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Importance of logos

Even the ardent of cricket fanatics would instantly recognise this Logo which symbolises the organisation that represents football, yet a minuscule percent could explain what those letters represent. ’FIFA is football’ is the common perception and a pictorial logo which in itself represents the sport played by 209 nations is considered to be quite powerful indeed.

Logos represent the brand that you desire to portray in pictorial representation, hence it should form a lasting impression which stands amongst the millions of logos floating in cyberspace. The logo can depict the your service by rendering the name of the brand in the form of a logo that will associate it to the tag which you want to depict (eg:Redhat).

The shade and colour of the logo is one of the pivotal factors that could sketch the emotions that you want to attach to it and thus, your brand. Red would mean fiery and therefore be suitable for teams in sports(Red Devils aka Manchester Utd), whilst blue would indicate calm and user friendliness and so on. No prizes for guessing the colour in the logo of the largest social networking website in the world. Space consideration is one of the factors for the advent of logos as they are effective even in space constraint, since space is at a premium.

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Minimalist logos, depict the brand in no more than a swoosh or three strokes of brushes (Adidas and Nike) are effective in eloquent ways, namely that they take up less space in advertising. The famous Swoosh has a fascinating back-story of its own, with the designer offered a measly 2$ for designing the now legendary logo synonymous with sports apparel.

There are legendary stories around the world regarding expensive and quirky logos which tanked, but the one that pops up in recent memory would undoubtedly be the infamous 2012 Olympics, London logo.

Rumoured to have cost around £400,000 ,it was supposed to symbolise the ‘vibrancy’ and ‘dynamism’ of the historic Olympics.But instead,the designers of the logo came under ire of

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the public for sheer wastage of money,while there were cases regarding TV audience reporting that it induced epilepsy attacks in octogenarians.Some noticed that the designers just drew Bart and Lisa Simpson in neon red and yellow doing the unthinkable for a fortune.The London Olympics in retrospect will be fondly remembered,but certainly not for its disastrous logo.This is one of the numerous examples whic teaches us that ‘Price is not always right’.

Logos can be plain and classy,quirky and fun or even just a few botches of colors splashed upon a canvas.It’s the psychovisual redundancy(the phenomena that relates minimalist logos to the brand) that associates it to your brand in reflex fashion which accentuates it.Logos are one of the major factors that help your brand or service to glow and differentiate itself from the rest of the ‘logo’ crowd.