Download - In Harmony!€¦ · In Harmony! February 2018 A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies

Page 1: In Harmony!€¦ · In Harmony! February 2018 A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies

In Harmony!February 2018

A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC

Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies of the body.For diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.

What is Divine Love?• Divine Love is the pure harmonic core of energy within your Being.• The Divine Love within you is directly connected to the Heart and Mind of God.• It is the power to create or change your world according to your heart’s desires.• It is the creative life force within you that allows you to know and understand what Love is.• It can fill every cell in your body with health and vitality.• It transforms your judgments into peace and awareness, your fears into joy and celebration, your powerlessness into empowerment and harmony, and your lack of self-worth into perceptions of value, honor and Love for yourself and others.

Have you ever wondered - Is the Divine Love within me?Why do I continue to worry or feel frustrated and angry? Why isn’t Divine Love taking better care of me? Why isn’t my life better?Where is peaceful joy and why do I have trouble finding it? Why don’t I feel it all the time?

The answer may be as simple as: You have a choice, to focus on and express Divine Love through your being or

not, each moment of each day. The following attunement may assist you.

If ordering online, notate FREE choices in “customer comments”.

Awaken your Perception and Acceptance of the Divine Love within!

NEW Attunement using Harmonic Liquids - AWAKEN, Intuition, Organization! NEXT PAGE......

Each Harmonic Formula inspires a specific expression of the Divine Love within you!

Harmonic Liquid Formulas - February 2018 SPECIAL!Buy 3 of your choice (same size) and choose 1 FREE (same size)!!

For more information on these and all other Harmonic Products and to order,call 800-243-6156 or 715-355-8515. Order online at

Page 2: In Harmony!€¦ · In Harmony! February 2018 A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies

NEW Attunement using Harmonic Liquids - AWAKEN, Intuition, Organization!Put 5 drops each of AWAKEN, Intuition, Organization in a large glass of purified water and take a drink. Breathe deeply. Allow yourself to Awaken your Original Blueprint, your Inner Knowing and your Divine Purpose.

• Amplify a full spectrum of the Divine Love Within. Awaken to your Divine Essence.Take another drink and focus on Harmonizing:- Disconnection from your true self, your true identity, the Divine Love withinTo Energetically Assist and Inspire your:- Core Essence- Conscious awareness- Spiritual connection- Self-worth- Manifestation - Potential- DNA-RNA connection - Body, Mind and Soul connection

• Reconnect your “brain” with your “inner voice” and Wisdom of the Universe.Take another drink and focus on Harmonizing:- Feeling Scattered, Confused- Brain fog- Doubt and Indecision- Hyperactivity- Mental addictionsTo Energetically Assist and Inspire your:- Divine Wisdom- Alertness, Memory- Perception, Intellect- Meditation, Clarity- Inner guidance- Brainstem, Pineal - Right/Left Brain

• Realign and enhance the precision of the electro-magnetic body.Take another drink and focus on Harmonizing:- Fragmentation, Worry, Debilitation, Defeat- Controlling Energies- Inflammatory ResponseTo Energetically Assist and Inspire your:- Soul Connection- Acceptance of the Divine Love Within- Anti-aging - Innate Healing- Neuro-Muscular system - Cranio-sacral system

Trust and accept, that within you is the power of Divine Love to fill every cell in your body with vitality and healing - to bring forth your passion for life, your inner smile and enhance the Peace within. Finish drinking and DECLARE: I embrace the magnificence of the Divine Love within me and allow it to express its essence through my body, mind and emotions to enhance the full potential of peace, joy and fulfillment in my life.

Awaken your Perception and Acceptance of the Divine Love within!

Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies of the body.For diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional!

Page 3: In Harmony!€¦ · In Harmony! February 2018 A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies

ALL Harmonic Liquid Formulas Through February 2018 - Buy any 3 (same size), get 1 FREE (same size)!

The Divine Harmonic Healing Energies within the body are FREE - you were born with them. However, we live in a society that may not support and may actually diminish the emanation of the Harmonic energy within this Rainbow of Life. Harmonic Liquid Formulas were created to stimulate and assist you in restoring these wonderful energies within and amplify their magnificence.

Order at 800-243-6156 or 715-355-8515 or online at www.harmonicsinternational.comIf ordering online, notate FREE choices in “customer comments”.

