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Jerk chicken

Eaterie taking London by storm

Gadgets for barbecues


Father’s Day gift





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ContentsJune 2012

10 ON THE COVER Jane Fonda has been a model, � lm star and � tness guru. But, she says, faith is better than fame

16 ON THE COVER Boxing’s Dark Destroyer Nigel Benn reveals how God’s love knocked him out

32 Dad’s Army legend marches on Vicar of the long running comedy Frank Williams talks about his real life faith

54 I love music but I love Jesus more Top music legend James Ingram talks about church

9 Set free from my junkie past Former addict Stephen Derbyshire swapped the streets for the Scriptures and is now a pastor

26 I gave a kidney to a virtual stranger School teacher Veronica Buttigieg says God told her to donate one of her kidneys

48 A short mission trip changed me Becky Murray explains how she’s now running a Christian relief organisation

21 ON THE COVER Be a guest of honour Try our top tips for the perfect out� t if you’ve been invited to a wedding this summer

24 Eds above in fashion Harriet Compston is a Christian at the top of her game in fashion mags




10Jane Fonda on faith and fame


21Your what to wear guide for weddings

iBelieve 5

8Top giftsfor dads

15God save

the Queen

talks about his real life faith to donate one of her kidneys the top of her game in fashion mags

Your what to

for weddings

21Your what to wear guide for weddings

38Add spice with

jerk chicken

54James Ingram on soul music


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38 ON THE COVER Add spice to your life with power packed jerk chicken

40 ON THE COVER We speak to two young women who are cooking up a real storm on the streets of London

29 Generous to a fault You don’t have to dig deep in your pockets to show someone how much you care

37 The surgery Dr Ben Sinclair is on hand to give you the best advice with your health problems and issues

42 How to... Put colour in your life when choosing your wardrobe

15 ON THE COVER How the Queen’s active Christian faith has helped her serve the country for 60 years

19 John Sentamu How to live without a weight on your shoulders

35 Why I Believe Rhoda Steel who works at Johnson & Johnson UK

58 Walk on the wild side Safety is driving Carl Beech bonkers

8 ON THE COVER Gift ideas Great ideas as Father’s Day approaches

13 Rest days Go north of the Border and visit the city of Glasgow

20 Favourite things Why we love everything to do with the Union Jack

30 Devotion How to stop letting stress wreck your summer holidays

36 Motoring VW Golf Cabriolet GTi

43 Sermon Everyone has ups and downs in life, says John Bevere

45 ON THE COVER Gadgets The latest aids to help your barbecue

46 iReview We choose the best books and CDs on the market




iBelieve Magazine is published by New Life Publishing Co, PO Box 777, Nottingham, NG11 6ZZ. Tel: 0115 824 0777 Email: [email protected]: Peter WrefordAll content is copyright and must not be reproduced without prior written permission from the Editor. All rights reservedPrinted by Buxton Press, Palace Road, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6AE.The acceptance of advertising does not indicate editorial endorsement.We welcome your letters and comments regarding any of the issues raised within these pages. Write to the Editor at the above address.Back copies are available while stocks last, at cover price plus £1.00



40The girls behind a new food craze

Jane Fonda is the queen of reinvention. The star of the silver screen began her career teaching dance at the tender age of 15 and found her way to

Hollywood via a stint on the catwalk.Here at iBelieve, we’re proud to proclaim a

message that hasn’t changed for 2,000 years, but we’re convinced that the best way to put this message across changes with every generation.

Take our interview with the ‘dark destroyer’ Nigel Benn. Once the demonic-looking defender of world boxing titles, Benn now sees himself in a very different light. What was once a catalogue of celebrity misconduct outside of the ring has turned

into a story of God’s amazing grace meeting a messed up man at rock bottom and giving him something much greater in return than he ever won.

Of such stuff great fi lms are made. But truth is often stranger than fi ction and the good news that one man could die to remove the weight of sin from the entire

world is up there with the strangest of facts.Stories are great – they give us a handle on

the amazing truths that lie buried within our day-to-day experience. When we hear what others have been through we can see the blessings in our own lives more clearly.

For some, the painful school of experience is what fi nally teaches them their own limitations and sparks the search for something greater. That’s certainly what happened for Jane Fonda and Nigel Benn, and the faith they found became the light at the end of a dark tunnel.

