Download - ID Quercus Ilex (Evergreen Oak)

  • 8/20/2019 ID Quercus Ilex (Evergreen Oak)


    Species Description

    Scientific name: Quercus ilex  AKA: Holm Oak, Mediterranean Oak, Derwenfythwyrdd (Welsh) Native to: Southern EuropeHabitat: Mild, coastal areas and urban roadsides

    Produced by Kevin Doidge, Max Wade, Vicky Ames and Kelly McKee of RPS

    Evergreen Oak

    A distinctive type of oak, the mature leaves of which are re-tained over the winter and are not lobed like other oaks.

    The leaves are dark and shiny on the upper surface, slightlydowny on the lower surface, and when young can be toothedand slightly spiny like a holly leaf. The acorn is light green incolour with up to two-thirds enclosed in the scaly cup.

    First brought to the UK over 400 years ago, it was widelyplanted during the 18th century and was first recorded in thewild in 1862. It has become an aggressive coloniser in partsof southern England, replacing native vegetation.

    For details of legislation go to legislation. 

    Key ID Features

    Up to 30 mtall

    Underside of leafwhite and cottony

    Upperside of leafglossy and darkgreen

    Holm oak by pizzodisevo, Creative Common BY-SA

    Dark brown bark,shallowly crackedinto small squareplates

    Young leavesserrated withslightly spinyedges



    * Holm Oak Acorns 2 by tree-species, Creative Common BY

  • 8/20/2019 ID Quercus Ilex (Evergreen Oak)


    Identification throughout the year

    Similar Species

    Photos from: John Choffee, Kevin Doidge, Max Wade, pizzodisevo, tree-species

    References and further reading: 

    Johnson, O and More, D (2004) “Collins Tree Guide ”.HarperCollins

    Preston, C D, Pearman, D A and Dines, T A(editors) (2002) “New Atlas of the British and IrishFlora”. Oxford University Press 

    Stace, C (1999) “Field Flora of the British Isles”.Cambridge University Press

    An evergreen species, so can be identified by its leaves throughout theyear. Flowers in late June and fruits ripen in October.


    (Ilex aquifolium )


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    Evergreen Oak is widespread over lowlandBritain, especially in south-east England andcoastal sites.

    Holly with characteristicspiny leaves

    Leaves more glossy and

    usually strongly spined, witha more 3 dimensional shape(point upwards anddownwards)

    Leaves can be variable,with few or no spines

    Evergreen OakNon-native(Quercus ilex)For comparison

    Leaves of youngplants with serratededges which look likeweak spines

    No berries produced

    Bright redholly berries

    Distinctivesmooth barkof holly

    Holly berries by J ohn Choffee, Creative Commons BY-SA

    Evergreen oak is distinctive and would notbe confused with native oaks due to itsleaf-shape and evergreen habit.