Download - in Jesus Christ you heal the sick and mend the broken. · 2018-02-02 · Gracious God, source of all healing, in Jesus Christ you heal the sick and mend the broken. * North Presbyterian

Page 1: in Jesus Christ you heal the sick and mend the broken. · 2018-02-02 · Gracious God, source of all healing, in Jesus Christ you heal the sick and mend the broken. * North Presbyterian

Gracious God, source of all healing,

in Jesus Christ you heal the sick

and mend the broken. *

North Presbyterian Church 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 4, 2018 10:00 a.m.

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Prelude Aria Peek

Greeting, Welcome, and Opportunities for Discipleship Welcome to our guests and visitors! As a church of hospitality we invite you, if you feel comfortable, to introduce yourself at this time. We are glad you are here. We hope you will fill out the welcome pad (found in the pew holder—10:00 service) to help us get acquainted. We also invite you to join us in the Dickinson Room for coffee hour following worship. Everyone—please silence your cell phones.

Choral Introit Come to Worship Leaf

Call to Worship Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. God consoles us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to console those who are in any affliction. For just as the sufferings of Christ are abundant for us, so also our consolation is abundant through Christ.

*Hymn 796 We Come to You for Healing, Lord (During the singing of the hymn, please pass Joys & Concerns to center aisle.)

Call to Confession Jesus said: Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.

For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Friends in Christ….Let us confess to God whatever has wounded us or brought injury to others, that we may receive mercy and become for each other ministers of God’s grace.

Observe a period of silence for examination of conscience

Prayer of Confession Eternal God, in whom we live and move and have our being, your face is hidden from us by our sins, and we forget your mercy in the blindness of our hearts. Cleanse us from all our offenses and deliver us from proud thoughts and vain desires. In reverence and humility may we draw near to you,

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confessing our faults, confiding in your grace, and finding in your our refuge and our strength; through Jesus Christ your Son. Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. Friends, hear the good news! God loves us. God forgives us. May the God of mercy, who forgives us all our sins, strengthen us in all goodness and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep us in eternal life. Amen


*Passing of the Peace Having received Christ’s peace, let us share it by turning to our neighbors and greeting them, saying “May the peace of Christ be with you!”

Children’s Time (After Children’s Time, children 4 yrs. old through 8th grade may go to Sunday school in the north basement.)


Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Reading: Mark 1:35-45 p.35

Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Thanks be to God.

Sermon “Jesus the Healer” Rev. William Hennessy

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*Hymn 793 O Christ, the Healer

Offering Offertory: There Is a Balm in Gilead Spiritual arr. Carter

Intercession for Healing

God, our creator, your will for us and for all your people is health and salvation: Have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, Son of God, you came that we might have life and have it in abundance: Have mercy on us. Holy Spirit, your dwelling within us makes us temples of your presence: Have mercy on us. To the triune God, the source of all love and all life, let us offer our prayers. For all who are in need of healing…(Silence)…Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. For all who are disabled by injury or illness…(Silence)…Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. For all who struggle with addiction and for their families and friend…(Silence)… Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. For all who live with mental illness and for their families and friends…(Silence)… Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. For all who are troubled by confusion or pain…(Silence)…Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. For those who are afflicted by the violence of poverty and war…(Silence)… Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. For these and every other concern for healing...(Silence)…Lord, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. Into your hands, O God, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

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Prayer for Healing and the Lord’s Prayer

Gracious God, source of all healing, in Jesus Christ you heal the sick and mend the broken. We bless you for this oil pressed from the fruits of the earth, given to us as a sign of healing and forgiveness and of the fullness of life you give. By your Spirit, come upon all who are anointed with this oil, that they may receive your healing touch and be made whole, to the glory of Jesus Christ our Redeemer. As our Savior Christ has taught us, we now pray:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

All who desire to receive the laying on of hands and/or anointing with oil for healing are invited to come forward at this time while the choir sings.


*Hymn 541 (vs. 1 & 2) God Be with You Till We Meet Again


*Congregational Amen Hymn 568

*Postlude Postlude on “Ye Banks and Braes” Carter

*Those who are able, please stand. *Cover: image from and digitally altered by Cynthia Machamer

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Sunday School Schedule (10a.m.)

