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Gemeindebrief der Lutherischen Kirche.

Congregational Newsletter of the Lutheran Church.


Jahrgang/ Year 43 November 2014

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of

the fatherless; plead the case of the widow

Isaiah 1:17

Lernt, Gutes zu tun! Sorgt für das Recht! Helft den Unterdrückten!

Verschafft den Waisen Recht, tretet ein für die Witwen!

Jesaja 1,17


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Lernt Gutes zu tun! Sorgt für das Recht! Helft den Unterdrückten!

Verschafft den Waisen Recht, tretet ein für die

Witwen! (Jes. 1, 17)

Diese Aufforderung des Propheten Jesaja steht am Ende

einer langen und harten Rede in der er das Volk Israel im

Namen Gottes anspricht. Das Volk und seine Führer

geben an als ob sie das Gesetz halten, aber ihre Anbetung geschieht nicht

von Herzen und nicht aus Glauben. Das ist für Gott wertlos.

Nun mahnt uns der Prophet Jesaja Gutes zu tun; Sorgt für das Recht und

helft den Unterdrückten.

Wie nahe Jesaja uns jetzt kommt! Ganz persönlich! Wer von uns kann

behaupten, dass bei uns alles stimmet? Behandeln wir unsere

Mitmenschen mit Liebe, sind wir ihm barmherzig und gerecht gegenüber?

Wie sehen wir den Mensch in unser Zeit? Ist unser Auftreten unseren

Mitmenschen gebenüber nicht so, dass wir berechnen welchen Vorteil er

uns persönlich bringen kann und wozu wir ihn gebrauchen können unser

Einkommen, Ansehen und Einfluß zu stärken. Wenn er uns nichts mehr

nützt, dann lassen wir ihn fallen, schreiben ihn ab, er wird isoliert, er

vereinsamt oder wir stecken ihn in ein Altersheim.

Es geht dem Propheten darum wie unser Glaube praktisiert wird.

Christsein ohne Nächstenliebe gibt es nicht. Wenn wir in der Hinsicht mit

Gott leben und seine Liebe erfahren, da entsteht eine neue Beziehung

zwischen uns und unserem Nächsten. So, wie Gott mich annimmt und

liebt und mir hilft, so macht Gott auch mich bereit, meinen Nächsten

anzunehmen, ihn zu lieben und ihm zu helfen. Gottes Liebe und

Nächstenliebe kann man nicht trennen.

Dieser Aufruf des Propheten Jesajas: Lernt Gutes zu tun, sorgt für das

Recht helft den Unterdrückten, verschafft den Waisen Recht, tretet ein für

die Witwen, erinnert uns daran was Gott für uns getan hat und was ich

dann weiter geben kann an meine Mitmenschen. Beten und Handeln

gehört zusammen. Was für Gute Tat wirst du für deinen Nächsten tun?

Mit welcher Haltung begegnest du denen in den kommenden Wochen die

am Rande der Gesellschaft leben?

Siegwald von Fintel

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Learn to live right. See that justice is done. De-

fend widows and orphans and help those in

need.” Jesaiah 1,17

The prophet Jesaiah’s appeal to the Israelites in the

name of God appears at the end of a long and harsh

address to them. The Israelites and their leaders make a show of

keeping God’s law but their worshipping is not sincere and from the

heart. That does not count with God.

Now the prophet admonishes them to do what is right, to see that jus-

tice is done and to help those in need.

What home truths Jsaiah speaks! He might as well be speaking to us

personally because who can pretend that everything one does is in or-

der? Do we treat our neighbour with love and understanding? Are

we kind and fair in our judgement of him? Do we value him for what

he is, or are we calculating what advantages he might bring us, be it

professionally, socially or personally? If he is of no value to us, do

we drop him or write him off so he becomes isolated and lonely or do

we abandon him to an old age home?

The prophet speaks about how one should live ones faith. There is

no such thing as a Christian without neighbourly love. My relation-

ship with God determines my relationship with my neighbour. Just

as God accepts, loves and helps me, must surely lead me to also love,

accept and help my neighbour. It is not possible to separate the two.

