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Page 1: Illuminate Program - Amber Hawken Illuminate Program What we do 1. Life with Intention not by regulation. We strip

Illuminate ProgramPrivate Mentoring

with Amber Hawken

www.amberhawken .com

Page 2: Illuminate Program - Amber Hawken Illuminate Program What we do 1. Life with Intention not by regulation. We strip

Amber Hawken | Illuminate Program

Unleash Your Soul NowIf you’ve ever struggled to reach your goals, found yourself lost in the search for abundance or dared to dream about finding the spark in your life that ignites your passion, fuels your potential, and brings you closer to your goals…

Then you need to ask yourself this: how far would you go to uncover the secret to eliminating your limitations?

How would you feel if you discovered the keys to eliminating the fears, lack of fulfillment, insecurity, old addictions, toxic mindsets, and more were placed together for you and delivered one on one by an experience and passionate expert in the field?

What you’re about to discover with Illuminate will open your mind to new strategies, techniques and resources that will help you do more than just realise your “purpose”, your “goals”, and “ambitions”.

What I’m talking about is making a plan and then learning from me, what it really takes to live it.

If you have ever looked into personal development realistically “learning what it really takes” seems impossible in one lifetime.

How would I know everything? I don’t of course. But I have both personally investigated and professionally studied and applied the philosophies from some of the worlds greatest successors of life including Eckhart Tolle, John Demartini, Anthony Robbins and Louise Hay to name a few.

I have condensed my personally invested $250, 000 and a decades worth of events, mentorship, retreats, certifications and qualifications of some incredibly confronting and somewhat complex to understand concepts and created a program and a tool it of tool its which enable you to master the mind and your life.

Here’s the truthYou can live by choice and not by accident because you have the power to direct what will happen, how you react to it, and how you process what occurs to you.

And although you may have heard about manifestation, abundance, and energising your inner potential before (maybe you’ve even tried techniques, purchased books, or attended other courses and workshops)… how the hell do you know what really works?

After more than one thousand clients, I’ve refined a process and program which contains the proven practice’s, techniques and methods into a an engaging, inspiring, fun which removes the limit of hundreds of thousands of dollars and years, because I already took care of that for you.

Are you ready. Of course you are, who are we kidding you are still reading. Its time to book your FREE 30-minute consult with me and find out even more.

Page 3: Illuminate Program - Amber Hawken Illuminate Program What we do 1. Life with Intention not by regulation. We strip

Amber Hawken | Illuminate Program

Who is it for?Accomplishment-focused (get started yesterday!)- Go-getters that are unorganised and a little dishevelled. - You know who you are, what you want and where you are going, but you’re frustrated.- You’re trying to do a million things at once and getting nowhere.

A little lost and fed up- Not sure what life has in for you but you have had enough of where you are right now.- You crave clarity, direction, meaning and certainty in your life. - Fear has stopped you many times in the past and you want to rid it from your life.

Successful entrepreneurs - You want to find how to continue growing in business without sacrificing every other part of your life (health, happiness, finance, relationships) trying to get there.

Is it right for me? Let’s find out. Apply online at and chat with me in real life. I’ll answer every question you have with honesty. If you are not a suitable client, I will find you a more suitable person to work with. I have loads of amazing contacts and I’m all about what’s right for you.

Check in with these powerful satisfied souls:

Page 4: Illuminate Program - Amber Hawken Illuminate Program What we do 1. Life with Intention not by regulation. We strip

Amber Hawken | Illuminate Program

What we do1. Life with Intention not by regulation. We strip everything back to find out what’s at your core - who you are, what you are here to do, what you have to give to the world and why you do things. More than your job, your past beliefs or your fears – your core identity is the golden egg you hold dear to your heart and the first step to success.

a. How to put the spark into your life, unleash your success, and develop your “life with intention” with real-world tools capable of uncovering the inner potential that you didn’t even know was there.

b. Learn the vital differences between your gift, ambition, and life purpose and how understanding these differences can help you gain secure perspective and connection to your authentic self.

c. The “bigger picture” behind your accomplishments, how you achieve them, and the forces that move your life forward.

2. Goals with Soul describes visually what the core element of an illuminate package entails.

Goal = the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

Soul = the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal. Now we paint a picture - a very realistic, inspiring and focused life for you and we don’t leave out a single detail. Then, we break it down into chunks. Then smaller ones and smaller ones until we schedule them into your weekly routine. It will ensure you are more focused, less overwhelmed and effective rather than busy. It turns overwhelming goals and to do lists into synchronistic plans. Most of all , we ensure that it’s all incredibly inspiring (even the boring bits) to make sure you follow through. PS... I also ensure you are doing it in a way that saves times and money!

a. Specific steps that will help you overcome all fear of success (even if you don’t feel the fear that holding you back right now) and how to turn procrastination into purpose.

b. The important reality of choice, and how you can learn to transcend adversity in all of its forms and achieve a purposeful life of abundance that you’ll build for yourself.

c. learn why you always feel like you’re running out of time, with immediately applicable insights you can take away and apply to solve stress and achieve freedom from restraint.

d. Self-Confidence VS. Insecurity - Do you know the difference? Embrace an understanding of ways you can tackle toxic emotional mindsets, habits, and even definitional differences holding you back.

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Amber Hawken | Illuminate Program

What we do (cont’d) 3. As we dig, the thoughts, patterns and mindsets that have been sabotaging or confusing you are brought to the surface, and, using my ninja tricks (aka experienced and qualified training in human behavior) we break these away. We find out what’s going on in your mind, while I watch out for limits, fear and any white lies you have been telling yourself such as, “I’m not (insert perception here) enough”, that have been holding you back. The best bit? I’lI teach you exactly how I do it - so in future you wont need me or anyone anymore. Pretty cool right? Specific steps that will help you overcome all fear of success (even if you don’t feel the fear that holding you back right now) and how to turn procrastination into purpose.

a. Discovering the root cause of all unhappiness and learning techniques and teachings behind the smallest habits that can flip your state in a moment.

b. The single most important teaching that has brought abundance to the lives of thousands that takes minutes a day.

c. Answering this important question: Is your emotional state depressive? Or is it really anxious? Learn why this matters when applying the key techniques you can use to let go of the old baggage that holds you back.

d. Secrets to stopping self-sabotage in its tracks and the “stop repeating the past” strategy to overcoming your perceived (and actual) imperfections so they no longer stand in your way.

4. I’ve learnt from the greatest personal empowerment, success and inspiration leaders, so I’ll teach you the best of the best mental tools and strategies. These will equip you to overcome whatever life throws at you without reverting to old patterns. Don’t worry about getting lost in philosophical jargon – my wicked sense of humour and straight-shooting means what I teach you will be practical, relevant and memorable. And now, you’re ready to be a leader! A positive influencer of the people in your world, you’ll flourish and reaching your greatest potential.

a. Stripping back the oldest and deepest emotional patterns that you once though were meaningless but when you choose to grow and take responsibility, pop up and get in the way of a balanced and incredible life.

b. Important psychological perspectives that make you aware of areas in your life that 95% of people believe they can’t control (this is the EXACT same understanding that helped one world-class athlete shatter a world record).

c. An in-action example of the “recipe for life” that provides clarity, commitment, and absolute certainty about decisions .

d. “Take home today techniques” that you can use to raise personal standards you set for yourself, follow the standards and create a purposeful, inspired, and self-directed life out of the ruins of even the most prominent past mistakes.

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Amber Hawken | Illuminate Program

What packages are available?There are three package options.

Package 1 = Stage 1-4

Package 2 = Stage 1-3 (highly recommended)

Package 3 = Stage 1-2

One-on-one session approximate between 45-60 minutes including session summary emailed and in between session homework suggested.

Why 60-minutes only?After about 60 minutes of intense work of the unconscious mind and learning of new concepts the brain can go into overwhelm and you will not absorb or have the energy to go further. It is for this exact reason that you have the added option of unlimited 24/7 support from me.

The longer the program package, the deeper we can drive your success. Every Illuminate Program will equip you with a mental toolkit to last you a lifetime. The more sessions we have together, the more time we can spend helping your master what you’ve learnt and getting our hands dirty applying it to your life.

What happens afterwards?After your initial program finishes, you’ll have the opportunity to graduate to the next level and become a long-term client where you remain on a continued momentum program!

This ensures you don’t fall back into old habits and, when fear and failure come knocking on your door (because you are human and it happens to everyone!), you don’t sprint 1000 miles in the other direction and end up back at square one.

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Amber Hawken | Illuminate Program

Can I try it first?Yes! It is a must. Both you and I need to be comfortable that we are going to suit each other well, so book in now for a 30 minute complimentary consultation. Enter your details below and follow the form prompts. Also, ensure you are on my mailing list because each month I give away a full session to one of my subscribers at random, just because!

Common Concerns I get it! Anything that involves investing time or money is not always a solo decision. You’ve got your partner (life, business, or both) and a family to consult, too. Here are some responses you might think about to some common concerns:

Common concern: It’s too expensive

Amber’s program is definitely an investment, and if I want my life to be fulfilling, inspiring and full of happiness, I can’t stagnate.

Life moves in the blink of an eye. The quick and cheap solutions only bring short-term relief and in the long run it will cost you and your family more emotionally, physically, mentally and possibly financially. What is worth more than the success and happiness of you and your families lives and realtionships?

In comparison, other human behaviour experts can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $60,000 for the kind of 1:1 support, knowedge and experience Amber brings to the table. This is actually one of the most reasonably priced business trainings in the industry. Plus I get unlimited support the entire time we are working together and lifetime access to her support forum which is showered with goodies of killer inspirational chat that Amber doesnt share anywhere else.

Amber even offers unlimited support, it’s not an hourly basis.

Last but not least, I really believe in myself deep down and I want to bring myself back to life and reach another level. I want to look back in 30,40 or even 70 years and say, I did exactly what I wanted and I showed up as myself, powerful beautiful and free. In order to do that, I can’t get the feedback, guidance and support without someone who has walked the talk.

Common concern: Who is this Amber Hawken person anyway?

Ooh, I’m glad you asked, because she’s a role model and mentor of mine. You can check out her videos online if you want to see her in action. She’s just a regular girl from Brisbane who’s experience in reaching peak performance in the mind has topped the better half of a decade. She’s learnt from some of the world’s best in human behaviour, business, health and wellbeing such as Anthony Robbins, Dr John Demartini, Libby Weaver and Eckhart Tolle. She’s spoken in front of more than 10,000 people. But probably the thing I appreciate most about Amber is that she is completely down-to-earth, real, relatable and honest.

Common concern: You’ve already invested in so many other programs/courses!

I don’t think I’ll ever be done evolving, learning and reaching for new goals. I’m a lifelong learner by nature, and I completely understand if this kind of thing is not your style. I love you just as you are. So let’s talk about what needs to happen in order for this to be a win for us both, ok?