Download - IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCHRemember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the

Page 1: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCHRemember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the


10670 SE Maricamp Road, Ocala, FL 3 472 P.O. Box 310, Candler FL 32 1


  Parish Office 352‐687‐4031 352‐687‐8247 (a er hours) 352‐687‐1811 (fax) Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday‐Thursday 8:00am ‐ 4:00pm Friday 8:00am– 12:00pm Website Like us on facebook@ihmcatholic Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00 am & 10:30 am Daily Mass Monday– Friday 8:30am Confessions Saturday 3:15‐3:45pm Call office for an appointment Anoin ng of the Sick Last Sunday of the month a er 10:30 am Mass  

Administrator: Fr. Stephen Ogonwa (Fr. Seno) Re red Priest: Fr. Ronald Oser

Parish Deacon: Bob Duncan Call the Parish Office for informa on regarding Sacraments of Bap sm and Marriage 

Page 2: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCHRemember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the


(Acts6:1-7; Ps33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; 1Pt2:4-9; Jn14:1-12)


A story was told of a little 9-year-old girl who was in an aircraft with her mother when there came a turbulence over the aircraft after many miles of traveling. The little girl paid less regard to the official announcement that everybody should be seated and remain calm. That is, at this time the obedience of all passengers was cordial except the little girl whose instinct was still in a playing mood. She continued to play as fear seized those who were afraid. Thanks be to God, there was calm at the end. After this, one of the passengers, walked up to the girl and asked, why were you not afraid during the turbulence? She answered, ‘I knew nothing would have happened.’ How did you know that, he asked? The little girl responded, ‘I knew because my father is the pilot.’ He knew I boarded with mum. He wouldn’t allow it because he wouldn’t want to lose me, and he loves me so much. And so I was not afraid.

Jesus was about to go back to where he came from. He is now getting things ready for those who would continue his work on earth, his disciples. But as he does this preparation, the disciples became apprehensive - apprehensive of their future without Jesus. And so, in today’s gospel, he reassured them of his constant care and love in these words “Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God and trust in me; there are many rooms in my father’s house.” It is ending so fast, the disciples couldn’t believe the pain of parting. Earlier, they had thought that Jesus would be a great warrior king, but he became a true shepherd. They placed their hopes in him, he did many good things before the people, per-formed miracles but at the end, he died a shameful death on the cross. During this time, the apostles ran away - one betrayed him, other denied him, others were too afraid to come near. After his burial, his body was missing. They were too terrified to grasp what was happening to them, until the good news of his rising from the dead. And so, at this time also, Jesus continued to appear to them to reassure them that he has risen, Peter became strong again, Thomas will doubt no longer, those on the road to Emmaus came back to the fold. Life became normal again and he stayed with them for forty days after the resurrection.

Now, he wants to go back to heaven. The disciples cannot stand it again, they couldn’t cope with the message. He had to reassure them: Do not be afraid, I am with you. You will do greater things in my name. My dear friends, in Christ, what are you afraid of today, here and now? Offer it to God. What are your fears? What is frightening you in your life, making you not to live a happy life? Remember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. What you are afraid of is afraid of you. Don’t give up because of what you see now. See that you’ve got to find something within you to move you, drive you, and energize you to conquer the inner enemy - fear.

God says trust in me. Have trust in God that your situation is in the hands of God. It is said that dreams without goals remain dreams and will end up with disappointments. What are your goals as a Christian? Are you a disciple of faith, a disciple of Jesus? Don’t give excuses why you should be afraid. Anyone who wants to kill a wild animal should be ready to be killed by the wild animal. Be ready to accept your faith and live it out, for the grass is never greener at the other side. Develop a faith-based mental mindset and solid Christian stamina that will also drive you to hope. This was the mindset of the apostles in the first reading: no distraction from their calling. Refuse to be distracted with your fears, anxieties, cares and worries. Remember that between your goals and achievement are discipline and consistency. Dis-cipline in following the master and consistency in the word of God.

Let’s Pray: Lord Jesus, I have chosen not to be afraid or complain. I replace my complaints with prayers. For com-plaints are setbacks. I will now start using more energy and time to pray rather than complain or be afraid. For com-plaints attract God’s anger and breed frustration and rancor but prayers open up spiritual energies. The devil feeds on

complaints but God waits for us at the altar of prayer. There is nothing too difficult for God to change. Lord Jesus, what a friend we have in you. We suffer long and more when we do not turn to you for help and guidance. You have

been our help from ages past and our hope for years to come. We implore you to intervene timely in our affairs. Do not leave us to the fate of human whims and caprices, but let your will prevail here on earth as it is in heaven, Amen.

