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Grand Jury Testimony Reveals the Shocking Truth:

"The FDA Has Decided Who Will Live...And Who Will Die From Cancer”

Did U.S. officials lie, cheat, and bully to keep these natural cancer treatments from the public? Watch the video below for all of the horrifying evidence…

Plus discover these stunning breakthroughs today… before the FDA buries them for good.

Nobel Scientist Dr. Linus Pauling: “The war on cancer is a fraud…” Ralph Moss, PhD: Top doctors “lied” about the research…

Dear Reader,

A brilliant cancer scientist.

Medical secrets covered up for decades.

A government agency determined to shut him down.

This could be Soviet Russia—with its KGB, secret trials, and labor camps.

But no. This is America, in 2014.

He was one of the brightest stars of the National Cancer Institute—one of the youngest PhDs in his country.

In 1967—while still a student—this medical prodigy made an extraordinary discovery.

After painstaking research, he uncovered a mysterious substance in human blood—a substance no one else knew existed.

A leading U.S. oncologist said it was like finding “a whole bunch of islands off the coast of Miami.”

Five years later—funded by the National Cancer Institute—he’d turned this discovery into a natural cure for cancer.

Just a few months ago—after years of clinical trials—this cancer cure was about to go mainstream.

For decades, patients had flocked to his clinic to join the trials of this experimental drug—many suffering from deadly brain tumors.

For them, chemo and radiation had been a bitter failure. This was their last—and only—chance.

The results…were staggering.

In one study, his treatment cured 33% of patients with brain stem glioma…a cancer most doctors believe is almost always fatal.

In a phase III clinical trial—the “gold standard” of scientific research—this treatment was twice as effective as chemotherapy at treating late-stage colon cancer.

Some brain tumor patients have survived—cancer-free—for twenty years on this treatment.

The National Cancer Institute verified this research. The American Cancer Society confirmed clinical improvement of these “incurable” cancers.

And in 2013, this groundbreaking treatment—now a verified cure for some people—was just one step away from becoming mainstream.

All that was needed was a final study to remove any last doubts that this treatment saved more lives than chemotherapy and radiation.

But that final study never took place.

Instead, on January 17, 2013, armed “thugs” hired by the FDA raided this Texas clinic. Agents interrogated the doctors. Seized thousands of patient files. And ordered the clinic to stop treating new patients.

For the FDA, it was a massive U-turn. They’d approved the human trials of this treatment for decades. And for good reason. It was saving lives.

This was the natural cancer cure we’d all been waiting for— and now the FDA was shutting it down.

For the patients waiting at the clinic that day…it’s too late.

They’d already suffered the failure of chemo and radiation. Now the FDA had robbed them of the only chance they had left.

And along with their terrible illness, they suddenly had to confront their government as well.

Their most intimate personal details—information they’d entrusted to their doctors—were now in the hands of complete strangers.

See what I mean about KGB…and secret trials?

In grand jury testimony, one cancer patient declared that the FDA “decided who can live and who will die.”

You see, this doctor wasn’t the government’s first victim, and he won’t be the last.

The truth is, we don’t know which natural cancer treatment the agency will shoot down next.

That’s why I’m contacting you today.

In a moment, I’ll reveal a legal “backdoor secret”that can help cancer patients get their hands on this

blacklisted cancer treatment.

Not only that, but I’ll also tell you how to access other little-known, but effective, cancer solutions. All of them natural. And all of them potentially in danger of being buried.

Like the natural compound that actually interrupts the binding process of cancer cells. Early results are promising. Very promising. One mouse study published by the Journal of the Natural Cancer Institute showed that this substance reduced the spread of melanoma by 90 percent!

But heaven forbid the government tries to quiet these scientists like they’ve already done to this one doctor…

It wasn’t even the first time they tried to shut him down. This was just the “end-game” of a fifty year campaign.

They tried to do it legally—but failed. They launched five grand juries against him—and lost every single one.

