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  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Imperial Guard Codex Modifications

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    Special Rules

    The models in an Imperial Guard army use a number of special rules. Where those rules are uniqueto a particular troop type, they are detailed in that unit's bestiary entry. Any special rules that are not

    explained in the unit's bestiary entry can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and Codex

    Imperial Guard.

    Unique Equipment

    The army list shows all the standard and option wargear available to a particular model. You will

    find some items of equipment are unique to particular characters or units, while others are used by

    more than one unit. When an item is unique, it is detailed in the entry for its owning unit; otherwise

    it is detailed in the wargear section.

    Heavy Weapon Teams

    Imperial Guard Heavy Weapon Teams are crewed by a team of two men/women. Normally

    one crewman carries and fires the weapon while the other carries the ammunition.

    The ammunition carrier may shoot any weapon he/she is armed with in the same shooting

    phase that the heavy weapon is fired. In the case that the gunner is killed the ammunition

    carrier will take his/her place.

    Vehicle Squadrons

    The Imperial Guard can field a number of vehicles in squadrons. These include, amongst other

    things, Leman Russ Battle Tanks. Such units follow all the rules for the vehicle squadrons as

    detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Rigid Command Structure

    The Imperial Guard is the primary fighting force of the Imperium, so numerous in size that even the

    Departmento Munitorum cannot place a figure on the number of Guardsmen under arms at any one

    time; the daily lists of new recruits and toll of casualties can run into the millions in a single day. It

    would be infeasible trying to put any exact number on the strength of the Guard; however, it is

    believed that there must be many billions of Imperial Guardsmen, divided into millions ofregiments. This absolute numeracy provides the Guard with its main power; their ability to deploy

    in numbers that, eventually, result in victory. Attacking in seemingly endless influxes across battle-

    zones, charging forth under the cover of massive barrages and delivering massed lasgun volleys, in

    the Guard the individual Human soldier may appear a lost thing, almost forgotten. Yet the actions of

    these anonymous soldiers daily decide the fate of worlds.

    The Imperial Guard have the ability to alter the Force Organisation Chart swapping out certain

    choices to gain others.

    EG. They may have 3 HQ, 0 Elites, 6 Troops, 2 Fast Attack and 6 Heavy Support Slots or any mix

    in between.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications



    The ranks of the Imperial Guard are not trained to think independently or to use their initiative,

    relying instead on their officers for guidance and direction. To this end, Imperial Guardsmen are

    conditioned to obey orders without question or hesitation. Only by concentrating on their orders to

    the exclusion of all else can a common trooper override thoughts of self-preservation and face thehorrors of the galaxy. A rigid chain of command exists from the commander of a battle group down

    to the lowliest trooper.

    A number of models in the codex Imperial Guard army have the ability to issue one or more orders

    each turn. These models are known as officers. Each officer's entry will clearly state the number and

    type of orders he can attempt to issue, as well as his command radius the maximum range of his


    Orders must be issued at the start of the Shooting phase and in a strict order, representing the

    Imperial Guard's chain of command. Officers in Company Command Squads must issue their orders

    first. Once all Company Command Officers have issued their orders, officers in Platoon Commandsquads can attempt to issue their own orders.

    An officer may attempt to issue orders provided that he is not locked in an assualt, embarked in a

    transport vehicle (He may however issue orders to himself we inside a vehicle), falling back or gone

    to ground. Orders must be issued before the officer and his Command Squad shoot or run. Issuing

    orders (whether the order was successful or not) does not prevent an officer and his Command

    Squad from shooting or running.

    To issue an order the officer must declare which order he is attempting to use and select a single

    friendly non-vehicle unit within his command radius to carry out the order. This can be the officer's

    own squad. The chosen unit must then take a Leadership test to see if the order has been understood

    and acted upon. Orders cannot be issued to squads that are embarked in a transport vehicle, or units

    that have already run, made a shooting attack. Unless otherwise stated, orders cannot be issued to

    units that are falling back or have gone to ground.

    After the successful completion of an order a squad may then receive an additional order (if the

    second test is passed). This however cannot be the same order or another that permits a second

    round of shooting, moving or assault. This second order is merely used as support being it allows

    you to go to ground, move move move or affix bayonets.

    A company commander may select 4 of the following orders and has the ability to issue 2 orders aturn. A platoon commander may select 2 of the following orders and has the ability to issue 1 order

    a turn. For the rest of the rule for orders, See codex Imperial Guard.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Affix Bayonets! As soon as they have fired, they must come to a recover; and then the

    commanding officer will give the word, Affix Bayonets! Now March!upon which the

    whole battalion advances briskly with a full step, the drummers beating the Grenadiers

    March. When they have marched about 20 paces from the enemy, or as far as the

    commanding officer shall think proper, he will give the word, Charge!

    Upon which the officers and men in the front rank charge their bayonets, and continueadvancing briskly; taking great care not to run, nor break, either by closing too much, or

    opening the files; but preserving their front even, and in exact order. The rear ranks must

    continue recovered, taking particular care to keep up close. Upon which the drummers cease

    beating, and they enter the fiery hell of close-combat

    This order provides Furious Charge and Counter-Attack until the beginning of the Imperial

    Guard owner's next turn.

    Bring it Down! See Codex Imperial Guard

    Fire on my Target! See Codex Imperial Guard

    Fire and Advance/Retreat! A tactic which allows a unit to move forward or backward in

    sections, while enjoying the benefit of covering fire by its own men. Infantry units do not

    move as a solid mass, but divide into smaller groups each of which advances/retreats a short

    distance in turn. While a group is stationary, it loads and fires there lasguns at the enemy,

    harassing them and covering the advance/retreat of their moving fellows. Overall a unit

    advances/retreats more slowly because of its repeated stops allowing its companies to fire,

    though the constant, though limited, fire maintained against the enemy is compensation


    If the order is successfully issued, the ordered unit immediately makes a Shooting attack.

    When this has been resolved, the unit immediately moves D6 in a direction of your choice.

    First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire! See Codex Imperial Guard

    Get Back in the Fight! See Codex Imperial Guard

    Incoming! See Codex Imperial Guard

    Move! Move! Move! See Codex Imperial Guard

    Platoon Fire! Platoon Fire is away of dividing a unit into smaller groups that each fire,

    reload and fire again in turn. The result is a rippling fire down a line formation and as the

    last platoon fires its weapons, the first is ready to fire again. A unit can always give some

    fire to the enemy at all times, even if this is less than a complete volley. When more then one

    unit is involved all the troops in every first platoon fire, followed by the second and so on.

