Download - IGCSE ICT Computer Simulation. Be aware of the use of ICT applications in every day life, including the Use Advantages and Disadvantages of computer.



Computer Simulation

Be aware of the use of ICT applications in every day life, including the

Use Advantages and Disadvantages of computer simulations.

Modelling vs Simulation

Models use mathematical formulae to explore scenarios and to make predictions.

Simulations are also based on mathematical formulae, and are used to predict how a system will behave in a certain set of conditions.

The major difference is that a simulation recreates a scenario, using something physical to mimic the system.

Some examples:

A very good example of a simulation is a flight simulator .

Another exampleof a simul ation is a thrill ride simulato

r somewhere like Disneyland.

Another form of simulation is Virtual Reality.

A computer simulation is an application d - esigned to imitate a real life situation. A g

ood example is software which simulates t he experience of piloting a plane.

Flight simulation software Simple simulation software running on a P

C offers the user entertainment and practi ce in simple controls and navigation.

- A real life flight s - imulator used f

or training pilots- is far more sop

histicated, and is very expensive.

Inside a flight simulator

The pilot sits inside a specially designed cockpit on hydraulically controlled struts which move the cockpit to give the feel of the pitch and roll of a real plane .

Sensors detect the actions of the pilot and move the cockpit accordingly . The view from the cockpit window is replaced with computer generated images .

Why use simulators?

Flight simulators give trainee pilots experience of: different flying conditi

ons, eg poor weather, night flying

emergency situations, eg frozen runways, fog

, engine failure Landing procedures and how they differ from airport to airport

Flight simulators are safe and cost effective too . No fuel is needed and there's no crew to pay, any damage to the plane is simulated, and the pilot is never at risk.

Training Pilots to Fly an Airplane

Trainee pilots have many hours of lessons in flight simulators before being allowed to fly a real airplane.

Flight simulators behave almost exactly like real airplanes since they are controlled by a computer with a very accurate and realistic model of the airplane. The main difference is that the simulator can’t actually crash!

The punchline:

Pilots can make mistakes without putting anyone’s life at risk.

Flight simulators can provide a pilot with any number of highly realistic flying situations: storms, engine failures, low cloud hiding the runway, etc.

The experience that pilots gain whilst using the simulator means that when they eventually start flying real airplanes, they already have many of the required skills.

There are also car simulators that are used to help train learner drivers, and also ship simulators to help ship captains learn how to navigate and manoeuvre large ships such as oil tankers.

Other uses of simulation

Nuclear power stations usesimulation to improve output by looking

at temperature, pressure and gas flow in the plant

Scientific experiments (for example pl ant growth) can be observed in varying c


Other uses of simulation

Traffic flow can be simulated in maj or cities to investigate the need for ne w roads and/or traffic lights

The aerodynamic effect on the shape of cars can be investigated by simulating air flow over different body shapes

Virtual Reality Virtual Reality (VR ) is a computer

simulation which allows the user to interact with the system . Special interfaces give the user the feel, sound and view of the virtual system . The user wears a head-mounted

display through which the virtual world can be seen

Advantages of using simulators

- Conditions can be varied and outcomes investigated

-Critical situations can be investigated without risk

- People aren't put in any danger- Expensive prototypes don't need to be

built - Time can be speeded up or slowed

down- Manoevres can be run again and again

until the pilot/driver etc is competent No equipment is damaged

Models and simulations can't ever comple - tely re create all - real life situations.

Not every possible situation may have be en programmed into the simulation .

They require VERY fast processors The equipment and software are expensiv

e to purchase. Staff need to be trained how to use the sof

tware and equipment.

Disadvantages of using simulators

Today’s assignment:

Try using the flight simulator in Google Earth

Fly anywhere you like: the Grand Canyon, over Bangkok

In 10 minutes flight time, record how many times you ‘crashed’

Go to the Activity and the TestAdd to your notes where necessary