The words of Jsaiah: “Learn to live right. See that justice is done.

Defend widows and orphans and help those in need” remind us what

God has done for us and must inspire us to do likewise.

Be proactive in faith. How will you in future treat those who are

sidelined by society?

Siegwald von Fintel

(Translation Ed.Team)

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Profile of the month ENGELA GELDENHUYS

Engela Maria Geldenhuys nee van Zyl was

born on the 2nd November 1950 in Stander-

ton. Her mother was critically ill during this

pregnancy and birth and her father had to

make the very difficult decision whether the

doctor should save the mother or the unborn

child. God took the decision out of his

hands and saved both. Engela was born pre-

maturely and weighed only 2Kg.

She grew up as an only child. Her parents

had a farm between Bethal and Standerton

and she had a strict Christian upbringing

with love and respect for her fellow beings

irrespective of who they are as all people

have feelings and needs.

She attended a small farm school called Mooifontein. Being very athletic her

relay team came first in the Eastern Transvaal interschool championships. She

did equally well as a hockey player at the Standerton High School.

When she was in Standard 8 at the Standerton High School she first met her fu-

ture husband Urbie who did his student teaching there. The year after she

wrote matric she met him again and they fell in love and married.

Although he was a qualified and registered high school teacher he furthered his

studies and qualified in law and practiced as a Magistrate and Advocate.

They had three children, Surina, Naliza and Peru.

In 1992 her busband was transferred to the Pietermaritzburg Court and she to

the Director of Public Prosecutions Office.

Engela and her children went through a sad and difficult time when she lost her

parents within one year and her husband shortly afterwards on the 11th Febru-

ary, 2005. He was 60 years old and died of terminal stomach cancer. It was

during this time that she realized that no matter how difficult life might get,

God will never leave you.

Engela became a member of PADCA Haymakers Hayfields in 2010 and has

been chairperson for the past two years. She is passionate about God and loves

her fellow human beings.

She started attending the Lutheran Church Services from 2013 and is now a

very happy member of this Congregation as she can feel God’s presence and

the love and care of its members.

(Welcome into our Congregation Engela. We are pleased that you feel happy

and welcome in our midst.

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Profil des Monats

Engela Geldenhys

Engela Maria Geldenhys, (van Zyl) wurde am 2.November 1950 in

Standerton geboren. Ihre Mutter war herzleidend während der

Schwangerschaft und Geburt und ihr Vater stand vor dem schweren

Entschluss ob der Arzt die Mutter oder das Kind retten sollte. Doch

Gott fügte es, dass beide gerettet wurden indem Engela als kleine

2Kg schwere Frühgeburt zur Welt kam.

Sie war einziges Kind ihrer Eltern und wuchs auf der elterlichen

Farm auf zwischen Bethal und Standerton. Sie genoss eine chris-

tliche Erziehung in Ehrfurcht vor Gott und in Liebe zu ihren Mit-

menschen. Sie besuchte die Farmschule Mooifontein und später die

höhere Schule in Standerton. Sie war sportlich veranlagt und ihre

Mannschaft gewann den Staffellauf beim “interschool champion-

ships” und auch später auf der höheren Schule spielte sie mit in der

Hockey Mannschaft.

Sie begegnete ihrem zukünftigen Mann Urbie als sie in Standerton in

Standard 8 war. Er war dort “student teacher”. Ein jahr nachdem sie

ihr Matrik gemacht hatte, begegnete sie ihm wieder, sie verliebten

sich und heirateten.

Obwohl ihr Mann ausgebildeter Hochschullehrer war studierte er

auch “Law” und wurde Magistrat und Advokat. Sie haben drei

Kinder, Surina, Naliza und Peru.

1992 wurde ihr Mann nach Pietermaritzburg versetzt ans Gericht und

sie in das Büro des “Directors of Public Prosecutions”.

