Download - In October It Began - A love story

  • 8/12/2019 In October It Began - A love story


    In October it began, in Oktober well go!!

    It all began in October. That year particularly wasnt his favorite year. I suppose this happens with the

    best of us, meeting and getting to know someone just rings a bell, it tells youMan!! Do not ever, ever

    let this person go. Well, in his case a hooter was sounded, since Im writing this just for you, an engineer,

    I wouldnt get into explaining what a hooter is.

    Theyd been planning this for the last 7 months; finally October the 1st was about to come. Its the day

    when theyre to go on a voyage, an expedition, trip of a lifetime (which would later turn out to be the

    first of many).

    But little did the nave you knew that a lot was going on parallel to what you thought was. The flight was

    booked, a car rented, a small girl child bribed, it was perfection. Then came the twist, selecting what

    would be the first ring that Motoo (the guy's nickname) had to put in his loves beautiful finger, only he

    knows how hard choosing the one finger would be. Lets get back to selecting the ring. It was going to be

    hard, hard considering how much he cared, how much he loved her, how much he wanted to make

    every bit of it special, that day.

    To choose that ring he roamed the streets, malls, shops, jewelers all in vain. Then one fine day he

    entered a jeweler shop, and saw that ring, THE ring he felt was hers to wear. It was made of Motoonium

    (it is the Latin name for the rarest metal Rhenium, atomic number 75, now you do the math.)

    At last he had it all, yet he felt he didnt. After much introspection, he knew what was missing, the love

    of his life. He had to get her, and get her fast because she is everything anyone would want to be with.

    The 30th of September went by too slow, killing him from the inside, bit by bit, second by second. That

    day was horrendously boring. Im giving too much information it seems. Anyways, as excited as he was

    to be with her, he told her that hed leave from his place in about 3 hours when he had already boarded

    it and left for Mumbai.

    The sea breeze in the morning was a feeling he missed, it had been a year since he felt the cool breezeflowing. Gazing at the horizon, he waited for the car hed rented. A black colored Jaguar stopped in front

    of him, he looked at it just stood there, stood there not because he was amazed at seeing the Jag, but

    because he imagined what youd feel when you see him driving that very car. On finishing the

    formalities he calls you up and says Baby, hi. Where are you right now? Upon hearing thatyoure

    nearby the Matunga Station, he calls you there asking if you could collect a package from a friend that is

    to be taken to Switzerland.

    You reach there, wondering when the friend would come, or give a call. The hair youd tied up so

    beautifully are pulled from the back, you immediately think your Motoo is here. To your dismay, it is a

    girl, a child holding a bouquet of red roses with a card on it, that says some things about love but very

    strategically written so you keep your eyes on the card and not the road that youre standing by. Just

    then a black colored Jaguar rolls in front and the door to the front seat opens.

    You sense something was nearing and you looked up to see your Motoo sitting there, driving the much

    loved Jag of your dreams. You keep staring at him, maybe the car even, but he isnt jealous about that.

    You cant take your eyes off all that is happening, hard to process, thinking Motoo was to come 3 hours

    later, where did he get this Jag from, and so on. As all such questions were sprinting in your head, a set

    of sounds awaken you from the mystic land you got yourself into. You realize the fact that it is Motoo

    indeed and sit with him in the car.

  • 8/12/2019 In October It Began - A love story


    He surprisingly knows the way and takes you to a kind of a hill youd never thought existed in the

    Mumbai suburbs. All that while you didnt speak a word; you were totally startled by his sudden

    appearance in a way youd never dreamt of.

    There he is sitting in front of you, his eyes fixated on the beautiful you, those lines perfectly shaping

    your even more gorgeous face, the lips perfect as you, the eyes as deep as the heart you possess. It all

    seemed so heavenly to him. He at point thought theres nothing this world could ever give him thatd be

    equivalent to being with you.

    With that still in mind, he got off the car, opened the boot and started doing something leaving you for a

    minute to breathe in all that happened. You immediately remember what he said while he was getting

    outCall home and tell them this could take a while. You did that and resumed staring into the city


    Just as you were so gracefully doing that, Motoo knocked the door on your side and asked you to step

    out, held the door for you while you did and showed you the way. You had just reached the back of the

    car when you saw what was there, and theres nothing you could have done to stop the Aww from

    coming out in the most beautiful voice hed ever hear.

    He pulls the chair for you and lets you sit, he places dinner on the table and all youre doing is staring at

    him. He looks into your magnificent eyes every now and then and says that he loves you, pours the drink

    and sits right opposite. He just needs a gazillion minutes to adore the beauty, the awesomeness that is


    He stands up, looks in your eyes the whole way and then blinks them one single time. He sits on his knee

    and taking motivation from that Whoa expression on your face, he begins, begins telling what could

    possibly take a lifetime to tell, tell you the lengths, breadths, depths that his love for originates and

    extends to. With that he asks you the only question hed planned to ask you tonight Would you, Ms.

    Love of my life, the most beautiful, smartest, intelligent, adorable, sweet and considerate girl ever, liketo spend the rest of eternity with me?

    She cries of happiness.

    The beginning.