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IMSC 500 Term PaperSuggested Topics and guidelinesHello all,

Following please find a list of suggested topics. Please choose any of the following topics and write 10+ page research paper. Your paper must follow APA writing style. Please review APA resources that I have provided on the Moodle web site. Guideline for your term paper

Your final Term paper should be at least 10+ pages, double spaced, 12 point. Your complete must comply with APA (American Psychological Association) Writing Style format. Please visit: web site for

more information on APA style of writing for term/research paper . Due Date: No later than Sunday Dec 13

Please submit a soft copy word document(2003 or 2007 only) of your completed term paper to designated area under week 11. Please DO NOT EMAIL YORU FINAL TERM PAPER. YOU must submit a soft copy to the link provided under week 11. Term papers submitted via email WILL NOT BE GRADED. Please let me know if you need any help.Suggested Topics: Choose any of the following topics and compose a 10+ page research paper. Fuzzy Logic. Discuss what is it and identify and discuss some applications in IT.

B2B Applications Software, Strategies and tactics, and how it has improved business process. B2C Application Software, Strategies and tactics, and how it has improved business process.

Medical Software Applications. If you know of any software you can discuss the software and its capabilities. Virtual Reality. Discuss what it is and identify and discuss some applications. Data Warehousing. Discuss what it is, and discuss some applications.

IT Project Management. Discuss reasons for success and failure. IT Project Management Software. If you know of any IT Project Management Software, you may discuss features and how it can help to manage projects. Artificial Intelligent, define what is it and discuss some applications. If you know of any AI software, you may discuss the software capabilities and application area. Data Mining, discuss what is it and describe some business applications.

Expert Systems applications in Medical Science.

Expert Systems applications in business.

Enterprise Resource Planning. Define and discuss some applications. If you know of any ERP software, you may discuss the software capabilities and application areas. Understanding the Impact of Enterprise Systems on Management Decision Making. Discuss how an ERP can improve managerial decision making. Telemedicine: Describe applications, from remote consultation to remote surgery. Benefits, possible problem areas (privacy, errors, loss of personalized care).

Computerized medical record systems. Many large HMOs have implemented computerized patient record systems. Report on one or more such systems, focusing on benefits, privacy risks and protections, how well it is accepted by doctors and staff, and other relevant issues.

The Global Economy What are the roles and impacts of computers and communications technology in the increase of trans-border economic activity (e.g., eBay as a global garage sale; customer service workers in other countries handling U.S. consumer calls; databases to track the origin of a cow with Mad Cow Disease; etc.)? What are the benefits? What are the problems? Is this aspect of increased globalization a good thing for people in the U.S., for people in other countries, for humanity in general?

Electronic commerce Implications for the economy, for privacy, etc. Which industries will benefit? Which will be hurt? How will daily activities be affected? Are there significant social benefits or detriments from electronic commerce? Taxation implications? Censorship of the Internet Some aspect not covered in the text, or study some issue in more detail. Some possibilities: filtering Internet terminals in libraries, control of the Net in other countries. (For historical background on libraries: Louise S. Robbins, Censorship and the American Library: The American Library Association's Response to Threats to Intellectual Freedom, 1939-1969, Greenwood Press, 1996.)

Gender or ethnic issues The Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering web site might have some useful articles for background and ideas for specific projects. There have been several studies of differences in the way men and women use computers. There are many Web sites aimed at women or at specific ethnic minority audiences. You could study the differences and similarities between such sites and the Web in general. Computing and network access in other countriesFor example, how are computers used in rural, poor areas of third world? For example, how do politics restrict access in Vietnam or Middle East or China? Choose one country to study in depth or compare a few.