Download - I) PERSONAL INFORMATION -… · Ayman Abu-Shomar (PhD) is Assistant Professor of English in



Ayman M. Abu-Shomar (Dr.)

Assistant Professor of English Literature & Cultural Studies

I) PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of birth: 1971 Nationality: Jordanian Marital status: Married Biographical note: Ayman Abu-Shomar (PhD) is Assistant Professor of English in The University of Jordan /Aqaba. Previous to this, he taught in Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia King Saud University, Warwick University (UK), Hashemite University (Jordan), and extensively in Saudi Arabia. His principal research interests are Contemporary literary and cultural studies, post-colonialism and dialogism. He has a particular interest in issues pertaining to literatures of Diaspora, Critical Spaces of Diaspora and Intercultural studies. His papers on postcolonial criticism have been published in several local and international journals. He has also participated in different international conferences including UK, USA, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Malaysia and Sweden. Recently, he participated as keynote speaker in Tunisia. Abu-Shomar is also an editor in chief for the Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies. Ayman Abu-Shomar has an extensive experience in teaching various topics in cultural and literary studies, applied linguistics and academic and research skills for both undergraduate and graduate students. He also supervised MA and PhD students in literary and cultural criticism.


English literature (Anglophone & World’s Literatures), Contemporary literary theory (Dialogic, Deconstruction, Post-colonialism & Diaspora Studies)


PhD in English, University of Exeter, UK MPhil in Philosophy of Arts: University of Exeter, UK MA in Applied Linguistics (TEFL/TESOL): Yarmouk University, Jordan BA in English Language and Literature: Yarmouk University, Jordan Associate of Higher Education Academy: University of Exeter, UK

[email protected] [email protected] Aqaba/ Jordan 00962799024757 (mobile)


Guest Editor for the Journal of Post-colonial Cultures & Societies A Keynote Speaker in the Conference of Anti/Post-disciplinarity: Rethinking Academic Paradigms,

Tunis, University of Kairawn Member of Postcolonial Studies Association, UK Member of American Philosophical Association Member of Literature and Culture Supporters and Promoters Association


Oct. 2007– Jan 2011 PhD in English; Post-colonial Theory and Literatures (novel)/ University of

Exeter, UK

Thesis title: "Interrogating the Cultural Constructs of the English Literary Canon:

The Potential of 'Dialogic Spaces'"

Awarded the degree on the viva session; A Straight Pass (without any


External Examiner: Professor Mario de Lynn Souza

The programme included

Studying various modern literary and cultural theories (e.g. Russian

Formalism, Structuralism, Marxism, Neo-Marxism, Cultural Materialism,

Feminism, Post-structuralism, Hermeneutics, Modernism, Postmodernism,

and specialised in Post-colonialism)

Critical review and approach to contemporary Cultural theories with special

interest in (deconstructive approaches to culture, cultural supremacy, cultural

relativism, cultural hegemony, Hybridity of culture, binary logic, Subaltern

Studies, and Frankfort School of ‘Critical Theory)’

Completing a PhD research in the area of postcolonial literature and criticism,

diaspora and cultural studies, the Anglo-American literary canon, dialogism,

modernism and postmodernism.

Oct. 2007 – May


MPhil, (Mater of Philosophy), University of Exeter, UK

Thesis title: “Ideology and the Canon Formation: A Case Study of Literary Canon

in Post-Colonial Contexts”

Grade: Merit

Topic covered on the two-stage programme included:

- Principle research skills (Four modules), Grade: Merit

- Studies in Philosophy (ontology, epistemology, research paradigms, etc.)

- History of Western Thought & Philosophy

- Postcolonial Literary Criticism

- A 10,000-word conversion paper (From MPhil to PhD). The paper was the


only one to pass among 11 papers submitted by peer students.

