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From Another interpretation of life...please see the site for more detail: Your 12 bodies Just as your higher bodies are real, so are the (sometimes non-physical) microbes that invade them. - Bayard If you keep your higher bodies clear of disease, it becomes very difficult for disease to invade your physical body. Each of these bodies is as complex as the physical body. Anything that can happen to your physical body in the way of pathology....can happen to any of the higher bodies. The 12 bodies listed in the approximate order of density, least dense first: Celestial Gravitational Spiral Astral Karmic Mental Emotional Etheric Physical Universal emotional Universal mental Universal physical A little more about each of the bodies After the name of each body in parentheses below are listed the important functions of that body, then a brief description of its qualities and the role that body plays in relationship to healing. Celestial (alchemy/creation/imagination/intuition) This body deals with essences and brings forth specific realities from nothing. It is creative and can make spiritual contact with other souls. The celestial body is the source of positive pacts, and can be seduced into negative ones. While the gravitational body makes you attractive, the celestial body makes you appealing. It is most useful in the area of meeting people. Lead with your celestial body and you can't go wrong (activate others' with yours). Kills viruses by altering you.

Gravitational (intention for God's truth) This body is responsible for attractions and repulsions -- controls what and whom you attract: money, friends, relationships, parents, children, siblings, and pathologies. Attractions and repulsions are tenuous and easily disrupted (yes, a repulsion can also be disrupted). It needs ideal conditions under which to operate; those conditions exist most completely on the sub-atomic level. This is one of the first bodies you have, way back before you attain the human form. Picture the gravitational body zooming around on the subatomic level, attracting some particles, repelling others, without the constraints of the other "cumbersome" bodies that come later, when you reach animal, and finally human form. The gravitational body is the one with the clock. People -- you may be one of them -- who can tell exactly what time it is, or wake up at a given time without an alarm, are using their gravitational body to do that. The gravitational body is in charge of the immune system. It chooses what to let in and what to reject. When a pathogen blocker (such as a nutrient), an immune response, or an antibody is needed by the physical body, the gravitational body brings in the information needed for its manufacture or creation. So when a new bug comes to town and it takes you three or four days to manufacture an antibody, it's because your gravitational body is dysfunctional. It took too long recognizing the bug. Kills viruses by altering their RNA sequences. Spiral (form/rhythm/order) This body is the repository of DNA codes and controls DNA. Evolution is impossible without it. The spiral body accepts information not presently encoded in a DNA strand, and then joins with the DNA strand in such a way that the DNA strand, over time and possibly over many repeated joinings, assimilates the information. The spiral body exists in a space that is much less dense, much less linear (i.e., much less "real") than the physical body. Kills viruses by altering your DNA. Astral (faith) Everyone has heard of the astral body and knows various things about it. It protects the physical body against physical world threat, often in the form of violence. Your astral body can also give you perspective in situations where you are physically locked in because of separation from your physical body. The emotional and mental release this brings can be so profound that hundreds of thousands of people who live in this century have stated the belief that the separation produced absolute and complete clarity. Most of them have since found out that they were mistaken. Because the astral body is a composite body, it does not in and of itself contract things like viruses. If you manage this body properly, you won't contract anything through it. Master Order of Use and Protection of the Bodies