It’s powerful to share the difference that God has made in your life with others, and it’s a great excuse to try out the great recipes we’ve served up this month! Enjoy!

‘The message hasn’t changed for 2,000 years, but how to put it across changes with every generation’

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G od save our gracious Queen, long live our noble Queen.” Pretty much all of us will have sung those words more than

once in our lives – whether we thought too much about it or not!

But whatever way you look at it, these words represent a prayer which has been most emphatically answered over the last 60 years.

Her Majesty’s role in the democracy that Britain now is has been under threat since long before she ascended the throne, and the debate will probably rage long after she’s gone.

There are plenty of people who would rather ditch what they see as a cumber-some and costly ceremonial role which is unnecessary to the future success of the United Kingdom.

Nonetheless, our present Queen has almost transcended her monarchical posi-tion, winning the hearts of commoners up and down the land. And as much as she’s been instrumental in representing the UK on the world stage, the Defender of the Faith has plenty to say to her own nation.

Not only is her marriage with Prince Philip a fine example of the eternal hope-fulness of love, but her annual Christmas address – an institution loved by adults and loathed by impatient children – has contained good common sense with a

generous helping of faith alongside over the years.

As the head of the Church of England, the Queen has every right to speak to the spiritual state of the nation, and the fact that she eruditely and eloquently presents a case for belief that is both reasonable and grounded in reality is a genuine cause for celebration.

This month, the whole country will mark the moment with an extra bank holiday, and while the festivities undoubt-edly will provide a fitting tribute to the service one woman has given this nation, the excitement threatens to overshadow exactly how much the Queen has given over the last six decades.

Having become Queen at the tender age of 25 and been crowned Elizabeth II a year later, our current ruler has spent the vast majority of her life in dedicated service to the country she rules.

It’s easy to forget the constant demands placed on the Queen. With the monarchy stripped of many of its, admittedly ‘unde-served’ privileges, the role of Queen has become a rather thankless task, thrusting celebrity and duty upon its incumbent with no thought for their personal life. Indeed, the family drama of Royalty has become ammunition for the lowest form of gutter press.

So as we look back on the Monarch

who has provided a measure of constancy in the tornado of change that has raged throughout the past six decades, let’s not forget the intangible toll that playing this part can take on a very plainly human lady.

As a figurehead who has championed family, faith and fair play, our Queen has given us plenty of good advice and set a great example.

So, as the celebrations die down and we prepare to forget about the irreplace-able institution that is our monarchy for another six months, let’s pray again: “God save our gracious Queen, long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen! Send her victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us! God save the Queen!”

God save our gracious QueenThis year we mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s reign. As the world’s favourite monarch celebrates her diamond jubilee, we pause to think about the answer to prayer that is our Queen


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iBelieve 19

Y ou hear a lot about ‘passion’ in our society today – and that’s a good thing. Much better than apathy! But what’s it all about?

Well, there’s the passion we all feel for things which arouse our strong emotions and love.

Then we hear the Apprentice hopefuls assuring Lord Sugar that they are ‘passion-ate’ about selling things; footballers in our teams are ‘passionate’ about winning silverware. What they’re talking about is the focus and purpose of their lives, and their total commitment.

The origin of the word passion means su� ering and pain. And if you saw Mel Gibson’s � lm The Passion Of The Christ you will have seen what that su� ering looked like when Jesus was cruci� ed.

But why did he have to su� er? Why did he ‘set his face towards Jerusalem’ – where he knew he would end up being killed?  What was it for?

Recently in the news, we have seen the bodies of six young soldiers being brought back home, and have heard about the death of another one; and people in my county of Yorkshire, in particular, have joined in the grief of their families. 

We have seen the tears of families of the children killed in the coach crash, and those killed by the gunman in France. We see our families and our neighbours struggling with debt, illness, loneliness and fear for the future.

But what we see in Jesus’ passion is his love, his commitment, the purpose of his life – in sharing in our experience. He stands in for us to save us from the ulti-mate su� ering of being cut o� from God, from hope and from love, and draws the

sting of sin and evil to himself – like the mother who sees a cobra and envelops her baby with her body, taking the deadly bite herself.

