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IBM Tivoli Software

© 2007 IBM Corporation

IBM Tivoli Storage Managerfor MS SharePoint

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IBM Tivoli Software

© 2007 IBM Corporation

Agenda- What is MS SharePoint ?- TSM for SharePoint- How TSM for SharePoint Works- How to Sell MS SharePoint- Competitive Landscape

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What is MS SharePoint ?

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IBM Tivoli Software

© 2007 IBM Corporation

What is SharePoint ?

What is SharePoint ?

Web-based workplace for online collaboration

MS Windows SharePoint Services (WSS 2.0, WSS 3.0)

– Collaboration Services, delivered as free Windows Server 2003 component

MS Windows SharePoint Portal Server 2003– Former Portal based collaboration and document management solution that extends WSS

MS Office SharePoint Server 2007– Portal based collaboration and document management solution that extends WSS

Why is this important?Provides sharing of critical business data and supports Microsoft Office documents for collaboration

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© 2007 IBM Corporation

Why TSM for SharePoint

Tools provided by Microsoft are inadequate…– Lack item level restore capability

– Are not full fidelity - You may lose some customizations or settings in the process.

– Are not integrated with a backup environment that includes tape

– Lock up SQL indexes during backup

– Are not acceptable to customers

Why is this important?Customers demand a solution that…

– has item level restore capability

– maintains data integrity

– can be run during production hours (Does not lock SQL indexes)

– has integration to their backup environment, including tape

– has Policy based management of backup data, scheduling, monitoring, reporting

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TSM for SharePoint

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Introducing TSM for SharePoint

What is TSM for SharePoint ?Backup and Recovery of MS SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and MS Office SharePoint Server 2007 (WSS 2.0 and 3.0) environments

Why is this important?All the benefits of TSM:

- Hierarchical storage management

- Support for hundreds of devices- Automatic policy based management of stored objects

What does it provide? Robust Backup and Recovery capabilities

– Item level, site-level and sub-site level backup and restore

– Backup entire database into one TSM object

– Does not lockup index files during backup

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© 2007 IBM Corporation

What features does it provide?

Full, incremental, or differential backup

Granular restore of SharePoint items including Metadata

Easy to install / Quick time to value

Single Pane of Glass - Centralized administration

Policy based management

Automatic migration to lower pools in hierarchy and space reclamation

Multiple customizable plans, from specific folders up to specific top-level sites

Multiple schedules

Fast backup speeds

Much more …

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© 2007 IBM Corporation


What is our relationship with AvePoint?

OEM solution with AvePoint

Industry-Leading SharePoint solutions provider since 2001

DocAve 4.0 (4.1 is the new version) Backup / Recovery of SharePoint

Granular backup/restore of all SharePoint objects

Complete TSM Backup API integration

Established Customer Base: 1,000+ Customer Deployments

Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

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IBM TSM for SharePoint – Installable Components

TSM for SharePoint Server

– Central administrative component for all TSM for SharePoint client components

TSM for SharePoint Client

– This is the client agent that resides only on the SharePoint front end web servers to be backed up

– Client communicates with SharePoint front-end web servers via Microsoft’s SharePoint Object Model

API, and communicates with the SQL server via Microsoft’s SQL API. To backup SharePoint data

– Client communicates with the Media Server to store/retrieve the backup data

– Eligible for pricing

TSM for SharePoint Media Server

– Media server works together with the client to do the backup / data transfer. The client extracts the

data from SharePoint and sends it to the media server which sends it to TSM

– Multiple media servers on separate machines can be used to provide scalability

– Media servers use the TSM API to transfer data to TSM into the TSM hierarchy of storage

One product, one PID, that has multiple

installable components

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IBM TSM for SharePoint – Conceptual Small Configuration

MS Sharepoint Web Server

MS SQL Server

TSM for SP Server

TSM for SP Client

TSM API Client

TSM for SP Media Server

TSM for Databases (DP for MS SQL Server)

TSM Server Storage Hierarchy



SP Backup Data Flow


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IBM TSM for SharePoint – Conceptual Large Configuration

MS Sharepoint Web Server 1

TSM for SP Client

TSM Server Storage Hierarchy

TSM for SP Media Server

TSM API Client

MS Sharepoint Web Server 2

TSM for SP Client

TSM for SP Server


SP Backup Data Flow


MS SQL Server 2

TSM for Databases

MS SQL Server 1

TSM for Databases

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Integration with TSM

… Tight API (TSM BACKUP API Client on Media Server) integration with TSM

Support for hundreds of storage devices

Hierarchical organization of storage pools exploits attributes of each device type (cost, performance, ability to remove media)

Automatic, policy-based management of stored objects•Initial storage of objects in specified pool•Automatic migration to lower pools in hierarchy•Automatic space reclamation •Copying of data for disaster protection (synchronously or asynchronously)•Migration of data to new storage technologies

Disaster Recovery - Automatic creation of disaster recovery plan

TSM is built upon a highly available database that maintains transactional integrity

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How TSM for SharePoint Works

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© 2007 IBM Corporation

Tree Mode

SharePoint ServerSharePoint Portal

Top Level Sites in the Portal

Sub-sites, folders, lists etc…

Actual contents within the folders, document names in shared documents, individual announcements in announcements…etc

Backup Plan Builder

What is a backup plan?

