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Narsee Monjee College of Commerce And Economics

Project By

Disha Agarwal 181Bhakti Dave 192

Rajshree Goradia 197Ashish Jain 202Vikram Jain 203

Darshni Valia 239

Subject: Indian Management Thoughts & Practices

Faculty Incharge: Professor B.K.Nair

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Indian Management Thoughts & Practices


“Personality” is a complex multi – dimensional construct and there is no

simple definition of what personality is. However, we can examine

personality in terms of a set of relatively stable characteristics and tendencies

that determine our thoughts, feelings and behaviour and which has some

continuity or consistency over time. The word “personality” has a different

meaning than when used by psychologists.

“Man is made by his beliefs. As he believes, so he is.”

“Personality” is not external appearances or social images but it refers to

organized permanent subjectively perceived entity, which is at the heart of all

experiences, the internal structure of the individual. It is reflected in the

characteristics pattern of behaviour responsive to external stimuli i.e. the way

one affects others and so on.

Human personality develops as a result of the meaningful interaction of the

body, mind and spirit and evolves normally from a lower to a higher state.

(i.e. Tamasic to saatvic).

“Don’t worry about knowing people, make yourself worth knowing.”

In short, we can define “Personality” as the sum total of an individual

consisting: -

i) Physical health

ii) Emotional stability

iii) Intellectual ability

iv) Spiritual connectivity.


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(A) What is Personality according to Indian and Western thoughts?

Humans evolved from apes through the theory of evolution. Thus we still

retain many of the values that apes are seen to observe even today. These

include caring for the young, a sense of respect for elders, being part of a

group etc.

Times have changed, but these core values still remain in all cultures. But

over the last couple of hundred years/human values have changed

dramatically. The institution of a capitalistic society has replaced love and

trust, with profit and lust.

But in spite of these changes, when one looks at the value systems throughout

the world one sees that they teach similar things They are as follows,

1. Love for one’s neighbor and oneself

2. Honesty-Be truthful to oneself and others

3. Justice-Be it "An eye for an Eye" or "corrective" or "preventive"

justice, the aim is to bring the guilty to book

4. Humanity-Helping others of our kind

5. Humility-Being humble

6. Self development-through social betterment


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7. Respect-respect for elders, parents and others

Over a period of time differences are bound to occur in any society in values

and to a greater extent between two cultures.

One of the biggest cultural differences is the amount of freedom that people in

the West enjoy compared in those in the East

This freedom encompasses all spheres of life ranging from religious, political,

social to artistic etc. In the West Freedom of thought and expression is

looked upon as the ideal upon which the modern society is based, while in the

East, people are expected to conform to centuries old customs and traditions.

The capitalistic society has brought about a new way in which we perceive


“Get rich quick and at any cost seems to be the mantra”

This has encouraged a whole generation of people to disregard all rules of

society and carry out practices as long as they are within the law and not

whether are "ethical or not" There is no better example than the corporate

sector where "profits and not people " is the word.

In the East on the other hand Freedom is a gift that hast to be earned and is

not given on a planer? After being earned it is to be used responsibly. There is

concern for people over profits and the Family is still regarded as the

cornerstone off one's life.


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People are warm to strangers and it is hot surprising that "the stranger is

treated like God", (ATITHI DEVO BHAVA) in tune with the cultural values.

Thus one can say that there are two distinct paths, the Eastern and the western

and trying to live both will differ.

These cultures and values are the base on which a person builds his personality and his

character. Epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana, holy books like the Gita, Kuran, Bible

teach an individual the way to life by enriching his personality. Similarly, personalities are

built on these values and cultures. The base on which a personality is built are as follows:

Eastern Culture Western Culture

1) Gives more importance to relations

and contacts

1) More importance is given to

material concepts.

2) Very Conservative society 2) Very open society

3) Demands respect for elders,

teachers etc.

3) Not much concern for elders,

teachers etc.

4) Importance is given to well


4) Concern for profit only

5) No concern-for time, things are

granted and things are done tat c


5) Time is valued, timeliness and

punctuality is excepted as well as


(B) Explain the different determinants of Personality.