The grand jury judges found the medical evidence—that his treatment was curing deadly cancers—too convincing.

And here’s the worst part: the FDA knew his treatment was curing patients. They couldn’t stop him for “bad” science. They couldn’t stop him for killing patients.

Instead, they attacked him on a technicality—for trafficking his treatment across state lines.

And again, that’s not the only time they’ve stooped to these levels. You must have heard about that movie, Dallas Buyers Club. It may sound like stuff out of the movies…but this is all very real.

In the end, the FDA lost every one of those five grand juries. Yet they still chose to deny those patients a life-saving treatment.

That’s right.Against the judgment of five grand juries, the FDA did decide who

would live…and who would die.

Scandals like this in the “war on cancer” are nothing new.

In a moment, I’ll give you all the details…

I’ll reveal how the mainstream has suppressed nearly every promising natural cancer treatment in the last fifty years.

And I’ll reveal how and where you can get them.

Like the surprising "cancer-preventer" and the simple way to get more of it—even though most doctors wrongly claim it’s bad for you. One study found that people with the lowest levels of this nutrient increased their risk for a certain type of aggressive cancer by 594%.

Or the natural compound highlighted in a study in the Journal of Hepatology. Liver cancer patients who took it had an 80% survival rate, compared to 52% in a control group.

Why haven’t you at least heard about these natural, safe solutions?

You can’t just blame the FDA.

Big Pharma, the National Cancer Institute, and the nation’s top research centers, are using every trick in the book.

Fake research… …medical deception…

… even physical threat…

One by one, the most promising natural cancer treatments have been swept into the trashcan of medical history.

But I’ll show you how they work, and where you can find them.

First, it’s important to know why the medical establishment is doing everything in its power to hide these treatments from you. And the reason is simple:

GREED. You see, cancer is the billion-dollar “cash cow” of the pharmaceutical industry. $95.5 billion as a matter of fact. Every single year. So just think:

If one “rogue” scientist…could corner the market in cancer treatment…with a natural cure that has no side-effects…

…then the billion-dollar profits of Big Pharma, the FDA, the National Cancer Institute, and the most powerful cancer clinics in America…

…would be lost. Swallowed up. Wiped out. Forever. That’s why this brilliant scientist is such a threat. His treatment has a 30-year track record of curing deadly brain tumors in children.

Most oncologists will tell you that brainstem glioma is more than 90% fatal. But try telling that to Sophia Gettino.

In December 1997—at 10-months-old—little Sophia was diagnosed with a deadly brain tumor.

Doctors told her parents, Joe and Jenny, that Sophia could never survive. They said to take her home to die.

That was when friends told them about the clinic in Texas where hundreds of cancer patients were being treated.

Little Sophia was given this treatment…and in just three weeks her tumor started to shrink.

In January this year, Sophia celebrated her 18th birthday. She’s been cancer-free for 10 years—from a tumor doctors said was fatal.

If the FDA had its way, Sophia would be dead.

And she’s not alone.

Paul Michaels was diagnosed with brain cancer when he was four. Doctors said surgery was not an option—he could get radiation and maybe live another five years.

Instead, Paul’s parents took him to the Texas clinic. He’s now in his late twenties and cancer-free.

Also cancer-free? Jodi Fenton. When her brain tumor was diagnosed, she was given 6–18 months to live.

But six months after starting this treatment…all that was left of her tumor was scar tissue.

These success stories are not isolated cases. They’re just the tip of the iceberg.

An iceberg that the FDA is hell-bent on melting. And we want to do our part to make sure that never happens.

My name is Angela Salerno, and I’m the president of INH, the Institute for Natural Healing.

Our investigation into cancer treatments has revealed some shocking events—and some incredible cures—most Americans have never heard about.

Today we’ll reveal the truth about this cover-up and where you can find this “hidden” natural cancer treatment.

We’ve pulled research studies, clinical trials and medical data to bring you urgent information about this discovery.