Sunday, February 4th: Sunday school

Sunday, February 11th: Sunday school

Sunday, February 18th: Sunday school

Sunday, February 25th: Sunday school

Children’s Choir Rehearsals (11 a.m.)

Sunday, February 4

Sunday, February 11th:

Sunday, February 18th:

Sunday, February 25th: (NO REHEARSAL)

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Calendar of Events/300 North Forest Road Sunday, February 4

8:30am Worship/Chapel

9:15 Bible study/RC

10:00am Worship/Sanctuary

Sunday school/NB

11:00 Children’s & Youth Choir


11:15 Adult Ed./Lib.

11:30 InerG lunch & rehearsal/WH

2:00pm Confirmation/Lib.

Monday, Feb. 5

10:15-11:00am Chair yoga/WH

4:15pm Worship Comm./choir room

7pm Session/WH

Wednesday, February 7

10:15am Chair yoga/WH

Thursday, February 8

6:30pm Handbells/s151

7:30 Adult choir/choir room

Sunday, February 11

8:30am Worship/Chapel

9:15 Bible study/RC

10:00 Worship/Sanctuary

11:00 Children’s & Youth Choir


11:15 Adult Ed./Lib.

Monday, February 12

10:15-11:00am Chair yoga/WH

11:00 Pastoral Care/Lib.

1:00pm Property Mtg./Lib.

7 Session/WH

Tuesday, February 13

1:00pm Martha Circle/Lib.

Adult Ed. Comm. Mtg./Lib.

Ash Wednesday, February 14

10:00am-8pm EGA/WH

10:15am NO Chair yoga

Thursday, February 15

6:30pm Handbells/s151

7-8:30 Girl Scouts

7:30 Adult choir/choir room

Sunday, February 18

8:30am Worship/Chapel

9:15 Bible study/RC

10:00 Worship/Sanctuary

Sunday school

11:00 Children’s & Youth Choir


11:15 Adult Ed./Lib.

2:00 Confirmation/Lib.

Want to see more calendar events? Go to

and-north-star/. If you see an error or want to add

an event, please e-mail [email protected].

EGA—Embroidery Guild

DR—Dickinson Room

FJC—Family Justice Center

FONP—Friends of Night People


LE3—Before and After School Program


NB—north basement


RC—Resource Center

SB—south basement

WH—Westminster Ha

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The adult forum in the library will carry on with two more Thoughtful Christian Bible studies.

Again, these are stand-alone discussions: grab your cup of coffee and come along once or

twice if the topic tickles your curiosity. TODAY we will look at the writings called Apocryphal

or Deutero-Canonical, those that are part of Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Episcopalian

Bibles but not the Jewish or Protestant canon. They give us important clues to the two

centuries before Jesus, a period that historian Philip Jenkins calls the “Crucible of Faith.” This

was a turbulent time when Jews experienced globalization and grappled with Greek and

Persian ideas and concepts that once seemed bizarre, like “apocalypse” and a hierarchy of

angels and demons were normalized and were then passed on to Christianity and Islam.

On FEBRUARY 11 we will read and discuss one of the most engaging of the Apocryphal

books, the short story of Tobias and his marriage to Sarah, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Beautiful Sarah was falsely accused of killing her first seven bridegrooms on their wedding

night(s). It is a quest narrative, worthy of Tolkien’s Middle-earth, with some characters who

are angels and demons.


“InerG” provides special music once a month during the 10:00 a.m. service, led by music

assistant Kurt Ebsary. We are musicians (vocal and instrumental of all skill levels) ranging in

age from 8th grade through adult who want to experience the joy of creation and praise

through music. The ensemble practices once a month for an hour and performs one Sunday a

month. Join us today at 11:30 a.m., in Westminster Hall, for lunch and rehearsal, and then on

Sunday, Feb. 11, to sing in the 10:00 a.m. service, if you are available.


This study happens weekly at 9:15 a.m. We will study the Sunday lectionary. The study leaders

are volunteers.

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Today is the first day of children’s & youth choir rehearsal for children in grades 1-8. We look

forward to seeing familiar faces—and welcoming new ones! Rehearsal takes place in the

south basement. If you have questions please see director Alanna Carlins or email her at

[email protected]. Rehearsal begins after the 10 a.m. worship service and ends at

noon. The other rehearsal dates in February are the 11th and 18th. (There is no rehearsal on

2/25.) The children are preparing new music and will be singing in worship on Palm Sunday,

March 25. Rehearsal dates in March are the 4th, 11th, and 18th.