Sept. 1995 –

June 1998

MA in Applied Linguistics/ Yarmouk University, Jordan

Dissertation entitled: "An Analysis of the English Teachers' Procedures and

Perceptions in Teaching Literary Texts for Jordanian Students"

Grade: 86.6% (Honour distinction)

Sept. 1990 – June


Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature/ Yarmouk University, Jordan

Grade: 81.4% (High very good)

On the honour board for four semesters (from 1992 to 1994)

July, 1987 – August


High School Certificate/ National High School Exam, Jordan

Grade: 88. 7%

(Ranking the third on Irbid Governorate and the sixth on the Kingdom of



Sept. 2014 – May Assistant Professor of English Literature/ Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic

University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Teaching MA & BA Literature courses

Supervising MA & PhD students

An External supervisor for a PhD student at De Montfort University, United


Member of the Faculty of Arts Research Centre

Member of Graduate Unit in the Department

Member of the quality assurance unit

Subject-coordinator (Literary criticism)

Sept. 2011 – June


Assistant Professor of English/ King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Teaching MA & BA Literature courses

Supervising MA students

Member of Quality Assurance Unit

Member of Research Centre (Faculty of Arts)

Part-time Assistant Professor of English, Al-Faisal University (Teaching ESP,

Technical Writing, TBS, Research Methodologies, Oral Communication for


engineering and medical students).

Oct. 2012 – July 2014

Part-time Assistant Professor of English/ Al Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

May, 2011 – July,


Part-time Assistant Professor of English Literature, Hashemite University,


Teaching BA Literature courses (American Novel, Modern Poetry, Romantic

Poetry, and others)

July, 2010 – Feb, 2011 Par-time English Lecturer, Warwick University, UK

Teaching academic writing and research skills to highly proficient graduate

students at the Medical School.

Specifically, the programme included

Teaching approximately 18 hours of classes per week, in addition to

providing one-to one support to each student in the designated Home

Group on a weekly basis .

Teaching core course materials on the curriculum, and where necessary,

supplementing this with materials that are in line with the aims of the

course .

Teaching students to express themselves in English to the level required of

them at their future department .

Setting, monitoring and reviewing individual targets for students through

weekly formative tasks .

Maintaining a learning (classroom) environment that is conducive to

effective learning .

Promptly reporting student problems to a member of the management

team .

Closely monitoring student attendance and reporting absences to the

Course Director.

Carrying out other duties commensurate with the post, as required by the


Oct. 2007 – July 2009 Part-time Teacher of Arabic/ Saudi School, Exeter

Teaching various subjects (Arabic, Islamic Studies, History, etc.)

Engaging in several activities for enhancing students' Arabic language skills

mainly writing and reading

Conducting action research in the students' learning difficulties of Arabic


Taking part in the Placement test by assessing students’ level orally and in



Designing different activities and games

Oct. 2000 – July 2007 Supervisor/Teacher of English American Diploma, Riyadh Schools, Saudi


I have worked in various posts and carried out many activities including

Supervising the English programme

Teaching research skills for American Diploma students

Teaching English Literature to American Diploma students

Teaching preparatory courses for TOEFL & ILETS

I also worked as

Curricula Developer

Head of Quality Assurance Committee

Editor of 'The Leaders' (the school monthly periodical)

A Head of a team of 36 English teachers

Coordinator of a Saudi-Cambridge team (Cultural issues in English textbooks)

Trainer of E-learning (ICT) and Blended learning

Aug 1998 – June 2000 Supervisor and Teacher of English/ Dar Assalam Schools, Saudi Arabia

I have worked in various posts and carried out many activities including

Supervising the English Programme (a group of 23 English teachers)

Teaching Cambridge Curriculum (levels One to Eleven) in association with

the British Council

Training 'Effective Ways of Teaching' programme

Training English teachers on several methods of assessment and evaluation

(e.g. diagnostic assessment, portfolio assessment

Managing Teacher-parent school programme

Aug 1995 – June 1998 High School English Teacher/ Ministry of Education, Jordan

Teaching English to High school students

During this period and while being an MA student I worked as

Teaching Assistant in a micro-teaching course for Sophomore English

Department students, at the Faculty of Education, Yarmouk University,


A translator from Arabic into English and vice versa (I have translated many

academic texts including three books).





(1 Book (Lexington, KY, USA), 1 Chapter (Routledge), 19 papers, 1 book review

(Routledge), a collection of poem)

1) Books: 2012 Abu-Shomar, A. (2012). Dialogic Spaces: The Potential for Interrogating the

Cultural constructs of the English Literary Canon in Postcolonial contexts,

Lexington Books, KY, USA. A preview of the book is available on:


Abu-Shomar, A. (xxx). Post-coloniality, Diaspora and the Text: a Handbook

into Contemporary Literary and Cultural Studies. Research Centre, Faculty of

Arts, King Saud University, (final editing stage).

