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  • 8/11/2019 IAF1405 Fish Farming Technology Supplement






    All go forAquacultureEurope 2014!

    Technical aquacultureconference- focus on the Mediterranean

  • 8/11/2019 IAF1405 Fish Farming Technology Supplement


    Recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) represent an

    exciting, eco-friendly and unique way to farm fish. Instead

    of the traditional method of growing fish outdoors in

    open ponds, net cages or tanks, this system rears fish at

    high densities within an operator controllable rearing environment

    inside a building. Recirculation systems filter and clean the water for

    recycling back through the fish culture tanks. New water is added

    to the tanks only to make up for water loss due to splash out and

    evaporation and to replace that used to f lush out fish waste materials

    to storage tanks.

    RAS designs have several system process technologies, all of whichwork together to ensure minimum loss of water, heat and of course

    fish stocks, while constantly cleaning and re-using the fish tank water.

    RAS farms can be designed to various levels of complexity, however

    all true water recirculation designs involve the use of equipment to

    remove and safely store wastes, clean and re-use water and maintain

    rearing conditions at or near optimum for the species of fish being


    In contrast, many older style tank farming systems that have been

    used to grow fish are termed open or flow through systems

    because the water makes only one pass through the tank and then

    is discarded. Although several improvements can be added to older

    designs to reduce water usage and create hybrid types of operations,

    these are not exactly true water recirculation farms.

    Benefits of Water RecirculationAquaculture System Designs

    Fish farmed in any facility must be supplied with the correct

    conditions necessary to remain healthy and grow with a good Feed

    Conversion Rate (FCR). Fish need a continuous supply of clean water

    at an appropriate temperature and dissolved oxygen content that is

    optimum for good growth.

    Water recirculation farms accomplish these tasks. A mechanical

    and biological system is necessary to purify the water and remove

    or detoxify harmful waste products and uneaten feed. The fish must

    be fed a nutritionally complete feed on a daily basis to encourage

    fast growth and high survival. With that in mind, it is now possible

    to review the potential benefits of using a Recirculat ion Aquaculture


    Low water RequirementsBecause RAS farms recycle most of their water, they consume

    considerably less than other types of culture systems and are especially

    well suited to areas with limited water supplies. The required quantity

    of water needed to successfully grow fish varies with the species of

    fish selected, size of the farm system, and the unit process equipment

    design. As a general rule, a minimum water volume of one-five gallons

    is needed for every pound of fish reared and minimum new water

    flows of five-20 gallons per minute are needed to grow 50,000 - 75,000

    pounds of fish per year.

    A properly designed and operated recirculation system requires

    a minimum daily input of water, just enough to clean the waste

    from the filters and to replace water lost to evaporation. Thisallows construction of fish farms in areas where ground water

    is limited and even opens the possibility of an operation being

    located in an urban area to use de-chlorinated municipal water.

    Such a production facility could be located close to the market.

    By comparison, a recirculation system which produces the same

    number of pounds of fish as 1000 acres of ponds (about 4.8

    million pounds of fish) would require only about 4000 gallons of

    fresh water each day or 1.5 million gallons per year. However, to

    fill 1000 acres of ponds averaging just 5 feet in depth, once only,

    would require 1.6 billion gallons of water. That is just to fill the

    ponds and does not include any water added to maintain levels or

    freshen the ponds after the initial filling.

    Less Land RequirementsSince fish in a recirculation system are reared in tanks, with oxygen

    being supplied and their metabolic wastes removed by constant recir-

    culation of water, fish can be safely stocked and grown in high densities.

    Currently the goal, which designers are striving to attain, is 1 pound of

    fish per gallon of water. However, many people consider 0.5 to 0.75

    pounds of fish per gallon of tank water as being acceptable. In pond

    aquaculture, the common maximum density is about 0.003 pounds

    of fish per gallon of water. Therefore, a recirculation system can be

    located in areas where large amounts of level land (to build ponds) are

    not available. The low land requirement also permits the facility to be

    located in areas where the soil cannot hold water or, again, in urbanareas, or housed in vacant farm or warehouse buildings converted to

    fish farming.