Der Tod ihrer Eltern innerhalb eines Jahres traf sie und ihre Kinder

schwer zumal auch ihr Mann kurz danach am 11.Februar 2005 an

Magenkrebs im Alter von 60 Jahren starb. In dieser Zeit erfuhr sie

wie sie von Gott getragen wurde. Sie liebt ihren Herren und auch

ihre Mitmenschen.

Engela wurde 2010 Mitglied bei PADCA Haymakers Hayfields und

seit zwei Jahren ist sie dort Vorsitzende.

Seit 2013 besucht sie unsere Gottesdienste und hat sich kürzlich un-

serer Gemeinde angeschlossen. Sie fühlt sich hier wohl in der Ge-

meinde auch unter ihren Mitchristen.

(Herzlich willkommen bei uns Engela. Wir freuen uns, dass du dich

hier wohl fühlst und wünschen dir gutes Einleben. Red.)

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A life changing experience a hundred years ago.

Rohlf Wilms Uken

World War I brought the Uken family to South Africa. A hundred

years ago, on 26th September 1914, the young soldier, Rohlf Uken,

lay bleeding in a trench near Reims, France. He had just celebrated

his 19th birthday on the battlefield on 17th September, when he was

shot through both legs, bleeding profusely with no medical assistance

in sight for 2 days and 2 nights. It was then, that he stumbled over the

words of Ezekiel 16 v 6:

“Then I passed by and saw you squirming in your own blood.

You were covered with blood, but I wouldn’t let you die.”

Rohlf Uken vowed: “God, if you let me live, I shall give my life to

you. I shall become a missionary!”

After the War, the ailing Rohlf entered the Mission Seminary in Her-

mannsburg, Germany.. After completion of his studies he, together

with his wife, Elisabeth, emigrated to South Africa in 1926. He had

lost a lot of blood and became anaemic. He had not received any

blood transfusions.

True to the biblical assurance, the couple raised a family of 3 sons

and 2 daughters on the various mission stations, where Rohlf was en-

gaged. The oldest son, Rolf died last year in Pinetown and the young-

est daughter, Irmgard (Mitchell), emigrated to Australia, while the re-

maining three children, Meinhard, Marianne and Ernst-August, be-

long to our congregation and are all life-right owners at Lutheran


The hard work as a missionary in Zululand, took its toll on Rohlf

Uken, who again lost a lot of blood when he had all his teeth ex-

tracted in 1946. He contracted the dreaded disease A-Plastic-Anaemia

in 1948 and died at the early age of 53. Medical Science had not ad-

vanced far enough to give him a successful bone-marrow transplant,

although Greys Hospital explained that such a transplant was theo-

retically possible. An experiment was carried out with the help of our

Friedrich Keyser as donor in December 1948. Unfortunately this was

unsuccessful. Despite the many odds, Rohlf Uken left behind a larger

Uken family in South Africa than his two brothers were able to pro-

duce in Germany

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Rohlf WilmsUken

Der Erste Weltkrieg brachte die Familie Uken nach

Südafrika. Vor hundert Jahren, als am 26. September 1914,

lag der junge Soldat, Rohlf Wilms Uken, blutend im

Schützengraben bei Reims, Frankreich. Er hatte vor kurzem

seinen 19. Geburtstag am 17. September auf dem

Schlachtfeld gefeiert, als er durch beide Beine geschossen

wurde und schwerblutend, ohne ärztliche Hilfe, 2 Tage und

2 Nächte dort lag. Es war in diesem Zustand, daß ihm der

Vers, Hesekiel 16 v 6 in den Sinn kam!

“Ich aber ging vor dir vorüber und sah dich in deinem Blut liegen

und sprach zu dir, da du so in deinem Blut lagst: Du sollst leben!

Ja zu dir sprach ich, da du so in deinem Blut lagst: Du sollst leben!

Rohlf Uken gelobte: seinem Gott, “Wenn du mich leben läßt, so will ich dir

mein Leben geben! Ich will Missionar werden.!”

