Download - IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

Page 1: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New Features

Duration: 2 Days Course Code: CL312G


Get the technical information about the new functions and features available in DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows for current DB2 Version8, 9.1 and 9.5 database systems. If you are transitioning from DB2 for LUW V8.2 to 9.7, you may consider attending the 4-day transition course, DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, andWindows Transition from DB2 V8.2 (CL310) or DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Transition from DB2 V8.2 - ILO (3L310) before attendingCL312. If you are transitioning from DB2 for LUW V9.1 to 9.7, you may consider attending the 2-day transition course, DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, andWindows Transition from DB2 9 (CL311) or DB2 9.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Transition from DB2 9 - ILO (3L311) before attendingCL312. Course Materials The course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path This course is part of an IBM Training Path. Taking this course in the recommended sequence allows you to maximize the benefits from youreducation.

Target Audience:

This course is for database administrators, application designers, technical support, and technical specialists who require information about thefeatures and functions of DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.


Describe the new functions and options for administration of DB2databases provided by DB2 9.7

Discuss the advantages and potential impact of this release of DB2to your environment

Assess the applicability of the DB2 9.7 features and functions inyour application environment to maximize the performance,monitoring, security and operational management


You should have:

Familiaityr with the functionality of the previous DB2 releases

Page 2: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987


DB2 9.7 Security Features DB2 9.7 Storage Managementline Enhancements line

Explain the privileges associated with the line Describe the expanded role of the securitySYSADM, SECADM and DBADM authorities Describe the steps a database administrator in a DB2 9.7 database

administrator could use to adjust the disk systemstorage paths assigned to a DB2 Grant database privileges, including

line database and to rebalance table spaces ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMDescribe the expanded role of the security to make more efficient use of new and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system storage paths to perform database support tasksGrant database privileges, including List the steps required to implementACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities line for DB2 database serversto perform database support tasks Describe the expanded role of the Configure Java and non Java clientList the steps required to implement security administrator in a DB2 9.7 systems for SSL connectionsSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for database system Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMDB2 database servers Grant database privileges, including configuration option to select theConfigure Java and non Java client systems ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTfor SSL connections and EXPLAIN to provide limited authentication Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM authorities to perform database support Explain how DB2 can access theconfiguration option to select the encryption tasks committed version of a data row that isused for SERVER_ENCRYPT List the steps required to implement currently being updated by anotherauthentication Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections applicationExplain how DB2 can access the committed for DB2 database servers Define a LOCKING Event monitor toversion of a data row that is currently being Configure Java and non Java client capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockupdated by another application systems for SSL connections waitsDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM Configure a DB2 database to controldeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits configuration option to select the information captured for deadlocks, lockConfigure a DB2 database to control encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT timeouts or extended lock waitsinformation captured for deadlocks, lock authentication Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze locktimeouts or extended lock waits Explain how DB2 can access the related problems based on data capturedUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock committed version of a data row that is by a locking event monitor related problems based on data captured by currently being updated by another Define workload management thresholdsa locking event monitor application to help maintain stability on your dataDefine workload management thresholds to Define a LOCKING Event monitor to server by controlling specific resourceshelp maintain stability on your data server by capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock including CPU time, amount of datacontrolling specific resources including CPU waits accessed and temporary data usagetime, amount of data accessed and Configure a DB2 database to control Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 totemporary data usage information captured for deadlocks, lock simplify definition of WLM workloadsUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to timeouts or extended lock waits Define WLM service classes that effect thesimplify definition of WLM workloads Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsDefine WLM service classes that effect the lock related problems based on data by assigning priority to pages visited byreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by captured by a locking event monitor activities executing in different serviceassigning priority to pages visited by Define workload management thresholds classes activities executing in different service to help maintain stability on your data Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryclasses server by controlling specific resources data to improve application performanceExplain how DB2 can compress temporary including CPU time, amount of data List the options for implementation ofdata to improve application performance accessed and temporary data usage compression for the XML and Large ObjectList the options for implementation of Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to data columns in a DB2 tablecompression for the XML and Large Object simplify definition of WLM workloads Utilize the DB2 provided tools anddata columns in a DB2 table Define WLM service classes that effect functions to estimate compression resultsUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions the reuse or retention of pages in buffer for Indexes and XML data to estimate compression results for Indexes pools by assigning priority to pages Convert an existing DMS databaseand XML data visited by activities executing in different managed table space to take advantage ofConvert an existing DMS database service classes automatic storage managementmanaged table space to take advantage of Explain how DB2 can compress Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseautomatic storage management temporary data to improve application managed and automatic storage managedReduce the High Water Mark for database performance table spaces reclaim unused disk space.managed and automatic storage managed List the options for implementation of Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedtable spaces reclaim unused disk space. compression for the XML and Large procedure to move the data in a table to aUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Object data columns in a DB2 table new table object of the same name, butprocedure to move the data in a table to a Utilize the DB2 provided tools and with possibly different storagenew table object of the same name, but with functions to estimate compression results characteristics, while the data remainspossibly different storage characteristics, for Indexes and XML data online and available for access.while the data remains online and available Convert an existing DMS database Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE

Page 3: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

for access. managed table space to take advantage stored procedure to move the data in aPlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE of automatic storage management table to a new table object of the samestored procedure to move the data in a table Reduce the High Water Mark for name, but with possibly different storageto a new table object of the same name, but database managed and automatic characteristics, while the data remainswith possibly different storage storage managed table spaces reclaim online and available for accesscharacteristics, while the data remains unused disk space. Configure the DB2 Database configurationonline and available for access Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored options that control the collection ofConfigure the DB2 Database configuration procedure to move the data in a table to request, activity and object level metrics onoptions that control the collection of request, a new table object of the same name, but the entire databaseactivity and object level metrics on the entire with possibly different storage Compare the monitoring featuresdatabase characteristics, while the data remains implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotCompare the monitoring features online and available for access. monitoring facilities provided by previousimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE DB2 releasesmonitoring facilities provided by previous stored procedure to move the data in a Implement Event Monitors for units of workDB2 releases table to a new table object of the same or lock-related events that storeImplement Event Monitors for units of work name, but with possibly different storage information in unformatted Event Monitoror lock-related events that store information characteristics, while the data remains tablesin unformatted Event Monitor tables online and available for access Capture SQL section information using anCapture SQL section information using an Configure the DB2 Database ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data configuration options that control the data to generate Explain reports to generate Explain reports collection of request, activity and object Create public synonyms to simplify accessCreate public synonyms to simplify access level metrics on the entire database to common tables, views and otherto common tables, views and other objects. Compare the monitoring features objects.Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in implemented in DB2 9.7 with the Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementapplications to quickly empty a table snapshot monitoring facilities provided by in applications to quickly empty a tableselecting option to release or reuse the previous DB2 releases selecting option to release or reuse thecurrent disk storage. Implement Event Monitors for units of current disk storage.Enable the statement concentrator using the work or lock-related events that store Enable the statement concentrator usingstmt_conc database manager configuration information in unformatted Event Monitor the stmt_conc database managerparameter to reduce SQL compilation tables configuration parameter to reduce SQLoverhead when SQL statements are Capture SQL section information using compilation overhead when SQLexecuted using different literal values. an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use statements are executed using differentDescribe the new functions, data types and the data to generate Explain reports literal values.application features in DB2 9.7 that simplify Create public synonyms to simplify Describe the new functions, data typesmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. access to common tables, views and and application features in DB2 9.7 thatUse the CLPPlus command line user other objects. simplify migrating to DB2 from otherinterface that to connect databases and to Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement vendors.define, edit, and run statements, scripts, and in applications to quickly empty a table Use the CLPPlus command line usercommands. selecting option to release or reuse the interface that to connect databases and toEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to current disk storage. define, edit, and run statements, scripts,allow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be Enable the statement concentrator using and commands.compiled and executed using DB2 the stmt_conc database manager Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverinterfaces. configuration parameter to reduce SQL to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts toHandle the shredding of multiple XML compilation overhead when SQL be compiled and executed using DB2documents already stored in the database statements are executed using different interfaces. with one command literal values. Handle the shredding of multiple XMLDescribe the possible use of XML in data Describe the new functions, data types documents already stored in the databasewarehouses and application features in DB2 9.7 that with one commandList the DPF and advanced environments simplify migrating to DB2 from other Describe the possible use of XML in datawhere XML can be used vendors. warehousesUse the db2start command to add new Use the CLPPlus command line user List the DPF and advanced environmentsdatabase partition servers to a multi-partition interface that to connect databases and where XML can be used database environment without having to stop to define, edit, and run statements, Use the db2start command to add newand restart the instance scripts, and commands. database partition servers to aDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server multi-partition database environmentI/O workload for accessing large tables to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts without having to stop and restart theExplain the difference between partitioned to be compiled and executed using DB2 instanceand non-partitioned indexes for a interfaces. Describe how scan sharing can reduce therange-partitioned table Handle the shredding of multiple XML I/O workload for accessing large tablesImplement partitioned indexes to improve documents already stored in the Explain the difference between partitionedperformance when you roll data out or roll database with one command and non-partitioned indexes for adata into a range-partitioned table Describe the possible use of XML in data range-partitioned tableUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to warehouses Implement partitioned indexes to improveanalyze performance statistics for List the DPF and advanced environments performance when you roll data out or rollpartitioned indexes where XML can be used data into a range-partitioned tableUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features Use the db2start command to add new Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to

Page 4: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency database partition servers to a analyze performance statistics forEnhancements multi-partition database environment partitioned indexes Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management without having to stop and restart the Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security FeaturesEnhancements instance Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression Describe how scan sharing can reduce EnhancementsEnhancements the I/O workload for accessing large Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload ManagementUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management tables EnhancementsEnhancements Explain the difference between Unit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL partitioned and non-partitioned indexes EnhancementsEnhancements for a range-partitioned table Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage ManagementUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 Implement partitioned indexes to improve Enhancements Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management performance when you roll data out or roll Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLEnhancements data into a range-partitioned table Enhancements

Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7analyze performance statistics for Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management

line partitioned indexes EnhancementsDescribe the expanded role of the security Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featuresadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyGrant database privileges, including Enhancements lineACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management Describe the expanded role of the securityand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities Enhancements administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseto perform database support tasks Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression systemList the steps required to implement Enhancements Grant database privileges, includingSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMDB2 database servers Enhancements and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesConfigure Java and non Java client systems Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL to perform database support tasksfor SSL connections Enhancements List the steps required to implementSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsconfiguration option to select the encryption 9.7 for DB2 database serversused for SERVER_ENCRYPT Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Configure Java and non Java clientauthentication Enhancements systems for SSL connectionsExplain how DB2 can access the committed Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMversion of a data row that is currently being configuration option to select theupdated by another application line encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture Describe the expanded role of the authentication deadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits security administrator in a DB2 9.7 Explain how DB2 can access theConfigure a DB2 database to control database system committed version of a data row that isinformation captured for deadlocks, lock Grant database privileges, including currently being updated by anothertimeouts or extended lock waits ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM applicationUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock and EXPLAIN to provide limited Define a LOCKING Event monitor torelated problems based on data captured by authorities to perform database support capture deadlocks, lock timeout or locka locking event monitor tasks waitsDefine workload management thresholds to List the steps required to implement Configure a DB2 database to controlhelp maintain stability on your data server by Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections information captured for deadlocks, lockcontrolling specific resources including CPU for DB2 database servers timeouts or extended lock waitstime, amount of data accessed and Configure Java and non Java client Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze locktemporary data usage systems for SSL connections related problems based on data capturedUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM by a locking event monitor simplify definition of WLM workloads configuration option to select the Define workload management thresholdsDefine WLM service classes that effect the encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT to help maintain stability on your datareuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by authentication server by controlling specific resourcesassigning priority to pages visited by Explain how DB2 can access the including CPU time, amount of dataactivities executing in different service committed version of a data row that is accessed and temporary data usageclasses currently being updated by another Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toExplain how DB2 can compress temporary application simplify definition of WLM workloadsdata to improve application performance Define a LOCKING Event monitor to Define WLM service classes that effect theList the options for implementation of capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolscompression for the XML and Large Object waits by assigning priority to pages visited bydata columns in a DB2 table Configure a DB2 database to control activities executing in different serviceUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions information captured for deadlocks, lock classes to estimate compression results for Indexes timeouts or extended lock waits Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryand XML data Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze data to improve application performanceConvert an existing DMS database lock related problems based on data List the options for implementation ofmanaged table space to take advantage of captured by a locking event monitor compression for the XML and Large Objectautomatic storage management Define workload management thresholds data columns in a DB2 tableReduce the High Water Mark for database to help maintain stability on your data Utilize the DB2 provided tools and

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CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

managed and automatic storage managed server by controlling specific resources functions to estimate compression resultstable spaces reclaim unused disk space. including CPU time, amount of data for Indexes and XML data Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored accessed and temporary data usage Convert an existing DMS databaseprocedure to move the data in a table to a Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to managed table space to take advantage ofnew table object of the same name, but with simplify definition of WLM workloads automatic storage managementpossibly different storage characteristics, Define WLM service classes that effect Reduce the High Water Mark for databasewhile the data remains online and available the reuse or retention of pages in buffer managed and automatic storage managedfor access. pools by assigning priority to pages table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE visited by activities executing in different Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedstored procedure to move the data in a table service classes procedure to move the data in a table to ato a new table object of the same name, but Explain how DB2 can compress new table object of the same name, butwith possibly different storage temporary data to improve application with possibly different storagecharacteristics, while the data remains performance characteristics, while the data remainsonline and available for access List the options for implementation of online and available for access.Configure the DB2 Database configuration compression for the XML and Large Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEoptions that control the collection of request, Object data columns in a DB2 table stored procedure to move the data in aactivity and object level metrics on the entire Utilize the DB2 provided tools and table to a new table object of the samedatabase functions to estimate compression results name, but with possibly different storageCompare the monitoring features for Indexes and XML data characteristics, while the data remainsimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot Convert an existing DMS database online and available for accessmonitoring facilities provided by previous managed table space to take advantage Configure the DB2 Database configurationDB2 releases of automatic storage management options that control the collection ofImplement Event Monitors for units of work Reduce the High Water Mark for request, activity and object level metrics onor lock-related events that store information database managed and automatic the entire databasein unformatted Event Monitor tables storage managed table spaces reclaim Compare the monitoring featuresCapture SQL section information using an unused disk space. implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored monitoring facilities provided by previousto generate Explain reports procedure to move the data in a table to DB2 releasesCreate public synonyms to simplify access a new table object of the same name, but Implement Event Monitors for units of workto common tables, views and other objects. with possibly different storage or lock-related events that storeUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in characteristics, while the data remains information in unformatted Event Monitorapplications to quickly empty a table online and available for access. tablesselecting option to release or reuse the Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Capture SQL section information using ancurrent disk storage. stored procedure to move the data in a ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theEnable the statement concentrator using the table to a new table object of the same data to generate Explain reports stmt_conc database manager configuration name, but with possibly different storage Create public synonyms to simplify accessparameter to reduce SQL compilation characteristics, while the data remains to common tables, views and otheroverhead when SQL statements are online and available for access objects.executed using different literal values. Configure the DB2 Database Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementDescribe the new functions, data types and configuration options that control the in applications to quickly empty a tableapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify collection of request, activity and object selecting option to release or reuse themigrating to DB2 from other vendors. level metrics on the entire database current disk storage.Use the CLPPlus command line user Compare the monitoring features Enable the statement concentrator usinginterface that to connect databases and to implemented in DB2 9.7 with the the stmt_conc database managerdefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and snapshot monitoring facilities provided by configuration parameter to reduce SQLcommands. previous DB2 releases compilation overhead when SQLEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to Implement Event Monitors for units of statements are executed using differentallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be work or lock-related events that store literal values.compiled and executed using DB2 information in unformatted Event Monitor Describe the new functions, data typesinterfaces. tables and application features in DB2 9.7 thatHandle the shredding of multiple XML Capture SQL section information using simplify migrating to DB2 from otherdocuments already stored in the database an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use vendors.with one command the data to generate Explain reports Use the CLPPlus command line userDescribe the possible use of XML in data Create public synonyms to simplify interface that to connect databases and towarehouses access to common tables, views and define, edit, and run statements, scripts,List the DPF and advanced environments other objects. and commands.where XML can be used Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverUse the db2start command to add new in applications to quickly empty a table to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts todatabase partition servers to a multi-partition selecting option to release or reuse the be compiled and executed using DB2database environment without having to stop current disk storage. interfaces. and restart the instance Enable the statement concentrator using Handle the shredding of multiple XMLDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the the stmt_conc database manager documents already stored in the databaseI/O workload for accessing large tables configuration parameter to reduce SQL with one commandExplain the difference between partitioned compilation overhead when SQL Describe the possible use of XML in dataand non-partitioned indexes for a statements are executed using different warehousesrange-partitioned table literal values. List the DPF and advanced environments

