Download - Immunology ; “Science of Self/Non-self Discrimination”

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  • Immunology ; Science of Self/Non-self Discrimination
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  • Immunity ; The state of protection from infectious disease. immunis ; exempt, individuals who had recovered from certain infectious diseases were thereafter protected from the disease. Immune response Recognition ; specificity Response ; effector response : eliminate or neutralize the organism memory response : rapid & heightened immune reaction Innate immunity vs. adaptive immunity
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  • Smallpox; a historical perspective The most destructive disease in history In the 20th century, more than 300 million people succumbed to Smallpox. Variolation Ancient Chinese and Indian physicians (11th century) recognize the practice to inject pus from smallpox lesions into healthy individuals in hope of inducing mild disease. Introduced into England in 1721 Many people contracted smallpox from variolation (1-2% fatality), but, much better alternative than natural smallpox (25% of whole population and 40% in young children).
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  • The first Vaccine Edward Jenner (1749-1823) ; Milkmaids who had been exposed to cowpox (a mild disease in humans) were protected against smallpox (1796) Louis Pasteur; - Vaccination (vacca = cow in Latin) in 1881 - Attenuated rabies viral vaccine (1885); Safer and more efficient methods for the preparation of larger quantity of vaccine. Yellow fever virus vaccine (1935) Influenza virus vaccine(1936)
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  • cartoon from 1802
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  • Effect of Vaccination Measles Vaccine Smallpox Vaccine
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  • 20th century flu pandemics PandemicYear Influenza A virus subtype People infected (approx) Deaths (est.) Case fatality rate 1918 flu pandemic 191819H1N1 0.5 to 1 billion (near 50%) 20 to 100 million>2.5% Asian flu195658H2N22 million