Nach dem Krieg, studierte der noch unwohle Rohlf Uken, im Missionshaus in

Hermannsburg, Deutschland. Nach Vollendung seines Studiums wanderte er

1926 mit seiner Frau, Elisabeth, nach Südafrika aus. Er hatte viel Blut verloren

und war blutarm geworden. Er hatte während dieser Zeit keine Blutübertragun-

gen bekommen.

Der biblischen Verheissung entsprechend, zeugte das Ehepaar eine Familie von

3 Söhnen und 2 Töchtern auf den verschiedenen Missionsstationen im Zulu-

land, wo Rohlf tätig war. Der ältester Sohn, Rolf, starb letztes Jahr in Pinetown

und die jüngste Tochter, Irmgard (Mitchell) wanderte aus nach Australien.

Meinhard, Marianne und Ernst-August gehöhren heute zu unserer Gemeinde

und haben alle Lebensrecht im Luthergarten.

Die schwere Missionsarbeit im Zululand, forderte viel Energie von Rohlf

Uken, der abermals viel Blut verlor, als er 1946 sämtliche Zähne hat ziehen las-

sen. Bald darauf erkrankte er an der gefürchteten“ Krankheit, “a-plastic anae-

mia”. Die medizinische Wissenschaft war noch nicht genügend fortgeschritten,

ihm eine erfolgreiche Knochenmarkübertragung zu erteilen, obgleich das Greys

Hospital erklärte, daß eine solche Transplantation theoretisch möglich sei. Ein

Experiment wurde, mit HIlfe unsers Herrn Friedrich Keysers als Organspender,

durchgeführt. Leider war sie nicht erfolgreich. Rohlf Uken starb am 15.

Dezember 1948 im frühen Alter von 53. Er hinterließ trotz allen Nachteilen,

eine größere Ukenfamilie in Südafrika als seine beiden Brüder in Deutschland.

Eine Erfahrung vor 100 Jahren die sein Leben veränderte

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Early form of cartooning used by Martin Luther

The editor of the Witness, Andrew Trench wrote a tribute to the car-

toonist Anthony Stidolph, known to the readers as “Stidy”, who will

be preparing for formal retirement soon.

Here is an extract from this tribute:

“In writing this column I did some reading on the history of political

cartooning and was amazed to discover that its pedigree can be

traced back to the 1500s and Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation


Luther used an early form of cartooning to popularize his ideas on

reform in the Catholic Church as he reached out to the illiterate

peasantry of Europe to bolster his numbers.” (church politics)

Benjamin Franklin produced what is known as the first political car-

toon in America in 1754.

“Five hundred years after Martin Luther used cartoons to change the

course of history, it is heartening to see this form of commentary still

thriving, and I’m not about to let it disappear from the pages of The


So, even as Stidy prepares for formal retirement, we are not letting

him go and put his feet up!”

M. Hellberg.

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From Council

We wish all our Matriculants

everything of the best for

their final examinations!

Our best wishes for the future..

May your school years bring happy memories.

May the examinations go well.

May your future studies and careers bring you even more joy!

To the parents: We wish you nerves

of steel! We know that you are

probably stressing more than your


Please let us know who our

other matriculants are.

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From Council

Dear Congregation

We call on volunteers to join our “Friends of Bishopstowe” group so

that we can take care of the cemetery on a continuous basis. A busy

maintenance morning was held and a great deal was achieved. Thank

you to all the helpers. We need to do this more often!

Friends, please contact Arthur St John Ward who will lead this pro-


We welcome Arthur (drummer),

Hugh (base guitar) and Maggie (singer)

to our Worship team.

The new young brass band learners are

also a great inspiration to us. We are

proud of you!

Detlev and Arthur removing the

trees sprouting on the steeple of

the Bishopstowe church.

This was rather high!

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Our Confirmands

Participants and helpers at the

confirmation camp in Harburg

from 3 to 5 October 2015.

Our confirmands are: Sven Ap-

pelt, Nadia Hohls, Anesuishe

Hove, Rotendo Gora, Valencia

Modise and Paul Tönsing. The

confirmation will take place in

2015 as there will be no confir-

mation this year.