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CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

Implement partitioned indexes to improve Describe the new functions, data types where XML can be used performance when you roll data out or roll and application features in DB2 9.7 that Use the db2start command to add newdata into a range-partitioned table simplify migrating to DB2 from other database partition servers to aUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to vendors. multi-partition database environmentanalyze performance statistics for Use the CLPPlus command line user without having to stop and restart thepartitioned indexes interface that to connect databases and instanceUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features to define, edit, and run statements, Describe how scan sharing can reduce theUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency scripts, and commands. I/O workload for accessing large tablesEnhancements Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server Explain the difference between partitionedUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts and non-partitioned indexes for aEnhancements to be compiled and executed using DB2 range-partitioned tableUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression interfaces. Implement partitioned indexes to improveEnhancements Handle the shredding of multiple XML performance when you roll data out or rollUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management documents already stored in the data into a range-partitioned tableEnhancements database with one command Use the MON_GET_INDEX function toUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL Describe the possible use of XML in data analyze performance statistics forEnhancements warehouses partitioned indexes Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 List the DPF and advanced environments Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security FeaturesUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management where XML can be used Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyEnhancements Use the db2start command to add new Enhancements

database partition servers to a Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementmulti-partition database environment Enhancements

line without having to stop and restart the Unit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionDescribe the expanded role of the security instance Enhancementsadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system Describe how scan sharing can reduce Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage ManagementGrant database privileges, including the I/O workload for accessing large Enhancements ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM tables Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities Explain the difference between Enhancementsto perform database support tasks partitioned and non-partitioned indexes Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7List the steps required to implement for a range-partitioned table Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table ManagementSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for Implement partitioned indexes to improve EnhancementsDB2 database servers performance when you roll data out or rollConfigure Java and non Java client systems data into a range-partitioned table DB2 9.7 Large Table Managementfor SSL connections Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to Enhancements Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM analyze performance statistics for lineconfiguration option to select the encryption partitioned indexes Describe some of the DB2 9.7 changesused for SERVER_ENCRYPT Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features that support larger databases and largerauthentication Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency tables, including increased size limits forExplain how DB2 can access the committed Enhancements large and temporary table spaces andversion of a data row that is currently being Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management larger distribution maps for DPF databaseupdated by another application Enhancements partitioningDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compressiondeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits EnhancementsConfigure a DB2 database to control Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management lineinformation captured for deadlocks, lock Enhancements Describe the expanded role of the securitytimeouts or extended lock waits Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock Enhancements systemrelated problems based on data captured by Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 Grant database privileges, includinga locking event monitor 9.7 ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMDefine workload management thresholds to Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritieshelp maintain stability on your data server by Enhancements to perform database support taskscontrolling specific resources including CPU List the steps required to implementtime, amount of data accessed and Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionstemporary data usage line for DB2 database serversUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to Describe the expanded role of the Configure Java and non Java clientsimplify definition of WLM workloads security administrator in a DB2 9.7 systems for SSL connectionsDefine WLM service classes that effect the database system Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by Grant database privileges, including configuration option to select theassigning priority to pages visited by ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTactivities executing in different service and EXPLAIN to provide limited authentication classes authorities to perform database support Explain how DB2 can access theExplain how DB2 can compress temporary tasks committed version of a data row that isdata to improve application performance List the steps required to implement currently being updated by anotherList the options for implementation of Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections applicationcompression for the XML and Large Object for DB2 database servers Define a LOCKING Event monitor todata columns in a DB2 table Configure Java and non Java client capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock

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CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

Utilize the DB2 provided tools and functions systems for SSL connections waitsto estimate compression results for Indexes Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM Configure a DB2 database to controland XML data configuration option to select the information captured for deadlocks, lockConvert an existing DMS database encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT timeouts or extended lock waitsmanaged table space to take advantage of authentication Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockautomatic storage management Explain how DB2 can access the related problems based on data capturedReduce the High Water Mark for database committed version of a data row that is by a locking event monitor managed and automatic storage managed currently being updated by another Define workload management thresholdstable spaces reclaim unused disk space. application to help maintain stability on your dataUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Define a LOCKING Event monitor to server by controlling specific resourcesprocedure to move the data in a table to a capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock including CPU time, amount of datanew table object of the same name, but with waits accessed and temporary data usagepossibly different storage characteristics, Configure a DB2 database to control Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 towhile the data remains online and available information captured for deadlocks, lock simplify definition of WLM workloadsfor access. timeouts or extended lock waits Define WLM service classes that effect thePlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsstored procedure to move the data in a table lock related problems based on data by assigning priority to pages visited byto a new table object of the same name, but captured by a locking event monitor activities executing in different servicewith possibly different storage Define workload management thresholds classes characteristics, while the data remains to help maintain stability on your data Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryonline and available for access server by controlling specific resources data to improve application performanceConfigure the DB2 Database configuration including CPU time, amount of data List the options for implementation ofoptions that control the collection of request, accessed and temporary data usage compression for the XML and Large Objectactivity and object level metrics on the entire Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to data columns in a DB2 tabledatabase simplify definition of WLM workloads Utilize the DB2 provided tools andCompare the monitoring features Define WLM service classes that effect functions to estimate compression resultsimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot the reuse or retention of pages in buffer for Indexes and XML data monitoring facilities provided by previous pools by assigning priority to pages Convert an existing DMS databaseDB2 releases visited by activities executing in different managed table space to take advantage ofImplement Event Monitors for units of work service classes automatic storage managementor lock-related events that store information Explain how DB2 can compress Reduce the High Water Mark for databasein unformatted Event Monitor tables temporary data to improve application managed and automatic storage managedCapture SQL section information using an performance table spaces reclaim unused disk space.ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data List the options for implementation of Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedto generate Explain reports compression for the XML and Large procedure to move the data in a table to aCreate public synonyms to simplify access Object data columns in a DB2 table new table object of the same name, butto common tables, views and other objects. Utilize the DB2 provided tools and with possibly different storageUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in functions to estimate compression results characteristics, while the data remainsapplications to quickly empty a table for Indexes and XML data online and available for access.selecting option to release or reuse the Convert an existing DMS database Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEcurrent disk storage. managed table space to take advantage stored procedure to move the data in aEnable the statement concentrator using the of automatic storage management table to a new table object of the samestmt_conc database manager configuration Reduce the High Water Mark for name, but with possibly different storageparameter to reduce SQL compilation database managed and automatic characteristics, while the data remainsoverhead when SQL statements are storage managed table spaces reclaim online and available for accessexecuted using different literal values. unused disk space. Configure the DB2 Database configurationDescribe the new functions, data types and Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored options that control the collection ofapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify procedure to move the data in a table to request, activity and object level metrics onmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. a new table object of the same name, but the entire databaseUse the CLPPlus command line user with possibly different storage Compare the monitoring featuresinterface that to connect databases and to characteristics, while the data remains implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotdefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and online and available for access. monitoring facilities provided by previouscommands. Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE DB2 releasesEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to stored procedure to move the data in a Implement Event Monitors for units of workallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be table to a new table object of the same or lock-related events that storecompiled and executed using DB2 name, but with possibly different storage information in unformatted Event Monitorinterfaces. characteristics, while the data remains tablesHandle the shredding of multiple XML online and available for access Capture SQL section information using andocuments already stored in the database Configure the DB2 Database ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use thewith one command configuration options that control the data to generate Explain reports Describe the possible use of XML in data collection of request, activity and object Create public synonyms to simplify accesswarehouses level metrics on the entire database to common tables, views and otherList the DPF and advanced environments Compare the monitoring features objects.where XML can be used implemented in DB2 9.7 with the Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementUse the db2start command to add new snapshot monitoring facilities provided by in applications to quickly empty a tabledatabase partition servers to a multi-partition previous DB2 releases selecting option to release or reuse the

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database environment without having to stop Implement Event Monitors for units of current disk storage.and restart the instance work or lock-related events that store Enable the statement concentrator usingDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the information in unformatted Event Monitor the stmt_conc database managerI/O workload for accessing large tables tables configuration parameter to reduce SQLExplain the difference between partitioned Capture SQL section information using compilation overhead when SQLand non-partitioned indexes for a an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use statements are executed using differentrange-partitioned table the data to generate Explain reports literal values.Implement partitioned indexes to improve Create public synonyms to simplify Describe the new functions, data typesperformance when you roll data out or roll access to common tables, views and and application features in DB2 9.7 thatdata into a range-partitioned table other objects. simplify migrating to DB2 from otherUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement vendors.analyze performance statistics for in applications to quickly empty a table Use the CLPPlus command line userpartitioned indexes selecting option to release or reuse the interface that to connect databases and toUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features current disk storage. define, edit, and run statements, scripts,Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Enable the statement concentrator using and commands.Enhancements the stmt_conc database manager Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management configuration parameter to reduce SQL to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts toEnhancements compilation overhead when SQL be compiled and executed using DB2Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression statements are executed using different interfaces. Enhancements literal values. Handle the shredding of multiple XMLUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management Describe the new functions, data types documents already stored in the databaseEnhancements and application features in DB2 9.7 that with one commandUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL simplify migrating to DB2 from other Describe the possible use of XML in dataEnhancements vendors. warehousesUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 Use the CLPPlus command line user List the DPF and advanced environmentsUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management interface that to connect databases and where XML can be used Enhancements to define, edit, and run statements, Use the db2start command to add new

scripts, and commands. database partition servers to aEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server multi-partition database environment

line to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts without having to stop and restart theDescribe the expanded role of the security to be compiled and executed using DB2 instanceadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system interfaces. Describe how scan sharing can reduce theGrant database privileges, including Handle the shredding of multiple XML I/O workload for accessing large tablesACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM documents already stored in the Explain the difference between partitionedand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities database with one command and non-partitioned indexes for ato perform database support tasks Describe the possible use of XML in data range-partitioned tableList the steps required to implement warehouses Implement partitioned indexes to improveSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for List the DPF and advanced environments performance when you roll data out or rollDB2 database servers where XML can be used data into a range-partitioned tableConfigure Java and non Java client systems Use the db2start command to add new Use the MON_GET_INDEX function tofor SSL connections database partition servers to a analyze performance statistics forSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM multi-partition database environment partitioned indexes configuration option to select the encryption without having to stop and restart the Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featuresused for SERVER_ENCRYPT instance Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrencyauthentication Describe how scan sharing can reduce EnhancementsExplain how DB2 can access the committed the I/O workload for accessing large Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementversion of a data row that is currently being tables Enhancementsupdated by another application Explain the difference between Unit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture partitioned and non-partitioned indexes Enhancementsdeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits for a range-partitioned table Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage ManagementConfigure a DB2 database to control Implement partitioned indexes to improve Enhancements information captured for deadlocks, lock performance when you roll data out or roll Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLtimeouts or extended lock waits data into a range-partitioned table EnhancementsUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7related problems based on data captured by analyze performance statistics for Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Managementa locking event monitor partitioned indexes EnhancementsDefine workload management thresholds to Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featureshelp maintain stability on your data server by Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrencycontrolling specific resources including CPU Enhancements linetime, amount of data accessed and Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management Describe the expanded role of the securitytemporary data usage Enhancements administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression systemsimplify definition of WLM workloads Enhancements Grant database privileges, includingDefine WLM service classes that effect the Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by Enhancements and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesassigning priority to pages visited by Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL to perform database support tasks

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activities executing in different service Enhancements List the steps required to implementclasses Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsExplain how DB2 can compress temporary 9.7 for DB2 database serversdata to improve application performance Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Configure Java and non Java clientList the options for implementation of Enhancements systems for SSL connectionscompression for the XML and Large Object Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMdata columns in a DB2 table configuration option to select theUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions line encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTto estimate compression results for Indexes Describe the expanded role of the authentication and XML data security administrator in a DB2 9.7 Explain how DB2 can access theConvert an existing DMS database database system committed version of a data row that ismanaged table space to take advantage of Grant database privileges, including currently being updated by anotherautomatic storage management ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM applicationReduce the High Water Mark for database and EXPLAIN to provide limited Define a LOCKING Event monitor tomanaged and automatic storage managed authorities to perform database support capture deadlocks, lock timeout or locktable spaces reclaim unused disk space. tasks waitsUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored List the steps required to implement Configure a DB2 database to controlprocedure to move the data in a table to a Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections information captured for deadlocks, locknew table object of the same name, but with for DB2 database servers timeouts or extended lock waitspossibly different storage characteristics, Configure Java and non Java client Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockwhile the data remains online and available systems for SSL connections related problems based on data capturedfor access. Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM by a locking event monitor Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE configuration option to select the Define workload management thresholdsstored procedure to move the data in a table encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT to help maintain stability on your datato a new table object of the same name, but authentication server by controlling specific resourceswith possibly different storage Explain how DB2 can access the including CPU time, amount of datacharacteristics, while the data remains committed version of a data row that is accessed and temporary data usageonline and available for access currently being updated by another Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toConfigure the DB2 Database configuration application simplify definition of WLM workloadsoptions that control the collection of request, Define a LOCKING Event monitor to Define WLM service classes that effect theactivity and object level metrics on the entire capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsdatabase waits by assigning priority to pages visited byCompare the monitoring features Configure a DB2 database to control activities executing in different serviceimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot information captured for deadlocks, lock classes monitoring facilities provided by previous timeouts or extended lock waits Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryDB2 releases Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze data to improve application performanceImplement Event Monitors for units of work lock related problems based on data List the options for implementation ofor lock-related events that store information captured by a locking event monitor compression for the XML and Large Objectin unformatted Event Monitor tables Define workload management thresholds data columns in a DB2 tableCapture SQL section information using an to help maintain stability on your data Utilize the DB2 provided tools andACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data server by controlling specific resources functions to estimate compression resultsto generate Explain reports including CPU time, amount of data for Indexes and XML data Create public synonyms to simplify access accessed and temporary data usage Convert an existing DMS databaseto common tables, views and other objects. Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to managed table space to take advantage ofUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in simplify definition of WLM workloads automatic storage managementapplications to quickly empty a table Define WLM service classes that effect Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseselecting option to release or reuse the the reuse or retention of pages in buffer managed and automatic storage managedcurrent disk storage. pools by assigning priority to pages table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Enable the statement concentrator using the visited by activities executing in different Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedstmt_conc database manager configuration service classes procedure to move the data in a table to aparameter to reduce SQL compilation Explain how DB2 can compress new table object of the same name, butoverhead when SQL statements are temporary data to improve application with possibly different storageexecuted using different literal values. performance characteristics, while the data remainsDescribe the new functions, data types and List the options for implementation of online and available for access.application features in DB2 9.7 that simplify compression for the XML and Large Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. Object data columns in a DB2 table stored procedure to move the data in aUse the CLPPlus command line user Utilize the DB2 provided tools and table to a new table object of the sameinterface that to connect databases and to functions to estimate compression results name, but with possibly different storagedefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and for Indexes and XML data characteristics, while the data remainscommands. Convert an existing DMS database online and available for accessEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to managed table space to take advantage Configure the DB2 Database configurationallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be of automatic storage management options that control the collection ofcompiled and executed using DB2 Reduce the High Water Mark for request, activity and object level metrics oninterfaces. database managed and automatic the entire databaseHandle the shredding of multiple XML storage managed table spaces reclaim Compare the monitoring featuresdocuments already stored in the database unused disk space. implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot

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with one command Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored monitoring facilities provided by previousDescribe the possible use of XML in data procedure to move the data in a table to DB2 releaseswarehouses a new table object of the same name, but Implement Event Monitors for units of workList the DPF and advanced environments with possibly different storage or lock-related events that storewhere XML can be used characteristics, while the data remains information in unformatted Event MonitorUse the db2start command to add new online and available for access. tablesdatabase partition servers to a multi-partition Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Capture SQL section information using andatabase environment without having to stop stored procedure to move the data in a ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theand restart the instance table to a new table object of the same data to generate Explain reports Describe how scan sharing can reduce the name, but with possibly different storage Create public synonyms to simplify accessI/O workload for accessing large tables characteristics, while the data remains to common tables, views and otherExplain the difference between partitioned online and available for access objects.and non-partitioned indexes for a Configure the DB2 Database Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementrange-partitioned table configuration options that control the in applications to quickly empty a tableImplement partitioned indexes to improve collection of request, activity and object selecting option to release or reuse theperformance when you roll data out or roll level metrics on the entire database current disk into a range-partitioned table Compare the monitoring features Enable the statement concentrator usingUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to implemented in DB2 9.7 with the the stmt_conc database manageranalyze performance statistics for snapshot monitoring facilities provided by configuration parameter to reduce SQLpartitioned indexes previous DB2 releases compilation overhead when SQLUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features Implement Event Monitors for units of statements are executed using differentUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency work or lock-related events that store literal values.Enhancements information in unformatted Event Monitor Describe the new functions, data typesUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management tables and application features in DB2 9.7 thatEnhancements Capture SQL section information using simplify migrating to DB2 from otherUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use vendors.Enhancements the data to generate Explain reports Use the CLPPlus command line userUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management Create public synonyms to simplify interface that to connect databases and toEnhancements access to common tables, views and define, edit, and run statements, scripts,Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL other objects. and commands.Enhancements Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 in applications to quickly empty a table to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts toUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management selecting option to release or reuse the be compiled and executed using DB2Enhancements current disk storage. interfaces.