    Creating several rippling barrages down the line.

    If the order is successfully issued, the ordered unit may now ignore intervening models and

    squads of the same platoon when firing and for the purpose of working out the enemies

    cover save.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications



    Although there is a great deal of standardisation within the Imperial Guard there are many

    regiments traditions and skills peculiar to their homeworld that make many regiments slightly

    different. It is this universal diversity that produces the myriad of different colours and flavours ofImperial Guard troopers and regiments, and allow players to use the army list to produce their own

    specialised regiments we have introduced a system called 'Doctrines'.

    Doctrines are variations in training and organisation that have an effect on the way a regiment

    fights. They are only relevant if you want your army to represent a particular regiment with minimal

    external support.

    You are allowed 1 doctrine point per every 1000 point interval and 1 point per company command

    squad. You do not have to spend all of your doctrine points but there is no benefit in using less.

    E.G. A 1000 point army with 1 Company Command Squad is worth 2 Doctrine points.

    Guard Infantry: In several of the following Doctrine descriptions, the term Guard Infantry unit is

    used. In this context, the definition includes any command squad along with its Officer and any

    attached advisors, Heavy Weapon Teams, Special Weapon Squads, Infantry Platoon squads and

    their attached Command Squads.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications



    Drop Troops 1 Doctrine point: The regiment comes from a world where grav-chute use is

    commonplace and has been trained in their use for dropping into combat. Any Guard unit

    including vehicles may Deep Strike if the mission permits. Other units must deployconventionally.

    Armoured Company 1 Doctrine point: The Imperial Guard is not really noted for its

    subtlety preferring to smash a nut with a sledgehammer if at all possible! Typical of this

    approach are the numerous armoured companies fielded by the Imperial Guard which are

    made up entirely of tanks. This allows a Imperial Guard player to take Leman Russ battle

    tanks and its variants as HQ and Troops choices. Leman Russes in the troops section can

    claim objectives.

    Storm Trooper Battalion 1 Doctrine point: Storm Troopers are usually split between

    various combat forces, rather than fighting as a single entity. However, there have been

    occasions when such a force has gone to war, generally to undertake a special mission of

    some kind or another. To represent such a formation you may take take Storm Trooper

    squads as Elites and Troops. Storm Trooper squads in the troops section can claim


    Rough Rider Company 1 Doctrine point: In a similar vein, some regiments field

    companies made up entirely of Rough Riders, either through tradition or necessity. To

    represent a Rough Rider army allow Rough Rider squads to be taken as Elites and Troops.

    Rough Riders in the troops section can claim objectives.


    Iron Discipline 1 Doctrine point: On many worlds of the Imperium, nobles are raised from

    birth to be officers. They have an air of confidence and authority that keeps their troops

    fighting to the last man.

    Any unit may regroup below half strength, increases the leadership characteristic of

    company and platoon commanders by 1 and increases there order radius by 6''.

    Close order drill 1 Doctrine point: Members of the regiment are thoroughly drilled infighting in dense formations where they can present a hedge of blades and bayonets and

    clubbed lasguns at the enemy. To perform close order drill all the models in the any Guard

    Infantry unit must be in base to base contact.

    While in close order, all models in the unit have +1 leadership and +1 Initiative.

    Hardened Fighters 1 Doctrine point: The regiment is recruited from particularly violent

    societies and backgrounds, and are particular adept hand-to-hand combatants. Hardened

    Fighters add 1 to their WS. Sentinels also gain an additional attack in addition to the plus 1

    WS as their crews are trained to stun and disorientate opponents.

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    Light Infantry 1 Doctrine point: The regiment is renowned for its stealth. This Doctrine is

    available to any Guard Infantry unit without a transport vehicle.

    Rolls an additional dice when determining how far they can move through

    difficult terrain;

    May infiltrate if the mission permits;

    Sharpshooters 1 Doctrine point: Sometimes war has been a way of life for successive

    generations of the regiment, and consequently they are formidable marksmen, having

    undergone military training from an early age. Any Guard Infantry model with a BS 3 may

    make a single re-roll of a shooting to hit roll of 1. The sharpshooter ability has no effect

    when firing plasma weapons or sniper rifles.

    Xeno-fighters 1 Doctrine point: After numerous wars, the regiments have learnt how to

    combat all types of xenos. When in close combat with any enemy xeno with a WS attribute,

    Xenos-fighters hit on 3+ regardless of respective Weapon Skill values.

    Carapace Armour 2 Doctrine points: Carapace Armour is a type of combat armour used

    by many Imperial military and para-military organisations. Carapace Armour consists of

    large rigid plates of armaplas or ceramite molded to fit parts of the body. It can range from

    complete armoured suits to individual pieces such as chest plates, helmets, greaves, etc.

    Guard Infantry units and Rough Riders are equipped with carapace armour. This means that

    their Armour save will change from 5+ to 4+.

    Cameleoline Cloaks 2 Doctrine points: A Camo-cloak is a cloak weaved for its durability

    and ability to help hide the wearer. The Camo Cloak is coated with an absorbent material

    called Cameoline which takes on the colouration of the surroundings giving the wearer agreat deal of individual concealment and when used by elite stealth experts.

    Guard Infantry units and Rough Riders are equipped with Cameleoline Cloaks which adds 1

    to any Cover save they are already allowed.

    Chem-inhaler 1 Doctrine point: Some undisciplined units have altered the gasses in their

    rebreathers to include narcotics such as 'slaught and Kalma' The effect is to make them even

    more indifferent to danger and loss. Guard Infantry units and Rough Riders are equipped

    with equipped with these will always test Morale, Leadership or Pinning with no negative


    Prepared Defences 1 Doctrine point: It is generally true that defenders have an advantage

    over attackers. Allowing defenders to strengthen their position. They have the ability to

    make preparations for the battle to protect themselves from the enemy while making the

    enemy vulnerable, e.g. preparing positions such as trenches and fortifications or in more

    frequently laying obstacles such as land mines and tank traps. This allows you to position up

    to 24'' of Aegis defence lines and may move any terrain in and around your deployment


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    Evasive Driving 1 Doctrine point: Tanks from this regiment are trained to use their

    vehicles to crush attacking infantry. If the tank is assaulted by infantry having moved in its

    last movement phase. Then each model assaulting the tank takes a wound on a roll of 4+.Normal Armour Saving throws apply.