INSPIRE - INCREASE - AMPLIFY - the Harmonic Energies of Life within you!PEACE restores peace within your body, mind and emotions, activating the body’s healing intelligence; harmonizing the energies of stress, anxiety, doubt and indecision to calm your being and restore mental focus.JOY rejuvenates the spark of life within your body, mind and emotions - harmonizes disharmonic energies to enhance your inner smile, your level of rejuvenation, wellness and joy - activates the life-force energy and potential of anything it is placed in or on.HARMONY revives your sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in your self and your life, restoring balance in the glandular and cardio-vascular systems and assisting to release chronic patterns of degeneration.CREATIVITY enhances your fire of life and creativity, igniting your vital life energy and rejuvenation.BALANCE stabilizes your emotional body, positive mental attitude - increases “ease” back into your life and reverses the effects of stress - balances mineral/electrolytes - relaxes sore muscles and joints, and promotes emotional stability, peaceful joy, flexibility, self-love and trust.STRENGTH strengthens your connection to the Universal Breath of Life and restores your natural pulses of life within your body - enhances the immune system/viral defense, and promotes relaxation and focus.ACTION realigns your natural patterns of energy - balances energetic distortions, enhancing the flow of vital energy in and around the cells - enhances neuro-transmission throughout the nervous system.CONFIDENCE revitalizes your DNA/RNA connection - revitalizes your life and your magnetic attraction for prosperity - neutralizes the negative effects of chemicals, energetically strengthening your DNA.SECURITY renews serenity in your body, mind and emotions - enhances the energetics of longevity - harmonizes imbalanced energies that support parasites and fungus in the body.DISCERNMENT stimulates your natural recognition system to recognize your truth and that which is in alignment with the Divine Love within - harmonizes despair, doubt, self-condemnation, judgment of others - energetically supports the body’s defense against harmful bacteria, fungus, virus and strengthens immunity.INTUITION awakens you to the Divine Wisdom within, enhancing the energetics of your brain to reconnect your computer brain with your “inner voice” , promoting mental clarity and focused ideas.ORGANIZATION opens your body, mind and emotions to new possibilities as it enhances the order and organization of the electro-magnetic and neuro-muscular systems and helps you accept the Divine Love within.EBONY restores harmonic energy patterns of life - harmonizes and purifies disharmonic energies in the body, substances, devices, etc. - harmonizes the stress of fear and life threatening conditions.OPAL opens and clears the flow of natural energy in all energy systems of the body to assist in harmonizing pain and the stress of degeneration.MANNA restores vitality to repair cellular integrity and damaged tissue - assists the digestive system and connective tissue - harmonizes and releases static, friction and stagnation from stress.AWAKEN awakens and amplifies the full harmonic spectrum of Divine Love in all areas of your life.Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease. For treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.

Page 4: In Harmony!€¦ · In Harmony! February 2018 A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies

From “God, this is a good book!” by Rich WorkThe Emerald Isle

“O gentle soul, why do you cry this day?” “It is because I see my beautiful world so deep in trouble. It is because there is so much disease, so much pain, so much war, so much death. Everywhere I look I see arguments, disagreements, those who are bitter with their neighbors and families. I see no peace.” I came to Earth because I was told this was the Emerald Isle of the Universe. It was here that I would find joy and peace. It was here that I would manifest my heart’s desires. Tell me, O wise one, why have I failed to find that which I have come for?” “O gentle soul, all you seek is here -- and more. Walk with me and together we will look for that which you desire.” “In your despair you have walked with your shoulders bent and your eyes upon the ground. Look up. Have you seen the beauty of the clouds, so active and alive? They are here to serve you, to cocreate with you, to bring you beauty and the nourishing rain that will sustain your body, the grass and trees, the flowers and animals and all life upon this planet. And they do so in joy.” “Look around you at the beautiful flowers of every variety. They have created a display of beauty and fragrance to enhance your life; they are here for you. Have you sat under a magnificent tree and felt its love for you as it provided shade to cool and protect you from the hot afternoon sun? Have you thanked the trees for providing the lumber that built the dwelling in which you live? Your science has long understood that all things in the universe have a consciousness. Become aware as you look around -- be aware that everything your eyes can see has a place in your world. Everything is here to serve and cocreate with you and yes, to provide your lessons.” “Those on your planet have offered some interesting and provocative thoughts:• Do you see the water glass half empty, or half full?• Do you see yourself as the victim or as the master?• Do you view the world in a state of decay or in the process of rebuilding your planet into the Emerald Isle of the Universe? “As you look around, how do you choose to see yourself and your world? Remember, your perception becomes your reality.” I answered, “I truly choose to find peace and joy, but I am only one person. How can I make others change? How can I possibly change the world?” “To make others change -- is impossible. To change the world -- you can. No one person can force change upon another, though many have tried. One can only change oneself, if and when one desires.” “To change the world is to change yourself. Others are unable to give you the peace that you long for. It must come from within you. First you must find the love within you -- it is there. You might have to uncover it by removing the fears, doubts and guilt of old thought patterns to see the beauty that lies beyond. When you stand in the radiance of that love, with shoulders no longer bent, raise your head to see the beauty around you; see the divine creation in all that your eyes behold, the water glass half full and filling to overflowing in an abundance of love; see the master that you are.


