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Importing AutoCAD 2D drawing to ProE -[2/25/2015 2:25:34 PM]

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Importing AutoCAD 2D drawing to ProE

Many users sometimes want to import the 2D drawing created in AutoCAD to Pro/E. I have found a way to do that. So follow the steps below to carry out the task:

In the beginning, when you have completed the drawing in AutoCAD then go to File menu and click on "Save As" (if you are saving the file for the first time then you can use the shortcut Ctrl + S to open the 'Save As' dialog box).Now type the name of the file.Just below the name bar there is a drop down menu area named "File of Type". Click on the menu box and then you can see the list of various formats available to save the file.Select "AutoCAD 2007 DXF (*.dxf)" (supposing you have AutoCAD 2007) and click "Save".Now either exit AutoCAD or minimize it.Next, open Pro/E.Go to File menu and click on "Open" (you can also use the shortcut Ctrl + O to open a file).Now in the File Open dialog box click on the "Type" drop down menu and then select "DXF(*.dxf)".Now select the file you want to open and click "Open" or press enter.In the next dialog boxes that follows just click "OK" or press enter.Now save the file in "Drawing (*.drw)" format.Exit the window.Now open a new sketch file.Go to Sketch menu and select "Data from file".Now select the file you had saved in ".drw" format. If you are not able to see it, see that the file format or the file type you are looking for shows you the ".drw" files. If not select the "Type" drop down menu to change the file format being displayed.In the window that appears you will have to select the whole drawing manually (i.e. by clicking on each curve or by using a window selection method to select the whole drawing.Click "OK" on the message box that appears on the screen.Now enter the Scale value and the Rotation angle value as desired and drag the whole drawing to the desired place.You can now save the file in ".sec" format.

You can use the imported 2D drawing in the part modeling directly. For this follow the following steps:

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Importing AutoCAD 2D drawing to ProE -[2/25/2015 2:25:34 PM]

Just follow the whole procedure till you save your drawing in ".drw" format.Now open a new part file.Now select the tool you want to use. Let's suppose you choose "Extrude" feature. Select the plane and go into the sketch window.Now go to Sketch menu and then select "Data from file".Now select the file you had saved in ".drw" format. If you are not able to see it, see that the file format or the file type you are looking for shows you the ".drw" files. If not select the "Type" drop down menu to change the file format being displayed.In the window that appears you will have to select the whole drawing manually (i.e. by clicking on each curve or by using a window selection method to select the whole drawing.Click "OK" on the message box that appears on the screen.Now enter the Scale value and the Rotation angle value as desired and drag the whole drawing to the desired place.Now just click on the "OK" button on the right side (the green tick mark).Provide the depth/height of the feature.

Attention Please:

After saving the file in .drw format and if importing it to part mode directly using the "Data from File" option under "Sketch" menu-

When you select the curves and the drawing, when directly importing in the part mode for extrusion or revolving, make sure that you select the features only once otherwise you Pro/E might not accept the sketch due to overlapping of the curves and lines. It will be better if you select one feature at a time while holding Ctrl key.

After importing the sketch you may see that there are some unwanted lines that you don't need. You can either remove them or while selecting the 2D sketch just exclude those lines. Those lines are actually the boundary lines of the drawing sheet. You will have to remove them to avoid unexpected results.

There are following suggestions to get good results from the above procedure :

To ensure good results see that the unit system in Pro/E and AutoCAD are same. It will be wise to use MKS system. Pro/E every-time changes its unit system to British system.

Moreover, you can edit the sketch you imported using the above procedure.

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Importing AutoCAD 2D drawing to ProE -[2/25/2015 2:25:34 PM]

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