And we’ve compiled a special report called:

It normally costs $24.95—but in a moment I’ll show you how to claim your very own copy as our FREE gift to you.

In it, we reveal how this discovery is curing patients of some of the deadliest tumors known to man.

And we’ll show you the legal “backdoor secret” that’s helping desperate patients get this treatment.

But beware. So-called “quack-busters” out there are running a campaign of deception to make you believe this treatment is a scam.

But we’ve examined these statements…and found that the most serious claims made against this doctor…are false.

“They” claim that no phase III clinical trials have ever been done to compare his treatment with chemotherapy.

But we found a phase III trial—conducted at a leading Japanese research center—which compared chemotherapy to this natural treatment. And it found that cancer patients who used his treatment lived twice as long as patients using only chemotherapy.

“They” claim this doctor’s research and patient records have never been independently verified.

But we found his research has been reviewed and verified by the Barrows Neurological Institute, the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society.

“They” claim a study by the Mayo Clinic copied this groundbreaking research, and “proved” that the treatment doesn’t work.

But we found this study was a sham. It failed because it used a dosage a thousand percent less potent than it should have been. Because of this, none of the patients in the Mayo Clinic study got better. No surprise there.

Did the Mayo Clinic deliberately set out to sabotage this doctor’s work? Were these patients’ lives put at risk just to make a point?

It’s all in our report, The FDA Decides Who Will Live…And Who Will Die From Cancer.

Believe it or not, this shameless cover-up of promising cancer treatments gets worse…

In fact it’s so bad, many natural cancer clinics have fled to Mexico, the Bahamas, even Germany.

But even there, the FDA will find them.

In 1991, a cancer clinic director, Jimmy Keller, was kidnapped from his home in Tijuana, Mexico. Four “thugs” came for him at dawn. They carried semi-automatic rifles and wore bullet-proof vests. They smashed down his door, bundled him into a car, and drove him to the U.S. border. This wasn’t a drug bust. The “thugs" who snatched him were Mexican bounty hunters—hired by the FBI.

His only “crime” was to set up a cancer clinic, using a natural substance, L-arginine, to treat his patients. Many studies show L-arginine can boost cancer-killing blood cells by up to 91%—with no side-effects. And the real kicker is…L-Arginine is completely legal in the U.S.! The FDA had no right to deny these patients a natural treatment that could have kept them alive.

And if that isn’t bad enough…

If you have cancer, and if you refuse mainstream treatment—your hospital can and will fight you…all the way to the court house.

In 2013 Sarah Hershberger, a 10-year-old with leukemia, was forced by court-mandate into an unproven, experimental chemotherapy study. Sarah’s family understood the dangers of chemo and radiation, and wanted to use natural treatments—but they didn’t have a choice.

The only option for Sarah and her parents was to go into hiding. Can you imagine?

In 1974, a study showed that a powerful natural substance in apricot kernels could stop the spread of cancer in mice by 70%. If this study could be repeated in humans, it could be the “holy grail” researchers were looking for.

But before that research could get underway, the Sloan-Kettering Institute for CancerResearch launched a hate-filled campaign against the top researcher, Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura.

First, they accused him of “bad” science. Which was strange, because these same medical bosses had also said Dr. Sugiura “…has an extraordinary record through the years of being right.”

Now a new study claims the cancer center “seriously misrepresented the facts.”

That they deceived the public to stop this promising natural cancer treatment from ever seeing the light of day.

Since then, a review by the National Cancer Institute shows nearly 10% of cancer patients have had a “complete or partial” response with this treatment.

In the UK, this anti-cancer treatment is available with a doctor’s prescription.

But because of the damage of the Sloan-Kettering “lies”, here in the U.S, clinics are raided at gun-point for using this treatment against cancer.

That’s why it’s so important—and so urgent—that we reveal everything we know about these life-saving cancer therapies.

Make no mistake. These are the hushed up truths you have a right to know.

