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How to obtain GCAA and/or EASA

Aircraft Maintenance License

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1. Current situation in aviation industry

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Roughly 80 % of the current aerospace workforce is aged 40 - 65. Since over the next 20 years most of these specialists are expected to retire or switch to other industries, this demanding field faces a constantly growing deficiency in supply.

Now most demanded people in the aviation sector are maintenance technicians and engineers.

They account for 30 % of expected hiring, whereas pilots represent only 7.5 %.

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2. Global aviation industry trends

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It is forecasted that by 2016 aviation will have injected more than $ 1 trillion into the global economy and created (directly and indirectly) almost 70 million jobs worldwide.

However, maintaining a safe aviation system requires a sufficient number of qualified aviation professionals to design, manufacture and maintenance, as well as ensure the airworthiness of more than 20 000 aircraft used in commercial aviation at the moment.

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At the same time, figures released by the UK CAA show that despite the significantly expanding local fleet, the number of aircraft technicians and engineers in the country has actually halved during the past 30 years.

Similar trends have been also witnessed in other major aviation countries.

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Maintenance engineers and technicians remain one of the most demanded specialists in aviation.

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3. Dream of obtaining GCAA CAR 66 AMEL

or EASA Part-66 AML ?

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To be demonstrated to Authority (GCAA or EASA Member State):

3.1 Basic Knowledge (Modules)

3.2 Basic Maintenance Experience

3.3 Aircraft Type Training

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3.1 Basic Knowledge (Modules)

- Study 13 (cat. B1.1 technician-mechanical) or 12 (cat. B2 technician-avionics) Modules

- Pass exams in Part-147 or CAR 147 AMTO or Competent Authority

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3.2 Basic Maintenance Experience

Aircraft maintenance experience in Approved Maintenance Organization from 2 to 5 year (depend on education)

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3.3 Aircraft Type Training

Type Training (level 3) in Part-147 or CAR 147 AMTO is required (both: theoretical and practical)

On the Job Training (EASA) / On the Job Experience (GCAA) provided by Part-145 or CAR 145 AMO

NOTE: OJT / OJE required only for first type of aircraft in each category

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3.1 How to demonstrate Basic Knowledge ?

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Pass Basic Exams (Modules) in Part-147/CAR 147 AMTO or Competent Authority after Self-study (no any education).


- Cheapest way.

- 5 years of Basic Maintenance Experience is required (longest way)

- It isn’t easy to Self-study full program if no access to Part-147/CAR 147 AMTO Training Manuals.

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Pass Basic Exams (Modules) in Part-147/CAR 147 AMTO or Competent Authority after training in Aviation College (not approved according to Part-147/CAR 147). Comments:

- most popular way to obtain Part-66/CAR 66 licenses at the moment

- 3 years of Basic Maintenance Experience is required.

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Full Basic Training in Part-147/CAR 147 AMTO: theoretical and practical training within 2 400 hours.


- Most effective training – fully adopted to Part-66/CAR 66 regulations

- Just 2 years of Basic Maintenance Experience is required (quickest way)

- Probably most expensive

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- OPTION 2 is most popular for experienced technicians.

- Self-training is possible for experienced technicians.

- Training Manuals of Part-147/CAR 147 AMTO is most effective to use for self-training before Basic Examinations in this organization.

- It is recommended after Self-training to obtain consulting from training organization.

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AMIKON Aviation Academy propose consulting and examinations programs for both B1.1 and B2 categories according to EASA/GCAA regulations.

Consulting and examinations arranged in both Amikon’s offices: - Dubai (DAFZ)- Sharjah (SAIFZ).

Consulting and examinations are arranged in Morning classes (for Companies) and Evening classes (for private Customers).

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Consulting program for B1+B2 EASA+GCAAfor UAE Customer at Amikon SAIFZ office

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3.2 How to demonstrate Basic Maintenance Experience

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- 5 years if Modules self-studied

- 3 years if Modules studied in non approved training organization

- 2 years if Modules studied in Part-147 or CAR 147 approved maintenance training organization

Evidences of this experience must be demonstrated to Authority.

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3.3 How to demonstrate Aircraft Training

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Type Training level 3 includes Theoretical and Practical Elements by Part-147 or CAR 147 AMTO.

Certificate of Recognition for both Theoretical and Practical training must be demonstrated to Authority (valid for 3 years since date of start training).

On the Job Training (EASA) in Part-145 AMO or On the Job Experience (GCAA) in CAR 145 AMO for first type in each category. Evidence of such OJT /OJE must be demonstrated to Authority.

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Application form send to Authority via e-licensing system (for GCAA CAR 66 license) or EASA Form 19 (for EASA Part-66 license)

Supporting documents like Certificates of Recognition from CAR 147 or Part-147 AMTO and maintenance experience confirmation are required.

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