    Ace Sponson Gunners 1 Doctrine point: This regiment is expert at training its sponsor

    gunners to defend their ranks from enemy assaults. If the tank has been assaulted in the

    Assault phase, then the tank may fire its sponsor weapons (if in arc) at the enemy assaulting

    the tank at Initiative 10.

    Crush and Grind 1 Doctrine point: When assaulting enemy infantry the regiment has no

    compunction about crushing them under its tracks. The first unit Tank Shocked in a turn by a

    tank with this doctrine will take D6 S4 hits before resolving the Tank Shock as normal.

    Normal Saving throws apply and n enemy infantry unit forced to take a Tank Shock test by

    this vehicle does so at -1 to their Leadership.

    Ace Gunners 1 Doctrine point: A tank using this doctrine engages targets with blinding

    accuracy. Any shooting rolls of 1 may be re-rolled once. Additionally you may re-roll the

    Scatter dice (not the Distance dice, just the directional dice).

    Forge-crafted 1 Doctrine point: The regiments tanks have been built on an Adeptus

    Mechanicus forge world. Once per game, the owner can force the enemy to re-roll the result

    of a single glancing or penetrating hit. The new result must be accepted though.

    Anti-mag 1 Doctrine point: The crew have learned to coat their tank with anti-magnetic

    paste. The effect is to prevent enemy grenades sticking to the armour. Whenever a grenade

    (or melta-bomb, stikk bomb etc) causes a glancing or penetrating hit the tank has a Saving

    throw of 4+ against its effects.

    Reinforced Ceramite Armour 1 Doctrine point: This vehicle has numerous plates of heat

    reflecting ceramite, giving it extra protection against melta weapons. Melta weapons

    (including melta bombs) do not roll an extra dice for armour penetration.

    Slick Loader 1 Doctrine point:The vehicles loader quickly gets the main gun ready to fire

    after each shot. If the vehicle remains stationary, it may fire its main weapon twice in oneturn. The second shot must be at the same target as the first. The vehicle cannot move at all

    and cannot fire any other weapons in the turn this skill is used. The weapon fired must be an

    ordnance weapon, you cannot use this skill on a heavy weapon.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Army List


    Company Command Squad ............................................................................................ 50 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Company Commander 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 9 5

    Veteran 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 5


    Company Commander

    4 Veterans


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Company Commander has a refractor field

    Special Rules:

    Senior Officer (Company Commander)


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport


    May have up to five

    additional Veterans ........................................................................... 7 points per model

    The Company Commander may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    The Company Commander may take these upgrades:

    Medallion Crimson .......................................................................................... 10 points

    One Veteran may be upgraded to carry:

    Medi-pack ........................................................................................................ 30 points

    One other Veteran may be upgraded to carry:

    Regimental Standard ........................................................................................ 15 points

    One other Veteran may be upgraded to carry:

    Vox-caster .......................................................................................................... 5 points

    One other Veteran may be upgraded to carry:

    Heavy flamer ................................................................................................... 20 points

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Replace two other Veterans with a Veteran Weapons Team armed with the following:

    Mortar or Heavy Stubber ................................................................................... 5 points

    Heavy bolter, Multi-laser or Autocannon ........................................................ 10 points

    Missile launcher ............................................................................................... 15 points

    Lascannon ........................................................................................................ 20 points

    Any remaining Veterans that have not been upgraded with one of the options may replace

    their weapon(s) with:

    Boltpistol or Bolter .............................................................................................. 1 point

    Flamer, grenade launcher or sniper rifle ............................................................ 5 points

    Meltagun .......................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasma gun ....................................................................................................... 15 points

    The entire squad (including regimental advisors) may have any of the following:

    Krak grenades .................................................................................................... 5 points

    Melta bombs .................................................................................................... 20 points

    Carapace Armour ............................................................................................. 20 points

    Camo cloaks ..................................................................................................... 20 points

    Stormtroopers Bodyguards ................................................................ 20 points

    Medallion Crimson: This medal is awarded to men who have suffered the most horrific

    injuries and have not lost their faith in the Emperor or their will to fight on. Thus it takes a

    lot to stop a man who has earned this decoration.

    Provides officer with the Eternal Warrior Universal Special Rule

    Kasrkin/Stormtroopers Bodyguards: When the greatest Imperial heroes go to war, they must

    be protected at all costs, it would be a massive set back to the Imperial war machine if these

    characters were to be slain. Replaces all veterans with Stormtroopers. (Only stat and basicequipment are changed they may still take all options that the veterans could. Also swaps the

    Company Commanders Laspistol for a Hotshot Laspistol instead)

    Regimental Advisors

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Astropath 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 5

    Master of Ordnance 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 5

    Officer of the Fleet 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 5

    Body Guard 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 7 5

    Oygrn Body Guard 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 6 4

    Commissar 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 5

    Ministorum Priest 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 5

    Techpriest Enginseer 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 3

    Sanctioned Psyker 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Regimental Advisors:

    The squad may be joined by any of the following:

    Astropath ......................................................................................................... 30 points

    Master of Ordnance ......................................................................................... 30 points

    Officer of the Fleet ........................................................................................... 30 points

    Up to two Bodyguards .................................................................... 15 points per model

    Oygrn Bodyguard ............................................................................................ 40 points

    Commissar ....................................................................................................... 30 points

    Ministorum Priest ............................................................................................ 30 points

    Techpriest Enginseer ........................................................................................ 45 points

    Sanctioned Psyker ............................................................................................ 15 points



    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules:

    Telepathic relay

    Master of Ordnance:


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules:

    Artillery Bombardment

    Officer of the fleet:


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenadesSpecial Rules:

    Intercept Reserves

    Body Guard:


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules:

    Look out Arghh!

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Oygrn Body Guard:


    Carapace armour

    Ripper gun

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules: Look out Arghh!


    Furious Charge


    Feel no pain



    Flak armour

    Boltgun/Bolt pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules:


    Summary Execution

    Ministorum Priest:


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades


    Special Rules:

    Righteous Fury

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Techpriest Enginseer:


    Power armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Power weapon

    Frag and Krak grenades

    Servo arm

    Special Rules:

    Blessings of the Omnissiah

    Servitor Controller

    Servo Arm

    Servitor Controller: The techpriest guides the servitors with a special remote control. As the

    altered and fragmented brain of a servitor functions poorly unless constantly supervised.