Enable the statement concentrator using Handle the shredding of multiple XMLthe stmt_conc database manager documents already stored in the database

line configuration parameter to reduce SQL with one commandDescribe the expanded role of the security compilation overhead when SQL Describe the possible use of XML in dataadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system statements are executed using different warehousesGrant database privileges, including literal values. List the DPF and advanced environmentsACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Describe the new functions, data types where XML can be used and EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities and application features in DB2 9.7 that Use the db2start command to add newto perform database support tasks simplify migrating to DB2 from other database partition servers to aList the steps required to implement vendors. multi-partition database environmentSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for Use the CLPPlus command line user without having to stop and restart theDB2 database servers interface that to connect databases and instanceConfigure Java and non Java client systems to define, edit, and run statements, Describe how scan sharing can reduce thefor SSL connections scripts, and commands. I/O workload for accessing large tablesSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server Explain the difference between partitionedconfiguration option to select the encryption to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts and non-partitioned indexes for aused for SERVER_ENCRYPT to be compiled and executed using DB2 range-partitioned tableauthentication interfaces. Implement partitioned indexes to improveExplain how DB2 can access the committed Handle the shredding of multiple XML performance when you roll data out or rollversion of a data row that is currently being documents already stored in the data into a range-partitioned tableupdated by another application database with one command Use the MON_GET_INDEX function toDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture Describe the possible use of XML in data analyze performance statistics fordeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits warehouses partitioned indexes Configure a DB2 database to control List the DPF and advanced environments Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featuresinformation captured for deadlocks, lock where XML can be used Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrencytimeouts or extended lock waits Use the db2start command to add new EnhancementsUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock database partition servers to a Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementrelated problems based on data captured by multi-partition database environment Enhancementsa locking event monitor without having to stop and restart the Unit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionDefine workload management thresholds to instance Enhancementshelp maintain stability on your data server by Describe how scan sharing can reduce Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementcontrolling specific resources including CPU the I/O workload for accessing large Enhancements

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time, amount of data accessed and tables Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLtemporary data usage Explain the difference between EnhancementsUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to partitioned and non-partitioned indexes Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7simplify definition of WLM workloads for a range-partitioned table Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table ManagementDefine WLM service classes that effect the Implement partitioned indexes to improve Enhancementsreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by performance when you roll data out or rollassigning priority to pages visited by data into a range-partitioned tableactivities executing in different service Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to lineclasses analyze performance statistics for Describe the expanded role of the securityExplain how DB2 can compress temporary partitioned indexes administrator in a DB2 9.7 databasedata to improve application performance Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features systemList the options for implementation of Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Grant database privileges, includingcompression for the XML and Large Object Enhancements ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMdata columns in a DB2 table Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions Enhancements to perform database support tasksto estimate compression results for Indexes Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression List the steps required to implementand XML data Enhancements Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsConvert an existing DMS database Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management for DB2 database serversmanaged table space to take advantage of Enhancements Configure Java and non Java clientautomatic storage management Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL systems for SSL connectionsReduce the High Water Mark for database Enhancements Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMmanaged and automatic storage managed Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 configuration option to select thetable spaces reclaim unused disk space. 9.7 encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management authentication procedure to move the data in a table to a Enhancements Explain how DB2 can access thenew table object of the same name, but with committed version of a data row that ispossibly different storage characteristics, DB2 9.7 Database Monitoring Enhancements currently being updated by anotherwhile the data remains online and available line applicationfor access. Utilize the new relational monitoring Define a LOCKING Event monitor toPlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE interfaces in DB2 9.7, that can be capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockstored procedure to move the data in a table accessed directly by SQL, resulting in waitsto a new table object of the same name, but enhanced reporting and monitoring of the Configure a DB2 database to controlwith possibly different storage database system, data objects, and the information captured for deadlocks, lockcharacteristics, while the data remains package cache to help you quickly i timeouts or extended lock waitsonline and available for access Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockConfigure the DB2 Database configuration related problems based on data capturedoptions that control the collection of request, line by a locking event monitor activity and object level metrics on the entire Describe the expanded role of the Define workload management thresholdsdatabase security administrator in a DB2 9.7 to help maintain stability on your dataCompare the monitoring features database system server by controlling specific resourcesimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot Grant database privileges, including including CPU time, amount of datamonitoring facilities provided by previous ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM accessed and temporary data usageDB2 releases and EXPLAIN to provide limited Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toImplement Event Monitors for units of work authorities to perform database support simplify definition of WLM workloadsor lock-related events that store information tasks Define WLM service classes that effect thein unformatted Event Monitor tables List the steps required to implement reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsCapture SQL section information using an Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections by assigning priority to pages visited byACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data for DB2 database servers activities executing in different serviceto generate Explain reports Configure Java and non Java client classes Create public synonyms to simplify access systems for SSL connections Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryto common tables, views and other objects. Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM data to improve application performanceUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in configuration option to select the List the options for implementation ofapplications to quickly empty a table encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT compression for the XML and Large Objectselecting option to release or reuse the authentication data columns in a DB2 tablecurrent disk storage. Explain how DB2 can access the Utilize the DB2 provided tools andEnable the statement concentrator using the committed version of a data row that is functions to estimate compression resultsstmt_conc database manager configuration currently being updated by another for Indexes and XML data parameter to reduce SQL compilation application Convert an existing DMS databaseoverhead when SQL statements are Define a LOCKING Event monitor to managed table space to take advantage ofexecuted using different literal values. capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock automatic storage managementDescribe the new functions, data types and waits Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify Configure a DB2 database to control managed and automatic storage managedmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. information captured for deadlocks, lock table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Use the CLPPlus command line user timeouts or extended lock waits Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedinterface that to connect databases and to Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze procedure to move the data in a table to adefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and lock related problems based on data new table object of the same name, but

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commands. captured by a locking event monitor with possibly different storageEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to Define workload management thresholds characteristics, while the data remainsallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be to help maintain stability on your data online and available for access.compiled and executed using DB2 server by controlling specific resources Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEinterfaces. including CPU time, amount of data stored procedure to move the data in aHandle the shredding of multiple XML accessed and temporary data usage table to a new table object of the samedocuments already stored in the database Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to name, but with possibly different storagewith one command simplify definition of WLM workloads characteristics, while the data remainsDescribe the possible use of XML in data Define WLM service classes that effect online and available for accesswarehouses the reuse or retention of pages in buffer Configure the DB2 Database configurationList the DPF and advanced environments pools by assigning priority to pages options that control the collection ofwhere XML can be used visited by activities executing in different request, activity and object level metrics onUse the db2start command to add new service classes the entire databasedatabase partition servers to a multi-partition Explain how DB2 can compress Compare the monitoring featuresdatabase environment without having to stop temporary data to improve application implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotand restart the instance performance monitoring facilities provided by previousDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the List the options for implementation of DB2 releasesI/O workload for accessing large tables compression for the XML and Large Implement Event Monitors for units of workExplain the difference between partitioned Object data columns in a DB2 table or lock-related events that storeand non-partitioned indexes for a Utilize the DB2 provided tools and information in unformatted Event Monitorrange-partitioned table functions to estimate compression results tablesImplement partitioned indexes to improve for Indexes and XML data Capture SQL section information using anperformance when you roll data out or roll Convert an existing DMS database ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use thedata into a range-partitioned table managed table space to take advantage data to generate Explain reports Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to of automatic storage management Create public synonyms to simplify accessanalyze performance statistics for Reduce the High Water Mark for to common tables, views and otherpartitioned indexes database managed and automatic objects.Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features storage managed table spaces reclaim Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency unused disk space. in applications to quickly empty a tableEnhancements Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored selecting option to release or reuse theUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management procedure to move the data in a table to current disk storage.Enhancements a new table object of the same name, but Enable the statement concentrator usingUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression with possibly different storage the stmt_conc database managerEnhancements characteristics, while the data remains configuration parameter to reduce SQLUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management online and available for access. compilation overhead when SQLEnhancements Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE statements are executed using differentUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL stored procedure to move the data in a literal values.Enhancements table to a new table object of the same Describe the new functions, data typesUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 name, but with possibly different storage and application features in DB2 9.7 thatUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management characteristics, while the data remains simplify migrating to DB2 from otherEnhancements online and available for access vendors.

Configure the DB2 Database Use the CLPPlus command line userDB2 9.7 Application Concurrency configuration options that control the interface that to connect databases and toEnhancements collection of request, activity and object define, edit, and run statements, scripts,line level metrics on the entire database and commands.

Evaluate setting the CUR_COMMIT Compare the monitoring features Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverdatabase configuration option to reduce lock implemented in DB2 9.7 with the to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts towaits, lock timeouts or deadlocks snapshot monitoring facilities provided by be compiled and executed using DB2

previous DB2 releases interfaces. Implement Event Monitors for units of Handle the shredding of multiple XML

line work or lock-related events that store documents already stored in the databaseDescribe the expanded role of the security information in unformatted Event Monitor with one commandadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system tables Describe the possible use of XML in dataGrant database privileges, including Capture SQL section information using warehousesACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use List the DPF and advanced environmentsand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities the data to generate Explain reports where XML can be used to perform database support tasks Create public synonyms to simplify Use the db2start command to add newList the steps required to implement access to common tables, views and database partition servers to aSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for other objects. multi-partition database environmentDB2 database servers Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement without having to stop and restart theConfigure Java and non Java client systems in applications to quickly empty a table instancefor SSL connections selecting option to release or reuse the Describe how scan sharing can reduce theSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM current disk storage. I/O workload for accessing large tablesconfiguration option to select the encryption Enable the statement concentrator using Explain the difference between partitionedused for SERVER_ENCRYPT the stmt_conc database manager and non-partitioned indexes for aauthentication configuration parameter to reduce SQL range-partitioned table

Page 13: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

Explain how DB2 can access the committed compilation overhead when SQL Implement partitioned indexes to improveversion of a data row that is currently being statements are executed using different performance when you roll data out or rollupdated by another application literal values. data into a range-partitioned tableDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture Describe the new functions, data types Use the MON_GET_INDEX function todeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits and application features in DB2 9.7 that analyze performance statistics forConfigure a DB2 database to control simplify migrating to DB2 from other partitioned indexes information captured for deadlocks, lock vendors. Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featurestimeouts or extended lock waits Use the CLPPlus command line user Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock interface that to connect databases and Enhancementsrelated problems based on data captured by to define, edit, and run statements, Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementa locking event monitor scripts, and commands. EnhancementsDefine workload management thresholds to Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compressionhelp maintain stability on your data server by to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts Enhancementscontrolling specific resources including CPU to be compiled and executed using DB2 Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementtime, amount of data accessed and interfaces. Enhancements temporary data usage Handle the shredding of multiple XML Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to documents already stored in the Enhancementssimplify definition of WLM workloads database with one command Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7Define WLM service classes that effect the Describe the possible use of XML in data Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Managementreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by warehouses Enhancementsassigning priority to pages visited by List the DPF and advanced environmentsactivities executing in different service where XML can be used classes Use the db2start command to add new lineExplain how DB2 can compress temporary database partition servers to a Describe the expanded role of the securitydata to improve application performance multi-partition database environment administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseList the options for implementation of without having to stop and restart the systemcompression for the XML and Large Object instance Grant database privileges, includingdata columns in a DB2 table Describe how scan sharing can reduce ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions the I/O workload for accessing large and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesto estimate compression results for Indexes tables to perform database support tasksand XML data Explain the difference between List the steps required to implementConvert an existing DMS database partitioned and non-partitioned indexes Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsmanaged table space to take advantage of for a range-partitioned table for DB2 database serversautomatic storage management Implement partitioned indexes to improve Configure Java and non Java clientReduce the High Water Mark for database performance when you roll data out or roll systems for SSL connectionsmanaged and automatic storage managed data into a range-partitioned table Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMtable spaces reclaim unused disk space. Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to configuration option to select theUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored analyze performance statistics for encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTprocedure to move the data in a table to a partitioned indexes authentication new table object of the same name, but with Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features Explain how DB2 can access thepossibly different storage characteristics, Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency committed version of a data row that iswhile the data remains online and available Enhancements currently being updated by anotherfor access. Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management applicationPlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Enhancements Define a LOCKING Event monitor tostored procedure to move the data in a table Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockto a new table object of the same name, but Enhancements waitswith possibly different storage Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management Configure a DB2 database to controlcharacteristics, while the data remains Enhancements information captured for deadlocks, lockonline and available for access Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL timeouts or extended lock waitsConfigure the DB2 Database configuration Enhancements Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockoptions that control the collection of request, Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 related problems based on data capturedactivity and object level metrics on the entire 9.7 by a locking event monitor database Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Define workload management thresholdsCompare the monitoring features Enhancements to help maintain stability on your dataimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot server by controlling specific resourcesmonitoring facilities provided by previous including CPU time, amount of dataDB2 releases line accessed and temporary data usageImplement Event Monitors for units of work Describe the expanded role of the Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toor lock-related events that store information security administrator in a DB2 9.7 simplify definition of WLM workloadsin unformatted Event Monitor tables database system Define WLM service classes that effect theCapture SQL section information using an Grant database privileges, including reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM by assigning priority to pages visited byto generate Explain reports and EXPLAIN to provide limited activities executing in different serviceCreate public synonyms to simplify access authorities to perform database support classes to common tables, views and other objects. tasks Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in List the steps required to implement data to improve application performance

Page 14: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

applications to quickly empty a table Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections List the options for implementation ofselecting option to release or reuse the for DB2 database servers compression for the XML and Large Objectcurrent disk storage. Configure Java and non Java client data columns in a DB2 tableEnable the statement concentrator using the systems for SSL connections Utilize the DB2 provided tools andstmt_conc database manager configuration Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM functions to estimate compression resultsparameter to reduce SQL compilation configuration option to select the for Indexes and XML data overhead when SQL statements are encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT Convert an existing DMS databaseexecuted using different literal values. authentication managed table space to take advantage ofDescribe the new functions, data types and Explain how DB2 can access the automatic storage managementapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify committed version of a data row that is Reduce the High Water Mark for databasemigrating to DB2 from other vendors. currently being updated by another managed and automatic storage managedUse the CLPPlus command line user application table spaces reclaim unused disk space.interface that to connect databases and to Define a LOCKING Event monitor to Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storeddefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock procedure to move the data in a table to acommands. waits new table object of the same name, butEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to Configure a DB2 database to control with possibly different storageallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be information captured for deadlocks, lock characteristics, while the data remainscompiled and executed using DB2 timeouts or extended lock waits online and available for access.interfaces. Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEHandle the shredding of multiple XML lock related problems based on data stored procedure to move the data in adocuments already stored in the database captured by a locking event monitor table to a new table object of the samewith one command Define workload management thresholds name, but with possibly different storageDescribe the possible use of XML in data to help maintain stability on your data characteristics, while the data remainswarehouses server by controlling specific resources online and available for accessList the DPF and advanced environments including CPU time, amount of data Configure the DB2 Database configurationwhere XML can be used accessed and temporary data usage options that control the collection ofUse the db2start command to add new Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to request, activity and object level metrics ondatabase partition servers to a multi-partition simplify definition of WLM workloads the entire databasedatabase environment without having to stop Define WLM service classes that effect Compare the monitoring featuresand restart the instance the reuse or retention of pages in buffer implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the pools by assigning priority to pages monitoring facilities provided by previousI/O workload for accessing large tables visited by activities executing in different DB2 releasesExplain the difference between partitioned service classes Implement Event Monitors for units of workand non-partitioned indexes for a Explain how DB2 can compress or lock-related events that storerange-partitioned table temporary data to improve application information in unformatted Event MonitorImplement partitioned indexes to improve performance tablesperformance when you roll data out or roll List the options for implementation of Capture SQL section information using andata into a range-partitioned table compression for the XML and Large ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to Object data columns in a DB2 table data to generate Explain reports analyze performance statistics for Utilize the DB2 provided tools and Create public synonyms to simplify accesspartitioned indexes functions to estimate compression results to common tables, views and otherUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features for Indexes and XML data objects.Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Convert an existing DMS database Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementEnhancements managed table space to take advantage in applications to quickly empty a tableUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management of automatic storage management selecting option to release or reuse theEnhancements Reduce the High Water Mark for current disk storage.Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression database managed and automatic Enable the statement concentrator usingEnhancements storage managed table spaces reclaim the stmt_conc database managerUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management unused disk space. configuration parameter to reduce SQLEnhancements Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored compilation overhead when SQLUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL procedure to move the data in a table to statements are executed using differentEnhancements a new table object of the same name, but literal values.Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 with possibly different storage Describe the new functions, data typesUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management characteristics, while the data remains and application features in DB2 9.7 thatEnhancements online and available for access. simplify migrating to DB2 from other

Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE vendors.stored procedure to move the data in a Use the CLPPlus command line user

line table to a new table object of the same interface that to connect databases and toDescribe the expanded role of the security name, but with possibly different storage define, edit, and run statements, scripts,administrator in a DB2 9.7 database system characteristics, while the data remains and commands.Grant database privileges, including online and available for access Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Configure the DB2 Database to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts toand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities configuration options that control the be compiled and executed using DB2to perform database support tasks collection of request, activity and object interfaces. List the steps required to implement level metrics on the entire database Handle the shredding of multiple XMLSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for Compare the monitoring features documents already stored in the database

Page 15: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

DB2 database servers implemented in DB2 9.7 with the with one commandConfigure Java and non Java client systems snapshot monitoring facilities provided by Describe the possible use of XML in datafor SSL connections previous DB2 releases warehousesSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM Implement Event Monitors for units of List the DPF and advanced environmentsconfiguration option to select the encryption work or lock-related events that store where XML can be used used for SERVER_ENCRYPT information in unformatted Event Monitor Use the db2start command to add newauthentication tables database partition servers to aExplain how DB2 can access the committed Capture SQL section information using multi-partition database environmentversion of a data row that is currently being an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use without having to stop and restart theupdated by another application the data to generate Explain reports instanceDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture Create public synonyms to simplify Describe how scan sharing can reduce thedeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits access to common tables, views and I/O workload for accessing large tablesConfigure a DB2 database to control other objects. Explain the difference between partitionedinformation captured for deadlocks, lock Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement and non-partitioned indexes for atimeouts or extended lock waits in applications to quickly empty a table range-partitioned tableUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock selecting option to release or reuse the Implement partitioned indexes to improverelated problems based on data captured by current disk storage. performance when you roll data out or rolla locking event monitor Enable the statement concentrator using data into a range-partitioned tableDefine workload management thresholds to the stmt_conc database manager Use the MON_GET_INDEX function tohelp maintain stability on your data server by configuration parameter to reduce SQL analyze performance statistics forcontrolling specific resources including CPU compilation overhead when SQL partitioned indexes time, amount of data accessed and statements are executed using different Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featurestemporary data usage literal values. Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to Describe the new functions, data types Enhancementssimplify definition of WLM workloads and application features in DB2 9.7 that Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload ManagementDefine WLM service classes that effect the simplify migrating to DB2 from other Enhancementsreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by vendors. Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compressionassigning priority to pages visited by Use the CLPPlus command line user Enhancementsactivities executing in different service interface that to connect databases and Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementclasses to define, edit, and run statements, Enhancements Explain how DB2 can compress temporary scripts, and commands. Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLdata to improve application performance Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server EnhancementsList the options for implementation of to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7compression for the XML and Large Object to be compiled and executed using DB2 Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Managementdata columns in a DB2 table interfaces. EnhancementsUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions Handle the shredding of multiple XMLto estimate compression results for Indexes documents already stored in theand XML data database with one command lineConvert an existing DMS database Describe the possible use of XML in data Describe the expanded role of the securitymanaged table space to take advantage of warehouses administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseautomatic storage management List the DPF and advanced environments systemReduce the High Water Mark for database where XML can be used Grant database privileges, includingmanaged and automatic storage managed Use the db2start command to add new ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMtable spaces reclaim unused disk space. database partition servers to a and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored multi-partition database environment to perform database support tasksprocedure to move the data in a table to a without having to stop and restart the List the steps required to implementnew table object of the same name, but with instance Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionspossibly different storage characteristics, Describe how scan sharing can reduce for DB2 database serverswhile the data remains online and available the I/O workload for accessing large Configure Java and non Java clientfor access. tables systems for SSL connectionsPlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Explain the difference between Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMstored procedure to move the data in a table partitioned and non-partitioned indexes configuration option to select theto a new table object of the same name, but for a range-partitioned table encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTwith possibly different storage Implement partitioned indexes to improve authentication characteristics, while the data remains performance when you roll data out or roll Explain how DB2 can access theonline and available for access data into a range-partitioned table committed version of a data row that isConfigure the DB2 Database configuration Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to currently being updated by anotheroptions that control the collection of request, analyze performance statistics for applicationactivity and object level metrics on the entire partitioned indexes Define a LOCKING Event monitor todatabase Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockCompare the monitoring features Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency waitsimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot Enhancements Configure a DB2 database to controlmonitoring facilities provided by previous Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management information captured for deadlocks, lockDB2 releases Enhancements timeouts or extended lock waitsImplement Event Monitors for units of work Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockor lock-related events that store information Enhancements related problems based on data captured

Page 16: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

in unformatted Event Monitor tables Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management by a locking event monitor Capture SQL section information using an Enhancements Define workload management thresholdsACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL to help maintain stability on your datato generate Explain reports Enhancements server by controlling specific resourcesCreate public synonyms to simplify access Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 including CPU time, amount of datato common tables, views and other objects. 9.7 accessed and temporary data usageUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toapplications to quickly empty a table Enhancements simplify definition of WLM workloadsselecting option to release or reuse the Define WLM service classes that effect thecurrent disk storage. reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsEnable the statement concentrator using the line by assigning priority to pages visited bystmt_conc database manager configuration Describe the expanded role of the activities executing in different serviceparameter to reduce SQL compilation security administrator in a DB2 9.7 classes overhead when SQL statements are database system Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryexecuted using different literal values. Grant database privileges, including data to improve application performanceDescribe the new functions, data types and ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM List the options for implementation ofapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify and EXPLAIN to provide limited compression for the XML and Large Objectmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. authorities to perform database support data columns in a DB2 tableUse the CLPPlus command line user tasks Utilize the DB2 provided tools andinterface that to connect databases and to List the steps required to implement functions to estimate compression resultsdefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for Indexes and XML data commands. for DB2 database servers Convert an existing DMS databaseEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to Configure Java and non Java client managed table space to take advantage ofallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be systems for SSL connections automatic storage managementcompiled and executed using DB2 Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseinterfaces. configuration option to select the managed and automatic storage managedHandle the shredding of multiple XML encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT table spaces reclaim unused disk space.documents already stored in the database authentication Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedwith one command Explain how DB2 can access the procedure to move the data in a table to aDescribe the possible use of XML in data committed version of a data row that is new table object of the same name, butwarehouses currently being updated by another with possibly different storageList the DPF and advanced environments application characteristics, while the data remainswhere XML can be used Define a LOCKING Event monitor to online and available for access.Use the db2start command to add new capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEdatabase partition servers to a multi-partition waits stored procedure to move the data in adatabase environment without having to stop Configure a DB2 database to control table to a new table object of the sameand restart the instance information captured for deadlocks, lock name, but with possibly different storageDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the timeouts or extended lock waits characteristics, while the data remainsI/O workload for accessing large tables Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze online and available for accessExplain the difference between partitioned lock related problems based on data Configure the DB2 Database configurationand non-partitioned indexes for a captured by a locking event monitor options that control the collection ofrange-partitioned table Define workload management thresholds request, activity and object level metrics onImplement partitioned indexes to improve to help maintain stability on your data the entire databaseperformance when you roll data out or roll server by controlling specific resources Compare the monitoring featuresdata into a range-partitioned table including CPU time, amount of data implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to accessed and temporary data usage monitoring facilities provided by previousanalyze performance statistics for Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to DB2 releasespartitioned indexes simplify definition of WLM workloads Implement Event Monitors for units of workUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features Define WLM service classes that effect or lock-related events that storeUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency the reuse or retention of pages in buffer information in unformatted Event MonitorEnhancements pools by assigning priority to pages tablesUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management visited by activities executing in different Capture SQL section information using anEnhancements service classes ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression Explain how DB2 can compress data to generate Explain reports Enhancements temporary data to improve application Create public synonyms to simplify accessUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management performance to common tables, views and otherEnhancements List the options for implementation of objects.Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL compression for the XML and Large Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementEnhancements Object data columns in a DB2 table in applications to quickly empty a tableUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 Utilize the DB2 provided tools and selecting option to release or reuse theUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management functions to estimate compression results current disk storage.Enhancements for Indexes and XML data Enable the statement concentrator using

Convert an existing DMS database the stmt_conc database managermanaged table space to take advantage configuration parameter to reduce SQL

line of automatic storage management compilation overhead when SQLDescribe the expanded role of the security Reduce the High Water Mark for statements are executed using different

Page 17: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

administrator in a DB2 9.7 database system database managed and automatic literal values.Grant database privileges, including storage managed table spaces reclaim Describe the new functions, data typesACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM unused disk space. and application features in DB2 9.7 thatand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored simplify migrating to DB2 from otherto perform database support tasks procedure to move the data in a table to vendors.List the steps required to implement a new table object of the same name, but Use the CLPPlus command line userSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for with possibly different storage interface that to connect databases and toDB2 database servers characteristics, while the data remains define, edit, and run statements, scripts,Configure Java and non Java client systems online and available for access. and commands.for SSL connections Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM stored procedure to move the data in a to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts toconfiguration option to select the encryption table to a new table object of the same be compiled and executed using DB2used for SERVER_ENCRYPT name, but with possibly different storage interfaces. authentication characteristics, while the data remains Handle the shredding of multiple XMLExplain how DB2 can access the committed online and available for access documents already stored in the databaseversion of a data row that is currently being Configure the DB2 Database with one commandupdated by another application configuration options that control the Describe the possible use of XML in dataDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture collection of request, activity and object warehousesdeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits level metrics on the entire database List the DPF and advanced environmentsConfigure a DB2 database to control Compare the monitoring features where XML can be used information captured for deadlocks, lock implemented in DB2 9.7 with the Use the db2start command to add newtimeouts or extended lock waits snapshot monitoring facilities provided by database partition servers to aUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock previous DB2 releases multi-partition database environmentrelated problems based on data captured by Implement Event Monitors for units of without having to stop and restart thea locking event monitor work or lock-related events that store instanceDefine workload management thresholds to information in unformatted Event Monitor Describe how scan sharing can reduce thehelp maintain stability on your data server by tables I/O workload for accessing large tablescontrolling specific resources including CPU Capture SQL section information using Explain the difference between partitionedtime, amount of data accessed and an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use and non-partitioned indexes for atemporary data usage the data to generate Explain reports range-partitioned tableUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to Create public synonyms to simplify Implement partitioned indexes to improvesimplify definition of WLM workloads access to common tables, views and performance when you roll data out or rollDefine WLM service classes that effect the other objects. data into a range-partitioned tablereuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement Use the MON_GET_INDEX function toassigning priority to pages visited by in applications to quickly empty a table analyze performance statistics foractivities executing in different service selecting option to release or reuse the partitioned indexes classes current disk storage. Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security FeaturesExplain how DB2 can compress temporary Enable the statement concentrator using Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrencydata to improve application performance the stmt_conc database manager EnhancementsList the options for implementation of configuration parameter to reduce SQL Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementcompression for the XML and Large Object compilation overhead when SQL Enhancementsdata columns in a DB2 table statements are executed using different Unit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions literal values. Enhancementsto estimate compression results for Indexes Describe the new functions, data types Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementand XML data and application features in DB2 9.7 that Enhancements Convert an existing DMS database simplify migrating to DB2 from other Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLmanaged table space to take advantage of vendors. Enhancementsautomatic storage management Use the CLPPlus command line user Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7Reduce the High Water Mark for database interface that to connect databases and Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Managementmanaged and automatic storage managed to define, edit, and run statements, Enhancementstable spaces reclaim unused disk space. scripts, and commands.Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server Agenda procedure to move the data in a table to a to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts linenew table object of the same name, but with to be compiled and executed using DB2possibly different storage characteristics, interfaces. Day 1 while the data remains online and available Handle the shredding of multiple XML linefor access. documents already stored in the WelcomePlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE database with one commandstored procedure to move the data in a table Describe the possible use of XML in datato a new table object of the same name, but warehouses linewith possibly different storage List the DPF and advanced environments Describe the expanded role of the securitycharacteristics, while the data remains where XML can be used administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseonline and available for access Use the db2start command to add new systemConfigure the DB2 Database configuration database partition servers to a Grant database privileges, includingoptions that control the collection of request, multi-partition database environment ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMactivity and object level metrics on the entire without having to stop and restart the and EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities

Page 18: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

database instance to perform database support tasksCompare the monitoring features Describe how scan sharing can reduce List the steps required to implementimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot the I/O workload for accessing large Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsmonitoring facilities provided by previous tables for DB2 database serversDB2 releases Explain the difference between Configure Java and non Java clientImplement Event Monitors for units of work partitioned and non-partitioned indexes systems for SSL connectionsor lock-related events that store information for a range-partitioned table Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMin unformatted Event Monitor tables Implement partitioned indexes to improve configuration option to select theCapture SQL section information using an performance when you roll data out or roll encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data data into a range-partitioned table authentication to generate Explain reports Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to Explain how DB2 can access theCreate public synonyms to simplify access analyze performance statistics for committed version of a data row that isto common tables, views and other objects. partitioned indexes currently being updated by anotherUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features applicationapplications to quickly empty a table Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Define a LOCKING Event monitor toselecting option to release or reuse the Enhancements capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockcurrent disk storage. Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management waitsEnable the statement concentrator using the Enhancements Configure a DB2 database to controlstmt_conc database manager configuration Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression information captured for deadlocks, lockparameter to reduce SQL compilation Enhancements timeouts or extended lock waitsoverhead when SQL statements are Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockexecuted using different literal values. Enhancements related problems based on data capturedDescribe the new functions, data types and Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL by a locking event monitor application features in DB2 9.7 that simplify Enhancements Define workload management thresholdsmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 to help maintain stability on your dataUse the CLPPlus command line user 9.7 server by controlling specific resourcesinterface that to connect databases and to Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management including CPU time, amount of datadefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and Enhancements accessed and temporary data usagecommands. Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to simplify definition of WLM workloadsallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be line Define WLM service classes that effect thecompiled and executed using DB2 Describe the expanded role of the reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsinterfaces. security administrator in a DB2 9.7 by assigning priority to pages visited byHandle the shredding of multiple XML database system activities executing in different servicedocuments already stored in the database Grant database privileges, including classes with one command ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryDescribe the possible use of XML in data and EXPLAIN to provide limited data to improve application performancewarehouses authorities to perform database support List the options for implementation ofList the DPF and advanced environments tasks compression for the XML and Large Objectwhere XML can be used List the steps required to implement data columns in a DB2 tableUse the db2start command to add new Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections Utilize the DB2 provided tools anddatabase partition servers to a multi-partition for DB2 database servers functions to estimate compression resultsdatabase environment without having to stop Configure Java and non Java client for Indexes and XML data and restart the instance systems for SSL connections Convert an existing DMS databaseDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM managed table space to take advantage ofI/O workload for accessing large tables configuration option to select the automatic storage managementExplain the difference between partitioned encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseand non-partitioned indexes for a authentication managed and automatic storage managedrange-partitioned table Explain how DB2 can access the table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Implement partitioned indexes to improve committed version of a data row that is Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedperformance when you roll data out or roll currently being updated by another procedure to move the data in a table to adata into a range-partitioned table application new table object of the same name, butUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to Define a LOCKING Event monitor to with possibly different storageanalyze performance statistics for capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock characteristics, while the data remainspartitioned indexes waits online and available for access.Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features Configure a DB2 database to control Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency information captured for deadlocks, lock stored procedure to move the data in aEnhancements timeouts or extended lock waits table to a new table object of the sameUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze name, but with possibly different storageEnhancements lock related problems based on data characteristics, while the data remainsUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression captured by a locking event monitor online and available for accessEnhancements Define workload management thresholds Configure the DB2 Database configurationUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management to help maintain stability on your data options that control the collection ofEnhancements server by controlling specific resources request, activity and object level metrics onUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL including CPU time, amount of data the entire databaseEnhancements accessed and temporary data usage Compare the monitoring features