“Our creed” formulated by the confirmands at the camp with the

topic “I believe…”

I believe in God, the Creator who created everything.

His creation is a gift to us.

I believe in Jesus Christ our Lord and brother. He is one hundred

percent God and one hundred percent human.

Jesus suffered death under Pontius Pilate.

He was buried in a tomb.

His death was not the end. He rose again and went back to the father

in heaven.

I believe in the Holy Spirit who gives us power and hope.

He gathers us together in the one church of Jesus Christ.

Through him we have eternal life with our Lord Jesus Christ.


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Die Kinder des SOS Heims waren von Friedhelm Walter zu einem

“Braai” eingeladen das ich mitmachen sollte. Das Treffen fand im

Halley Park statt und waren die Mitglieder des Model Steam Rail

Clubs bereits beschäftigt zwei Züge startbereit zu Machen.

Kurz nach unsere Ankunft, - Friedhelm hatte noch drei Helfer mit, -

traf ein grosser Bus ein dem über 60 Kinder und Personal entstieg.

Das Scherzen und Gejubel verstummte unmittelbar als darum gebe-

ten wurde. Pastorin Petra Röhrs hielt eine Andacht der respektvoll

gelauscht wurde und sich alle auf das Gebet konzentrierten.

Als die Kinder dann auf die beiden kleinen Züge verladen wurden,

warteten die Kinder artig am Tor der Haltestelle bis sie drann kamen.

Mit Jubel und Gejauchze der Kinder setzten sich die Züge in

Bewegung. Nach der Rückkehr tobten die Kinder auf dem grossen

offenen Platz des Parkes und spielten Fussball und andere Spiele.

Das Papier der “Chips” die ausgeteilt waren, wurde ordentlich in

einen Mülleimer getan.

Nach der zweiten Rundfahrt für die Kinder war das Essen fertig und

alle kamen herangestürmt. Paar Worte eines Lehrers liess sie sofort

verstummen und sich in einer Reihe aufstellen, die kleinen voran.

Als alle gefüttert waren, war es ganz still und hielten sich die Kinder

in einem respektvollen Abstand, warfen aber alles Papier wieder

sorgfältig in den Mülleimer.

Zum Abschied wurden sie wieder zusammen gerufen. Nur paar

Worte reichten wieder Stille herzustellen und den Abschiedsworten

zu lauschen und zwei kleine Mädchen sprachen auch den Dank der

Gruppe aus.

Ich war von dem fröhlichen Geist der Kinder und deren Disziplin


Curd Sievers

Mit SOS-Kinderheimlern

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An outing with children from the SOS Children’s Home

Friedhelm Walter had kindly invited the children of the SOS Chil-

dren’s Home to a “braai” at the Model Steam Rail Club in Halley

Park. He had also invited me and another three helpers to come

along. On our arrival members of this Club were already busy getting

the steam train ready.

A happy and excited busload of more than 60 exuberant children with

the staff embarked soon after us. The noise immediately subsided on

command. Petra Röhrs held a devotion and the children listened re-


It was impressive how well behaved the children were as they waited

for their turn for a ride on the train. Amid joyful cheers and shouts

the trains pulled their load of happy children along the tracks. Back

in the Park the children played soccer and other games on the lawn.

Packets of chips had been handed out and the empty packets were

neatly thrown away into the rubbish bins.

After a second round on the trains the food was served. Excitedly

they all rushed to the tables but it took only a few words from one of

the teachers to have them line up quietly with the little ones in front.

When they had finished eating they sat quietly and respectfully in

their places and again they threw all their papers into the bins pro-


Before leaving they gathered again and two little girls said a thank

you on behalf of the group.

It was a delight to be amongst these happy and well disciplined chil-


Curd Sievers (Transl.