He’s been there – deserted by friends, scorned by enemies, humiliated, tortured and killed, looking hopelessness in the face, but going through it. He knows what it’s like and he can tell us there is still hope and there is joy to come.

A piece of 2,000-year-old gra� ti was discovered in Rome – showing a man on a cross, with the head of a donkey. Many people just can’t understand the point of

Jesus’ humiliating death. They can’t see how it could be called a ‘victory’. But the victory is in the fact that Jesus took death on and conquered it. That victory is for us. We are now invited to step into his victory and know the gift of being forgiven.

Remember God loves us and forgives us no matter how many times we mess up, and whether we deserve it or not. All we have to do is humble ourselves and have the courage to start again. We should live as if a great weight has been lifted from our shoulders, because we worship a God of forgiveness. Wow!

Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu is the leading voice for Christianity in Britain today

Weight off our shoulders

John Sentamu

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We all have ups and downs

Relentless Christianity will get you through life’s highs and lows, says U.S. Bible teacher John Bevere

D o you realise who you are? God needs you to fulfil your destiny and advance his cause

here on earth. Does it surprise you to learn that your heavenly Father is depending on you?

God has specifically designed a life course for you! Your entire life was mapped out prior to your birth. The psalmist declares, “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed” (Psalm 139:16).

Celebrities and rulers aren’t the only ones with books contain-ing their life stories. No, yours is recorded too, but the amazing reality is this – it was mapped out and penned by God before you were born.

You may protest, “But my life has had bumps, bruises, and even accidents due to my bad choices. Did God author that?” No, a thousand times, no! God mapped

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out our lives, and it is up to us to make the right choices in order to walk in the exhilarating path he created for us. Wrong choices can detour us, but genuine re-pentance can right the ship.

Bad things happenYou may again question, “But I’ve had terrible things happen that were not the result of bad choices. Life has dealt me some hard blows. Did God author those disappointments and hardships?”

Again, no! We live in a fallen world. Consequently, Jesus said we would have tribulation and would suffer adversity. The good news is that because God knew what manner of evil would try to overtake you before you were born, in his wisdom he made paths for you to escape and even come out triumphant. This is why in his Word he calls relentless believers ‘overcomers’.

You and I are in a serious battle against the world’s vain, shallow values. Its influ-ence is powerful, deceptive and alluring. It’s far too easy to grow weary, to think it’s OK to cease our perseverance, to give in and follow with the prevailing philoso-phies of our day. But the only way for you to finish strong is to be relentless in your faith. In doing so you will become some-one to be reckoned with, a genuine threat

to the kingdom of darkness. Hebrews 12:1 exhorts each of us, “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” God has set a course before each of his children. For you to finish the race well means you’ll have to run with endurance. It cannot be completed any other way.

It’s interesting to note that this is the single virtue highlighted in this passage. The writer doesn’t say, “Let us run with happiness” or “Let us run with purpose” or “Let us run with seriousness.” Don’t get me wrong – happiness, purpose, and seriousness, as well as other virtues, are all important to the Christian walk, but the key virtue is relentlessness.

Obedience to GodWhen we discuss the relentless believer, we’re talking about one who is absolutely unyielding in faith, hope, and obedience to God – no matter what the adversity. The relentless believer, committed in every way to finishing well, is a history maker in the truest sense, and will forever be known by heaven as one who warrant-ed the Master’s hearty, “Well done”.

It takes a relentless spirit to finish well – it requires persistence and endurance. I love The Message Bible’s rendition of Hebrews 12:1, “Strip down, start running – and never quit!” Completing our course

is crucial, not only for us but also for those we are called to influence. It’s important not to turn back or veer from the path that God has put before us. If you are a child of God, you have what it takes! God has placed that enabling power of the Holy Spirit within you.

You may be facing adversity in your marriage, family, employment, business, school, finances, health or elsewhere. Your situation may seem utterly hopeless and without solution. You may feel tempted to give up entirely.

The good news is, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible” (Mark10:27). No matter how tough your circumstances, they are not impossible to God.

But Jesus did place an important quali-fier on this promise. “If you can believe,” he said, “all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23). That’s what relentless faith is all about: facing what is beyond your human ability and, by God’s strength and grace, seeing the impossible made possible.

Adapted from John Bevere’s book Relentless: The Power You Need To Never Give Up (Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group, 2011). Used by permission.