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Personality is the sum total of what we are. It reflects our view,

characters, beliefs, attitude, knowledge, and abilities etc. we act/behave/think

in a particular way because that is values ethics and cultures determine to a

very large extent our personality.

An early argument

Personality was the result of heredity or of environment.

Personality appears to be a result of both influences.

Heredity: -The role of heredity in the development of personality is an old argument in

the personality theory. Heredity refers to those factors, which were

determined at conception. Physical stature, facial attractiveness, sex,

temperament, muscle completion and reflexes, energy levels and biological

rhythms are characteristics that are generally considered to be imported either

completely or substantially of an individual’s personality is the molecular

structure of the genes, located in the chromosomes.

The following classification of characteristics is said to be inherited by all


1. Physical structure

2. Reflexes

3. Innate drives

4. Intelligence

5. Temperament

Nevertheless, the role of heredity on personality development cannot be

minimized totally. Physical attributes for instance may be largely attributed to

heredity. Thus heredity plays a very important part in shaping the personality.


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Environment: -

Personality development owes as much to environment as it does to heredity.

Environment is a broad term and includes such factors as culture. The

methods by which an infant is fed and is toilet trained and makes transaction

from adolescence to adulthood are all culturally determined.

While growing the child learns to behave in ways expected by the culture of

the family to which the baby was born. One of those expectations has to do

with sex roles. Most cultures expect different behaviour from males than from

females. The cultural sub-groups exerts its influences on personality.

Although culture has significant influence on personality development, linear

relationship cannot be established between personality and given culture for

two reasons

1. The cultural impacts upon an individual is not uniform because they are

transmitted by certain people, parents and others-who are not at all

alike in their values and practices and

2. The individual has some experience that is unique. Each individual

reacts in his own way to social pressures, difference in behaviour being

caused by biological factors.

A recent comprehensive review of research found that personality is more

affected by environment than any other areas of human functioning but there

are still questions to be answered. Heredity V/S Environment debate is still

alive and no definite conclusions are yet possible.


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(C) What is the contribution of IMTP to personality development?


For the overall development of one’s personality, development of the

following five dimensions is important:

1. Annamaya Kosa (Physical Self)

2. Pranamaya Kosa (Energy Self)

3. Manomaya Kosa (Mental)

4. Gyanamaya Kosa (Intellectual)

5.5. Anandamaya Kosa (Blissful)

Human personality develops as a result of the meaningful interaction of the

body, mind and spirit and evolves normally from a lower to a higher state.

“You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”

Indian Traditional Thoughts contributes towards the development of overall

personality of human being through Yoga & meditation concepts. Indian

thoughts believes that human body is a storeroom of unlimited power, which

has to be awaken through proper awareness & procedure. And, one of such

procedure is through yoga practices.


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Control over mind To concentrate

Practical approach towards life Be more creative

Develop positive attitude Develop rational thinking

To overcome mental &

emotional barrier

To overcome mental stress &


Perfection in every job Look at things from every


Increasing flexibility Long perspective

Decreased anxiety.

Decreased depression.

Decreased irritability and


Improved learning ability and


Increased self-actualization.

Increased feelings of vitality

and rejuvenation.

Increased emotional stability.


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But these enormous benefits are just a “side effect” of this powerful

practice. What yoga does is harmonize the mind with the body and this results

in real quantum benefits. It is now an open secret that the will of the mind has

enabled people to achieve extraordinary physical feats, which proves beyond

doubt the mind and body connection.

Yoga through meditation works remarkably to achieve this harmony and

helps the mind work in sync with the body. How often do we find that we are

unable to perform our activities properly and in a satisfying manner because

of the confusions and conflicts in our mind weigh down heavily upon us?

Moreover, stress which in reality is the #1 killer affecting all parts of our

physical, endocrinal and emotional systems can be corrected through the

wonderful yoga practice of meditation.


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In fact yoga = meditation, because both work together in achieving the

common goal of unity of mind, body and spirit – a state of eternal bliss.