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KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY KZN 223 Windermere Road Durban 4001 KZN Chair: Mr John Schneeberger: 083 415 7123

[email protected] PMB Chair: Mr Colin Mills [email protected]

REGISTRATION NO: 2000/028015/08

13 October 2013

Dear Pastor Röhrs

THANKS AND FEEDBACK KAIROS#16 We are deeply grateful for the donations, large and small, which make this program possible. The support of the commu-nity has been truly amazing and we thank the members of the Lutheran Church for their generous spirit. Thank you so much for your financial assistance. Your generous donation is sin-cerely appreciated. At the closing ceremony on Sunday 5 October, we heard many prisoners publicly acknowledge how the programme has changed their lives. Many have discovered the true meaning of forgiveness and love for the first time, and are keen to share this with others in prison. The response of the prison officials was very positive. They continue to encourage us concerning the impact of this ministry throughout the prison. Kairos contributes to genuine rehabilitation and a reduction in gangsterism and violence. Once again, thank you for your support. May God bless you THE KAIROS TEAM

Our congregation member Erwin Laue

participated in this weekend ministry.

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Eradication of CAT’S CLAW


The cat’s claw creeper is an invasive

evergreen climber, climbing as high

as 9m with claw-like tendrils be-

tween the green oblong to lance-

shaped leaves, which have a terminal,

three-part, claw-like tendril. The bright yellow flowers appear from Sep-

tember to February and are trumpet-shaped, occurring in clusters of two

or three, sometimes solitary. Flattened, brown leathery capsules hold the

winged, papery seeds. This climber invades forest margins, woodland

plantations, roadsides and urban open spaces.

Does the plant have any uses?

It is grown as an ornamental plant.

How does it spread?

Pod-like capsules split open and release the winged seeds.

Why is it a problem?

Over-tops, strangles and smothers indigenous forests and plantation spe-


Plant me instead alternatives

Canary creeper (Senecio tamoides), black-eyed susan (Thunbergia alata),

traveller’s joy (Clematis brachiate)

Chemicals to use in eradicating Cat’s Claw.

Control methods include physically digging out the tubers but please note

that a single stem may include a large number of tubers and all of them

must be removed. Chemical control in the case of thick stems is to cut

them off close to the ground and immediately paint the basal stem with

100% Glyphosate (Roundup etc). For re-growth spray the foliage with

1% Glyphosate in water but this must be done with extreme care as this

herbicide will also kill any non-target plants it comes into contact with.

Also note that there is a Bio-control agent which is being released on trial

plots with large infestations of Cat’s Claw in the Pietermaritzburg area.

More information regarding other aliens common to our area can be

found on the Ferncliffe Catchment Conservancy website:

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Joy and sorrow

Siglinde Surendorff passed away


Sunday, 28 September 2014

May the Lord bring comfort to

her family.

We welcome our new members

Brenda O’Connor


Malcolm and Mavis Sibiya.

May they find a spiritual home in our congregation.

Martha Weich will be com-

pleting her studies at the LTI

soon and will be moving to


It was a privilege to have you

with us. Your enthusiasm

playing the organ, singing

and at the piano with the

Worship team was an inspira-

tion to us all.

We wish her well.

Martha we will miss you!

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Thank You

When I move to East London at the

end of October 2014 I will remember

how privileged I was to have been

part of a congregation filled with the

love of the Lord. - Thank you.

A special word of thanks to the Kombi

drivers who made it possible for me to

get to church these past few months.

God bless you!

Tina Wortmann

We wish you well and trust that you will soon feel at home in

East London. Thank you for your willingness to always help

at functions and your many years service as a welcomer.

We will miss you Tina!

A lovely arrangement by

Dawn Drewes!

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Hospital Visitation

Hospital Visiting Ministry for November 2014

The Baking of Christmas Biscuits is already in full swing.

May we again, appeal to you for your donations to help pay for the

ingredients? We all know how the prices of groceries have soared

lately and we would be very grateful for your assistance.

Donations may be left with Monica Deppe or

Erika Timmermann.

Donations for the Advent Raffle

An appeal for donations for the Christmas hampers for our

raffle for the Advent Evening.