    Any servitor within 24'' of a techpriest will act as normal, if any stray beyond this they mustroll for mind lock.

    Blessings of the Omnissiah: A techpriest in base contact or inside a damaged vehicle in the

    shooting phase can attempt repairs instead of firing, unless he/she is falling back or has gone

    to ground. Roll a D6 if the result is a 4 or more, then a Weapon Destroyed or an Immobilised

    result (owning player's choice) is repaired. If a Weapon Destroyed result is repaired, that

    weapon can be fired in that Shooting phase.

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    Sanctioned Psyker:


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Force weapon

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules: Psyker (The Sanctioned Psyker can use a single psychic power per turn)

    It's for your own Good!

    Psychic Powers:

    Telepathic Order

    Psychic Ward

    Psychic Lash

    Machine Curse

    It's for your own Good!: If a Sanctioned Psyker is attached to a unit which contains a

    Commissar and suffers a Perils of the Warp attack while using a psychic power, theCommissar will immediately execute him/her to prevent him/her being possessed. Remove

    the Psyker model as a casualty. The power he was attempting to use does not work.

    Telepathic Order: This power allows the Sanctioned Psyker to extend the zone of influence

    of an Officer he/she is accompanying. Use at the start of the Imperial Guard turn. If the test

    is passed, the order radius of any Officer in the same squad as the Sanctioned Psyker is

    extended to 18'' in-till the start of the next imperial turn.

    Psychic Ward: Sanctioned Psykers are particularly useful in countering the heretical abilities

    of aliens and traitor scum. Any enemy within 24'' of the Sanctioned Psyker that passes a

    Psychic test, the psychic power may be intercepted. Make a psychic test, if the test is passed

    then roll D6 on a 5+ the power is nullified.

    Psychic Lash: The Sanctioned Psyker focuses his/her powers on nearby opponents, mentally

    ripping open arteries and puncturing organs. Instead of making his/her normal attacks in

    close-combat, make a psychic test. If successful the Psyker gets 2D6 Attacks (with no

    bonuses for charging, additional weapons, etc) these attacks automatically wound, armour

    saves still apply.

    Machine Curse: The Sanctioned Psyker presses his/her hands against an enemy vehicle and

    calls upon his/her powers to pronounce a curse on the machine spirits of his/her enemies.This power is used in the Assault phase in place of normal attacks. Make the Psychic test, if

    passes roll a D6.

    D6 Effect

    1 Nothing

    2-5 Glancing hit

    6 Penetrating hit

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    All Regimental Advisors (Except the Oygrn Bodyguard, Commissar and Ministorum Priest)

    may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    The Commissar may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    The Ministorum Priest may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasmagun ........................................................................................................ 15 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Eviscerator ........................................................................................................... 15 points

    Lord Castellan Creed .................................................................................................... 100 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Ursarkar Creed 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 10 4



    3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 4

    Wargear: Carapace armour

    Hotshot lasgun

    Hotshot laspistol (Creeds fires as twin linked)

    Frag grenades

    Refractor field

    Special Rules:

    Supreme Commander

    Tactical Genius

    Sworn Protector

    Sworn Protector: If Creed is taken Kell is automatically taken at no additional costs.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Colour Sergeant Kell ....................................................................................................... 60 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Jarran Kell 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 4

    Wargear: Carapace armour

    Laspistol (Hotshot laspistol if with Creed)

    Power weapon

    Power fist

    Frag grenades

    Regimental standard

    Refractor field

    Special Rules:

    Sworn Protector

    Listen up maggots Look out Arghh!

    Sworn Protector: If Creed is taken Kell is automatically taken at no additional costs.

    Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken .......................................................................................... 95 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Colonel Straken 5 4 6 4 3 3 3 9 3

    Wargear: Flak armour

    Plasma pistol


    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Refractor Field

    Special Rules:


    Senior Officer

    Cold Steel Courage

    Man of Adamantium

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    Nork Deddog ........................................................................................................................ 80 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Nork Deddog 4 3 5 5 3 3 4 8 4

    Wargear: Carapace armour

    Ripper gun

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules:

    Feel no Pain

    Furious Charge



    Loyal to the End

    Heroic Sacrifice

    Lord Commissar .............................................................................................................. 70 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Lord Commissar 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 10 5


    Flak armour

    Bolt pistol/Bolter

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag and krak grenades

    Refractor field

    Special Rules:

    Independent Character


    Summary Execution

    Aura of Discipline


    The Lord Commissar may exchange his/her weapon(s) for: Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    The Lord Commissar may take any of the following:

    Carapace armour ................................................................................................ 5 points

    Camo Cloak ...................................................................................................... 5 points

    Melta bombs ...................................................................................................... 5 points


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport

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    Commissar Yarrick........................................................................................................ 160 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Commissar Yarrick 5 5 3 4 3 3 4 10 4

    Wargear: Carapace armour

    Storm bolter

    Battle klaw (Counts as power fist)

    Close-combat weapon

    Bolt pistol

    Frag and krak grenades

    Force field

    Bale Eye

    Refractor field

    Special Rules: Independent Character

    Eternal Warrior

    Aura of Discipline

    Inspirational Hero

    Iron will


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Primaris Psyker ................................................................................................................ 70


    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Primaris Psyker 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 9 5


    Flak armour


    Force weapon

    Frag grenades

    Refractor field

    Special Rules:

    Independent Character

    Psyker (The Primaris Psyker can use a two psychic powers per turn)

    It's For Your Own Good

    Psychic Powers:

    Lightning Arc


    Psychic Ward

    Psychic Lash

    Machine Curse


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport


    Carapace armour ................................................................................................ 5 points

    Camo Cloak ...................................................................................................... 5 points

    Melta bombs ...................................................................................................... 5 points

    Psychic Ward: The Primaris Psyker is particularly useful in countering the heretical abilities

    of aliens and traitor scum. Any enemy within 24'' of the Primaris Psyker that passes a

    Psychic test, the psychic power may be intercepted. Make a psychic test, if the test is passed

    then roll D6 on a 4+ the power is nullified.

