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© Justyna Bizdra & Lillea Woodlyns 2010. You cannot sell, give, swap, exchange or claim the credit for the content in this book or any part thereof. You have personal rights only to this report.


This short extract from Traffic Ten will cover Search Engine Optimization, which is the

must know and apply way of driving traffic to your websites. If you don’t know how to do

SEO, forget about making money online

What it is

SEO is search engine optimization.

Simply put, SEO is structuring your sites and links in the way that search engines such as

Google and Yahoo prefer.

Why is this important? Most people search for information online by first typing words

(known as keywords, or keyword phrases) into search engines like Google.

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If you do a decent job with SEO, search engines will record your sites in their databases

under the right category, etc., making them easier for internet users to find.

As you probably know, people are more likely to click on a link to a site if it appears on

page 1 or 2 of their search results. This is part of the reason why good SEO can help to

increase traffic to your websites.

Keyword research (see the How to do it section of this module) and SEO are important

for ALL of the other modules in this guide. They are an essential foundation.

The advantage you have with the SEO information in this guide is that we keep things

simple, thanks to the advice of a SEO expert named Steve Ovens. Steve is a popular,

respected member of SFR.

Above is a screenshot of the top sites listed on page 1 of Google when Lillea searched for

the term SEO.

This shows that the creators of these sites have done a good job with SEO. In other

words, good SEO helped them to rank highly for the term SEO.

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How to do it

There are 3 steps:

Step 1: Keyword Research

This screenshot shows the keyword research results for the term 'keyword research'

using the best tool available (see the information under Tools. Useful Links. Plugins of

this section to learn more about this excellent time saving software).

Keyword research is so important that you should take a bit of extra time to

learn how to do it. Fortunately, the basics aren't hard to master.

By doing keyword research before creating any site or product or service, you can save

yourself a lot of trouble and time.

Why? Keyword research will tell you what people are looking for, in real time, when they

search the web. You'll learn what people want. You then use that information to your

advantage by providing information, products and services that can give people what

they are looking for.

You should, of course, offer something that makes your site or product or service stand

out in some way. But part of the point of this module is to help you avoid the mistake of

creating sites and products that almost no one is interested in.

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Let's say you would like to sell handmade jewellery.

When you do keyword research, you find out that handmade jewelry is a very

competitive term in the search engines. That means that there are other people selling

handmade jewelry, and lots of people looking for it, so this may be worth pursuing if you

can compete and have a shot at appearing on the first few pages of Google and other

popular search engines.

Your keyword research reveals that there are longtail keywords that you can compete

with more easily than you can for handmade jewelry (the videos in Tools. Useful Links.

Plugins in this module will teach you more about longtail keywords and how to find


For example, you might find that you can compete more easily with 'handmade beaded


Also, to increase the chance that you'll make a sale, look for buying keywords that you

can use.

What are buying keywords?

They are keyword phrases that indicate that someone is looking to buy something, rather

than simply browsing for general or free information.

Examples of buying keywords

product names

author names

product name + review

author name + review

exact product model/make numbers

product name + geographic location

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Step 2: SEO Basics

Do all or most of the 5 following things to help the search engines index your sites

properly for the terms you want to rank for.

There's a lot more to good SEO than this, but according to Steve Ovens, this is the 20%

that can make 80% of the difference.

1. If possible buy a domain name that includes the keywords that you want

to target.

In the handmade jewelry example, that would be:

An exact match for your keywords is ideal, but often an exact match domain name isn't

available for a highly competitive term. Someone else likely already bought it.

Instead, you could buy something like:


As you can see, there is only one additional word before or after the main

keyword, handmade jewelry, in the domain names above. This is the ideal way to

do things if you can't get an exact match – just one extra word before or after the main


OR you can use one of the good longtail keywords you found during your keyword

research. For this example, that could be:

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NOTE: Ideally you shouldn't have hyphens in the domain name you buy. If you do, then

only one at most. For example:

Why? More than one hyphen is often seen as spammy. It's also harder for people to type

and remember. And avoid numbers in a domain name if you can.

If you already have a domain name that doesn't include keywords like this, don't worry,

just make sure that you use the other SEO tips below.

Also, avoid buying domain names that include trademarks such as company

names and product names!

You risk getting a notice from company or person who owns the trademark with a threat

of legal action against you unless you take the site down. James Schramko, and other

successful marketers, say that it isn't worth the risk!