2) Chapters in Edited Books

2015 Abu-Shomar, A. (2015). Critical Pedagogy and Postcolonial Education. In

Darder, A, Mayo, P. & Paraskeva J. (Eds.), International Critical Pedagogy

Reader, London: Routledge.

3) Journal Articles

2012 Abu-Shomar, A. & MacDonald, M. (2012). 'Dialogic Spaces': Diasporic

Negotiation of Difference. Journal of Post-colonial Cultures & Societies, 3 (3-4),

pp. 1- 36

2013a Abu-Shomar, A. (2013a) "Culture" 'Sous Rature': A Critical Review of the


Notion of "Culture": Considerations from Cultural and Literary Studies.

African Journal of History and Culture. 5 (9).

2013b Abu-Shomar, A. (2013b). The Apparatus of Ideology: A Post-colonial Reading

of English Literature; Consideration from ‘Institutional Literature’.

International Journal of Comparative literature & Translation, 1 (2), pp. 17-30

2013c Abu-Shomar, A. (2013c). The Enduring Hegemony of the English Literary

Canon: Symptoms of the Monopoly of Power Relations in Academia. Journal

of Arts. KSU, 25 (3), pp. 71-89.

2013d Abu-Shomar, A. (2013d). The Politics of Education and Critical Pedagogy:

Considerations from the English Literary Tradition in ‘Post-colonial’ Academic

Contexts. Postcolonial Directions in Education, 2 (2), pp. 268-313.

2013e Abu-Shomar, A. (2013e). Critical Spaces of Diaspora for liquid post-modernity,

Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies. 4 (3), pp. 1-14.


Abu-Shomar, A. (2013f). Post-Paradigmatic Diaspora in Response to Paradigm

‘Violence’: Towards a Proliferation of Epistemologies in Socio-cultural

Research. Journal of Social Science Research, 2 (1). pp. 247-265.

2014 AbuHilal, F. & Abu-Shomar, A. (2014). The Construction of the ‘Self’ in Mark

Twain's The Innocents Abroad: 'The Positional Superiority' of the American

Identity in the Nineteenth-century Travel Narrative. International Journal of

Comparative literature & Translation Studies, 2 (4), pp 15-26.

2014 Abu-Shomar, A. & Abu-Hilal, F. (2014). Dialogic Signs of Resistance: a Case

Study of Reading Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Arab World English

Journal, 5 (4), pp 145-171.

2015a AbuHilal, F. & Abu-Shomar, A. (2015a). On Pedagogy and Resistance:

Unravelling the Post-colonial Politics in the Literature Classroom. Journal of


Anti-Utilitarian and Postcolonial Studies, 4 (2), pp. 175-192.


2015b Abu-Shomar, A. (2015b). Diasporic Reconciliations of Politics, Love and

Trauma: Susa Abulhawa’s Quest for Identity in Mornings in Jenin. Australian

International Academic Centre, Australia, 6 (2), pp. 127-136

2016a Abu-Shomar, A. (2016a). Narrative Protocols, Dialogic Imagination and

Identity Contestation: A Critique of a Prescribed English Literature Curriculum.

Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume. 7 (2), pp. 299-315


2016b Abu-Shomar, A. (2016b). Edward Said’s Worldliness, Amateurism and

Heterotopia: Negotiating the Interdisciplinarity of Literary Theory, Canonicity,

and Paradigm. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 7 (3), pp, 125-135.

2017 Abu-Shomar, A. (2016c). Orientalism, Humanism and Diaspora: The

Epistemological Radiance of Edward Said’s Scholarship. Interdisciplinary

Literary Studies: Theory and Literary Criticism. Vol 19 number 3.

(Published by Pennsylvania University Pres, this journal is listed in Thompson

and Reuters Web of Science ISI, MUSE & JSTOR data bases).