The deadline for the March, April, May issue of the church e-newsletter is February 15. If you

have news you would like to share, please email [email protected].

We are starting a new column in the newsletter titled “Our True North” to help us stay in

touch with each other. Please share your good news—babies, marriages, moves, retirement,

etc.—and sorrows, if you wish, with the church office, and we will share your news with the

church family so we can pray for each other. As Ephesians 6:18 says, “Pray in the Spirit at all

times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in

supplications for all the saints.”


The Family Justice Center’s pantry shelves are getting empty. The following items are needed

for our clients who need food for their families.

Pasta Sauce



Vegetables – corn and green beans

Canned fruit

Pork and Beans

Granola Bars and other snacks

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Please leave your contributions in the box labeled FJC. Thank you for your assistance and

ongoing commitment to the Family Justice Center.


Please note there is no Sarah Circle in February.


The food pantry at University Presbyterian Church is in need of kidney beans, pork and beans,

cereal, and soups. “Standard” sizes are preferred; most households served by the food pantry

consist of one to three people. If you have extra 2018 calendars you would like to donate,

those will be distributed as well. Contributions from North are greatly appreciated.


“Happiness is contagious” especially when you’re doing chair yoga at North Church! We will

be meeting every Monday and Wednesday in February (except Wednesday, Feb. 14), from

10:15-11:00 a.m. in Westminster Hall. Donations are welcome and some insurances accepted.

Everyone is invited! Questions? E-mail [email protected].


February 21 at 10:00 a.m.: A Hologram for the King by Dave Eggers

February 28 at 1:00 p.m.: The Shoemaker’s Wife by Adriana Trigiani

March 28 at 1:00 p.m.: Vanishing Act by Thomas Perry


Tuesday, February 27, from 6:30-8:00 p.m.

North Presbyterian Church, 168 Payne Ave., North Tonawanda

Collaborations with other churches and organizations, what is and what is hoped for.

We’ll gather for a meal, worship and discussion of collaborations. Our meal will be a

potluck/pizza mix. Bring a dish to share or throw a few dollars in the pot for pizza. (Either

way, we’d like to know who is planning to attend and whether you’re bringing a dish or

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eating pizza.) Please respond by Feb 23 to Mary Beth Karr [email protected] or (716-870-

6276). Branch meetings provide opportunities for churches in four regions of the Presbytery

to connect. By interacting in these non-business meetings, lay people and clergy can get to

know one another better. Ultimately, we can nurture one another and our churches.


Join us for Lenten soup suppers in Westminster Hall. Enjoy homemade soup, fresh bread,

salad, and a dessert for $5/person. Children eat free. The study is titled "Eclipsing Empire:

Paul, Rome, and the Kingdom of God." Pastor Hennessy will lead the discussion after this

DVD study that retraces Paul's footsteps throughout the Roman Empire. The study explores

fresh insights into Paul's message of the Kingdom of God, its challenge to Roman imperial

theology, and the apostle's radical relevance for today. If you plan on coming, please call

716.632.1330 or email [email protected]. We want to be sure to have enough soup!


A rabbi and a minister walk into a conversation…Rev. Bill Hennessy and Rabbi Alex Lazarus-

Klein of Congregation Shir Shalom invite you to a conversation about what brings Christianity

and Judaism together and what tears us apart. How does the very language we use get in the

way of understanding one's faith? Join them on two Wednesdays at North—March 7 and

14—and two Wednesdays at Congregation Shir Shalom—March 21 and 28. These

conversations all begin at 10:30 a.m.


North Church is grateful for the generosity of Families of FANA--a local support network of

more than 400 families who have completed or are in the process of completing an adoption

through FANA--for its recent $1000 gift to our Dress a Girl group! FANA's generosity allows

us to fund the work of sewing dresses and dolls for girls in third world countries for a year.

