Download - Ibadah in Islam





July 12

July 12


By the end of this lecture, InshaAllah, you are expected to know:Meanings

of Ibadah True Spirit of Ibadah Historical Perspective of Ibadah Islamic Concept of IbadahJuly 12 4

What is ibadah?5

Ibadah (act of worship) is an Arabic word derived from `abd (a slave) and it means submission. It portrays that Allah is your Master and you are His slave and whatever a slave does in obedience to and for the pleasure of his Master is `ibadah. The Islamic concept of `ibadah is very wide. The meaning of "ibadah" in the Arabic language is obedience, submission, and humility.*The Spirit of `Ibadah in Islam By Syed Abul A`la Maududi Muslim Scholar and ReformerJuly 12

What is ibadah?6

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Ibadadah- an islamic perspective7

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Ibadadah- an islamic perspective8

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According to great Imams9

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah) said, "Ibadah is a collective term for everything that Allah loves and is pleased with from amongst sayings and inward and outward actions."

[Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (10/149)]July 12

He Explained it

He explained it

July 12


"The "ibadah" is a collective noun that includes every thing that Allah (S.W.T.) loves and accepts from sayings and the physical acts; the hidden (acts by heart) and the openly (acts by limbs). The acts by limbs include the prayer, zakah,fasting, hajj, straight talk, loyalty (returning someones possessions to them), kindness with parents, having good accord with relatives, keeping promises and treaties, enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, fighting against thekuffar and the hypocrites, kindness with the neighbor, with the orphan, with the poor, with the wayfarer, with the animals, supplication, remembering Allah, reciting Quran, and all things of this nature are from "ibadah."

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The acts by heart include the love for Allah and His messenger, fear of Allah, asking Him for forgiveness, Having sincerity to Him alone in deen, being patient, thanking for His blessings, accepting His judgment, depending on Him, hoping for His mercy, fear from His punishment, and all things of this nature are from ofibadah worship." All this is supported by an abundant number of evidences from the book of Allah (S.W.T.) and the sunnah of His messenger (S.A.W.).

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According to great Imams13

Imaam al-Qurtubee (rahimahullaah) - said:

"The root of 'ibaadah is humility and submissiveness. The various duties that have been prescribed upon the people are called 'ibaadaat (acts of worship), since what is required is that these acts of worship must be done with humility and submissiveness to Allaah - the Most High."[Al-Jaami' li-Ahkaamil-Qur'aan (1/225), and (17/56) of al-Qurtubee]

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Ibadah before Islam- a historical background14

Arabs were not aware of true concept of Ibadah There was Idol worshipping in most parts of the existing world, churches had pictures of syeda Maryem(Allaihussalam ) , Sayedina Eesa (Allaihissalam) & religious scholars ( well-known historian Edward Gibbon has mentioned detail about this)

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21 July


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21 July


A Misconception About Ibadah

A common Misunderstanding is that Ibadah(Worship) is the name of Prayer Only. The Prescribed Prayer, Fast etc., fall in the category of Prayer & The rest of the religion is outside of the orbit of worship. Islam has widen concept of Ibadah.

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Ibadah in Islam19

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Ibadah in Islam20

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Ibadah in Islam21

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Ibadah in Islam22

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Ibadah in Islam23

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Ibadah in Islam24

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Ibadah in Islam25

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Ibadah in Islam26

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For Details About Ibadah In Islam See the Following BooksSeeratun Nabi, Allama Shibli Naumani(R.A) & Syed Sulaiman Nadvi(R.A) Islam At a Glance, Sadruddin Islahi(R.A) Islami Ibadat pe Tehqeeqi Nazar, Syed Maududi (R.A)

July 12