Abu-Shomar, A. (XXX). Prospero on Caliban and Ariel: Towards

Deconstructing Binary Logic in Shakespeare’s the Tempest (Accepted for the

Journal of Literary Studies)

Abu-Shomar, A. (XXX). ‘Double Consciousness’ and ‘Double Voicedness’: The

Construction of Diasporic Identity in Susan Abulhawa’s Mornings in Jenin


Abu-Shomar, A. (XXX). Homi Bhabha and the Quest of Ambivalence: The

Location of Ambivalence in Bhabha’s Theories. (Submitted)

Abu-shomar, A. (XXX). Locating Leila Aboulela’s The Translator: “Cultural

Compatibility”, “Clash of Civilisation” Or a not-yet-told Story? (in progress)


4) Book Reviews

2013h Abu-Shomar, A. (2013h). Resistance in Contemporary Middle Eastern

Cultures: Literature, Cinema and Music (book review) Journal of

Postcolonial Cultures and Societies. 4 (3).

5) Conference Proceedings

2010 Abu-Shomar, A. (2010). 'Dialogic Spaces'; the Potential for Disrupting

Essentialised Constructions of Culture: International Journal of Arts and

Sciences, March 2, pp. 86-101.

2014 Abu-Shomar, A. (2014). The Power of Dialogism, Diaspora and the Text:

Negotiating with Identities. Transcultural Identity Constructions in a Changing

World, Dalarna University, Sweden

2016 Abu-Shomar, A. (2016). Dialogic Spaces: Towards a Proliferation of

Epistemologies: Anti/ Post – Interdisciplinary Direction in Humanities, Kairawn

University, Tunisia.

*I was invited as a Keynote speaker in this conference

6) Conference Participations

2006 Abu-Shomar, A. (2006). Confuting Cultural Barriers in Understanding Literary

Texts, 13th Annual TESOL Arabia Conference, Dubai, UAE.

2007 Abu-Shomar, A. (2007). 'Disrupting Essentialised Constructions of Culture In

Intercultural Communication, Annual Student-Staff Conference. University of

Exeter, UK.

2008 Abu-Shomar, A. (2008). A Post-colonial Critique of the English Literary

Canon, Annual Student-Staff Conference, University of Exeter, UK.

2009 Abu-Shomar, A. (2009). Dialogics and Literary Analysis: Reading 'Heart of


7) Published Creative Writing

2013 Abu-Shomar, A. (2013g). When the 'Other' Speaks (a collection of poems).

Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies. 4 (3).

2011 Abu-Shomar, A. (2011). Remember Me. Booksie Publishers:;-


2014 Abu-Shomar, A. (2014). While Pages. Booksie Publishers:

2014 Abu-Shomar, A. (2014) It’s Private. Booksie Publishers:

2014 Abu-Shomar, A. (2013). After a Long Night with Derrida. Booksie Publishers


Abu-Shomar, A. (XXX)‘The Other”, (a novel in progress.)

8) Reviewing and refereeing of academic research and essays

Darkness", Fifth IDEA Conference, linguistics, Translation &Literature, ATILIM

University, Ankara, Turkey.

2010 Abu-Shomar, A. (2010). Interrogating the Cultural Constructs of the English

Literary Canon: The Potential of ‘Dialogic Spaces’, International Journal of

Arts & Sciences (IJAS) Conference for Academic Disciplines, University of

Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.

2011 Abu-Shomar, A. (2011). 'Diasporic-Response Ability': A Third Space Creation

in constructing Meaning, 7th International Conference of linguistics,

Translation &Literature, Irbid National University, Irbid, Jordan.

I have reviewed and refereed several research papers and essays

for the following journals

1) Journal of Postcolonial Cultures and Societies

2) Language and Intercultural Communication

3) The Journal of Arts/ KSU

4) Critical Literacies: Theorise and Practices



2010 Research Merit Award, International Journal of Arts & Sciences,

University of Nevada, USA



Research Excellence Award (10,000 SR), Research Centre, Faculty

of Arts, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

An International research project entitled

Dialogic Spaces, Post-coloniality, and Intercultural Dialogue:

Diasporic Negotiation with Difference

An Investigation of the Contemporary Arab and Islamic World

Relations with the Western World as represented in Cultural

Artefacts: Media, Literary Texts, Educational Disciplines, and Social


This project is financed with 50,000.00 SR

2017 Research Merit Award Web of Science (ISI) Thompson and

Reuters Award (15, 000 SR), Scientific Research Deanship, Imam

Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia

Paper title: Orientalism, Humanism and Diaspora: The

Epistemological Radiance of Edward Said’s Scholarship.

Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: Theory and Literary Criticism. Vol

19 number 3.