Simply put it is a backup job that allows an administrator to specify What to backup

When to backup

How to backup (via Full, Incremental, or Differential)

Incremental - only backs up new data since the previous backup, whether it was incremental or full

Differential - backs up all new data since the last full backup

Where to backup

How to handle to backup data in terms of data retention and security -compression and encryption

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Backup Plans - Granularity

Can Create Item Level, Subsite Level and Site Level Backup plans– Item-level

To restore single objects (single documents, specific versions of a document, list items, attachments within list items), areas, subareas, customized layouts, and portal links

– Subsite-levelTo restore entire subsites

– Site-level Fastest backup

Why Granularity on backup plans?– Flexibility - Every environment is different

– Using the different levels of backup plans you can ensure that backups can be run with maximum efficiency, and restores can be fast

Restores– A Site-level backup can be restored to a Site (very fast)– A Subsite-level backup can be restored to a Subsite (very fast)– Item level backups can restore individual items (fast) and also complete Sites (slow)

Recommended Backup Strategy:– Full Site and Full Item level backups weekly– Item level backups daily incremental

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Restores are quick and simple:

Select the Media Server where the backup data is stored

Select the Agent Host to browse the backup plan

Select the folder where the document is stored

Browse through the backup data to find the file you are looking to restore.

Check the boxes to select the documents or items you wish to restore.

Specify Restore Options to choose whether you want the restore to overwrite, not overwrite, or append to the data currently in place

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© 2007 IBM Corporation

Other important features

Browser based GUI – Allows administrators to access it from any computer on the network

Encryption and Compression– Encryption and Compression of data can be done on either the client side or on the Media Server

Ease of installation– A few mouse clicks to install each component gets you up and running quickly

Search for data to restore– Search on the site name, sub-site name, list name, folder name or file name to quickly restore data

– Can also search on item attributes such as the name of the creator.

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© 2007 IBM Corporation

Other important features

Discovery of new items – Automatically pickup new items that are created underneath the levels you selected in your backup plan

– Example: if you select Shared Documents folder to be backed up, and a new document is created, that document is automatically backed up

Restore In Place / Out of place– Individual items, sub-sites or entire sites can be restored in place or out of place

– In-place restore restores the item back to its original location, good for replacing lost or deleted documents

– Out-of-place restore restores the item to a new location, good for copying data across folders, sites, and portals

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How to Sell TSM for SharePoint

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How to Sell TSM for SharePoint

What pains does TSM for SharePoint address?

Inability to backup and restore Microsoft SharePoint environments

Inability to backup Microsoft SharePoint data and applications to tape

Inability to provide granular recovery at the document level for SharePoint environments

Complements Data Protection for complete IT environments including SharePoint

Restore is full-fidelity and maintains all metadata. Loss of version history, author, security settings, etc., can affect compliance and is a key differentiator

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What up-cross-sell opportunities exist?

Products to sell with TSM for SharePoint

Leverage IBM’s Service Management Strategy with TSM for Sharepoint as OMP

Sell it as ‘client’ to TSM Server

Complements the TSM for … product family, specifically in Windows environments:- TSM Mail (Data Protection for MS Exchange)- TSM for Copy Services (VSS support for MS Exchange Snapshot backups)- TSM for Databases, Data Protection for MS SQL Server Databases- TSM HSM for Windows

TSM for Databases- Provides complete protection of the underlying SQL databases in the SharePoint environment

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Offering/Solution Value Proposition Format

Potential Value Proposition at a Glance

For:IT management including CIO, CTO, IT Managers and Storage Administrators across all business segments

Who need:

An enterprise-class solution – integrated into an existing or planned TSM environment - for protecting, managing and restoring business critical Microsoft SharePoint data and applications. The loss of which could result in application outages, project delays, diverted resources or regulatory scrutiny leading to lost customers, lost revenues and ultimately lost shareholder value.

IBM provides:

A comprehensive solution focused on the key data protection activities of backup and recovery – to the granular level – for Microsoft SharePoint, integrated within an enterprise TSM environment.

Unlike: EMC, Symantec Veritas, CommVault and Microsoft

IBM's offering has/does:

• Item level granular Restore for SharePoint objects• Integrated with TSM on the backend via the TSM API• A Microsoft certified SharePoint solution provider offering

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What to sell for TSM Data Protectors Mr. Customer, Do you have some applications

that must remain running around the clock, 24 hours a day?