RELENTLESS: John Bevere, inset, says we have to run life’s race with endurance, as the Bible says in the book of Hebrews


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Real life

How did One By One begin?In 2006 I went to Sierra Leone – one of the world’s poorest nations – to run a feeding programme. I don’t believe that you can tell a hungry person that God loves them and then walk on by without giving them something to eat.

That’s been the blueprint of everything we’ve done since that day. In the last � ve years we have helped orphans in Kenya,

Uganda and Sierra Leone, and we have ministered to widows in India and to prostitutes in Nigeria. We are currently building our � rst orphanage in Kenya where we are preparing to take in 60 children. I really am living the dream!

Have you always been concerned about poverty?As a little girl I had a love for the poor. I

remember being four or � ve and seeing an advert on TV about poor children in Africa, and I was so moved that I put my half-eaten chocolate bar down and told my mum to send the rest of it to the children on the advert!

However, it wasn’t until I was 18 – dur-ing a short-term mission trip to Romania –that I knew this was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

‘A short mission trip changed me’

Buying a pair of shoes for a young orphan in Sierra Leone changed Becky Murray’s life forever. Today she runs Christian relief organisation One By One

ABOVE: One By One’s � rst orphanage being built in KenyaRIGHT: Becky meets orphans in Sierra Leone

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Working with the poor, you must have seen some heartbreaking things…When I was working in Sierra Leone, I met a beautiful girl called Felicity who was nine. She had no shoes so we bought her some from the local market.

That evening she returned to my hotel and asked me if I wanted her to wait in my bedroom. I didn’t know what she meant so asked her to explain. She told me she would perform sexual favours to thank me for buying her shoes!

I felt sick to my stomach that a little girl would think that I was using her for sex. It broke my heart to consider the abuse she must have previously gone through even to think in that way.

I told Felicity that I bought her the shoes because she didn’t have any, not because I wanted something from her.

I was devastated about it for a long time afterwards, and it has been a con-

stant reminder of why I do what I do.

What would you say to anyone considering a short-term mission trip?Do it! Do it! Do it! But be warned – you’ll

never be the same again! My heart has been challenged on all of my previous trips; I always come back di� erent in some way. In Romania I discovered my dream was to work with the poor and in particu-lar orphans. In Mozambique, my vocation changed, so I came home, quit my job as an IT analyst and applied to study nursing at university. In India, I developed a love for widows, and in Nigeria God gave me a heart for prostitutes. And then there was Sicily, where I discovered my love for Italian food!

Where do you draw your inspiration from?My spiritual hero is Heidi Baker, the mis-

sionary to Mozambique. She works with thousands of orphans in Africa and has made huge sacri� ces to see success, and I was privileged to see her work � rsthand a few years ago.

But my other hero is my little son, Jo-siah, who will be one next month. He has gone through � ve major surgeries due to being born with a rare bowel condition, but despite all of the pain he’s always got a huge, beaming smile on his face. He has taught me so much in his short life and made me realise that joy goes much deeper than circumstances dictate.

Describe yourself in six wordsLoving, passionate, caring, energetic, feisty, dippy.

Yorkshire-born paediatric nurse Becky Murray launched and heads up � edgling humanitarian aid organisation One By One. Visit

ABOVE: Becky Murray, of One By One, dresses a girl who previously had no clothes to wear during a recent mission trip

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James Ingram’s music has delight-ed fans across the generations. His big disco smash from 1983, Yah Mo B There, won a Grammy

and was the most played song of that year.

He explains that the song was a cel-ebration of his faith. “I wanted to praise God by his Hebrew name, Yahweh, but shortened it to ‘Yah’ and wanted to use modern day language, Yah Mo B There. That way, I could get some of my belief in there.”

Ten years later, he earned another Grammy for his Disney hit ‘Somewhere Out There’ with Linda Rondstadt, from the � lm, An American Tail. That was followed by the charming ‘The Day I Fall In Love’ from Beethoven 2, which he recorded with Dolly Parton. And James still has had time to collaborate with the likes of Quincy Jones, Barry White and Carole Bayer Sager.

While music has always been a big part of his life, the singer/songwriter says his life is � rmly rooted in his faith in Jesus.