Research Merit Award Web of Science (ISI) Thompson and

Reuters Award (15, 000 SR), Scientific Research Deanship, Imam

Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia

Paper title: Narrative Protocols, Dialogic Imagination and Identity

Contestation: A Critique of a Prescribed English Literature

Curriculum. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume. 7 Number.

2, pp. 299-315

5) Postcolonial Directions in Education

6) Comparative Critical Studies



1) Postcolonial Studies Association, United Kingdom

2) Literature and Culture Supporters and Promoters Association,


3) Nietzsche Philosophy & Studies, Online Association

4) The Arts, Criticism, Theory, Exeter University, UK

5) Historical Materialism: Research in Critical

6) Marxist Theory, Online Association

7) Arab World English Association, United Arab Emirates


A) Supervising PhD & MA Theses

1) “Double-Voicedness in the Colonial and Postcolonial Novel:

Geomodernism and Cultural Parataxis”

(An external PhD supervisor/ De Montfort University, UK).

2) Culture, Language & Identity Crisis: A post-colonial Analysis of Bernard

Shaw’s Pygmalion and Brian Friel’s play Translations

3) Coleridge's Second "Annus Mirabilis": A Study of His Marginalia and


4) Mathew Arnold and Aeons: rejection of social discipline; a critical

reading in Culture and Anarchy.

5) Females and Artist Isolation: A Feminist Analysis of Tennyson's

'Mariana' and 'The Lady of Shalot'.

6) A comparative Study of Resistance Poetry: Seamus Heaney and

Mahmoud Darwish.

7) The Uncanniness of Identity Construction in Post-Colonial Sudan in

Leila Aboulela’s Minaret

8) Waiting for Godot: A Representation of the Postmodern Reality

9) The Trauma for the Australian and Canadian Aboriginal Generations: A

study of the (Dis)integration of identity in Selected Plays by Ned Manning

and Jane Harrison

10) Manipulation and Ideology in Translating Literary Texts: A Case Study

of Denys Johnson-Davies's Translation of Tayeb Salih’s Mawsim Al-Hijra


Ela Al-Shamal.

11) Maya Angelou's Poetry as Anti-oppression of African American


12) Clare Savage's Identity Crisis as a Cultural Consequence of Hybridity in

Michelle Cliff's Abeng

13) The Importance of Parents’ Role in Santiago’s Developments in

Coelho's The Alchemist

B) Postgraduate Course teaching (M.A.)

1) Orientalism Studies

The course includes a detailed study of Orientalism in its cultural,

literary, political and linguistic aspects. Among subjects in the

humanities, Oriental Studies is unique in introducing students to

historical development and major figures who has studied the eastern

world from various aspects. The course presents both the major

traditions of the historical studies and, in most cases, their modern

developments of the topic. The course includes language, literature,

history, philology, literary and cultural comparative studies, and there

is a wide range of options in such fields as art and archaeology, history,

literature, philosophy, religion and modern social studies.

2) Special Topics in Culture and Literature

This course is normally left to the professor to choose the topics to be

studies. I usually select the following topics: Secularism, Humanism,

Women and Gender issues, Terrorism, Media, etc. All these topics

among others are studied from a critical cultural perspective, and

based on critical analyses of selected literary texts.

3) Studies in Novel

This course explores different facets of loner fiction (Novel). After

grounding knowledge of the genre in nineteenth- and twentieth-

century classics of the novel, students are required to study 4 novels

of recent works including Western, Postcolonial, Russian and Arabic.

Studying a range of loner fiction by authors writing today, students are

required to consider how loner fiction provides a source of pleasure

and knowledge that is integral to the buzzing public conversations we

call "culture."

4) Research Methods

This course provides an opportunity for participants to advance their

understanding of research through critical exploration of research

philosophy, paradigms, language, ethics, and approaches. The course

introduces the language of research, ethical principles and challenges,


and the elements of the research process within quantitative,

qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Participants will use these

theoretical underpinnings to begin to critically review literature

relevant to their field or interests and determine how research

findings are useful in forming their understanding of their work, social,

local and global environment.

5) Contemporary World’s Literatures

This course defines the contours of literature written in English in the

Twenty-First Century, paying attention both to major contemporary

writers in the academic landscape and to critically-acclaimed popular

artists. The perceived difficulties of contemporary written poetry

against the perceived accessibility of major popular artists will be

critically studied, engaging with one artist's work per week in

chronological order.