Thank you! We have been blessed to have FANA at North Church for several years, as they

have held their summer camps at the church. Read more at

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Everyone is invited to a breakfast presentation at Amherst Presbyterian Church, 151 Youngs

Rd., Williamsville, on Saturday, February 17, from 8-10 a.m. Speaker will be Don Duggan-Haas,

the Director of Teacher Programs at the Paleontological Research Institution and its Museum

of the Earth & Cayuga Nature Center in Ithaca, NY. Don’s focus will be on climate change.

We’ll discuss the perils and promise of apocalyptic talk, look into the role of moral framing in

the discussion of climate change, and share rules of thumb for discussing controversial issues

more broadly. We’ll also discuss the underlying science of climate change. Don has a B.A. in

physics, an M.S. in Earth Science Education, and a Ph.D. in Curriculum, Teaching and

Educational Policy with a focus on Science Education. Don grew up in Clarence Presbyterian

Church. Cost is $5/per person and includes a light breakfast. Sign up by calling North Church

office at 632-1330 or in the church office.


Three current students of Dr. Judy Congdon, professor of organ at Houghton College, will

present a recital on Saturday, February 10 at noon at St. Joseph Cathedral, 50 Franklin St.,

Buffalo. This free event is sponsored by the Buffalo Chapter of the American Guild of

Organists. There is ample free cathedral parking in the lot behind the police station at

Franklin & Church streets. Jonathan Denham, a junior majoring in organ performance and

international development, will perform Bach's A-minor Prelude and Fugue (BWV 543), as well

as selections from Mendelssohn's 4th Sonata. Jeffrey Hanson, a senior composition major and

relative beginner on organ, will play two of his own compositions. Jennifer Ross, a senior

organ performance major, will be playing Bach's Fantasy in G minor (BWV 542), Messiaen's Le

banquete celeste, and Mendelssohn's 6th Sonata.

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Mission Statement

Brought together by our shared faith in

Jesus Christ,

Called by God to live as faithful disciples,

Blessed by our diverse gifts and experiences,

We commit ourselves to:

Worship together,

Teach and learn from one another,

Nurture each other with care and love, and

Reach out in ministry and mission to

the world.


Minister: The Rev. William Hennessy Coordinator: Mitch Roemer

Pianist/Organist: Marlene Harrington Counters: Linda Gowans, Sheridan Skura

Lock-up: Chris D’Angelo Greeters: The Hutton Family

Liturgist (10:00): Linda Schifferle Ushers (8:30): Louise Cooper, Irene Harbison

Ushers (10:00): Mary Beth Karr & Joe Alber; Nursery: Kira Khayat

Amy & Gary Nelson Acolytes (10:00): Charlie & Henry Hutton

Visitors—You are important to us. Please fill out a visitor card and put it in the offering plate

if you wish to be contacted. You may also approach an usher—likely wearing a yellow ribbon

today—to find out more about North Church.


Pastor/Head of Staff: The Rev. William T. Hennessy Coordinator of Sacred Arts: Olivia Ebsary

Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Machamer Bookkeeper: Karen Thomas

Facilities Coordinator: Mike Callaghan Childcare Supervisor: Regina Koteras

Director of Music, Organist: Marlene Harrington Webmaster: Tara Martin

Director of Music, Children & Youth: Alanna Carlins Musical Assistant: Kurt Ebsary

Youth Director, Northtowns: Mack Barker

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Elders (Session)

Clerk of Session: Sylvia Bigler

Class of 2018

Joe Alber

Ralph Doerzbacher

Bill Ervin

Class of 2019

Bill Clark

Sue D’Angelo

Shevaun Donelli O’Connell

Scott Marshall

Marsha Villano

Class of 2020

Anselm George

Warren Marcus

Rob Powell

Class of 2021

Joe Alber

Mary Atwood

Ralph Doerzbacher

Debbie Hutton

Marty Shafer


Moderator: Glenn Hopkins

Class of 2018

Glenn Hopkins

Shirley Mazourek

Garry Ostermeier

Pam Ostermeier

Class of 2019

Karen Hopkins

Connie Littlewood

Sheridan Skura

Carol Suckow

Class of 2020

Kerri Bigler

Olivia Ebsary

Heather Randall

Class of 2021

Chris Gunther

Glenn Hopkins

Garry Ostermeier

Pam Ostermeier

Karen Roesser