If you have email . . . If you have mySAP . . . If you have a Database . . . If you have SharePoint …


MS Exchange

SAPon DB2, Oracle,MAX/SAP DB**

DBDB2*, Informix*,

Oracle, MS SQL Server


TSM for Mail

TSM for DBs


TSM for SharePoint


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Potential Benefits Ensure Application Availability

– Online Backup– High performance backup/restore

Protect vital business data– Data integrity – Application integration

Minimize operating costs– Incremental backups– Saves customers from manual scripting– Automation and scheduling

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Competitive Landscape

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Competitive Landscape CommVault

– CommVault Galaxy Data Agent for Microsoft SharePoint

– Recognized key player in granular/item Level Backup and Restore for SharePoint

– Full featured and integrated to the CommVault Framework

– Does NOT support MS Office Sharepoint Server 2007. No statements When !

– Most likely cannot restore Metadata


– EMC Backup Manager for SharePoint

– Item level backup and restore for SharePoint

– OEM of a product from NSE

– Is not integrated with NetWorker. It’s a Disk only stand alone solution

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Competitive Landscape Symantec/Veritas

– Symantec Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server

- No Item level protection

- Most likely cannot restore Metadata

– NetBackup for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server

- No Item level protection. Only backs up at the site level

- Most likely cannot restore Metadata CA

– CA BrightStor ARCserve Backup Agent for Microsoft SharePoint.

– No Item level protection. Only backs up at the site level


– Very early product with issues concerning Metadata

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Customers are increasingly depending on SharePoint to store and manage data and need to ensure that they can successfully manage and protect this data

TSM for SharePoint delivers all the capabilities customers need to ensure that

Customers can quickly and confidently protect their SharePoint business data and content

Complete backup and recovery of MS SharePoint Portal 2003 and MS Office SharePoint Server 2007 environments

Full, incremental, or differential backup at the site, subsite, and item-level preserving all meta-data, security etc…

Granular item level backup and restore capability

Ability to restore portals, top level sites, sub-sites, and individual, document libraries, attachments, lists, folders, areas, and sub areas

Complements the TSM data protection family

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Where to get more Information

Contact: Cyrus Niltchian, [email protected]

Product Manager: Tom O’Brien [email protected]

Various material from AvePoint

ERL: Storage related collection of links

Xtreme Leverage: All sales related resources

IBM Tivoli Demo Library

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Website

PartnerWorld: For Business Partners

System Sales Site

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Thank YouEnd

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Backup SlidesEnd

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Feature MatrixFeature Windows SharePoint

ServicesSharePoint Portal

Server 2003

Alerts Yes YesBrowser-based customization Yes YesDiscussion boards Yes YesDocument libraries Yes YesDocument Workspace Yes YesMeeting Workspace Yes YesLists Yes YesBizTalk integration No YesMicrosoft FrontPage integration Yes YesMicrosoft InfoPath™ integration Yes YesSurveys Yes YesTemplates Yes YesWeb Part pages Yes YesAutomatic categorization No YesAudiences No YesTopic areas No YesNews No YesPersonal sites No YesShared services No YesSingle sign-on No YesSite Directory No YesUser profiles No Yes

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SharePoint ArchitectureWSS Architecture

The pieces of the WSS Framework

Web Farm configurationBuilds on top of the architectural layer provided by WSS

Portal Server Architecture

• When you create a new SPS portal site, you are really creating a new physical WSS site collection.

• Extends the way in which WSS stores content by introducing areas and listings

Single Server Configuration

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SharePoint Architecture


• Virtual server: The root location for one or more web sites.

• Site collection: A group of top-level sites on one virtual server.

• Top-level site: The primary web site for a domain

• Subsite: A site within a top-level web site.

• Page: Sites contain web pages that present their content

• List: A table of related data. Used to organize and store Office documents, links, members, discussions, images, and all other types of content in SharePoint

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IBM TSM for SharePoint – Internal Architecture

SharePoint Web Server

SQL Server

SQL Server

SharePoint Web Server

TSM for SP Client


TSM serverBackup/restore


TSM for SP Media Server

TSM for SP Server

TSM for SP Client


Backup Data Flow

Management Flow

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System Requirements

TSM for SharePoint Server:PC with an Intel Pentium III-compatible 700-MHz processor minimum, Intel Pentium 4-compatible processor recommendedMemory 1GB of RAM minimum, 2GB recommended. Hard disk 1GB minimum, 3GB RecommendedOperating system: Requires one of the following: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Server 2000, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Web Edition (includes x64 editions)

TSM for SharePoint Media Server:PC with an Intel Pentium III-compatible 700-MHz processor minimum, Intel Pentium 4-compatible processor recommendedMemory 1GB of RAM minimum, 2GB recommended. Hard disk 1GB minimum, 3GB Recommended.Operating system:Requires one of the following: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Server 2000, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Web Edition (includes x64 editions)

TSM for SharePoint Client:PC with an Intel Pentium III-compatible 700-MHz processor (dual Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz or faster recommended)Memory 512 MB of RAM minimum, 1GB recommended. Hard disk 1GB minimum, 3GB RecommendedOperating system: Requires one of the following servers: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition,Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Web EditionOther Front-End Web Server for SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and/or Windows SharePoint Services 2.0

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Example – Building an Item Level Backup Plan

To run an item-level backup, click on “Backup Builder” under the “Item-Level” tab on the left.