Page 19: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management simplify definition of WLM workloads monitoring facilities provided by previousEnhancements Define WLM service classes that effect DB2 releases

the reuse or retention of pages in buffer Implement Event Monitors for units of workpools by assigning priority to pages or lock-related events that store

line visited by activities executing in different information in unformatted Event MonitorDescribe the expanded role of the security service classes tablesadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system Explain how DB2 can compress Capture SQL section information using anGrant database privileges, including temporary data to improve application ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM performance data to generate Explain reports and EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities List the options for implementation of Create public synonyms to simplify accessto perform database support tasks compression for the XML and Large to common tables, views and otherList the steps required to implement Object data columns in a DB2 table objects.Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for Utilize the DB2 provided tools and Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementDB2 database servers functions to estimate compression results in applications to quickly empty a tableConfigure Java and non Java client systems for Indexes and XML data selecting option to release or reuse thefor SSL connections Convert an existing DMS database current disk storage.Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM managed table space to take advantage Enable the statement concentrator usingconfiguration option to select the encryption of automatic storage management the stmt_conc database managerused for SERVER_ENCRYPT Reduce the High Water Mark for configuration parameter to reduce SQLauthentication database managed and automatic compilation overhead when SQLExplain how DB2 can access the committed storage managed table spaces reclaim statements are executed using differentversion of a data row that is currently being unused disk space. literal values.updated by another application Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Describe the new functions, data typesDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture procedure to move the data in a table to and application features in DB2 9.7 thatdeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits a new table object of the same name, but simplify migrating to DB2 from otherConfigure a DB2 database to control with possibly different storage vendors.information captured for deadlocks, lock characteristics, while the data remains Use the CLPPlus command line usertimeouts or extended lock waits online and available for access. interface that to connect databases and toUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE define, edit, and run statements, scripts,related problems based on data captured by stored procedure to move the data in a and commands.a locking event monitor table to a new table object of the same Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverDefine workload management thresholds to name, but with possibly different storage to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts tohelp maintain stability on your data server by characteristics, while the data remains be compiled and executed using DB2controlling specific resources including CPU online and available for access interfaces. time, amount of data accessed and Configure the DB2 Database Handle the shredding of multiple XMLtemporary data usage configuration options that control the documents already stored in the databaseUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to collection of request, activity and object with one commandsimplify definition of WLM workloads level metrics on the entire database Describe the possible use of XML in dataDefine WLM service classes that effect the Compare the monitoring features warehousesreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by implemented in DB2 9.7 with the List the DPF and advanced environmentsassigning priority to pages visited by snapshot monitoring facilities provided by where XML can be used activities executing in different service previous DB2 releases Use the db2start command to add newclasses Implement Event Monitors for units of database partition servers to aExplain how DB2 can compress temporary work or lock-related events that store multi-partition database environmentdata to improve application performance information in unformatted Event Monitor without having to stop and restart theList the options for implementation of tables instancecompression for the XML and Large Object Capture SQL section information using Describe how scan sharing can reduce thedata columns in a DB2 table an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use I/O workload for accessing large tablesUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions the data to generate Explain reports Explain the difference between partitionedto estimate compression results for Indexes Create public synonyms to simplify and non-partitioned indexes for aand XML data access to common tables, views and range-partitioned tableConvert an existing DMS database other objects. Implement partitioned indexes to improvemanaged table space to take advantage of Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement performance when you roll data out or rollautomatic storage management in applications to quickly empty a table data into a range-partitioned tableReduce the High Water Mark for database selecting option to release or reuse the Use the MON_GET_INDEX function tomanaged and automatic storage managed current disk storage. analyze performance statistics fortable spaces reclaim unused disk space. Enable the statement concentrator using partitioned indexes Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored the stmt_conc database manager Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featuresprocedure to move the data in a table to a configuration parameter to reduce SQL Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrencynew table object of the same name, but with compilation overhead when SQL Enhancementspossibly different storage characteristics, statements are executed using different Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementwhile the data remains online and available literal values. Enhancementsfor access. Describe the new functions, data types Unit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionPlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE and application features in DB2 9.7 that Enhancementsstored procedure to move the data in a table simplify migrating to DB2 from other Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management

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to a new table object of the same name, but vendors. Enhancements with possibly different storage Use the CLPPlus command line user Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLcharacteristics, while the data remains interface that to connect databases and Enhancementsonline and available for access to define, edit, and run statements, Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7Configure the DB2 Database configuration scripts, and commands. Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Managementoptions that control the collection of request, Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server Enhancementsactivity and object level metrics on the entire to allow PL/SQL statements and scriptsdatabase to be compiled and executed using DB2Compare the monitoring features interfaces. lineimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot Handle the shredding of multiple XML Describe the expanded role of the securitymonitoring facilities provided by previous documents already stored in the administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseDB2 releases database with one command systemImplement Event Monitors for units of work Describe the possible use of XML in data Grant database privileges, includingor lock-related events that store information warehouses ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMin unformatted Event Monitor tables List the DPF and advanced environments and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesCapture SQL section information using an where XML can be used to perform database support tasksACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data Use the db2start command to add new List the steps required to implementto generate Explain reports database partition servers to a Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsCreate public synonyms to simplify access multi-partition database environment for DB2 database serversto common tables, views and other objects. without having to stop and restart the Configure Java and non Java clientUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in instance systems for SSL connectionsapplications to quickly empty a table Describe how scan sharing can reduce Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMselecting option to release or reuse the the I/O workload for accessing large configuration option to select thecurrent disk storage. tables encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTEnable the statement concentrator using the Explain the difference between authentication stmt_conc database manager configuration partitioned and non-partitioned indexes Explain how DB2 can access theparameter to reduce SQL compilation for a range-partitioned table committed version of a data row that isoverhead when SQL statements are Implement partitioned indexes to improve currently being updated by anotherexecuted using different literal values. performance when you roll data out or roll applicationDescribe the new functions, data types and data into a range-partitioned table Define a LOCKING Event monitor toapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. analyze performance statistics for waitsUse the CLPPlus command line user partitioned indexes Configure a DB2 database to controlinterface that to connect databases and to Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features information captured for deadlocks, lockdefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency timeouts or extended lock waitscommands. Enhancements Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management related problems based on data capturedallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be Enhancements by a locking event monitor compiled and executed using DB2 Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression Define workload management thresholdsinterfaces. Enhancements to help maintain stability on your dataHandle the shredding of multiple XML Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management server by controlling specific resourcesdocuments already stored in the database Enhancements including CPU time, amount of datawith one command Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL accessed and temporary data usageDescribe the possible use of XML in data Enhancements Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 towarehouses Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 simplify definition of WLM workloadsList the DPF and advanced environments 9.7 Define WLM service classes that effect thewhere XML can be used Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsUse the db2start command to add new Enhancements by assigning priority to pages visited bydatabase partition servers to a multi-partition activities executing in different servicedatabase environment without having to stop DB2 9.7 Application and SQL Enhancements classes and restart the instance line Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the Implement created temporary tables to data to improve application performanceI/O workload for accessing large tables simplify application definition and access List the options for implementation ofExplain the difference between partitioned to temporary data. compression for the XML and Large Objectand non-partitioned indexes for a data columns in a DB2 tablerange-partitioned table Utilize the DB2 provided tools andImplement partitioned indexes to improve line functions to estimate compression resultsperformance when you roll data out or roll Describe the expanded role of the for Indexes and XML data data into a range-partitioned table security administrator in a DB2 9.7 Convert an existing DMS databaseUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to database system managed table space to take advantage ofanalyze performance statistics for Grant database privileges, including automatic storage managementpartitioned indexes ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features and EXPLAIN to provide limited managed and automatic storage managedUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency authorities to perform database support table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Enhancements tasks Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management List the steps required to implement procedure to move the data in a table to a

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Enhancements Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections new table object of the same name, butUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression for DB2 database servers with possibly different storageEnhancements Configure Java and non Java client characteristics, while the data remainsUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management systems for SSL connections online and available for access.Enhancements Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL configuration option to select the stored procedure to move the data in aEnhancements encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT table to a new table object of the sameUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 authentication name, but with possibly different storageUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Explain how DB2 can access the characteristics, while the data remainsEnhancements committed version of a data row that is online and available for access

currently being updated by another Configure the DB2 Database configurationDB2 9.7 Workload Management application options that control the collection ofEnhancements Define a LOCKING Event monitor to request, activity and object level metrics online capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock the entire database

Plan and implement a Tiered approach to waits Compare the monitoring featuresworkload management that automatically Configure a DB2 database to control implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotshifts work between WLM subclasses under information captured for deadlocks, lock monitoring facilities provided by previousthe same super class based on CPU usage timeouts or extended lock waits DB2 releasesor amount of data accessed by an activity Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze Implement Event Monitors for units of work

lock related problems based on data or lock-related events that storecaptured by a locking event monitor information in unformatted Event Monitor

line Define workload management thresholds tablesDescribe the expanded role of the security to help maintain stability on your data Capture SQL section information using anadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system server by controlling specific resources ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theGrant database privileges, including including CPU time, amount of data data to generate Explain reports ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM accessed and temporary data usage Create public synonyms to simplify accessand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to to common tables, views and otherto perform database support tasks simplify definition of WLM workloads objects.List the steps required to implement Define WLM service classes that effect Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for the reuse or retention of pages in buffer in applications to quickly empty a tableDB2 database servers pools by assigning priority to pages selecting option to release or reuse theConfigure Java and non Java client systems visited by activities executing in different current disk storage.for SSL connections service classes Enable the statement concentrator usingSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM Explain how DB2 can compress the stmt_conc database managerconfiguration option to select the encryption temporary data to improve application configuration parameter to reduce SQLused for SERVER_ENCRYPT performance compilation overhead when SQLauthentication List the options for implementation of statements are executed using differentExplain how DB2 can access the committed compression for the XML and Large literal values.version of a data row that is currently being Object data columns in a DB2 table Describe the new functions, data typesupdated by another application Utilize the DB2 provided tools and and application features in DB2 9.7 thatDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture functions to estimate compression results simplify migrating to DB2 from otherdeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits for Indexes and XML data vendors.Configure a DB2 database to control Convert an existing DMS database Use the CLPPlus command line userinformation captured for deadlocks, lock managed table space to take advantage interface that to connect databases and totimeouts or extended lock waits of automatic storage management define, edit, and run statements, scripts,Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock Reduce the High Water Mark for and commands.related problems based on data captured by database managed and automatic Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 servera locking event monitor storage managed table spaces reclaim to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts toDefine workload management thresholds to unused disk space. be compiled and executed using DB2help maintain stability on your data server by Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored interfaces. controlling specific resources including CPU procedure to move the data in a table to Handle the shredding of multiple XMLtime, amount of data accessed and a new table object of the same name, but documents already stored in the databasetemporary data usage with possibly different storage with one commandUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to characteristics, while the data remains Describe the possible use of XML in datasimplify definition of WLM workloads online and available for access. warehousesDefine WLM service classes that effect the Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE List the DPF and advanced environmentsreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by stored procedure to move the data in a where XML can be used assigning priority to pages visited by table to a new table object of the same Use the db2start command to add newactivities executing in different service name, but with possibly different storage database partition servers to aclasses characteristics, while the data remains multi-partition database environmentExplain how DB2 can compress temporary online and available for access without having to stop and restart thedata to improve application performance Configure the DB2 Database instanceList the options for implementation of configuration options that control the Describe how scan sharing can reduce thecompression for the XML and Large Object collection of request, activity and object I/O workload for accessing large tablesdata columns in a DB2 table level metrics on the entire database Explain the difference between partitionedUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions Compare the monitoring features and non-partitioned indexes for a

Page 22: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

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to estimate compression results for Indexes implemented in DB2 9.7 with the range-partitioned tableand XML data snapshot monitoring facilities provided by Implement partitioned indexes to improveConvert an existing DMS database previous DB2 releases performance when you roll data out or rollmanaged table space to take advantage of Implement Event Monitors for units of data into a range-partitioned tableautomatic storage management work or lock-related events that store Use the MON_GET_INDEX function toReduce the High Water Mark for database information in unformatted Event Monitor analyze performance statistics formanaged and automatic storage managed tables partitioned indexes table spaces reclaim unused disk space. Capture SQL section information using Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security FeaturesUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrencyprocedure to move the data in a table to a the data to generate Explain reports Enhancementsnew table object of the same name, but with Create public synonyms to simplify Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementpossibly different storage characteristics, access to common tables, views and Enhancementswhile the data remains online and available other objects. Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compressionfor access. Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement EnhancementsPlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE in applications to quickly empty a table Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementstored procedure to move the data in a table selecting option to release or reuse the Enhancements to a new table object of the same name, but current disk storage. Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLwith possibly different storage Enable the statement concentrator using Enhancementscharacteristics, while the data remains the stmt_conc database manager Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7online and available for access configuration parameter to reduce SQL Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table ManagementConfigure the DB2 Database configuration compilation overhead when SQL Enhancementsoptions that control the collection of request, statements are executed using differentactivity and object level metrics on the entire literal values.database Describe the new functions, data types lineCompare the monitoring features and application features in DB2 9.7 that Describe the expanded role of the securityimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot simplify migrating to DB2 from other administrator in a DB2 9.7 databasemonitoring facilities provided by previous vendors. systemDB2 releases Use the CLPPlus command line user Grant database privileges, includingImplement Event Monitors for units of work interface that to connect databases and ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMor lock-related events that store information to define, edit, and run statements, and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesin unformatted Event Monitor tables scripts, and commands. to perform database support tasksCapture SQL section information using an Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server List the steps required to implementACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsto generate Explain reports to be compiled and executed using DB2 for DB2 database serversCreate public synonyms to simplify access interfaces. Configure Java and non Java clientto common tables, views and other objects. Handle the shredding of multiple XML systems for SSL connectionsUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in documents already stored in the Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMapplications to quickly empty a table database with one command configuration option to select theselecting option to release or reuse the Describe the possible use of XML in data encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTcurrent disk storage. warehouses authentication Enable the statement concentrator using the List the DPF and advanced environments Explain how DB2 can access thestmt_conc database manager configuration where XML can be used committed version of a data row that isparameter to reduce SQL compilation Use the db2start command to add new currently being updated by anotheroverhead when SQL statements are database partition servers to a applicationexecuted using different literal values. multi-partition database environment Define a LOCKING Event monitor toDescribe the new functions, data types and without having to stop and restart the capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify instance waitsmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. Describe how scan sharing can reduce Configure a DB2 database to controlUse the CLPPlus command line user the I/O workload for accessing large information captured for deadlocks, lockinterface that to connect databases and to tables timeouts or extended lock waitsdefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and Explain the difference between Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockcommands. partitioned and non-partitioned indexes related problems based on data capturedEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to for a range-partitioned table by a locking event monitor allow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be Implement partitioned indexes to improve Define workload management thresholdscompiled and executed using DB2 performance when you roll data out or roll to help maintain stability on your datainterfaces. data into a range-partitioned table server by controlling specific resourcesHandle the shredding of multiple XML Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to including CPU time, amount of datadocuments already stored in the database analyze performance statistics for accessed and temporary data usagewith one command partitioned indexes Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toDescribe the possible use of XML in data Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features simplify definition of WLM workloadswarehouses Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Define WLM service classes that effect theList the DPF and advanced environments Enhancements reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolswhere XML can be used Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management by assigning priority to pages visited byUse the db2start command to add new Enhancements activities executing in different servicedatabase partition servers to a multi-partition Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression classes database environment without having to stop Enhancements Explain how DB2 can compress temporary