In 1971, President Nixon declared a “war on cancer.”

Just three years later, two-time Nobel prize-winner—Dr. Linus Pauling—declared this war “largely a fraud.”

Even the former editor of the respected New England Journal of Medicine admits:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published.”

There are dozens more natural cancer treatments

under threat today.

In fact, the American Cancer Society has a “little black book” listing the natural treatments it would be only too happy to wipe out.

But out of sixty-three natural treatments listed in this “black book,” twenty-three have not been investigated. They’ve been “condemned” by the ACS—without a shred of


One blacklisted medicine just happens to be the third most widely prescribed natural cancer treatment in the world.

In a study of 17 cancer patients, an extract from this organism was effective against seven aggressive cancers. Including:

• ovarian • bone • stomach • breast

• and prostate cancer.

The Cancer Research Journal, and the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine both agree: it could help us win the war on cancer.

In patients with breast cancer, prostate cancer, and multiple myeloma, a compound containing this extract boosted cancer-killing blood cells by 547%.

Even the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center agrees: the research shows that this extract has potent anti-tumor effects. And yet…

…the FDA is determined to squash it.

For fifty years they’ve cheated, bullied, and lied to stop desperate patients from getting their hands on promising natural cancer treatments.

Grand juries. SWAT raids. Medical deception. Do you see what we’re up against?

These stark facts have driven us under-the-radar to bring you urgent information about cancer treatments and preventions that are secretly saving lives.

I’ll show you—today—where you can find these treatments, and how they work against cancer.

We’ve pulled research studies and medical information from around the world.

And we’ve compiled another full report, called:

It normally sells for $24.95, but in a moment I’ll show you how to claim your copy as a free bonus gift.

In it, we reveal where to find the rare organism that’s effective against seven aggressive cancers…

Extracts from this organism have been effective against carcinoma, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and liver cancer.

In a Japanese study, a compound from this organism boosted cancer-killing blood cells by 900%!

With these results, you’d expect this medicine to be flying off the shelves of your local health store, right?


As I said, this is the third most widely prescribed anti-cancer drug on the planet.

It’s been approved by health authorities around the world.

Including Japan’s Health Ministry since the late 1970s.

It’s completely natural, with no side-effects.

But here in America, the FDA is doing everything to stop you from using it.

If that makes you angry—it should. And there’s something else… Worse than the lies. Worse than the deception. Worse than the greed. And it’s this:

While the FDA is raiding clinics for using harmless natural cancer treatments…

Chemotherapy and radiation are killing more people than we ever imagined.

A new Harvard Medical School study shows 25% of cancer deaths are directly caused or sped up by chemotherapy and radiation.

Even the New England Journal of Medicine freely admits: “…35 years of intense effort focused on improving treatment must be judged a qualified failure.”

That’s why Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons to Wipe Out Cancer—Naturally is such an important report.

In it, we reveal where you can find the potent anti-cancer treatments the medical establishment has tried to hide for so long.

We’ll reveal how one natural treatment kills 81% of cancer cells. And how another lowers your risk of kidney cancer by 74%.

And we’ll reveal the powerful vitamin that increases cancer survival time by 400% when injected into the body—a fact leading researchers tried to hide. That’s right—the Mayo Clinic again tried to “fudge” these positive results with their own shoddy research. Instead of giving their patients this vitamin intravenously, the fed it to them orally.

But as every scientist knows, this method is bound to be much less effective!

And independent studies now show that high doses of this vitamin can reduce the growth of malignant tumors.

And a review in the Journal of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition also found a high intake of this vitamin can double your protection against cancer. If you’re beating your head right now…shaking your fists and asking “Why would they do this…” then my answer to you is:

Follow the money, and you’ll discover some sickening truths.

In the U.S., under the 2003 Medicare Act, oncologists can legally profit by selling chemotherapy and radiation to their patients. And, boy, do they profit! If you think that’s a terrible conflict of interest, you’re not alone.

The Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported that private-practice oncologists make two-thirds of their income from selling chemotherapy.

You see, Big Pharma—drug corporations like Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, and GlaxoSmithKline—are the ones selling chemo and radiation…and controlling the system….

That’s why the research in your free report:

Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons to Wipe Out Cancer—Naturally

... is so incredibly important.

It’s information you won’t find anywhere else…

Research by scientists not compromised by the pressures of mainstream American medicine.

In this report you'll discover...

How mainstream treatments can actually cause cancer. If you’re facing conventional treatment—think again. A study of 600 cancer patients who died within 30 days of treatment found 25% of these deaths were directly caused by this therapy.

Why a common food you throw in the trash could save your life. You probably think of it as “waste.” But in one study, this so-called trash cut tumor growth by 500%. And when taken with black tea, it slashed skin cancer risk by 70%!

Plus…Why the world’s most researched immunity supplement is now a leading cancer therapy—everywhere except…

...the United States of America! The FDA, as usual, is suppressing it as a treatment for cancer.

Yet more than 80 studies show this supplement helps the body destroy cancer cells, prevents recurrence, and helps increase survival times.

In fact this potent anti-cancer supplement increased natural killer cells by 900%!

The FDA wants to keep you in the dark—but don’t worry. Our report shows you where to get it.

Remember—even if you have not been diagnosed with cancer, cancer does occur in your body several times a year.

That's why the natural preventions in our report can be life-saving information for you. Including…

The “Citrus Secret” that stops metastasis. It’s a cancer patient’s worst fear—that the cancer will spread. If that’s you or someone close to you, this treatment can stop cancer in its tracks. In human studies, this compound stopped the spread of cancer ”cold”—killing 81% of cancer cells.

The juice that will help you “outlive” prostate cancer. In a study of 50 prostate cancer patients, eight ounces a day of this common juice slowed their cancer to a crawl. And doctors now believe...these men who worried about dying can “outlive their cancer.”

We’ll also reveal:

Why staying indoors leaves your body open to 17 deadly cancers. And how 20 minutes a day of this non-activity can protect you.

Plus, what 90,000 Swedish women taught researchers about fish and cancer. (Be warned: If you eat a standard American diet, chances are you’re severely deficient in a vital nutrient found in one fish. Studies show it can reduce your risk of kidney cancer by 74%.)

And did you know there’s an incredibly dangerous food cancer cells love to feed off? Yet it’s so common, it’s probably in your kitchen right now.

Many people would crawl across broken glass

on their naked knees to get this information.

Because it can save your life. And the lives of your loved ones. As I said, this report sells for $24.95—but not for you.

Everyone else pays—but if you respond to this special offer today, it can be yours free.

All I ask in return is that you try a subscription to

! —our online newsletter of cutting edge natural health information.

A one-year subscription brings you monthly natural health newsletters and an archive of over 1,000 articles and reports.

It includes: • up-to-the-minute natural health news... • cutting-edge research... • and practical natural health advice…

...on all the important health issues—supported by research from the best medical journals, including…

The Lancet the New England Journal of Medicine

and the Journal of the American Medical Association

But you'll need to keep this "hush hush!"

Our dossier poses a real threat to the profits made by Big Pharma and the medical establishment!

In fact, right now, a debate is raging on Capitol Hill—about information we’ve covered in Natural Health Dossier.

It’s about a revolution happening right now in the science of aging.

But again, keep the volume down—because this is highly controversial. You see…

Researchers now believe... there’s no such thing as a death gene. Or as S. Jay Olshansky, PhD—associate editor of the Journal of Gerontology—puts it: “humans are not programmed to die.”

Incredible, isn’t it? The implications are very, very big…

The evidence—published in Frontiers in Genetics—has started a revolution in the science of aging.

Scientists at Boston Medical Center and Boston University School of Public Health studied the genetic sequence of a death-defying pair—one man and one woman.