    Control of Water TemperatureThe low water requirement of recirculation systems opens up

    Recirculation aquaculture systems


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    the possibility of economically controlling temperature which, next

    to the lower water amounts need, controlling water temperature

    (and the resulting stock growth rates) is one the greatest benefits of

    these systems. Control of water temperature allows the aquaculturist

    to produce a fish species, which could not normally be raised in a

    given geographic area. It also permits the water temperature to be

    maintained at the optimum level to maximize food conversion and

    provide optimum growth. Growth can also occur throughout the year,

    maximising production and allowing rapid turnover of the product. In

    theory, marketing of the product is also enhanced, since fish can be

    supplied each week.

    Protection From The Elementsand Potential Predators

    By rearing the fish indoors, the farmer is no longer limited by

    weather conditions where a sudden cold spell can wipe out a years

    production by killing the larval fish or disrupting the normal spawning of

    the brood fish. In addition, pond and cage culturists can lose their crop

    to low oxygen during the summer or winter and have greater difficulty

    controlling predators. Having the fish indoors also permits harvest at

    times when heavy rain, snow or ice would stop the harvest of pondfish or cage, creating a definite market advantage to the indoor farmer.

    Indoor RAS farms are designed to prevent stock escapement, meaning

    less potential for loss and mitigation of potential conflicts with regula-

    tions governing water bodies and fish escapements.

    Control of Water QualityWith recirculation systems , the aquacultur ist has the opportu-

    nity to control water quality, to the benefit of the live fish stock

    and to the final product sold in the supermarkets and to the

    environment. By maintaining dissolved oxygen at optimum levels,

    the fish have better food convers ion and are less stressed, which

    translates into greater disease resistance, less wasted feed and

    faster stock growth.

    In addition, the fish are isolated from potential environmental

    contaminants such as off-flavor caused by algal blooms that can affect

    cages and from any potential pollution resulting from soil run-off or

    residual pesticides into the water that the fish are held in. This results in

    a high quality product. In many cases where the fresh water is supplied

    by wells, the likelihood of disease outbreaks are greatly reduced and

    medications are not required.

    SummaryThere are various designs for recirculation systems and most will

    work effectively if they accomplish oxygen and aeration, removal of par-

    ticulate matter, biological filtration to remove waste ammonia and nitrite

    and buffering of water pH levels. These processes can be achieved by

    using the simple units, that use combination filters which are often used

    in small farm systems. In the case of larger farms filtration will often be

    carried out using several interconnected components and unit processes.

    Land based fish farms that use RAS technologies are indeed analternative to pond and cage culture systems. As with any technology

    or any other business the operators must have the knowledge and

    the inclination to manage the business and undertake the daily tasks

    required. In RAS farms the staff must care for and manage both the fish

    stocks and the systems. So having the best systems and no knowledge

    of good husbandry will not work. Knowledge is king and one should

    not attempt operating a farm without having the training and experi-

    ence required. Water recirculation farms are also generally more costly

    to build and more complex to manage.

    Fish farming Technology | INTERNATIONAL AQUAFEED| 003


    Shellfish Diet

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    Order Shellfish Diet and ensure growth rates and survival.

    Reed Mariculture E N S U R I N G H A T C H E R Y S U C C E S S

    Smaller Cell Sizes & More DHA for FirstFeeding LarvaeShellfish Diet is a concentrated, liquid feed that is a unique mixof four algae:

    Isochrysis sp, Pavlova sp, Tetraselmis sp,and now with Thalossiosira pseudonana.*

    Effective for bivalves and other filter feeders, from first-feeding larvaethrough broodstock.

    Diatoms now available for first feeding larvae small-sizedThalossiosira pseudonana

    With more DHA provides a healthy balance of omegas, lipids and proteins

    An Instant AlgaeProductAlgae When You Need It

    Instant Algae has the same nutritional value as live algae. The whole cell of

    the microalgae is preserved through a proprietary process, encapsulating all

    nutrients. Intact cell structure means a cleaner tank, less waste, and greater value.

    *Original formula is available upon request.

    New and Improved!

    Shellfish Diet

  • 8/11/2019 IAF1405 Fish Farming Technology Supplement


    RAStechnology overview

    WATER proved

    WATERproved develops, delivers and installs aquaculture systems

    for all kinds of application.

    Careful planning, precise calculation and simulation of the set up

    make you safe money when it comes to energy efficiency and ease

    of maintenance.

    Selling state of the art technology, we develop all projects com-

    pletely in house - from basic calculation to 3D model farm design.

    We know what we are doing-all our staff have practical farming

    background in recirculation and flow through systems.

    We worked with Trouts, Chars, Salmons, Sturgeons, European

    Perch, Pike Perch and Cyprinids.

    WATER proved is working together with notable suppliers such

    as Hydrotech, Lykkegaard and Ultra Aqua. All individually manu-

    factured devices in plastic or steel are made in Germany and from

    highest quality.

    WATER proved will join Aquaculture Europe in San Sebastian

    on booth No. 25. We consider the show an excellent place for

    exchanging with international scientists, farmers and business part-

    ners. There are already lots of meetings arranged with customers

    during the exhibition. From the venue San Sebastian we hope toget into contact with new customers from Europe and especially

    France and Spain. Our French representative, Mr. Sylvain Delord

    from Smart Aqua, will also join us during this show.


    DSF Series Drum Screen Filters: Rotary Micro Filters

    In demanding aquaculture applications, drum screen filters have

    proven to be highly efficient and reliable in removing solids from

    volumes of water large and small. Pentair Aquatic Eco-Sytems is

    product to offer our DSF Series line of drum screen filters, with a

    wide range of models, sizes and micron ratings to meet the specific

    needs of nearly any field application. Featuring a field-proven design

    and the highest quality materials available, the DSF Series follow

    the simple, robust and time-tested principles of drum screen screen

    filter operation.Water containing solids enters the rotary drum in the front of

    the system. Water passes through the micro-mesh filter, which

    filters out solids (for increased durability, stainless steel wedge-wire

    filtration material is also available). As the filter mesh or wedge-wire

    material becomes increasingly loaded with solids, the water level

    within the drum increases to the point that it triggers the cleaning

    process. As the drum starts to rotate, the spraybar nozzles scour

    the filter mesh or wedge wire with high-pressure water, returning

    the screen to its original permeability. This allows the internal water

    level to drop and stop the cleaning process. Solids that are cleaned

    from the water are collected in a trough and transported away from

    the drum screen

    AquaBioTech - Filtration Systems

    As a result of our own research and development work we have

    developed some of the most advanced and cost effective filtration

    solutions available on the market today. Filtration modules that can

    process two 2000m3 / hour of water are available, as well ascustom-designed solutions that are specific for each client's require-

    ments and budget.

    Primzone Ozone

    Research shows that water treatment with ozone increases produc-

    tivity at RAS aquaculture systems.

    Three reasons why ozone in aquaculture improves water quality

    and increases aquaculture productivity.

    As recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) operate by reusing

    the fish tank water it is essential to control the water quality. Many

    studies show that treating RAS systems with ozone increases pro-

    ductivity as fish health and survival is increased.

    At RAS the organic load tend to be high and the homogene-

    ous fish stock leads to a high risk of infections and problems with

    bacteria, fungi and viruses. Although ozone is not primarily used for

    disinfection at RAS the reduction of solids and DOC often creates

    an environment that is less favourable for bacterial growth and thus

    creates a reduced need for disinfection.

    1. Removal of colloidal solids with ozone micro flocculation

    The organic load is a constant concern for RAS systems,

    especially when the fish density is high and the water exchange

    rate low. Ozone has the ability to cause clumping or micro

    flocculation of fine and colloidal solids, which in turn facilitates

    removal by filtration and sedimentation.

    2. Removal of dissolved organic compounds Ozone changes the characteristics of the dissolved organic

    compounds (DOC) by oxidation and precipitation that makes

    it easier to remove the DOC by bio filtration and sedimenta-


    3. Turn lethal nitrite into harmless nitrate with ozone treatment

    A high organic load is a favorable environment for nitrite

    growth. When reducing the organic load with ozone treat-

    ment the risk of nitrite growth is also reduced. Ozone also has

    the ability to oxidize nitrite to nitrate.

    Suffer with any of the above problems with water quality at your

    RAS plant? Contact our Aquaculture Specialist Dan Johansson.

    How Primozone can help you increase productivity with ozone

    water treatment

    Primozone offers unique solutions for water treatment of recir-

    culating aquaculture. We offer ozone generators and ozone water

    treatment systems that are especially designed for the aquaculture

    market. The Primozone OM-series ozone generators have several

    advantages that applies to aquaculture fish farming such as:

    compact in size

    built in redundancy

    easy to operate

    low life cycle cost

    ozone levels automatically controlled by redox/orp values in

    each tank

    ozone distribution module that can distribute ozone to several

    different tanks with individual ozone dosage

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    The highest levels of filtration efficiency

    Water is filtered through the periphery of the drum and parti-

    cles are carefully separated from the liquid through the special cell

    structure of the filter panels. As solids build up on the filter cloth,

    the automatic system starts rotating the drum and initiates the back-

    wash. Solids are gently rinsed off the filter cloth and collected in the

    waste trough and discharged. The filtration continues on clean filter

    cloth during the backwash, thus allowing a continuous filtration pro-

    cess. The unique design of our filter panels prevents fragmentation

    through careful handling of the solids. This high filtration efficiency is

    essential in optimizing water quality parameters.

    Flexible, modular design

    The modular design incorporates 5 different drum diameters ranging

    from 0.5 m to 2.0 m with filter areas from 0.35 m2 for the HDF 501

    to 22.5m2 for the HDF 2010. In total there are 20 different standard

    drum filter sizes depending upon your requirements. We also work

    with our knowledgeable clients by providing unique configurations

    to meet specific needs.

    Variable drive systemsThe Hydrotech Drumfilter is available in two drive system versions:

    direct drive and chain transmission. Direct drive: The direct drive

    is used on the two smallest drum sizes with 0.5 and 0.8 m drum

    diameter. Chain transmission: For larger units, a chain drive provides

    optimum performance.

    Faivre Drum Filters

    The operating system is simple. The water to be filtered is directed

    into a rotating drum. The outer surface of the drum is manufactured

    with a number of stainless steel plates covered with stainless steel

    (or Nylon) mesh plates. Suspended solids larger than the perfora-

    tions are unable to pass through the mesh and thus, are retained

    in the drum.

    The slowly rotating drum separates the solids from the water

    and discharges the solids through a discharge channel located at

    the top of the drum as indicated on sketch.

    FAIVRE filters are designed to resist to all corrosion, due to their

    construction entirely of stainless steel type AISI 304L for fresh

    water, and type AISI 316L for salt water.

    All parts of the filter have been engineered and calibrated for

    their specific duty.

    FAIVRE drum filters are manufactured with less moving parts as

    possible. The drum is driven by belts so as maintenance is reduced

    to a minimum.

    The efficiency of the design is contained within the construction

    of the stainless filter plates that are integrated into a strong stain-

    less steel framework. Replacement of filter plates is operated in a

    few minutes due to the exclusive design. The filter plates are easilycleaned and replaced on the drum.

    FAIVRE offers a complete range of efficient filters, strongly made

    and economic to operate.

    Fish farming Technology | INTERNATIONAL AQUAFEED| 005


  • 8/11/2019 IAF1405 Fish Farming Technology Supplement


    EuroFish, in association with Turkish

    Food, Agriculture and Livestock

    Ministry delivered an interesting

    programme. International Aquafeed,

    following the attendance of Tom Blacker

    report from three talks given by presenters

    at the conference.

    At the welcome address it was highlighted

    that aquaculture in Turkey has grown to world-

    wide proportions with Izmir at its centre.

    Izmir acts as an important hub for the Turkish

    aquaculture sector said Mr Carak from

    the Turkish Food, Agriculture and Livestock

    Ministry. Turkish aquaculture is growing rapidly,

    partly because of consumer dietary demands

    for animal protein and omega 3 as well as

    Turkeys noticeably increasing population. It

    is encouraging to see how dynamic aquacul-

    ture is in this country, with huge trade flows

    between Europe and Turkey. Equally, compet-

    itors from emerging markets are growing aswell and internal factors relative to Turkey

    are also creating new challenges. All industry

    organisations, companies and participants

    must partake in aquaculture actively, share

    experiences and ask questions.

    Best Aquaculture practices:BIOSAFETY- The new objective

    of modern farmingby Dr Pierpaolo Patarnello Veterinary Fish Pathologist

    Dr Pierpaolo Patarnello, an early pioneer from

    Mediterranean marine aquaculture who has

    been in the industry for twenty years spoke.

    He gave an informative presentation on how to

    modernise fish farming, stating that, Aquaculture

    cannot be reinvented as [in] the past. In order

    to achieve this, a new approach must be found.

    Following a holistic approach, the welfare of the

    workers, the welfare of the animals, the protec-

    tion of the environment and food safety are all

    vital factors to be considered in reaching this

    goal. By improving and regenerating the trade,

    Dr Patarnello says that Turkey will be the leader

    of aquaculture in the Mediterranean.

    The Mediterranean is a diverse ocean for

    fish farming from west to east, with dedicated

    industry sites spread throughout. However,

    Turkey has to take more care than they are

    currently doing with regards to environmental

    impact. Currently, minority species fish are

    being developed at the same level and in the

    same way that bass and sea bream were in the

    early 2000s. Choice of feed, water control andsanitation must be bettered to see the industry,

    as a whole, improve. Sanitary control, in par-

    ticular, is critically importantpathology is just

    the tip of the iceberg. Diseases easily develop

    in water and, in the aquaculture industry it

    Technicalaquacultureconference- Focus on the


    by Ruby Bircher

    Tom Blacker from

    International AquafeedMagazine attended the

    recent conference entitled

    Tendencies in Aquaculture

    Value Chain. The full-day

    conference took place at the

    FutureFish Eurasia exhibition

    in Izmir, Turkey, on Friday

    6th June 2014. EuroFish

    organised seven separatetalks with questions and


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    is pivotal that they are stopped before mor-

    tality rates in fish increase. The speed at which

    technology is now allowing industries to work

    at is saving both time and, resultantly, money.

    Because of this, any technology used needs to

    be ensured that it is clean and safe.

    Finishing remarks focused on the impor-

    tance of the control at the production stage.

    Using a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

    is a good way to achieve this. In the 1990s,

    skeletal deformities in fish were a problem

    at the production stage. Practices around

    improvements at this stage are so vital for

    good quality products. Standards in produc-

    tion can lead to standards in the end product,

    such as certifying and tracing the route to

    the consumer. Throughout the stages , Dr

    Pierpaolo Patarnello said, feed choice is abso-

    lutely essential for success.

    On the whole, International Aquafeed

    Magazine found the talk very topical and inter-

    esting. It raised other wider ranging issues such

    as how much longer is it expected to takein order for Turkish aquaculture to develop?

    There are currently 4 standards internation-

    ally for fish and Turkey must follow one.

    Technological Developments inthe Open Seas in Fish Farming- by Darko Lisac of Refa Med Italy

    Darko Lisac of Refa Med Italy has been

    in aquaculture for thirty-five years. In 1977,

    the first trials of marine cage farming in the

    Mediterranean began, creating an early-stage

    cage. This later developed into steel cages,however, it was found that the strength of

    the waves caused the metal to crack. Cages

    with flexible structures fit for absorbing the

    force of the waves and environmental condi-

    tions were soon produced however, a new

    challenge arose where, in the open seas, the

    waves are even greater. Circular cages were

    later manufactured to solve this problem as it

    was found that it could withstand the severe


    New nets are also now being tested,

    using high tenacity polyolefin (plastic) to

    produce knotless nets. As Tom Blacker from

    International Aquafeed saw at an ear lier show

    this year-Aquaculture UK, W&J Knox are just

    one of the companies who manufacturer

    these products. However in Turkey, these nets

    are excellent in local conditions because of

    the following reasons:

    No water absorption

    UV protection

    The waxy surface reduces the amount

    of fouling

    Easy to clean in situ in which it is resist-

    ant to abrasion High tensile strength- the fibres are

    woven together tightly

    Mr. Lisac then moved on to talk about other

    equipment such as grid mooring farms and

    the challenges facing them: big storms, the

    domino effect (if one goes wrong so do the

    others when the cages are adjoined)as well

    as the existence submersible PE cage models,

    Bonnar Engineering and Dunlop cages made of

    submersible rubber material. Open Sea cage

    systems such as the Ocean Spar sea station

    (USA) and the Subflex system were discussed

    also. The Refa Tension Leg Cage (TLC) was

    mentioned. The TLC is another Open Sea

    cage system that, during the build-up of waves,

    can sink by itself, catching fish easily with very

    little maintenance required.