    Psychic Lash: The Primaris Psyker focuses his/her powers on nearby opponents, mentally

    ripping open arteries and puncturing organs. Instead of making his normal attacks in close-

    combat, make a psychic test. If successful the Primaris Psyker gets 3D6 Attacks (with no

    bonuses for charging, additional weapons, etc) these attacks automatically wound, armour

    saves still apply.

    Machine Curse: The Primaris Psyker presses his/her hands against an enemy vehicle and

    calls upon his powers to pronounce a curse on the machine spirits of his enemies. This

    power is used in the Assault phase in place of normal attacks. Make the Psychic test, if

    passes roll a D6.

    D6 Effect

    1-4 Glancing hit

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    5-6 Penetrating hit

    ELITESOgryn Squad .................................................................................................................. 130 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Ogryn 4 3 5 5 3 3 3 6 4

    Ogryn Bone ad 4 3 5 5 3 3 4 7 4


    1 Bone ad

    2 Ogryn


    Carapace Armour

    Ripper gun

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules:


    Furious Charge


    Feel no Pain


    May have up to seven

    additional Ogryns ........................................................................... 40 points per model


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Ratling Squad ................................................................................................................... 30 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Ratling 2 4 2 2 1 4 1 6 5

    Veteran 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 5


    3 Ratlings


    Flak armour

    Sniper rifle


    Special Rules:


    Stealth (Ratling only)


    May have up to seven

    additional Ratlings ......................................................................... 10 points per model

    All Ratlings may be replaced by a Veteran for free

    Any Veteran can purchase a camo cloak for ............................................... 2 points per model


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Storm Trooper Squad ...................................................................................................... 65 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Storm Trooper 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4

    Storm Trooper Sergeant 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 9 4


    4 Storm Troopers

    1 Storm Trooper Sergeant


    Carapace armour

    Hot-shot lasgun/Bolter

    Hot-shot laspistol/Boltpistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag & Krak grenades

    Special Rules:

    Deep Strike

    Special Operation


    May have up to five

    Additional Storm Troopers ............................................................ 12 points per model

    The Storm Trooper Sergeant may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasmagun ........................................................................................................ 15 points Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    Up to two Storm Troopers may replace their weapon(s) for:

    Flamer, grenade launcher or sniper rifle ............................................................ 5 points

    Meltagun .......................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasma gun ....................................................................................................... 15 points

    The entire squad may have any of the following:

    Melta bombs .................................................................................................... 20 points

    Transport: The squad may take a Chimera, Valkyrie or Vendetta as a dedicated transport

    Hotshot lasguns and pistols have the following Profile.

    Range Str Ap Type

    Hotshot Lasgun 24'' 3 3 Rapid Fire

    Hotshot Laspistol 12'' 3 3 Pistol

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Psyker Battle Squad ......................................................................................................... 60 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv



    2 3 3 3 1 3 1 9 5

    Overseer 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 9 5


    9 Sanctioned Psykers

    1 Overseer


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Force weapon

    Special Rules: Psyker (Sanctioned Psykers Only, each Sanctioned Psyker can use a single psychic power

    per turn)

    Psychic Choir

    Ultimate Sanction

    Psychic Powers:

    Weaken Resolve


    Psychic Ward

    Psychic Lash

    Machine Curse


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport

    Soulstorm: The psykers engulf their enemies in a storm of Warp energy that sears flesh and

    rends their foes souls from their bodies.

    Range Strength AP Type

    36'' 3* D6* Assault 1, Large Blast

    *Add 1 Strength or AP for each Sanctioned Psyker that chooses to combining his/her power

    Psychic Ward: Sanctioned Psykers are particularly useful in countering the heretical abilities

    of aliens and traitor scum. Any enemy within 24'' of the Sanctioned Psyker that passes a

    Psychic test, the psychic power may be intercepted. Make a psychic test, if the test is passed

    then roll D6 on a 5+ the power is nullified. (Add 1 for each Sanctioned Psyker that

    chooses to combining his/her power.)

    Psychic Lash: The Sanctioned Psyker focuses his/her powers on nearby opponents, mentally

    ripping open arteries and puncturing organs. Instead of making his/her normal attacks in

    close-combat, make a psychic test. If successful the Psyker gets 1D6 Attacks (with nobonuses for charging, additional weapons, etc) these attacks automatically wound, armour

    saves still apply.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Machine Curse: The Sanctioned Psyker presses his/her hands against an enemy vehicle and

    calls upon his/her powers to pronounce a curse on the machine spirits of his/her enemies.

    This power is used in the Assault phase in place of normal attacks. Make the Psychic test, if

    passes roll a D6. (Add 1 for each Sanctioned Psyker that chooses to combining his/her


    D6 Effect1 Nothing

    2-5 Glancing hit

    6 Penetrating hit

    Psychic Choir: In battle, the sonorous chanting of psykers continuously rises as they draw

    ever deeper upon the power of the Warp. A massive surge of psychic energy breaks over into

    the physical world with terrible effects. Each Sanctioned Psyker can cast a single psychic

    power a turn, either casting his own power or combining his power with a nearby psyker.

    Guardsmen Marbo .......................................................................................................... 65 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Guardsmen Marbo 5 5 3 3 2 5 4 7 4


    Carapace Armour

    Ripper Pistol

    Envenomed blade

    Frag grenades

    Melta bombs

    Demolition Charge

    Special Rules:



    Move through cover

    Hit and run



    He's behind you

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Grenadiers ........................................................................................................................ 50 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Grenadier 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 4

    Grenadier Sergeant 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4


    4 Grenadiers

    1 Grenadier Sergeant


    Carapace armour

    Hot-shot lasgun/Bolter

    Hot-shot laspistol/Boltpistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag & Krak grenades


    May have up to five

    additional Grenadiers ................................................................. 10 points per model

    The Grenadier Sergeant may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasmagun ........................................................................................................ 15 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    Up to two Grenadiers may replace their weapon(s) for: Flamer, grenade launcher or sniper rifle ............................................................ 5 points

    Meltagun .......................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasma gun ....................................................................................................... 15 points

    The entire squad may have any of the following:

    Melta bombs .................................................................................................... 20 points


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications



    Platoon Command Squad* ............................................................................................. 30 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Platoon Commander 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5

    Guardsmen 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5

    Commissar 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 5

    Ministorum Priest 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 5


    4 Guardsmen

    1 Platoon Commander


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Bolt pistol/Boltgun (Commissar Only)

    Rosarius (Ministorm Priest Only)

    Special Rules:

    Junior Officer (Platoon Commander)

    Stubborn (Commissar Only)

    Summary Execution (Commissar Only)

    Righteous Fury (Ministorm Priest Only)

    Combined Squad


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport

    Honorifica Imperialis: This award is one of the highest honours that can be won by all ranks

    in the Imperial Guard.