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and restart the instance Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management data to improve application performanceDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the Enhancements List the options for implementation ofI/O workload for accessing large tables Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL compression for the XML and Large ObjectExplain the difference between partitioned Enhancements data columns in a DB2 tableand non-partitioned indexes for a Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 Utilize the DB2 provided tools andrange-partitioned table 9.7 functions to estimate compression resultsImplement partitioned indexes to improve Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management for Indexes and XML data performance when you roll data out or roll Enhancements Convert an existing DMS databasedata into a range-partitioned table managed table space to take advantage ofUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to automatic storage managementanalyze performance statistics for line Reduce the High Water Mark for databasepartitioned indexes Describe the expanded role of the managed and automatic storage managedUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features security administrator in a DB2 9.7 table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency database system Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedEnhancements Grant database privileges, including procedure to move the data in a table to aUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM new table object of the same name, butEnhancements and EXPLAIN to provide limited with possibly different storageUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression authorities to perform database support characteristics, while the data remainsEnhancements tasks online and available for access.Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management List the steps required to implement Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEEnhancements Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections stored procedure to move the data in aUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL for DB2 database servers table to a new table object of the sameEnhancements Configure Java and non Java client name, but with possibly different storageUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 systems for SSL connections characteristics, while the data remainsUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM online and available for accessEnhancements configuration option to select the Configure the DB2 Database configuration

encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT options that control the collection ofauthentication request, activity and object level metrics on

line Explain how DB2 can access the the entire databaseDescribe the expanded role of the security committed version of a data row that is Compare the monitoring featuresadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system currently being updated by another implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotGrant database privileges, including application monitoring facilities provided by previousACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Define a LOCKING Event monitor to DB2 releasesand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock Implement Event Monitors for units of workto perform database support tasks waits or lock-related events that storeList the steps required to implement Configure a DB2 database to control information in unformatted Event MonitorSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for information captured for deadlocks, lock tablesDB2 database servers timeouts or extended lock waits Capture SQL section information using anConfigure Java and non Java client systems Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use thefor SSL connections lock related problems based on data data to generate Explain reports Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM captured by a locking event monitor Create public synonyms to simplify accessconfiguration option to select the encryption Define workload management thresholds to common tables, views and otherused for SERVER_ENCRYPT to help maintain stability on your data objects.authentication server by controlling specific resources Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementExplain how DB2 can access the committed including CPU time, amount of data in applications to quickly empty a tableversion of a data row that is currently being accessed and temporary data usage selecting option to release or reuse theupdated by another application Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to current disk storage.Define a LOCKING Event monitor to capture simplify definition of WLM workloads Enable the statement concentrator usingdeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits Define WLM service classes that effect the stmt_conc database managerConfigure a DB2 database to control the reuse or retention of pages in buffer configuration parameter to reduce SQLinformation captured for deadlocks, lock pools by assigning priority to pages compilation overhead when SQLtimeouts or extended lock waits visited by activities executing in different statements are executed using differentUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock service classes literal values.related problems based on data captured by Explain how DB2 can compress Describe the new functions, data typesa locking event monitor temporary data to improve application and application features in DB2 9.7 thatDefine workload management thresholds to performance simplify migrating to DB2 from otherhelp maintain stability on your data server by List the options for implementation of vendors.controlling specific resources including CPU compression for the XML and Large Use the CLPPlus command line usertime, amount of data accessed and Object data columns in a DB2 table interface that to connect databases and totemporary data usage Utilize the DB2 provided tools and define, edit, and run statements, scripts,Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to functions to estimate compression results and commands.simplify definition of WLM workloads for Indexes and XML data Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverDefine WLM service classes that effect the Convert an existing DMS database to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts toreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by managed table space to take advantage be compiled and executed using DB2assigning priority to pages visited by of automatic storage management interfaces. activities executing in different service Reduce the High Water Mark for Handle the shredding of multiple XML

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classes database managed and automatic documents already stored in the databaseExplain how DB2 can compress temporary storage managed table spaces reclaim with one commanddata to improve application performance unused disk space. Describe the possible use of XML in dataList the options for implementation of Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored warehousescompression for the XML and Large Object procedure to move the data in a table to List the DPF and advanced environmentsdata columns in a DB2 table a new table object of the same name, but where XML can be used Utilize the DB2 provided tools and functions with possibly different storage Use the db2start command to add newto estimate compression results for Indexes characteristics, while the data remains database partition servers to aand XML data online and available for access. multi-partition database environmentConvert an existing DMS database Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE without having to stop and restart themanaged table space to take advantage of stored procedure to move the data in a instanceautomatic storage management table to a new table object of the same Describe how scan sharing can reduce theReduce the High Water Mark for database name, but with possibly different storage I/O workload for accessing large tablesmanaged and automatic storage managed characteristics, while the data remains Explain the difference between partitionedtable spaces reclaim unused disk space. online and available for access and non-partitioned indexes for aUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Configure the DB2 Database range-partitioned tableprocedure to move the data in a table to a configuration options that control the Implement partitioned indexes to improvenew table object of the same name, but with collection of request, activity and object performance when you roll data out or rollpossibly different storage characteristics, level metrics on the entire database data into a range-partitioned tablewhile the data remains online and available Compare the monitoring features Use the MON_GET_INDEX function tofor access. implemented in DB2 9.7 with the analyze performance statistics forPlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE snapshot monitoring facilities provided by partitioned indexes stored procedure to move the data in a table previous DB2 releases Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featuresto a new table object of the same name, but Implement Event Monitors for units of Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrencywith possibly different storage work or lock-related events that store Enhancementscharacteristics, while the data remains information in unformatted Event Monitor Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementonline and available for access tables EnhancementsConfigure the DB2 Database configuration Capture SQL section information using Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compressionoptions that control the collection of request, an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use Enhancementsactivity and object level metrics on the entire the data to generate Explain reports Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementdatabase Create public synonyms to simplify Enhancements Compare the monitoring features access to common tables, views and Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot other objects. Enhancementsmonitoring facilities provided by previous Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7DB2 releases in applications to quickly empty a table Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table ManagementImplement Event Monitors for units of work selecting option to release or reuse the Enhancementsor lock-related events that store information current disk unformatted Event Monitor tables Enable the statement concentrator usingCapture SQL section information using an the stmt_conc database manager lineACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data configuration parameter to reduce SQL Describe the expanded role of the securityto generate Explain reports compilation overhead when SQL administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseCreate public synonyms to simplify access statements are executed using different systemto common tables, views and other objects. literal values. Grant database privileges, includingUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in Describe the new functions, data types ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMapplications to quickly empty a table and application features in DB2 9.7 that and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesselecting option to release or reuse the simplify migrating to DB2 from other to perform database support taskscurrent disk storage. vendors. List the steps required to implementEnable the statement concentrator using the Use the CLPPlus command line user Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsstmt_conc database manager configuration interface that to connect databases and for DB2 database serversparameter to reduce SQL compilation to define, edit, and run statements, Configure Java and non Java clientoverhead when SQL statements are scripts, and commands. systems for SSL connectionsexecuted using different literal values. Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMDescribe the new functions, data types and to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts configuration option to select theapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify to be compiled and executed using DB2 encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. interfaces. authentication Use the CLPPlus command line user Handle the shredding of multiple XML Explain how DB2 can access theinterface that to connect databases and to documents already stored in the committed version of a data row that isdefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and database with one command currently being updated by anothercommands. Describe the possible use of XML in data applicationEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to warehouses Define a LOCKING Event monitor toallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be List the DPF and advanced environments capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockcompiled and executed using DB2 where XML can be used waitsinterfaces. Use the db2start command to add new Configure a DB2 database to controlHandle the shredding of multiple XML database partition servers to a information captured for deadlocks, lockdocuments already stored in the database multi-partition database environment timeouts or extended lock waitswith one command without having to stop and restart the Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock

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Describe the possible use of XML in data instance related problems based on data capturedwarehouses Describe how scan sharing can reduce by a locking event monitor List the DPF and advanced environments the I/O workload for accessing large Define workload management thresholdswhere XML can be used tables to help maintain stability on your dataUse the db2start command to add new Explain the difference between server by controlling specific resourcesdatabase partition servers to a multi-partition partitioned and non-partitioned indexes including CPU time, amount of datadatabase environment without having to stop for a range-partitioned table accessed and temporary data usageand restart the instance Implement partitioned indexes to improve Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the performance when you roll data out or roll simplify definition of WLM workloadsI/O workload for accessing large tables data into a range-partitioned table Define WLM service classes that effect theExplain the difference between partitioned Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsand non-partitioned indexes for a analyze performance statistics for by assigning priority to pages visited byrange-partitioned table partitioned indexes activities executing in different serviceImplement partitioned indexes to improve Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features classes performance when you roll data out or roll Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Explain how DB2 can compress temporarydata into a range-partitioned table Enhancements data to improve application performanceUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management List the options for implementation ofanalyze performance statistics for Enhancements compression for the XML and Large Objectpartitioned indexes Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression data columns in a DB2 tableUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features Enhancements Utilize the DB2 provided tools andUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management functions to estimate compression resultsEnhancements Enhancements for Indexes and XML data Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL Convert an existing DMS databaseEnhancements Enhancements managed table space to take advantage ofUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 automatic storage managementEnhancements 9.7 Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management managed and automatic storage managedEnhancements Enhancements table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedEnhancements procedure to move the data in a table to aUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 line new table object of the same name, butUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Describe the expanded role of the with possibly different storageEnhancements security administrator in a DB2 9.7 characteristics, while the data remains

database system online and available for access.Grant database privileges, including Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE

line ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM stored procedure to move the data in aDescribe the expanded role of the security and EXPLAIN to provide limited table to a new table object of the sameadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system authorities to perform database support name, but with possibly different storageGrant database privileges, including tasks characteristics, while the data remainsACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM List the steps required to implement online and available for accessand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections Configure the DB2 Database configurationto perform database support tasks for DB2 database servers options that control the collection ofList the steps required to implement Configure Java and non Java client request, activity and object level metrics onSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for systems for SSL connections the entire databaseDB2 database servers Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM Compare the monitoring featuresConfigure Java and non Java client systems configuration option to select the implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotfor SSL connections encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT monitoring facilities provided by previousSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM authentication DB2 releasesconfiguration option to select the encryption Explain how DB2 can access the Implement Event Monitors for units of workused for SERVER_ENCRYPT committed version of a data row that is or lock-related events that storeauthentication currently being updated by another information in unformatted Event MonitorExplain how DB2 can access the committed application tablesversion of a data row that is currently being Define a LOCKING Event monitor to Capture SQL section information using anupdated by another application capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture waits data to generate Explain reports deadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits Configure a DB2 database to control Create public synonyms to simplify accessConfigure a DB2 database to control information captured for deadlocks, lock to common tables, views and otherinformation captured for deadlocks, lock timeouts or extended lock waits objects.timeouts or extended lock waits Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock lock related problems based on data in applications to quickly empty a tablerelated problems based on data captured by captured by a locking event monitor selecting option to release or reuse thea locking event monitor Define workload management thresholds current disk storage.Define workload management thresholds to to help maintain stability on your data Enable the statement concentrator usinghelp maintain stability on your data server by server by controlling specific resources the stmt_conc database managercontrolling specific resources including CPU including CPU time, amount of data configuration parameter to reduce SQLtime, amount of data accessed and accessed and temporary data usage compilation overhead when SQL

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temporary data usage Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to statements are executed using differentUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to simplify definition of WLM workloads literal values.simplify definition of WLM workloads Define WLM service classes that effect Describe the new functions, data typesDefine WLM service classes that effect the the reuse or retention of pages in buffer and application features in DB2 9.7 thatreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by pools by assigning priority to pages simplify migrating to DB2 from otherassigning priority to pages visited by visited by activities executing in different vendors.activities executing in different service service classes Use the CLPPlus command line userclasses Explain how DB2 can compress interface that to connect databases and toExplain how DB2 can compress temporary temporary data to improve application define, edit, and run statements, scripts,data to improve application performance performance and commands.List the options for implementation of List the options for implementation of Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 servercompression for the XML and Large Object compression for the XML and Large to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts todata columns in a DB2 table Object data columns in a DB2 table be compiled and executed using DB2Utilize the DB2 provided tools and functions Utilize the DB2 provided tools and interfaces. to estimate compression results for Indexes functions to estimate compression results Handle the shredding of multiple XMLand XML data for Indexes and XML data documents already stored in the databaseConvert an existing DMS database Convert an existing DMS database with one commandmanaged table space to take advantage of managed table space to take advantage Describe the possible use of XML in dataautomatic storage management of automatic storage management warehousesReduce the High Water Mark for database Reduce the High Water Mark for List the DPF and advanced environmentsmanaged and automatic storage managed database managed and automatic where XML can be used table spaces reclaim unused disk space. storage managed table spaces reclaim Use the db2start command to add newUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored unused disk space. database partition servers to aprocedure to move the data in a table to a Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored multi-partition database environmentnew table object of the same name, but with procedure to move the data in a table to without having to stop and restart thepossibly different storage characteristics, a new table object of the same name, but instancewhile the data remains online and available with possibly different storage Describe how scan sharing can reduce thefor access. characteristics, while the data remains I/O workload for accessing large tablesPlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE online and available for access. Explain the difference between partitionedstored procedure to move the data in a table Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE and non-partitioned indexes for ato a new table object of the same name, but stored procedure to move the data in a range-partitioned tablewith possibly different storage table to a new table object of the same Implement partitioned indexes to improvecharacteristics, while the data remains name, but with possibly different storage performance when you roll data out or rollonline and available for access characteristics, while the data remains data into a range-partitioned tableConfigure the DB2 Database configuration online and available for access Use the MON_GET_INDEX function tooptions that control the collection of request, Configure the DB2 Database analyze performance statistics foractivity and object level metrics on the entire configuration options that control the partitioned indexes database collection of request, activity and object Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security FeaturesCompare the monitoring features level metrics on the entire database Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrencyimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot Compare the monitoring features Enhancementsmonitoring facilities provided by previous implemented in DB2 9.7 with the Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload ManagementDB2 releases snapshot monitoring facilities provided by EnhancementsImplement Event Monitors for units of work previous DB2 releases Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compressionor lock-related events that store information Implement Event Monitors for units of Enhancementsin unformatted Event Monitor tables work or lock-related events that store Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage ManagementCapture SQL section information using an information in unformatted Event Monitor Enhancements ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data tables Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLto generate Explain reports Capture SQL section information using EnhancementsCreate public synonyms to simplify access an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7to common tables, views and other objects. the data to generate Explain reports Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table ManagementUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in Create public synonyms to simplify Enhancementsapplications to quickly empty a table access to common tables, views andselecting option to release or reuse the other objects.current disk storage. Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement lineEnable the statement concentrator using the in applications to quickly empty a table Describe the expanded role of the securitystmt_conc database manager configuration selecting option to release or reuse the administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseparameter to reduce SQL compilation current disk storage. systemoverhead when SQL statements are Enable the statement concentrator using Grant database privileges, includingexecuted using different literal values. the stmt_conc database manager ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMDescribe the new functions, data types and configuration parameter to reduce SQL and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify compilation overhead when SQL to perform database support tasksmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. statements are executed using different List the steps required to implementUse the CLPPlus command line user literal values. Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsinterface that to connect databases and to Describe the new functions, data types for DB2 database serversdefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and and application features in DB2 9.7 that Configure Java and non Java clientcommands. simplify migrating to DB2 from other systems for SSL connections

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Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to vendors. Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be Use the CLPPlus command line user configuration option to select thecompiled and executed using DB2 interface that to connect databases and encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTinterfaces. to define, edit, and run statements, authentication Handle the shredding of multiple XML scripts, and commands. Explain how DB2 can access thedocuments already stored in the database Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server committed version of a data row that iswith one command to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts currently being updated by anotherDescribe the possible use of XML in data to be compiled and executed using DB2 applicationwarehouses interfaces. Define a LOCKING Event monitor toList the DPF and advanced environments Handle the shredding of multiple XML capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockwhere XML can be used documents already stored in the waitsUse the db2start command to add new database with one command Configure a DB2 database to controldatabase partition servers to a multi-partition Describe the possible use of XML in data information captured for deadlocks, lockdatabase environment without having to stop warehouses timeouts or extended lock waitsand restart the instance List the DPF and advanced environments Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the where XML can be used related problems based on data capturedI/O workload for accessing large tables Use the db2start command to add new by a locking event monitor Explain the difference between partitioned database partition servers to a Define workload management thresholdsand non-partitioned indexes for a multi-partition database environment to help maintain stability on your datarange-partitioned table without having to stop and restart the server by controlling specific resourcesImplement partitioned indexes to improve instance including CPU time, amount of dataperformance when you roll data out or roll Describe how scan sharing can reduce accessed and temporary data usagedata into a range-partitioned table the I/O workload for accessing large Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to tables simplify definition of WLM workloadsanalyze performance statistics for Explain the difference between Define WLM service classes that effect thepartitioned indexes partitioned and non-partitioned indexes reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features for a range-partitioned table by assigning priority to pages visited byUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Implement partitioned indexes to improve activities executing in different serviceEnhancements performance when you roll data out or roll classes Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management data into a range-partitioned table Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryEnhancements Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to data to improve application performanceUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression analyze performance statistics for List the options for implementation ofEnhancements partitioned indexes compression for the XML and Large ObjectUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features data columns in a DB2 tableEnhancements Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Utilize the DB2 provided tools andUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL Enhancements functions to estimate compression resultsEnhancements Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management for Indexes and XML data Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 Enhancements Convert an existing DMS databaseUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression managed table space to take advantage ofEnhancements Enhancements automatic storage management

Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseDB2 9.7 Compression Enhancements Enhancements managed and automatic storage managedline Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL table spaces reclaim unused disk space.