2. Put the keywords in URLs.

WordPress makes this very easy to do. First you must change the permalink structure on

your site.

i) Login to your WordPress Dashboard

ii) Install Dean’s Permalink Migration free Wordpress plugin (see the note


iii) Go to Settings and select Permalinks

iv) Select Custom Structure and type /%postname%/, like the screenshot

below shows

v) Save Changes

Important Note: if you already have some content on your website, we recommend

that before changing the permalink structure, you install Dean’s Permalink Migration free

Wordpress plugin to safely change your permalink structure without breaking the old

links to your website. Please note however, that some people reported problems with this

plugin. Test it first before you make changes on your websites.

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Now whenever you create a new page or post, you can edit the url to include your


Note: by default WordPress will put whatever title you use for your page or post in the

url, so make sure that you edit it if necessary.

In the example below, Lillea edited the permalink to display seo-tips. If she didn't edit

the url, the url would be the full title of her post, Steve Ovens Awesome SEO Tips, which

isn't as good for SEO!

With this in mind, the urls in our handmade jewelry example would look like one of these


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Or, if you're creating a non-WordPress site, they would look something like this:

3. Use the keywords for any filenames

Rename any images, videos, etc. that you upload to your sites. You can name your

Image before uploading them, or change the names after you have uploaded them.

WordPress makes that easy to do.

This is what the url of an image in .jpg format might look like with our example:

4. Include the keywords in the title of pages and posts on your site.

WordPress automatically does this with the titles you type for your posts and pages, so

you don't have to do anything except remember to include your keywords. Below is what

the code looks like in HTML:

<title>Handmade Beaded Jewelry</title>

The code is what the search engines will see and record.

Human readers won't see the code, they'll see this:

Handmade Beaded Jewelry

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5. Use the keywords in the anchor text of any links you use to bring traffic

to your sites (we cover this in other modules of this guide).

Here is what the HTML code looks like in an anchor text link:


de beaded jewelry</a>

That is what the search engines will see and record.

Human readers won't see the code, they'll see this:

handmade beaded jewelry

Step 3: Monitor your progress

Use the tools and techniques mentioned in the Introduction of Traffic Ten.

Valuable tips

Putting keywords once or twice on a page or in an article can also help with SEO

even though it won't be linked or have any HTML tags around it.

You can have more flexibility with titles, etc. if you enhance the SEO on WordPress

sites by using a special free plugin listed in the Tools. Useful Links. Plugins.

section of this module.

A well-structured WordPress blog that has a good SEO theme can help boost SEO.

See Tools. Useful Links. Plugins in this module for a list of good SEO

WordPress themes.

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Write articles and create content for people. Don't stuff your pages with keywords

and links - that is spammy and the search engines will not reward you for it!

Tools. Useful Links. Plugins.

1. Tools

Best Keyword Research Tool

Google Adwords has a free keyword research tool, but for better filtering and greater

analysis power, we recommend that you use Market Samurai

Market Samurai runs on PCs and Macs. It will do more than keyword research, but the

keyword research part of the software is always FREE. To access the other modules

in Market Samurai you simply pay a reasonable one-time fee. You can try before you buy,

but, we repeat, the basic keyword research module is always free!

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To learn how to do keyword research properly, watch the excellent video tutorials



Best Premium SEO WordPress Themes

We recommend that you invest in the Developer's license/version for these themes so

you can use them on multiple sites.

Thesis is the top choice of many elite marketers. It's highly customizable, but there is a

bit of a learning curve. You can build, however, all types of websites using this theme.

Don't want to create the site yourself? Use the excellent service below to get a

custom site that will be SEO'd to the max. Prices are below industry standard, yet the

quality is higher!

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2. Plugins

Free WordPress plugins to enhance SEO

Note: you don't need to use these plugins if you have the premium WordPress themes

listed above.

Platinum SEO Plugin is an easy to use favorite of many top marketers

All in One SEO Pack is another easy to use favorite

Headspace is a great choice for advanced users who need more options than

Platinum SEO and All in One SEO Pack offer

SEO Friendly Images optimizes any images you use on your WordPress sites

Want more?

The information you have just read is just a small introduction to the topic of successfully

driving traffic to your websites.

To discover how to take full advantage of RSS, Video Marketing, Blog Commenting, Audio

and Article Marketing, Press Releases, Forums, Social Media and Social Bookmarking take

a look at Traffic Ten!

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You will be amazed how much you and your online business will benefit from it!

What others say about Traffic Ten:

“Lillea and Justyna have put together a nice and easy guide for getting traffic to your

website – well done”

James Schramko

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© Justyna Bizdra & Lillea Woodlyns 2010. You cannot sell, give, swap, exchange or claim the credit for the content in this book or any part thereof. You have personal rights only to this report.

You can keep up to date with what we are doing by following us on Twitter and reading

our blogs

Lillea Woodlyns’ Blog and Twitter

Justyna Bizdra’s Blog and Twitter

Big Thanks to Martyna Bizdra for making the e-book cover!