Page 3: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCHRemember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the

Pastor’s Corner, (5th Sunday of Easter Year A – Mother’s Day)

My dear Parishioners, today, the 5th Sunday of Easter, coincides with Mother’s Day 2020. In the Gospel Passage (John 14:1-12): Jesus begins to anticipate His Ascension: I am going to the Father. Then He adds, “I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be." Philip asked to be shown the Father, and Jesus replied: Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? Can you discern from these words His profound and intimate rela-tionship with the Father (cf. Matt 11:27; John 5:17-26)? Wow! Please, never accept the Jeho-vah Witnesses’ garbage, who do not believe in the Trinity, and only in the human, not divine nature of Jesus. JESUS IS GOD! Proper knowledge is important to facilitate proper relation-ship with Him (cf. John 15:1-5; 17:1-5). Let us respond to St. Peter’s “Altar Call” inviting us to Jesus, in our Second Reading (1Pet 2:4-9): “Come to him, a living stone, rejected by human beings but chosen and precious in the sight of God.”

“Happy Mother’s Day!” to our biological mothers, adoption mothers, and baptismal god-mothers. We thank God for the extraordinary gift of motherhood, especially in regard to the Blessed Virgin Mary! In this month of May, we mark her MAY CROWNING. Please, never follow the Protestant and Evangelical wrong mentality of pushing her away and despising re-lationship with her. Jesus says to His beloved disciples, “Behold, your mother!” (John 19:27). Like Elizabeth, embrace her and humbly declare, “And why is this [favor] granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43). Like the married couple at Cana in Gal-ilee (cf. John 2:1-11), welcome her into your life, your homes, relationships, businesses, etc. If you run out of wine (or run out of options and about to face embarrassment), she will be there to petition the Lord for a miracle.

BIBLE VERSE OF THE WEEK: “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you” (Isa 49:15).

OUR WEEKLY PARISH SUPPORT: Many thanks to those who have been bringing your weekly and special offerings to the office or mailing your envelopes to us. We need your help

to survive this period. The office is open 8am – 3pm weekdays. God bless you

Page 4: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCHRemember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the
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Page 6: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCHRemember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the

Mission Statement As a community of believers, we center our life and faith on the Eucharist, through which we are nurtured, nourished, sustained and transformed into faithful witnesses and disciples of Christ.

Saturday , January 4th

4:00 pm: Sunday 8:00 am: Happy 6th Anniversary James & Betty Vanderwater, Brian Steadman+ by Law-rence & Joyce 10:.30am: Monday , December 30th 8:30 am Tuesday, December 31st 8:30am: John Noreck+ by Lorraine Noreck 4:00pm: Wednesday, January 1st 8:30 am: Johnnette Williams by Micah Parsons, Donald Parsons by Micah Parsons, Comfort N. Ogonwa by Micah Parsons Thursday, January 2nd 8:30 am: Friday, January 3rd 8:30am: Special Intentions by A Friend Saturday , January 4th

4:00 pm: Sunday January 5th 8:00 am: Happy 6th Anniversary James & Betty Vanderwater, Brian Steadman+ by Lawrence & Joyce 10:.30am:

Monday: Acts 14:5-18,Jn 14:21-26 (285) Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28,Jn 14:27-31(286) Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6, Jn15:1-8(287) Thursday: Acts 1:15-17,20-26,Jn 15:9-17(564) Friday: Acts 15:22-31,Jn 15:12-17(288) Saturday: Acts 16:1-10,Jn 15:18-21(290) Sunday: Acts 8:5-8,14-17, 1 Pt 3:15-18, Jn 14:15-21(55)


OBSERVANCES Tuesday: Saint Nereus and Achilleus Wednesday: Our Lady of Fatima Thursday: Saint Matthias Friday: Saint Isidore Mass Intention Codes: (B) Birthday (I) Special Intention (C) Conversion (RH) Recovery & Healing + Deceased (TG) Thanksgiving (W) Wedding Anniversary

If you are having a Mass said for a loved one and would like to bring up the gifts, please notify the usher before Mass.

Saturday: February 1at

8:30 am: Edward Marszelek+ by The Shavers

Sunday January 26th 8:00 am: James Vanderwater IV+ by Grandpar-ents, Walter Warenda+ by Terry Bormann Brian Steadman+ by Larry & Joyce Kulyk James Quigley+ by Constance Quigley 10:.30am: Monday , January 27th 8:30 am Tuesday, January 28th 8:30am: Wednesday, January 29th 8:30 am: Thursday, January 30th 8:30 am: Friday, January 31st 8:30am: Saturday February 1at

4:00 pm: Kris Acquaviva+ by Acquaviva Family Sunday February 2nd 8:00 am: Andrew & Lucy Abate+ by Lucille & Jeff Blom 10:.30am: Gerald Kohler+ by Ken & Betty

Please remember the following people’s intentions as we gather for the Eucharist: Saturday May 9th

4:00 pm: +Ralph & Connie Lopresti by Suzanne Lopresiti Sunday May 10th 8:00 am:+Trubin & Hagger Families by Emil Hagger 10:30 am: Mothers of Parishioners Living & Deceased by A Friend, +Sally Smeetla by Irene Kohler, +Hank & Helen Jaslowski by Irene Kohler Monday : May 11th 8:30 am : (I) Fr Phillip Scott by Micah Parson Tuesday: May 12th 8:30am: Wednesday: May 13th 8:30 am: (I) Thea Parson by Micah Parson, (I) Dolores & John Mcdiarmid by Micah Parson Thursday: May 14th 8:30 am: Friday: May 15th 8:30am: (I) Fr Jordi Rivero by Micah Parson Saturday: May 16th