Describe how DB2's Index compression Enhancements Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedoption can reduce disk storage requirements Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 procedure to move the data in a table to afor indexes 9.7 new table object of the same name, but

Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management with possibly different storageEnhancements characteristics, while the data remains

line online and available for access.Describe the expanded role of the security Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEadministrator in a DB2 9.7 database system line stored procedure to move the data in aGrant database privileges, including Describe the expanded role of the table to a new table object of the sameACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM security administrator in a DB2 9.7 name, but with possibly different storageand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities database system characteristics, while the data remainsto perform database support tasks Grant database privileges, including online and available for accessList the steps required to implement ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Configure the DB2 Database configurationSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for and EXPLAIN to provide limited options that control the collection ofDB2 database servers authorities to perform database support request, activity and object level metrics onConfigure Java and non Java client systems tasks the entire databasefor SSL connections List the steps required to implement Compare the monitoring featuresSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotconfiguration option to select the encryption for DB2 database servers monitoring facilities provided by previousused for SERVER_ENCRYPT Configure Java and non Java client DB2 releasesauthentication systems for SSL connections Implement Event Monitors for units of workExplain how DB2 can access the committed Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM or lock-related events that storeversion of a data row that is currently being configuration option to select the information in unformatted Event Monitor

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updated by another application encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT tablesDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture authentication Capture SQL section information using andeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits Explain how DB2 can access the ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theConfigure a DB2 database to control committed version of a data row that is data to generate Explain reports information captured for deadlocks, lock currently being updated by another Create public synonyms to simplify accesstimeouts or extended lock waits application to common tables, views and otherUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock Define a LOCKING Event monitor to objects.related problems based on data captured by capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementa locking event monitor waits in applications to quickly empty a tableDefine workload management thresholds to Configure a DB2 database to control selecting option to release or reuse thehelp maintain stability on your data server by information captured for deadlocks, lock current disk storage.controlling specific resources including CPU timeouts or extended lock waits Enable the statement concentrator usingtime, amount of data accessed and Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze the stmt_conc database managertemporary data usage lock related problems based on data configuration parameter to reduce SQLUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to captured by a locking event monitor compilation overhead when SQLsimplify definition of WLM workloads Define workload management thresholds statements are executed using differentDefine WLM service classes that effect the to help maintain stability on your data literal values.reuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by server by controlling specific resources Describe the new functions, data typesassigning priority to pages visited by including CPU time, amount of data and application features in DB2 9.7 thatactivities executing in different service accessed and temporary data usage simplify migrating to DB2 from otherclasses Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to vendors.Explain how DB2 can compress temporary simplify definition of WLM workloads Use the CLPPlus command line userdata to improve application performance Define WLM service classes that effect interface that to connect databases and toList the options for implementation of the reuse or retention of pages in buffer define, edit, and run statements, scripts,compression for the XML and Large Object pools by assigning priority to pages and columns in a DB2 table visited by activities executing in different Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions service classes to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts toto estimate compression results for Indexes Explain how DB2 can compress be compiled and executed using DB2and XML data temporary data to improve application interfaces. Convert an existing DMS database performance Handle the shredding of multiple XMLmanaged table space to take advantage of List the options for implementation of documents already stored in the databaseautomatic storage management compression for the XML and Large with one commandReduce the High Water Mark for database Object data columns in a DB2 table Describe the possible use of XML in datamanaged and automatic storage managed Utilize the DB2 provided tools and warehousestable spaces reclaim unused disk space. functions to estimate compression results List the DPF and advanced environmentsUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored for Indexes and XML data where XML can be used procedure to move the data in a table to a Convert an existing DMS database Use the db2start command to add newnew table object of the same name, but with managed table space to take advantage database partition servers to apossibly different storage characteristics, of automatic storage management multi-partition database environmentwhile the data remains online and available Reduce the High Water Mark for without having to stop and restart thefor access. database managed and automatic instancePlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storage managed table spaces reclaim Describe how scan sharing can reduce thestored procedure to move the data in a table unused disk space. I/O workload for accessing large tablesto a new table object of the same name, but Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Explain the difference between partitionedwith possibly different storage procedure to move the data in a table to and non-partitioned indexes for acharacteristics, while the data remains a new table object of the same name, but range-partitioned tableonline and available for access with possibly different storage Implement partitioned indexes to improveConfigure the DB2 Database configuration characteristics, while the data remains performance when you roll data out or rolloptions that control the collection of request, online and available for access. data into a range-partitioned tableactivity and object level metrics on the entire Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Use the MON_GET_INDEX function todatabase stored procedure to move the data in a analyze performance statistics forCompare the monitoring features table to a new table object of the same partitioned indexes implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot name, but with possibly different storage Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featuresmonitoring facilities provided by previous characteristics, while the data remains Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyDB2 releases online and available for access EnhancementsImplement Event Monitors for units of work Configure the DB2 Database Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementor lock-related events that store information configuration options that control the Enhancementsin unformatted Event Monitor tables collection of request, activity and object Unit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionCapture SQL section information using an level metrics on the entire database EnhancementsACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data Compare the monitoring features Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementto generate Explain reports implemented in DB2 9.7 with the Enhancements Create public synonyms to simplify access snapshot monitoring facilities provided by Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLto common tables, views and other objects. previous DB2 releases EnhancementsUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in Implement Event Monitors for units of Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7applications to quickly empty a table work or lock-related events that store Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Managementselecting option to release or reuse the information in unformatted Event Monitor Enhancements

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current disk storage. tablesEnable the statement concentrator using the Capture SQL section information using Day 2 stmt_conc database manager configuration an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use lineparameter to reduce SQL compilation the data to generate Explain reports Unit 6: DB2 9.7 Database Monitoringoverhead when SQL statements are Create public synonyms to simplify Enhancementsexecuted using different literal values. access to common tables, views andDescribe the new functions, data types and other objects.application features in DB2 9.7 that simplify Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement linemigrating to DB2 from other vendors. in applications to quickly empty a table Describe the expanded role of the securityUse the CLPPlus command line user selecting option to release or reuse the administrator in a DB2 9.7 databaseinterface that to connect databases and to current disk storage. systemdefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and Enable the statement concentrator using Grant database privileges, includingcommands. the stmt_conc database manager ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to configuration parameter to reduce SQL and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be compilation overhead when SQL to perform database support taskscompiled and executed using DB2 statements are executed using different List the steps required to implementinterfaces. literal values. Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsHandle the shredding of multiple XML Describe the new functions, data types for DB2 database serversdocuments already stored in the database and application features in DB2 9.7 that Configure Java and non Java clientwith one command simplify migrating to DB2 from other systems for SSL connectionsDescribe the possible use of XML in data vendors. Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMwarehouses Use the CLPPlus command line user configuration option to select theList the DPF and advanced environments interface that to connect databases and encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTwhere XML can be used to define, edit, and run statements, authentication Use the db2start command to add new scripts, and commands. Explain how DB2 can access thedatabase partition servers to a multi-partition Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server committed version of a data row that isdatabase environment without having to stop to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts currently being updated by anotherand restart the instance to be compiled and executed using DB2 applicationDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the interfaces. Define a LOCKING Event monitor toI/O workload for accessing large tables Handle the shredding of multiple XML capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockExplain the difference between partitioned documents already stored in the waitsand non-partitioned indexes for a database with one command Configure a DB2 database to controlrange-partitioned table Describe the possible use of XML in data information captured for deadlocks, lockImplement partitioned indexes to improve warehouses timeouts or extended lock waitsperformance when you roll data out or roll List the DPF and advanced environments Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockdata into a range-partitioned table where XML can be used related problems based on data capturedUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to Use the db2start command to add new by a locking event monitor analyze performance statistics for database partition servers to a Define workload management thresholdspartitioned indexes multi-partition database environment to help maintain stability on your dataUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features without having to stop and restart the server by controlling specific resourcesUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency instance including CPU time, amount of dataEnhancements Describe how scan sharing can reduce accessed and temporary data usageUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management the I/O workload for accessing large Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toEnhancements tables simplify definition of WLM workloadsUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression Explain the difference between Define WLM service classes that effect theEnhancements partitioned and non-partitioned indexes reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management for a range-partitioned table by assigning priority to pages visited byEnhancements Implement partitioned indexes to improve activities executing in different serviceUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL performance when you roll data out or roll classes Enhancements data into a range-partitioned table Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to data to improve application performanceUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management analyze performance statistics for List the options for implementation ofEnhancements partitioned indexes compression for the XML and Large Object

Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features data columns in a DB2 tableUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency Utilize the DB2 provided tools and

line Enhancements functions to estimate compression resultsDescribe the expanded role of the security Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management for Indexes and XML data administrator in a DB2 9.7 database system Enhancements Convert an existing DMS databaseGrant database privileges, including Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression managed table space to take advantage ofACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Enhancements automatic storage managementand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseto perform database support tasks Enhancements managed and automatic storage managedList the steps required to implement Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for Enhancements Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedDB2 database servers Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 procedure to move the data in a table to aConfigure Java and non Java client systems 9.7 new table object of the same name, but

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CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

for SSL connections Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management with possibly different storageSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM Enhancements characteristics, while the data remainsconfiguration option to select the encryption online and available for access.used for SERVER_ENCRYPT Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEauthentication line stored procedure to move the data in aExplain how DB2 can access the committed Describe the expanded role of the table to a new table object of the sameversion of a data row that is currently being security administrator in a DB2 9.7 name, but with possibly different storageupdated by another application database system characteristics, while the data remainsDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture Grant database privileges, including online and available for accessdeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Configure the DB2 Database configurationConfigure a DB2 database to control and EXPLAIN to provide limited options that control the collection ofinformation captured for deadlocks, lock authorities to perform database support request, activity and object level metrics ontimeouts or extended lock waits tasks the entire databaseUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock List the steps required to implement Compare the monitoring featuresrelated problems based on data captured by Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshota locking event monitor for DB2 database servers monitoring facilities provided by previousDefine workload management thresholds to Configure Java and non Java client DB2 releaseshelp maintain stability on your data server by systems for SSL connections Implement Event Monitors for units of workcontrolling specific resources including CPU Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM or lock-related events that storetime, amount of data accessed and configuration option to select the information in unformatted Event Monitortemporary data usage encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT tablesUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to authentication Capture SQL section information using ansimplify definition of WLM workloads Explain how DB2 can access the ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theDefine WLM service classes that effect the committed version of a data row that is data to generate Explain reports reuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by currently being updated by another Create public synonyms to simplify accessassigning priority to pages visited by application to common tables, views and otheractivities executing in different service Define a LOCKING Event monitor to objects.classes capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementExplain how DB2 can compress temporary waits in applications to quickly empty a tabledata to improve application performance Configure a DB2 database to control selecting option to release or reuse theList the options for implementation of information captured for deadlocks, lock current disk storage.compression for the XML and Large Object timeouts or extended lock waits Enable the statement concentrator usingdata columns in a DB2 table Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze the stmt_conc database managerUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions lock related problems based on data configuration parameter to reduce SQLto estimate compression results for Indexes captured by a locking event monitor compilation overhead when SQLand XML data Define workload management thresholds statements are executed using differentConvert an existing DMS database to help maintain stability on your data literal values.managed table space to take advantage of server by controlling specific resources Describe the new functions, data typesautomatic storage management including CPU time, amount of data and application features in DB2 9.7 thatReduce the High Water Mark for database accessed and temporary data usage simplify migrating to DB2 from othermanaged and automatic storage managed Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to vendors.table spaces reclaim unused disk space. simplify definition of WLM workloads Use the CLPPlus command line userUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Define WLM service classes that effect interface that to connect databases and toprocedure to move the data in a table to a the reuse or retention of pages in buffer define, edit, and run statements, scripts,new table object of the same name, but with pools by assigning priority to pages and commands.possibly different storage characteristics, visited by activities executing in different Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverwhile the data remains online and available service classes to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts tofor access. Explain how DB2 can compress be compiled and executed using DB2Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE temporary data to improve application interfaces. stored procedure to move the data in a table performance Handle the shredding of multiple XMLto a new table object of the same name, but List the options for implementation of documents already stored in the databasewith possibly different storage compression for the XML and Large with one commandcharacteristics, while the data remains Object data columns in a DB2 table Describe the possible use of XML in dataonline and available for access Utilize the DB2 provided tools and warehousesConfigure the DB2 Database configuration functions to estimate compression results List the DPF and advanced environmentsoptions that control the collection of request, for Indexes and XML data where XML can be used activity and object level metrics on the entire Convert an existing DMS database Use the db2start command to add newdatabase managed table space to take advantage database partition servers to aCompare the monitoring features of automatic storage management multi-partition database environmentimplemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot Reduce the High Water Mark for without having to stop and restart themonitoring facilities provided by previous database managed and automatic instanceDB2 releases storage managed table spaces reclaim Describe how scan sharing can reduce theImplement Event Monitors for units of work unused disk space. I/O workload for accessing large tablesor lock-related events that store information Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Explain the difference between partitionedin unformatted Event Monitor tables procedure to move the data in a table to and non-partitioned indexes for aCapture SQL section information using an a new table object of the same name, but range-partitioned table

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CL312G [email protected] 00 971 4 446 4987

ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data with possibly different storage Implement partitioned indexes to improveto generate Explain reports characteristics, while the data remains performance when you roll data out or rollCreate public synonyms to simplify access online and available for access. data into a range-partitioned tableto common tables, views and other objects. Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Use the MON_GET_INDEX function toUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in stored procedure to move the data in a analyze performance statistics forapplications to quickly empty a table table to a new table object of the same partitioned indexes selecting option to release or reuse the name, but with possibly different storage Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featurescurrent disk storage. characteristics, while the data remains Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyEnable the statement concentrator using the online and available for access Enhancementsstmt_conc database manager configuration Configure the DB2 Database Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementparameter to reduce SQL compilation configuration options that control the Enhancementsoverhead when SQL statements are collection of request, activity and object Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compressionexecuted using different literal values. level metrics on the entire database EnhancementsDescribe the new functions, data types and Compare the monitoring features Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementapplication features in DB2 9.7 that simplify implemented in DB2 9.7 with the Enhancements migrating to DB2 from other vendors. snapshot monitoring facilities provided by Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLUse the CLPPlus command line user previous DB2 releases Enhancementsinterface that to connect databases and to Implement Event Monitors for units of Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7define, edit, and run statements, scripts, and work or lock-related events that store Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Managementcommands. information in unformatted Event Monitor EnhancementsEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to tablesallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be Capture SQL section information usingcompiled and executed using DB2 an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use lineinterfaces. the data to generate Explain reports Describe the expanded role of the securityHandle the shredding of multiple XML Create public synonyms to simplify administrator in a DB2 9.7 databasedocuments already stored in the database access to common tables, views and systemwith one command other objects. Grant database privileges, includingDescribe the possible use of XML in data Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMwarehouses in applications to quickly empty a table and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesList the DPF and advanced environments selecting option to release or reuse the to perform database support taskswhere XML can be used current disk storage. List the steps required to implementUse the db2start command to add new Enable the statement concentrator using Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsdatabase partition servers to a multi-partition the stmt_conc database manager for DB2 database serversdatabase environment without having to stop configuration parameter to reduce SQL Configure Java and non Java clientand restart the instance compilation overhead when SQL systems for SSL connectionsDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the statements are executed using different Set the alternate_auth_enc DBMI/O workload for accessing large tables literal values. configuration option to select theExplain the difference between partitioned Describe the new functions, data types encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTand non-partitioned indexes for a and application features in DB2 9.7 that authentication range-partitioned table simplify migrating to DB2 from other Explain how DB2 can access theImplement partitioned indexes to improve vendors. committed version of a data row that isperformance when you roll data out or roll Use the CLPPlus command line user currently being updated by anotherdata into a range-partitioned table interface that to connect databases and applicationUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to to define, edit, and run statements, Define a LOCKING Event monitor toanalyze performance statistics for scripts, and commands. capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockpartitioned indexes Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server waitsUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts Configure a DB2 database to controlUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency to be compiled and executed using DB2 information captured for deadlocks, lockEnhancements interfaces. timeouts or extended lock waitsUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management Handle the shredding of multiple XML Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockEnhancements documents already stored in the related problems based on data capturedUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression database with one command by a locking event monitor Enhancements Describe the possible use of XML in data Define workload management thresholdsUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management warehouses to help maintain stability on your dataEnhancements List the DPF and advanced environments server by controlling specific resourcesUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL where XML can be used including CPU time, amount of dataEnhancements Use the db2start command to add new accessed and temporary data usageUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 database partition servers to a Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 toUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management multi-partition database environment simplify definition of WLM workloadsEnhancements without having to stop and restart the Define WLM service classes that effect the

instance reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsDescribe how scan sharing can reduce by assigning priority to pages visited by

line the I/O workload for accessing large activities executing in different serviceDescribe the expanded role of the security tables classes administrator in a DB2 9.7 database system Explain the difference between Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryGrant database privileges, including partitioned and non-partitioned indexes data to improve application performance

