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IM Lost Secrets By Leonard Payne This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author and the publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, intellectual property, accounting or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Leonard Payne individually or corporately, does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from the actions of any parties involved.

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The Table Of Contents Introduction 1. The "Money Offering" Strategy 2. The "URL Privilege" Strategy 3. The "Electric Discount" Strategy 4. The "Future Warning" Strategy 5. The "Controversial Ending" Strategy 6. The "Tragic Story" Strategy 7. The "Visual Bonus" Strategy 8. The "They Are Watching Me" Strategy 9. The "First To Know" Strategy 10. The "Cheat Sheet" Strategy 11. The "One Link Fits All" Strategy 12. The "No Moldy Cheese" Strategy 13. The "I'm Focusing" Strategy 14. The "Big Ego" Strategy 15. The "Net Percentage" Strategy 16. The "Don't Sell Anything" Strategy 17. The "All Over The World" Strategy 18. The "Benefit Appraisal" Strategy 19. The "I Can Handle It" Strategy 20. The "Month Behind" Strategy 21. The "Testimonial Timesaver" Strategy 22. The "Don't Opt-In" Strategy 23. The "Recently Benefited" Strategy 24. The "Personal Discount" Strategy 25. The "Automatic Credit" Strategy 26. The "We Hate Spam" Strategy 27. The "Opt-In O.T.O." Strategy 28. The "Vacation" Strategy 29. The "Guru Proof" Strategy 30. The "Private Chat" Strategy 31. The "Make Money Too" Strategy 32. The "Pre Notification" Strategy 33. The "More The Merrier" Strategy 34. The "Giving Rebate" Strategy 35. The "Opt-In Contest" Strategy 36. The "Waiting List" Strategy 37. The "First For Rebate" Strategy 38. The "Random Winner" Strategy 39. The "Picture Rebate" Strategy 40. The "Gifts Via E-mail" Strategy 41. The "Read And Subscribe" Strategy

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42. The "Opt-In And Look" Strategy 43. The "Unshared Gift" Strategy 44. The "My Subscriptions" Strategy 45. The "Non Official Launch" Strategy 46. The "Personal Email" Strategy 47. The "First, Second, Third" Strategy 48. The "Don't Buy Until" Strategy 49. The "Whitelist E-mail" Strategy 50. The "Rebate Bet" Strategy Conclusion

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Introduction: The following publication includes fifty powerful marketing strategies. Do you really need to know all of these strategies to be successful? Of course not. But if there's at least a few strategies you didn't know before, just imagine how valuable they could be to your business. The most important thing is to study each marketing strategy with an open mind. The more you understand about any strategy, the more useful and beneficial it will be. A careful reading of these strategies could really make a big difference in your profits.

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1. The "Money Offering" Strategy The "(no.) people have already offered us money to reserve the product..." strategy tells your prospects that your product must be hot if people are trying to make sure that you hold their spot before it's released. You can mention that you told the people they couldn't do that and they will just have to be present when the product goes live so it's fair for everyone. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’.

