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  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Research Article


    PAVEMENTS Rokade S

    a*, Agarwal P K

    b and Shrivastava R


    Address for Correspondence

    aAssistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of

    Technology (MANIT), Bhopal MP INDIA bAssociate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of

    Technology (MANIT), Bhopal MP INDIA c Director, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur

    Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    ABSTRACT The evaluation of riding quality of pavement involves a study of the functional behaviour of a stretch of

    road pavement in its entirety. For a functional behaviour or performance analysis, information is needed on

    the history of riding quality of the pavement stretch. In condition survey, pavement surface condition is

    measured at a given time. The riding quality of a pavement can be measured by a Bump Integrator which

    qualifies in to physical terms, the overall surface condition of the pavement. It is necessary for the

    pavement maintenance engineer to evaluate functional condition of a pavement surface from time to time.

    Unevenness is normally measured with response type measuring equipment, which is relatively fast and

    inexpensive. The towed fifth wheel Bump Integrator is one such instrument. The unevenness measured by

    these devices is generally expressed in terms of cumulative humps and depressions (mm/km) or slope

    variance. In the structural evaluation of flexible pavement the pavement deflection is measured by the

    Benkelman Beam. It is possible to measure the rebound and residual deflections of the pavement structure.

    While the rebound deflection is one related to pavement performance, the residual deflection may be due to

    non recoverable deflection of the pavement or because of the influence of the deflection bowl on the front

    legs of the beam. Rebound deflection is used for overlay design.

    The objective of the present study is to carry out the various studies to evaluate the performance (in service

    behavior) of flexible National Highways and State Highway near Bhopal. A detailed pavement condition

    survey is done on 4 National Highways and 1 State Highway and the road condition is evaluated both

    functionally and structurally.

    KEYWORDS: Functional evaluation, Structural evaluation, pavement performance, road



    Rapid industrialisation and urban growth has

    led to increased traffic and excessive usage

    of the roads. Due to heavy traffic wheel

    loads of commercial vehicles, all the

    components of the pavement structure get

    disturbed and deteriorate. The deterioration

    accumulates with the passage of time and

    results in failure of pavement structure. The

    failure is of structural type if the pavement

    fails to carry design loads. It is of functional

    type if it does not give a smooth riding

    surface, which in turn increases vehicle

    operating costs and consequently overall

    transportation costs. The existing road

    network is under severe strain due to

    traffic growth, overloading of vehicles

    and the Governments past negligence to

    provide the needed funds for road

    maintenance. A broad assessment shows

    that over 50 percent of state highway

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    (SH) and major district road (MDR)

    network has poor riding quality. Losses

    due to poor condition of these roads

    would be around Rs. 6000 crore per

    annum besides their premature failure

    resulting in huge rehabilitation and

    reconstruction costs implying infusion of

    avoidable plan funds at accelerated


    Originally, a pavements relative ability to

    serve traffic was determined quite

    subjectively by visual inspection and

    experience. However, experience is difficult

    to transfer from one person to another, and

    individual decisions made from similar data

    are often inconsistent. In the late 1950s,

    systems of objective measurement (such as

    roughness meters, deflection and skid test

    equipment) began to appear that could

    quantify a pavements condition and

    performance. The performance evaluation

    of a road can cover many aspects including

    evaluation of road surface condition,

    assessment of traffic safety on road surface,

    rideability of the road surface and structural

    adequacy of road pavement structure. Thus,

    the following characteristics of road surface

    are generally used to evaluate the

    performance of roads.

    Condition of the road surface (Surface


    Skid resistance (Traffic Safety)

    Rideability of the road surface.

    Pavement Deflection (Structural


    The objective of the present study is to carry

    out the various studies to evaluate the

    performance (in service behavior) of flexible

    National Highway and State Highway near

    Bhopal. A detailed pavement condition

    survey is done on 4 National Highways and

    1 State Highway and the road condition was

    evaluated both functionally and structurally.

    The scope of the present study includes the

    evaluation of the following aspects:

    Traffic Volume Survey and

    Analysis to assess the present traffic

    on the road.

    Road Surface Condition Survey on

    the basis of Visual Rating.

    Roughness Measurements with

    Bump Integrator.

    Structural Evaluation of the

    Pavement with Benkelman Beam.

    Existing Pavement Crust and Sub

    grade Characteristics.


    Pavement Evaluation

    One of the most important functions of a

    pavement engineer is the evaluation of in-

    service pavements. It is necessary for them

    to know the condition of pavement surface

    with reference to the riding quality and to fix

    suitable failure criteria to establish

    maintenance and priority programs. The

    evaluation of riding quality of pavement

    involves a study of the functional behaviour

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    of a stretch of road pavement in its entire

    reach. For a functional behaviour or

    performance analysis, information is needed

    on the history of riding quality of the

    pavement stretch. Until a measure of

    pavement serviceability was developed after

    the AASHO road test, little attention was

    paid to the evaluation of pavement

    performance and the pavement was either

    considered satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

    The idea of relative performance was not

    adequately developed. There are two

    general types of pavement condition indices:

    one type of index (type 1) represents raw

    data for only one pavement condition

    parameter (e.g. distress, roughness,

    deflection, skid resistance, etc.). The other

    type of index represents a combination of

    more than one pavement condition

    parameter. The method consists of

    combining all or some of the rating so as to

    constitute a global (or serviceability) index

    representing the pavement condition.

    The AASHO Road Test, 1958-61, and

    researchers associated with it, made an

    enormous contribution to the technology

    base of pavement management using

    pavement evaluation.

    Flexible Pavement Riding Quality


    Pavement roughness is generally defined as

    an expression of irregularities in the

    pavement surface that adversely affect the

    ride quality of a vehicle (and thus the user).

    Roughness is an important pavement

    characteristic because it affects not only ride

    quality but also vehicle delay costs, fuel

    consumption and maintenance costs. The

    World Bank found road roughness to be a

    primary factor in the analyses and trade-offs

    involving road quality vs. user cost

    (UMTRI, 1998). Roughness is also referred

    to as "smoothness" although both terms refer

    to the same pavement qualities.

    Need for Evaluation of Riding Quality

    One of the most important functions of a

    pavement engineer is the evaluation of in-

    service pavements. It is necessary for them

    to know the condition of pavement surface

    with reference to the riding quality and to fix

    suitable failure criteria to establish

    maintenance and priority programs. The

    evaluation of riding quality of pavement

    involves a study of the functional behaviour

    of a stretch of road pavement in its entirety.