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ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM for a range-partitioned table List the options for implementation ofand EXPLAIN to provide limited authorities Implement partitioned indexes to improve compression for the XML and Large Objectto perform database support tasks performance when you roll data out or roll data columns in a DB2 tableList the steps required to implement data into a range-partitioned table Utilize the DB2 provided tools andSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections for Use the MON_GET_INDEX function to functions to estimate compression resultsDB2 database servers analyze performance statistics for for Indexes and XML data Configure Java and non Java client systems partitioned indexes Convert an existing DMS databasefor SSL connections Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features managed table space to take advantage ofSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency automatic storage managementconfiguration option to select the encryption Enhancements Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseused for SERVER_ENCRYPT Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management managed and automatic storage managedauthentication Enhancements table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Explain how DB2 can access the committed Unit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedversion of a data row that is currently being Enhancements procedure to move the data in a table to aupdated by another application Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management new table object of the same name, butDefine a LOCKING Event monitor to capture Enhancements with possibly different storagedeadlocks, lock timeout or lock waits Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL characteristics, while the data remainsConfigure a DB2 database to control Enhancements online and available for access.information captured for deadlocks, lock Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEtimeouts or extended lock waits 9.7 stored procedure to move the data in aUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze lock Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management table to a new table object of the samerelated problems based on data captured by Enhancements name, but with possibly different storagea locking event monitor characteristics, while the data remainsDefine workload management thresholds to online and available for accesshelp maintain stability on your data server by line Configure the DB2 Database configurationcontrolling specific resources including CPU Describe the expanded role of the options that control the collection oftime, amount of data accessed and security administrator in a DB2 9.7 request, activity and object level metrics ontemporary data usage database system the entire databaseUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to Grant database privileges, including Compare the monitoring featuressimplify definition of WLM workloads ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshotDefine WLM service classes that effect the and EXPLAIN to provide limited monitoring facilities provided by previousreuse or retention of pages in buffer pools by authorities to perform database support DB2 releasesassigning priority to pages visited by tasks Implement Event Monitors for units of workactivities executing in different service List the steps required to implement or lock-related events that storeclasses Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connections information in unformatted Event MonitorExplain how DB2 can compress temporary for DB2 database servers tablesdata to improve application performance Configure Java and non Java client Capture SQL section information using anList the options for implementation of systems for SSL connections ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use thecompression for the XML and Large Object Set the alternate_auth_enc DBM data to generate Explain reports data columns in a DB2 table configuration option to select the Create public synonyms to simplify accessUtilize the DB2 provided tools and functions encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT to common tables, views and otherto estimate compression results for Indexes authentication objects.and XML data Explain how DB2 can access the Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementConvert an existing DMS database committed version of a data row that is in applications to quickly empty a tablemanaged table space to take advantage of currently being updated by another selecting option to release or reuse theautomatic storage management application current disk storage.Reduce the High Water Mark for database Define a LOCKING Event monitor to Enable the statement concentrator usingmanaged and automatic storage managed capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock the stmt_conc database managertable spaces reclaim unused disk space. waits configuration parameter to reduce SQLUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Configure a DB2 database to control compilation overhead when SQLprocedure to move the data in a table to a information captured for deadlocks, lock statements are executed using differentnew table object of the same name, but with timeouts or extended lock waits literal values.possibly different storage characteristics, Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze Describe the new functions, data typeswhile the data remains online and available lock related problems based on data and application features in DB2 9.7 thatfor access. captured by a locking event monitor simplify migrating to DB2 from otherPlan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Define workload management thresholds vendors.stored procedure to move the data in a table to help maintain stability on your data Use the CLPPlus command line userto a new table object of the same name, but server by controlling specific resources interface that to connect databases and towith possibly different storage including CPU time, amount of data define, edit, and run statements, scripts,characteristics, while the data remains accessed and temporary data usage and and available for access Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverConfigure the DB2 Database configuration simplify definition of WLM workloads to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts tooptions that control the collection of request, Define WLM service classes that effect be compiled and executed using DB2activity and object level metrics on the entire the reuse or retention of pages in buffer interfaces. database pools by assigning priority to pages Handle the shredding of multiple XMLCompare the monitoring features visited by activities executing in different documents already stored in the database

Page 33: IBM DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows New FeaturesThe course materials address DB2 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Training Path ... activity and object level ... Enable PL/SQL

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implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot service classes with one commandmonitoring facilities provided by previous Explain how DB2 can compress Describe the possible use of XML in dataDB2 releases temporary data to improve application warehousesImplement Event Monitors for units of work performance List the DPF and advanced environmentsor lock-related events that store information List the options for implementation of where XML can be used in unformatted Event Monitor tables compression for the XML and Large Use the db2start command to add newCapture SQL section information using an Object data columns in a DB2 table database partition servers to aACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use the data Utilize the DB2 provided tools and multi-partition database environmentto generate Explain reports functions to estimate compression results without having to stop and restart theCreate public synonyms to simplify access for Indexes and XML data instanceto common tables, views and other objects. Convert an existing DMS database Describe how scan sharing can reduce theUtilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in managed table space to take advantage I/O workload for accessing large tablesapplications to quickly empty a table of automatic storage management Explain the difference between partitionedselecting option to release or reuse the Reduce the High Water Mark for and non-partitioned indexes for acurrent disk storage. database managed and automatic range-partitioned tableEnable the statement concentrator using the storage managed table spaces reclaim Implement partitioned indexes to improvestmt_conc database manager configuration unused disk space. performance when you roll data out or rollparameter to reduce SQL compilation Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored data into a range-partitioned tableoverhead when SQL statements are procedure to move the data in a table to Use the MON_GET_INDEX function toexecuted using different literal values. a new table object of the same name, but analyze performance statistics forDescribe the new functions, data types and with possibly different storage partitioned indexes application features in DB2 9.7 that simplify characteristics, while the data remains Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featuresmigrating to DB2 from other vendors. online and available for access. Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyUse the CLPPlus command line user Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Enhancementsinterface that to connect databases and to stored procedure to move the data in a Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementdefine, edit, and run statements, scripts, and table to a new table object of the same Enhancementscommands. name, but with possibly different storage Unit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionEnable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server to characteristics, while the data remains Enhancementsallow PL/SQL statements and scripts to be online and available for access Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementcompiled and executed using DB2 Configure the DB2 Database Enhancements interfaces. configuration options that control the Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLHandle the shredding of multiple XML collection of request, activity and object Enhancementsdocuments already stored in the database level metrics on the entire database Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7with one command Compare the monitoring features Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table ManagementDescribe the possible use of XML in data implemented in DB2 9.7 with the Enhancementswarehouses snapshot monitoring facilities provided byList the DPF and advanced environments previous DB2 releaseswhere XML can be used Implement Event Monitors for units of lineUse the db2start command to add new work or lock-related events that store Describe the expanded role of the securitydatabase partition servers to a multi-partition information in unformatted Event Monitor administrator in a DB2 9.7 databasedatabase environment without having to stop tables systemand restart the instance Capture SQL section information using Grant database privileges, includingDescribe how scan sharing can reduce the an ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADMI/O workload for accessing large tables the data to generate Explain reports and EXPLAIN to provide limited authoritiesExplain the difference between partitioned Create public synonyms to simplify to perform database support tasksand non-partitioned indexes for a access to common tables, views and List the steps required to implementrange-partitioned table other objects. Secured Socket Layer (SSL) connectionsImplement partitioned indexes to improve Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statement for DB2 database serversperformance when you roll data out or roll in applications to quickly empty a table Configure Java and non Java clientdata into a range-partitioned table selecting option to release or reuse the systems for SSL connectionsUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to current disk storage. Set the alternate_auth_enc DBManalyze performance statistics for Enable the statement concentrator using configuration option to select thepartitioned indexes the stmt_conc database manager encryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPTUnit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features configuration parameter to reduce SQL authentication Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency compilation overhead when SQL Explain how DB2 can access theEnhancements statements are executed using different committed version of a data row that isUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management literal values. currently being updated by anotherEnhancements Describe the new functions, data types applicationUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression and application features in DB2 9.7 that Define a LOCKING Event monitor toEnhancements simplify migrating to DB2 from other capture deadlocks, lock timeout or lockUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management vendors. waitsEnhancements Use the CLPPlus command line user Configure a DB2 database to controlUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL interface that to connect databases and information captured for deadlocks, lockEnhancements to define, edit, and run statements, timeouts or extended lock waitsUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7 scripts, and commands. Use the DB2 provided tools to analyze lockUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 server related problems based on data captured

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Enhancements to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts by a locking event monitor to be compiled and executed using DB2 Define workload management thresholdsinterfaces. to help maintain stability on your dataHandle the shredding of multiple XML server by controlling specific resourcesdocuments already stored in the including CPU time, amount of datadatabase with one command accessed and temporary data usageDescribe the possible use of XML in data Use the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 towarehouses simplify definition of WLM workloadsList the DPF and advanced environments Define WLM service classes that effect thewhere XML can be used reuse or retention of pages in buffer poolsUse the db2start command to add new by assigning priority to pages visited bydatabase partition servers to a activities executing in different servicemulti-partition database environment classes without having to stop and restart the Explain how DB2 can compress temporaryinstance data to improve application performanceDescribe how scan sharing can reduce List the options for implementation ofthe I/O workload for accessing large compression for the XML and Large Objecttables data columns in a DB2 tableExplain the difference between Utilize the DB2 provided tools andpartitioned and non-partitioned indexes functions to estimate compression resultsfor a range-partitioned table for Indexes and XML data Implement partitioned indexes to improve Convert an existing DMS databaseperformance when you roll data out or roll managed table space to take advantage ofdata into a range-partitioned table automatic storage managementUse the MON_GET_INDEX function to Reduce the High Water Mark for databaseanalyze performance statistics for managed and automatic storage managedpartitioned indexes table spaces reclaim unused disk space.Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Features Utilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE storedUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application Concurrency procedure to move the data in a table to aEnhancements new table object of the same name, butUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Management with possibly different storageEnhancements characteristics, while the data remainsUnit 4: DB2 9.7 Compression online and available for access.Enhancements Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLEUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Management stored procedure to move the data in aEnhancements table to a new table object of the sameUnit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQL name, but with possibly different storageEnhancements characteristics, while the data remainsUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 online and available for access9.7 Configure the DB2 Database configurationUnit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management options that control the collection ofEnhancements request, activity and object level metrics on

the entire databaseNew pureXML Features in DB2 9.7 Compare the monitoring featuresline implemented in DB2 9.7 with the snapshot

List the new XML features available with monitoring facilities provided by previousDB2 9.7 DB2 releases

Implement Event Monitors for units of workor lock-related events that store

line information in unformatted Event MonitorDescribe the expanded role of the tablessecurity administrator in a DB2 9.7 Capture SQL section information using andatabase system ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and use theGrant database privileges, including data to generate Explain reports ACCESSCTRL, DATAACESS, SQLADM Create public synonyms to simplify accessand EXPLAIN to provide limited to common tables, views and otherauthorities to perform database support objects.tasks Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementList the steps required to implement in applications to quickly empty a tableSecured Socket Layer (SSL) connections selecting option to release or reuse thefor DB2 database servers current disk storage.Configure Java and non Java client Enable the statement concentrator usingsystems for SSL connections the stmt_conc database managerSet the alternate_auth_enc DBM configuration parameter to reduce SQLconfiguration option to select the compilation overhead when SQLencryption used for SERVER_ENCRYPT statements are executed using different

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authentication literal values.Explain how DB2 can access the Describe the new functions, data typescommitted version of a data row that is and application features in DB2 9.7 thatcurrently being updated by another simplify migrating to DB2 from otherapplication vendors.Define a LOCKING Event monitor to Use the CLPPlus command line usercapture deadlocks, lock timeout or lock interface that to connect databases and towaits define, edit, and run statements, scripts,Configure a DB2 database to control and commands.information captured for deadlocks, lock Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 servertimeouts or extended lock waits to allow PL/SQL statements and scripts toUse the DB2 provided tools to analyze be compiled and executed using DB2lock related problems based on data interfaces. captured by a locking event monitor Handle the shredding of multiple XMLDefine workload management thresholds documents already stored in the databaseto help maintain stability on your data with one commandserver by controlling specific resources Describe the possible use of XML in dataincluding CPU time, amount of data warehousesaccessed and temporary data usage List the DPF and advanced environmentsUse the wildcard support in DB2 9.7 to where XML can be used simplify definition of WLM workloads Use the db2start command to add newDefine WLM service classes that effect database partition servers to athe reuse or retention of pages in buffer multi-partition database environmentpools by assigning priority to pages without having to stop and restart thevisited by activities executing in different instanceservice classes Describe how scan sharing can reduce theExplain how DB2 can compress I/O workload for accessing large tablestemporary data to improve application Explain the difference between partitionedperformance and non-partitioned indexes for aList the options for implementation of range-partitioned tablecompression for the XML and Large Implement partitioned indexes to improveObject data columns in a DB2 table performance when you roll data out or rollUtilize the DB2 provided tools and data into a range-partitioned tablefunctions to estimate compression results Use the MON_GET_INDEX function tofor Indexes and XML data analyze performance statistics forConvert an existing DMS database partitioned indexes managed table space to take advantage Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security Featuresof automatic storage management Unit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyReduce the High Water Mark for Enhancementsdatabase managed and automatic Unit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload Managementstorage managed table spaces reclaim Enhancementsunused disk space. Unit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionUtilize the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE stored Enhancementsprocedure to move the data in a table to Unit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage Managementa new table object of the same name, but Enhancements with possibly different storage Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLcharacteristics, while the data remains Enhancementsonline and available for access. Unit 8: New PureXML Features in DB2 9.7Plan and run the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Managementstored procedure to move the data in a Enhancementstable to a new table object of the samename, but with possibly different storagecharacteristics, while the data remainsonline and available for accessConfigure the DB2 Databaseconfiguration options that control thecollection of request, activity and objectlevel metrics on the entire databaseCompare the monitoring featuresimplemented in DB2 9.7 with thesnapshot monitoring facilities provided byprevious DB2 releasesImplement Event Monitors for units ofwork or lock-related events that storeinformation in unformatted Event Monitortables

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Capture SQL section information usingan ACTIVITIES Event Monitor and usethe data to generate Explain reports Create public synonyms to simplifyaccess to common tables, views andother objects.Utilize the TRUNCATE TABLE statementin applications to quickly empty a tableselecting option to release or reuse thecurrent disk storage.Enable the statement concentrator usingthe stmt_conc database managerconfiguration parameter to reduce SQLcompilation overhead when SQLstatements are executed using differentliteral values.Describe the new functions, data typesand application features in DB2 9.7 thatsimplify migrating to DB2 from othervendors.Use the CLPPlus command line userinterface that to connect databases andto define, edit, and run statements,scripts, and commands.Enable PL/SQL support for a DB2 serverto allow PL/SQL statements and scriptsto be compiled and executed using DB2interfaces. Handle the shredding of multiple XMLdocuments already stored in thedatabase with one commandDescribe the possible use of XML in datawarehousesList the DPF and advanced environmentswhere XML can be used Use the db2start command to add newdatabase partition servers to amulti-partition database environmentwithout having to stop and restart theinstanceDescribe how scan sharing can reducethe I/O workload for accessing largetablesExplain the difference betweenpartitioned and non-partitioned indexesfor a range-partitioned tableImplement partitioned indexes to improveperformance when you roll data out or rolldata into a range-partitioned tableUse the MON_GET_INDEX function toanalyze performance statistics forpartitioned indexes Unit 1: DB2 9.7 Security FeaturesUnit 2: DB2 9.7 Application ConcurrencyEnhancementsUnit 3: DB2 9.7 Workload ManagementEnhancementsUnit 4: DB2 9.7 CompressionEnhancementsUnit 5: DB2 9.7 Storage ManagementEnhancements Unit 7: DB2 9.7 Application and SQLEnhancementsUnit 8: New PureXML Features in DB29.7Unit 9: DB2 9.7 Large Table Management

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