Death-defying—because they were “super-centenarians”—both above the age of 110.

Scientists studied their DNA, and found that their incredible ability to age so well had almost nothing to do with genetics. And get this…

Neither of them suffered from a degenerative disease, such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or heart disease. And that led scientists to a radical conclusion that’s sparked a revolution in the way we think about aging:

Aging is not inevitable—it’s like a disease.And just like polio, we can wipe it out.

Wipe out aging? It sounds radical—but it’s exactly right.

Let’s be clear though. Scientists like Dr Olshansky are not saying we can live forever. They’re saying we can live healthy, disease-free lives for much longer than we thought.

Because scientists now understand that your youth, energy, stamina, sexual power, sharpness of mind…

…spring from a source deep within your own body. A fountain of youth that keeps your cells alive, your skin smooth, your brain neurons buzzing…

It’s a highly potent life-force that springs from a hidden gland at the base of your brain—but the problem is…

Since your 20s, this ”fountain” ” has dribbled away. Dried up. Snuffed out.

Leaving you overweight. Drained of energy.

Brain-fogged. Stiff.

Wrinkled. And sexually numb.

But today there’s great news…

News that’s sparked a raging debate among lawmakers on Capitol Hill…

Scientists have discovered a way to stimulate this fountain of youth, bringing it back to the levels of your 20s and 30s.

In a stunning study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, this compound reversed aging in 12 men, aged 61 to 81.

Researchers reported scenes like in the movie Cocoon, where aging men and women turn young again.

In the study, within six months, their flabby, frail bodies were transformed into their sleeker, younger selves.

They gained an average 8.8% lean body mass. And lost an average of 14.4% flabby fat.

Their shrunken livers and spleens grew a healthy 20%. And bone density in their spines also increased.

Dr. Daniel Rudman, MD, of the Medical College of Wisconsin concluded that the effects of this treatment:

“…were equivalent in magnitude to the changes that occur during ten to twenty years of aging.”

And that was in just six months!

A double-blind study by the Research Center for Endocrinology and Metabolism discovered even more benefits:

This “holy grail” of anti-aging increases good cholesterol, cuts down bad cholesterol, and protects your heart.

Doctors in Sweden, Denmark, and England are so excited by this age-defying substance; they’re calling it the Lazarus Effect—after the biblical figure who was raised from the dead.

All these studies used injections now restricted by the FDA. But now, two decades after this breakthrough discovery, you can recreate these age-reversing effects naturally, within your own body.

By taking a safe and natural nutrient, you can stimulate your “fountain of youth” to:

• Turn pounds of unwanted fat into lean muscle. • Get rid of “see through skin” by restoring thickness. • Improve your memory and cognitive function. • Boost your energy and improve your mood. • Recharge your immune system. • Even thicken your hair.

As unbelievable as it sounds, you can restore your body to its leaner, firmer, more energetic form. You could even repair your aging brain and reverse existing damage to your bones.

It’s all revealed in a third FREE report called:

If you’re worried about your memory, dwindling sex drive, aching joints, wrinkled skin…

…this report will give you the hard science on a host of strategies to beat back the disease of aging. In the report, you’ll…

Discover 4 deadly age-accelerators—and how to beat them! Like the one that’s been found to speed up the aging of cells—and an easy regimen to keep it in balance.

Know the key factor in 80% of all disease... It's a lifestyle affliction that can rob you of decades of happy, healthy living. We'll show you what it is and what to do (cut out refined sugar to start) plus four tips and two supplements to combat this age-accelerator.

How to finally get a good night's sleep without dangerous pills—maybe your first in years! Learn what's keeping you from 8 hours of delicious, restorative sleep each night. Plus just a couple of simple lifestyle tweaks and one critical supplement to get the kind of sleep that will help your body really regenerate.

You’ll discover natural, preventive measures, including…

• A simple blood test to check your levels of a deadly toxin found in toiletries and cleaning products…

• Why low levels of this essential steroid place you at higher risk of chronic inflammation and cancer...