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2. The "URL Privilege" Strategy The "don't share this link with anyone..." strategy tells your prospects that they should be privileged to be on your list/web site because only they know about the special URL. It could be that the web site has a free product just for them, a discount to a particular product, a sign up form to your affiliate program, etc. You can make the link sound extra special by telling them it's against your terms of service if they share it with anyone or make the sign/click on/agree to a nondisclosure contact before they get to see the web site. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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3. The "Electric Discount" Strategy The "I'll take the amount off the physical version..." strategy tells your prospect that you will be releasing a physical version of your product that is related to the electronic version they already bought. You are also saying that you will take the price they paid for the electric version off the price of your upcoming physical product. So, non buyers of the electric version will have to pay a higher price for the physical version and they won't. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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4. The "Future Warning" Strategy The "this may be my only chance to warn you before..." strategy tells your prospects that they may not face the future without reading your advertisement. When you warn people about something it's usually bad so people take notice. You could warn them about your competition's product, about an upcoming price increase to one of your products, an event in the world or your industry that could affect them from gaining their desired benefit, etc. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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5. The "Controversial Ending" Strategy The "this will help end the controversy in your life..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will relive the tension and frustration they are personal having or with someone else in their life. People want to heal mental and/or physical battles with themselves or arguements/disagreements/bad relationships that they are having with others. Usually people's controversy is related to a product benefit that they aren't getting. You just need to show them how your product can help end their specific controversy Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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6. The "Tragic Story" Strategy The "I'm going to tell you a personal, tragic story, that I've been keeping a secret for awhile now..." strategy tells your prospects that you are going to reveal something personal and bad about your life that you've been hiding. People will want to see what kind of personal problems that you've had and how it relates to your product. It could be a story about past financial problems, relationship problems, health problems, etc. People will see even business owners have problems and see how your product got you through or solved those personal problems. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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7. The "Visual Bonus" Strategy The "Bonus: you'll get the comic book version..." strategy tells your prospects that they will have a little entertainment when reading your information. Your information could be in the form of product instructions, quick start guides, ebooks, follow along guides for audio/video products, etc. Entertaining bonus pictures, drawings, photos and/or graphics can visually attract people to purchase your main product. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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8. The "They Are Watching Me" Strategy The "I can't reveal everything right now because my competition is watching..." strategy tells your prospects that you will tell them more about your new product when it's almost released and you don't want your competition to copy you. You could also give them other reasons such as they will try to rip you off and steal your profits, they will create a cheap generic version that will fail to help them, etc. It shows how evil your competition is or can be and most people won't want to buy from those types of businesses. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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9. The "First To Know" Strategy The "Bonus: be on our priority notification list..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product you will put them on an alert list that will tell them about new products that come out that could help them. Of course, it could be related, non competing products that you could make commissions on. People like to be the first to know and benefit from new products. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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10. The "Cheat Sheet" Strategy The "Bonus: get the cheat sheet version..." strategy tells your prospects if they purchase your product you will show them a better way to gain the desired benefit. It could be that the cheat sheet will show them how to use your product to improve their life faster, reach their goals easier, get over life's obstacles effortlessly, gain benefits while they are sleeping, to find hidden shortcuts that will save them time and money, etc. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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11. The "One Link Fits All" Strategy The "sign up once and you'll be able to promote (no.) different (types of products) at once..." strategy tells your prospects that they can use one affiliate or coded link to promote many products all at once for commission or other rewards like list building. You just need to find a group of businesses that want to join and contribute in your effort. Of course, you'll include one of your own products to make money. You could also make it viral and add many tiers of income or rewards. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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12. The "No Moldy Cheese" Strategy The "this isn't the same old One Time Offer..." strategy tells your prospects that your one time offer isn't a bunch of packaged up, out of date resell rights like most of them are out there. Many people don't even sign up to squeeze pages because they think it will be the same type of offer. You need tell or remind them of that on your sign-up page so they will want to opt-in and not assume the worst. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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13. The "I'm Focusing" Strategy The "I've ended all my current projects to concentrate on this one..." strategy tells your prospects that your upcoming product release must be really good to stop your other income streams. Another way to say it is that you are outsourcing all your current projects and tasks so you can personally focus on your new product. Now when you finally release your new product, people will know just how much you believed in your product and how important it is too you. It will also increase your products perceived value. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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14. The "Big Ego" Strategy The "my competition has a big ego problem..." strategy tells your prospects that your competition is bragging about how good their product is. Many people don't really like people that think they are better than everyone else. You just need to give them a modest, emotionally charged or intelligent reason why your product is better. It could be that you or a third party tested both of your products and yours had the better scientific results, physical and/or emotional benefits, helpful features, etc. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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15. The "Net Percentage" Strategy The "have a chance to get a percentage of (no.)% of the net profits..." strategy tells your prospects that if they promote your product through your affiliate program they could get extra money if they are one of the top sellers. For example, 1st place gets 5% of the net profits, 2nd place gets 3% of the net profits, etc. you could do it the first month your product is released or every month to keep your affiliates motivated. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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16. The "Don't Sell Anything" Strategy The "we will pay you $(no.) every time someone (type of action)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they join your affiliate program they won't have to sell anything to make money (which is easier). You could tell them you'll pay them so much every time someone opt-ins to get your free report, downloads your free ebook, registers for your forum, join your membership site, etc. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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17. The "All Over The World" Strategy The "it's been sold all over the world, check out all these countries..." strategy tells your prospects that your business is global and people all over the earth buy it. It really helps if you've listed countries that they never heard of or are less fortunate because people who think they have it better assume they should be able to afford or enjoy your product too. You could also list all the cities, states or other smaller sections of the world and say if they don't see their location listed they could be the first buyer from that area to get it published. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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18. The "Benefit Appraisal" Strategy The " * how to increase your web site traffic (value $(no.))..." strategy tells your prospects that you are putting a financial value on each and every benefit your product offers. You could also group them into related benefits and place a value on them. You don't see this very often, if at all, so it could grab your readers attention and increase the overall perceived value of your product. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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19. The "I Can Handle It" Strategy The "Bonus: grab a free (subject) critique..." strategy tells your prospects they can get some constructive criticism and be prepare for it when they decide they can handle it or need that type of advice. You can mention that you'll be brutally honest and may even hurt their feelings but it will help them gain their desired benefit faster and easier than without your tough love. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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20. The "Month Behind" Strategy The "I'll even refund your subscription payment for the month before..." strategy tells your prospects that if they decided to use your monthly membership guarantee they will get refunded for their current month and the month before. They will see how confident you are about your subscription product and that they will have nothing to lose. Of course, you may get a few people that will take advantage of your generous membership guarantee but the rewards will be worth it Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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21. The "Testimonial Timesaver" Strategy The " 'I lost (no.) pounds in (no.) months!' ..." strategy tells your prospects they save time by just reading the testimonial headline in- stead of the whole testimonial. You can just ask the person who gave you the testimonial if you can use an excerpt of their testimonial as the headline. Many people skip testimonials nowadays because it seems like every sales letter has them. A short testimonial headline will grab their attention because it's bigger text or bolded. You just want to make sure you use an attention grabbing line. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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22. The "Don't Opt-In" Strategy The "you don't even have to opt-in to get our free ebook..." strategy tells your prospects that they won't have to subscribe to your list in order to get your the free ebook, report or course. People always assume they will have to give out their e-mail address to get a freebie because so many businesses are doing it. They will like the fact that you aren't asking for one and they will let down their skeptical defenses. If you need to build your list, you could just have another information product available to them at the end of your report where they can opt in to get it. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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23. The "Recently Benefited" Strategy The "check out the testimonials from people who are already (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product only recently launched and you already have testimonials from people who are benefiting. People will be jumping on your offer if they can benefit that fast. Hopefully your happy customers will give you very detailed testimonials that tell people the exact time down to the minutes or seconds of when they benefited. It just sounds more believable because when people lie they usually give general or broad pieces of information. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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24. The "Personal Discount" Strategy The "you have been offered a (no.)% discount for being referred by (your affiliate's name)..." strategy tells your prospects that you made a deal with one of your J.V. partners or affiliates to just give their subscribers a special offer. They will feel lucky to be on that person's list because they realize that not many people will get this same discount because it was set up specifically for them. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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25. The "Automatic Credit" Strategy The "notice: we've already credited you ($)..." strategy tells your prospects that you will be giving them some cash back or an instant discount on their purchase. If you use it at the top of your sales letter they will want to scroll through it to see the actual price. This way they will see your guarantee, bonuses, product benefits, product features, etc. too. Everything on top of the instant rebate will persuade them to buy. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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26. The "We Hate Spam" Strategy The "we don't spam and we hate it..." strategy tells your prospects that you don't like unsolicited e-mails and you only e-mail to an opt-in list. If they don't like spam either, you will have something in common with them. People like people that are like themselves. It just may be enough (along with the rest of your ad copy) to influence them to order your product. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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27. The "Opt-In O.T.O." Strategy The "opt-in and get a special one time offer (O.T.O.)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they subscribe to your e-mail list, they will see a limited time offer. People may be curious and won't want to take the chance to miss out in case they like the low priced product offer. You could even give them a tantalizing hint about what your one time offer is all about. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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28. The "Vacation" Strategy The "turn it into a vacation..." strategy tells your prospects that they could come to your seminar and use some extra days before or after it to vacation at the city your seminar is in. Tell them their family and friends can do other things while they attend the seminar. You could even list all the vacation attractions around the area they would enjoy. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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29. The "Guru Proof" Strategy The "here's proof that even the well known (topic) experts have bought (your product name)..." strategy shows your prospects indisputable evidence that the gurus own your product. You just need to get their permission first. You could show screen shots of their orders, receipts, pictures or videos of them using your product, etc. They will influence your non-experts and experts to purchase your product too. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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30. The "Private Chat" Strategy The "see live (audio/video) recordings of my (no.) (minute/hour) consulting session..." strategy tells your prospects they can see it for free or buy a closed door consulting session that you took to gain a desired benefit. You could even say you had to sign a non-disclosure agreement but you twisted his arm or bribed him to show you. If they are impressed with it they may purchase the consultant's info-product through your affiliate link. You could even tell them how much you paid for the consulting session. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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31. The "Make Money Too" Strategy The "send an e-mail to my highly responsive list of (no.) subscribers..." strategy tells your prospects they can access your list of subscribers or customers if they purchase your product. It also tells them that your list responds well to targeted ads and regularly buys. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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32. The "Pre Notification" Strategy The "sign up for our pre notification list and be automatically entered to win (your product)..." strategy tells your prospects they will be one of the first people to learn about your new product when it's released. Plus, if they win your contest, they will have a chance to get it for no cost. You could also use a totally different prize that is related to your product. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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33. The "More The Merrier" Strategy The "if (no.) people buy, you'll get a $(rebate), if (no.) people buy, you'll get a $(rebate), etc...." strategy tells your prospects the more people that purchase your product through your affiliate link, the larger the rebate you will give back when the product is sold. So if you have a referral program or 2-tier affiliate program attached to the offer, people will want to promote it so they get a larger rebate. For example, if 1-50 buy you'll get a $20 rebate; if 50-100 buy, you'll get a $(rebate), etc. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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34. The "Giving Rebate" Strategy The "bonus: a rebate for donation program..." strategy tells your prospects that if they contribute a certain type of information product to your membership web site or product package, they will get a rebate on their membership fee or purchase. You could state that it has to be their own product and they have to be the author of it. You could take donations of articles, resell rights, master resell rights, private label rights, rebrand rights, free e-books, paid products, etc. You will build your membership site automatically and increase your conversion ratio by offering more products. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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35. The "Opt-In Contest" Strategy The "the one that sends the most opt-in subscribers to my site wins..." strategy tells your prospects that you are holding a contest to build your list. You could offer a cash amount or a prize. It should be a prize they really would want, can't get anywhere else or that is rare or hard to find. It's a killer way to build your list. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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36. The "Waiting List" Strategy The "order now or you'll be on a waiting list..." strategy tells your prospects that you are releasing just so many copies of your product at this low price then you will have a re-launch with a higher price. Tell them they will have to wait on a mailing list to be personally contacted to order on the next re-launch. You will contact the people one by one and only sell so many copies at a slightly higher price, so there is a chance that there might not be any left by the time they get to them. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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37. The "First For Rebate" Strategy The "the first person to (a type of benefit from your product) in (no.) months will get a rebate..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your high priced product and reach a long-term benefit, they will get it eventually for no cost. People will see it as a challenge to beat out your other customers and to get an expensive product for free. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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38. The "Random Winner" Strategy The "enter to be randomly selected to win our product..." strategy tells your prospects they can sign up to your opt-in form/squeeze page for a random chance to win your product. It will build your list quickly because people like to try to save money. It's especially effective if your product is a high ticket item. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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39. The "Picture Rebate" Strategy The "give me your success picture and you'll get a rebate..." strategy tells your prospects that after they gain their desired benefit with your product, you'll give them a full or partial rebate if they send a picture and a short description of them with your benefits. For example, it could be a before and after picture of how much weight they lost. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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40. The "Gifts Via E-mail" Strategy The "just opt-in to my list to receive the bonus..." strategy tells your prospects that you will be delivering your bonus product(s) via e-mail. Instead of just sending them to a web page for the bonus, you could build your list. You could include the download link or thank you URL in your e-mail message. You could also require them to confirm or double opt-in their subscription to your list. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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41. The "Read And Subscribe" Strategy The "opt-in to read the rest of this (article, report, web site, etc)..." strategy tells your prospects that in order to read the rest of what they were reading, they will need to opt-in to your list. If you give them a small taste of your content and they like it, they will definitely opt-in to read the rest of it. This is a powerful way to build your list without placing a distracting pop up on your web site. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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42. The "Opt-In And Look" Strategy The "it's not live yet but you can get a sneak peek..." strategy tells your prospects even though you haven't launched your product, they can opt-in to your pre-launch list and see a sample of the sales letter and/or product. You can tell them they will be eligible to be on the pre-launch affiliate promotion as well. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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43. The "Unshared Gift" Strategy The "I'll give you your own exclusive affiliate bonus..." strategy tells your prospects that if they promote your product for commission you will give them their own sole, unshared affiliate bonus to offer to their own prospects. You want to offer exclusive affiliate bonuses to joint venture partners that can reach a wide audience with their list. You really wouldn't want to go to the trouble to create an unshared bonus with someone that has a list of 500 people (unless they are all proven high ticket item buyers). Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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44. The "My Subscriptions" Strategy The "bonus: you'll get my personal list of the free e-mail newsletters I'm subscribed to..." strategy tells your prospects that you will show them a ton of e-zines that will help educate them about gaining their desired benefit for free. It will persuade people to buy because people won't have to look all over the Internet or through big e-zine directories to find them. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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45. The "Non Official Launch" Strategy The "promote it (no.) hour(s)/minutes before the official launch..." strategy tells your prospects that if they become you joint venture partner before the official launch. You could offer this to big marketers with big lists since they are harder to persuade and get overwhelmed with JV offers all the time. If you have a customer only JV program, you could delay it until after your prelaunch partners promote your product for a certain period of time. Another idea would be to offer earlier prelaunch promotions to bonus product contributors. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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46. The "Personal Email" Strategy The "this is a personal e-mail..." strategy tells your prospects that your e-mail may not be to your whole list this time. It will make them feel special and singled out, even if they realize that it is going to your whole list. It would be a good idea to limit those types of e-mails to a carefully selected group of people on your list and tell them that. People might open it quicker if it doesn't sound commercial in nature. Also, if your list system allows it, use their name in the e-mail subject line. For example, ‘John (this is personal).’ Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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47. The "First, Second, Third" Strategy The "the first order gets ..., the second order gets ..., etc. promoted to one of my lists..." strategy tells your prospects that if they order your high ticket product, they will get promoted to one of your many lists. The first order could get their ad published on your biggest list and the second one to your second biggest list and so on. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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48. The "Don't Buy Until" Strategy The "don't buy (the affiliate product's name) until you read this..." strategy tells your prospects that they should wait to purchase this particular product in case they miss out on something. It could be that you are going to give them a personal bonus, a rebate on your affiliate commissions, or a JV offer to promote their product to order through your affiliate link. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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49. The "Whitelist E-mail" Strategy The "please whitelist our e-mail address so you'll get our great offers, important announcements, major updates..." strategy tells your prospects if they really want to be on your list then they should whitelist you or their ISP might block the e-mails. You can even give them clear instructions how to do it. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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50. The "Rebate Bet" Strategy The "I'll bet you a (no.)% rebate that you will (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that they can indirectly make money if they should happen to not gain their desired benefit. Plus, many people think it's fun to bet or gamble. You can set up a way where they would have to give you indisputable proof they didn't get to reach their goals using your product correctly. Many people forget about sending rebates in anyway. Rewrite this strategy in your own words and ‘make it your own’

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Conclusion: I hope that by reading all these strategies was both educational and inspiring for you. The day will come when one or more of these strategies will have a beneficial impact on your business. If you've already found some strategies to try out, don't delay, start putting them into action immediately. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will be able to profit. Keep in mind that marketing can change over time, so be sure you keep up to date with the latest marketing strategies. The more you know about marketing, the more successful you will become.