6) Comparative Literature

This course offers a study of literature in its relation to culture. It

focuses on literature as a cultural institution and directly relates to the

construction of individual identity and the dissemination and critique

of values. A comparative approach to literature emphasis on cross-

cultural comparison of literary works.

7) Literary Theory (20th-Century Literary theory)

This course is a survey of the main trends in twentieth-century literary

theory. A background knowledge is provided for the readings and

explicate them where appropriate, while attempting to develop a

coherent overall context that incorporates philosophical and social

perspectives on the recurrent questions: what is literature, how is it

produced, how can it be understood, and what is its purpose? This

course examines the ways in which we read. It introduces some

important strategies for engaging with literary texts developed in the

twentieth century, paying special attention to poststructuralist

theories and their legacy. The course is organized around specific

theoretical paradigms.

8) Islamic Civilization and the West

This course introduces the history of the Middle East from the rise of

Islam to the twenty-first century. The course emphasizes on the

encounters and exchanges between the Islamic world and the West. It

is structured chronologically—each phase focuses on the emergence

of a particular Middle Eastern society or empire during a specific time

period. Each phase will include representative primary-source

documents that illustrate important overarching political, economic,


and social themes, such as the emergence of Islam in the seventh

century, conflicts between Islamic and Christian peoples during the

Crusades, European domination of Muslim territories in the

nineteenth century, independence movements and the rise of


C) Undergraduate Courses (B.A.)

English Literature 1) Survey of British Literature

2) Survey of American Literature

3) Appreciating Poetry

4) Appreciating Drama

5) Renaissance Drama (Shakespeare)

6) American Literature from 1865 to the present

7) Victorian Poetry

8) 19th Century Novel

9) America Modernism (Novel)

10) American Realism (Novel)

11) Criticism (1) [Plato, Aristotle, Horace, Longinus, Renaissance Critics,

Romanticism, New Criticism, etc.]

12) Criticism (2) [Russian Formalism, Structuralism, Marxism, Feminism,

Deconstruction, New Historicism, Post-structuralism, Post-colonialism,


13) Modern Poetry

14) The Rise of the Novel

15) Writing about literature

16) History of English Literature

Linguistics MA Introduction to Linguistics


Language and Culture

Language Skills (ESP & EAP)

Foundations of Rhetoric and Writing

Rhetoric & Writing

Essay Writing

Advanced Writing

Oral Communication


TBS (Test-based Skills)

Discourse Analysis


Selected committees

2012 – 2014 1) Member of the Faculty of Arts Research Centre, King Saud University,

Saudi Arabia

2) Member of E-learning and Curriculum Development Committee,

English Department, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

2012 – 2013 3) Member of PhD Comprehensive Exam Committee, King Saud

University, Saudi Arabia

4) Member of the Graduate Unit/ English Department King Saud

University, Saudi Arabia

2014 – 2015 5) Head of Examination Committee, English Department, Imam Uni. Saudi


6) Head of Schedule, Registration and Courses Equalisation Committee,

English Department, Imam Uni. Saudi Arabia

7) Member of Quality Assurance Unit/ Imam University Saudi Arabia

2015 – 2016 8) Member of Graduate Unit/ Imam University

9) Member of Examination Committee/ Imam University Saudi Arabia


1) Professional Development and Training courses

May – Sep. 2009 1) Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE) Stage One, UK

Higher Education Academy, University of Exeter/ UK

Oct.– Dec. 2009 2) Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LTHE) Stage Two

Award: Associate of Higher Education, UK

2013 3) Pathways to Higher Education, King Saudi University, Saudi Arabia

2013 4) Using The Web od Science Data Base, King Saud University, Saudi


2013 5) Using LMS, Designing E-courses

March 2007 6) Teaching Practice Improvement Project, The Integrated English

Language Program Stage II

July, 2013. 7) Training of Trainers, Ministry of Higher Education, Saudi Arabia, July,



2008 8) Presenting Data Visually, Effective Researcher Workshop, University of

Exeter, UK

2008 9) Using SPSS in Research, Effective Researcher Workshop, University of

Exeter, UK

2009 10) Rapid Reading, Effective Researcher Workshop, University of Exeter,


2010 11) Using EndNote Bibliography Software, Effective Researcher

Workshop, University of Exeter, UK

2) Skills & Further experience

2000 - 2007 - First Aid/CRP: Saudi First Aid Society/ score in the exam 100%

- Intermediate level of Spanish & Russian/ Spoken

- High level of organisational skills, teamwork, time management

- High level of command Arabic language specially writing

- Creative writings in Arabic (I have written a novel: Al Mutameiz, several

short stories, poetry, and many essays)

- IT Skills (ICDL, e-board IWB, ICT, WebCT and Microsoft Office).