    For a functional behaviour or performance

    analysis, information is needed on the

    history of riding quality of the pavement

    stretch. Until a measure of pavement

    serviceability was developed after the

    AASHO road test, little attention was paid to

    the evaluation of pavement performance and

    the pavement was either considered

    satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The idea of

    relative performance was not adequately

    developed. In condition survey, pavement

    surface condition is measured at a given

    time. The assessment of riding quality is

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    considered to be the most important

    component of pavement surface condition.

    This type of survey is not concerned with

    evaluating the structural strength of

    pavement and generally no attempt is made

    to determine the reason for the evenness or

    any other type of pavement condition. The

    major objectives of undulations/unevenness

    measurements of road pavements are as


    i) To determine whether the pavement

    surface is acceptable even from the point

    of view of riding quality for motor


    ii) To measure the unevenness of various

    stretches of the road system periodically

    and to maintain the record to decide

    priority for improvement of road surface

    conditions or riding quality from the

    point of view of the road users.

    iii) To decide the type of pavement surface

    treatment to improve the riding quality

    to the desired level.

    The responsibility of the highway Engineer

    is to provide road profile as free as possible

    from necessary undulations. However, as

    Millard and Lister have pointed out, unless a

    cash value is put on riding comfort this leads

    to an open ended financial commitment.

    Clearly the cost involved specifically in

    obtaining a satisfactory surface profile must

    be limited to a few percent of the cost of

    laying the pavement.

    Unevenness/ Roughness of Flexible


    The riding quality of a pavement can be

    measured by a Bump Integrator which

    qualifies in to physical terms, the overall

    surface condition of the pavement. It is thus

    a very useful tool in the hands of a

    maintenance engineer.It is necessary for the

    pavement maintenance engineer to evaluate

    functional condition of a pavement surface

    from time to time. The functional

    requirements of a pavement surface from

    users point of view are to provide safe,

    comfortable and fast movement of the

    vehicles at reasonably low vehicle operation

    cost. Unevenness is normally measured with

    response type measuring equipment, which

    is relatively fast and inexpensive. The

    towed fifth wheel Bump Integrator is one

    such instrument. The unevenness measured

    by these devices is generally expressed in

    terms of cumulative humps and depressions

    (mm/km) or slope variance. The work

    carried out as a part of the Road User Cost

    Study has revealed that, for every 100

    mm/km increase in roughness, the speeds

    reduces by 1.5 to 2.5 km/hr.

    Predicting the trends of unevenness

    progression over the life cycle of a road

    pavement is undoubtedly the most critical of

    the various pavement performance

    predictions. Since, the vehicle operation

    cost components for a road on a given

    alignment depends to a large degree on

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    unevenness, which has been proved in the

    Kenya study on the cost of operation of

    vehicles, the optimum timing of

    maintenance interventions and economic

    benefits accruing from them depend greatly

    on the prediction of unevenness progression.

    The study of pavement unevenness is

    important from the following aspects.

    To judge the quality of construction

    To assess the need for renewal of

    pavement surfacing

    To create a healthy competition in road

    construction industry to provide better

    riding comfort

    To create good public relations as the

    road users will judge the quality of

    construction mainly from the riding

    qualities of a pavement

    To work out the economic losses in

    terms of increased road user costs due

    to poor road surface condition and to

    convince the legislators about economic

    justification of maintenance and

    rehabilitation measures and better types

    of highway surfacing

    In view of the above discussions it is very

    essential to measure qualitatively the surface

    unevenness in the following two cases:

    i) Soon after the construction of each of the

    new pavement layers, as one of the

    essential quality control checks before

    approving the work.

    ii) At suitable intervals to evaluate the

    surface condition of existing pavement as

    a routine maintenance management step

    before the maximum permissible terminal

    values of undulations are reached.


    Description of the study area

    In this Pavement Performance Study (PPS) 4

    National Highways and 1 State Highway

    was chosen near Bhopal, the details about

    each road section is as follows:

    (1) National Highway (NH-3) Agra-

    Bombay Road

    The salient features of the Road Section are:

    1. Length of the Section of the Road: 5.0


    2. Type of Pavement: Bituminous

    3. No. of lanes: 2 lanes

    4. Divided/Undivided: Undivided

    5. Type of Shoulder: Hard Shoulder

    6. Drainage System: Longitudinal Drain on

    either side, Transverse drain

    7. Surrounding Environment: Rural

    8. Type of traffic: Mixed traffic (Mainly

    Commercial Vehicles)

    9. Present Traffic Intensity: 7,220 CVPD

    (Seven Days 24 hour Traffic Volume


    10. Average Speed: 100 Km/ hr.

    11. Annual Rainfall: 110 cm

    12. Details of Existing Crust

    Granular Sub Base = 350 mm

    WBM Base = 425 mm

    Dense Bituminous Macadam=120 mm

    Bituminous Concrete = 40 mm

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    (2) National Highway (NH-12) Jaipur-

    Jabalpur Road

    The salient features of the Road Section are:

    1. Length of the Section of the Road: 5.0


    2. Type of Pavement: Bituminous

    3. No. of lanes: 2 lanes

    4. Divided/Undivided: Undivided

    5. Type of Shoulder: Hard Shoulder

    6. Drainage System: Longitudinal Drain on

    either side

    7. Surrounding Environment: Rural

    8. Type of traffic: Mixed traffic (Mainly

    Commercial Vehicles)

    9. Present Traffic Intensity: 6955 CVPD

    (Seven Days 24 hour Traffic Volume


    10. Average Speed: 100 Km/ hr.

    11. Average Annual Rainfall: 110 cm

    12. Details of Existing Crust

    Granular Sub Base = 250 mm

    WBM Base = 400 mm

    Dense Bituminous Macadam=110


    Bituminous Concrete = 40 mm

    (3) National Highway (NH-86) Bhopal-

    Sagar Road

    The salient features of the Road Section


    1. Length of the Section of the Road:

    5.0 Km

    2. Type of Pavement: Bituminous

    3. No. of lanes: 4 lanes

    4. Divided/Undivided: Undivided

    5. Type of Shoulder: Hard Shoulder

    6. Drainage System: Longitudinal

    Drain on either side, No Proper

    transverse drains

    7. Surrounding Environment: Rural

    8. Type of traffic: Mixed traffic

    (Mainly Commercial Vehicles)