“The thing that separates me spiritually from a lot of the worldly attention is that I’ve known the light of God from the be-ginning of my career. By having the light

of God in me, the limelight is nothing more than lime to me – a light colour of green to help me take care of my fam-ily. When you have the light of God, the limelight is secondary.”

One of six children himself, James is grateful his father instilled a love of the Bible as much as church attendance – the family went three times a week.

“My dad loved the Bible verse from the book of Hebrews 11:1, which reads, ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.’

“My father would get close and look me in the eye and say, ‘Son, have faith in God and con� dence in yourself – there’s noth-ing you can’t do.’” Unlike other artists, James has had no trouble crossing over

from so-called secular music to gospel or faith music.

He is happy performing di� erent types of music, although he loves gospel.

“I’ve never been one to separate myself from secular music. It doesn’t matter what career you have. If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, conversations are going to start and the light is going to present itself one way or another.”

As he embarks on the latest stage of a career littered with chart hits, awards and respect from his peers, James says his own favourite song is one he wrote called Don’t Let Go.

“It is a song based on my father’s legacy of living the Christian faith,” he adds.


I love music but love Jesus more!

Going to church three times a week certainly left a big impression on pop icon James Ingram

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a man’s w rld

I have a German Shepherd Dog called Flick. Please note that we do not use the term Alsatian, which is tanta-mount to calling your dog a yob.

Flick – a girl by the way – is � ve and a half years old now. She can do tricks and everything. OK, she’s no canine Paul Dan-iels, but tempt her with a bit of cheese or steak and she’ll do pretty much anything you want.

She’s also completely cowardly. People have this impression that German Shep-herds are some kind of cold-blooded killing machine. Nothing could be further from the truth with my Flick. The other day I got in late and on opening the front door, I startled her so much that she leapt up from where she was laying and bolted up the stairs. I found her peeping around the corner – some guard dog! She does, however, still have something of the wolf about her. She knows her own mind. Show her too much a� ection when she’s trying to have a kip and she gets up and goes into another room to get away from it all. She does come to you when you call her, unless it’s � rst thing in the morning and she doesn’t want to go for a walk and has to be practically dragged around the woods. She also hates other dogs. No amount of intensive cheese bribery and dog whisperer input could persuade her that the Chihuahua over the road isn’t out to get her.

To be honest, I kind of like the fact that she’s a little bit wild, as I aspire to

the same thing. Let me be clear, I’m not looking to be a kind of mystical hermit like Simeon Stylites in the Middle Ages, who sat on top of a pillar for 37 years and grew a beard. Nor do I want to be a cross between Ray Mears and Bear Grylls.

It’s more a desire I have to slightly rebel against all the pressure to conform that swirls around me all the time. I feel it stir-ring up when I’m driving my car through town. There are so many signs giving instructions and guidance that I feel like a robot with no freedom at all. I know

there are good reasons for the 15,000 30mph signs along the two-mile stretch that I drive, but part of me longs for a bit of Steve McQueen action from The Great Escape when he gets on his motorbike and drives across a few � elds and jumps a couple of fences.

I get the feeling that some of the bibli-cal heroes such as King David wouldn’t have much time for speed bumps either. To be totally honest, I went bonkers about conkers when some schools insisted on safety goggles for children who played the classic schoolboy game. What was that all about? I’ve never heard of death by conker. I felt the same when a well known fairground stopped the bumper cars from bumping into each other and in the same year, some refuse collectors refused to carry a TV out to the street for an 85-year-old woman in case they put their backs out as there hadn’t been a risk assessment done. What’s happened to us?

Let me be clear. I follow Jesus, and that informs my wild side. His teaching tells me that I have very little to fear in life and that I don’t need to worry. He also tells me that I can enjoy life to the full and that there’s an adventure to be had.

Certainly, throughout history many of his followers have been a lot less than domesticated. Follow him and you’ll become the man you know you ought to be and more. And just maybe you might end up living life on the edge, kind of like my dog, Flick.

with Carl Beech

There may be good reasons for all those safety signs but they drive Carl Beech bonkers

Take a walk on the wild side!

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Jerk chicken

Eaterie taking London by storm

Gadgets for barbecues


Father’s Day gift






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Angel new kidneys

What’s Alice Cooper doing in iBelieve?

Kristin Chenowethspeaks out on faith