to gain this skill. Karmic (forgiveness/understanding/completion) Contains the record of everything that ever happened to you, not just your past lives but before you had past lives, all the way back to when you started out as a subatomic particle. It is a "piece" of the universal mental body. Any disease you have in this body will keep recurring in your spiral body and cause the gravitational body to disable the immune system with respect to that disease. The karmic body is the repository of disease and contains different kinds of codings, impressions, and other things that will cause and prevent sickness, pathology invasion, immune dysfunction, etc. The study of this is too involved for this particular skill; for this you need the skill called Unravel the Pathological Matrix. What you can do right now as a shortcut is find any constituents of the virus that exist right now in your karmic body, say, "I am removing them," and test when they're gone. Then work your skills diligently, because the real removal will come to you as you continue to work. (First you remove it, then you remove it.) Mental (surrender) Enables you to synthesize knowledge into new behavioral modalities. Best function: sit back, observe, synthesize with a simple mental construct. Kills viruses by altering thought. Emotional (love) Controls physical body's immune system. It is your appreciative interaction with life and reality. It is also the source of (healthy) anger. "Emotions" such as fear, pain, hate, loathing, reactiveness, sadness, and depression have nothing to do with the emotional body but are caused by dysfunctions of other bodies. Joy and ecstasy are emotional body functions, as are the maternal instinct and paternal protectiveness. Kills viruses by boosting immune response. Etheric (connection to God and universe/communication) Contains the chakra system. The chakras function like radio transmitters-receivers, interacting with the chakras of others, and also drawing information from and sending information to the universal mental and universal physical bodies. When leading with this body, a person can have charisma and be a spellbinder (to good or bad effect). Kills viruses by altering vibration. Physical (survival)

Is the most dense of the bodies. In the game of life the physical body should be used last, like the king in a chess game. The physical body should mostly relax until it is absolutely needed, while the other bodies do the work. For this to happen, you need to go beyond knowing what the bodies do, all the way over to using them effectively to do it. When you lead with this body, there is effort, stress, and hard work. Kills viruses by altering acid/alkaline ratio of cells. Universal emotional (gratitude/responsibility for lessons) Universal mental (knowledge/renunciation/healing) Universal physical (strength/aligning with universe's positive powers) The universal bodies are, in a sense, outside of the game. They exist in a space that is beyond linear or non-linear, a space where everything originates but nothing exists. The information on any reality you are looking to get to the bottom of can be found in the universal bodies, as can the origin of all disease. For our purposes here, suffice it to say that they are the seat of universal knowingness and action as well the repository of all disease. More about all the bodies All that being said, you have 12 bodies, and none of them exist. They and the universe we live in are an illusion that God created in order to know herself. You are God, and the illusion is that you are separate -- that is, that you are not God. The further illusion is 12 bodies instead of one soul, and so on. You name it, it's illusion. Inside this illusion, some things are grosser (more dense) than others, and this grossness is measured in a terminology we use called dimensions. Germs are grosser than viruses. Germs are 2nd dimensional, viruses are 1st dimensional, subatomic particles are 0 dimensional. None of the bodies are you. Temporary identification of yourself with any body is OK; permanent or pervasive identification with bodies is destructive. Overuse or inappropriate use of any body damages all the bodies. It lowers your immune response and opens you to invasion by pathologies. The density of a body is in inverse proportion to the speed with which it travels. So the slowest traveling body is the most dense body, which is the physical body, and the fastest body is the least dense body, the celestial body. The celestial body can be in virtually hundreds of places at once -- not simultaneously, but by sheer speed. It moves much more rapidly than a subatomic particle.

Precept: One aspect of dysfunction is abnormal density of any body. The bodies transport information by oscillation, joining with the information to be carried, then joining with the recipient of the information, all done in nanoseconds. The depth with which the bodies view information is also in inverse proportion to the density of the body. So a body like the celestial works only with absolute essences; the spiral and gravitational bodies work with codings and highly complex and literal pieces of information, like the type found in DNA; and the mental and emotional bodies deal with much grosser essences, doing alterations on them rather than joining with them. These bodies are equipped to respond and create responses for you. Your emotional body perceives love and enables you to interact with it as such; your mental body perceives a good idea and does the same with that. Identification with any particular body, such as the physical body, disables our ability to see all the bodies for what they are: functioning, useful entities. As a result we become far less effective at using any of them, including the ones we identify with. If you are an athlete or ex-athlete, you can probably recall moments of dis-identifying with the physical body when you were using it most intensely, and what seemed to be higher functions taking over. Though you may not have identified them as such, these were your higher bodies coming into play. Where are the bodies? The bodies exist in a non-linear space. In order to study them, an appropriate physics has to be developed. But they can be observed, and we can know them by observation. The essential nature of the space in which they exist changes in gradations from most dense to least dense. So the physical body inhabits the space that is the most dense, with the etheric body inhabiting the space that is second most dense. Even the standard science we use now has been able to observe and measure things about the etheric body. The emotional body comes next. It's easier to feel than the mental body. When the emotional body is turned off or dysfunctional, that, too, is quite obvious. The mental body is less dense. Most people's emotional bodies are shut down most of the time, and their mental bodies are quite dysfunctional but look normal to most people, since by most people's standards the criterion for a well-functioning mental body is the ability to carry on a complex intellectual conversation.