4:00 pm: Sunday: May 17th 8:00 am: 10:30 am:

Page 7: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCHRemember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the


Coronavirus Novena Prayer O Mary, you brighten our path as a sign

of salvation and of hope. We entrust our-selves to you, Health of the Sick, who, at the Cross, took part in Jesus’ pain while

remaining steadfast in faith. O loving Mother, you know what we need and we are confident that you will provide for us

as at Cana in Galilee. Intercede for us with your Son,

Jesus, the Divine Physician, for those who have fallen ill, for those who are

vulnerable, and for those who have died. Intercede also for those charged with

protecting the health and safety of oth-ers and for those who are tending to the

sick and seeking a cure. Help us, O Mother of Divine Love, to conform to the

will of the Father and to do as we are told by Jesus, who took upon himself

our sufferings and carried our sorrows, so as to lead us, through the Cross to the glory of the Resurrection. Amen.

Under thy protection, we seek

refuge, O Holy Mother of God. In our needs,

despise not our petitions but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and

blessed Virgin. AMEN


Peter White April 19th 2020

Elizabeth “Betty” Helvie

April 26th 2020


An Old French Prayer for Friends

“Blessed Mother of those whose names you can read in my heart, watch over them with every care. Make

their way easy and their labors frui ul.

“Dry their tears if they weep; sanc fy their joys; raise their courage if they weaken; restore their hope if

they lose heart, their health if they be ill, truth if they err, and repentance if they fall.


Queen of Heaven, rejoice, Alleluia! For He whom 

you did merit to bear, Alleluia! Has  

risen, as He said, Alleluia!

Page 8: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCHRemember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the

Confessions: Saturday at 3:15pm and 1st Thursday of each month after Mass and by Appointment. Anointing of the Sick: The last Sunday of every month after 10:30am Mass or upon request. Baptism, Communion, Confirmation and Marriage: Call the Parish office. First Friday Devotion: First Friday of every month at 8:30 am Mass and Adoration until 10:00 am. First Saturday Devotion: First Saturday of every month, Mass at 8:30am. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena: Every Wednesday after 8:30am Mass.

Men and Women

Serving in the Armed Force Please offer a prayer for our loved ones serving in the armed forces and their families… John Benigno, Navy Shaisia Fredericks, Fort Bliss, El Paso, TX , Ryan Hudson, Navy Chicago, IL William Knorr III, Air Force, Afghanistan Allison Kirk, Air Force, San Antonio, TX Matthew Mills, Air Force, Grand Forks, ND ,Alex Rodgers, South Korea, Devon Smith, Navy Corpsman, Lemoore, CA,, Rebecca Uhlir, Coast Guard, Memphis, TN

Faith Formation Classes—Faith Formation Classes are held on Sundays from 9:15 am - 10:15 am in the Marian Center. Classes are for chil-dren, grades kindergarten to 8th grade. If you have not registered your child, you may do so prior to class. Please see Wendie in the Marian Center office.

FOOD PANTRY Thank you for your continued generosity and loving support. Food pantry is open the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month from 10:00am to 12:00pm. We need the following: canned vegetables, tuna & mayo, peanut butter & jelly, instant mashed potatoes, spaghetti sauce, macaroni & cheese, tomato products, canned pork & beans/beans, cereal, cookies, crackers and Jell-O.

Come and Spend Time with Our Lord

The Chapel is located in the parish office. Chapel is open Monday-Thursday 8:00am-

4:00pm and Friday 8:00am-12:00pm.

Page 9: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCHRemember that fear simply means false events appear real. Do not take your fears/defeat personally, don’t gloom because you can’t see the

Immaculate Heart of Mary Staff Parish Office Manager….. Lyndy E. Garrett Maintenance Supervisor…Paul Londo Maintenance Assistant…...Doug Voorhies Faith Formation Director...Wendie Ricketts Music Director………… Robert Luft

Offertory Contribution April , 2020 Month To Date Envelopes:: 272 Total Month Offering: $10,436.03 Month To Date Budget: $19,000.00 Month To Date Deficit: (8,563.97) Thank you for your donations

CLOSE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Thrift Store is open on Mondays through Fridays from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm and every first and third Saturdays of the month from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm Contact them at 352-687-1304 Tell families, friends and neighbors to donate to the IHM Thrift Store. We need furniture donations, pick up is available, just call the parish office at 352-687-4031. CLOSE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

We have BIN- GO every Monday from 12:00 pm -3:00 pm in the social hall. Pack-ets are $12, $20 and $30. You can purchase ham-

Religious Article


Our religious article store is open as follows: Saturdays before and after the 4:00 pm Vigil Mass. Sundays before and after the 8:00 am and 10:30 am Masses. We need volunteers to assist with all the Masses. If you are interested, please contact the office at 352-687-4031.

Hospital Patients, Nursing Homes & Rehabilitation Patients

If you know you are going into the hospital, nursing home or a rehabilitation center for awhile, please call the office. If it is an emergency, ask a family member or friend to call. After office hours, please call Fr. Seno at 352-687-8247