    9. Present Traffic Intensity: 7,115

    CVPD (Seven Days 24 hour Traffic

    Volume Count)

    10. Average Speed: 100 Km/ hr.

    11. Average Annual Rainfall: 110 cm

    12. Details of Existing Crust

    Granular Sub Base = 250 mm

    WBM Base = 425 mm

    Dense Bituminous Macadam

    =100 mm

    Bituminous Concrete = 40 mm

    (4) National Highway (NH-69) Bhopal

    (Obdullaganj) - Nagpur Road

    The salient features of the Road Section


    1. Length of the Section of the Road:

    5.0 Km

    2. Type of Pavement: Bituminous

    3. No. of lanes: 2 lanes

    4. Divided/Undivided: Undivided

    5. Type of Shoulder: Hard Shoulder

    6. Drainage System: Longitudinal

    Drain on either side

    7. Surrounding Environment: Rural

    8. Type of traffic: Mixed traffic

    (Mainly Commercial Vehicles)

    9. Present Traffic Intensity: 6,800

    CVPD (Seven Days 24 hour Traffic

    Volume Count)

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    10. Average Speed: 100 Km/ hr.

    11. Average Annual Rainfall: 110 cm

    12. Details of Existing Crust

    Granular Sub Base = 300 mm

    WBM Base = 425 mm

    Dense Bituminous Macadam

    =100 mm

    Bituminous Concrete = 40 mm

    (5) State Highway (SH-23) Bhopal- Sironj


    The salient features of the Road Section


    1. Length of the Section of the Road:

    5.0 Km

    2. Type of Pavement: Bituminous

    3. No. of lanes: 2 lanes

    4. Divided/Undivided: Undivided

    5. Type of Shoulder: Hard Shoulder

    6. Drainage System: No proper

    Drainage system

    7. Surrounding Environment: Rural

    8. Type of traffic: Mixed traffic

    (Mainly Commercial Vehicles)

    9. Present Traffic Intensity: 5,852

    CVPD (Seven Days 24 hour Traffic

    Volume Count)

    10. Average Speed: 80 Km/ hr.

    11. Average Annual Rainfall: 110 cm

    12. Details of Existing Crust

    Granular Sub Base = 230 mm

    WBM Base = 325 mm

    Bituminous Macadam =75 mm

    Semi Dense Bituminous

    Concrete = 30 mm


    Structural Evaluation of Pavement by

    Benkelman Beam

    Basic Principles of Deflection Method:

    Performance of flexible pavements is

    closely related to the elastic deflection

    of pavement under the wheel loads. The

    deformation or elastic deflection under a

    given load depends upon subgrade soil

    type, its moisture content and

    compaction, the thickness and quality of

    pavement courses, drainage conditions,

    pavement surface temperature etc.

    Pavement deflection is measured by the

    Benkelman Beam which consists of a

    slender beam 3.66m long pivoted at a

    distance of 2.44m from the tip. By

    suitably placing the probe between the

    dual wheels of the loaded truck, it is

    possible to measure the rebound and

    residual deflections of the pavement

    structure. While the rebound deflection

    is one related to pavement performance,

    the residual deflection may be due to

    non recoverable deflection of the

    pavement or because of the influence of

    the deflection bowl on the front legs of

    the beam. Rebound deflection is used

    for overlay design.

    The Tables 1 to 10 shows the evaluation of

    overlay thickness for existing flexible

    pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection

    technique for both the left and the right lanes

    for NH-3, NH-12, NH-86, NH-69 and SH-


  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 1: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (NH-3) on Left Lane

    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: National Highway (NH-3) Agra- Bombay Road

    Average Rainfall:1160 mm Lane: Left

    Moisture Content of soil: 11.25 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 28.5 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 29 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.075

    Sr. No. Test


    Location Chainage

    Dial Gauge Deflections






    ure oC






    (with Temp.

    & MCF) mm

    Initial Intermediate


    1 250 0 8 8 0.160 28 0.070 0.247

    2 500 0 2 2 0.040 28 0.070 0.118

    3 750 0 6 6 0.120 28 0.070 0.204

    4 1000 0 10 12 0.240 28 0.070 0.333

    5 1250 0 29 35 0.875 28 0.070 1.015

    6 1500 0 28 28 0.560 28 0.070 0.677

    7 1750 0 22 25 0.587 28 0.070 0.707

    8 2000 0 12 14 0.280 28 0.070 0.376

    9 2250 0 30 33 0.747 28 0.070 0.879

    10 2500 0 23 23 0.460 28 0.070 0.570

    11 2750 0 15 16 0.320 28 0.070 0.418

    12 3000 0 24 26 0.520 28 0.070 0.632

    13 3250 0 18 18 0.360 28 0.070 0.459

    14 3500 0 15 16 0.320 28 0.070 0.415

    15 3750 0 18 18 0.360 28 0.070 0.457

    16 4000 0 5 6 0.120 28 0.070 0.198

    17 4250 0 0 0 0.000 28 0.070 0.068

    18 4500 0 4 5 0.100 28 0.070 0.174

    19 4750 0 40 45 1.046 28 0.070 1.189

    20 5000 0 5 5 0.100 28 0.070 0.172

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 2: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (NH-3) on Right Lane

    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: National Highway (NH-3) Agra- Bombay Road

    Average Rainfall:1160 mm Lane: Right

    Moisture Content of soil: 11.25 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 27 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 28.5 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.075

    Sr. No. Test




    Dial Gauge Deflections






    re oC






    (with Temp.