• And why eating these foods can help beat the stress that plays a role in 80% of diseases…

We’ll send your free reports as e-books, the minute you subscribe to Natural Health Dossier.

With NHD you’ll have cutting-edge natural health news… advice… treatments… and preventions…

…based on hard science the FDA and Big Pharma are doing everything they can to suppress.

And you won’t find this medically-proven advice in mainstream media, which relies on Big Pharma advertising to survive. We can report freely because…

• We're private. • We're independent. • And we're not in the grip of the medical establishment.

You’ll become a natural health insider—by joining an exclusive, rapidly growing community of thousands of people “in the know”…

But there’s a reason why you should become a NHD insider as quickly as you can.

You see, the fight against the FDA and Big Pharma—for the truth about your health—is a battle against time.

And I mean that literally—you may not have much time. It’s because of a hideous disease that’s advancing faster than any in America.

Right now, five million Americans have it.

One American dies with it every 68 seconds.

And since 2000, deaths from this relentless killer have increased sixty-eight percent.

In fact, it’s the only killer disease that’s attacking more people, more quickly, than ever before.

If you’ve sat helpless while a loved one loses cherished memories…

Or stood by, watching them grow more muddled, more irritable, more confused…

If this person you’ve loved for so long has gradually turned into someone you just can’t recognize…

…then you’ll know I’m talking about Alzheimer’s disease.

And what about you? Do you sometimes have trouble following a conversation? Lose track of dates? Mix up your words?

If that sounds like you—you simply can’t ignore this.

This can help you or a loved one avoid—even reverse—this disease today. But only if you act fast.

It can benefit anyone with age-related forgetfulness.

2013 was a year of breakthroughs for brain science. And scientists believe they can crack the code that will lead to a natural cure for Alzheimer’s.

Research published in the journal Neurology identified a killer enzyme which breaks down the neurotransmitters vital to memory, judgment, and clarity of thought.

And now a study shows that a powerful natural compound—which blocks this killer enzyme—can improve cognitive ability by an incredible 348%!

Patients who took this little known compound were tested—before and after—for their cognitive abilities.

And all of them showed a radical improvement in word-memory, conversation skills, attention span, and performing complex tasks.

This was a randomized, placebo-controlled study—the best science there is. But I must warn you…

Big Pharma has already gotten its hands on this research—and there isn’t much time!

They’re making a chemical

version of this drugthat could increase the cost

by up to 500%!

That’s right. Alzheimer’s drugs like Donepezil cost up to $800 for a 90 day supply. But the same amount of this natural compound goes for as little as $16.

That’s why it’s so important you get your hands on this compound as soon as you can. We can show you how… our fourth FREE report:

This report is your only way to get under-the-radar brain research most doctors don’t have.

This natural compound is truly a miracle. And remember—it’s not only for Alzheimer’s patients:

It’s for anyone with age-related forgetfulness. You can use it at any age to maximize your brain power.

You or a loved one can begin using this extract immediately to:

• Keep your mind sharp—never miss an appointment, or your grandchild’s big game.

• Prevent memory problems from getting worse—if you’re starting to have trouble

remembering things that took no effort before. • Help mood and behavior—ever snap at a loved one and immediately regret it?

Yup. This can help with that too. • Even to protect against Alzheimer’s—so you can keep your precious memories

vivid for the rest of your life.

Dr Seth Herzon—a Yale University scientist honored by the National Institutes of Health—is convinced this Chinese herb can combat memory loss and Alzheimer’s better than any drug.

And you won’t need a doctor’s visit or a costly prescription.

In our special report, you’ll discover:

The surprising results of a 2008 study by the National Institute on Aging…and how this extract changed people’s lives—well beyond just memory and cognitive function.

How this natural compound works on the brain similar to prescription Alzheimer’s drugs—and how it stacks up against them. (Prepare to be shocked.)

