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Strategic Assessment, Academic Libraries, and You: Linking Assessment

toResults to Planning

ILF 2013 Annual ConferenceTuesday, October 22, 2013: 3:00 pm – 3:50 pm

David M. Peter, Dean of Learning Resources and Technology

Vincennes University

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Strategic Assessment, Academic Libraries, and YouStrategic assessment for the library is more than improving gate count and circulation numbers. Numbers can tell our story, but they are only part of our story. Assessment helps us improve. Strategic assessment moves us forward, with confidence, to meet the expectations of future patrons with emerging technologies. Blending the ALA’s Standards for Libraries in Higher Education and the HLC’s AQIP Categories can provide us a framework for strategic assessment. This presentation will engage you to think differently and to plan for growth and improvement. Strategic assessment improves quality and strengthens our libraries for whatever tomorrow may bring

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Who could benefit?

• Public librarians• Academic librarians• Library directors• Marketing• Communications• Library trustees

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Necessary backgroundGuiding questions, common terms, the “mission” of the library

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Guiding questions

• What can assessment really do for us and our libraries?• What impact does technology have on strategic

assessment?• What is the role of library administration in strategic

assessment?• How can EFFECTIVE assessment improve the value of

the library?• Does assessment impact technological innovations?• How does assessment improve or change quality?

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Common terms

• Assessment• Evaluation• Improvement• Continuous Quality Improvement• Culture of assessment• Innovation

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“Mission” of the library/librarians• Changes in technology• Digital assets• Makerspaces• Community space• Focus on information literacy and digital literacy• Focus on digital citizenship

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The StandardsUnderstanding

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And now, the “standards”• Association of College & Research Libraries. (2011).

Standards for libraries in higher education. Chicago, IL: Association of College & Research Libraries. • Academic Quality Improvement Program, Higher Learning

Commission. (2010). Principles and categories for improving academic quality: 2008 revision. Chicago, IL: Higher Learning Commission. • Higher Learning Commission. (2013). Criteria for

accreditation CRRT.B.10.010. Chicago, IL: Higher Learning Commission.

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Standards for libraries in higher education (2011)• Principle 3: EDUCATIONAL ROLE; Libraries partner in the educational

mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning [AQIP 1, HLC 3D4] MISSION OF THE LIBRARY

• Principle 4: DISCOVERY; Libraries enable users to discover information in all formats through effective use of technology and organization of knowledge [AQIP 1, HLC 3D4] KEY FOCUS

• Principle 5: COLLECTIONS; Libraries provide access to collections sufficient in quality, depth, diversity, format, and currency to support the research and teaching missions of the institutions [AQIP 1, HLC 3D4] KEY FOCUS

• Principle 6: SPACE; Libraries are the intellectual commons where users interact with ideas in both physical and virtual environments to expand learning and facilitate the creation of new knowledge [AQIP 1, HLC 3D4] KEY FOCUS. The focus of the “NEW” library.

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Principles and categories for improving academic quality (2010)• AQIP CATEGORY ONE: HELPING STUDENTS LEARN

focuses on the design, deployment, and effectiveness of teaching-learning processes that underlie the institution’s credit and non-credit programs and courses and on the processes required to support them [SLHE 3, SLHE 4, and SLHE 5, and SLHE 6; HLC 3D4]• Processes (P): 1P15, How do you determine and

address the learning support needs (tutoring, advising, placement, library, laboratories, etc.) of your students and faculty in your student learning, development, and assessment processes? [1P9] [HLC Criteria 3.D.4]• Results [R] 1R5, What are your performance results for

learning support processes (advising, library and laboratory use, etc.)? [1R3] [HLC Criteria 3.D.4]

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Criteria for accreditation (2013)• Criteria Three, TEACHING AND LEARNING: QUALITY,

RESOURCES, AND SUPPORT; 3D The institution provides support for student learning and effective teaching• 3D1 The institution provides student support services suited

to the needs of its student populations. [SLHE 4]• 3D4 The institution provides to students and instructors the

infrastructure and resources necessary to support effective teaching and learning (technological infrastructure, scientific laboratories, libraries, performance spaces, clinical practice sites, museum collections, as appropriate to the institution’s offerings). [SLHE 3, SLHE 4, and SLHE 5, and SLHE 6] KEY LIBRARY FOCUS [AQIP Category 1P15, 1R5]

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Strategic assessmentLinking the standards

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Standards for libraries in higher education (2011)• Principle 3: EDUCATIONAL ROLE; Libraries partner in the educational

mission of the institution to develop and support information-literate learners who can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning [AQIP 1, HLC 3D4]

• Principle 4: DISCOVERY; Libraries enable users to discover information in all formats through effective use of technology and organization of knowledge [AQIP 1, HLC 3D4]

• Principle 5: COLLECTIONS; Libraries provide access to collections sufficient in quality, depth, diversity, format, and currency to support the research and teaching missions of the institutions [AQIP 1, HLC 3D4]

• Principle 6: SPACE; Libraries are the intellectual commons where users interact with ideas in both physical and virtual environments to expand learning and facilitate the creation of new knowledge [AQIP 1, HLC 3D4]

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Principles and categories for improving academic quality (2010)• AQIP CATEGORY ONE: HELPING STUDENTS LEARN

focuses on the design, deployment, and effectiveness of teaching-learning processes that underlie the institution’s credit and non-credit programs and courses and on the processes required to support them [SLHE 3, SLHE 4, and SLHE 5, and SLHE 6; HLC 3D4]• Processes (P): 1P15, How do you determine and

address the learning support needs (tutoring, advising, placement, library, laboratories, etc.) of your students and faculty in your student learning, development, and assessment processes? [1P9] [HLC Criteria 3.D.4]• Results [R] 1R5, What are your performance results for

learning support processes (advising, library and laboratory use, etc.)? [1R3] [HLC Criteria 3.D.4]

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Criteria for accreditation (2013)• Criteria Three, TEACHING AND LEARNING: QUALITY,

RESOURCES, AND SUPPORT; 3D The institution provides support for student learning and effective teaching• 3D1 The institution provides student support services suited

to the needs of its student populations. [SLHE 4]• 3D4 The institution provides to students and instructors the

infrastructure and resources necessary to support effective teaching and learning (technological infrastructure, scientific laboratories, libraries, performance spaces, clinical practice sites, museum collections, as appropriate to the institution’s offerings). [SLHE 3, SLHE 4, and SLHE 5, and SLHE 6] KEY LIBRARY FOCUS [AQIP Category 1P15, 1R5]

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Wrapping upLinking, creating, reviewing and monitoring the plan, and next steps

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LINK• Assessment to growth • Improvement of process, processes

• Growth BACK to assessment • Sustain• Focus on continual improvement

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Develop plan• Evaluate the library mission statement• Evaluate the library strategic plan• Identify assessment or improvement points• Remember the customer/patron/student

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Next steps• Assessment strengthens link to institutional goals,

mission• Clear link to the institution helps transform and

improve the library

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Final thought“ … if you just sit still and never do anything bold or new, the world will pass you by”

(Collins and Hansen (2011), Great by choice, p. 78)

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Questions? Contact?• David Peter, [email protected] • Work telephone: 812-888-5815