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Marwar Engineering College

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What is an Interview?

An interview is any planned 

conversation witha specific purpose involving two or  morepeople.

From the day you apply for your  first job untilthe day you retire, you’ll be involved in a wide


of business interviews-plannedconversations with a predetermined purposethat involves asking and answering questions

Categorizing InterviewsThe interviewer establishes the style andstructure of the sessions, depending on thepurpose of the interview and the relationshipbetween the parties, much as a writer variesthe style and structure of a written message tosuit the



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Types of Interviews

• Job Interviews

• Counseling interviews

• Information Interviews

• Conflict-resolution interviews

• Persuasive interviews

• Disciplinary interviews

• Exit interviews

• Evaluation interviews

• Termination interviews

 Job Interviews


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The candidate wants to learn about the

position and the organization;

The employer wants to learn about theapplicant’s abilities and experience. Bothhope to make a good impression and toestablish rapport.

Initial job interviews are usually formal andstructured, but later interviews may be

relatively spontaneous as the 

interviewer explores the candidate’s response.

Information Interviews

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The interviewer seeks facts that 

bear on adecision or contribute to basic


Information flows mainly in one direction

One person asks a list of questions thatmust be covered and listens to theanswers supplied by the other  person.

This kind of interview is a valuable 

form of primary research.

The person you interview must be credibleand knowledgeable about the subject.

It is also important in advance what kind of 

information you want and 

how you will use5

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it; this planning will save time and buildgoodwill

Persuasive Interviews

One person tells about a new idea,product, or service and explains why theother should act on the recommendations.

Persuasive interviews are not limited toselling only.

These require skill in drawing out and

listening to others as well as the ability toimpart information.

Exit interviews

The interviewer tries to understand whythe interviewee is leaving the organizationor transferring to another department or 


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A departing employee ca often provides

insight into whether the 

business is beinghandled efficiently or whether things couldbe improved.

The interviewer tends to ask all thequestions and the interviewee providesanswers.

Encouraging employee to focus on eventsand processes rather than on personalgripes will elicit more useful information for 



Evaluation Interviews


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A supervisor periodically gives an

employee feedback on his or her 


The supervisor and the employee discussprogress toward predetermined standardsor goals and evaluate areas require


The goals for the coming year, as well asthe employee’s longer term aspirationsand general concerns may also bediscussed.

Counseling InterviewsA supervisor talks with an employee about

personal problems that are interfering withwork performance.

The interviewer is concerned with thewelfare of both the employee and the

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The goal is to establish the facts, conveythe company’s concern, and steer theperson toward a source of help.

Conflict- resolution Interviews

Two competing people or groups of 

people explore their attitude.

The goal is to bring the parties 

closer 9

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together, cause adjustments inperceptions and attitudes, and create amore productive climate.

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Disciplinary Interviews

A supervisor tries to correct the behaviour of an employee who has ignored theorganization’s rules and regulations.

The interviewer tries to get the employeeto see the reason for the rules and toagree to comply.

The interviewer also reviews the facts andexplores the person’s attitude.


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Termination Interviews

A supervisor informs an employee of thereason for the termination.

The interviewer tries to avoid involving thecompany in legal action and tries tomaintain as positive a relationship aspossible with the interviewee.

To accomplish these goals, the interviewer gives reasons that are specific, accurate,and verifiable.

Planning interviewsPlanning an interview is similar to planning

any other form of  communication.

The interviewer assumes the responsibilityfor planning the interview.

To accomplish the objectives, theinterviewees also develop acommunication strategy.

Interview Questions

The purpose of the interview and thenature of the participants determine the

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types of questions that are asked.

When you plan the interview bear in


mindthat you ask questions;

 To get information

 To motivate the interviewee torespond honestly and appropriately

 To create a good working


with the other person

Interview QuestionsThere are four basic types of  interviewquestions:

Open-ended questionsDirect open-ended questions

Closed-ended questions

Restatement questions.

Open-Ended Questions

Invite the interviewee to offer an opinion,not just yes, or no, or one-word answer:“What do you think your company wantsmost from its suppliers? This kind helpsyou to learn reasons rather than just the


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Use open-ended questions to warm up the

interviewee & to look for information 

whenyou have plenty of time to conduct theconversation.

Direct-Open Ended Questions

This form is good to use when you 

want toget a specific conclusion or recommendation from someone

e.g. “What would you do to improve customer satisfaction in the southern region?”

Closed-Ended Questions

Requires yes or no or calls for shortresponses: For example, “Did you make areservation for the flight?” “What is your grade-point average?”These questions produce specificinformation, save time, require little effort

from interviewee, and eliminate bias and

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prejudice in answers.

They’re better for gathering informationthan for prompting an exchange of feelings.

Restatement Questions

These questions mirror a respondent'sanswer.

They invite the respondent to expand onan answer: “You said you dislikecompleting travel vouchers. Is that


They also signal the interviewee thatyou're paying attention.

Restatement provides opportunities to


points and to correct15

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You can also use restatement questionsto soothe upset customers or co- workers.Acknowledging the other person’scomplaint provides a wealth of gains ininformation, rapport, and mutual trust andrespect.

Interview StructureUse the opening to set the tone and orient

the interviewee.

Use a mix of question types to give thebody of the interviewee rhythm.

Use the close to sum up the interview andleave the interviewee with a cordialfeeling.

Don’t try to cover more questions than youhave time for.

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