And how to score this supplement for yourself—easily—despite the fact that this herb has been overharvested and is in danger of extinction.

It’s the most promising brain research we’ve seen in decades.

And you and your loved ones can benefit today... Remember: when you subscribe to Natural Health Dossier, you’ll receive four free reports on these important medical breakthroughs:

And as a valued Natural Health Dossier insider, you’ll get…

• A detailed monthly issue on the latest natural health breakthroughs. • Full access to 1,000 + articles and reports. • A growing library of treatments and advice you and your loved ones can use

immediately. • Online access with a personalized passcode.

To subscribe right now— Click the button below.

Remember—you’ll join a fast-growing community of thousands who have health knowledge even mainstream doctors don’t have. You’ll discover underground health secrets, like…

• The simple vitamin that could cut the risk of heart disease by 40%. • The plant substance that could reduce liver tumors by 64%—and is easy to add

to your diet. • Simple weight loss tricks you can do every day—without expensive gimmicks.

Only Natural Health Dossier subscribers have access to this exclusive health information.

And these NHD insiders agree—this information is transforming their health and the health of their loved ones.

Here’s a quick glance at a few of the health issues we cover:

One subscriber, Norm H. says: "I continue to be amazed by Natural Health Dossier. Nowhere else have I been able to find the range of quality healthcare related information provided here. Using this knowledge, I have been able to find better healthcare professionals simply by asking better questions. Thank you!”

And Jamie R. says: “I am extremely satisfied with my subscription to NHD. I find the articles so informative since I have been practicing alternative medicine for more than 12 years now. Thanks again for such a fantastic and informative subscription.”

Remember—the health information we provide: • is not influenced by Big Pharma and the FDA... • relies only on the best scientific research... • and reveals powerful preventive treatments for long-term health…

This cutting-edge information… • targets all the important health issues… • gives practical natural health advice... • and empowers you to take control of your life

Andrew F. says: “Your articles have changed my life and some of my relatives and colleagues lives for the better. All your articles are a brilliant reference guide and it is good that you provide info on all the new finds and discoveries in the medical field along with actual contacts/addresses/names of those involved.”

And Eckart S. says: “I appreciate that Natural Health Dossier includes both in-depth research (including references to additional material) as well as practical suggestions to address certain conditions with natural, non-pharmaceutical remedies.”

To get full access to every top science journal, you’d have to pay thousands of dollars a year…

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…and yet—this research is funded mainly by your tax dollars! Yes—another scam the medical establishment has pulled on Americans. But we won’t let that happen…

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With Natural Health Dossier, we access the journals for you… • We find the latest, safest, purest treatments... • validate the findings… • and deliver them in monthly reports written with your needs in mind.

The research costs for Natural Health Dossier are substantial. As a privately-circulated report, it would probably sell for about $500 a year.

But we wanted to make it affordable to everyone. Normally, Natural Health Dossier costs just $79 a year—that’s just under $7 a month. But today we’re giving you an even better price…

During this membership drive, today we’re letting you subscribe for half that price…

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For 10 cents a day, you’ll get... • Practical science-backed advice to lead a healthier and longer life... • Medically-proven stories of patients who survived the worst chronic diseases... • The hidden causes—and early warning signs—of every major disease... • Which supplements work, which don’t, and why... • Natural remedies, treatments and cures for every important health issue...

…along with your four free reports on: • Powerful—and proven—cancer treatments you can start using today...

• How the FDA bullied Dr. Burzynski (and how his cancer treatment could help you)...

• How to defy aging and bring back the vitality of youth... • And the natural compound that can sharpen your mind and protect you against


And remember—there isn’t much time. Because of the efforts of the FDA and Big Pharma, this under-the-radar information is very hard to find.

So click the button below to start all your membership benefits now.

In Good Health,

! Angela Salerno Publisher, Natural Health Dossier A Publication of The Institute for Natural Healing

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Iceman photo credit: Sophia Gettino photo credit: