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    1. What is the name of the rocket recently launched by Japan ?

    Ans - Epsilon

    2. APJ Abdul Kalams book name -

    Ans - Transforming Dreams in Actions.

    3. Who won pride of nation award?

    Ans - John Abraham.

    4. Upper limit for RTGS --

    Ans - No limit.

    5. Which bank has head office at Delhi -

    Ans - Oriental bank of Commerce

    6. Savings account interest is calculated on --

    Ans - Daily basis

    7. Nobel prize winners of economics researched on which topic --

    Ans - for their empirical analysis of asset prices

    8. ICDS Full form --

    Ans - Integrated Child Development Service

    9. In India all the roads are going to be connected by which schem

    e --

    Ans - Golden Quadrilateral

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    10. Industrial licensing is requird for five sectors which are they?

    Ans- Alcohol, cigarettes, hazardous chemicals, electronic aerospace

    & defence equipments & industrial explosive

    11. Rajiv Gandhi Aviation university will be set up at --Ans - Rae baereli

    12. IMF Function --

    Ans - providing short terms credit to member countries for meetin

    g temporary difficulties due to adverse balance of payments

    13. What is Demat account --Ans - Shares in electronic form

    14. Asian Development bank reduced indias GDP to --

    Ans- 4.7%

    15. RBIS treasury bill tenure --

    Ans - 91 days, 182 days, 364 days

    16. Education loan upper limit in priority sector --

    Ans - 10 lakh for studies in India and `20 lakh for studies abroad a

    re included under priority sector

    17. Facilty for financial transaction via facebook has been offered b

    y which bank --Ans - ICICI Bank

    18. Non Financial Companies minimum limit to set up ATM --

    Ans - Rs 100 crore as per the latest financial years audited balance


    19. Amitabh Bachchans message to the world --

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    Ans - The World Needs More

    20. Angela Markal elected 3rd time for which country --

    Ans - Germany

    21. Ashok Vemuri is CEO of which company --

    Ans- IGate

    22. Ruchira Kamboj is the Ambassador for --

    Ans - UNESCO(Paris)

    23. Asia Cup-Hockey --Ans - South Korea beats India

    24. Who won Bronze in World Junior chess championship --

    Ans - Abhijit Gupta

    25. Who brought Nilgiri to india ..from where ?

    Ans - It was tipu sultan from Australia

    26. Two of the great Mughals wrote their own memories are

    Ans - Babar and Jahangir

    27. The term devamtrika refers to

    Ans - country with rainfall

    28. The use of Kharoshti in ancient Indian architecture is the result

    of India's contact with

    Ans- Greece

    29. Balagangadhar Tilak was given the epithet of LOKMANYA


    Ans - Home rule movement

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    30. The first Swarajist Conference was held at

    Ans - Allahabad

    31. The historic Lucknow session of INC in 1916 was presided over by_________

    Ans - Ambika Charan Majumdar

    32. The brain behind the bomb attack an Viceroy Lord Hardinge a

    t Chandni chowk, Delhi in Dec 1912 was:

    Ans -Rash Bihari Bose

    33. The word Congress was borrowed form:

    Aans - North American History, to connote an assembly of people

    34. The historic importance of the second session of INC held in

    Calcutta 1886 was that:

    Ans - There was merger of INC and National Conference

    35. Through which the partition of Bengal subsequently annulled?

    Ans -Delhi Darbar 1911

    36. On the suggestion of Ravindranath Tagore The date of partitio

    n of Bengal oct 16, 1905 was celebrated as:

    Ans -Rakhsha Bandhan Day

    37. Chittagong Armory raid was organized by

    Ans -Surya Sen

    38. The HSRA movement ended with the death of

    Ans - Chandrashekhar Azad

    39. Gandhiji gave the title of SARDAR to Vallabhai Patel for his

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    great organizational skills in:

    Ans -Bardolli Satyagraha

    40. In the interim govt formed in 1946, the vice-president of execut

    ive council was:Ans - Dr. RadhaKrishnan

    41. Who discovered Balgangadhar Tilak as the Father of Indian U


    Ans - Valentine Chirol

    42. The most important centre of Revolt of 1857 in Rajasthan was:Ans - Kotah

    43. The title 'Vikramaditya' was assumed by

    Ans - Chandragupta II

    44. The leader of the 1857 revolt in Assam was?

    Ans - Diwan Maniram Putti

    45. Vande Mataram was first sung at the session of the Indian Nati

    onal Congress in

    Ans - 1896

    46. The first railway terminus in Mumbai?

    Ans- Victoria

    47. First state to ban e-cigarretes in India ?

    Ans - Punjab

    48. According to Hindu mythology, who was born as the son of Sri

    Krishna and Rukmini?

    Ans - Kamadeva

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    49. which is not a scalar quantity?

    Ans - Momentum

    50. Enlist the folk dances of Tamil NaduAns - Karagaattam, Kummi, Mayil Attam , Kavadi Aattam, Silamba

    ttam, Oyilattam etc'

    51. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is political and economic alla

    ince of 6 nations...which are they ?

    Ans - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bah

    rain, Oman.

    52. Madhyamika Karika ?

    Ans - These are the Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way, a ke

    y text of the Madhyamaka-school , written by Nagarjuna , one of th

    e most important Buddhist philosophers.

    53. VK Singh's Autobiography ?Ans - Courage and Conviction

    54. Hina Sidhu is in news...? who is she ? why ?

    Ans - Heena Sidhu became the first pistol exponent from India to

    win a gold medal at the ISSF World Cup finals in Munich

    54. Miss World Megan Young belongs to which nation?Ans- Phillipines

    55. enlist the tribes frm Andaman and Nicobar islands ?

    Jarawas , longes. Nicobares shompens

    56. Pin code of Supreme Court?

    Ans- 110201

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    57. What is a Dune (geography) ?

    Ans- a dune is a hill of sand built either by wind or water flow

    58. What was sequence number of Ms. Pratibha Patil as Presidentof the Republic of India?

    Ans- 12th

    59. Which sporting events have Doubles and Mixed Doubles categ


    Ans- Squash

    60. Fundamnetal duties were incorporated in the constitution of In

    dia by the -

    Ans- 42nd Amendment Act

    62. As a non member who can participate in the proceedings of eit

    her house of parliament

    Ans- Attorney General

    63. A high court Judge Address his letter of resignation to-

    Ans- The President

    64. According to our constitution , the Rajya Sabha-

    Ans- is not subject of dissolution

    65. A bill presented in Parliamnet becomes an Act after-

    Ans- The President hs given his Assent

    66. If the position of President and Vice President are vacant, who

    officiates as the president of India ?

    Ans- The Chief Justice of India

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    67. By which constitutional amendment bill was the voting age redu

    ced from 21 years to 18 years ?

    Ans- 61st

    68. In which house is the presiding officer not a member of that house ?

    Ans- Rajya Sabha

    69. How many languages are recognised as regional languages in th

    e constitution?

    Ans- 22

    70. Gujarat is bordered by . state to the east.

    Ans- Madhya Pradesh

    71. Who became the first president of the Indian National Congres

    s in 1885?

    Ans- W.C. Bannerjee

    72. Saffron color in Indian national flag stands for _____.

    Ans- Sacrifice

    73. The Feather of Dawn is a collection of English poems by whic

    h author?

    Ans- Sarojini Naidu

    74. important work of Karmveer Bhaurao Patil?

    Ans- Bhaurao played an important role in educating backward cast

    es and low income people by coining the philosophy earn and lear

    n .

    76. according to Raghuram Rajan panel,

    Most backward state- Odisha

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    Most developed state- Goa

    77. which are the two known moons of mars.?

    Ans- Phobos and Deimos

    78. What is the ceiling fr election expenditure for a candidate in st

    ate assembly and loksabha ?

    Ans- state assembly- 16 lakhs, loksabha- 40 lakhs

    79. Non Financial Companies minimum limit to set up ATM?

    Ans - Rs 100 crore as per the latest financial years audited balance


    80. what was the outcome of the recently held Warsaw Talks ??

    Ans - leaders left without any positive negotitation on climate chang


    81. The 10-day exercise has been code named hand in hand is b

    etween India and ?Ans - China

    LONG ANSWER QUESTIONSThis year Which aircraft have now clocked 25 year of operatio

    ns in the Indian navy without a single accident ?Ans- the Tupolev-142M aircraft, The world's largest and fastest tur

    boprop aircraft, aptly named the "Albatross" or the "Mighty Bird", t

    he TU-142M planes first joined the INAS 312 maritime reconnaiss

    ance squadron from Russia in 1988.

    => ."TU-142Ms were the first true LRMR (long-range, maritime rec

    onnaissance) patrol aircraft of the Navy.

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    What is knwn as French Chalk....uses ?

    Ans- Chalk made of a soft white variety of talc, used by tailors formarking fabrics and by dry cleaners for removing grease spots.

    => used in many industries such as paper making, plastic, paint and

    coatings, rubber, food, electric cable, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, c

    eramics, etc.

    A coarse grayish-green high-talc rock

    => Most tailor's chalk , or French chalk, is talc, as is the chalk often

    used for welding or metalworking.

    What is the producer gas...uses ?Ans - => It is a mixture of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and hydroge

    n which is generated by passing air with steam over burning coke or

    coal in a furnace used as a fuel.=> it is called producer gas because it is used in a producer furnace

    in the preparation of 4th group elements of the preodic table Appli


    => Other uses include fuel industrial kilns and in heating, reheating

    and heat treatment furnaces, such as those found in steel plants.

    => also usable in plants that melt zinc for use in galvanizing processes and for melting metals, such as aluminum and copper.

    What is Biopsy ?Ans - * Biopsy is a medical test commonly performed by a surgeon

    or an interventional radiologist involving sampling of cells or tissue

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    s for examination.

    * It is the medical removal of tissue from a living subject to determi

    ne the presence or extent of a disease.

    * The tissue is generally examined under a microscope by a pathol

    ogist , and can also be analyzed chemically.

    Difference between Australian open and French OpenAns -** in australian open which has grass court and french have a

    clay court

    ** Main Court Day and Night Sessions :Australian Open Rod Laver Arena has separately ticketed day an

    d night sessions until the final Friday. From then there are just twili

    ght sessions.

    French Open Court Philippe Chatrier has one session each day o

    f the tournament.

    ** Number of days play :

    Australian Open 14 days, starting on a Monday and ending on the second Sunday.

    French Open 15 days, since 2006 the French Open has started o

    n a Sunday and finished on the third Sunday. Rain delays led to the

    2012 Mens final being played on the Monday.

    Name ten bird sanctuary nd der places in IndiaAns- Bharatpur bird sanctuary- Rajsthan

    Sultanpur BS- Haryana

    Dr. Salim Ali B. S. - Chorao Is. Goa

    Kumarakom( Vembanad) - kerala

    Ranganthittu- Karnataka

    Vedanthangal- Tamilnadu

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    Kaudinya- Andhra pradesh

    Chilka lake B. S. - orissa

    Mayani B.S. - satara dist. Maharashtra

    Nalsarovar- Ahemadabad , Gujrat

    Who was Shripad Amrut Dange ...imp wrk ?Ans - * founding member of the Communist Party of India (CPI) a

    nd a stalwart of Indian trade union movement.

    * played an important role in bringing the labor activists amongst

    Bombay textile workers under the communist umbrella & formedthe Girni Kamgar Union during the general strike of 1928.

    * edited the Marathi journal, Kranti, the official organ of the Girni

    Kamgar Union from the time of its inception.

    * fought relentlessly for Samyukta Maharashtra.

    Now or Never ' ..who wrote this book ?Ans - * Pakistan Declaration (titled Now or Never; Are We to Live

    or Perish Forever? ) was a pamphlet written and published by

    Choudhary Rahmat Ali, on 28 January 1933, in which the word

    Pakistan was used for the first time and was presented in the

    Round Table conferences in 1933.

    * The pamphlet asked that "the five Northern units of India " - Punjab, North-West Frontier Province ( Afghan Province), Kashmir, Si

    ndh and Baluchistan (or Pakistan) become a state independent of t

    he proposed Indian Federation.


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    Ans - Heptanesia ( Greek for "cluster of seven islands") can mean:

    * Ionian Islands, a group of seven larger and some lesser islands in


    * Seven islands of Bombay ( Mumbai) in India. Heptansia is the

    earliest documented name for the islands, mentioned by the Greekgeographer Ptolemy in his geographic works.

    Which is the Trans Himalayan region ?Ans - The region starting from the foothills of south (Siwaliks) and

    extends up to Tibetan plateau on the north is called trans himalaya


    => Trans-Himalayas, eastward continuation of the most northerly r

    anges of the Himalayas in the southern part of the Tibet Autonom

    ous Region of China. It consists of an ill-defined mountain area ab

    out 600 miles (1,000 km) long and 140 miles (225 km) wide in the

    centre, narrowing to a 20- mile (32-km) width at the eastern and we

    stern ends.

    => The Trans- Himalayas, mainly composed of granites and volcan

    ic rocks of Neogene and Paleogene age (i.e., about 2.6 to 65 millio

    n years old), are bounded by the Kailas (southwest), Nganglong Ka

    ngri (north), and Nyainqntanglha (southeast) mountain ranges and

    by the Brahmaputra (Yarlung Zangbo)

    River (south).

    => Passes average 17,500 feet (5,330 metres) in height, with the highest being Chargoding Pass

    (19,308 feet [5,885 metres]).

    Land lily or Paradise flower is found in which State in India?

    Ans - * Land lily / paradise flower/ Shirui Lily/ Siroi lily ( Botanica

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    l name Lilium Mackliniae Sealy), is found in the upper reaches on

    the third peak of Siroi hill ranges in the Ukhrul district of Manipur,


    * It is the State flower of Manipur since 21-3-1989 but has unfortun

    ately become a rare and endangered species in India. A postal stamp was issued by the Indian Postal Department to commemorate thi

    s flower.

    Cowry Shells ?

    Ans - => The word cowry is also often used to refer only to the shells of these snails, which overall are often shaped more or less like a

    n egg, except that they are rather flat on the underside.

    => The shells of cowries are usually smooth and shiny and more or

    less egg-shaped, with a flat under surface which shows a long, narr

    ow, slit-like opening ( aperture ), which is often toothed at the edge


    ** USES **> used for centuries as a currency in many countries

    > also used as means of exchange in India .

    > used for divination by the Kaniyar Panicker astrologers of Kerala

    , India.

    > also worn as jewelry or otherwise used as ornaments or charms.

    They are viewed as symbols of womanhood , fertility , birth and we

    alth.> Cowry shells are sometimes used in a way similar to dice , e.g., in

    board games like Pachisi, Ashta Chamma (board game) or in divin

    ation .

    # Kartik Purnima.. Significnce ?

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    Ans- Kartik poornima is a Hindu holy day celebrated on the full m

    oon day or the fifteenth lunar day (nov- dec). It is also known as Tr

    ipuri poornima, and sometimes called aas Deva- Deepawali- the fes

    tival of lights of the God.

    --> shivji killed tripuri demon hence the name tripuri poornima, and vishnu's matsya avatar also took place on this day.

    --> In jainism it is very significant day.. From this day, jain people st

    arts their pilgrimage to Palitaan (Gujrat) which is their eternal place

    of pilgrimage.

    --> 'Chaturmasa' the holy four months period as believed by Hindu

    s, ends on kartiki poornima.

    --> It is also the day of 'karthigai deepam' one of the famous festivals in tamil nadu..where shiv is worshipped in the form of fire which

    has no end & no beginning...

    Article 15 ??Ans - * Article 15 provides that the state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion race caste sex or place of


    * The second provision of article 15 says that no citizen shall be su

    bjected to any disability, liability, restrictions or condition on groun

    ds of religion race caste sex place of birth with regard to

    (a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and places of public entertainment;

    (b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, road and places of public r

    esort maintained wholly or partly by state funds or dedicated to the

    use of general public.

    Kshama sawant.....a lady in news...why ?

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    Ans -=> Kshama Sawant (Indian origin Pune girl) won the elections

    in US nd became member of the

    city council of Seattle the city of American corporate giants such

    as Microsoft, Starbucks & Amazon..=> she won this neither on the ticket of REPUBLICANS or on tick

    et of DEMOCRATS, rather she gave the people a SOCIALIST A

    LTERNATIVE & this has happend for the first time in US History

    => she had been the part of the OCCUPY WALL STREET MOV

    EMENT in 2008 in US when economy was in crisis that time !!!

    Special Protection Group (SPG) ...was formed when ?nd what is itz duty ?=> The Special Protection Group (SPG) is the executive protection

    agency of the Government of India. It is responsible for the protec

    tion of the PMof India, former PMs and their immediate family m


    => established in 1985 after the assassination of Indira Gandhi.

    => It provides proximate security to protectees, including protectio

    n provided from close quarters, journey on foot, road, rail, aircraft,

    watercraft or any other means of transport, and includes places of f

    unctions, engagements, residence, etc.

    => They comprise of ring round teams, isolation cordons, the steril

    e zone, and the rostrum and access control to the person or members of his immediate family.

    => Recruits are drawn from the various Indian police forces, who u

    ndergo training similar to that conducted by the United States Secr

    et Service. The officer cadre is made up of officers drawn from the

    various state and central cadres.

    => The work of the Special Protection Group became more organi

    sed after the Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi on May 21, 1991, (who

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    was, at that time, not under SPG cover since his term as PM had e


    => With more than 3,000 personnel, the Special Protection Group

    has, over a period of time, grown both in size as well as in specialis


    RABAA sign ?Ans - => This new hand sign refers to the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosq

    ue, the site of a violent confrontation between Morsis followers an

    d the Egyptian army. Reported deaths from the clash range from h

    undreds to thousands of Muslim Brotherhood supporters. In Arab

    ic, "Rabba" means four or the fourth; hence the new Rabaa sym


    => The new hand sign is important because it signals both a consci

    ous shift in the Muslim Brotherhoods focus from a global audienc

    e to an Arabic one and a rejection of the ideals of the Arab Spring.

    => Made by raising four fingers with the thumb resting on the palm


    => Anti-coup protesters use the Rabaa sign both as a reference to t

    he name of the square and to distinguish themselves from pro-cou

    p protesters in Tahrir Square, which prefer the internationally pop

    ular "V sign" for victory or peace.

    => The anti-coup protesters say that the Rabaa sign, besides being t

    he symbol of demonstrations, carries some other meanings as well.=> It obviously refers to the square, and distinguishes it fromTahrir

    Square that housed the supporters of the military coup. But the sig

    n also refers to the deposed president as the fourth president of Eg

    ypt after Nasser, Sadat and Mubarak.

    Royal Kathina Ceremony is related wit ?

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    Ans- The Kathina ceremony is an age-old tradition observed in tem

    ples throughout Thailand and it provides people the opportunity to

    earn merit through offering of robes and other essential items to m

    onks who have spent three months in a monastery observing the rain retreat.

    => The season during which a monastery may hold a Kathina festiv

    al is one month long, beginning after the full moon of the eleventh

    month in the Lunar calendar which usually occurs in October.

    => The Royal Kathina Ceremony was celebrated for the first time i

    n Bhutan in November 2011 at the Dechenphodrang Monastery.

    Who won the Cold War ...Justify ur answer ?Ans - The Cold War, often dated from 1947 to 1991, was a sustain

    ed state of political and military tension between powers in the We

    stern Bloc , dominated by the United States with NATO among its

    allies, and powers in the Eastern Bloc , dominated by the Soviet U

    nion along with the Warsaw Pact.

    => It was declared as over at the Malta Summit in 1989.

    Neutral point of view===>

    [[ => Aftermath of the cold war continues to influence world affairs

    leaving the USSR and the US as two superpowers with profound ec

    onomic and political differences.=> A neutral faction arose with the Non-Aligned Movement founde

    d by Egypt , India, and Yugoslavia ; this faction rejected association

    with either the US-led West or the Soviet-led East.

    => Therefore it will not be appropriate to declare any nation or blo

    ck as a winner. Speaking in a wider sense, whole human race won

    because we all know what would have happen if cold war be further


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    Capitalists point of view===>

    [[ => Following the cold war, The pressures escalated inside the So

    viet Union, where Communism fell and the USSR was formally dis

    solved in late 1991.=> The communists world's desire to force communism upon the r

    est of the world could not fullfill as the main engine of spreading co

    mmunism, the Soviet Union, has fallen apart and disappeared.

    => The postCold War world is widely considered as unipolar, wit

    h the United States the sole remaining superpower.

    => Therefore for the communists to be able to claim a win, the enti

    re world need to be ruled by communists.For the west (capitalists)to claim victory, they need only point out the fact that most of the w

    orld today is NOT communist.

    => As it is wrong to favour any nation, it would be appropriate to sa

    y that Its the capitalist forces who won the war , market expanded a

    s communist regime fell. ]]

    Wakhan corridorAns- Wakhan Corridor (alternatively Vakhan Corridor) is common

    ly used as a synonym for Wakhan , an area of far north-eastern Afg

    hanistan that forms a land link, or "corridor", between Afghanistan

    and China.

    --> The corridor was a political creation of the Great Game. On thecorridor's north side, agreements between Britain and Russia in 18

    73 and between Britain and Afghanistan in 1893 effectively split the

    historic area of Wakhan by making the Panj and Pamir Rivers the

    border between Afghanistan and the Russian Empire.

    --> On its south side, the Durand Line agreement of 1893 marked t

    he boundary between British India and Afghanistan. This left a nar

    row strip of land as a buffer between the two empires, which becam

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    e known as the Wakhan Corridor in the 20th century.

    --> The corridor has 12,000 inhabitants.

    --> The term Wakhan Corridor is also used in a narrower sense to

    refer to the route along the Panj River & the Wakhan River to Chi

    na,& the northern part of the Wakhan is then referred to as the Afghan Pamir .

    Landlocked countries in the world==>A landlocked country is a country entirely enclosed by land, or

    whose only coastlines lie on closed seas.There are 48 landlocked c

    ountries in the world.

    Koodiyattam==> also transliterated as Kutiyattam , is a form of Sanskrit theatre

    traditionally performed in the state of Kerala , India. Performed in

    the Sanskrit language in Hindu temples, it is believed to be 2,000

    years old. It is officially recognised by UNESCO as a Masterpiece

    of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

    Nalgonda is famous for-->=> Nalgonda district is major producer of Cement in Andhra Prade

    sh due to the availability of lime stone across the borders of Nalgon

    da district and neighboring Guntur district. there are large number

    of Cement industries.

    => Nagarjuna Sagar : World's largest masonry dam This is famous

    Dam in south India with 26 gates and a Hydroelectric plant.

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    OPEC---Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is an oil cartel

    whose mission is to coordinate the policies of the oil-producing cou

    ntries. The goal is to secure a steady income to the member states a

    nd to secure supply of oil to the consumers.

    Headquarters Vienna , Austria

    Members=> 12 states (2011)

    Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar,

    Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

    Venezuela, Leaders- President Bijan Namdar Zanganeh

    - Secretary General Abdallah el-Badri

    Establishment Baghdad , Iraq

    - Statute September 1014, 1960

    Usha ananth subrahmaniam==> the Chairperson and Managing Director of Bharatiya Mahila

    Bank, the first all-women bank. She started her career in the actuar

    ial department with LIC and banking career in Feb 1982 as a speci

    alist officer in the planning stream of Bank of Baroda. Before joini

    ng BMB, she was an executive director with Punjab National Bank

    (PNB). In a career spanning over 31 years, she has worked in vario

    us positions in the banking and allied areas.

    The Western Tragopan or Western Horned Tragopan( Tragopan melanocephalus)Ans - it is a medium-sized brightly plumaged pheasant found along

    the Himalayas from Hazara in northern Pakistan in the west to Utt

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    arakhand within India to the east.

    -> The species is highly endangered and globally threatened.

    -> The Western Tragopan is considered the rarest of all living phea

    sants. Their range is very restricted. In Kullu District of Himachal

    Pradesh, this bird is locally called Jujurana which means King ofBirds.

    -> This species is a habitat specialist, favouring conifer and oak co

    mmunities with sufficient undergrowth of bamboo and other dense


    -> The state of Himachal Pradesh is a stronghold for this species as

    it is distributed widely in sizable populations in all three major catc

    hments (Beas, Satluj and Ravi) and also serves flagship value on account of socio-cultural linkages with the traditional people.

    -> These attributes essentially guided the successful declaration of

    Western tragopan as 'the State Bird of Himachal Pradesh.

    What was the inspiration behind the formation of theNon Alignment Movemnt ?Ans - the founder of NAM was Pt. Jawahar lal nehru and leaders of

    the nations which got freedom following the WW2, wen the colon

    ies of the european countries were declared independant ... dat tim

    e was a time of rivalry between Former U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. wh

    ich were increasing their Allies .. the countries like India which got

    freedom newly did not want to go under any ally of the USA or USSR hence it formed the Non aligned movement along with the newl

    y sovereign countries like Indonesia, Ghana, Yugoslavia major afric

    an countries and south american countries...........and remained ne


    What r the investment limits for Micro . Small and Me

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    dium Enterprises accd. to the MSMED Act of 2006Ans - Small enterprise more than 25L bt Doesn't exceeds 5 core.

    Medium more than 5 core but doesn't exceed 10th core.

    # # Industrial Infrastructure Promotion/ upgradation Scheme...writ

    e about it..

    Ans - In 2003, an Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme (II

    US) was launched to enhance the industrys competitiveness by pro

    viding infrastructure through the public-private partnership model in selected functional clusters.

    Under the scheme, central assistance would be provided for as mu

    ch as 75 per cent of the project cost, subject to a ceiling of Rs. 5


    On July 11, 2013 ,The government approved the Modified Industr

    ial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme (MIIUS) with an outlay of R

    s 1,030 crore during the 12th Five Year Plan period ending March2017.

    Vande Mataram Scheme is regarding ?Ans- under reproductive and child health care phase 2 (RCH 2) it

    is meant for promoting maternal and child health services by privat

    e hospitals and clinics which would b supported by govt....these pri

    vate institutions have to display vandemataram logo outside their cli


    What do u mean by Full Convertibility of Rupee ?

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    Ans- it means anyone holding indian rupees in any amount can cnv

    ert it to other currencies like American dollar, d Euro, d Japanese y

    en or the pound sterling of the UK on247 basis round the year. .

    What is a Hosiery industry ?Ans - Hosiery , also referred to as legwear , describes garments wor

    n directly on the feet and legs .

    => The term originated as the collective term for products of which

    a maker or seller is termed a hosier ;and those products are also

    known generically as hose .=> The term is also used for all types of knitted fabric.

    => Bengal was the birthplace of hosiery industry in India. The first

    hosiery factory in the country was established at Kidderpore, more

    than a century ago.

    => Bengal maintained its position as the top most hub of hosiery go

    ods manufacturing and trade for quite a long period.

    Invest India Company....write abt itAns- Invest India, as a part of its investment facilitation service to fo

    reign investors, also assists them in

    finding partners based in India on the basis of requests received.

    ->- Its provides granulated sector specific and state specific information to a foreign investor and offer hand holding services

    What is the difference between REER and NEER in terms of exchnge ratesAns-*Neer- the weighted average of nominal exchange rate before t

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    he currencies of major trading partners

    * Reer- when neer is adjusted for inflation both are exchange rates

    of the rupee.

    * NEER(Nominal effective exchange rate) is a weighted average of

    exchange rates before the currencies of indias' major trading partners. And when weight of inflation is adjustd with NEER, we get real

    effective exchange rate(REER)

    Status of the use of Bio Diesel by Indian RailwaysAns- indian railway plan to plant bio diesel plants place near railway track. it surve 5-8% diesel use from bio diesel

    What is Pump Priming (economics ) ?Ans- => This is just like Govt pumping for economical growth duri

    ng recessionary time through various planning/activity which is help

    ful in economical recovery .

    => Pump-Priming is government spending during a recessionary pe

    riod in an attempt to stimulate private spending and the expansion

    of business and industry.

    => The phrase derives from the operation of an old-fashioned pum

    p, in which a small leather suction valve must be moistened, or pri

    med, with water so that it will function properly.=> basically keynesian econimics...

    What is Gini Coefficient...what is itz formula ?Ans - The gini coefficient is a measure of inequality of income distr

    ibution or inequality of wealth distribution . GC is the ratio of area

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    b/w 45 degree line and lorenz curve to area below 45 degree line

    What is Gender Budgeting ?Ans - earmarking funds for gender related concept gai

    ning ground globally as a neasure of providing good governance

    What is Footloose industryAns- An industry that can be placed and located at any location wit

    hout effect from factors such as resources or transport ..e g...Diam

    onds and computer chips are some examples of footloose industrie


    => These industries can be located at a wide variety of places as the

    se are not weight losing or raw material specific.

    => Moreover, they produce in relatively small quantities, employing

    smaller workforce and are considered to be more efficient from an

    ecological point of view. These are generally not polluting industri


    What is the Brussels deal with regards to Somalia ?Ans - Somalia is given with a 2.4 bn euro package from EU and so

    me European countries to boost up its economy.The 'New Deal' w

    as signed in Belgian capital of Brussels

    Write abt the comtributions of Varahamihir ?Ans- Varhamihira, also called Varaha, or Mihira was an Indian ast

    ronomer, mathematician, and astrologer born in Ujjain.

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    - Varahamihira's main work is the book Pacasiddhntik, that give

    s us information about older Indian texts which are now lost. The

    work is a treatise on mathematical astronomy.- Varahamihira's other most important contribution is the encyclop

    edic Brihat-Samhita.

    - Varahamihira also made important contributions to mathematics.

    He was also an astrologer. He wrote on all the three main branches

    of Jyotisha astrology.

    - He not only presented his own observations, but embellished the

    m in attractive poetic and metrical styles. The usage of a large variety of meters is especially evident in his Brihat Jataka and Brihat-Sam


    What actually is Raman Effect ?Ans - inelastic scattering of a photon is calld Raman Effect=> Change in the wave length of light which occur when light beam

    deflected by molecules

    => when you pass a light through glass prism then it reflects the rain

    bow colour of all seven colours it is called raman effect because this

    theory was invented by sir c.v. raman and he got the noble prize fo

    r that in physic.

    Work of poet Bhatti (ancient)?Ans- Bhatti, (flourished 6th or 7th century AD), Sanskrit poet and

    grammarian,author of the influential Bhattikavya , which is a maha

    kavya (great poem), or classical epic composed of a variable num

    ber of comparatively short cantos.

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    => It focuses on two deeply rooted Sanskrit traditions, the Ramaya

    na and Panini's grammar , while incorporating numerous other trad

    itions, in a rich mix of science and art, poetically retelling the adven

    tures of Rama and a compendium of examples of grammar and rh


    Residex?Ans- [ National Housing Bank's residential housing index ]

    * Keeping in view the prominence of housing and real estate as a

    major area for creation of both physical and financial assets and its

    contribution in overall National wealth, a need was felt for setting u

    p of a mechanism, which could track the movement of prices in the

    residential housing segment.

    * Accordingly, Based on the results of the study and recommendati

    ons of the TAG a Technical Advisory Group (TAG), with Adviser,

    Ministry of Finance, as its Chairman and comprising of experts me

    mbers National Housing Bank launched RESIDEX for tracking pr

    ices of residential properties in India, in July 2007 by Shri P. Chida

    mbram (then Hon. FM).

    Soft loan window of World Bank... Why called so ?Ans- international development association.. Because it Supports

    anti-poverty programs in the poorest developing countries with long

    - term, no interest loans.

    TRIMS of WTOAns - The Agreement on Trade Related Investment Measures (TR

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    IMs) are rules that apply to the domestic regulations a country appl

    ies to foreign investors, often as part of an industrial policy .

    => The agreement was agreed upon by all members of the World

    Trade Organization. The agreement was concluded in 1994 and

    came into force in 1995.=> Trade Related Investment Measures is the name of one of the f

    our principal legal agreements of the WTO trade treaty.

    => TRIMs are rules that restrict preference of domestic firms and t

    hereby enable international firms to operate more easily within fore

    ign markets.

    Who are the Gypsies ?Ans- * member of a wandering race (by themselves called Romany)

    , of Indian origin, which first appeared in England about the beginn

    ing of the 16th c.

    * 'Gipsy/gipsy' is a common word used to indicate Romani people ,

    Tinkers and Travellers .* "persons of nomadic habit of life, whatever their race or origin, b

    ut does not include members of an organised group of travelling sh

    owmen, or persons engaged in travelling circuses, travelling togethe

    r as such."

    What is a Sovereign Wealth Fund ?Ans - A sovereign wealth fund is a state-owned investment fund

    investing in real and financial assets.

    * it is a state-owned investment fund investing in real and financial

    assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals......

    Q Radio

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    Ans - 'Q Radio' which started operating from Bangalore this Septe

    mber claims to be the first radio station in India that is tailored for t

    he lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender audience.

    World Happiness Report is published by ? What are these years results ?Ans - Columbia University's Earth Instt.

    Denmark,Norway Swiss -top three

    India -111

    What is aurorae ?Ans - display of light at polar region due to deflection of charged pa

    rticles in solar winds & concentrated at poles as per magnetic orient


    * Aurora - Coloured light in the night sky near the Earths magnetic


    Who is Britta Steffen ?Ans - German swimmer with 50m and 100m freestyle world record

    ... She had retired last september

    Difference between Sand ; Clay and SiltAns - if size less than 0.002mm (clay)...if size in b/w 0.002mm to 0.

    075mm(silt).....if size in b/w 0.075mm to 4.75 mm

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    * sand- no humus,clay-with humus ,silt-river-driven

    * size is the main difference... sand's size largest, and is coarse.. slit

    has smaller particle and feels like slipery.. Clay has the smallest part

    icles, and feels like plastic....

    Industrial Infrastructure Promotion Scheme...Ans- In 2003, an Industrial Infrastructure Upgradation Scheme (II

    US) was launched to enhance the industrys competitiveness by pro

    viding infrastructure through the public-private partnership model i

    n selected functional clusters.=> Under the scheme, central assistance would be provided for as

    much as 75 per cent of the project cost, subject to a ceiling of Rs. 5


    What do u mean by Suzerainty of Divine Law ?Who put forward it ?Ans - Divine law directly comes from God Heart and it is non deba

    table law as well as supreme law and this led to formation of right w

    ing and left wing parties.. right wings are conservatives and supporte

    r of kings.. while left wing group are reformist and they disobey

    priests church n kings

    => Put forward by french kings ... it means king is equivalent to god

    n watever he says is true.. all laws made by him can't be challenged


    What is Shiller Index ?Ans- A group of indexes that tracks changes in home prices throug

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    hout the United States Professor Shiller subsequently was one of th

    ree winners of the 2013 in economy.

    => It was first introduce by three economist Shiller, Weiss & Case.

    in 1980s. n show the no. of two months. Related to show the chang

    es in prices of houses, detatched Residences.

    Seekho aur Kamao scheme ?Ans - Actually it was first started by Karmveer bhaurao patil in

    Satara,Maharashtra,The founding father of Rayat shikshan sanstha.

    => It is a central sector scheme for skill development of minorities.=> Companies train minority people with what they know (such as t

    heir traditional jobs,handicrafts..,) and also modern education (suc

    h as IT,soft skills) and ensure their placements under the uidance o

    f Ministry of Min. Developmnt. A part of 12th five year plan.

    What was significant of the Paryushan celebrated this year ?Ans - Aftr 2500 years two sects(Digambaras and Shewtambaras)

    celebrated it together

    => pari= means from all side, vasan= to stay that mean remain clos

    e to our conscience forever ......

    => Paryushan Parva (Paryushana)is one of the most important Ja

    in festivals and is celebrated every year during the auspicious month of Bhadrapad (mid-August to mid-Septemberin the Hindu cale

    ndar). It is a festival of fasting and forgiveness; a time of reflection a

    nd repentance for Jains worldwide.

    => Normally Svetambara Jains refer it as Paryushana, while Digam

    bara Jains refer it as Das Lakshana . Paryushan means, literally, "abi

    ding" or "coming together".

    => It is believed that all the devas do Ashtprakari Puja of Tirthanka

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    ra and it takes them 8 days to do this ashtaprakari puja. This is call

    ed Ashtanhika Mahotsav.

    Chairman IRDA=> Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.

    => Chairman, is TS Vijayan

    What is Guild Socialism ?

    Ans - Guild socialismis a political movement advocating workers' controlof industry through the medium of trade-related guilds"in an i

    mplied contractual relationship with the public".

    => It originated in the United Kingdomand was at its most influenti

    al in the first quarter of the 20th century. It was strongly associated

    with G. D. H. Coleand influenced by the ideas of William Morris.

    Sort of socialism philosphy adopted by small societies of workers s

    o called guilds.. startred in europe against capitalism.

    Bond Buying Stimulus is also called as ? What is it ?Ans- financial help(stimulus) from government for buying

    is sort of Quantitative easing .

    Jharkali??Ans- Jharkhali, a gateway of Sundanban from Westbengal. Sundarb

    an, the largest delta of this planet, is a UNESCO World Heritage S

    ite covering parts of Bangladesh and India. The mangrove-dominat

    ed Ganges Delta the Sundarbans is a complex ecosystem comp

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    rising one of the three largest single tracts of mangrove forests of th

    e world.

    Bunker Roy won some award for what?Ans- Clinton Global Citizens Award, Along with Malala Yousufzai..

    ,for solving problems of rural Indian people like educating illiterate

    rural people..

    Nobel Prize for Economics?Ans- Eugene F. Fama and Lars Peter Hansen of the University of

    Chicago and Robert J. Shiller of Yale University received the prize

    "for their empirical analysis of asset prices,"

    => Their research showed that while it is difficult to predict asset pr

    ices in the short term, prices can be predicted in broad terms over l

    onger periods, such as three to five years.

    => Their work resulted in the emergence of stock index funds ----

    collections ofassets designed to mimic the results of broader stock

    indexes, such as the Dow Jones Industrial. Such funds are often st

    aples of retirement and individual investment accounts.

    What is a flyby in astronomy ?Ans- * flyby means a spacecraft flies past a planet (may be on a mis

    sion to other planet). * It neither orbits or lands on the planet but

    flies past that planet.

    * Planetary flyby , a type of interplanetary spacecraft mission

    * Gravity assist , a spaceflight maneuver

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    What is dry mass ?Ans- anhydrous mass... mass without water content As far as a spac

    ecraft is concerned , dry mass is the mass of its structutral or solid

    components other than fuel , etc..,

    The term dry mass can be used in different fields to refer to somet

    hing that does not have any fluids left in it. The object usually has a

    ll the fluids that were present drained such that whatever is left is si

    mply dry matter.

    Pachauri Panel Report is regarding...and what does it say ?Ans- its regarding Setusamudram project and its impact ....

    Avahan India project relates to...put lightAns- scheme sponsored by bill and milinda gates foundation to mi

    nimize spread of aids and std among high risk population such as s

    ex-workers and transgenders

    Recent news relating to Western GhatsAns- On the lines of Kasturirangan report, the Environment Minin

    stry has decided to declare Ecologically Sensitive Area over 37% of

    the Western Ghats under the Environment Protection Act, 1986.!!

    The area will turn into a no-go zone for banning Mining, Quarrying

    , Thermal Power Plant!!

    => kasturirangan report suggested the entire western ghat to be divi

    ded in "zones" according to the vulnerability of flora and fauna pres

    ent in the region and ie. no industry zone, intermediate zone with s

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    ome tourism allowed ..... and less vulnerable zone where industries

    could be set up subject to terms and conditions

    Aparna Popat's achievements?Ans- a former Indian badminton player. She was India's national c

    hampion for a record equalling nine times when she won all the se

    nior national championships between 1997 and 2006.

    * She was conferred the Arjuna Award in 2005, one of the highest

    sporting honors in India awarded by the Government of India.

    * She was one of the 17 participants to be selected from around th

    e world and the lone Indian to be selected for the Global Sports M

    entoring Programme, an initiative by the promoted by Hillary Clint

    on, US Secretary of State and espnW. This prestigious programme

    was aimed at empowering women and girls through sport.

    Mckinsley peak?Ans- Mount McKinley or Denali is the highest mountain peak in N

    orth America , with a summit elevation of 20,237 feet (6,168 m) ab

    ove sea level.

    => At some 18,000 feet (5,500 m), the base to peak rise is consider

    ed the largest of any mountain situated entirely above sea level.

    => Measured by topographic prominence , it is the third most pro

    minent peak after Mount Everest and Aconcagua .

    => Located in the Alaska Range in the interior of US state of Alask

    a , it is the centerpiece of Denali National Park and Preserve .

    Parkinson's diseases

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    Ans -Parkinson's disease is a degenerative disorder of the central ne

    rvous system.

    * The motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from the deat

    h of dopamine -generating cells in the substantia nigra , a region of

    the midbrain ; the cause of this cell death is unknown.* symptoms are movement-related ; include shaking , rigidity , slow

    ness of movement and difficulty with walking and gait; thinking an

    d behavioral problems may arise, with dementia commonly occurri

    ng in the advanced stages of the disease, whereas depression is the

    most common psychiatric symptom.

    * Other symptoms include sensory, sleep and emotional problems.

    * Parkinson's disease is more common in older people, with mostcases occurring after the age of 50.

    * The disease is named after the English doctor James Parkinson,

    who published the first detailed description in An Essay on the Sha

    king Palsy in 1817.

    Write some points about Pratihara's..Ans- The Pratiharas are believed to be the clan of Rajputs. They se

    t foot in India during the Huns invasion and settle around Panjab R

    ajputana region.

    Soon they advanced to Aravali and Ujjain. The branch of the Prati

    haras who ruled in the Gurjarat were the Gurjaras.

    The inscription of the Pratiharas trace their origin to Lakshmana, the anuja of Rama, who acted as Rama's door-keeper or the Pratiha

    ra. But in fact, when Dantidurga, the Rashtrakuta king defeated the

    Gurjura king Nagabhata-I, the latter was made a Pratihara (door-ke

    eper) while Dantidurga performed the Hiranyagarbha dana ceremo

    ny at Ujjain.

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    Describe OS.Ans- An operating system ( OS ) is a collection of software that ma

    nages computer hardware resources and provides common service

    s for computer programs .

    => The operating system is an essential component of the system

    software in a computer system. Application programs usually requi

    re an operating system to function.

    => For hardware functions such as input and output and memory a

    llocation , the operating system acts as an intermediary between pro

    grams and the computer hardware, although the application code is

    usually executed directly by the hardware and will frequently makea system call to an OS function or be interrupted by it.

    => Operating systems can be found on almost any device that conta

    ins a computerfrom cellular phones and video game consoles to s

    upercomputers and web servers.

    => Examples of popular modern operating systems include Androi

    d , BSD, iOS, Linux, OS X , QNX , Microsoft Windows,Window

    s Phone, and IBM z/OS . All these, except Windows, Windows Phone and z/OS, share roots in UNIX .

    3 years ago, the government of Punjab abolished affidavit raj. what is this all about?

    Ans - govt. gave approval to system of self attestation rather thanaffidavits in receiving various services...

    Amrit Mahal Kaval grasslands...?> in news why ?Ans- A third of the vast Amrit Mahal Kaval grasslands of Challaker

    e, where several defence and science establishments have been pro

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    posed, is deemed forest and requires forest clearance before it is

    diverted, according to the Union Ministry of Environment and For


    Indian Pharmacopoeia 2014...what is significant about it ?Ans- The standards given in this pharmacopoeia are authoritative, l

    egally enforceable and intended to help in the inspection and licens

    ing of manufacturing units and distribution of drugs and pharmace

    uticals. Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP 2014) is the seventh edition. biot

    echnology seems to be included for the first time

    festival of Diyari Tihaar??* Deepavali is celebrated as Tihar and Swanti in Nepal.People cele

    brate the victory over darkness and demon by lighting diyas on the

    occasion of Diwali. In Nepal, Diwali is known as "Tihar" or "Swanti"* In India, Diwali is celebrated as Diyari Tihar by trible people of

    Chattisgarh state.

    * Sindhis call diwali as diyari

    Dooars ?Ans- Dooars are the floodplains and foothills of the eastern Himala

    yas in North-East India around Bhutan. Duar means 'door' in Assa

    mese, Bengali , Nepali, Maithili , Bhojpuri , Magahi and Telugu la

    nguages, and the region forms the gateway to Bhutan from India .

    => There are 18 passages or gateways through which the Bhutanese

    people can communicate with the people living in the plains.

    => The Dooars region politically constitutes the plains of Darjeelin

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    g District, the whole of Jalpaiguri District and the upper region of C

    ooch Behar District in West Bengal and the districts of Dhubri , K

    okrajhar , Barpeta, Goalpara and Bongaigaon in the state of Assam


    => its a tourist destination Also termed as Destination east.

    Abhay Bhang is in news right now...why ?Ans- now a working group has been formed to study into the health

    issues of tribes

    What is the Contingent Reserve Arrangement wit regrds toBRICS ?Ans- BRICS countries--Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Afri

    ca--to "discuss the arrangement of an emergency reserve fund and t

    he enhancement of a financial safety net to ensure stability."

    Which r the reports published by World Economic Forum?Ans- global risks report,competitiveness report and gender gap rep


    Simhasana Dwatrimshika is related to ?Ans - related to ascendency of raja bhoja to the throne of vikrmadit

    ya ......bhoja failed all 32 times but finally was acceded to the throne

    ...written in sansktir

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    What was the fight between SEBI and IRDA wit regards to ULIPs ? ...first tell wat actually ULIPs r ?Ans - Unit linked insurance plan.

    Ulip gives investors the benefits of both insurance and investment under a single integrated plan.

    SEBI was in the mood not to allow insurance companies to sell UL


    What is Rolling Settlement Mechanism in Share markets?Ans - It is process of settling security trades on successive dates.For India it is T+2

    Difference between Knowledge and Wisdom ?Ans- knowledge is knowing something ... wisdom is appropriate im

    plementation of Knowledge=> knowledge is subjectual but wisdom is philosophical.

    => knowledge has limits but wisdom has no limit.

    => We know that there is a deep ditch infront of us this is knowled

    ge and then we dont put our feet into that that is wisdom.

    What are Securities Transaction Taxes ....what is it currently ?Ans- Securities Transaction Tax is a tax payable in India on the val

    ue of securities transacted through a recognized stock exchange..

    => Securities Transaction Tax (STT) is done on the domestic stock


    => Securities Transaction Tax (STT) reduced by 20 per cent from

    0.125 per cent to 0.1 per cent on cash delivery transactions..

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    What are the types of Presumptive taxes imposed by the Govtof India... Why are they called so ?Ans- "presumptive" is used to indicate that there is a legal presumpti

    on that the taxpayer's income is no less than the amount resulting fr

    om application of the indirect method

    => Presumptive taxation involves the use of indirect means to ascer

    tain tax liability, which differ from the usual rules based on the taxp

    ayer's accounts

    Understanding Lily Thomas v. Union of India: Why section 8(4) of the Representation of People Act, 1951 was declared unconstitutional?Ans - because The supreme court held the view that section 8 (4) is

    beyond the powers conferred on Parliament by the Constitution.

    what did the Supreme Court recently had to say wit regards towrit of quo warranto to the HIGH COURTS ?Ans - Consideration of suitability or eligibility of a candidate for a p

    ost is within the domain of the appointing authority and the only thi

    ng that court can scrutinise is whether the appointment is contrary t

    o statutory provisions/rules.

    Giving this ruling, a Bench of Justices said if the candidate had the

    qualifications and fulfilled the requirements of the post, quo warran

    to should not be entertained by High Courts on public interest writ

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    Writing the judgment, the Bench said It is [as] clear as day that the

    jurisdiction of the High Court while issuing a writ of quo warranto

    [questioning under what authority a person is appointed to a post] i

    s a limited one and can be issued only when the person holding thepublic office lacks the eligibility criteria or when the appointment i

    s contrary to the statutory rules.

    one-off global summit is making buzz,,,is regarding ?Ans - its regarding the Brazil which is asking for a summit in may 14 against the US snooping done across the world.

    What is the eThekwini Declaration?Ans- It is a summary of the BRICS countries common stance on

    key issues of global politics and economy.* It is named after the South African part that the summit host-city

    Durban is located in.

    * This declaration will give BRICS attitude to the current global po

    litics and economics, as well as an insight into most urgent issues of

    multilateral cooperation.

    * And it will just detail the agenda of BRICS for the next year and

    outline the new opportunities for partnership between the countries of Brazil, India, South Africa, Russia and China.

    Gopal Krishna Pillai in news.. Why??Ans- an Indian Administrative Service (I.A.S) officer and the forme

    r Home Secretary of India. MCX Stock Exchange (MCX-SX) has

  • 8/13/2019 IAS OUR DREAM NOTES COMPILATION PART 3 (17- 23rd nov.2013)


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    appointed him as Chairman.

    writ of Quo- Warranto?Ans- In the literal sense, it means 'by what authority or warrant'. It i

    s issued by the court to enquire into the legality of claim of a perso

    n to a public office. Hence it prevents illegal usurpation of public o

    ffice by a person.

    Significance of sixth economic census..Ans- It will provide up-to-date information on operational and othe

    r characteristics, viz., number of establishments; number of persons

    employed; source of finance; type of ownership, religion code and

    social group of propriety establishments, according to their

    industrial activity including their distribution at all-India, State, distr

    ict, village/ward levels for comprehensive analysis of the structure o

    f the economy which will be

    used for micro level/ decentralized planning and also for undertaki

    ng detailed follow up sample surveys to assess contribution of vario

    us sectors of the economy in the GDP.

    => The census has a great role for upliftment the economic activity

    of the country and state as a whole.

    => The database would enable policy makers and analyst to assess the impact of economic liberalization process on entrepreneurial ac

    tivities especially in the unorganized sector.

    what are declared goods?Ans- Some goods like cereals, coal and coke, cotton, crude oil, sug

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    ar, textiles, jute, iron and steel, tobacco pro LPG have been declare

    d as goods of special importance. These are termed as declared go


    * State Government cannot levy sales tax on these goods exceeding

    4%. If declared goods are sold inter-St State is reimbursed to seller. Goods should be sold inter-state in same form.

    * List of Important declared goods :- Cereals i.e. paddy, rice, wheat

    , bajra, jowar, barley, maize etc., Coal and coke in all forms excludi

    ng charcoal, Cotton in un-manufactured form but not cotton waste,

    Cotton fabrics, cotton yarn, Crude oil, Hides and skins

    # # Commission to probe Sardha Group Scam - Shyamla Sen com

    mission by West Bengal govt.

    Shamla Gopinath committee?Ans- * on Comprehensive Review of National Small Saving Fund

    * set up to review the small investment schemes of post offices and