    & MCF) mm

    Initial Intermediate


    1 250 0 4 4 0.080 27 0.080 0.172

    2 500 0 5 9 0.296 27 0.080 0.406

    3 750 0 3 7 0.256 27 0.080 0.364

    4 1000 0 17 21 0.536 27 0.080 0.666

    5 1250 0 21 22 0.440 27 0.080 0.564

    6 1500 0 28 29 0.580 27 0.080 0.715

    7 1750 0 23 28 0.706 27 0.080 0.852

    8 2000 0 25 25 0.500 27 0.080 0.632

    9 2250 0 24 25 0.500 27 0.080 0.633

    10 2500 0 24 28 0.676 26 0.090 0.824

    11 2750 0 20 25 0.646 26 0.090 0.792

    12 3000 0 18 18 0.360 26 0.090 0.486

    13 3250 0 19 24 0.626 26 0.090 0.772

    14 3500 0 12 12 0.240 26 0.090 0.359

    15 3750 0 12 12 0.240 26 0.090 0.360

    16 4000 0 10 12 0.240 26 0.090 0.361

    17 4250 0 5 8 0.247 26 0.090 0.370

    18 4500 0 16 22 0.615 26 0.090 0.766

    19 4750 0 14 18 0.476 26 0.090 0.619

    20 5000 0 13 15 0.300 25 0.100 0.430

    Average Deflection (Right + left lane) 0.511

    Standard Deviation 0.260

    Characteristic Deflection 1.030

    Overlay Thickness in mm 134.55

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 3: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (NH-12) on Left Lane

    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: National Highway (NH-12) Jaipur- Jabalpur Road

    Average Rainfall:1110 mm Lane: Left

    Moisture Content of soil: 4.25 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 29 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 30.5 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.027

    Sr. No. Test Point



    Dial Gauge Deflections





    ment Temp-

    erature oC






    (with Temp.

    & MCF) mm

    Initial Intermediate


    1 250 0 26 31 0.766 32 0.03 0.869

    2 500 0 19 29 0.871 32 0.03 0.979

    3 750 0 20 25 0.646 32 0.03 0.750

    4 1000 0 23 25 0.500 32 0.03 0.603

    5 1250 0 27 30 0.687 32 0.03 0.797

    6 1500 0 33 43 1.151 32 0.03 1.276

    7 1750 0 40 44 0.996 32 0.03 1.120

    8 2000 0 34 42 1.073 32 0.03 1.200

    9 2250 0 21 31 0.911 32 0.03 1.036

    10 2500 0 12 17 0.486 30 0.05 0.602

    11 2750 0 9 18 0.622 30 0.05 0.742

    12 3000 0 19 25 0.675 30 0.05 0.796

    13 3250 0 10 15 0.446 30 0.05 0.560

    14 3500 0 13 17 0.456 30 0.05 0.572

    15 3750 0 19 22 0.527 30 0.05 0.644

    16 4000 0 23 31 0.853 30 0.05 0.979

    17 4250 0 18 20 0.400 30 0.05 0.514

    18 4500 0 22 25 0.587 30 0.05 0.706

    19 4750 0 16 26 0.811 30 0.05 0.936

    20 5000 0 14 15 0.300 30 0.05 0.411

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 4: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (NH-12) on Right Lane

    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: National Highway (NH-12) Jaipur- Jabalpur Road

    Average Rainfall:1110 mm Lane: Right

    Moisture Content of soil: 4.25 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 30 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 30.5 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.027



    Test Point



    Dial Gauge Deflections







    rature oC






    (with Temp.

    & MCF) mm

    Initial Inter




    1 250 0 28 32 0.756 34 0.01 0.849

    2 500 0 30 32 0.640 34 0.01 0.727

    3 750 0 12 20 0.633 34 0.01 0.717

    4 1000 0 28 32 0.756 34 0.01 0.842

    5 1250 0 30 34 0.796 34 0.01 0.881

    6 1500 0 12 15 0.387 34 0.01 0.458

    7 1750 0 55 61 1.395 34 0.01 1.491

    8 2000 0 38 41 0.907 34 0.01 0.988

    9 2250 0 20 23 0.547 34 0.01 0.616

    10 2500 0 8 17 0.602 34.5 0.015 0.670

    11 2750 0 20 24 0.596 34.5 0.015 0.665

    12 3000 0 14 15 0.300 34.5 0.015 0.362

    13 3250 0 12 15 0.387 34.5 0.015 0.452

    14 3500 0 6 13 0.464 34.5 0.015 0.532

    15 3750 0 18 19 0.380 34.5 0.015 0.447

    16 4000 0 34 36 0.720 34.5 0.015 0.797

    17 4250 0 12 14 0.280 34.5 0.015 0.346

    18 4500 0 24 34 0.971 34.5 0.015 1.057

    19 4750 0 17 20 0.487 34.5 0.015 0.561

    20 5000 0 16 17 0.340 34.5 0.015 0.411

    Average Deflection (Right + left lane) 0.749

    Standard Deviation 0.263

    Characteristic Deflection 1.275

    Overlay Thickness in terms of BM mm 167.53

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 5: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (NH-86) on Left Lane

    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: National Highway (NH-86) Bhopal- Sagar Road

    Average Rainfall:1140 mm Lane: Left

    Moisture Content of soil: 3.90 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 30 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 33 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.008



    Test Point



    Dial Gauge Deflections







    rature oC






    (with Temp.

    & MCF) mm

    Initial Intermediate


    1 250 0 9 9 0.180 35 0.0 0.242

    2 500 0 15 16 0.320 35 0.0 0.388

    3 750 0 25 25 0.500 35 0.0 0.573

    4 1000 0 27 27 0.540 35 0.0 0.618

    5 1250 0 20 20 0.400 35 0.0 0.482

    6 1500 0 29 29 1.580 35 0.0 0.668

    7 1750 0 31 39 1.013 35 0.0 1.108

    8 2000 0 22 23 0.460 35 0.0 0.556

    9 2250 0 20 20 0.400 35 0.0 0.500

    10 2500 0 14 14 0.280 36 0.01 0.383

    11 2750 0 23 23 0.460 36 0.01 0.562

    12 3000 0 18 18 0.360 36 0.01 0.460

    13 3250 0 31 32 0.640 36 0.01 0.740

    14 3500 0 70 74 1.596 36 0.01 1.702

    15 3750 0 16 16 0.320 36 0.01 0.413

    16 4000 0 31 31 0.620 36 0.01 0.714

    17 4250 0 27 30 0.687 36 0.01 0.779

    18 4500 0 49 49 0.980 36 0.01 1.073

    19 4750 0 28 30 0.600 36 0.01 0.687

    20 5000 0 26 26 0.520 36 0.01 0.605

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 6: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (NH-86) on Right Lane

    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: National Highway (NH-86) Bhopal- Sagar Road

    Average Rainfall:1110 mm Lane: Right

    Moisture Content of soil: 3.90 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 32 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 30.5 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.008



    Test Point



    Dial Gauge Deflections








    ture oC






    (with Temp.

    & MCF) mm

    Initial Intermediate


    1 250 0 17 20 0.487 34 0.01 0.572

    2 500 0 21 27 0.715 34 0.01 0.796

    3 750 0 23 27 0.656 34 0.01 0.733

    4 1000 0 25 28 0.647 34 0.01 0.720

    5 1250 0 27 33 0.835 34 0.01 0.904

    6 1500 0 28 29 0.580 34 0.01 0.643

    7 1750 0 24 28 1.676 34 0.01 0.736

    8 2000 0 21 27 0.715 34 0.01 0.770

    9 2250 0 23 23 0.460 34 0.01 0.508

    10 2500 0 16 18 0.360 34 0.01 0.403

    11 2750 0 14 17 0.427 34 0.01 0.472

    12 3000 0 29 29 0.580 34 0.01 0.627

    13 3250 0 35 39 0.896 34 0.01 0.947

    14 3500 0 35 39 0.896 34 0.01 0.948

    15 3750 0 43 45 0.900 34 0.01 0.953

    16 4000 0 23 27 0.656 34 0.01 0.708

    17 4250 0 37 43 1.035 34 0.01 1.090

    18 4500 0 31 39 1.013 34 0.01 1.069

    19 4750 0 32 34 0.680 34 0.01 0.735

    20 5000 0 33 37 0.856 34 0.01 0.914

    Average Deflection (Right + left lane) 0.712

    Standard Deviation 0.268

    Characteristic Deflection 1.249

    Overlay Thickness in terms of BM mm 164.85

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 7: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (NH-69) on Left Lane

    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: National Highway (NH-69) Bhopal (Obdullaganj)- Nagpur Road

    Average Rainfall:1140 mm Lane: Left

    Moisture Content of soil: 2.98 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 32 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 29 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.075



    Test Point



    Dial Gauge Deflections








    ture oC






    (with Temp.

    & MCF) mm

    Initial Intermediate


    1 250 0 8 8 0.160 34 0.01 0.247

    2 500 0 2 2 0.040 34 0.01 0.118

    3 750 0 6 6 0.120 34 0.01 0.204

    4 1000 0 12 12 0.240 34 0.01 0.333

    5 1250 0 29 35 0.875 34 0.01 1.015

    6 1500 0 28 28 0.560 34 0.01 0.677

    7 1750 0 22 25 0.587 34 0.01 0.707

    8 2000 0 12 14 0.280 34 0.01 0.376

    9 2250 0 30 33 0.747 34 0.01 0.879

    10 2500 0 23 23 0.460 32 0.01 0.570

    11 2750 0 15 26 0.320 32 0.03 0.418

    12 3000 0 24 26 0.520 32 0.03 0.632

    13 3250 0 18 18 0.360 32 0.03 0.459

    14 3500 0 15 16 0.320 32 0.03 0.415

    15 3750 0 18 18 0.360 32 0.03 0.457

    16 4000 0 5 6 0.120 32 0.03 0.198

    17 4250 0 0 0 0.0 32 0.03 0.068

    18 4500 0 4 5 0.100 32 0.03 0.174

    19 4750 0 40 45 1.046 32 0.03 1.189

    20 5000 0 5 5 0.100 32 0.03 0.172

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 8: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (NH-69) on Right Lane

    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: National Highway (NH-69) Bhopal (Obdullaganj)- Nagpur Road

    Average Rainfall:1140 mm Lane: Right

    Moisture Content of soil: 2.98 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 28 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 32 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.075



    Test Point



    Dial Gauge Deflections








    ature oC






    Deflection (with

    Temp. & MCF)


    Initial Intermediate


    1 250 0 4 4 0.080 35 0.0 0.172

    2 500 0 5 9 0.296 35 0.0 0.406

    3 750 0 3 7 0.256 35 0.0 0.364

    4 1000 0 17 21 0.536 35 0.0 0.666

    5 1250 0 21 22 0.440 35 0.0 0.564

    6 1500 0 28 29 0.580 35 0.0 0.715

    7 1750 0 23 28 1.706 35 0.0 0.852

    8 2000 0 25 25 0.500 35 0.0 0.632

    9 2250 0 24 25 0.500 35 0.0 0.633

    10 2500 0 24 28 0.676 35 0.0 0.824

    11 2750 0 20 25 0.646 36 0.01 0.792

    12 3000 0 18 18 0.360 36 0.01 0.486

    13 3250 0 19 24 0.626 36 0.01 0.772

    14 3500 0 12 12 0.240 36 0.01 0.359

    15 3750 0 12 12 0.240 36 0.01 0.360

    16 4000 0 10 12 0.240 36 0.01 0.361

    17 4250 0 5 8 0.247 36 0.01 0.370

    18 4500 0 16 22 0.615 36 0.01 0.766

    19 4750 0 14 18 0.476 36 0.01 0.619

    20 5000 0 13 15 0.300 36 0.01 0.430

    Average Deflection (Right + left lane) 0.511

    Standard Deviation 0.260

    Characteristic Deflection 1.030

    Overlay Thickness in terms of BM mm 134.55

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 9: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (SH-23) on Left Lane

    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: State Highway (SH-23) Bhopal Sironj Road

    Average Rainfall:1110 mm Lane: Left

    Moisture Content of soil: 2.50 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 32 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 29 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.008



    Test Point



    Dial Gauge Deflections








    ture oC






    (with Temp.

    & MCF) mm

    Initial Interm



    1 250 0 37 39 0.780 36 0.01 0.877

    2 500 0 27 40 0.687 36 0.01 0.782

    3 750 0 41 42 0.840 36 0.01 0.935

    4 1000 0 48 48 0.960 36 0.01 1.055

    5 1250 0 40 41 0.820 36 0.01 0.913

    6 1500 0 30 31 0.620 36 0.01 0.710

    7 1750 0 45 45 0.900 36 0.01 0.991

    8 2000 0 29 29 0.580 36 0.01 0.668

    9 2250 0 40 41 0.820 36 0.01 0.908

    10 2500 0 26 26 0.520 36 0.01 0.605

    11 2750 0 46 46 0.920 34 0.01 1.010

    12 3000 0 30 30 0.600 34 0.01 0.689

    13 3250 0 40 40 0.800 34 0.01 0.893

    14 3500 0 30 31 0.620 34 0.01 0.714

    15 3750 0 39 40 0.800 34 0.01 0.897

    16 4000 0 28 28 0.560 34 0.01 0.657

    17 4250 0 35 35 0.700 34 0.01 0.800

    18 4500 0 27 27 0.540 34 0.01 0.641

    19 4750 0 35 36 0.720 34 0.01 0.825

    20 5000 0 32 34 0.680 34 0.01 0.786

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 10: Structural Evaluation of Pavement by Benkelman Beam on (SH-23) on Right