It's not possible to make precise distinctions here, but I'll put the karmic body next. The karmic body borders on the observable to a large segment of the world's population, and thousands of people make their living doing readings of it - i.e., psychic readings, astrology readings, Akashic readings, etc. Genuine (legitimate) readers of all types are Harmonic masters. And most people feel that they are quite competent to read another's character. You will discover that the killing of disease increases your power to read people, and that that keeps increasing. The rule of thumb is that basically as good as you are at reading your own bodies, that's how easy it will be to read the bodies of others. There is really no difference in the two abilities. The astral body is actually an aggregate body made up of several of the other bodies - but the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Also, the 12 bodies are not really 12 bodies, but aspects of a single body. Each is a projection of the other 11. Though the physical body is more dense, it is no more real than the other bodies. You may be one of the large percentage of the human race who has experienced "astral travel" -- that is, your astral body being in a different physical world location than your physical body. You may even have perfected this to a fine art or a science; if so, you are able to put your astral body at any point on the globe (or beyond) at any time you wish, and observe what's going on there. (This is a great ability for a journalist, as long as you don't tell your boss how you're getting all those scoops.) If you never have astral traveled, you probably know somebody who has - that is, somebody who knows he has, since you have astral traveled and so has everyone else, just not consciously. The astral body is always going places, though for most people those places usually are not physical world locations but are in the finer areas of the nonlinear space we are discussing. Usually the astral body travels for the purpose of meeting, and often copulating with, other astral bodies. I recommend that any statement I make, especially the one I just made, should be tested, since in these astral copulations you often pick up pathologies that stay with you indefinitely. If you stop and inquire about this now, and find and remove these pathologies, you can experience a nice surge in your general level of well-being. I am not putting down this traveling/copulating activity, only commenting on its potential health implications. Please do the necessary checking now before continuing to read. Wear a condom when having astral sex. (Just teasing.) We now come to three less dense bodies, the most dense of which is the spiral. The spiral body holds DNA codes, and joins with the physical DNA strand in such a way that the DNA strand, over time and many repeated joinings,

assimilates the information. The spiral body exists in a space that is much less dense, much less linear (i.e., much less "real") than the physical body. Finally we have the celestial body. The celestial body deals with essences: it brings forth specific realities from nothing. This is all very abstract talk. Even if you test it and get that it's accurate, it may not be very useful, at least at this time. Where it gets useful is in the area of meeting people. (As soon as I wrote this last sentence, my cat came in to greet me.) Lead with your celestial body the least dense of your bodies - and you can't go wrong. The trick is to be able to meet and activate the celestial body of the other being with yours. Everyone is always accessing the three universal bodies, albeit possibly on an unconscious level. And no matter what level of mastery you've attained, it is possible for you to get sick by accessing them, just as it's possible for you to be helped by accessing them. A little more: Below, the bodies are grouped by type of body. After each body name there is a list of the corresponding symptoms of damage or blockage. These are the downside qualities and may be viewed as an indication (symptom) of trouble with that body. Meridian bodies Celestial - indifference, boredom, problematic Mental - reaction, struggle, virus susceptible Physical - low self-esteem Emotional - malice, meanness Chakra bodies Etheric - disconnection, disinformation Astral - convention, conformity, comfort Gravitational - loss of vision Karmic - martyr Organic bodies Spiral - dependence, addiction, illness Universal mental - illusion, denial Universal physical - unaware of opponents, self-destruction Universal emotional - adversarial, aggressive, withholding