    Darko Lisac concluded that, Refa Med works

    with farmers to overcome the environmental

    and operational constraints in the open seas

    and deliver functional technical solutions.

    Health Management in MarineFinfish Productionby Dr Pierpaolo Patarnello

    Veterinary Fish Pathologist

    This was the second presentation Dr

    Patarnello gave at the conference in whichthe concern for sanitation in fish farming was

    addressed. To an extent there is always some

    biological risk in intensive farming where infec-

    tious, as well as environmental diseases can

    manifest. Stress in cultured fish is also a major

    problem that exposes them to disease due

    to the metabolic stress condition to which

    they are subjected. This refers to the uncom-

    fortable habitat in which they live, including:

    high density, intense feeding and a small envi-


    It is important that disease in aquacul-ture is contro lled not only to save the fish

    product itself but also the wild species. A

    recurring problem of marine farmed fish

    is that the cages often attract those from

    the wild. The promise of food and shelter

    encourages the wild fish to get into the

    cages by slipping through available holes

    and gaps. Any possible diseases carried by

    these fish then infiltr ate the water infect ing

    the surrounding farmed fish. Dr Patarnello

    describes pathology as the alteration of one

    or more physiological aspects in a living

    organism which appreciably compromises its

    biological functions until the extreme conse-

    quences of death. Pathogens are exchanged

    between the fish, spreading disease, and,

    potentially, inciting an epidemic. However,

    the risk is not only limited to fish- in some

    cases, diseases are zoonotic, allowing them

    to be passed to humans, putting the farmers

    in danger of infection as well.

    Several diseases that can develop were

    mentioned, including:

    Vibriosis-results in skin and visceral

    haemorrhages. In some cases, strainsof the bacteria have appeared that are

    resistant to drugs/chemicals used to

    treat the disease.

    Lymphocystis-it is found that this viral

    disease commonly manifests when fish

    are under stress. Small, white growths,

    occasionally mistaken for Ich, appear

    on the fishs skin, growing until the

    fish eventually dies. While there is no

    known cure, some recommend surgery

    in serious situations.

    Pseudotuberculosis- this is an example

    of a zoonotic bacteria that is common

    in South America. In fish, the disease

    causes the spleen, liver and lymph nodes

    to inflame as well as cells in tissues to


    Streptococcus-this disease, also zoonot-

    ic, is prone to appearing in fish that

    live in stressful conditions, resulting in

    inflammation of the brain. Side effects

    can include lethargy, dorsal rigidity, and

    erratic swimming behaviour; death fol-

    lows in a matter of days. One way

    to control the infection is to decrease

    the quantity of feed given to the fish;

    some antibiotics have also been proven

    successful.As has been mentioned, there are some

    ways to cure these diseases. But is there

    a way to manage the risk so that the

    fish dont become infected in the first


    Dr Patarnello reveals that control is the key.

    It is impor tant, he says, to always keep sanitary

    conditions under control, to be vigilant and

    willing to increase and adapt the conditions

    as and when problems arise. Other advice,

    regarding technical and strategic control,

    was relayed to the audience. The applica-

    tion of health moni tor ing programmes by

    fish farm managers can help to assess which

    best practices should be enacted. Prevention

    was described as a proactive type of treat-


    Increase the control over the manage-

    ment level of farms

    More attention to sanitary requirements

    of new seeds

    More attention to prophylactic stand-

    ards for infectious diseases

    More attention to the feeding and to the

    growth of cultured species

    The presentation concluded that the con-

    tinuous environmenta l mon itoring of fish

    farms is vital in controlling the spread of

    diseases. To do so requires specialized vet-

    erinarians to carry out the surveillance as

    well as making a routine of investigating the

    fish, water and feed. Dr Patarnello finished

    saying, According to 2006/88, all European

    aquaculture companies must implement

    Sanitary Surveillance programs, aimed not

    only to control the epidemiological risk of

    disease spread, but also to minimize theuse of disinfectants and chemotherapies

    for a future production that is increasingly

    healthy and safe for our fish, for our envi-

    ronment, and for our children as future


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