    Evaluation of Overlay thickness for Existing Flexible Pavements by Benkelman Beam Deflection IRC:81-


    Name of the road: State Highway (SH-23) Bhopal Sironj Road

    Average Rainfall:1110 mm Lane: Right

    Moisture Content of soil: 2.50 %

    Air Temperature (Start): 36 oC

    Air Temperature (End): 31 oC

    Seasonal/ Moisture Correction Factor: 1.008



    Test Point



    Dial Gauge Deflections








    ture oC






    (with Temp.

    & MCF) mm

    Initial Intermediate


    1 250 0 34 37 0.827 38 0.03 0.915

    2 500 0 30 31 0.620 38 0.03 0.706

    3 750 0 34 34 0.680 38 0.03 0.766

    4 1000 0 46 49 1.067 38 0.03 1.156

    5 1250 0 36 36 0.720 38 0.03 0.806

    6 1500 0 35 36 0.720 38 0.03 0.806

    7 1750 0 36 37 0.740 38 0.03 0.827

    8 2000 0 40 43 0.947 38 0.03 1.036

    9 2250 0 29 30 0.600 38 0.03 0.685

    10 2500 0 39 42 0.927 38 0.03 1.015

    11 2750 0 31 33 0.660 36 0.01 0.746

    12 3000 0 44 45 0.900 36 0.01 0.988

    13 3250 0 33 34 0.680 36 0.01 0.766

    14 3500 0 38 39 0.780 36 0.01 0.867

    15 3750 0 27 27 0.540 36 0.01 0.625

    16 4000 0 30 33 0.747 36 0.01 0.834

    17 4250 0 26 28 0.560 36 0.01 0.645

    18 4500 0 34 34 0.680 36 0.01 0.766

    19 4750 0 35 38 0.847 36 0.01 0.935

    20 5000 0 31 31 0.620 36 0.01 0.706

    Average Deflection (Right + left lane) 0.824

    Standard Deviation 0.135

    Characteristic Deflection 1.094

    Overlay Thickness in terms of BM mm 144.16

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Determination of Riding Quality

    A newly constructed road gives a smooth

    ride. As the pavement is subjected to traffic,

    damage occurs which is reflected in

    deformation of the pavement and

    consequently the riding quality of the road

    deteriorates. Therefore the quality of the

    ride, as measured by road roughness, is a

    measure of the roads deterioration with time.

    Riding quality also affects vehicle operating

    cost. The levels of roughness which are

    taken to indicate the need for maintenance,

    interventions vary a great deal and are

    particularly influenced by the form of

    construction. The riding quality may

    conveniently be measured by a towed Bump

    Integrator. A similar device can be attached

    to the rear axle of a suitable vehicle. In order

    to give reliable results, however this type of

    equipment must be carefully calibrated and

    must be operated at as uniform a speed as

    possible. The values in (mm/Km)

    recommended by the Ministry of Road

    Transport and Highways for roads with

    different types of surfaces are given in Table

    11. The Tables 12 to 16 shows the

    Roughness Index values for NH-3, NH-12,

    NH-86, NH-69 and SH-23. The condition of

    the road section is ascertained accordingly

    as good, average, poor and very poor.

    Table 11: Recommended Roughness Values for Roads in India in (mm/Km)

    Surface Type Good Average Poor Very


    Bituminous Concrete/


    2000-2500 2500-3500 3500-4000 Over 4000

    Premix Bituminous

    Carpet/ MSS

    2500-4500 4500-5500 5500-6500 Over 6500

    Surface Dressing 4000-5000 5000-6500 6500-7500 Over 7500

    Table 12: Roughness Index Values for National Highway (NH-3) Agra- Bombay Road

    S. No. Test Point



    Bumps (B) Wheel


    Obtained W)



    per Km


    Index (R.I.)


    Condition of


    1 100 96 458 460 2410.5 Good

    2 200 101 450 460 2581.1 Average

    3 300 100 452 460 2544.2 Average

    4 400 105 455 460 2653.8 Average

    5 500 105 456 460 2648 Average

    6 600 108 457 460 2717 Average

    7 700 111 458 460 2787 Average

    8 800 108 459 460 2705 Average

    9 900 100 460 460 2500 Average

    10 1000 101 459 460 2530 Average

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Continue from previous page..

    11 1100 99 455 460 2502 Average

    12 1200 95 458 460 2385 Good

    13 1300 96 459 460 2405 Good

    14 1400 96 458 460 2410 Good

    15 1500 97 450 460 2478 Good

    16 1600 81 452 460 2060 Good

    17 1700 84 455 460 2123 Good

    18 1800 98 456 460 2471 Good

    19 1900 86 462 460 2140 Good

    20 2000 98 458 460 2460 Good

    21 2100 105 455 460 2653 Average

    22 2200 109 452 460 2773 Average

    23 2300 110 453 460 2792 Average

    24 2400 114 450 460 2913 Average

    25 2500 115 452 460 2925 Average

    26 2600 119 453 460 3020 Average

    27 2700 124 455 460 3134 Average

    28 2800 129 458 460 3239 Average

    29 2900 125 450 460 3194 Average

    30 3000 122 452 460 3103 Average

    31 3100 134 454 460 3394 Average

    32 3200 136 451 460 3467 Average

    33 3300 139 453 460 3528 Poor

    34 3400 141 452 460 3587 Poor

    35 3500 142 451 460 3620 Poor

    36 3600 144 455 460 3639 Poor

    37 3700 148 456 460 3732 Poor

    38 3800 144 459 460 3607 Poor

    39 3900 147 457 460 3699 Poor

    40 4000 155 455 460 3917 Poor

    41 4100 154 453 460 3909 Poor

    42 4200 150 455 460 3791 Poor

    43 4300 149 457 460 3749 Poor

    44 4400 98 456 460 2471 Good

    45 4500 97 450 460 2478 Good

    46 4600 95 453 460 2411 Good

    47 4700 96 458 460 2410 Good

    48 4800 87 420 460 2382 Good

    49 4900 79 451 460 2014 Good

    50 5000 73 449 460 1869 Good

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 13: Roughness Index Values for National Highway (NH-12) Jaipur-Jabalpur Road

    S. No. Test Point



    Bumps (B) Wheel


    Obtained (W)



    per Km


    Index (R.I.)