    The Platoon Commander will use the same profile as the Company Commander and in

    addition will gain the Senior Officer special rule.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications



    May have up to five

    additional Guardsmen ...................................................................... 5 points per model

    The Platoon Commander may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    The Platoon Commander may take these upgrades:

    Honorifica Imperialis ...................................................................................... 20 points

    The squad may be joined by:

    A Commissar ................................................................................................... 30 points

    A Ministorum Priest ......................................................................................... 30 points

    The Commissar may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    The Ministorum Priest may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasmagun ........................................................................................................ 15 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Eviscerator ........................................................................................................... 15 points

    One Guardsmen may be upgraded to carry:

    Medi-pack ........................................................................................................ 30 points

    One other Guardsmen may be upgraded to carry:

    Platoon Standard ................................................................................................ 5 points

    One other Guardsmen may be upgraded to carry:

    Vox-caster .......................................................................................................... 5 points

    One other Guardsmen may be upgraded to carry:

    Heavy flamer ................................................................................................... 20 points

    Replace two other Guardsmen with a Heavy Weapons Team armed with the following:

    Mortar or Heavy Stubber ................................................................................... 5 points

    Heavy bolter, Multi-laser or Autocannon ........................................................ 10 points

    Missile launcher ............................................................................................... 15 points

    Lascannon ........................................................................................................ 20 points

    Any remaining Guardsmen that have not been upgraded with one of the options may replace

    their weapon(s) with:

    Boltpistol or Bolter .............................................................................................. 1 point

    Flamer, grenade launcher or sniper rifle ............................................................ 5 points

    Meltagun .......................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasma gun ....................................................................................................... 15 points

    The entire squad may have any of the following:

    Krak grenades .................................................................................................... 5 points

    Melta bombs .................................................................................................... 20 points

    Carapace Armour ............................................................................................. 20 points

    Camo cloaks ..................................................................................................... 20 points

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Commander Chenkov ...................................................................................................... 50 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Commander Chenkov 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 9 4


    Carapace armour

    Power weapon

    Frag grenades

    Bolt pistol

    Special Rules


    Forward, you Dogs!

    Send in the Next Wave

    Captain Al'Rahem ........................................................................................................... 70 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Captain Al'Rahem 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 9 5


    Flak armour

    Plasma pistol

    Frag grenades

    Claw of the Desert Tigers

    Special Rules:

    Stalk the Enemy

    Desert Raiders

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Infantry Squad* ............................................................................................................... 50 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Guardsmen 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5

    Sergeant 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5

    Commissar 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 5

    Ministorum Priest 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 5


    9 Guardsmen

    1 Sergeant


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Bolt pistol/Boltgun (Commissar Only)

    Rosarius (Ministorm Priest Only)

    Special Rules:

    Combined Squad

    Stubborn (Commissar Only)

    Summary Execution (Commissar Only)

    Righteous Fury (Ministorm Priest Only)


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport

    If a heavy weapon team is not taken a second guardsmen may take a special weapon.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications



    The Sergeant may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    Melta bombs ...................................................................................................... 5 points

    Carapace armour ................................................................................................ 5 points

    The squad may be joined by:

    A Commissar ................................................................................................... 30 points

    A Ministorum Priest ......................................................................................... 30 points

    The Commissar may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    Melta bombs ...................................................................................................... 5 points

    Carapace armour ................................................................................................ 5 points

    The Ministorum Priest may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasmagun ........................................................................................................ 15 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Eviscerator ........................................................................................................... 15 points

    Melta bombs ...................................................................................................... 5 points

    Carapace armour ................................................................................................ 5 points

    One other Guardsmen may be upgraded to carry:

    Vox-caster .......................................................................................................... 5 points

    Replace two other Guardsmen with a Heavy Weapons Team armed with the following:

    Mortar or Heavy Stubber ................................................................................... 5 points

    Heavy bolter, Multi-laser or Autocannon ........................................................ 10 points

    Missile launcher ............................................................................................... 15 points

    Lascannon ........................................................................................................ 20 points

    One other Guardsmen that have not been upgraded with one of the options may replace their

    weapon(s) with:

    Boltpistol or Bolter .............................................................................................. 1 point

    Flamer, grenade launcher or sniper rifle ............................................................ 5 points

    Meltagun .......................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasma gun ....................................................................................................... 15 points

    The entire squad may have any of the following:

    Krak grenades .................................................................................................. 10 points

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Heavy Weapon Squad* .................................................................................................... 60 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Guardsmen 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 5

    Composition: 6 Guardsmen forming 3 heavy weapon teams


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Mortar/Heavy stubber

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules:

    Combined Squad


    Heavy bolter, Multi-laser or Autocannon .......................................................... 5 points

    Missile launcher ............................................................................................... 10 points

    Lascannon ........................................................................................................ 15 points

    The entire squad may have any of the following:

    Krak grenades .................................................................................................. 10 points

    Special Weapon Squad* .................................................................................................. 60 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Guardsmen 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5


    6 Guardsmen


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules:

    Combined Squad


    Three Guardsmen must replace their weapon(s) with:

    Boltpistol or Bolter .............................................................................................. 1 point

    Flamer, grenade launcher or sniper rifle ............................................................ 5 points

    Meltagun .......................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasma gun ....................................................................................................... 15 points

    Demolition Charge ........................................................................................... 20 points

    The entire squad may have any of the following:

    Krak grenades .................................................................................................. 10 points

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Conscripts* ....................................................................................................................... 60 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Conscript 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 5

    Commissar 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 9 5

    Ministorum Priest 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 5


    20 Conscripts


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Bolt pistol/Boltgun (Commissar Only)

    Rosarius (Ministorm Priest Only)

    Special Rules:

    Stubborn (Commissar Only)

    Summary Execution (Commissar Only)

    Righteous Fury (Ministorm Priest Only)


    May include up to an additional 30 conscripts

    ................................................................................................................. 3 points per model