Page 5: In Harmony!€¦ · In Harmony! February 2018 A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies

From “God, this is a good book!” by Rich Work -- CONTINUED...See the world in the process of change, with the opportunity to manifest your new world according to your heart’s desires. Avoid looking upon your world as divine love collapsing, but rather as divine love unfolding.” “You have viewed the world as you do because that is what you see within your world, your mind and your body. Look beyond and reclaim all that you are.• Let go of your judgments• Let go of your fears• Reclaim your power• Acknowledge your divinity. “As you do, the energies of love from within you will radiate outward and touch every part of the world you live in. In doing so, you become the example that others will want to emulate.” “If every person in the world were in peace and joy and in harmony with every other person, what kind of world would you have?” “O wise one, what is your name? I asked in awe.” “I am called the Elemental. I am the consciousness of all things upon your Emerald Isle and beyond. I have been waiting for you to come and cocreate with me, to share with me your dreams. Together we will manifest your desires into your reality. It is what you have come for. I have been waiting for you. Shall we begin?”

“God, this is a good book!” NOW through February 2018 --- Only $10.00 (reg. $16.50)!

Order at 800-243-6156, 715-355-8515, or

Within the stillness of Divine Peace, there is always the Breath of Life- the movement of consciousness from one to another -

the fluidity of awareness, inspiration and Divine upliftmentfrom the Heart and Mind of God to you

and from your sacred acknowledgment, back to the Heart and Mind of God,ever expanding the continuing knowledge of the Divinity of Self.

Ann Marie Work - Symmetry of Divine Love

“Breath of Life Harmonic Attunement” by Ann Marie WorkThe Breath of Life Harmonic Attunement is a guided attunement,

teaching you how to reconnect every one of your cells to the Breath of Life.

You were born connected to the natural rhythms of the Earth and the Universe. These rhythms are the synchronistic movement of Divine Love within your being, manifested as the harmonic energies of vitality and rejuvenation. The simplicity of healing lies in the fact that as you reawaken the Breath of Life, you reawaken the body’s natural intelligence

and ability to heal itself. As you move out of suppression and distress into health and harmony, you experience:- Physical regeneration and rejuvenation- Emotional stability and empowerment- Mental clarity and conscious expansion- Awakening understanding and wisdom- A new sense of harmony and joy

“You were created in such a magnificent way, that when you restore the Breath of Life, you awaken the body’s innate ability to heal itself.”

On Sale Feb.’18Only $10 (reg. $18)

Page 6: In Harmony!€¦ · In Harmony! February 2018 A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies

Harmonic Breath of Life RejuvenatorReconnect to the flow of Life Ions within Creation -

the Universal Life Force - the fluid Universal Breath of Life!

Rejuvenate the Breath of Life in your body, mind and emotions.

• Harmonize angular, toxic disharmonic energy back to the fluid ionic wave of positive Life Force energy.• Harmonize irregular wave patterns in neurotransmitters of the brain and nervous system, while restoring and synchronizing the body’s natural pulses and rhythms.• Dismantle disharmonic energy grids of limitation, suppression and disempowerment to restore motivation, upliftment, freedom and empowerment throughout your being.

The respiration of the Breath of Life between you and the Life Force Energy ofDivine Love within Creation may be more important than oxygen itself!

The Breath of Life is the inhale and exhale of “ions of life”, that have been in the Universe since the beginning of time. Scientists and those working with quantum physics are just now discovering this element of life, photon energy, that has not until recently been measured and quantified; but is now believed to be the basis of life itself - the element of vitality and rejuvenation that can explain the power of spiritual healing and wholeness.

2 1/2”x 2 1/2”x 3/8” (square colored engraved acrylic)

Suggested Uses:Personal Rejuvenating Techniques - place the Breath of Life Rejuvenator:

A. Over Heart Center - to transform and harmonize interfering harmful energies while restoring Life Ions in the blood and tissues within the heart.

B. Over a chakra, energy center of the body or acupuncture point – to transform and harmonize disharmonic energetic interference and restore the flow of Life Ions in proper rotation and balance.

C. Over any distressed part of the body – to transform and harmonize energy fields and reduce discomfort.D. To increase the rejuvenation process: place your fingertips on the Rejuvenator while it is placed on the

body. This assists in harmonizing and restoring the energy meridians, increasing the flow of Life Ions throughout your cells and systems throughout the body.

E. In addition, a drop or 2 of a Harmonic Liquid Formula of your choice can be placed on top of the Rejuvenator.

a. Harmonic Opal or Harmonic Peace are always good choices.b. The formula matching the chakra color or energy center is also good.

Examples: Harmonic Intuition on the Rejuvenator over the 3rd eye. Harmonic Harmony on the Rejuvenator over the tailbone.