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Example – Building an Item Level Backup Plan

Select “New Plan”

Select the “Agent Host” where the SharePoint data you want to backup is located,

Select a “Media Server” to process the backup plan

Click on the Portal name to load the SharePoint structure

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Example – Building an Item Level Backup Plan

After your SharePoint structure has finished loading, you can click on any of the links to further expand the content underneath them.

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Example – Building an Item Level Backup Plan

If you click on a higher level site, everything underneath is selected for backup automatically by default, with new folders and items included.

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Example – Building an Item Level Backup Plan Create up to 6 different schedules per plan

Choose the “Backup Type”: Full, Incremental, or Differential backup.

Specify a “Start Time” for the backup plan to run by filling in the space or clicking on the calendar icon to select a date and time.

Specify the “interval” by selecting an interval from the drop down menu.

Select encryption and compression options from Data Manager pull down menu

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Example – Item Level Restore

To run an item-level restore, click on “Restore Controller” under the “Item-Level” tab on the left.

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Example – Item Level Restore

Select the “Media Server” where the backup data is stored

Select the “Agent Host” to browse the backup plan.

Select the folder where the document is stored

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Example – Item Level Restore

Browse through the backup data to find the file you are looking to restore.

Check the boxes to select the document(s) or item(s) you wish to restore.

Choose whether or not you want the properties and securities of the files to be kept during the restore by selecting the boxes above the files.

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Example – Item Level Restore

You can restore immediately or schedule the restore

Specify “Restore Options” to choose whether you want the restore to overwrite, not overwrite, or append to the data currently in place.

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Data Retention Manager – Define data retention and expiration policies.

Storage Manager – Setup Storage options

Data Security Manager – Configure data compression and encryption profiles

Filtering Out – Set filter profiles for backups

TSM for SharePoint Control Panel – Data Management

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Server Monitor– Monitor/restart TSM for SharePoint servers

Agent Monitor – Monitor/restart TSM for SharePoint software clients

TSM for SharePoint Control Panel – Control Services

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Email Notification– Create email profiles containing different mailing lists.

– Allows the administrator to effectively control which personnel gets notified under which conditions

TSM for SharePoint Control Panel – Reporting

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Log Manager– Log Manager provides several options for managing the logs

Account Manager– Centralized user access management

TSM for SharePoint Control Panel - System

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License Manager– View TSM for SharePoint License information

Patch Manager– Centralized software upgrade management

Patch Report– View details of a patch update

TSM for SharePoint Control Panel – License Management

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In Filter Mode you can create customized filters that the software will use to pick up new backup data. For example, you can have the software pickup everything with HR in the URL, thus backing up all sites related to Human Resources. You can also combine multiple filters to create a complex plan that suits your company’s needs

Filter Mode

The List Mode was designed for customers with very large SharePoint deployments. It allows you to view individual sites separately, vs. having to load all 10,000 or 20,000 sites in your environment when you’re only interested in a handful

List Mode

Backup Plan Builder

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System Requirements

TSM for SharePoint Server:PC with an Intel Pentium III-compatible 700-MHz processor minimum, Intel Pentium 4-compatible processor recommendedMemory 1GB of RAM minimum, 2GB recommended. Hard disk 1GB minimum, 3GB RecommendedOperating system: Requires one of the following: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Server 2000, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Web Edition (includes x64 editions)

TSM for SharePoint Media Server:PC with an Intel Pentium III-compatible 700-MHz processor minimum, Intel Pentium 4-compatible processor recommendedMemory 1GB of RAM minimum, 2GB recommended. Hard disk 1GB minimum, 3GB Recommended.Operating system:Requires one of the following: Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Server 2000, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Web Edition (includes x64 editions)

TSM for SharePoint Client:PC with an Intel Pentium III-compatible 700-MHz processor (dual Intel Xeon 3.0 GHz or faster recommended)Memory 512 MB of RAM minimum, 1GB recommended. Hard disk 1GB minimum, 3GB RecommendedOperating system: Requires one of the following servers: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition,Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Web EditionOther Front-End Web Server for SharePoint Portal Server 2003 and/or Windows SharePoint Services 2.0