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1. I. Show us an activity you enjoy doing. Tell us how you think it contributes to your personal and professional development By Lishan Xiao IE Application_IMBA 2. Extreme Sports have been the essential parts of my life, Which encourage me to be a uncompromising person 3. Cableway Baos Ecuador It was the first time I hung so high above the ground. Courage beat dread eventually , and enlightened me to face to challenge fearlessly 4. Bungee Jumping 5. Paraglider Lima, Peru 6. Paraglider The extreme activities stimulate my passion and encourage me to challenge the limit 7. Mountaineering COTOPAXI ECUADOR Persistent is the indispensable character of Mountaineering and the foundation of long-term success 8. Mountaineering Teamwork, the essential merit in Mountaineering, has become increasing important in contemporary commercial society 9. Next? 10. Conclusion I am deeply grateful that these unique experiences bring me a blazing life. I am a true believer of the saying that you only live once. So I think there is nothing one cannot try or strive for. I dont care if I am called an opportunist. Surely I am as long as there is any accelerative path for fulfilling my career goals. 11. Thank you