NOTE: Use as desired but not continually all day or night as this may cause excessive cleansing.

February 2018On Sale - $150.00!

(reg. $249.00)

Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease. For treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.

Page 7: In Harmony!€¦ · In Harmony! February 2018 A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies

Create an ever-expanding “Photon Fountain” of harmonizing Life Ions for your body, home and environment with the

Harmonic Breath of Life Rejuvenator!Now On Sale through February 2018 - Only $150.00!! (reg. $249)

Call 715-355-8515 or visit for more info and to order!

Environmental RejuvenatingUse the four columns of the Environmental Harmonizer plus the Breath of Life Rejuvenator:

Place the four columns of the Environmental Harmonizer together with a logo facing outward in each direction. Band together. Then place the Breath of Life Rejuvenator on top. The harmonizers create a vortex of energy to encompass your home and carry the Life Ions and harmonizing energies of the Breath of Life Rejuvenator throughout your environment. As energies in your environment begin to clear and harmonize, the sphere of Life Ions “Photon Fountain” enlarges. Within a few weeks this sphere may expand to include and cover your home, yard and everything in it - people, pets, plants, water and electrical systems and appliances, etc. At first, you may desire to place this next to your bed at night, to enhance and harmonize your being while you sleep. During the day, move it to the center of your house. You may also desire to add a Harmonic Vitalizer between the Environmental Harmonizer and the Breath of Life Rejuvenator: --- to speed up the process of Harmonizing the destructive foreign angular particles and grids within your energetic bodies which have come from the cyber digital technology, WIFI, ELF, HAARP, chemtrails and Morgellons. See - Vitalizer, for more information.

Personal RejuvenatingUse the Breath of Life Rejuvenator, a set of 4 Environmental Harmonizers and Harmonic Liquids.

Place the Breath of Life Rejuvenator under a chair or massage table on the floor centered underneath you. Place one column of the Harmonizers by each leg with the logos facing inward. Then sit or lay down for 10 to 15 minutes -- just long enough to clear and balance the meridians and chakras. These can also be used during a one-hour massage or healing treatment -- for yourself and others. (May desire to do daily.)In addition, a Harmonic Liquid Formula of your choice can be placed on top of the Rejuvenator. Harmonic Peace or Harmonic Opal are really good choices, however, any one of the Formulas can be used -- read the label on the liquid Formula to determine which qualities you desire to enhance.

Strongest Frequency Wins Everything in our reality vibrates at a frequency. This frequency can be harmonic or disharmonic. Today we live in a world full of disharmonic frequencies – from toxic air, water and soil pollution to toxic vibrational cyber frequencies. Fortunately we still live in a Universe where strongest frequency wins. A harmonic frequency will always transform a disharmonic frequency into a harmonic form. Example:

- drops of Harmonic Peace will transform water back to its original Breath of Life(and you can feel and taste the difference immediately)

- drops of Harmonic Joy will transform chemicals in food and body products(and by placing a few drops in wine or a Soft Drink you can immediately taste the difference)

- and this is true for all of the Harmonic Liquid FormulasHarmonic Liquids - through February 2018 - Buy any 3 (same size), get 1 FREE (same size)!

Call 715-355-8515 or visit for more info and to order!

Harmonic Products do not treat or cure disease. For treatment of medical conditions and disease, contact a health care professional.

Page 8: In Harmony!€¦ · In Harmony! February 2018 A Newsletter by Harmonics International LLC Harmonic Products and Attunements do not treat or cure disease, they enhance the energies

Harmonics International2042 Ryan Rd.Mosinee, WI 54455


Divine Love -is a full spectrum of

harmonic frequency and experience.The Core of your being is apure harmonic expression

of Divine Love.This Harmonic Symphony of Love

is a Living OM within you.It plays its song through your harmonicthoughts, ideas, expressions and actions.

You are an instrument of Divine Love- your body is the Holy Temple

- your mind is the music and- your life is the song.

Symmetry of Divine LoveAnn Marie Work

Visit www.harmonicsinternational.comfor “NEW” Inspirations weekly!

As Rich mentioned in “God, this is a good book!”, “to change the world is to change yourself. As you do, the energies of love from within you will radiate outward and touch every part of the world you live in.”The PERSONAL and PLANETARY “EnLIGHTenment” Harmonic Protocol Attunement may help you with that change.• Assists in clearing the interfering energies sabotaging your ability to be filled with your LIGHT -the embodiment of your Divine Love, the most powerful positive energy within, that brings health and vitality - both physical and emotional.• Assists in integrating your physical body, mind and emotions with your LIGHT body of wisdom, love and the identity of the spirit of your true self.• Assists in allowing you to embrace and fill with the Breath of God and move as one with the Flow of God’s Love. For Instructions visit or call 715-355-8515.