    Condition of


    1 100 94 427 460 2531 Average

    2 200 108 439 460 2829 Average

    3 300 127 458 460 3188 Average

    4 400 129 457 460 3246 Average

    5 500 125 457 460 3145 Average

    6 600 115 452 460 2925 Average

    7 700 140 455 460 3538 Poor

    8 800 145 451 460 3697 Poor

    9 900 148 454 460 3748 Poor

    10 1000 152 453 460 3858 Poor

    11 1100 150 452 460 3816 Poor

    12 1200 153 456 460 3858 Poor

    13 1300 158 455 460 3993 Poor

    14 1400 154 457 460 3875 Poor

    15 1500 81 452 460 2060 Good

    16 1600 97 450 460 2478 Good

    17 1700 86 462 460 2140 Good

    18 1800 98 456 460 2471 Good

    19 1900 84 455 460 2123 Good

    20 2000 98 458 460 2460 Good

    21 2100 114 450 460 2913 Average

    22 2200 109 452 460 2773 Average

    23 2300 110 453 460 2792 Average

    24 2400 105 455 460 2653 Average

    25 2500 115 452 460 2925 Average

    26 2600 119 453 460 3020 Average

    27 2700 119 461 460 2968 Average

    28 2800 114 453 460 2894 Average

    29 2900 252 448 460 6468 Very Poor

    30 3000 200 458 460 5021 Very Poor

    31 3100 179 448 460 4594 Very Poor

    32 3200 136 451 460 3467 Average

    33 3300 127 458 460 3188 Average

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Continue from previous page..

    34 3400 144 455 460 3639 Poor

    35 3500 142 451 460 3620 Poor

    36 3600 141 452 460 3587 Poor

    37 3700 148 456 460 3732 Poor

    38 3800 96 458 460 2410 Good

    39 3900 97 460 460 2478 Good

    40 4000 93 454 460 2355 Good

    41 4100 95 453 460 2411 Good

    42 4200 92 456 460 2320 Good

    43 4300 87 420 460 2382 Good

    44 4400 98 456 460 2471 Good

    45 4500 97 450 460 2478 Good

    46 4600 95 453 460 2411 Good

    47 4700 79 451 460 2014 Good

    48 4800 149 457 460 3749 Poor

    49 4900 96 458 460 2410 Good

    50 5000 81 452 460 2060 Good

    Table 14: Roughness Index Values for National Highway (NH-86) Bhopal-Sagar Road

    S. No. Test Point



    Bumps (B) Wheel


    Obtained (W)



    per Km


    Index (R.I.)


    Condition of


    1 100 96 458 460 2410.5 Good

    2 200 101 450 460 2581.1 Average

    3 300 100 452 460 2544.2 Average

    4 400 105 455 460 2653.8 Average

    5 500 105 456 460 2648 Average

    6 600 108 457 460 2717 Average

    7 700 111 458 460 2787 Average

    8 800 108 459 460 2705 Average

    9 900 100 460 460 2500 Average

    10 1000 101 459 460 2530 Average

    11 1100 99 455 460 2502 Average

    12 1200 95 458 460 2385 Good

    13 1300 96 459 460 2405 Good

    14 1400 96 458 460 2410 Good

    15 1500 97 450 460 2478 Good

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Continue from previous page..

    16 1600 81 452 460 2060 Good

    17 1700 84 455 460 2123 Good

    18 1800 98 456 460 2471 Good

    19 1900 86 462 460 2140 Good

    20 2000 98 458 460 2460 Good

    21 2100 105 455 460 2653 Average

    22 2200 109 452 460 2773 Average

    23 2300 110 453 460 2792 Average

    24 2400 114 450 460 2913 Average

    25 2500 115 452 460 2925 Average

    26 2600 119 453 460 3020 Average

    27 2700 124 455 460 3134 Average

    28 2800 129 458 460 3239 Average

    29 2900 125 450 460 3194 Average

    30 3000 122 452 460 3103 Average

    31 3100 134 454 460 3394 Average

    32 3200 136 451 460 3467 Average

    33 3300 139 453 460 3528 Poor

    34 3400 141 452 460 3587 Poor

    35 3500 142 451 460 3620 Poor

    36 3600 144 455 460 3639 Poor

    37 3700 148 456 460 3732 Poor

    38 3800 144 459 460 3607 Poor

    39 3900 147 457 460 3699 Poor

    40 4000 155 455 460 3917 Poor

    41 4100 154 453 460 3909 Poor

    42 4200 150 455 460 3791 Poor

    43 4300 149 457 460 3749 Poor

    44 4400 98 456 460 2471 Good

    45 4500 97 450 460 2478 Good

    46 4600 95 453 460 2411 Good

    47 4700 96 458 460 2410 Good

    48 4800 87 420 460 2382 Good

    49 4900 79 451 460 2014 Good

    50 5000 73 449 460 1869 Good

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 15: Roughness Index Values for National Highway (NH-69) Bhopal (Obdulaganj)-

    Nagpur Road

    S. No. Test Point



    Bumps (B) Wheel


    Obtained (W)



    per Km


    Index (R.I.)


    Condition of


    1 100 96 458 460 2410.5 Good

    2 200 101 450 460 2581.1 Average

    3 300 100 452 460 2544.2 Average

    4 400 105 455 460 2653.8 Average

    5 500 105 456 460 2648 Average

    6 600 108 457 460 2717 Average

    7 700 111 458 460 2787 Average

    8 800 108 459 460 2705 Average

    9 900 100 460 460 2500 Average

    10 1000 101 459 460 2530 Average

    11 1100 99 455 460 2502 Average

    12 1200 95 458 460 2385 Good

    13 1300 96 459 460 2405 Good

    14 1400 96 458 460 2410 Good

    15 1500 97 450 460 2478 Good

    16 1600 81 452 460 2060 Good

    17 1700 84 455 460 2123 Good

    18 1800 98 456 460 2471 Good

    19 1900 86 462 460 2140 Good

    20 2000 98 458 460 2460 Good

    21 2100 105 455 460 2653 Average

    22 2200 109 452 460 2773 Average

    23 2300 110 453 460 2792 Average

    24 2400 114 450 460 2913 Average

    25 2500 115 452 460 2925 Average

    26 2600 119 453 460 3020 Average

    27 2700 124 455 460 3134 Average

    28 2800 129 458 460 3239 Average

    29 2900 125 450 460 3194 Average

    30 3000 122 452 460 3103 Average

    31 3100 134 454 460 3394 Average

    32 3200 136 451 460 3467 Average

    33 3300 139 453 460 3528 Poor

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Continue from previous page..