The meditative practices through yoga help in achieving an emotional

balance through detachment. What it means is that meditation creates

conditions, where you are not affected by the happenings around you. This in

turn creates a remarkable calmness and a positive outlook, which also has

tremendous benefits on the physical health of the body.

Having seen this, it is educative to note why the ancient yogis

performed yoga and the interdependence of yoga and meditation. The

ultimate goal of the yogis was “self realization” or “enlightenment”, a

concept, which perhaps is quite esoteric to you and me.

Meditation empowers us to realize our latent capabilities and to use

them constantly so that we may live in peace with ourselves. It helps us

maintain balance, and keep calm in the face of life's challenges. If we

achieve this we have made advancements in our spiritual life.

A person who meditates for two and a half minutes purifying his mind

surpasses one who has done a penance of Fasting for two days. The power of

meditation is infinite because a pure state of mind is worth more than a

thousand years or asceticism.


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(D) Compare & Differentiate between the personality traits of Indian and Japanese managers

A leader of an organization has to develop sensitivity and avoid greed.

Management is concerned with the art of creating wealth. But the problem

lies in the retention and greed for wealth. An organization leader must have a

value system based on the four principles of dharma (cosmic order), artha

(wealth), kama (love) and moksha (liberation). This will help him understand

the multidimensionality of the task at hand as well as the essential human

concern of an organization. Personality traits developed by the managers are

as follows: -

Authoritarianism : The managers are generally known to be rigid, place

high moral value systems.

Achievement Orientation : Managers generally strive to achieve the


Self-Esteem : They have a high self-esteem that help them undertake

challenging jobs.

Straight forward and Simple : They are simple and straightforward and

are flexible enough to adjust to the external environment.

Ability to judge and manipulate people.

Managers are said to be risk takers.


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Tasamic: Living with Values that are

extremely selfish and ego centered,

meant to satisfy individual interests.

The managers believe in group

development and not individual


Here the mangers treat other

employees as subordinates

Japanese managers treat others as

equal, as a part of the family.

Indian managers aim at job


Japanese managers aim at both mind

as well as job enrichment

The Indian managers are

authoritarian. Their decision is the

final one.

Japanese managers combine both

participative and authoritarian ways

of management.

Tempations for unethical means of

work is more as emphasis is more on


Temptations for unethical means is

less as emphasis is more on group



They have respect for all the employees irrespective of their age.

They do not trust the employees soon but once the trust is built, it is life


They are emotional in nature

They are hard-working

They are simple and straightforward.


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Recent studies in management strategies have revealed that profit alone is

not the be-all and end-all of an organization. The strategic direction of

management really pertains to focusing the mind of managers. The

mechanistic framework of an organization and its resources are mere

materials to be manipulated or utilized by the direction of its people's minds.

Those who talk of software, hardware, competitive strategies, learning

organization, or self-organization are really referring to new directions of the

mind. At the same time, they are also referring to a change in focus. By

employing a focused mind, you become aware of new paths. And, finally, this

becomes a natural way of behavior and action for a manager.

Every organization needs to energize its people. In doing so, it converts its

inner strengths and draws within to finally act with boundless energy,

completing tasks without appearing unnecessarily stressed. It binds the inner

and outer strengths of its people and marshals the energy into completing

tasks the natural way. Such an energizing also entails self-mastery and self-


Values are not uniform between individuals or between societies. They differ.

Occasionally an individual/service values may change overnight because of

some traumatic experience. These changes sometimes come out as a process

of evolution, as a result of exposure to new ideas, events or practices

elsewhere. Some of the values are given below.



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The Individual Must Be Respected.

Purification of the Mind- with the noble thoughts of compassion,

friendliness, humility, gratitude.

Work-is-Worship- this can stimulate work-ethic in the healthiest way.

Containment of Greed- whether of tangibles, e.g. money, or


The inspiration to Give: as opposed to the motivation to need, grab, etc,

because giving is more fulfilling, it adds more meaning to work and life


Loyalty to the firm is an extension of the same emotion, which binds a


The need to foster the competitive spirit to get the best out of t/ an

individual is questionable. Why should the law of the jungle, of the

survival of the fittest.

