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Feminism ArtIngrid Belcavello RigattoIzabela Stati Emiliano______________________________________________________________________________________________________IFA II D UFMG2015, May1Historical ContextWomen have been created art for centuriesBefore 1960s: male-dominated art world, women artists were discouraged to put feminist meaning into their work.What makes women different form men?

Late 1960s: emergence of the feminist art movementMost prominent in the United States, Britain, and GermanySocial upheaval coming with the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, economic prosperity, the arrival of oral contraceptives, reforms in the Catholic Church

2Mid-20th century retrospectives:

1957: Life magazine photo essay called Women Artists in Ascendancy

1965: exhibit "Women Artists of America, 1707-1964, at the Newark Museum.

1971: Linda Nochlins essay Why Are There No Great Female Artists?

Historical ContextThe Feminist Art MovementIdea: womens experiences must be expressed through art

It was also a reaction to the treatment of women and a form of propaganda

Called for a new framework: the universal would include womens experiences too

Impossibility of completely changing their society

Most women's lives as mothers, household workers, and caregiversMales have imposed patriarchal social systemsPervasive misconception that women were genetically inferior to menBecoming a Movement in the 1970sAwareness and questions coalesced into the Feminist Art Movement

1969: Women Artists in Revolution (WAR) split of from the Art Workers Coalition (AWC) 1971: female artists protested at the Corcoran Biennial in Washington D.C.for excluding women artists

1971: Judy Chicago established the Feminist Art program at Cal State Fresno1972: Womanhouse at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts)It consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative artFeminist and PostmodernismWhat is Feminist Art? A stage in art history?

A movement?

Or a wholesale shift in ways of doing things?Surrealism?Not as a style of art that can be seen but rather a way of making art.It consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative artFeminist Art declared that meaning and experience were as valuable as form; Postmodernism rejected the rigid form and style of Modern Art.The represented of universality. The ideas of gender, identity, and form. Using tools like performance art, video, and other artistic expression that would come to be significant in PostmodernismThe artist as part of society, not working separately.Feminist and PostmodernismIt consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative artBacklashWomen who were artists rejected feminist readings of their work.Essentialism? They thought each individual womans experience was claimed to be universal, even if the artist had not asserted thisMan hating or Lesbian?It consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative artWho is the artist?

It consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative art

Who is the artist?It consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative art

Who is the artist?It consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative art

Who is the artist?It consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative artThe artistsThey thought I was a Surrealist,but I wasn't.I never painted dreams.I painted my own reality.

F r i d akAHLOIt consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative artThe artistsMy illustrious lordship, I'll show you what a woman can doA r t e m i s i a GENTILESCHI

It consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative artThe artistsC i n d y SHERMANJ o y c e WIELANDL i l i t h ADLERC a r o l i n e FOLKENROTHC a n d i c e RAQUEL LEEJ e n n i f e r LINTONIt consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative artJudy Chicago on feminist art

It consisted of students working together on exhibits, performance art and consciousness-raising in a CONDEMNED HOUSE that they refurbished.collaborative artReferences