- Problem solving skills.

- Excellent verbal and written communication skills

- Excellent organizational and planning skills

- High standard of presentation skills

3) Leadership & Administrative experience

200 0 - present 1) Supervising pre-service and in-service English teachers in Saudi

Arabian high schools for six years

2) Developing teaching materials in all language skills

3) Selecting English Language course books

4) Preparing an induction programme for all teachers before the start of

the course

5) Developing timetables for English teachers in a private English

Language Institute

6) Ensuring the smooth running of the weekly teaching

7) Monitoring teachers’ performance through regular classroom

observation sessions and writing reports accordingly

8) Developing teachers’ knowledge base and pedagogical practices

through regular teachers’ training workshops and peer-observation

9) Preparing briefing agendas and holding briefing sessions every week


with teachers

10) Handling students’ problems and issues confidentially, timely and


11) Keeping records of all students’ performance in all stages of the


12) Checking teachers’ lesson plans and tutorial booklets regularly

13) Following up teachers’ records of teaching

14) Running a Booster Week during the course

15) Holding a weekly meeting with classroom representatives and

writing a minutes report accordingly

16) Providing timely responses and solutions to all teachers and

students’ problems and enquiries

17) Arranging for guest speakers to give talks whenever possible to

increase students’ exposure to the English language

18) Organising marketing events to advertise for the offered courses

and degrees

19) Organising marketing events to advertise for the offered courses

and degrees

20) Ensuring the use of recent teaching methods including the use of

technology in everyday classroom teaching

21) Supervising English teachers’ home tutorials

Setting up students’ folders and keeping them up-to-date

22) Overseeing exams and teachers’ double making processes

23) Training in-service English teachers via video-conferencing

24) Preparing and running assessment moderation sessions for teachers

25) Developing and updating exams and rubrics for marking students’

level in the placement, formative and summative assessments

26) Organising mid and final course evaluation sessions with both

teachers and students

27) Organising the end of course ceremonies


1) Consultant with CAMBRIDGE/OBEIKAN Publishing Group regarding

the cultural aspects of English language learning text books for Arab


2) Participant in a PEARSON-Education seminar aimed at updating

teachers with ways and equipment of English language.


3) Participant in a MCGRAW-HILL workshop aimed to update teachers

about the advanced teaching methods and materials

4) Consultant & participant in various meetings, seminars, and

workshops with the Ministry of Education/ Saudi Arabia: developing

teaching material for teaching English


Dr. Malcolm MacDonald

(PhD Supervisor)

Position: Associate Professor, University of Warwick

Address: University of Warwick, Main Campus, Coventry, CV4 7AL

Telephone: +44/ 2476-5-24250

E-mail: [email protected]

Professor Mario De Lynn

Souza (PhD Thesis External


Position: a Professor of Language Education University of San Paulo, Brazil, Department of Modern Languages E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 4083561283385617

Dr. Yasser Al Tamimi (Work

Supervisor, Al-Faisal


Position: Associate Professor of English Head of Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Former UPP Director Address: College of Science and General Studies Alfaisal University Riyad- Saudi Arabia

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: +099 0561252200

Dr. Naif AlSaud Head of

Research Centre KSU

Position: Director of the Research Centre/ KSU Address: Riyadh Saudi Arabia Telephone: +966/ 505460142 Email: [email protected]

Professor Janet Wilson

(joint research project)

Professor of English and Postcolonial Studies Position: School of the Arts, University of Northampton E-mail: [email protected]

Nigel Prentice (Work

Supervisor, Warwick


Position: Senior Tutor, CAL, University of Warwick Address: CAL, University of Warwick, Main Campus, Coventry, CV4 7AL E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +44/ 2476524317