Donations may be left in the office.

Spring Fest Raffle Winners:

Tapestry—Rita Kuhn

Cardigan—Val Skinner

Place Mats—Ruth Uhlmann

Pot Plant—Helga Schröder


26/10 27/10 28/10 29/10 30/10 31/10


M van Niekerk

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E-A Uken

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 P Summersgill

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 W. Schulze

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 E & O Engelbrecht

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Wal Bornheimer - 033 3472471 / 082 9201722 [email protected] or

[email protected]

Chairman: Communication. Employees, Duty Rosters (Consolidation of lists), Flower/Tea/

Welcomers List, Statistical return, NPO report, Monthly and Annual Calendar, 80+ Birthdays,

Council Window,

Pastoral: Funerals/Memorial Services, Prayer Ministry, Hospital Visiting, Children’s Church

Key- and Service Helpers, Hayfields Churches Network

Ernst-August Uken 033 3968221

Deputy Chairman:

Relationships: Kenosis, Lutheran Gardens, Partnership, All Lutheran Committee, Lutheran

Theological Institute, Mission Committee,

Craig Merryweather 083 4436953

Treasurer: Financial Matters: Finance, Asset Register and stock taking

Annette Pfeiffer 033 3441963 / 083 2323964

Secretary: Support Services: Music Groups (Brass Band, Choir, Worship Team, Organ, Music under the


Impulse, Multi Media

Frank Böcking 082 7995797

Life Groups: Men’s Guild, Youth Work – Young Adults & LYF, Seniors’, House Groups

Arthur St John-Ward 033 3862980 / 082 8775959

Property Cemetery, Wall of Memory, Maintenance (buildings, grounds, vehicles), General

Equipment, Security, Fire equipment, Vehicles & Transport

Wards & Care – All Councillors together with the Ward Leaders

Fund Raising Events – members of the Wards responsible to take charge

Funerals – Councillor in charge of the Ward to which the deceased belonged

- Ward is responsible for the refreshments.

Weddings -Councillor in charge of the Ward to which member belongs.

Support Fund: Chairman, Vice-chairman, Treasurer, Pastor

Ward Leaders: Ward 1 Edgar & Karin Ortmann, - 033 3303741 Ward 2 Annette Pfeiffer -033-3441963 Ward 3 Frank Böcking -0827995797 Ward 4 Anita Harms - 073 3705554 Ward 5 Wal Bornheimer - 033-3472471 Ward 6 Arthur St John Ward - 033 3862980 Ward 7 Ernst-August Uken - 033 3968221 Ward 8 Robert & Ronell Wichmann - 031 7811714 and Carl & Christine Seele - 033 2510602 Ward 9 Monika van Niekerk, - 033 3966883 Craig Merryweather - 083 4436953

Council & Portfolios

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Quick reference

Pastor Victor Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 2871264 Pastor Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 3812012 E-mail: [email protected] Life Line: 033 3944444 AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322

Office Secretary: 033 3965169 (office hours only) Contact Times: Mon. – Friday: 08:00 to 13:00 Postal Address: P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville 3209 Fax: 0865510014 E-mail: [email protected] Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg Children’s Church: Heather Drews 033 3962814 Kids’ Club: Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Youth: Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Choir: Marianne Kassier 033 3471048 Brass Band: Thomas Ammann 033 3963322 Worship Team: Gertrud Tönsing 033 3460498 Mission Committee : Anita Harms 073 3705554 Partnership: Erlo Drews 033 3962814 Men’s Breakfast: Synod Representatives: Todani Moyo 0825515705 Valentin Volker 033 3968259

Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) : Local page of our congregation is linked to this webpage under the Southern Circuit Congregations

Impulse Newsletter: E-mail contributions: [email protected] or [email protected] or P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209

Closing Date for next issue 9 November 2014

(Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation: No.: 053-095-NPO)

Bank Account: Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch Branch Code: 22-14-25 Name: Evangelical Lutheran Congregation Account Number: 5677 111 28 48