Praise and recognition for the individual need not be the principal

anchor for his or her commitment and dedication.

In all aspects of life they blend power and skill with a feeling for


Fairness in work.


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(E) Explain the concept of holistic development of an individual.

The holistic approach is based on the principle of unity, oneness, non-

dual or Advaita concept: Jiva, Jagat, Jagdish are one. Under The principle of

unity, the universe is an undivided whole where every particle is

interconnected with every other particle and forms a golden chain. Hence,

entire humanity is one.

The only dharma or law of life is the of services to others. ‘I cannot

cheat you without cheating myself’ is a holistic world. The management must

recognize the oneness of Humanity. Respect the divine in all beings. See

yourself in all selves. This is the yoga of the highest order. Let the inner being

or higher consciousness assumes the managerial leader ship to manage and

lead effectively your physical, vital, medical, intellectual entities. Your inner

being is the delegate of the divine.

Such an integrated human personality of self developed manager and

worker can assume best and component management of any enterprise

involving collective works and efforts. The refined or higher consciousness

will adopt holistic attitude. It will bring out the divine in man. It will achieve

perfection or excellence in whatever we do. We shall achieve peace, harmony

and prosperity in our internal world and in our external world simultaneously.

This is the ideal of Indian Ethos

‘Atmao Mokshartham jagat Hitaya Cha’

(For gaining perfection in individual life, as well as for the welfare of the


This is the motto of the Ramakrishna Order founded by Swami



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As Swami Vivekananda says,

“The more we come out and do good to others, the more our hearts will

be purified, and God will be in them.”

Qualities required for development of a personality (Sarvangi Vikas or

Sarvatomukhi Pratibha) are:

1. Atamavishwas (self-confidence): Self-confidence is a must in each and

every individual. “Can do” attitude must be developed in every

individual. Adidas’s recent campaign of ‘Nothing is impossible’ is an

excellent case in point.

2. Anushasan (Discipline): Self Discipline results in protecting ourself

from external forces. Discipline is an art. A man skilled with discipline

knows when to speak and when to keep silent. If he speaks out of turn

he will break relationships; if he always keeps silent he will be taken

for granted.

3. Ahinsa (Non violence): The practice of non-violence is based on the

quality of compassion. When someone tortured Bhagwan Mahaveer, he

would think the man was making him the instrument of his own

disaster. Reflecting thus he would get absorbed in compassion for him

and forget his own misery.

4. Sahas (Daring): An individual must have the daring to face challenges

and accept everything that is new and sudden whether it is a new

thought or a new circumstance.

5. Dhairya (Patience): ‘Slow and Steady wins the race’. The attitude of

“wait” must be developed. Results need not always come quickly. An


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individual should have the patience and must not do things in a hurry,

as it will always lead to some sort of worry.

6. Nischavtmakta (Decisiveness): An individual must have the Nirnaya

Shakti and Nischayatmak Buddhi to make the right and firm decisions.

7. Abhyasu Vrutti (Readiness to learn): Readiness to learn and curiosity

to learn go hand in hand. They help an individual gain knowledge,

resulting in the development of the individual.

8. Satata (Continuity): He must be a constant and consistent learner.

9. Audarya (Generosity): A person must have a big heart and not a

narrow one.

10.Tanmavta (Dedication): He must be completely dedicated and

engrossed in his work.

11.Tyagi (Sacrificing): He must be a Tyagi. He must learn to sacrifice his

personal interests for a cause.

12. Sahanshilta (Tolerance): He must have the quality of tolerating any

human being and any situation.

The other qualities include alertness and awareness, Appreciation,

Compassionate, Sportsman spirit, Perseverance, Straightforwardness and

simplicity and the like.


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Bibliography and References:


1. Finding your spiritual centre – Acharya Mahapragya

(Pages 354-365, 320, 274, 226, 52, 64) – March 2003


2. Management By Values – Chakraborty (Pages 5-9, 19-

20, 23-24) – 1991 Edition

3. Ethics, Indian Ethos & Management – Balachandran, Raja & Nair (Pages 15-16)

4. MMK notes on IMTP




