

    there are only a fewwomen that you could

    whole heartedly praise.

    Others of you may be

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    Others of you may be

    remembering ancientwounds inflicted on you

    by one or many of thedaughters of Eve.

    Some may even be feeling

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    Some may even be feeling

    shame, regret orcondemnation as you are

    tempted to hear thismessage as a plumb line

    you must measure up to.

    I know from my own

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    I know from my own

    journey of seeking to bethe man God wants me

    to be that I must haveJesus in my life before I

    can be anything he maywant me to be.

    But I also know that we

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    But I also know that we

    can help each otherbecome what God

    intends when we valueeach other as God does.

    When we see each other

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    When we see each other

    as God sees us.

    When we encourage each

    other as God desires.

    When we commit to each

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    When we commit to each

    other in love the way Hecommits to us in love.

    When we commit to each

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    When we commit to each

    other in love the way Hecommits to us in love.

    Prayer Points:

    Th t ll ld h G d i i Hi ti f

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    That we all would honor Gods image in His creation of women.

    That we would praise the women in our lives for what God

    praises them for.

    If we have wounds from women we would forgive those who

    have not lived up to Gods desire for them.

    If , as women, we have wounds from men not fulfilling their role

    in our lives we would forgive them.

    That we, as men, would love, honor and respect all women

    especially those we have a closer relationship with.

    That God would capture hearts of women who are trapped in

    bitterness by using us to show his love for them and the valueHe holds them in.

    That we would honor our mother no matter what she was like