Download - Ignacy Łukaszewicz

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Page 3: Ignacy Łukaszewicz

Biography He was born on 23 * November 1822, in Zadusznikach

k.Tarnowa.Skończył only four classes of high school and because of poor financial situation had started pracę.W the age of 14 went on to practice pharmacy in Łańcucie.PóźniejPeter went to the pharmacy Mikolasch in Lviv, where pomocnikiem.Gdy he was 28 years old, wrote prescriptions in alphabetical order and method in a total of 274 analityczne.Zapisał notebook pages and described his work Manuskrypt.Postanowił end two-year course at the university in 1850 Krakowie.W r.stawił the first study to address the pharmaceutical University Jagiellońskiego.Zaoszczędził some money and for the second semester, he went to Wiednia.Tamafter four months of a thesis submitted in 1852, was master of farmacji.Wrócił to Mikolasch, who welcomed him as a dear friend and gave him etat.Jemu and John Zehowi assigned work the liquid, which is wykraplał oil compaction skalnego.Ignacy heard of crude oil during the lectures in Krakow.

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In March 1853 r.przy tinsmith help Adam Bartkowski Lukasiewicz constructed the first lamp naftową.W Julythe same year he invented lighting hung the first time at a local hospital, where he performed the first nightoperację.Mikolasch Lukasiewicz founded the company and Zehem.Ignatius oil fascynowała.Na late 1853 and 1854, hemoved to Gorlitz, which is where shewystępowała.Tam turned to him Trzecieski Titus, farmer and miner, mine owner rud.Pokazał hecollected samples of the substance inlesie.Przyjechawszy to Bóbrki, pharmacist saw theblack goo leaking of fluid ziemi.Gęsty flowed withwater streams from the surrounding hills ... in 1854 Bóbrka r.powstała in the world's first crude oil mine.

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Ignacy Lukasiewicz died on January

7, 1882 płuc.August Gorayski

inflammation, deputy and close

associate of Lukasiewicz, so about

him, said:

,, Many were świetniejszych, louder

people from him, but cnotliwszego


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Polish scientist who in his lifetime

gained numerous honors and awards

and to develop social and economic

activity, was buried in the cemetery in


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ACHIEVEMENTS Ignacy Lukasiewicz(1822-1882):

* 1852 - distillate oleum petrae album* 1852 - the discovery of oil* 1853 - The first kerosene lamp in

the world* 1853-1854 was - the first street

lamp oil* 1854 - the world's first crude oil

mine in Bóbrka* 1863 - A new refinery

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