    The squad may be joined by: A Commissar ................................................................................................... 30 points

    A Ministorum Priest ......................................................................................... 30 points

    The Commissar may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    Melta bombs ...................................................................................................... 5 points

    Carapace armour ................................................................................................ 5 points

    The Ministorum Priest may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasmagun ........................................................................................................ 15 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Eviscerator ........................................................................................................... 15 points

    Melta bombs ...................................................................................................... 5 points

    Carapace armour ................................................................................................ 5 points

    If your army includes Commander Chenkov, any unit of Conscripts may be given the Send

    in the Next Wave special Rule: .............................................................................. 60 points

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Veteran Squad .................................................................................................................. 70 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Veteran 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 5

    Veteran Sergeant 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5


    9 Veterans

    1 Veteran Sergeant


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag & Krak grenades


    The Sergeant may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    One other Guardsmen may be upgraded to carry:

    Vox-caster .......................................................................................................... 5 points

    Replace two other Guardsmen with a Heavy Weapons Team armed with the following:

    Mortar or Heavy Stubber ................................................................................... 5 points

    Heavy bolter, Multi-laser or Autocannon ........................................................ 10 points

    Missile launcher ............................................................................................... 15 points

    Lascannon ........................................................................................................ 20 points

    Three other Guardsmen that have not been upgraded with one of the options may replace

    their weapon(s) with:

    Boltpistol or Bolter .............................................................................................. 1 point

    Flamer, grenade launcher or sniper rifle ............................................................ 5 points

    Meltagun .......................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasma gun ....................................................................................................... 15 points

    The squad can choose any of the following doctrines: Grenadiers: The squad replaces its flak armour with

    carapace armour ............................................................................................... 30 points

    Forward Sentries: The squad has camo-cloaks and

    snare mines ...................................................................................................... 30 points

    Demolitions: The entire squad has melta bombs. One Veteran carries a demolition charge

    in addition to his other equipment ................................................................... 30 points


    The squad may take a Chimera as a dedicated transport

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Gunnery Sergeant Harker .............................................................................................. 55 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Gunnery Sergeant Harker 4 4 4 3 1 3 2 8 5

    Wargear: Flak armour

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag and krak grenades

    'Payback' (Heavy bolter)

    Special Rules:


    Feel No Pain

    Catachan Devils

    Sergeant Bastonne ........................................................................................................... 55 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Sergeant Bastonne 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 10 4


    Carapace armour

    Hotshot lasgun

    Hot laspistol

    Frag and krak grenades

    Power sword

    Special Rules:

    It's Up to us, Lads

    Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

    Haunted Memory

    Haunted Memory: Bastonne 's skin is riddled with tattoos the names of every fallen

    comrade inscribed unto his flesh lest his uncanny memory fail him and he forgets the brave

    souls sacrifice and the events that led to their demise.

    Bastonne provides his squad with the grenadiers and forward sentries doctrines. To increase

    the soldiers under his commands survivability and to ease his never forgetting mind.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Penal Legion Squad ......................................................................................................... 80 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Penal Legionnaire 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5

    Penal Custodian 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5


    9 Penal Legionnaires

    1 Penal Custodian


    Flak armour

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag grenades

    Special Rules: Desperadoes



  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Dedicated TransportChimera Armoured Transport ....................................................................................... 55 points


    Chimera 3 12 10 10



    Heavy bolter


    Smoke launchers

    Special Rules:

    Amphibious Mobile Command Vehicle


    Replace turret multi-laser with:

    Heavy flamer, heavy bolter or autocannon ............................................................... free

    Missile pods with turret heavy stubber ................................................................ 10 points

    Multi-melta or lascannon ................................................................................. 15 points

    Plasma cannon ................................................................................................. 20 points

    Replace hull heavy bolter with:

    Heavy flamer ............................................................................................................ free

    Multi-melta .................................................................................................. 15 points

    Take any of the following:

    Pintle-mounted storm bolter or heavy stubber ................................................. 10 points

    Hunter-killer missile ........................................................................................ 10 points

    Dozer blade ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Extra armour .................................................................................................... 15 points

    Camo netting .................................................................................................... 20 points

    Armoured side skirts ........................................................................................ 15 points

    If a multi-laser, autocannon or lascannon is taken you may choose the following upgrade:

    Coaxial storm bolter or heavy stubber ............................................................. 10 points

    Armoured side skirts: The tank crew have added sheets of plasteel to the sides of their tank

    to gain further protection against attacks.

    Giving the Chimera a side armour value of 11

    Missile Pod

    Range Str Ap Type

    Missile Pod (Frag) 48' 4 6 Heavy 2, Small BlastMissile Pod (Krak) 48'' 8 3 Heavy 2

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Fast AttackScout Sentinel Squadron ............................................................................................. 35 points


    Scout Sentinel 3 3 5 10 10 10 3 1


    1 3 Scout Sentinels



    Special Rules:


    Move Through Cover


    Any Sentinel may replace its multi-laser with one of the following weapons:

    Heavy flamer, heavy bolter, autocannon or power lifter ............................................ Free

    Missile launcher ............................................................................................... 10 points

    Multi-melta or lascannon ................................................................................. 15 points

    Take any of the following:

    Searchlight ....................................................................................................... 1 point

    Hunter-killer missile ........................................................................................ 10 points

    The entire squadron may take:

    Smoke launchers ................................................................................................ 5 points

    Camo netting .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Sentinal Power Lifter: Are used primarily for loading and unloading equipment and supplies from

    convoys, however their large Hydraulic Claws allow them some protection in close combat, being

    easily able to crush a man.

    Plus 1 Strength, 1 Attack and is treated as a power weapon.