    34 3400 141 452 460 3587 Poor

    35 3500 142 451 460 3620 Poor

    36 3600 144 455 460 3639 Poor

    37 3700 148 456 460 3732 Poor

    38 3800 144 459 460 3607 Poor

    39 3900 147 457 460 3699 Poor

    40 4000 155 455 460 3917 Poor

    41 4100 154 453 460 3909 Poor

    42 4200 150 455 460 3791 Poor

    43 4300 149 457 460 3749 Poor

    44 4400 98 456 460 2471 Good

    45 4500 97 450 460 2478 Good

    46 4600 95 453 460 2411 Good

    47 4700 96 458 460 2410 Good

    48 4800 87 420 460 2382 Good

    49 4900 79 451 460 2014 Good

    50 5000 73 449 460 1869 Good

    Table 16: Roughness Index Values for State Highway (SH-23) Bhopal-Sironj Road

    S. No. Test Point



    Bumps (B) Wheel


    Obtained (W)



    per Km


    Index (R.I.)


    Condition of


    1 100 96 458 460 2410.5 Good

    2 200 101 450 460 2581.1 Average

    3 300 100 452 460 2544.2 Average

    4 400 105 455 460 2653.8 Average

    5 500 105 456 460 2648 Average

    6 600 108 457 460 2717 Average

    7 700 111 458 460 2787 Average

    8 800 108 459 460 2705 Average

    9 900 100 460 460 2500 Average

    10 1000 101 459 460 2530 Average

    11 1100 99 455 460 2502 Average

    12 1200 95 458 460 2385 Good

    13 1300 96 459 460 2405 Good

    14 1400 96 458 460 2410 Good

    15 1500 97 450 460 2478 Good

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Continue from previous page..

    16 1600 81 452 460 2060 Good

    17 1700 84 455 460 2123 Good

    18 1800 98 456 460 2471 Good

    19 1900 86 462 460 2140 Good

    20 2000 98 458 460 2460 Good

    21 2100 105 455 460 2653 Average

    22 2200 109 452 460 2773 Average

    23 2300 110 453 460 2792 Average

    24 2400 114 450 460 2913 Average

    25 2500 115 452 460 2925 Average

    26 2600 119 453 460 3020 Average

    27 2700 124 455 460 3134 Average

    28 2800 129 458 460 3239 Average

    29 2900 125 450 460 3194 Average

    30 3000 122 452 460 3103 Average

    31 3100 134 454 460 3394 Average

    32 3200 136 451 460 3467 Average

    33 3300 139 453 460 3528 Poor

    34 3400 141 452 460 3587 Poor

    35 3500 142 451 460 3620 Poor

    36 3600 144 455 460 3639 Poor

    37 3700 148 456 460 3732 Poor

    38 3800 144 459 460 3607 Poor

    39 3900 147 457 460 3699 Poor

    40 4000 155 455 460 3917 Poor

    41 4100 154 453 460 3909 Poor

    42 4200 150 455 460 3791 Poor

    43 4300 149 457 460 3749 Poor

    44 4400 98 456 460 2471 Good

    45 4500 97 450 460 2478 Good

    46 4600 95 453 460 2411 Good

    47 4700 96 458 460 2410 Good

    48 4800 87 420 460 2382 Good

    49 4900 79 451 460 2014 Good

    50 5000 73 449 460 1869 Good

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    Table 17: The Results of Benkelman Beam Study


    1) The Traffic volume study (7 days count)

    indicate that in case of NH 3, NH 12,

    NH 69,NH 86 and SH 23, the traffic is

    of very high intensity and also heavy

    axle load vehicles (rear axle load more

    than 10.2 t ) ply on the roads.

    2) The heavy axle loads on the road are

    leading to its premature failure and

    distresses like rutting, cracking,

    localized depressions etc.

    3) The drainage system both longitudinal

    and transverse are inefficient and is not

    working properly especially for NH 3

    and NH 86 leading to failures

    pertaining to improper drainage system,

    namely Pot holes, Stripping etc

    4) The Benkelman beam study was

    conducted on all the five stretches and

    structural inadequacy was found in the

    sections of all the five stretches i.e.

    NH3, NH12, NH69, NH86 and SH23.

    5) There is a need to go for measures such

    as an overlay on all the five stretches.

    The overlay thicknesses in terms of BM

    were found for all the stretches and are

    shown in Table 17.

    6) The Roughness Index Values (RI) were

    found by Bump Integrator for all the

    five stretches for each 100 m section and

    the pavement surface condition was

    rated as Very Poor, Poor, Average and


    7) The present study is based on Pavement

    Condition Index (PCI) and involves a

    set of performance variables, such as

    Pavement Distresses and Pavement

    Condition Rating.

    8) The results of subgrade analysis shows

    that in stretches where high PI value was

    observed there is a need for a drainage

    or blanket layer to enhance the drainage

    characteristics of the layered system.

    9) The methodology and analytical tools

    presented in this study are based on the

    extensive field data base from in-service

    heavily trafficked highway pavements,

    hence can be adopted as reliable

    techniques to study the various

    applications of flexible pavement

    deterioration models in the maintenance

    management system for highway

    pavements in India.

    10) The Pavement Performance Study will

    help in arriving at the most appropriate

    Sr. No. Name of the Road Overlay Thickness in terms of Bituminous Macadam (mm)

    1 NH 3 134.55

    2 NH 12 167.53

    3 NH 69 134.55

    4 NH86 164.85

    5 SH 23 144.16

  • International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945

    IJAET/Vol.I/ Issue III/Oct.-Dec.,2010/312-338

    maintenance and rehabilitation activity

    or remedial measures, suitable for a

    particular section of the road.


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