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Armoured Sentinel Squadron ..................................................................................... 55 points


    Armoured Sentinel 3 3 5 12 10 10 3 1

    Composition: 1 3 Armoured Sentinels



    Extra Armour


    Any Sentinel may replace its multi-laser with one of the following weapons:

    Heavy flamer, heavy bolter, autocannon or power lifter ............................................ Free

    Missile launcher ............................................................................................... 10 points

    Multi-melta or lascannon ................................................................................. 15 points

    Plasma Cannon ................................................................................................ 20 points

    Take any of the following:

    Searchlight ....................................................................................................... 1 point

    Hunter-killer missile ........................................................................................ 10 points

    The entire squadron may take:

    Smoke launchers ................................................................................................ 5 points

    Camo netting .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Rough Rider Squad ......................................................................................................... 55 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Rough Rider 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5

    Rough Rider Sergeant 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5


    4 Rough Riders

    1 Rough Rider Sergeant

    Wargear: Flak armour

    Hunting Lance

    Lasgun/Autogun/Shotgun/Las pistol/Auto pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag and Krak grenades

    Special Rules:

    Fleet of hoof

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications



    May have up to five additional Rough Riders ....................................................... 10 points

    The Sergeant may exchange his/her weapon(s) for:

    Bolt pistol or Boltgun .......................................................................................... 1 point

    Plasma pistol .................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power weapon ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Power fist ......................................................................................................... 15 points

    Melta bombs ...................................................................................................... 5 points

    Up to two Rough Riders may replace their hunting lance with one of the following:

    Boltpistol or Bolter .............................................................................................. 1 point

    Flamer, grenade launcher or sniper rifle ............................................................ 5 points

    Meltagun .......................................................................................................... 10 points

    Plasma gun ....................................................................................................... 15 points

    The entire squad may have any of the following:

    Carapace Armour ............................................................................................ 30 points

    Additional Hunting Lances .............................................................................. 30 points

    Additional Hunting Lances: Removes the limit of one.

    Mogul Kamir .................................................................................................................... 40 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

    Mogul Kamir 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 8 5


    Flak armour

    Hunting Lance


    Bolt pistol

    Close-combat weapon

    Frag and Krak grenades

    Special Rules:

    Fleet of hoof

    Khanasan's Fiercest

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Hellhound Squadron

    Composition: Vehicle squadron composed of 1 3 of the following tanks, in any combination:

    Hellhound ...................................................................................................... 130 points per model

    Devil Dog ....................................................................................................... 120 points per model

    Bane Wolf...................................................................................................... 130 points per model


    Hellhound 3 12 12 10

    Devil Dog 3 12 12 10

    Bane Wolf 3 12 12 10

    Wargear (All):

    Heavy Bolter


    Smoke Launchers

    Wargear (Hellhound):

    Inferno cannon

    Wargear (Devil Dog):

    Melta cannon

    Wargear (Bane Wolf):

    Chem cannon


    Replace turret weapon with: Twin-linked Heavy flamer, twin-linked heavy bolter, twin-linked autocannon, twin-

    linked lascannon, twin-linked multi-melta or plasma cannon ...................................... free

    Replace hull heavy bolter with:

    Heavy flamer ............................................................................................................ free

    Multi-melta .................................................................................................. 15 points

    Take any of the following:

    Pintle-mounted storm bolter or heavy stubber ................................................. 10 points

    Missile Pods ..................................................................................................... 10 points

    Hunter-killer missile ........................................................................................ 10 points

    Dozer blade ...................................................................................................... 10 points

    Extra armour .................................................................................................... 15 points

    The entire squadron may take:

    Camo netting .................................................................................................... 20 points

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron ............................................................ 100 points per model

    Composition: Vehicle squadron composed of 1 3 of the following tanks, in any combination:


    Valkyrie 3 12 12 10



    2 Hellstrike Missiles


    Extra Armour

    Special Rules:

    Deep Strike


    Grav Chute Insertion


    Any Valkyrie may replace its multi-laser with:

    Lascannon ....................................................................................... 15 points per model

    Any Valkyrie may exchange both of its hellstrike missiles for:

    Two multiple rocket pods ............................................................... 30 points per model

    Any Valkyrie may take a pair of sponsons armed with:

    Heavy Stubbers ................................................................................. 5 points per model

    Heavy Bolters ................................................................................. 10 points per model

    Vendetta Gunship Squadron ........................................................................ 130 points per model

    Composition: Vehicle squadron composed of 1 3 of the following tanks, in any combination:


    Vendetta 3 12 12 10


    3 Twin-linked lascannons


    Extra Armour

    Special Rules:

    Deep Strike


    Grav Chute Insertion


    Any Vendetta may replace its two twin-linked lascannons for:

    Two hellfury missiles .......................................................................... 15 points per model

    Any Vendetta may take a pair of sponsons armed with: Heavy Stubbers ................................................................................. 5 points per model

    Heavy Bolters ................................................................................. 10 points per model

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Heavy SupportLeman Russ Battle Tank ............................................................................. 150 points per model

    Composition: Vehicle squadron composed of 1 3 of the following tanks, in any combination:


    Leman Russ 3 14 13 10

    Leman Russ* 3 14 13 11

    Wargear (ALL):

    Heavy Bolter


    Smoke LaunchersSpecial Rules:

    Lumbering Behemoth


    Leman Russ: Battle cannon*

    Leman Russ Exterminator: Exterminator autocannons

    Leman Russ Annihilator: Annihilator Lascannons

    Leman Russ Eradicator: Eradicator nova cannon

    Leman Russ Demolisher*: Demolisher cannon

    Leman Russ Vanquisher*: Vanquisher battle cannon*

    Leman Russ Punisher*: Punisher Gatling cannon

    Leman Russ Executioner*: Executioner plasma cannon


    Any model may upgrade to one of the following:

    Exterminator ............................................................................................................. free

    Annihilator ............................................................................................................... free

    Eradicator ......................................................................................................... 10 points

    Demolisher ....................................................................................................... 15 points

    Vanquisher ....................................................................................................... 30 points

    Punisher ........................................................................................................... 30 points

    Executioner ...................................................................................................... 40 points

    Any model may exchange its heavy bolter for:

    Heavy flamer or autocannon .................................................................................... free

    Multi-Melta or lascannon ................................................................................ 15 points

    Plasma Cannon ................................................................................................ 20 points

    Any model may take a pair of sponsons armed with:

    Heavy Stubbers ............................................................................... 10 points per model

    Heavy bolters, heavy flamers or Autocannons ................................................ 20 points

    Multi-meltas or lascannons .............................................................................. 30 points

    Plasma cannons ................................................................................................ 40 points

  • 8/3/2019 Imperial Guard Codex Modifications


    Any model may take any of the following:

    Pintle-mounted heavy stubber or storm bolter ................................................. 10 points

    Hunter-killer missile ........................................................................................ 10 points

    Dozerblade ....................................................................................................... 10 points

    Extra armour .................................................................................................... 15 points

    Heavy Armour ................................................................................................. 15 points

    Tank Ace .